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Salò edition
prev: >>203906836
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>The wicker man
>Killer Klowns from outer space
>Life force
>Wolf Creek
>The Town that dreaded sundown 70s version
>Invasion of the body snatchers 70s version
>Lake mungo
>The gate
>Eden Lake
>The lair of the white worm
>The Poughkeepsie Tape
>Three extremes
>Three extremes 2

Apparently have 4 days to watch these before they expire lol. Definitely gonna watch pumpkinhead, killer Klowns, shivers, the wickerman and dagon. Any should skip? Not too torn on missing the rest.
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Watching this on Oct 1 to start spooky season.
Third for physical media is based
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Fourth for every poster in /hor/ except the Pissman.
Kino list overall but I haven't seen Gothic or Three Extremes 2 (aka Three)
There is one movie in that list thay is divisive here but I personally think is kino. Not naming names.
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migrated too fast and caught stuck in traffic
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I’m not NPM, I’ve been way too busy working on my Halloween costume to post as often as he does
>girls are powe-ack
>Fourth for every poster in /hor/ except the Pissman.
Oops, I meant:
>Fourth for every post in /hor/ is from the Pissman.
Eden lake almost feels like a thriller (for being fairly grounded) that escalates into full horror by the end
it's pretty dark, some people overhype how dark it is and how fucked the ending is, it's definitely bleaker than average horror
do not watch if you can't stomach pupperwuppers dying though, p sure a pupper dies awfully init
is that from Kolobos 1999 or Kolobos 0: Suspiria?
you could at least try to be bunny you know
BASED on your Definitely list maybe Eden Lake is a nogo for y'all, it's very grounded all within the realm of possibility no supernatchy elements to it
also I am shilling Influencer now so watch that too
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dangerously based
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>you could at least try to be bunny
The Blackcoat’s Kolobos
Bunnicula is no watership down
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the blackoloboats daughter
/hor/ is holding the camera
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Kolobos, substance, kolobos, substance. Last year it was Swallow. What was it the year before that? Dont go in the house?
Can't we go thread without people posting and seething about black ding dong.
Kolobosposting predates Swallowposting.
watership down is honorary horror
>we got the peg out
>...you're free
{the original not the bullshit tame and toned down shitlooking cgi remake that was entirely unnecessary}
>for me it's kung fu
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>he saved my reaction pic after I mentioned he saves literally every picture posted
Anon's mom?
Don’t forget the Raw-fag too.
Apparently Kolofag has been at it for over three fucking years now:
Literally the resident spammer
No that's the Pissman.
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Don't Go in the House is legitimately great though.
I remember watching that movie completely shit faced on Jose Cuervo last October because it got mentioned here so much. That’s all I really remember, whole movie is a blur.
Three years trying to force a meme lol
Don't Go in the House and Kolobos are unironically good recs.
Different spammers of different intensity and variety populate /hor/. Gimmickposters, if you will.
Three years forcing his obsession yet his batshit theories about Argento time travel just keep getting wackier.
>yet his batshit theories about Argento time travel just keep getting wackier.
That shit is kino desu. Koloposting has evolved.
>no this is patrick
You mean /horror.
Hi, NPM!
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>horror movie has a skeleton in it
Lake Dungo is a shit
I'm starting to get annoyed with this namefag shit.
Can we please just talk about horror movies?
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Once again recommending Eight Eyes. Dude hangs dong in the movie.
It's sort of hard to do that when NPM won't stop talking about roasties, cuckolding, and "/horror" all day
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>tfw when you realize that all live action movies have skelingtons in them
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Nigga/hor/ essentials
>Halloween: Resurrection
>Tales from the Hood
>Leprechaun in the Hood
>Dr. Black, Mr. Hyde
>Michael Jackson's Thriller
>People Under the Stairs
>Predator 2
>Leatherface: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre III
>Romero's Zombie trilogy
>Night of the Living Dead (1990)
>Friday the 13th part V: New Beginning
>Friday the 13th part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan
>The Strange Thing About the Johnsons
>Ganja and Hess
>Children of the Corn III: Urban Harvest
>Dahmer (2002)
>The Beast Must Die
>J.D.'s Revenge
>Black Devil Doll from Hell
>The Serpent and the Rainbow
>Gayniggers from Outerspace
Just fucking ignore him then. Schizos thrive off attention and you all willingly give it to him.
NPM hasn’t posted once. Take your meds.
