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Critter edition

>/FTL/ News
• Season 3, October 4th (tentative date)
• S2 episodes coming someday
• Spooktank get your fishtank-related costume ready
• Sam has stepped away from his fishtank creative role to become a DJ
• Greg and whoever he chooses can now stream directly from fishtank.live
• Summer is being groomed by Januki
• Summer and gang confirmed to be browsing /ftl/ and /tv/
• TJ won and Bigobesemtndew lost
• Taylor has been replaced with a bigger version of herself the real Taylor is missing
• Tayleigh has passed away after a suspected overdose. An autopsy report found traces of methamphetamine in her system. She leaves behind 2 cats and a large unfinished order of beanies
• Greenshark (Keegan) was caught crying about TJ in fishchat
• CryoKeen and Taylor have gained 10 pounds and have taken up drinking
• Jet is even considering adding a pronoun option for the site accounts.
• Taylor has became a coke addict
• Claire continues to put fries in the bag
• B*nl*aks has been exposed as a creepy stuttering and shaking sperg.

>Watch Here
.m3u playlist

>Show Archives
https://archive.flowstreams.pw/Fishtank/ (Dead but it's tradition to include the link)

Previous: >>203884159
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Bex's presence will make or break the season
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Alison Aryans we run this shit
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Everyday is a New Day to Start Again
4 lyf
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jet neptune dies today.
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Benji, my beloved.
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I miss Trish
she always looks so empty inside.
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Jet Neptune is hard at working making Season 3 the very best it can be! New fonts!
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I thought for sure she was a Mexican girl pretending to be Asian. I still think this
Maybe in her head but yjk that ass full of shit
I kind of see how Cole simultaneously called her ugly and made out with her.
New fonts kill a series. Don't do it.
she looks pretty full as of recent
reminder that Tay and Jimmy will be a part of Season 3.
I just saw Jet stumbling around providence with a backpack full of galaxy gas canisters. He had tubes hooked up to them like Doc Oc from Spider Man 2 and he kept saying "Wigger" over and over like it was his pokemon name.
Reminder: not television, not film
Sometimes you just wanna fuck the shit out of a butterface
I'd take Tayleigh over Jimmy even though I hate both, at least I wont have to see the satisfaction on jimmy's face after he weaseled his way in again.
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benji my beloved
MODS this guy is trying to initiate theft on your servers.
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Jackie, my beloved.
Imagine hating two of the more likeable S2 fish. Tayleigh literally lurks here and Jimmy is like if the average /tv/ user got the limelight
Fishtank dinglebery, hate this nigga
>Open source
99% of the time useless unless you know how to read code
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RIP Jimmy
1996 - 2024
fucking finally
Literally who? I watched s1 and s2 and never saw this bitch. Or is this the dumb B&B bitch
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Not when you're past forty.
Get your shit straight once and for all, Cry-o. Stop fucking around.
Jet is muslim?
crash got shinji’s shirt and the book sam gave him lol
Wrong three times in one post, impressive.
Alex Stein is literally his jihadist friend
the best part about these threads is you know every time you remind them

