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Continued from >>203951078
I haven't finished watching it so I gotta got, but I'll post about it later, I promise
reddit show
reddit posters
Oh great a thread to discuss-

-oh, sorry I gotta go
>kenny crying his heart out
>celebration starts to play
>waaahhh waahhhhh
>brown people aren't just token characters anymore reeee
shut up chudly
im watching it in 360p
at what point does kenny kill himself cause fuck me is he going through the ringer every season
he's going to snap and join the ghouls, calling it now
Kenny had a hard life.
The fucking radio blasting celebrate good times as he's crying his heart out over his mum was peak comedy
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Should I watch this? Just finished Severance and loved it, looking for a new show to pick up, but not sure if I could handle another le ebin Lindelof mystery that goes nowhere?
Go for it but don't expect them to answer shit.
From? From what?
Who's Thomas?
Jim's kid who died
Brother to big tiddy girl and the annoying child, died before show started which is why they went on the trip to begin with. I'm wondering what the fuck ups with pregnant arab and if she's gonna turn into a vamp
Kenny has slowly become my favorite part of the show. It's been a while since I've seen a character take such unbelievable amounts of shit in this way where both the drama AND comedy of the situation are all done through him
do not watch it until it is completed, if it ever is. currently it is NOT worth watching as there is too much pointless drama and nonsense. if you cannot help yourself, watch season 1 as it is rather gripping. it is a mystery box show
I said it was faries since s1 why don't people listen to me, I'm always right, I'm right about the cave wall and how it happened too
Also I was right about why Tabitha wouldn't talk to the cops, you all should just accept everything I say is right
No-one should ever listen to this retard, he spends all his time trying convince anons to not watch shows
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The writers played pic related and are copying it. Watch it be some alien/cosmic entity that's keeping the inhabitants in a coma and feeding off of the emotions that it induces in their coma nightmares
it's probably a giant spider like the one that moved boyds tent because he was getting too close to finding its lair. one of the characters will build a makeshift flamethrower, find the lair and burn it alive along with themselves, which kills them but frees everyone else
its the fucking fae
nobody fucking knows what that obscure shit is. everyone knows what cosmic horrors/aliums are
go back
thats why they thought people wouldn't figure it out, its been obvious to me since s1
I cant tell you
Nobody knows what evil fairies are?
faeries being malicious forest dwelling creatures that play with and torment lost people trapping them in mazes, young man spends a night with the faries comes out ancient etc, these are not obscure things
im 32 and i know who tinkerbell from peter pan is. thats it
Lesbianism interracial cuckolding cowardice multiculturalism gas lighting Asperger's faggotry.
Your ignorance is your own problem, you've really never heard a nasty fae story? Ever? Do you know about leaving out bread and milk? Or never accept food from someone you meet alone I the woods? You've never encountered folklore of any kind? Rumpelstiltskin?
This isn't twatter their are no hashtags here spastic
Sodomy bastardry gook nonsense fake story look like her doctor shaking head dick riding peanut stuff
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Pouring one out to Kenny's Mum
are you having an episode? did you forget your pills?
Bitch rat scoundrel gook grandma dead fictitious poison slut degenerate dad people can't survive without a talisman
Na just showing to other blokes how you being bought in is retarded
yeah never heard of any of that gay shit
you're still wrong btw
you should talk to your carer I think you've gotten your medication mixed up
nope i'm right and its really strange you've gone though your life without ever hearing or reading any folktales
Blake here is the 4 1 1 I got no carer I am retarded but I have a 300k net worth which is pretty good for a retard like myself at my age.
oh you're esl nvm
this is an english language board please keep that in mind for any future posts
Kek same bloke I'm a fella what you are saying is beyond retarded especially in this thread. Why not just relax and bevq bloke? I reckon you are American which explains the retardation. Regular blokes like myself for example from Australia are just keen to play a role.
as I mentioned you should attempt to use english if you expect any engagement beyond suggestions to TAKE YOUR MEDS
oh fuck fatima likes rotted food, monster baby incoming
nah but yea
Redditom got season 3?
Any reveals? Or just yapping?
From what?
stop trying to fit in
>Also I was right about why Tabitha wouldn't talk to the cops
Because she thinks she has to tell the truth. We told you that she can just say that a tree fell while they were driving and the car rolled down a hill and she just woke up in the hospital. The state will send search teams and they'll disappear to the town which will make the state send more people who will also disappear which will then cause the government to take shit seriously and figure out this problem.

