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Lets get a thread going for our favorite terrible tv sh- actually i gotta go, we'll talk about this later
You took my joke now I have nothing to contribute
You're strong. We're in this together.
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Meme show
>Episode 3: You Shouldn't Be Asking Questions
>Episode 4: I Can't Talk Right Now
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There is no fucking way they are not using chatgpt for the script
I know something.
Tomorrow we will see new episode I believe. It will be most exciting. I wonder what victor's dad has to say and will he ever get united with his long lost son.
Can boyd ever recover from this trauma or will he go at the bottom of a bottle. Will there be anything left of the asian lady for kenny to bury. How they're going to do funeral without pastor. Many things can go wrong with these situations.
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fyi the 4th episode is a joke/fake
Didn't know the writers were here lmao
>Willard, fetch me the negro compliance engine.
they really couldn't find a better name than boyd?
>Can boyd ever recover from this trauma
He'll be fine, they can't break him
>Will there be anything left of the asian lady for kenny to bury
Yeah, we already saw it in the trailer
>How they're going to do funeral without pastor
Boyd can read the bible
Kek. You got me. Gotta go.
Not now, I have things to do
What with all the random farm animals and the danger of going out after sunset, does anyone else get a bizarre Minecraft larp vibe from this show?
how long until the schizophrenic resident FROMseether ruins this thread like he has done with all the previous ones?
I find the box shit funny still somehow
I’d epoxy a talisman to the inside of a box and Solid Snake all over town.
The talismans work because they think they work
What if a talisman decides it's gotta go too?
It falls on the ground and... You know what, I need to go.
thats not who im talking about
I can't talk about this right now, you'll tell me about it later
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made epic meeme :D
Nice thread OP, shame I can't stay.
She did nothing wrong
Expected... talk to you later
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Kek I didn't know /tv/ actually cared about this show at all
I watched the two first seasons a couple of months ago
It's kinda fun
The little kid Ethan is the fuckig worst part of the show. I hate every single scene he is in and everything ging that comes out of his mouth. He needs a good beating from his dad
it's semi fun. not any kind of high art show. just stupid fun
Shut up faggot
Most people dont understand how deep this show is.
Tower, Town, Dormitory, monsters...it all has the only one meaning.. sry gotta go
We need to talk.
Should I watch this or Lost? Which will annoy me more?
Lost is better. Much better cinematography, tropic island, secret nippon's bunkers etc. And you can watch lost from start to end. This shit gonna last at least 1 seasons more, so 2 years of nothingburgers
I was watching Lost back when it aired but was young so can't really say if I'd be annoyed now. This show however has something that annoys me in almost every episode. There are still things I like about it though so I'm seeing it through.
not now I gotta go
Really seems like the writers take identity politics into account when choosing which actors should be playing which roles in certain scenes. Like Fatima in the bathroom and Tabitha asking to use a phone in the outside world. Have noticed this throughout the other seasons too.

I don't wanna talk about it
Lost is great
>you said the resident schizo couldnt break you

has there been any squirrels in from town
who was radio?
I shan't be watching until all season 3 episodes are available and I can binge it while skipping completely pointless time-wasting scenes like literally every single lesbian scene from season 2. I'm not waiting week to week for slop like this.
>boyd, im cia
>Boyd, I'm CI-gotta go.
I hate the gooey kids
Lost is literally unwatchable unless watched once a week, it's so shit but was decent in a time of just awful garbage tv
All I remember that it was just flashback after flashback. Only watched couple of episodes back in da day
henry gale
not true, stop being gay
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post your predictions for tonights episode here’s mine:
kenny and jim come back and ask boyd what happened and boyd says “I gotta go”
my prediction is that nothing happens
Boyd will try and eat the night people
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When can I?
Looks like absolutely nothing is going to happen this season aside from 1/2 new discoveries. Tabitha will probably get back to the town at the end of the season and the food thing will be resolved in the finale as well. Other than that, I doubt that anything of significance is going to happen. Just a lot of "sorry, I gotta go" and Fatima drama
Currently watching this shit and I really liked season 1. Now I'm halfway through season 2 and nothing much has happened.
They just keep throwing more unexplained weird stuff in there that goes nowhere (yet at least). Also there's way too much boring 'drama' filler.