not television
not film

you're directly injuring the egos of the ecelebs spamming them
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I'm so depressed
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She's the girl who they claimed paid to be in the house (she didn't, it was a marketing stunt of this video: https://youtube.com/watch?v=aphWbaWXhzs )
>Moving onto James because Shinji nope'd out of the USA before he couldn finish the job.
Manifesting Molesto ending up a cripple from a car accident and Crash Lankycoot taking his place as manager to "Steer Jimbo into the right direction"
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>I just saw Jet stumbling around providence with a backpack full of galaxy gas canisters. He had tubes hooked up to them like Doc Oc from Spider Man 2 and he kept saying "Wigger" over and over like it was his pokemon name.
why cryokeen’s life is awesome
me too cryo me too
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What if they save the season 3 rice counting until later on to signal the start of the real fishtank frog boiling? Like on the night of Day 14 or whenever.
Is Cryo's behavior a bit?
If my life is so awesome why do I suffer daily? I guess 2/3 of the time my life is okay/good. The other 1/3 it's hellish
>Posts the picture.
>But never posts the clip of him screaming KINOOOOO.
I feel cheated.
I will not watch unless they have a coom bait contestant that matches my preferences EXACTLY.
They should replace half the rice with maggots. that be cray
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jet has feelings to you know. he reads all the hate comments and its affecting his mental health. you want a good season 3 then care about the producer for season three and his well being. i said my piece
I wish, but no.
Narcissistic Personality Disorder on men is a bitch. Be glad he ain't a troon.
That's just being jewish, feeling like your life is shit when it's actually a cakewalk.
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>Both sisters mog her
>Lost bitchtank
>Hates being compared to Letty
>Life is miserable except for that small moment in bitchtank
>Folds when starting shit
Lets all hope Claire goes to season 3 to speed up her eventual suicide
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If only he did something like, I don't know, learn from said comments and improve...
Rice counting should be the finale
we spend 1/3 of our life sleeping just change you sleep schedule so you arent awake for the 1/3 that is hellish
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get outta my ear bro
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>fat girl wins the finale even though she guesses 200 white rice grains
shes so much hotter now i cant explain usually its the opposite but she grew into her looks
There will never be fat people in the finale.
She facesat on Chris and vacuumed his big fat cock.
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>Makes half of /ftl/ seethe by virtue of being a glittery, pretty Disney princess.