Candyman is legitimately one of the best movies of it's decade and could be considered an art film.
>Harperposter is back thankfully.
Anon that post wasn’t me, I didn’t post anything til like 200 replies in lol. NPM co-opted Jess into his routine a while back unfortunately. He could’ve chosen literally any other actress to constantly slander but no, it had to be her.
> won't stop talking about roasties, cuckolding, and "/horror" all day
That was cabinanon
3/10. Did not enjoy.
>Friday the 13th part V: New Beginning
One of the best niggahorrors, I love Reggie the Reckless. He should have returned as Tommy's sidekick in Part 6, though I really like Megan too.
Definitely one of the best horror movies of the 90s. Very good.
>He should have returned as Tommy's sidekick in Part 6
Also I want to add that Reggie and Pam were originally going to be in Jason Lives, for any anons who didn't know. Too bad they got cut.
So which poster isn’t NPM since it seem like everyone is him
Shut up retard.
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bruh where is Def by Temptation
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Friendly reminder not to engage with people who are trying to derail the threads. Report and move on.
NPM/cock lodge seem to be under their regular 3-day bans and should be back here tomorrow to contribute to the weekend threads
NPM literally is not banned right now, did you see the previous thread? He was going off about cuckolding and blacks again
Also he's posted ITT
lol. I am waiting for them to return. Unironically.
Those could be anyone. I see those all over 4channel.
Weekend threads could use some humor as it is kind of dry in here.
>I see those all over 4channel
Oh so you're him yourself, you've said this a few times before lmao
It's 4chan, retard, not 4channel anymore
>no Jason Goes To Hell

Ok whatever I will not engage you.
>The Beast Must Die
If you're actually not him, you must be very retarded not to notice his posts when he makes them that obvious
Hint: Nobody else says "/horror" besides him, he can't even write the name correctly. Also the cuckolding shit from the previous thread was clearly him
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The best 10 years for horror were 1974 to 1984.
I don't mind them, one bs thread/discussion or 2 once in a while are ok. There's at least one anon who ocassionally gets legitimately fucking furious and engages in funny altercations with them. I remember him calling NPM the resident lolcow or something.
Don't think that's him bc one thing about NPM is that he can't help but just go on and on and on, often samefagging once something (usually something related to 25+ yo women) summons him.
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>picked the year AFTER wicker man, exorcist and messiah of evil
I'd extend it to 1973-1985 if I can make it 12 years. I needed to include 84 in the 10 years because it has
>a nightmare on elm street
>toxic avenger
>friday the 13th: the final chapter
>silent night, deadly night
>the mutilator
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>niggaposter tries making new /hor/ gimmick thread
>mfw it gets ignored for my superior wincest edition
He literally was samefagging in the previous threads though? He made three posts about "Tyrone" and cuckolding, all were replies to the same post
Look through all of his deleted posts from the threads he got banned in, these posts are too similar to not be him
There was incest in Burial Ground. Terrified 3 should have some too.
Exorcist is only effective horror if you're religious and believe possession could happen to you. Great example of filmmaking nonetheless.
What is this movie actually like? Is it good?
I’m probably replying to him but for some reason, he likes imitating other regular /hor/posters. He also saves every picture posted here for some reason kek.
Sleep should be released now right? where can i see it
Did he mention roasties/reddit/being a top 10% google man? Did he call others simps? I won't tolerate copycats, it has to be the real deal NPM™ and his partner/alter ego cock lodge
this is the funniest part of the whole feud, you want to "save" these threads from any newcomers getting a bad impression but NPM is the average /tv/tard 4channer, we're the outliers centered on a different niche axiom than resentment cope for losers so he actually has a point when he calls you reddit for being the thread hall monitor
It's not scary because of the possession it's scary because the setting has extant gods and devils and having a crisis of faith is a very real threat. It's the second best film on the concept of faith after To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar
He did indeed mention roasties and reddit
He did call others simps
> he actually has a point when he calls you reddit for being the thread hall monitor
Yjk that discord mod is having a melt down reading that.
>but NPM is the average /tv/tard
That's because /tv/ is full of retarded reddit-rejects like him. He's posted screenshots of himself using reddit multiple times. He's a retarded /tv/edditor.
That does sound like NPM
Sleep’s been out a while though?
also because the concept of faith is scary itself. having to put your faith in a team of doctors to try and cure your child IS something that does exist and is very scary. either way reagan isn't the protagonist, it's Chris and Damien as deuteragonists
So everyone on /tv/ are ESLs who love black dicks unironically and post reddit screenshots, including yourself? What the fuck is wrong with you, anon?
