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Hype is dead edition

>/FTL/ News
• Season 3, October 4th (tentative date)
• S2 episodes coming someday
• Spooktank get your fishtank-related costume ready
• Sam has stepped away from his fishtank creative role to become a DJ
• Greg and whoever he chooses can now stream directly from fishtank.live
• Summer is being groomed by Januki
• Summer and gang confirmed to be browsing /ftl/ and /tv/
• TJ won and Bigobesemtndew lost
• Taylor has been replaced with a bigger version of herself the real Taylor is missing
• Tayleigh has passed away after a suspected overdose. An autopsy report found traces of methamphetamine in her system. She leaves behind 2 cats and a large unfinished order of beanies
• Greenshark (Keegan) was caught crying about TJ in fishchat
• CryoKeen and Taylor have gained 10 pounds and have taken up drinking
• Jet is even considering adding a pronoun option for the site accounts.
• Taylor has became a coke addict
• Claire continues to put fries in the bag
• B*nl*aks has been exposed as a creepy stuttering and shaking sperg.

>Watch Here
.m3u playlist

>Show Archives
https://archive.flowstreams.pw/Fishtank/ (Dead but it's tradition to include the link)

Previous: >>203891644
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This house looks phenomenally nuts. 16 contestants confirmed?
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Please hold me like you held that shark... I need you and I love you...
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>cute monkey
bigolmtwn more like bigfatCOW
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If it's two houses does that mean one is a production house? For them to live comfortably on premises?
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take it to >>>/trash/ bots
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Cozy fights will happen here
more people in the house than fans watching the show
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I've been sober from alcohol for 3 days, can I get an updated OP pls
I think the other building is the wood shop.
Thousands watch this, bigbrothersurvivorfag
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what's funny is the paypigs that bought a font have basically just self-filtered themselves out of whatever streamers chat they're in since nobody will be bothered to decipher what they've typed, this shit is near unreadable on my 1440p monitor
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Ball ball
Are they frosting all the windows?
no they don’t
Taylor post hymen or you're a clout chasing slut
they will probably be living and sleeping in the other house when not on shift, main production area will still probably be in the main house because its too dangerous to have them alone in case of another jimmy situation
You do realize this is an unflattering picture of bex, right?
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rabid chud touchstarved motivated sloppy sweatfest passionate sex with delaneys fat cadaver white decadent ass
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Greg is the white Sinbad
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As a straight bexsexual it is not
you could probably just pay her to fuck you man
Prematurely archived edition
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MFW the bull takes away your cuck chair and makes you sit on the floor
is greg an italian amerimutt?
if she doesnt milk them in my mouth she is of no use for me
only poor people use 1080p now
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any spicefreaks in the thread today??
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need that 360 camera in the middle of one of these big ass rooms
greg is a mutt period, as mystery meat as they get
group therapy wasn’t good but having that camera switch between each person in the circle would be cool
It is, she has no chin and a giant projecting nose, legit looks like a rat
Watching the most kino show of the 90s (Frasier)

AMA. I won't answer.
s2 episode status?
i hope season 3 flops
will release before bloodgames stop asking
reminder: paying 4chan moderation to allow threads about your glorified livestream on the television and film board does not change the fact