How does Claire do it so effortlessly?
>usually its the opposite
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Stomping on claires large head
Breaking claires beak of a nose
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the beautiful ck
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Greg is the white Sinbad
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what is that?
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Peaceful days.
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Crash also owns Summer earring
when u hittin it from tha back and he screeamin kino
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he’s more of a pimp than a handler
Give me the deets. Why would Peter fumble the beautiful CK? Did he elaborate besides saying they were together for too long?
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so many haters in here!
because they were clearly in a toxic co-dependent relationship that was turning both of them into crazy people
season 2 week 1 >>>>>> season 1 > season 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bloodgames >>>> bitchtank >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the cell
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besides hair color and i guess bangs i don't really see it
>The Cell
Brian body count is 27
he’s the biggest swut on the show
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Shadi just in case you're up before noon (big if) please continue posting your large perfect ass. That is all.
I agree with both of you but putting the cell above season 1 is hilarious
>american obsessed with obese black women
checks out
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they might've been the worst couple ever
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Non american here, I love Shadi's ass
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cleh shady
>Non american here, I love Shadi's ass
Must be from the darkest of continents
enjoy your ban nigger
Jet used to be a hater himself, have you seen what he said about Sam?
any ice stream >>>>>>>>>>>> season 2 week 1 >>>>>> season 1 > season 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bloodgames >>>> bitchtank >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the cell
I will say, I enjoyed season 1 more but Alex, alone made me laugh more than the entire 40 some days watching it.
pretty accurate but switch the cell and bitchtank
Who is shadi
It’s the other way around
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Brotank >
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I'm white and West-European tho
don't worry about that
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ices japan 2022 subathon >
The day Zoltard left the cell, he ate 24 donuts and 3 servings of hot breakfast by himself.
Jet getting fucked
Daily reminder that Sam ruined the Attic plotline in season 2 because he got called out for being ""satanic"" and had to keep up his conservative christian grift
>Daily reminder that Sam ruined the Attic plotline
Cope. The plotline was abandoned because they were incapable of executing. Stop falling for wigger slop that blames anything but their incompetence for their failures.
not it was because brian, jimmy, and tayleigh kept on snitching production
I haven't eaten solid food since Monday. I just have protein powder
fishtankies missed out hard
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>Rids your thread of G4 energy
his own personal swamp triathlon
is that Jontent117? didn't know he was croag
no that ebz
Clairetank > Bloodgames > S1 >>> S2 >>> Didn't watch much of the Cell, but it sucked
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What I wouldn't give to be suffocated by Shadi's cheeks.
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Quads of truth
i think it was just unrealistic to get everyone involved. tj was open enough and dumb enough to go along with it, but the more people they brought in the more it fell apart since none of it was really thought out
Brian was a lazy fuck up depending on The Beautiful CK to pay most or all of the bills at times. She resented that greatly but would do it anyways because of some kind of self esteem issue where she didn’t think she could find another boyfriend and Brian would call her the loser because she’s in her mid 20’s working a dead end job smoking pot everyday, when he was an even bigger loser working less and even more dead end jobs. This went on for years despite them nothing knowing they would never progress from this dynamic. It took coming onto S2 for them to finally cut each other off.
