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Hellbound Edition
previous: >>203892652
First for Warlock 2
First for Amy Adams in Nightbitch.
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First for Halloween cartoons and specials
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First for Hey Arnold
The monster house game was so much fun
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First for X
I can tell you're the phonefag spammer because no self respecting anon would post something so small
I thought this was rubbish but I liked Pearl.
I am watching the Demi Moore interview on Seth Meyers for The Substance and she legit looks like she is still in the movie. Like in the movie, she plays some washed up female and in the interview, she legit looks and acts like how she did in the movie. Her face is all plastic and she can't even move her face. And her body is so stiff. wtf?
>cuck movie
I will never watch this
MaXXine was so shit.
Anti-male movie.
>Demi Moore
Oh you mean the confirmed pedophile /ss/ slut
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same, I heard the movie was Blacked too.
That doesn't even scratch the surface on episodes. Stumbled upon this this morning. It's just a random smattering of 90s halloween episodes:

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Pearl is an actual real movie. X is just an idea that could have been a 20 minute short.

Also got around to Maxxxine this week and it's more like Middd. If you want a movie with a similar setting that's much better watch Angel
Yeah, I am watching it rn. It is uncanny. She looks and acts exactly like how she did in the movie. She legit looks fucked.
Damn. About what I expected.
Needs to have Halloween is Grinch Night.
The whole series is some cuckfest and anti-male, male - bashing.
It's the third one. Go to bed.
Channels like that suck ass because their shit will get taken down if they upload cartoons people actually care about so instead they just compile episodes of shit shows no one watches like
>Eek the Cat
>Life With Louie
>and fucking Bobby's World.
Seriously who watches that shit.
Beetleborgs and Mighty Morphin Power Rangers were fun back in the day
This movie was terrible. I made it to the point he has a fashion designer floating in the air got bored and stopped watching.
Oops lol. My bad.
Try watching them as an adult and saying that
Half the regular posters in here still watch cartoon.
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Stop being so thin skinned. It offending you isn't why it's bad. It sucks because if you've ever seen any other movie even remotely similar to X or Maxxxine they're just worse versions of it. Same shit as Eli Roth movies.
>still watch cartoon
ESL moment
You going to spam your faggot fantasies again like you did in the previous thread?
Marathoning evil dead for the first time in a few years, it's still timeless to me
is that webm from fade to black?
Beetleborgs should have gone all-in on the haunted house stuff and left the sentai stock footage out.
>"I am in hor. Help me"

Your seethe is hilarious. You waste so much time raging over the smallest things. Your life is slipping by as you cry about people watching Halloween specials lmao.
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Yes one of my favorite movies
I am pretty sure most of us here binge watch Power Rangers on the weekends.
I never claimed I intended to
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you best start believing in /hor/, you're in it right now
Haven't seen this but I appreciate that everything onscreen just looks right. Light, color, shadow. They really stopped making movies with cohesive visual design philosophy.
He could be posting here at this very moment.
>>"I am in /horror. Help me"
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Damn right I do, 11 minutes is the perfect kino length for a quick meal, although lately I’ve been watching AVGN instead
I always skip Evil Dead when watching the original Trilogy as it feels separate from 2 and AOD despite the references in 2. I only saw the 2013 movie once and probably won't watch it again. I have never seen Rise
Thank you for clarifying that hor is short for horror. We didn't know.
kill yourself piss man
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>oh no...
Is that cabinaon?
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as autistic as he is, the production on his 2005 short horror was impressive. he made an excellent graveyard in a forest entirely in his basement.
*sorry that should be garage, not basement
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Anybody here going to watch the Uzumaki miniseries?
It was a full cuck/blacked combo centered around Jenna Ortega's character, no less.
yeah it's almost hard to believe it finally will arrive.
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>I am in /horror. Help me
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Give it a try. inegar Syndrome gave it a nice updated film scan a few years ago which is the version available everywhere now so it looks very nice.
I'm sure I will get around to it. Normally I'd skip an adaptation of a comic I like but the preview looked good and getting Colin Stetson to do the music really sold me on the idea.
monkeypoxx ridden spammer
>Jenna Ortega's character,
her mid character, yeah.