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>watch Death Game
>take a shot every time one of the girls says George
>fucking die
What are some other fun /hor/ drinking games?
Even Elon Musk talks about BBC
The Blob (1988) drink whenever somebody dies brutally.
Who's gonna take one for the team and watch Apartment 7A? It's out as of now has zero imdb reviews
What are some 30s kinos besides the Universal Monsters? I really enjoyed
>king kong (monster, but not universal)
>the old dark house (universal, but not monster)
>Reggie the Reckless. He should have returned as Tommy's sidekick in Part 6
itd be cool if tommy owned a farm in part 6 and then jason shows up because there's a lake by tommys fields and so tommy has to make a plan to kill him again and reggie works for tommy and could also be like a sortv comic relief character who sings and dances and also sometimes gives surprisingly wise, yet folksy, advice
The bat
Stop being a reddit hall monitor, anon
What, is /hor/ your heckin' safe space? Can't handle the rest of this site so you hide in a gay general? Can't handle seeing the words "BBC" on your screen? Grow up, faggot
Why are you watching this old ass shit, watching something new, Grandpa
Check out The First Omen or Infinity Pool or Longlegs or something
Lmao anon, poor Reggie.
I'm a chud but he's one of the best F13 characters.
Thanks anon.
Weak bait but thanks for the (You).
>Everyone who doesn't agree with me is baiting
Grow the fuck up, faggot
From Beyond was very good, but I enjoyed Re-Animator just a little more I think. The third eye worm coming out of that guys head was unnerving and gave me the heeby jeebies
Actually, which The Bat is it? I can find the 50s The Bat with Vincent Price and the 1940s The Devil Bat with Bela Lugosi.
Assuming you watch one a day,

>Wicker Man
>Life Force

If you watch 2 each day, add
>Invasion of the Body Snatchers (if you also haven't seen the 50s one, then swap this for Dagon)
>Killer Klowns
>Poughkeepsie Tapes
This but with After Blue and Kate Bush
Thanks for another (You) but it's still obviously bait. You were too on-the-nose with the first post. It's funny though because I hate the actual retards that you're pretending to be.
Also idk if you meant it to be but Infinity Pool is actually a good rec that I enjoted. Cronenberg Jr has a bright future ahead of him if he keeps it up.
This general used to be so comfy, why did you faggots have to ruin it?
what is the appeal of horror movies? i cant get scared by some pixels on a screen
>Poughkeepsie Tapes
Only film in your post I didn't like at all. And why are so many contemporary horror flicks named shit like The Schmoopsy-Whoopsy Files or Lake Grungus or whatever? Sick of this shit.
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Re-Animator is fun but it can't beat From Beyond for me
>after blue
>no blue on poster
ummm kino?
bottom right corner has some blue. yet fading. perhaps after. blue
They're fun. Spooky stuff is cool.
Lol you'd be in a coma by the end of the movie
When I was a kid, they terrified me, and I liked that thrill they offered.
As an adult, I just like the creativity put into them.
>When I was a kid
Horror really does seem like something you either got into as a kid or you don't like. Not always the case, but it seems that most people super into horror have always liked spooky stuff. See how many anons were getting excited about Scooby Doo last thread.
Sorry the full title is The Bat Whispers
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Kate Bush
My substitute for that would be Lair of the White Worm then
It’s a real place tho
You get your tickets for the 4k TCM rerelease yet?
The Red Queen Kills 7 Times was a little too bland.
What are you talking about? We just had like six great threads before the spammer returned in the last one.
There is no spammer.
Thank you anon, added it to my list.
Get pumpkinhead down. Watching dagon next and wickerman in the morning.
Hopefully the jannies do their part again and ban him for another few days. Things are so good without that brown retard here.

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K, hall monitor
Watch Critters and The Town That Dreaded Sundown after that.
Die, spammer.
It’s funny how Pissman completely missed out on peak Alucardaposting so another equally ridiculous sperg stood in for him.
The spam is coming from inside the thread. Could be the hall monitor guy for an added twist
Just saw like 4 horror movies in a row. Now watching 30+ year old girls go on long rants on YouTube about hitting the wall in honour of this thread.
> Things are so good without that brown retard here.
Yeah uhuh. As NPM/cabinanon says, “the 80’s circlejerk.”