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the weird 15 year old fuentes fanbase nu-mde has attracted is concerning.
Any scuffed Steve Jobs stream > mansion arc > cx radio with Voldesad > Sam and Jet streams > scuffed realtor on a random Thursday night > 1st RV stream with Cassandra >
i feel like there's less hype and marketing every season of fishtank
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the Beautiful ck
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That candy choker makes me act unwise
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Nigga stfu
Brian won
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are you sure man? these s3 LEAKS are getting pretty WILD!!
don't worry about that
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the Beautiful JC
Tales of Wape will be a hit
Remember when Jet tried to hook up with CK on tinder prior to S2 and his opening line was that he was a reality TV show producer?
Even nick was like "what the fuck are you doing?" when he showed it to him on PGL.
Yes. Didn't she or Brain bring it up during S2 as well?
This is the most sexually charged fishtank image of all time by far
the story Brian told was that CK was a fishtank twitter poster during s1 and Jet got in her dms after trying to fuck
>Have tiny bit of internet clout
>Start going through fan's profiles for sex
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>That candy choker makes me act unwise
lol is there a clip of this
what is shinji and crash's relationship? seems so weird.
Crash was his pimp while he was in America
start an onlyfans with benji
his brown bussy craves BWCryocock
They save the children together
That's because she's half White, half Filipina. She's kind of a reverse engineered mestiza.
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>oilroight chaht what do you fink to my new look
literally the same person, pepperposters were right
i'm starting to see the pepper vision
how has Shadi managed to get all her porn vids removed off the internet?
samefag thoughbeit
because she posted all of them herself and she's so disgusting that nobody wanted to save them
She looks okay with clothes on but yeah I'd imagine thay nude body is a disaster.
despite what the heebs tell you, people generally don't find obesity appealing.
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oh wait nvm thats peppah i got confused
Most sites don't have the bandwidth for her immense body width.
one anon has them saved, ask again when the season starts
The only guy that still has them is some guy named Verzon but he's made them all private.

this is the best response
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A skinny blonde girl wearing the same shirt stripy shirt that Taylor wore in S2 kissed me at the nightclub last night.
there's no way there won't be a halloween theme for season 3. jet can be igor
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that’s it?
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brian did ck dirty dated her for 8 years dumped her in her late 20s after she paid for his bills, let him cheat on her, and was cool with him being a waiter at claim jumper. brian is 6’4 and thought ck was holding him back from being a better person. brian is no different then last year except his girlfriend is full white and younger.
>it's real
Who is this piece of ass?
yeah but i didnt save them post it.
that's Cole
that’s fair
They have never had a dedicated marketing position? They’re either literally retarded or fishtank really is just a money laundering blackmail operation that is not intended to grow an audience.
this was so convincing omg lol
Will Creature be effected by the Hurricane?
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>They have never had a dedicated marketing position?
the show is three pill heads in a basement how could this surprise you?
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say something nice about greggums.
who is creature
post a picture
He's really good at getting away with child grooming
they brought up the fact that they suck at marketing and should hire someone during season 2
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lol it's not real, but it should be used as a copypasta more, i love jimmy's response to the original.
Some dumb bitch I found on twitter.
>legit pro and chill
this guy was crashing out over jet laughing at farts during the season 3 announcement
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the initiative attic thing was supposed to be a way for the contestants to continually act more deprived and commit heinous shit while keeping production not technically liable for it.