not television
not film
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driving over taylors bobblehead crazy frog ass ugly face with a steamroller
don’t worry about that
He’s dysgenic Scots-Irish German Appalachian Ameritrash
bloodgames 3.5?
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Jon is the tallest fish
This makes more sense, thanks. He just looks vaguely like James Gandolfini to me.
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go back to your cartoon thread or whatever the fuck you fucking 35y old manchildren discuss on this gay board
I wonder what he'll do with the prize money.
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Stomping on claires large head
Breaking claires beak of a nose
the cow spent it all
porn matrix
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New CCC when?
It's all invested.
kys pedo
anons not wrong you worthless nigger
God what a beautiful image. Season 1 was simultaneously incredible and utter garbage in a way that I can't really even comprehend. It was just perfectly ass.
Need VR confessional room camera
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Why do they always add the confessional camera halfway through the season? Why not just start with it?
>newfags screencapping their own post
no wonder these threads died
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Kill yourself pedophile
Sex Bex rat
Rat Bex sex
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Anon is wrong you tvlennial
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it's full
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how are the fans easier to gaslight than the fish?
DAMN! The show where the autistic showrunners abuse the autistic contestants could be SO MUCH MORE than it currently is!!! They should spend months on end planning it to help it reach the show's maXXX potential (TO THE MOON!) instead of just treating it as a funny little internet show!!! It can CLEARLY be more than that!
She really has no ass
if you squint your eyes she looks kinda like E.T. with a wig here
This guy thinks The Rizzler is showing up on Fishtank
your autism must be acting up, you good bro?
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Don't watch season 3. fishtank is deeply evil and since watching the first second of season 1 your soul was fragmented 1% and this percentage grew each spell and humiliation ritual was cast on the broadcast even when you were not watching. Season 3's inevitable failure will cause the end sigil and collapse, shrink and dematerialize all the soul fragments, effectively losing your spirit through the pact. Sam has been keeping up his end of the devil pact through daily spellcasts and kabalah ruminations through Big Purple, but he's running out of asshole stretch. When his ass will have fully engulfed the totem up to its physical limits, the demons will take over control of the pact and there is no telling what will happen. Jet will die a few days into the next season. Don't ignore this warning
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Where my frogposters at!
I want to fight Letty
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I'm already a demon
she does it's just not shadi tier proportions
fishtank fans are the dumbest niggers imaginable
>asymmetrical fireplace
instead of spending another day posting, what if you bettered your life?
this is like the only picture where she looks hot. odd.
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Jon would tower over little Jimmy!
Why not would be fun.
i'm fine. why don't you?
manchildren butthurt they got called out kek go watch smiling friends or some gay shit like that you stupid faggots, nice zits pizzaface fat ass doughy boy
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The average frog poster does look like him desu
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don't do it
you have so much to live for
you're so sexy haha
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Looks like there's still some room.
during S1 I had a dream where the joke of the day was to make Jon look like a manlet by giving him slightly scaled up objects that would increasingly get bigger to make him look smaller on camera
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projecting & dysgenic b***y pedo, get help before it's too late
Thumbnail gives her anime eyes
i love when she doesnt wear a stupid fucking binder bra
i wonder if they'll ever explain what happened
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nothing will ever beat the original lingering post
Sorry dad, sorry I couldn’t be the sociopathic redneck athlete rapist you wanted me to be. I still remember every single time you put me down in front of the rest of the family you fucking cunt. “Why can’t you be like Trent”? You have no idea how much hearing that crippled my fucking soul. I still remember everytime you beat the fuck out of me too cunt, especially after mom left you. It gives me great satisfaction to know that you’re gonna be the one walking in on my dead body, I finally did something to make you proud dad. When you see my blood splattered all over your prescious little garage, just remember, this is the result of your parenting.
Tay. You were the closest thing I ever knew in this life to love. I think you’re the most beautiful lovely girl I have ever seen grace this shithole planet. Please, don’t blame yourself for what I’m going to do. Just know that if it wasn’t for you, I would have offed myself months ago. You’re stronger than you know, and have so much light to give to the world, the retards that are trying to fuck with you will get bored and move on soon.
Peace, Love Empathy
you are a pasty oily curly haired fat doughy faggot, don't worry I'm sure if you turn gay some faggot will pity fuck your and take your anal virginity. Later homo
Jon is a manlet you don’t have to make him look like one
she looks retarded in that photo
steinful was fucking josie and got distracted
he's in here instead of working on them isn't he
kek would actually be a great bit
Our retarded bratty princess
ugly peasant face, hope spic ogre goes mental and turns her into ground meat with a weedwacker
sounds like something they would actually do
you're projecting again, b***ypedo. you can still be rehabilitated and saved
instead of nang the wiggers should be doing ecstasy, they might be creative for once
I’m a sociopathic red neck athlete rapist
every editor is here
reminder there are wefunder investors that put their money on this shit. a hearty KEK goes out to you all, FOMO much? Sam ass rapes you yet again!
i think the only person who doesn't look retarded in their contestant photo is summer
I'm here
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are you the same anon who fixated on the goblin fucking Taylor and just switched gears? whats your endgame?
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Why did Jet hire a teenage youtube to take on a job that would require a team of pros to accomplish? Like you basically fucked this kid to make a fool of himself.
Hi Mike
>She won Bitchtank is what she did. She was a great Italian ghost hunter. And in this house Claudia Gervasini is a hero! End of story.
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you will die tonight
Letty would be turned on by that
Most women are desu
Because if he hired someone competent it would make his edits of S1 look even worse than they already are.
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>tfw you find a cute white man and he's NOT autistic
Thank God
>you basically fucked this kid
yeah man
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yeah that was the reason why in this fanart I made Jon tiny
Not a winner and not even italian (jewish)
looks like a chinese guy. odd face. women should not have gaping maws and beady eyes. a broken nose and blood running down would improve her face. wack!
hello sars this is good burger, can i take your order sars?
thanks for answering
The energetic JC
It was 100% the truth. Jet couldn't take his eyes off her.
curbstomping the gook would send big teeth flying everywhere, ripped root and all. a sight to behold and cherish the memory blood chink death style
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now we're talking
manga that would get an 8.02 on MAL
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jet neptune dies today
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leaked josie season 3 picture from the future (Monkey nigger)=
>stolen valor
i drew that, you snake.
I lost this and now its going back into my folder
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I love sucking on Josie's massive femcock!!!!
the claireseethers are constantly the worst at falseflagging it's almost funny at this point.
You know what? Good for you, man.
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wosie is fucking hot.. Look at this shit its so fucking sensual and hot, I'm a fucking Gay Faggot blowing Guys for Josie!
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Jet Neptune is hard at work putting all his time and effort into making Season 3 as great as he possibly can.
Steinful has an ego the size of the moon, it wasn't intentional but this humbling of him is good for his soul.
What did Steinful mean by this???
Was edies throbbing member at least cute and feminine?
Sort of Jets fault that he wanted short clips instead of episodes. Cheap bastard
He won
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I'm going to spend the next 5 years saying "fishtank is dying" in various ftl threads on 4chan
You haven't figured out that they are the same group of people who's only objective is to accelerate claires suicide
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tfw no cherokee spidermonkey gf
he makes fun of himself pretty often
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anyone here seen Steinfuls gay video about 4chan?
admits to being here and even says 'when I was a kid, 4chan was the coolest thing in the universe.' @ 6:17 Lmao.
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edie's big feminine poz cock was good enough for Sam's mouth, it's good enough for me . But I still prefer thin guys like josie, thats more my speed I'm a bit of a fag like that Its time to blow #sploshstacius
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>this kid gets to fuck Josie every night