Have the writers said anything about having a plan for the show or will they just keep throwing in new mysteries and never explain anything when it gets canceled?
It's not important. We just want to see the characters do stupid stuff
Fucking Kek.
I predict that we find out that town pulls people from different realities.
Let's talk about this later. I gotta go.
is the episode tonight to tomorrow night
Season two had too much filler with irrelevant characters. The writers said this season is going to have a lot of answers in it if you wanna believe that.
I don't get the joke?
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listen man, I'll explain it later
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>I'll go out and find some answers
>hey don't give me all the answers let's have some comfy small talk while I work on these chains
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Why would you shoot a woman before throwing her out of a lighthouse?
>Now my meme is your meme
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So what in the fuck is this From town?
is it supernatural shit or is it some sort of experiment?

what has the hospital to do with it and why they got the same Logo as that symbol in the village?
is Boyd a brain in a jar?
what are they testing there?
making shitty VR worlds for Boyd and uploading the ghosts into a machine that became self aware and now only tortures Boyd?

also that whole thing seems so videogamey.
>you can leave the map but some paths lead to missions
>totally scripted antagonists that behave a predictable way
>they can teleport around the map
wtf is going on?
supernatural. People who say its "LE AI EXPERIMENT VR BIDEOGAYME" are nonhuman bugmen
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alright tough guy let's hear your theory then
but how is the Hospital involved in this?
why is the hospital involved in this
Julie is fucking hot
The Logo that the crazy dude is seeing everywhere was visible on a computer screen in the Hospital
Julie should have the sex with Victor, they owe his old cock prime teen pusy
My guess - the government has discovered the town and is monitoring it, the hospital is a front
>haha silly, you werent in a paranormal horror dimension, you hit your head in the forest. If you keep insisting that you were indeed in a supernatural town, we will put you on meds
No it's not
dood its a CHATGPT AI DALL E GENERATED GPT VR SIMULATION, HAHAA. I work in IT and collect funko pops by the way, have you heard of ZION AI?? Its gonna DEMOCRATIZE ART! So the From ghouls are mini bosses like in DARK SOULS haha and Tabitha GLITCHED THROUGH the world mesh!!
My life is like a bideogame, trying hard to beat the stage
>haha silly, you werent in a paranormal horror dimension, you hit your head in the forest. If you keep insisting that you were indeed in a supernatural town, we will put you on meds
When the fuck did this happen? She didn't tell anyone other than the priest and she was vague on purpose because *she* thinks people will think she's insane.