Where's the live action ones?
This has to be satire.
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What’s this?
I haven’t seen any of his 900+ films besides the AVGN movie, but I heard he has some movie called “deep blue hole” or something that’s pretty good.
left them out just because.
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>35 days until Halloween
Legend of the Blue Hole is kino
Ghoul School is cute but very boring and extremely obvious that it was meant to be half watched with commercials interrupting it every 4 minutes. I wouldn't put it anywhere near Zombie Island which is a legitimately good movie in general.

Scoob was really good but has little to nothing to do with the kids horror aesthetics of Scooby Doo. Camp Scare is well made.
Kino top tier. Great taste.
I should rewatch Ghoul School for October.
I'd probably put the first in "Best" tier and the second in "Quality" tier.
>probably never will
not with that attitude. get some scooby snacks in you and watch more.
You're really missing out on Happy Halloween Scooby-Doo.
I've only seen Scoob! and it bored me
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Saw 2 good horror movies in a row.
The Video Dead was pretty good.
They played Zombie Island too much on TV as a kid therefore I'm sick of it and don't hold in the same pedestal as some others including Ghoul School which is for sure too long and is basically two movies in one.
Wait so this general is just /co/-fags?
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>Raggy... I don't think she said ruck your rud!
The second half of Ghoul School really brings the whole thing down. Should have just been a comfy monster school slice of life all the way.
No. We're posting about old Halloween specials and cartoons, /co/ likes modern Calarts trash.
the castle part is classic to me. trap doors and monsters etc, just a great castle.
saw movies are boring and bad and like watching a shitty numetal music video on mute
Holy, how wet is she?
What kind of acting is this? lmfao did she read the wrong script?
Pls don't shove stick up your but. It cartoons that have been on TV and have something to do with horror.
Why is Matthew Lillard such a garbage Shaggy? He sounded pretty good when he did the live action version but whenever I catch whatever flavor of the year scooby movie that comes out, it sounds like fucking trash not even like the character any more. Billy West was a way better Shaggy and so was Scott Innes.
Saw is kino. Especially 2, 1, and 6.
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She thought she was filming X
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wow it's like a giallo except shitty
>like watching a shitty numetal music video on mute
That is the best description I've ever read. Those movies are terrible.
Saw 1-7 are fun slop
Fuck everything after that
kys spammer
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We can at least agree that Scoobynatural was kino, right? They made Velma so horny in this
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Queen of /hor/, star of Suspiria
Don't reply to his ass, just report him
Discuss horror and let him seethe over cartoons some more
I didn't watch it because Supernatural is CW repetitive teen trash. Literally the most garbage show imaginable. A crossover was an even dumber idea.
>wow it's like a giallo
I've made this connection in my head before, but it's a good thing.
Saw (plus Hostel) is the 2000s equivalent of the trashy murder horror-thrillers that gialli were in the 70s. Both kino.
Meh I'm not gonna pretend saw films are citizen Kane or the exorcist. It just dumb sloppy fun. I hope they stop making it before it really gets bad
How is that spam? That is discussing In a Violent Nature
Saw X was great too. Saw is actually back for real if Saw XI is as good as X.
>I hope they stop making it before it really gets bad
It DID get bad, then Saw X redeemed.
I'm not watching that shit.
I rewatched the first one last year and it was a horrible experience. The editing alone just pisses me off with how bad it is with the fucking constant blurry shaky zooms and white flashes. Saw is the horror what Jason Bourne is to action. I hate it so fucking much.
It's kind of a weird scenario, in my mind if you are the live action actor that had nothing to do with the animated movies, two different skillsets
Saw X wasn't that great, I don't get the hype
Certainly better than those abysmal pieces of shit known as Jigsaw and Spiral though
I hope this is the right thread to ask but I’m in the mood for a good giallo flick in the same vein as Deep Red. It’s the only one I’ve seen in it’s genre but I’m a little hesitant going into others since I really liked the character interactions in DR. Any recommendations?
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watch Suito Homu
What is going on with the film audience rating? It so low, only 44% people liked it.