not fair
kek you're a pretty good artist then
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tfw the tranny got bottom surgery and now you can't beg to suck xer cock like your surrogate daddy samuel whitcomb hyde did with edie #bohoonigga #bigletdown #blowingtrannies #xer
Hi Steinful
nobody wants to fuck a skinwalker Indian
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>tfw you can't fuck that manass every night.
Why even live
i want to hold her hand and walk around the mall
Hi Mike
ironic/unserious self-deprecation isn't the same as truly being humble, if anything it's a big sign of an inflated ego.
Hi Mike
grabbing her big jewish cheeks with a big pair of pliers and pulling and twisting until bloodgush starts and the muscle underneat his visible gorey style
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One week of no Claire streams
few realize this
what would be a sign of being humble?
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What the fuck was his problem?
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New square Jet unlocked.
I would eat abi’s discharge ngl
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trvth nvke
shits edited so well tho, gotta give him that
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abi's discharge has spic ogre cum DNA atleast for a few decades (look up chimerization) consuming it would slowly transmogrify you into a shitskin la creatura!
this bumper reminds me of the hydewars/wp ones
is steinful fucking konzept globe as well?
I've decided from this day forward I will no longer say anything rude about Josie. She seems pretty cool, funny and cute actually. Who's with me?
this type of woman was made to be raped , few will agree but only real ones will
steinful is 19 and got a good opportunity. somehow hes acting better then jet when it comes to humility. he deserves props for that much
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i love wosie
schizophrenia. they should bring him onto season 3
i still cannot get over season 1 edited episodes ending with the shot of jet sitting in the bed
I will never forget that.
Trying Too Hard
Basically yes
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guys he is reading this thread and seeing you say nice things about him!
yeah feels like he should be working on WP2 stuff. curious how his full fishtank edits will turn out if they do. idk reality TV eps doesnt really seem like his yt vibe.
Hi Steinful
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Don't worry they've got Chris Lynch working on WP2 (literally).
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>had other things 2 do
that’s fair
probably wp2 stuff
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To the contrary if anything Letty would be doing the raping.
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please don't stop talking about Claire when season 3 starts
Hi Steinful
Jet scooped you straight out of school cause youre young and impressionable. but youre totally not getting groomed :)
Psuedo intellectual garbage
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i heard they are reshooting extreme peace. the reception at skankfest didnt go over well.
i will never stop
Genuinely can't get what about a cute girl who's into girly things and has an actual sense of humor makes them so mad.
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Are these two actually dating?
Why did you post a picture of Jet getting fucked again?
Isnt he like 20
kys clairepedo
there is quite literally nothing wrong with steinful or what he does
how the hell should i know
I am a little cringe and I take too long
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Hi Steinful
their angle doesnt even make sense. theres tons of valid things that you can criticize about claire and they hit none of them.
I like him because he likes kanye
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Hi Claire
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>Both sisters mog her
>Lost bitchtank
>Hates being compared to Letty
>Life is miserable except for that small moment in bitchtank
>Folds when starting shit
the guy who started the CCC is an unironic jimmy fan and started the "jimmy time" meme so you can start there.
Jet 100 percent going to Don Jolly'd this kid when the episodes drop and they turn out mediocre.
could the reception possibly be worse then season 1?
Johnny Neptune
I just ate wings with chilli sauce and i rubbed my eyes AAAAAAAA FUCK
i honestly don't know, but that's just a reference to what oddbod said to her
get out of my ear bro
I won't let her down. If Claire's name goes three days without being uttered on /ftl/, then I can be presumed dead.
exactly they get on her for stupid reasons like that or for being ugly.
RIP Summer
thanks summer
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Hell yeah
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>they seriously think a two month rushed edit will be any good
Reminder that Summer still sticks by her story of being raped and nobody from production has come forward to deny it publicly.
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Most of us are Jimmy fans, retard. He's like Jon, he's retarded but he's a genuinely likeable retard who we root for. Claire hasn't done half as much for Fishtank as Jimmy has and she's significantly worse as a person, way more of a loser, and nowhere near as entertaining.
nonsensical npc chatgpt bot replies just prove my point
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She made a tweet saying she thought Vance wept was a funny meme. That completely deflated any legitimacy for me.
>most of us
most of us hate them both actually.
does anybody actually care about the eps or is it just another thing for us to complain about together?
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worthless cunt
redpill me on vance wept
Speak for yourself buddy
The paypigs do (or at least should) care since it's one of the products they were promised.
insanely queercoded
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The threads were good when Johnny was posting
>Most of us are Jimmy fans
Lmao, no. Jimmy sucks and his only good aspect was the possibility of him sperging out.
i'll watch the edit of the first week probably
still never watched season 1 but it was just really badly edited
if the edits good I might finish it at some point