There won't be any government conspiracy shit, it's all magic plain and simple. same with VR retards or simulation/dream theories. None of that makes sense. It's all forest black voodoo civil war magic.
yes it is
I agree with this post. Those people are absolute retards. There's this obvious hint at magic and they're like
>the glass bottles with years in them unlock quests and then unlock new monsters!
Why? Jesus
not unless you are shape blind
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Why is this slop so entertaining? By far my biggest guilty pleasure since izombie
the simulation theory makes a lot of sense tho
the other anon is right the rules in the world are videogame stuff.
the town feels extremely scripted.
Weird, vague tone to the priest scene, like they were on the edge of having him be a weirdo molester or some such thing because they want to tear down Christianity but they didn't go all the way with it.
Jim is actually retarded, Boyd and Jade are figuring shit out for real, all Jim has accomplished is:
>destroying his house
>radio thing that amounted to nothing
>encouraged Randall to be a schizo
>oh fuck I wandered into the middle of the evil woods and then remembered my kids are orphans if I die
Oh, he like beggin' you, like 'Ooh, Philip Banks, kick my butt!
>radio thing that amounted to nothing
Proving that somebody is monitoring the town is valuable
everyone and I mean every single person in Fromville are morons and they behave like morons all the time
Boyd isnt figuring anything out at all
what I'm saying is that the hospital might be a front where they put any town survivors and convince them that theyre mentally ill freaks. I agree that the town is supernatural. The hospital might be affiliated since its logo resembles the From town symbol
These are the things keeping me watching but they keep shoving in all this stupid and terrible character drama. Like they're trying to appeal to two audience groups
What if we live in a ... bro what if we actually live in a VIDEO GAME SIMULATION... ever think about that bro? I'm turning LEVEL 34 tomorrow by the way
Magic? Wonder? Supernatural stuff? Mythology? Nooo, everything is an AI SIMULATION VIDEOGAME
You AI/techno freaks are peculiar
Just because his stuff hasn't led to much doesn't mean he's like the rest of the town just accepting the way things are. Donna is the worst offender of this I think, wants to keep people living in the hell town as long as they're "safe" and doesn't want to rock the boat
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>Why didnt they immediately start leading the animals into houses?
>Why haven't they tried trapping or capturing the monsters?
>Why haven't they done more experiments with the talismans?
It doesn't resemble the symbol at all. Also, the "symbol" you are referring has already shown to be a bunch of roots in a hole where the kids are trapped. It's not the symbol for anything
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Will I like this show if my favorite show is Sopranos?
its a simulation 100%.
>jade is a computer guy it makes sense a computer guy would end up in the simulation
>boyds wife didnt believe the world was real
>scripted enemies that behave to programmed rules like the stones or being unable to open doors
>they can teleport from A to B
>they are monitored
>the world conditions can be changed almost instantly
>their radio signals went nowhere
no and you would probably hate it
youre a soulless, software-obsessed bugman
thank you m8
promise to kill yourself or at least eat your own shit if that anon turns out to be right and it is indeed a simulation
He's an advanced wizard incel. Would probably be terrified if he saw a boob
How long before we find out that those little bastards have been making bird sounds.
It does though. Also, her room number at the hospital adds up to 47 or something in that regard. There's something fishy about it, My guess is that Tabitha and Victor's father are going to break into the hospital to get to From town. Victor's father is going to sacrifice himself to get Tabitha to the town.
It's sort of stupid, but look at Lost.
oh yeah Donna is dumb af
noooo Boyd don't think about how to stop the monster that's gonna kill us, we're gonna do a wedding right now
all characters have been miniaturized by the government

>many characters are small (boy in white, ethan, aghoohey kids)
>there are cars in From, that stop working.. maybe they were toy cars
>they're monitored (by the government to test the efficiency of the technology)
>world changes fast because miniature biomes are prone to rapid change
>injuries heal faster (smaller cellules)
>mosnters have no working organs (they're toy robots)

this is how you sound you retarded fuck. all symbology suggests a long lasting (ever since 1506) magic entity that has been trapping people. some characters seem to know more about it. do you think the boomers or wine moms that watch this show want it to be about dark souls videogames?