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First for the Sub-ack
that part was so good. made me want the whole film to be a melt movie.
It just wasn't that good. I didn't mind it, but the last 15 mins was pure retardation. The characters acting like idiots didn't help too.
Films with full bush?
If you're the anon that loves the first 7 then you're really missing out. X is much much better than Jigsaw or Spiral, it's a classic Saw movie.
I bet they ruin it next film. They could have gone out on good note
The fuck is this? An 80's Japanese horror movie I've never heard of? I don't believe that for a second. For one, it's extremely rare to find old Japanese horror movies from that era. I'm going to assume it's one of those hour long direct-to-video shorts similar to Guzoo
Tenebre is probably the closest to Deep Red but also check out Opera and Phenomena.
The movie Pizza Gate Massacre failed to deliver
Check out either Opera or Tenebrae next. If you want something non-Argento then watch The Case of the Bloody Iris or The Red Queen Kills Seven Times.
Frankenhooker is shit
Fuck you faggots for recommending it
You've never heard of Sweet Home? It's probably the second most famous 80s j-horror after Tetsuo
Looking for films with full bush for the daily 80's circlejerk.
Terrible taste. You should be ashamed of yourself.
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it's actually pretty legendary since it's by Kiyoshi Kurosawa. though it's nothing like Cure/Kairo. also was released in parallel with a game that influenced resident evil.
I heard that she doesn’t even show up until the last 28 minutes of the movie
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>80's circlejerk.
It's true, she doesn't lmao
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I can't even imagine getting filtered by Frankenhooker.
I'd say Frankenhooker is created around the halfway mark.
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Just relax, Jessica
My favorite horror movie tits are that girl from Demons 2
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you all re cowards for hiding in this "general" this is not as sub, this isnt reddit
I'm am now putting on Demons 2
Name 10 examples
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>Just relax, Jessica
Kek, it's not her first rodeo.
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Oh yeah I did see that. Boring and simple movie with an unbelievably good monster ending and crazy effects. Kineko Video uploaded an extremely clean HD version of the full movie on YouTube for free. It's the first time anyone has ever seen the movie in that quality probably. Pic not related because the quality is bad.
Velma always ends up with a stud (me)
Sorry we're not posting in your Twitter screencap threads.
>What do you call those abysmally bad soulless horror movies that go start to streaming and DVD?
It's called Netflix and they have no good horror movies even after all these years. Worst selection ever.
>you all
>this is not as sub
Holy fucking ESL
Please be satire
Yeah it's mostly known as a "FX haunted house" movie which apparently is it's own sub-genre with movies like Hausu and Evil Dead Trap.
Are you admitting to being black butch lesbian?
Evil Dead Trap and it's sequel were terrible
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last chance to watch Beezel before Beezel fever takes over, and you can say "I actually saw Beezel when it came out"
It's fun
looks like a jewish movie
Evil Dead Trap was great. killer slasher costume, fun kills, cool setting. idk whatever your bar is.
It about the current world events.
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De Palma made a comment on this
Based De Palma. He's one of the GOATs desu.
he's a phoneposter and probably alcoholic. spending his last dime on 4chanpass just to have 100+ comments of samefagging get jannied.
I disagree. Tonally it's all fucked up. It feels like a scooby doo movie at first with all the wacky over-the-top kills and ridiculous booby traps and then you randomly get this long drawn out rape scene which is a complete bummer to watch and then the last 10 minutes of the movie decides to be some supernatural body horror shit which sounds cool on paper but makes no sense with the rest of the movie. It's just a mess and I didn't have fun with it.
>It feels like a scooby doo movie at first with all the wacky over-the-top kills and ridiculous booby traps and then you randomly get this long drawn out rape scene
Sounds kino.
Nvm it feels really long for a 90 minute film
No, I am admitting to be being pic related. He is literally me. man im pretty
A man and his gay son vacation to the quiet vampire populated town of Salem's Lot.
That's just culture shock. Japan doesn't really put rape above murder like in anglo countries.