frankly half the edit or more should just be the first week anyway.
fishtank and its spinoffs made me realize the average 20 something woman is ugly, boring and without a shred of personality
i could do a s2 edit in two weeks.
This bitch wants us to believe that she was being passed around like a blunt in a cramped flooded basement with like 8 people inside, 2 of which were girls LMAOOOO
Basically everyone got over the s2 "episodes"/clips a day later so not really
>the average 20 something woman
Is not going on fishtank or its spinoffs
and still out of your reach
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>Most of us are Jimmy fans
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factually incorrect
try again
This, which is why he sucked on 2.5, because they actually tried to prevent people from freaking out instead of the opposite like normal seasons.
Will I ever be capable of being loved?
i can’t wait for new contestants
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>Most of us are Jimmy fans, retard. He's like Jon, he's retarded but he's a genuinely likeable retard who we root for. Claire hasn't done half as much for Fishtank as Jimmy has and she's significantly worse as a person, way more of a loser, and nowhere near as entertaining.
They managed to rape multiple women in the season 1 basement, I wouldn't put it past them.
What does "folds when starting shit" even mean? Is that just complaining that she didn't push physical altercations to the point of pulling Haley's hair out and beating her up like Shadi did? Do you think that would that have made her more likeable than the more measured and dignified approach she took?