brian, summer, tayleigh, and tj (with some audience intervention) were perfect for what they were going for but production couldnt commit to the full bit and gave up to quickly. they didnt even need cole.
What's her twitter?
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>joeyy begging for oxys on instagram
get tested you probably have ibs now
Serious question. How do Jet and the others not get tired of jimmy? I don't even have to interact with him and I'm tired of him.
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Here you go.
they need to ask jacob that nigga goes everywhere and everyone seems to know him. jet should be making jacob plug in fishtank everywhere he goes.
He's good at scamming retarded ft paypigs into giving him money
They are tired of him and they are actively trying to figure out ways to get rid of him without him going full incel rage.
I hope Taylor is safe!
the bulk of fishtank loves jimmy.
she cant swim. shes gonna die
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Its ok keegan will ban the hurricane from her chat
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Damn vro it sucks that the whole state of florida has to pay for taylor's crimes
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just like the r34 admin banned lubecooch(tj, pedophile) from r34!
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Apparently it's a nothingburger now. Can't have shit anymore.
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If you slow this down you can see her booby jiggle :3
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It's don't
>i just wanted a category 5 hurricane to cause a devastating loss of life, but i'm truly a good person.
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I never said I was a good person
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coca cola espuma!
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Sure seems like a good time to falsely accuse my ex of cheating and move across the country back to florida
who said any of that
lettyhaters are schizoids just ignore it
how ever much season 3 sucks it can't be as bad as season 2 was, right?
what is this about? is it like a twitch reality tv show?
how do you get onto it?
Would it kill you to read the OP?
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I love you, Alessandra.
don’t worry about that
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>doubting hack_blastard's ability to fuck up even worse than before
that's fair
This girl looks like soda man not Taylor, stop forcing this meme
do charls and sam know that they're pseuds?
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You don't need to defend her anymore buddy
What are these trashy shows you faggots keep pushing.
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>Shadi got her nudes removed from the internet
>Tayleigh's bathroom "accidents" will be saved forever
It's fucking Soda Ma'am you bigot
Charls is a pseud
Sam is intelligent but he has obvious borderline personality disorder which makes him seem irrational frequently
>Tay and Jimmy become more depraved while Abi keeps becoming more wholesome
What is with this
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hasn't been on /tv/ for the past 2 years award
Sexy elf
This all looks bad friend, like autistic sad bad.
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Charls is not a pseud
you post here enough and eventually you get on the show and get a simpable mid streamer girlfriend.
You are wasting your life with trash habibi
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No, they're both too far gone
I know. I'm probably going to kill myself soon. I'm really depressed.
trying to get that teej shlong
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people actually thought he was being ironic and not just a wigger drug addict kek
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Evil Kevin may be the most enigmatic character of season two point five
Big brother for racist incels
Taylor fucked the Goblin.
You’re genuinely retarded if you thought that
hi mike
why did keegan post a reel playing into this?
Big Brother clone but it's funded by a Jewish pedophile who's both obese and bisexual
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this is a 38 year old man living at home on state disability
you're not wrong desu
Yeah. It's like who is this for.
he really just can't help himself, kek
everyone lives "at home"
why do you keep posting this? no one finds it interesting
What disability is he getting gibs for? It’s next to impossible to get SSI in most places in the US unless you’re a complete bedridden cripple or severely retarded/autistic in a completely incapacitating way.
being triggered by evil kevin is not a good look anon
Buddy please eat clean and get as much sleep as you need and take a painting class and go outside. Do some push ups and pull ups. Get one of those pull up bars that screw into the sides of the door. Avoid all drugs including alcohol and cigs and pot and coffee and build fun skills you enjoy doing. Read books out loud if you have a problem focusing. Put yourself out there and talk to women. But be a moral person. It will be alright. We've all been there. God bless.
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Evil Kevin may be the most enigmatic character of season two point five
He will die from heart problems at 51
speak for yourself, this is an evil kevin thread
Many are saying this
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Imagine being pleb-filtered by Evil Kevin
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get out while you still have a chance
Taylor is one of those girls that likes the ihatemyboyfriend posts on social media
A part from it being a addiction does Joeyy being an addict matter considering he'll always be popular, while his compatriots Evidently Do way harder stuff and would fade into Obscurity if their not in his orbit
most fishtank fans refuse to believe jet/ben are doing drugs in the basement
What's the worst that I can say?
Things are better if I stay
So long and goodnight
So long and goodnight...
>Finds a girl beautiful
>Compares her likeness to an addictive drug
These wiggers are out their goddamn minds
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We have Bex at home
Can I steal this woman from bicflame? I don't want her for myself I just want him to not have her in his life.
Jet and Ben aren’t doing drugs in the basement, don’t see how that’s related to joeyy whatsoever
Looks better than bex
Since everyone is posting fishtank dreams here’s what I saved in my notes from back in May:
So basically each contestant had their own intro which was previously recorded and it was them floating down a river in an inflatable tube while there were various traps in the water that would pop the tube or so on. After a bunch of filming they were then told they were good to go back home and would be contacted again once they were ready to film the show live. I remember talking with one contestant while smoking a cigarette with him and he said they filmed for hours but his intro was only 30 seconds long. He was pissed. My dream switched again and it was outside this big ass house and there were multiple RV’s and food trucks parked for basically the crew to chill and eat while they got ready to start the first day of season 3. I remember this big ass monster truck driving pass and I was like oh shit that’s probably Sam Hyde rolling thru but didn’t see him.
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>walk inside the spot and I'm grabbin dick
love her rap song
ok Sam also I'm gay unironically I have no problems with women
>B*nl*aks has been exposed as a creepy stuttering and shaking sperg.
What else needs to be said?
Well when you put it like that
it's cap. benleaks was fleeking about when a skibidi toilet came out of nowhere frfr and started cooking, lil bro.
made tj cry and then everyone it the thread ganged up on him
>Q thought Benji was a woman
Meet the Alopecia
Hes an underage black boy dont pay him any attention. I don’t reply to him fuck that lol
girls who prominently display berserk stuff and monster energy drinks and other meme interests are pick me's