Most likely. He himself is a spammer but I know he lacks the self awareness to realize that so I never call him out.
I didn’t say that.
It’s crazy the amount of those videos there are. The girls that make them are all 22+ and really bitter already. The 30+ ones I understand but the younger ones, damn.
Welcome back NPM. Hall monitor guy will seethe though
Haha. No I’m not him.
Cabin anon, have you seen Critters? Been meaning to ask that. Effects are by the directors of Killer Klowns which I know you liked.
Hall monitor guy sounds good. Browsing the hor archives, I think he was called Reddit discord mod lol.
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Yeah but I only saw it once when I was in the 5th grade. I remember that because I went to school the next day and kept saying “fuck!” around my friend and he told me I would get in trouble if the teacher heard me(I somehow had never heard the word “fuck” before watching this movie in the 5th grade). I thought it was hilarious
Watched the Black Beast Terror. Pretty comfy movie. Nothing spectacular.
Mainly great for being a horny as hell film. I agree the head worm was gross.
That's a kino scene. Movie is worth a rewatch, and check out Critters 2 as well. I also enjoyed Critters 3 and 4 even though they're not as good as the first two. The Chiodo Brothers (the effects guys) do all four of them so you've got fun critter action in each movie.
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>hall monitor guy
He is schizo. There is one in every general.
What's ahsg?
Probably "American Horror Story", since that's the only acronym that comes to mind.
I quit that trash after season 4, and was better off for it.
Lmao he sounds just like the spammer in here.
Yeah, makes sense
I haven't seen Gothic either, though I saw the webm thread that featured it.
Any anons seen it?
You mean the hall monitor? Kek
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Criterion bros
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Trick r treat is a horror classic for me. If you wanna be disturbed watch neceonocon:book of the dead.
Just going to say it. Audition is overrated.
But for real, PSA for /hor/, what we have in here is normal. Every general is like this.
pulse is overrated too. it drops off hard after the first 30 minutes
He isn’t really the spammer, more like the schizo.
I actually forgot that I saw that movie at first, until I checked some screenshots.
I can't find it :(
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everything after pic related scene is forgettable. people splooge over this movie but after the plot reveal that everyone around the world is dying because a ghost got an internet connection and is black pilling people to death it just feels like a comedy
Have you tried laying in bed?
i like necrororomiron: book of the dead better
overall a very uneven series but some good entries, just not a fan of neceonocon myself
Hurricane/Tornado/Rain+Flooding Horror recs?

I'm partial to Crawl
Storm Warning
It’s the hurricane thread on pol
Any horror films that involve aliens, politics, shota rape, lovecraft, baseball, and melting?
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Gothic is always on my list for watches around Halloween. It's very good. The atmosphere and setting alone make it worth watching.
looks gay
best horror movie podcast? Why it would have to be Zac Amico's Midnight Spookshow of course.
ngl there are serious homosexual tones to this movie, but it's very good nonetheless.
No Str8 man says this
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Watch all these and thank me later
I'll check it out sometime.
I've watched all those and you can thank ME for doing so
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bet you didn't watch this.
Your brain must be overfried in shclock. It's not even the best ghost part imo compared to the ghost in the industrial building.
>replying to bait
bump for Beezel (2024)
I have to get one of you to watch Beezel
I’ll check it out but the casting I don’t really like.
Can't believe the last thread just died.
How much is Zac paying you? Is this Gay Blind Mike?
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Buy an ad already, faggot.
There's actually some really good performances, though some not so good. The basketball character isn't a main if that's what you mean.
Yeah that’s what I meant. The plot sounds interesting.
the plot sounds like an interesting way of ripping of kolobos maybe
Crawl is a very solid horror film.
There's gonna be a sequel I think. The main actress did a lot for it so they'll need a decent replacement
I just googled her. She aged so much. She looks totally different than she does in Crawl. She looks like she’s 40 now but she’s only 35. Probably like 27 in the movie. She looks really old now. Couldn’t even recognize her when I googled her.
Why are you guys so much cooler than the folks at /film/? There's so many cunts there.
Holy shit. She is only 32. I am going through those google pics and she is post -wall af. Holy shit. Google it. Totally different than in Crawl. Fuck. Very short shelf life. She was 25 in the movie I think.
Appreciate the lgbt perspective on the subject
I was wondering what a good name would be for the one anon that spergs out every time NPM makes himself known since he’s a character of his own at this point. Henceforth, he shall be known as Hall Monitor guy.