That makes a lot of sense. Of course a misogynistic Jimmytard would be behind it.
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jimmy is always equated to tay and tay is by far the most hated fish of all time
I fucking hate this guy so much. Such a plague of a human.
Jon is just in general interesting just doing whatever. Jimmy is only interesting when he is sperging out on tiny women.
now i need to see mauro's reaction to the one of him
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I hate tay and Jimmy so fucking much.
its impossible to peace a coherent narrative together from the footage because wiggers cant be bothered to format their reality show.

theres nothing wrong with a group therapy wiggers just cant structure it for shit.
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there's no way claireseethers were just jimmycels the whole time
Why this summer was peak /ftl/
>chris crying because he got sexually assaulted during bloodgames
>the viewership plummeted after Jet tried to pull another one of his schemes during bitchtank
>jimmy’s mom posted in the threads
>jimmy threatening to trace the image hashes with Molesto
>johnny posting
>johnny Neptune himself visiting /ftl/ and calling everyone faggots and sissies
>measured and dignified
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>He's like Jon, he's retarded but he's a genuinely likeable retard who we root for.
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kys clairepedo
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do you not go outside? you are wrong the average 20ish woman is fatter then a fish girl
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Also Scott getting bullied off the threads was golden
>tay is by far the most hated fish of all time
nobody cares about your incel rage, 70% of the fanbase has fucked off from this show and only the most retarded fucks like you remain.
who was the cameraman here. they should give them whatever awards cameramen get
very off putting know that we know she's 30 and acting like that.
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fine have another (you)
i care about the episodes, but more so in the sense that i think they're a good way to build hype for season 3 regardless of the quality. they've already botched the rollout though. it should have gone like this:
>late-june to early-july - season 2.5
>mid-july - the cell (do this for like a week with no bitchtank afterwards)
>mid-to-late august - season 2 episodes leading into season 3 (let's say one episode per day or something)
>late-august - season 3 premiere
now the fatigue and oversaturation have already set in though, so there's no point.
ermmmm what the trvke
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i wish i could find the clip of him sperging out on the sign and vance coming to check on him and he was like, "i guess people will know what happens if they fuck with me" refering to the broken sign. peak jimbo tism
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my favorite moments in bitchtank were claire sulking alone after plotting to do something to haighlie and it not working and completely backfiring on her.
you dont even wanna know who their favorite fishtank girls were/are
I've been running Jimmy defense in these threads for a while but I've started regretting it recently because he keeps doing some new schtick where he equates 'bible thumpers' to social justice warriors and going on rants about 'bible thumpers'. Jimmy is seriously losing the plot
The Brosies stand behind Jimmy. He's our boy.
actually i think the best plan would be to show the "first week" of the season 2 edit on youtube before season 3, (aka the good part) then encourage poeple watching the edited show to switch over to the live one so they don't see the drop in quality after cole/summer left.
The story told in this 24-second clip is better than any movie that has come out in the last year.
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yeah dude recently
he's always been a retard that doesn't know what he's talking about just like you
You don't think... no, it couldn't be... is it possible Jimmy is just fucking retarded?
This, he's just spouting off greentexts he's seen reposted on reddit that he can't remember key details from.
Every time he's questioned about something he says he folds.
He never had the "plot" in the first place dumbass
this is the first time this new anti bible thumping gag of jimmy’s has been mentioned. you should be ashamed of yourself for bringing that here. no one cares
Who would've thought the biggest retard in the world would adopt the "actually both sides are wrong and I'm right" stance.
And yet ftl will now talk about it for the next 30 threads
>nobody even mentions the streams on the website any more
/ftl/ is healing
yeah no.
nobody watches them
im just really looking forward to greg/creature having nothing to do as soon as season 3 starts, I wonder if they'll try commentating on it on yt/twitch or something
i just looked at the streams who is mario movie? she sounds like a girl version of oddbod
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please refrain from posting ugly girls like tayleigh, only keep to beautiful girls like, JC, Josie, Summer, CK, Abi, etc.
It's important to keep ftl aesthetically pleasing
Greg is gonna be pretty busy during season 3 if you know what I mean
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I liked when Hagley had to sleep on the floor after Claire doused her mattress and used decoy sheets on her own bed to avoid the same humiliation.