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I really think digital just cannot replicate the feeling of film. Maybe some /film/ fags can prove me wrong, but I don't believe the cope that color grading and lighting have become a lost art. Why would everyone have suddenly forgotten how to make movies look nice for no apparent reason? The common factor is digital film and unfortunately I think it's just inherently inferior to film aesthetically and this will probably never be a surmountable problem. It's honestly tragic.
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I agree it's a mess but to me it's a beautiful one. Great looking film.
Are there male rape revenge horror flicks? Dude getting revenge on the men who raped him.
You can talk about aesthetics all you want but Fulci makes awful movies. Zombi 2 is boring as shit and so was City of the Living Dead.
I watched Murder Rock last month and that was a kino giallo.
I HATE giallo.
That's pretty gay of you. Maybe you should work on that.
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>you randomly get this long drawn out rape scene which is a complete bummer to watch
Based fuck that spaghetti woman drama trash
It wasn't a good rape scene and didn't need to be in that movie at all
I disagree. I love City of the Living Dead, Don't Torture a Duckling, Conquest (not horror, though) and The Beyond and I really like Zombi and New York Ripper as well. House by the Cemetery and Cat in the Brain are a little lackluster. One of my favorite horror filmmakers overall. Relentless visionary.
based Conquest appreciator. I love the soundtrack in that because it randomly hits you with this electronic pulsing that brings the sci-fi feelings.
Stop being faggots. The filmmakers understand men get off to watching women get raped in these movies.
It doesn't take talent to have a ton of extremely boring nonsensical dubbed in dialogue while being surrounded by red and blue neon lighting with an occasional gore scene every 20 minutes. Those movie are difficult to sit through when the plot is never good enough to invest in. You're just waiting for that moment of gore to happen.
>The filmmakers understand men get off to watching women get raped in these movies.
I skip those scenes.
I just finished 1984's Impulse with the very lovely Meg Tilly. It's like Tue Crazies but with a slower burn. This is a great film. Anymore like this?
It wasn't even done in a sexy way.
>It doesn't take talent
Pure cope. If it doesn't "take talent" to make a movie as good as Argento, Fulci, and Bava's films then how come no modern filmmakers are doing it?
Sex with Halloween!
lol, did she replace nell tiger free?
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Bava is a talented filmmaker. Argento and Fulci are complete hacks that make literal schlock
Jesus, is this what passes for a red blooded white male's starlet nowadays? Young men are fucked
Liking Bava and hating Argento is pure contrarianism. I can see not liking Fulci's stuff due to personal taste, but Bava is the weirder and less accessible version of Argento.
>directs in your path
>red blooded white male's starlet nowadays?
That would be Jenna Ortega, star of X.
Young men are being fucked as we typed. You're sick in the head for reminding us.
>but Bava is the weirder and less accessible version of Argento.
What an insane opinion to have. I'm not even going to humor that
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>previous thread still on the catalog
>new thread already has 179 replies in ONE hour
Oh god, he’s back isn’t he?
Conquest honestly blew me away when I first watched it just because everything he lacked in budget he made up for by making it unique and memorable. Nothing quite like it outside of the pulp fiction it was drawing from.
I'm not a plotfag so I don't require a good plot to enjoy a film. Italian films in particular can get away with a lot in the way of plots and scripts so long as they're aesthetically remarkable. Fulci also doesn't use a lot of neon lighting so I'm not sure what you're talking about. Bava and Argento are like that but they're even more adept than Fulci in terms of filmmaking (though I would probably say Fulci is my favorite). As far as gore being the selling point, I disagree with that to some extent as well. Fulci has some fantastic, memorable gore scenes, but the visuals I remember most from his films generally aren't gore related.
>Om god, he’s back isn’t he?
Mario Bava could actually write a decent story
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Lisa and the Devil and Planet of the Vampires are less accessible than something like Deep Red or Opera. Argento took Bava's style and kinda "simplified" it. Both styles are good, but Bava's movies are a lot more out-there.
Here is your Mexican scream queen
I love Bava but I don't really understand how you can possibly come to this conclusion. Fulci is admittedly a rough gem and the least adept of the three, but Argento and Bava are largely pretty comparable. Bava just has wider range.