I wonder, are there disaster horror films? Like people just getting wasted by a natural force but the story arc is like a slasher?
Holy. I couldn’t even recognize her. There were a few girls on the page and I didn’t know which one was her cause at 32, she looks very different than when she was 27.
Hall Monitor guy/anon sounds good. Or the discord mod.
Is you monkeypoxx acting up spammer? Must be true body horror. Disgusting really, very homosexual.
Calling him Redditor would be okay too.
if you added sci fi to that then Sunshine would sortv fit
Crawl is about alligators. I'm talking about pure storm violence.
Do you ever shut up?
Is your cuck fetish acting up (again)? Go put X on (again). In fact, you should watch it once everyday to celebrate October.
Yes he does, when he rages so hard gets jannied for posting gay porn.
never thought i'd see gadonfag use the phrase "brief anal sex scene"
Kek you've fallen to "no u" replies.
I bet your dad cried when you told him you were a queer.
Where did you buy your copy of X on blu ray?
X was disgusting cuck shit.
You are a disgusting homo.
The difference between us is I can say both, and the second one makes you cry!
Where is the anon with the yellow shelf? He owns X
/hor/ >>> /film/ especially with all the recent niggaposting, but it’s also nice discussing non-horror films outside of making your own thread.
I'm always in both at the same time, but here everyone is so much nicer and fun. Niggaposting is unbearable.
Yeah I'm basically thinking that, but a film where everyone dies except a final girl.
Doubt it exists, but it'd be cool I think. Plus Twisters did well in theatre so it'd probably do ok.
You can try the lower budget ones on Tubi. Like asylum and stuff. I have seen some hurricane/alligator ones.
I honestly don't know how people get to watching those films. There must be like idk 4000 professionally shot horror films worth watching before you get to digital pseudo films.
Hurrigator versus The Earthquake Spiders
Those are okay. They follow a good movie structure to give the viewer pure entertainment. I checked out a few Dino films on Tubi too. Los budget stuff.
bad cgi gator is a decent version of that
for all we know there are at least a dozen or several dozen of these 1000s of streaming-piles-of-shits that are actually 10/10 slept on classics, like the Thing of today
I admit, I did watch the trailer for that
You've been obsessed with this guy for months.
About to watch Caviar. I hope it is as good as you guys said.
>I'm always in both at the same time, but here everyone is so much nicer and fun.
Agreed. It’s amusing seeing /hor/anons in /film/ considering there’s gotta be at least a few of us that browse and post in both.
I think you can survive if you don't count Donna's Georges
>as good as you guys said.
I said it needed to be 90% owls for the record
take a shot for every EVIL DIES TONIGHT
I've said it before and I'll say it again someone needs to make a full length skeleton horror.
Probably a gremlins style comedy horror because skeletons are most obviously good for body gags like losing their heads, blowing up like crash test dummies, jumping on people etc
It would have to include this as the credits music
See, everyone knows and loves skeletons as horror icons. The very first films from the 1980 had them. There are dozens of scary clown films, we need at least one skeleton kino.
>The very first films from the 1980
whoops meant 1890s. force of habit.
First for Night Monster (1982 -40)
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You’re not my type.
Well damn. That was really good.
The owl costume was legit, you can't lie on his name like that
With the carrot?
It's a fully face moulded beak tyvm, but yes with the carrot, the man's a genius
Do I need to watch Phase 1-3 to understand this?
Based far right schizo tried to save her too.
You were way off from first
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Nah counting's not that hard I'm fine
You already went through phase 1-3 but you didn't listen
Watching The Dead Don't Die. Almost 30 minutes before you see the first couple of zombies. Please tell me it gets better from here.
It's Richard Linklater so no it doesn't
Well fuck
I’m pretty sure I also watched Critters 2 back then(we were renting the dvds through the mail with Netflix), but for some reason my mom never ordered part 3 or 4 so I’ve never watched those. I noticed there’s a Critters tv show with 1 season, is it any fun?
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Ok I'm about an hour in and it just got amusing
NPM! She had a baby, divorced etc
The abovementioned Crawl and Storm Warning
>/hor/ can't count or do math or dates
>/hor/ can austisticly list every franchise (even amityville) in order though
Beginning to suspect /hor/'s fave number is New York tbphw/ulads
Jim Jarmusch
Oh right Linklater actually has made a good movie once
Checking out Red Rooms from the library later on today

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