if it's a simulation why the fuck do they all arrive from different parts of the world and find a fell tree? What's all that about? What about the spooky kids? They're just quests? So that's it? The story is that it's a videogame and nothing else? Come on
>video game
that they trap dementia grandpas, children and people that are unaware of whats going on implies there is some more sinister thing going on there.
even if it was a videogame it wouldnt be humane to get a family with children in there and having to see these monsters and what they do with people.
I thought they could finally fight back against the monsters with the Boyd worm blood. Like dip bullets, spears, arrows, etc in his blood. But then it's just a one-off and now they can't kill more
That would be the stupidest, most boring outcome. It's crazy how soulless you people are.
>There is no wonder or mysticism, everything is a bugman AI videogame simulation
How do you end up like this?
They are sacrifices to keep azathoth from waking and ending the dream we exist in
I think the worms were some sort of 'demon' that Martin passed off to Boyd, Sara says that Boyd freed whatever it was that was inside him. So if the monster host dying caused the the evil spirit thing to be released, then the fluid is inert now I guess.
Its totally a videogame simulation. Theyre researching how people are going to behave if theyre forced to deal with skinwalker ghouls. I have no wonder left in my soul, everything has to be logically explained to line up with my megaautism
nah bro you are literally retarded if you cant see that this is some artificial digital place.
>all symbology suggests
bro its all part of the same videogame, they can program whatever they want into it they made all the textures and items.
>do you think the boomers or wine moms that watch this show want it to be about dark souls videogames?
even boomers know what videogames are and play them, also AI and VR shit is all over the news.
all that shit been mainstream for years.

>if it's a simulation why the fuck do they all arrive from different parts of the world and find a fell tree?
the company sources their test subjects from everywhere.
makes sense.
that they all arrive via car might mean they are victims in accidents.
>The story is that it's a videogame and nothing else?
no the story is the government or someone else is trapping innocent people in that virtual space for some reason.
brain in a jar type of shit.
seems more plausible than your minituarization bullshit cmon man at elast try to use your brains
>That would be the stupidest, most boring outcome
and thats exactly why its going to happen.
shit they are right it is some videogame
errm... Paranormal stuff is UNSCIENTIFIC, mmkayy? It just HAS to be a videogame
Why is the government trapping people in an AI simulation populated by supernatural zombie ghouls? The videogame copout is on the same level as "IT WAS A DREAM ALL ALONG"
Go polish your funko pops
Exactly but it's even more frustrating because you can tell they're writing her to be in the right in some of those interactions. And then the radio thing failing and causing other bad stuff "proving her right"
>Why is the government trapping people in an AI simulation populated by supernatural zombie ghouls?
there could be hundreds of reasons for that.
>The videogame copout is on the same level as "IT WAS A DREAM ALL ALONG"
it makes no sense to be a dream, because people cant share a dream.
but they can share a multiplayer game.

man you must be really stupid if you cant figure any of that out, I can see their twist from seasons away
Too fuckin scary- turned that shit OFF!
You just arrived at the colony house and Donna is trying to explain what's going on here. She takes you to the bedroom and pushes you on the bed. She starts undressing and sits on top of you trying to insert your limp penis. What do you do?
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Episode 1 was such an amazing experience.. questions are being answered like never before.. new mysteries are being revealed.. how hyped are you so far?
Well first I try to figure out how I have a penis. Did the town give me one?
Boyd = Job
If Boyd loses hope then the devil (the town) wins, everyone is killed, and the game starts again
If Boyd keeps his hope the town loses, Boyd goes free, and gets a smoking hot new wife.
Why don't you have one now? Chopped it off?
Boyd didn't think he was going to survive, unless the creatures just decided not to kill him when he fell into that rock, he had no idea what the talismans even were. Maybe the creatures are playing a long game but I don't know why they would, they seemed to be enjoying killing the incoming people on the first day they arrived.
Could be cool...except for the fact that he's relatively new to the town. It's been going on for a long time
Donna is a dyke for sure so even if you were a woman she'd probably just be even more likely to rape you.
>Lets get a thread going for our favorite terrible tv sh- actually i gotta go, we'll talk about this later

Kek'd. Based OP.
umm... Nathan might beg to differ if he could talk
I think they just play with them like toys. I'm sure there's various ways how they could've killed everyone already if they wanted to but then it would get boring again
Tragically I was born without one.
You shouldn't be asking these questions
Christopher was the previous Job and he lost. My shitty theory is that the town has to replenish itself after each 'game' so that's why it's been going on for a long time.
They gotta stop introducing new unexplained shit! We have enough mysteries as is: the monsters themselves, the talismans, the anghooey kids, the radio voice, the spiders, whatever it was that dragged the tent, the dreams being lethal thing, etc. I'm not saying answer everything at once but there's no way they can tie this all up if they keep adding things
but then the writers of the show would have to actually start explaining things and we dont do that here
It's fairies. It was pretty much confirmed agter this came out https://youtu.be/2Ncx35nHkgA