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yeah Conquest is one film where it actually feels like it's trying to live up to the poster. So much beastman fighting. Every teenage boy should see it as a rite of passage.
Unironically doesnt look bad for 40
Bava's movies are pretty anti-plotfag desu. I would not recommend them to people looking for "good stories." Maybe A Bay of Blood if you like how convuluted it gets, that's one of the best plots in any giallo imo.
>Unironically doesnt look bad for 40
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He didn't write Black Sunday.
Based Roth. Hope Thanksgiving 2 delivers. And maybe he'll finally come back to Hostel.
it's a good thing we're not talking about Black Sunday
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>Unironically doesnt look bad for 40
kek, here is a pic for you lol
the /hor/ of aging.
Eli Roth has never made a good movie. Ever since I watched Cabin Fever, he's been one of the worst horror directors I've ever seen.
Fuck you. You guys were suppose shit on this Jewish hack job. Those cabin fever films are god awful. I haven't seen Thanksgiving so he might have redeemed himself.
Wrong. Cabin Fever is based and comfy.

she looks fine she just looks like an old lady who got plastic surgery, which she is
>started modeling at 35
Look granny I know SOMEONE has to wear the depends in the commercials but thats nothing to be proud of
Why exactly do most people on /tv/ (outside of /hor/) try and claim that gore is le Jewish subversion now? I never used to see people complain about gore here until Terrifier 2 came out
The post that started this reply chain used a Black Sunday image. If you're not talking about Black Sunday then I don't really know what you're talking about since his films aren't incredibly plot heavy. Blood and Black Lace and Bay of Blood for example are nearly indistinguishable from typical Giallo style scripts with the exception that Bay of Blood is particularly over-the-top.
He's starting to go off the rails again.
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I bet they drop the ball on the one finally decide to see in theaters.
>cabin fever
Go yell pancakes at your boyfriend, retard.
Youre more annoying than whatever boogerman youre whining about. Vagueposters get the fucking rope
phoneposting ESL retard
Thanks guys, much appreciated. I’ll do a little research and make a pick tonight.
Watch more Bava is the takeaway from your post.
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I neither understand the hate nor the love.
Solid body horror movie. It has its fun. A little commentary. Cool effects. Then it's over.
In five or ten years it'll be in the list of body horror movies people recommend. I don't think it's one of the best ones but it's decent. I'd probably watch it again.
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Why even pretend anymore?
There's been soo many threads now where 100+ of your posts get deleted we've seen over and over that you pretend to be some random anon.
Ignore him, he is the resident schizo spammer.
How about you rope yourself out of this general and go watch a fucking movie instead of spamming your faggotry all day?
Also stop the samefagging and the "no u" bullshit
I'm assuming your refusal to explain your reasoning is due to your talking out of your ass and general contrarianism. I will, however, enjoy some Bava films next month, thank you.
>Damn, I really should not stick my penis in that. However...
>Then it's over.
Should have ended like 40m sooner lol.
its 100s of posts from multiple posters, schizo
Not only are you replying to the wrong person, but you're using "contrarianism" incorrectly
Bava's genius is that he isn't one-note. He has such an interesting career with so many different genres and styles and pulls them off to varying degrees of success.
>Ignore the fact that all of the posts (or almost all of them) keep using the same phrases and words
>Ignore the fact that half of them keep repeating the same shit
>Ignore the fact that these posts stop completely for 3 days every time they get deleted
Fucking lol, lmao
>He's starting to go off the rails again.
Is he in the room right now? What is he saying?
I agree.
Argento was based until his whore daughter left the house
Thanksgiving was good for a nu-slasher. It was going for a throwback late 90s/early 2000s feel.
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Yes, including you have posted this exact reply multiples times before, you disgusting freak
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Imagine being Jeffrey Combs in this scene and trying not to get a boner while prime Crampton’s soft supple asscheeks are resting on your cock
very campy, feels like a blend of all my other favorite movies from the same genre, graphic, lots of kino moments. It was memorable for me anon
>Bava's genius is that he isn't one-note.
Unlike Romero.
Imagine being Jeffrey Combs and embarrassing yourself on twitter almost every day
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god damn, what a freaky bitch
Romero is relatively one note but Martin makes up for that.