It's the same thing in any horror movie. You don't call the cops and say "OMG there's dinosaurs here come quick!", you call and say "There's an intruder here with a gun OMG he's so scary please help!" and then they send cops and the cops see the fucking dinosaur and call more cops.
I thought Julie was being a bit unfair to Jim. They were basically bullying him into going for Tabitha, and then she got mad at him for actually doing it.

This seemed more about not wanting a repeat of the Thomas situation though, which I understand.
Except you argued that she should tell the truth before you moved the goalposts. Even then, accessing Fromville isn't something the cops can really do at all. You have no idea what you are talking about.
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I explained her mindset, exactly why she did what she did, and oh wow I was 100% correct, just like I am about everything else
rising daughter is the ultimate cuckoldry for a man.
you said she should explain what happened and then the cops would get the fbi and nasa on it and shit like that, then said they could pinpoint the location of the fallen tree based on where they were coming from, so no you were so wrong so very very wrong
I never said she should tell the truth I don't know what you were arguing about with other anons. It doesn't matter if they don't instantly find Fromville, they'll search for it and if 1 cop goes missing looking for the non-existent car accident.
yes you did you liar, how do you search for a location that both exists everywhere and nowhere simultaneously? why are you even attempting to defend your posistion anymore? is she somehow going to convince the entire government to start randomly driving down every road in the country and take a detour any time they encounter a fallen tree in the hopes its the one that leads to fromtown? your idea is so poorly thought out, its completely retarded
>The state will send search teams and they'll disappear to the town
holy speedwatcher
goddammit it, burn them in the caves anon almost got his wish
Gotta take a dump first, brb.
Hilarious episode, super fun series
hello schizo(s), you were missing from(tm) the ep.1 threads
>a location that both exists everywhere and nowhere simultaneously
ok I hadn't even watch the last scene to this episode yet, I am now confirmed to be psychic or maybe I just paid attention, all of this seemed obvious s1, anyone what to know what happens next?
i like how this episode coverd all that shit we talked about
going to the caves to burn them
trapping one
she wont talk too the police because of crazy
also the final scene just to spell it out, the location of the town, yes all theories confirmed, now just go into the caves and burn the fairy fucks
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That part was cool.
by the way, tabitha and victors mom were both in a mind altered state, victors mom through acid, tabitha through postpartum depression, an altered state of mind to become in tune with the unseen world the unseelie(fae) if you will, this is pretty basic mysticism stuff
Tabitha looks likes my boss if she was 100lbs skinnier.
It was pretty clear from the start, retard.
yes I know they were even shown a map of all the locations across the country people came from and yet they had to spell it out again because you have retards like this >>203980747
where can I watch ep 2?
on the internet you are on it right now!
I know this show is terrible but fuck me it's the only thing currently airing where I actually look forward to the next episode. I literally can't even finish an episode of Agatha All Along and while the Penguin is alright it doesn't make me chomp at the bit every week to see what's next.
>celebrate good times
that was both cruel and hilarious, the evil entity is such a cheeky bugger
Put it in your ass you sodomite.
please take your mental breakdown somewhere else
It's not terrible, anon. Just slow paced.
What's the deal with blokes? Clearly the general theme of the programme is sodomy and me calling it out is apparently the worst thing in the world for esl's
Pick up an anime and stop watching westslop.
why do you think its terrible?
It has a portland dyke in it. Its terrible.
no thanks I'm not a tranny
> Pick up slop to stop slop
How about that kek imagine a so called 'bloke' typing that shit what an absolute.
You don't have to be weird.
please go back to your containment board you are clearly lost
>no thanks I'm not a tranny
>he says after admitting he watched Agatha All Along
no I'm not that anon I would just like you to take your weirdo shit and go on back
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Anime website, kid.
you trannies really do love to try that eh? no this is /tv/ your containment board is called /a/ now fuck off back there you tiresome faggot
I didn't say anime board I said anime website. Sit down, be humble.
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How about you go back to your horrible solitary life, faggot? I'm trying t discuss television film and you are being a reactionary. Here is some truth for you Blake, some people just want to have discussions and not be contrarian retards.
take your schizo shit and fuck off you weirdos
Follow your own advice, cuck.
last (you) (yuou) mentally deranged schizo
The word weirdo doesn't mean anything here retard. It makes us think you're a woman or reddit.
stop trying to fit in
>stop trying to fit in
nice reddit projection
Just ignore it. This guy has been shitting up From threads since season 1.
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yea in other news the forest once again provided, just like when boyd went out ages ago to find out what was going on and found talismans and livestock, jim and kenny went out to find out what was going on and found vegetables and possibly fish, the forest distracts anyone trying get out with a gift something desperately needed and they go back to town
>Just ignore it.
That's what a reddit cuck would say. Sit in the corner and jerk off your 2 incher while I fuck your thread.
at least you admit that you're a shitposter
This thread

