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>get a skill
okay, i did, what now?
Just sit back, relax, get a skill, sit back, relax, come on, get up, get down with the sickness, capture the flag, remember reach, and GUARD. THAT. PUSSY.
Keep on grinding and hope you go viral with that skill. Or endlessly apply to "real jobs" that won't hire you because your resume gets filtered out by AI due to lack of prior industry experience and/or not ticking the correct boxes their HR roastie said they need to fill
What's your skill, out of curiosity?
>>get a skill
Grifting incels and giving advice about things that I don’t really know anything about but people listen to me anyways because I’m “le funne meme man”
Getting skills
Oh, I thought we were talking about some sort of a profession.
Make zoomers pay 20 dollars to watch you take a shit
get two
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Sam never got a skill, so it was really important that I did. So I get a skill, send in a $50 super chat and say "Sam, now what?". He says "get a job". Now I'm 25, send my weekly super chat again, say "Sam, now what?". He says "I don't know, get laid".
>I can't get laid. I'm a 30 year old incel
We're a generation of men raised by streamers. I'm wondering if another parasocial relationship is really the answer we need.
Sam does have skills though, main problem he has is that nobody is willing to hire him so he's become a streamer.
Sam is obviously a mental case himself idk why anyone would listen to him he has major daddy issues
>tay confirmed for Jacob's content house
sorry for edierocking
sam couldn't change a lightbulb on his own. He has a graphic design degree and he can't even draw, he's always paid artists to make MDE stuff. His one skill is being funny and he thinks he's audience is beneath being a "creative" so they must throw themselves in the machine gears.
Just kill yourself fishniggers. Just blow your fucking heads off. This is a thread where we hate on Scam Hyde, not promote his garbage
Like imagine listening to this rich new England kike when you could just literally listen to a Bob Seger song.

And yes, I'm older now and still running against the wind.

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