You can't force this meme. It only works on hacks like Craven
Craven is definitely not a he at least has a few good movies. Romero, not even one.
Craven is one of the greatest of all time. Shit meme.
except without the style and good music and beautiful cinematography
newfag exposing yourself
>horror general
its spoopy time bros
You can say a lot about Saw but you can't say it doesn't have style.
Does he?
Eating Chicken nuggets, looking for next /hor/ film.
Still waiting for a good quality version of Project Silence.
What have you done to solange has very interesting characters
if im remembering correct there's a husband and wife duo, the husband is accused of the murders initially (not arrested yet) so he investigates the killings to clear his name, the wife also investigates the killings to find out if he's a murderer or just cheating on her
good character interaction there i'd say, felt weirdly comfy and wholesome, the two'v them
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Watch Blair Witch 2.
she wasn't even the hot one
Link to Ura Horror?
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>Saw 11
How the fuck can you type that with a straight face what a fucking joke franchise
link? I don't know. I found it on avistaz
Joke franchise is the X , Pearl, Maxxine trilogy
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Shut your fucking mouth, faggot.
There are 12 Friday the 13th and 13 Halloween films too
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Calm down, cuck
>There are 12 Friday the 13th
Kolobos: "Am i a joke to you?"
He was defending X so yjk
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Just saw Ghost Story (1981) today. Pretty freaky fancy horror flick, even if it butchered the source novel.
Eli Roth is like a god compared to inept hacks like Fulci and Bava. This general is twisted, Man.
I agree, I think this is an example of a movie where the producers didn't have a harsh enough voice. This premise could have been a TV episode, 110 minutes absolute maximum, maybe 90 minutes ideal
You're not funny.
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Yes I would sit in the cuck closet and masturbate furiously while Jenna and Mia scissored. What of it?
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How long til half the thread gets nuked again? LOL
You really save every picture someone posts here, don’t you lol
he has pics of cabinanon
he's a phone poster so can barely browse for images.
it's the same person
>Yes I would sit in the cuck closet and masturbate furiously while Jenna and Mia scissored
More like while they get BLACKED
>Cabin Fever
I liked the part where the old guy was saying his gun was for niggers and then later niggers showed up for their gun that he cleaned. Still makes me chuckle.
What about pancakes? Isn't that part funny too?
The movie stands out at least for being provocative. This year has been somewhat lackluster for horror. Alien Romulus and A Quiet Place Day One were enjoyable but they were coloring within the lines of a franchise just with different casts. I loved Longlegs but other might disagree. Blink Twice at least cast Channing Tatum as a monster. But The Substance went all out with Moore, Qualley and Dennis Quaid. Unless Smile 2 and Terrifier 2 are WAY above average, it will be hard to compete for the rest of the year.
Ti West too iz like Kubrick himself compared to any weirdo east Asian horror director. This thread's problem is a complete lack of good taste.
it has linkin park music video green tinted digital style
lots of quick cuts
>h-he's fast!
Cabin Fever is just copying better movies. Like Eli Roth's entire career is hoping you've never seen a CAT III or anything from the 70s before.
>This thread's problem is a complete lack of good taste.
I have said this before.
>Whats the fox urine for?
>Thats for foxes
>....Whats the rifle for?
>Oh, thats for niggers
i was thinking that too, that sounds like cabinaon
Just finished Longlegs. Fucking phenomenal...right up till they catch him, then it becomes a masterclass in how to write a frustrating, incompetent main character. One of the most infuriating endings I've ever seen.
>it doesn't have style.
It has style in that it's a blatant product of it's time except a couple years late after MTV was already doing parodies in that style.
I don't put that much thought into it. i just think he makes bad movies. As far as horror directors go, he's not at the top of anyone's list for a reason
The whole movie was one big woke dei fest. Get better taste.
How was it woke?