Same premise, same monsters, same behavior. I was a big fan of the theory video game theory (virtual reality expert + roller coaster designer), but The Watchers settled it. The only thing they can do now is to get butthurt that everyone knows and change it for expectation subverting credit.
Assuming you're truthful, do you think the writers keep bogging the show down with the interpersonal character drama for the female audience? I'm watching because of the monsters, mystery, and weird stuff going on and get annoyed with the whiny character stuff.
they are maling it as they go, there are no answers, it's an endless mystery box conveyor
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>6 hours until the new episode
will it suck?

I don't wanna talk about it.
is just how the world works there. no need to explain imo.
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>will it suck?
all those things individually don't have to make sense because they will just pull out a single banal explanation for everything
>do you think the writers keep bogging the show down with the interpersonal character drama for the female audience?
I'm pretty sure they keep bogging the show down with interpersonal character drama because they are just padding the story and don't have a clue of ow to wrap up the mysteries they keep adding to the plot.
[first ep of new season starts with a blatant 4th wall break

They are making fun of us
O fucked up the meme arrow
Remember, having a rod pulled out of your head is way less painful than getting the Old Yeller treatment.
I'm scared. Remember: It's ok to be scared.
>everybody loved lost
>at least until they didn't
>how do we remake lost without it being lost
>i know it won't be on an island
>excellent idea rubensteinberg let's run with that
>and instead of some unknown force at work around them we make the force known and obvious
>yes yes sheinbaumbergstein what about zombies
>no zombies have been out for a while
>well what about werewolves
>everything in the werewolfsphere ends up getting shit on because it's not kate beckinsale in latex pants
>well how about vam-
>murderous cannibal ghosts?
>and we could have various actresses get blacked
They''re not ghosts or caannibals you stupid fat lord
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Julie's hiding it and you'll never guess where
There are rules
Show boobs
Show dick
Wasn't the twist in that about a hidden basement in that room where an academic was actually studying the fairies to try and become immortal or something, I vaguely recall reading the book.
The tasteful hint of her bra, very nice
It's some sort of supernatural threat being controlled/regulated/experimented on by some government or corporate entity.
>your wife shouldn't be digging that hole, Ethan
Was not a creature it was a person for sure.
There are rules
You shouldn't talk about the rules.
I gotta go
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5 hours fromchuds
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>It's a funeral episode
At least next weeks episode sounds better.
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>killing off Kenny's mom instead of Sara
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>doesn't resemble the symbol at all
these always suck
why would this work?
I think it will end up being something like aquina rift from love death and robots. Everyone is caught by a psychic inter dimensional spider, who has them asleep and captive. everything happening is a dream or illusion pumped into them to harvest their emotions

It seems like the monsters are invincible, minus the one episode where they killed one and got some goo that magickly kills them (im retarded and just like the show) but it seemed like a giant undertaking.

My explanation - too many women and niggers lol
the lack of traps for the ghouls is retarded
Same, time to leave and not ever discuss anything happening around us I guess
Why didn't they just go all together one morning and try to block the tunnels they found them sleeping in?
Theyre too busy going on walks and changing the topic. My copium headcannon is that theyre being mind-warped to prevent them from discussing things and getting too close to the truth
It resembles it in the sense that it's round and has some lines. That's about it.
lmao, anything is better than this show
im hater watching at this point to see how much worse and more boring it gets
season 3 is already past parody level
Look at it upside down
Yeah im thinking this too. A bit like Darkwood if anyone here has played that.
Some kind of entity is harvesting emotions or whatever and keeping the inhabitants in a slumber. That scene where they were trapped in the nightmare or whatever and screaming pretty much confirmed this for me
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It's an alien playing vidya.
ayyy lmao