I bet the investors are thrilled watching people stream copyrighted movies/music to a static/moving background from 4 streamers with less than 100 combined viewers and a chat full of unreadable font.
I want to fight Claire and Haley at the same time
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Claire didn't need to be humiliated, she managed that on her own.
/FTL/ APPROVED fishtank.live STREAMS
>Creature (for the one guy who makes webms of her shaking tits or ass)
this is the only time anyone is going to talk about streams on the site
Benleaks is busy watching porn, he'll be back later
claire won every physical confrontation with haylay she should have done that more.
Hi Mike
Is anyone else surprised how many girls watch fishtank?
we only watch sam pepper and fousey here
they love Sam
Girls love reality shows
Normal reality shows you have to be attractive to fuck the producers and get on, with fishtank Jet will settle for 6/10s.
what jobs is best for Zhao in Infinite Wealth? I don't know what do to with this nigga. Also is lvl 60 enough to finish the underground dungeons?
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do they? i can see watching clips or something but idk i can't seem them actually being into it and watching when it's really satanic
Well, there was that time Haley punched her in the eye with a burrito where she seemed to gain the upper hand.
how many girls you think actually post in the /ftl/ threads? wait, hold up... ngl, kinda turning me on. im going to fucking cum
It's probably the only mde content that every chuds girlfriend is able to tolerate
>Is anyone else surprised women also love pointless drama involving retards?
anon, absolutely not, what made you think they wouldn't?
women love satanic shit because it preys on their vanity.
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My love for you is undying, Alessandra. Please don't ever feel alone... I'm here for you no matter what. I promise.
women like acting like they do, they'll act like they think frank hassle is funny but they actually hate him
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Have you SEEN Ben?
>this ugly unfunny bitch managed to get thielbux
she must be at least part jewish.
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who's this winner?
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Here Jimmy misunderstands comedic timing on an almost fundamental level. The entire scenario about Vietnam War history has been built to put a beloved returning character in the spotlight, but Jimmy doesn't spare Tai one sentence before launching into an overeager, mocking impression of him. What should be an interesting moment where the S2 cast of fans meets a S1 cast member ends up being just another instance of Jimmy refusing to play the straight man, and the result is awkward and deeply unfunny as always. I hate the Jimmy, and I hate the Fishtank.
truuuuu claire had a few “my contacts!” moments
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they should do the chris lynch bartender bit again in s3 but get jon taffer to come in one day out of nowhere and tear the place down
I hate da gobwin
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kys claire
If he doesn't get a laugh he'll just keep talking, sometimes he'll continue even when he gets pity chuckles from someone like Brian.
>Tayleigh's exaggerated laughter + knee slapping at Tai's joke
Fuck these two retards
>Tayleigh immediately does a fake laugh and slaps her leg
I hate her so much bros
Do not introduce your gf to fishtank.
Can someone feed brother jimmy and sister tayleigh into a woodchipper thanks
no. this fat bitch at work wouldnt leave me alone so i thought i could scare her away by showing her fishtank. every time i saw her after that she would would update me and want to know if i saw that too.
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and most of them look like this
Chudgang is by far the worst thing to happen to fishtank
>scaring her away by giving her an "in" in to your hobby
bad move
>betty brings a red sox shirt to reference letty leaks
>letty steals it and starts wearing it regularly
i think overall betty has taken the most losses of anyone fishtank related
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>near identical comment right after mine
>tfw I'm part of the hivemind now
I need to leave these threads forever before it's too late
she's so ugly
face too long
eyes too slanty and far apart
why did they bring back tai in the middle of the season after they knew tay and jimmy were insufferable fans?
how's that a win by letty though? It's like calling Tayleigh destroying all her personal items to own the people trying to destroy them a "win"
Yeah, remember the time Claire tried to cake Haley, missed, caked kato, try again and get pummeled with plate by Haley. She should know not to drive-bys while absolutely plastered.
No need to worry, I've never had one.
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claire has been mewing hasnt she
It’s nothing like what tayleigh did lmao
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I'm so exited for S3
(this is not one of those ironic comments)
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Im worried, theres ZERO marketing and its just a few days away
Im afraid we're in for a 4k audience at best...
It's exactly the same, trying to get ahead of the prank by pulling it on yourself.
JC is by far the best thing to happen to fishtank
jimmy and tay are so tryhard it's embarrassing
having ugly women be attracted to you at work is a lose lose sotuation.