I don't need to put much thought into it either, I'm just remembering the movies that both Eli Roth and I have both seen.
nah he is an unironic homosexual, hence all the roastie spam. literally incapable of posting something like this >>203909226
I am that guy
nicage seemed like he was really fucked up on painkillers and was told to "just act cringey as possible, it'll be spooky"
it sorta worked in parts, but for more than 45 seconds or so at a time it's just lame
total kolobos rip off too but everyone knows that
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I'll say it. By any possible metric, Silent Hill 2006 is a 10/10 movie, I won't call a single film "the best" but in whatever list you compile it should be up there with the best.
18 FUCKING YEARS and newer movies with stronger technology and a dozen times its budget have NOT managed to surpass the visuals of Silent Hill, if I think about hell represented in movie, it's that foggy city in which the war alarm rings and reality begins peeling off into bloody hell with contorted bodies walking around.
Pyramid head, the janitor, the nurses, the burned girl with thorny wires, the city itself... Nearly 2 decades and I can't think of another movie this ambitious on its setting while puling off the monsters so well.
Monsters tend to be the least scary part once they're fully shown, or they're the part that become outdated as years go on, but somehow this one holds up.
black and lady-asian fbi higher ups in the early 90s
overall on the woke-scale not that bad, like a 2/5
Based and perfect quote-pilled. Im going to go watch it right now.
/hor/ - where we simp and cuck for roasties
Write a short essay on why Darkness (2002) is one of the most perfect horror movies ever. Go!
He admitted it! Cabinanon is NPM!!!!!!!
Shyamalan tier twist
If that's your only issue then it's hardly woke.
>total kolobos rip off too but everyone knows that
the only actual kolobos rip off is saw and i'm not kidding
He has admitted it before
No he hasn't
Show actual proof or it never happened
It's literally not even the best horror movie named Darkness.
>black and lady-asian fbi higher ups in the early 90s
That's not unrealistic in the least especially if they started in the military.
Andy Warhol’s Dracula.
>then it's hardly woke.
kek. liberal, or female.
damn what a babe
He actually has. I am not searching through the archives even if I knew how to. I never understood why you guys kept up the NPM thing when he has said it was him. I just thought it was a /hor/ inner joke kinda thing that everyone ignored after reading his post.
yeah, it's not that bad like a 2/5 of 'wokeness'
i wasnt the guy initially bitchin about it being woke, maybe he has more reasons for saying so
as far as the actual movie it isn't at all i dont think, it incorporates Christianity into the plot without shitting on Christianity so that counteracts the casting i'd say
He literally never did though?
Do you remember what he said exactly? You sure it wasn't NPM just trolling and pretending to be him?
No, it was him. If anything, it was cabinanon joking, but it is not the first time.
What's wrong with that? That's typical for horror.
NPM did save Cabin Anon images and re-post them a few times, though you could tell it was NPM by the filenames and awful grammar
I've seen both NPM and Cabin Anon post in the same minute before too, so he must be really good at samefagging to pull that off
I gotta travel for the weekend so no horror for me.
best of luck with the npm, someone else will have to bake.
That was kino.
I’m close friends with Cabin anon and I have known him for many years. He sent me this voice message a few days ago, I guess the cat is out of the bag now..
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She cute
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what is the most difficult to find horror movie that isn't lost?
>the end
looks like the frankenstein girl from the Scooby Doo Ghoul School cartoon
NPM you need to start proofreading your shit.
Not going to bother with this topic, not the first time. This is the 3rd time actually. Second time, there was disbelief too.
lol wtf? is this real? when was this? i fucking knew it was him all the way back to April. it was pretty obvious too, the humor.
Gonna make a new thread. This was probably the fastest one in months.
It's obviously satire retard
Cabinanon posts vocaroo shitposts all the time. You replied to him without his trip, he's trolling.
what is a NPM?
(You), faggot
kek, and that schizo thinks everyone poster is the same person
opera mortem
Here's the actual spammer. Notice the ESL nature of the post. Very different than Cabinanon.
There you are, NPM
Republican male with traditionally masculine traits and hobbies, actually.
Eventually yes. I'm slow.
Still the top.
Harperposter is back thankfully.
Ooh early Kurosawa, i've only seen that Rear Window like one the name of which i don't remember.
Always right.
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Based Fulci appreciator. The Beyond might be the greatest horror movie ever made.
thank u for your service


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