dub dubs

>want to make a show
>come up with the most bizarre bullshit possible to hook in audiences
>some channel wants to pick it up and pays you bigly
>tell them you have an ending in mind (but really you are just winging it)
>milk it for a few seasons
>david chase the ending and walk away a millionaire
pretty good grift tbqh
The voice on the radio is the actor that played John Locke
How many hours left?
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checked and ayyy, i gotta go
The hospital logo is just a stylized cross. Not the same as the symbol Jade is obsessed with.
The one on the left is a cross
>"UHh, actually, I shouldn't be here. Let's go back tomorrow morning"
Is Jim the most retarded character in this series?
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Season finale guest star is the same guy who did the voice on the radio, terry o quinn aka locke so I'm gonna guess the big end of season reveal is going to be finally knowing who radio is and seeing the behind the curtain and the people running fromville
from? from what?
the final episode should be "lets talk next week (season)" to really rub it in
Not from what...but from WHEN
He's literally Locke, FROM is a sequel to LOST.
Yep, they really do
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I want more of picrel. His bus camping strategy has confounded all supernatural tricks so far.
buschud is probably going to become one of the creatures
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>'member me Boyd? Come out of dat dere talismanned house why dontchya?
hes going to tie Boyd to a pole and recite /pol/ pastas from memory
>Well I'd buckbreak yah but looks like you've gotta go.
drop the damn episode before i bloody piss myself
>e in this
I haven't watched the episode yet, did they go no1 or no2
I know what happens this episode.
>From backwards is Morf (morph),
oy vey I've just worked out the premise.
leave FROM alone I love this show so much
>Watch From S1
>/tv/ didn't care for it at the time
>forget about it thinking it was going to get cancelled anyways
>now on S3 and /tv/ is finally talking about it
Not gonna lie bros, im kinda fomoing, should I watch S2 and S3? Are they as funny/shitty as S1?
season 2 had its moments but its inferior to s1
>conservatively dressed
Haven’t seen anything about this trash, but let me guess, some evil villain? Bravo kikes
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Kek accurate
sounds like Disco Elysium's Pale
Just finished reading every episode synopsis. Absolutely brutal. I can see why you guys stuck it out this long, sounds like retarded fun but will never end or be resolved satisfactorily. How many niggers are in it? Just the puffy chipmunk cheeked one from the matrix sequels?
reddit found this place and now its over
Seen a bit of episode 2. Kenny's mom survives.
From translates to Fae. everything is supernaturally related to fairies, sirens and the laws surrounding that particular folklore. the runes are from vikings because theyre in Newfoundland
big if true
What the fuck does this even mean?
The last thing I want while monsters are tearing me apart from head to toe is some blackie giving me positive affirmations.
Why haven't they tried fire. Burn the monsters. Burn the forest
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if only you knew
I often wonder what Fromussy must feel like
they dont live in the forest, stop speedwatching and think before posting
Forest is next to town. All around them.
If they could reach outside world. Or send signal. Fire would be it. Also clearing out forset might show them something.
I know monsters live underground. With them I was thinking more about molotovs. Sure guns don't work. How about setting them on fire?
why dont they just leave the water running in all houses until it floods the entire forest?
They are saving buring the forest for the finale because it's a spectacle and the most obvious way to end it
Wow you're racist? That's cringe
The fromoids live in a cave though the forest doesn't matter.
>sunsets and farm animals remind you of Minecraft
Anon, you maybe surprised to learn that you're autistic
The only good thing we are getting this episode is Victor's dad. The town will just have a funeral and nothing interesting will happen there this episode.
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This girl is so plain yet so hot. How does she pull it off.
We can talk about that later
Boyd can speak chinee
I am, but that's less about color and more about "shut the fuck up and let me die without your annoying bleat".
torrent when
stream when
epicly trolled, sire
Torrent is out. Downloading ETHEL release.
post magnet faggot
Sorry I only use private trackers.