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we've already known this
But the qrd is he spoke on Letty's and Xavier's stream. Sounded extremely brown and nerdy.
Also he kept bothering TJ or something to the point of TJ DMing Octavius about how the OctoGod was supposed to cuck TJ with Taylor when she came back to deal poker (he didn't do this because this was just another dumb wigger suggestion like how he was supposed to cuck Brian).
And /tv/ fags have pulled up weird /bant/ posts he made about cutting and watching people cut. Now you faggots know what dealing with him was like.
Richard (Q) won btw
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what was i supposed to glean from this
glean is not a word you use everyday you pseud
people are really paying money for fonts
at least it makes it easy for me to know who to mute

>There's something about this video, I think it's because of how she's shaking and knows that she needs to go to a hospital,but is just sitting in public after a long session of cutting, literally ART.
Are you implying I'm Plac?
>And /tv/ fags have pulled up weird /bant/ posts
You mean bant fags pulling up bant posts? there's nobody from /tv/ left
you’re all plac to me
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there were paypigs who bought all of them as soon as wes added it last night
Ben take some of your mom's xanax and take the day off
Chuck, Nick, the wiggers and everyone in the extended mde wigger sphere is drug addict. Samuel is literally and always was the odd one out.
yeah I totally wasn't doing a bit you aspie
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ok, bye
just give us the sperm semen content and all will be forgiven
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I love you so much... You make me feel so warm.
what kind of ayy is this
damn, he really is a nigger, thought it was a joke
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this fat retard barely makes any money to survive and begs his fans to buy his cds then spends it all on opiates
i hope nothing but the worst for these two. may bic be humiliated
i would burn a roman village to the ground or slaughter an entire indian tribe if it meant getting my hands on that ck gf
why don't you just talk to her or something
ftl is bored and is beginning to eat itself. ben leaks bullying is deserved however it isnt reasonable anymore if s3 doesnt start next week this general will he dead.
>looking for oxys from random instagram users
this is how you die
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when has anything in these threads been reasonable
a girl like that probably has dozens of bros in her dms daily and she is way too busy to answer them
i would just be a drop in the bucket and ignored
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No thanks
just go for it man
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just respond to something she posts
never noticed this before but marlon looks a little like the twink version of letty
ok bros talk tuah time
i dont think we are starting s3 on oct4
No she doesn’t
the fucked up part is we actually will
You're right I fear
I’ve said that since s1
There’s no energy excitement or anticipation anymore. This is the result of bitch tank and the streamer update. Oversaturated, underdelivering.
How can this girl possibly say she feels asexual and dances like this?
the lack of excitement is mostly from there being no coherent marketing besides shitty memes
that bogged look makes her $200k/month from drooling retard divorced gen X’ers and barely sentient lonely nonwhites.
over saturation isnt a problem if the show was actually good.
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Her mind is not fully mature. Her gesticulations are sex signaling, but she isn’t aware. It’s just dancing to her, too innocent to realize.
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i didn't watch 2.5 or bitchtank and i'm still not excited because i have no idea what is going on
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sounds like something a predator would say
That’s were the under delivering comes in
>posting in september 2024 /ftl/
>didn't watch 2.5 or bitchtank
doubt it
At this point I feel like their strategy is to filter out people like you, no offense intended. I mean we’re talking about less than a handful of wiggers running a 24/7 reality show in of a big house. The whole initiative program from season 2, I feel, was stopped really due to lack of depth on their end and wholly unnecessary considering none of the contestants were actors in on the bit. I’m guessing season 3 will be more laid back initially but it’s going to piss a lot of people off.
if tomorrow nothing significant comes s3 is getting delayed.
lol okay, god this place sucks!
LGBTQIA points without actually having to do anything.
She’s an adult but most women don’t reach mental maturity until mid 20s. Thinking everyone else a predator is predator type mentality.
Is an epic RapTV style graphic saying that Spiderman will be on fishtank significant?
You missed the summer of content bro. But that’s okay because you’re just time for the content harvest
Spooky tank woo!
everyone else is prey to a guy like me
Because that's Idolshit 101.
She has to pretend she is pure yet attainable for the fans if she wants to be an Idol in any country like Japan or China.
If she ever makes it, her fanbase would drop her quicker than a hot potato if they knew she feels attracted to a certain kind of man or has a boyfriend, etc.
>their strategy
Retard thinks they have a strategy
>filter out viewers
Great way to grow a show.
You must be an orbiter. How’s jets dick taste?
Don't forget about Delaney. Please.
She also deserves to be loved and have a good life.
their strategy should be to get more exposure and perhaps money they are failing. the entire marketing campaign is 22k follower twitter account pumping out vague announcements a week from premiere. jet or anyone associated like sam that has more followers cant even be bothered to retweet. make jacob brand ambassador or something do anything.
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best girl
lol no.
Only Tay and Jordie post this as some kind of own at this point.
The Chad Carioca buck broke them.
Don't start watching again. Enjoy your much deserved freedom.
hype's dead
jet fucked up AGAIN
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My only hope for S3 is that they have something planned immediately when it goes live. Let the fish get to know each other through challenges. S1 and 2 they went live and nothing happened for hours and they had people showing up late
This has been coming since season 2 started in December 2023 instead of spring 2024
No you see that’s all a scheme concocted by Big Wigger Inc. to filter out people like you
they should start live streaming the house tomorrow. work out the kinks.
I take it he tied the knot by shoving balls up her ass.

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