i’m glad i’m not the only one who hated this in particular
Jimmy imitating whatever character who was putting on a voice when he had to talk to them was very grating as well.
And trying their hardest to get her out (like the did with Cole) because she wasn't a fan of Jet was the most retarded move they've ever done and that's saying a lot.
the trailer drops on saturday I think, more than enough time
This doesn't seem like a webm an actual Cl*ireseether would have saved. Tsk tsk false-flagging Cl*irepedos trying to keep her relevant.
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would you introduce your girlfriend to fishtank?
How did Letty pull it on herself, that would only be the case if she outright said that Betty was trying to reference the leaks
the way those 8 retards were seething over an 18 year old girl was incredible
I now remember Jimmy screaming at JC and him thinking he was hilarious
i dont talk to women
Ok but Letty did the same shit in season 1 when Stein showed up. She kept stone walling his bits and trying to signal how much she knows about internet memes. Letty and Jimmy are basically the same but you incels are blind to it and that's the trvke
It’s a hypothetical
Mary Moo Cow
Shut up jimmy
She only did that because it was a dog shit bit, she’s consistently been the best at playing into bits and not overdoing things
it's getting cold outside
Anyone got any good Josie lookalike suggestions to jerk off to? About to do the deed. Serious answers only please.
i like the mondocord narrative that no one watched season 3 because jet didnt market it correctly lmao. implying trailers would somehow get a bunch of new people to watch.
Wrong because Stein sucks and Tai is funny
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I have and both of the women I've gone out with think Josie is cute.
This. This this this. That font is way too fucking small to read I’m not straining my eyes plus it’ll probably be back to fast chat once the season starts so no point in even trying to have a convo
Bro is a time traveler
yes then, I wouldn't want to hide anything and wouldn't really be able to
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come on now
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fuck off jimbo
i miss season 2
That’ll do she’s cute
i did early season 2. she took up a weird interest in trish being a passed around ghetto whore. now she has a fetish and fantasizes about me fucking trashy sluts and i regret it.
if i dont plan on marrying her yeah.
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I miss Bloodgames
yeah, she loved scuffed realtor and saw the little ad for fishtank that used to play before S1
we nolife it together every time
He doesn't do porn. Please.
What is the point of a non lewd lookalike
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alex steins bits are bad satanic cuck shit.
>making my hideousness the butt of every joke
>is a silverspoon fed upper class chad
I hate jimmy even more now.
He's right though, the marketing critique is totally Jet preparing an excuse and refusing to acknowledge that he is burning the season 1 audience out regardless of the shows quality.
He's being a trickster. That's not me.
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yeah me too man. it was fucking kino
its more so there lack of using jacob or sam to market it. jet and ben dont do podcasts or collabs. they tweet at a celebrity asking them if they know fishtank and thats it. has hawk tuah even said she was going on fishtank?
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Here is a lewd one
Hi Luke
>has hawk tuah even said she was going on fishtank?
Take a wild guess come on now
this is what josie freaks think she looks like?
Imagine being Claire’s catholic high school bf and being physically and emotionally abusive to that sheltered Disney bitch
>sam letty and vance
there's a better chance it's 8 inches than uncut
Xavier has a proper recap series ready, can't wait for that. He just needs thumbnails and the Summer of Kino will resume
The joke is that it's a guy
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josie is one of a kind. also stop watching porn.
Hi Mike
gives me a reason to live
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>Jimmy and Letty are like a mirror.
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8 days
It’s both
She helped me stop watching porn
claire has never had a boyfriend that wasnt older then 25
i need to see cowboy to give me hope
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the beautiful chip
post a new one guy
wait chip needs to shave that shit off. nigga is mad cute
anyone who clicked the link to his discord has access to this information nigga
Do you just jerk off to Josie now?
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Keegan won
For a little while yeah but I got over it
for word of mouth? nah
What did he win though? He got doxed and clowned on and still has never met taylor irl lol
keep noticing more details in this edit, kek
I jerk off to the thought of Josie. Those big ol perfect lips and that tongue stud just absolutely polishing up my cock. Use your imagination dumb niggers.
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is that cole?
xavier just posted he's looking for a photoshopper to make thumbnails
Xavier Ravenblood calls to action
abi is a pretty princess!
nice one jan
very observant of you

Does anyone care really

Like 2.5 was long ago and it was half-assed and rushed turned into fishtank camping edition after 3 days

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