>0 seeds
>/tv/ didn't care for it at the time
Wtf are you talking about season 1 we had rolling threads the entire time
Donna is so in on this shit it's not even funny
or the lady who guesses fatima is preggers
Tienchen moved on?

Damn this episode is FUCKED. So many death flags.
Not when I was watching, I even tried to make a couple but they died down pretty quickly
She definitely is
yeah I think its froming time
I skip through every single scene with boyds sonans the Arab chick besides the blood transfusion one
Wrong time I guess, the whole gotta go thing started with s1 threads, and you missed Balloon anon
Just started S2. S1 was kind of shaker at times but they are really nailing some of the story and mystery box stuff. I'm prepared to be disappointed, but this is comfy af so far.
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>the whole gotta go thing started with s1 threads, and you missed Balloon anon
>I'm Buckbreaking.
I’m considering rewatching the first two seasons since i was only half watching at the time and never bothered to check if there were threads for it.
this seems like retarded fun though.
Victors dad is not a bad actor
funeral episodes should be illegal
what happened to the corey's in the house seizure kid?
Yeah Im gonna catch up, hope it doesn't get axed after s3
>this seems like retarded fun though.
S1 was pretty funny iirc
Sex with apologetic middle aged hippie farmer
I am surprised they didn't try this before.
I can't fix sara but I will have sex with her
>jade is unironically going to try the talisman in a box tactic
Apologize to the box anon, NOW!
fatima 100% doesn’t shave which makes all of her scenes terribly distracting.
Yeah, they need to go on the offense now. Fucking catch and burn the monsters.
Good episode. Lots of interesting new from lore from the outside and they are finally gonna go offense on the monsters.
Kenny's mom is still alive. We never got confirmation or a pulse check
He's live

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Episode 2 was such an amazing experience.. questions are being answered like never before.. new mysteries are being revealed.. how hyped are you so far?
this but unironically
Will Kristi be able to quell Kenny's incels rage with sex?
>its even worse than the last episode
just put me in the box
>Why haven't they tried trapping or capturing the monsters?
doubt this would work, they're constantly being watched
i should have figured it would be a misery/nothingburger episode since they killed off tinchin but holy fuck that was bad. viktors dad and boyd/kenny in the snow were good but
Thomas status?
I think it was actually a decent episode by itself but the problem is that the previous episode was also a nothingburger
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>we can do this right?
>cut to this
pure comedic gold
I have this feeling she's still alive and they don't realize it
So is Fatimas baby gonna be some mutated freak or something?
why would we watch if they went woke and started covering her cleavage
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why is she such a cunt now
>Why is a teenage girl acting like a teenage girl?
We are finally on the path to getting more information. Boyd confirmed it
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thanks reddit for pile driving jokes into the ground
who would do it if it wasn't for you
not matter how bad From gets it's never going to be as bad as Wayward Pines
The worse From gets the better
>town was founded by European settlers
>to avoid starving they made a pact with a spirit that lives in those woods
>the ghouls come out at night to gather the sacrifices they offered to him
>stuff like the nightmare bugs or the ghouls killing the town's livestock are a result of the town using talismans to avoid handing people over to the ghouls
>Sara redemption arc
Fuck, I tire of this forced meme.
>I couldn't help her
>I gotta go
Jade is now the new Khatri.
>everything we see is some woman's acid trip
KEK can't make this up...
never watching this shit show again
Fucking hell.
He looks like he might be in charge.
>it's a fatima scene
I can just fast forward and miss nothing relevant to the plot, innit
he was trying to get one of the fairies to shape change into his dead wife cause he thought he could bring her back that way
You are going to miss out on what is clearly going to be some kind of alien belly buster scene where she dies a painful death.
>new thread for Kenny


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