could use

some reddit spacing

to accommodate

our reddit pal

the show is really shitty btw

criminal main character

dyke romances

we pretend to care about

I hate black people

and trannies
someone has to maker a webm of victor this ep
>no, no I have to go
dykes are woke

they are anti men

they can be

fixed though

by unhooking them

from jewish


and by

giving them











a black














I mean they only just started rationing and that fat chick is one of the bus people, still there is donna
>me when I see all this shitposting






















has every character had an 'I gotta go" moment?

























When I was
Just a little boy
I asked my father
Please don't rape me



























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at this point I'm convinced that the writers browse these threads































it has to be intentional, prediction series will end with them escaping the ghosts and ghouls are all watching them begging them to stay, the mcs all turn around
>sorry, we gotta go
>fade to black




































what a pearl crutching fag
lol retard, everyone know this shit you dumbass zoomer
with our predictions beeing so spot on
i will predict that next episodes some calls out everyone running away from their problems
lmao boyd telling donna GET THE FUCK OUTTA HEEEEEE was fucking good
Iboyd and kenny start planning to trap a ghoul, jade is on board, donna and jim start saying this its dangerous, julie asks fatima if everything's ok and she replies that she shouldn't be asking those kind of questions, ethan asks victor to stay victor says to come with him they've gotta go
blud thinks we in one of his discord servers :skull emoji:
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I thought this was giant spider legs, anyone else? Maybe that's what Anghkooey is, it's a giant spider the original residents worshipped or something and sacrificed to. That's what moved Boyd's tent. They look different from the roots, but if it is just roots, why would they make it into a symbol?
The trees do seem very important. The faraway trees, the tree blocking the road that seems to be what traps people, the bottle tree.
Good forest spirit cursed by evil entity
Listen, I gotta go
look look just hang on a second we have to talk about this
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>enjoy the show so much he's unbearably excited for the next episode
>thinks it's terrible

Is there a name for this condition?
Jim should've slapped Julie and then maybe spanked her with her pants down haha imagine how her butt would jiggle if he did that haha LOL
They... Yep... I gotta go.
like i said, they are copying darkwood. the trees replicate in that but in From they just move around because they're alive/part of this entity, like an appendage
Real talk now champs.... Why are they hiding Julies talent? Both of them.
the trees the birds and the boy in white are separate from the ghouls the spiders and the dream demons, it is two different entities and no neither are aliens, they are fucking fae, just accept it it will make things much easier for you to comprehend, its a forest god thats been overthrown by a blood god, and the forest god is trying to take control back its avatar is the boy in white, these are facts please remember i'm always right
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they are the key to the mystery
the good god is hiding its secret weapons from the evil
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>2 episodes in
>no Julie content

Julie bros... I don't feel so good
>"we can't keep sitting around"
>finally gonna try burning them
>finally gonna try catching one
so they read these threads during the last season, right? i kept posting every fucking thread that they had to start doing this
do you think the tree line changing means that one is gaining control over the other? like a spiritual tug of war?
When is Kenncel gonna get some pussy? Doesn't he deserve it after all he's been through?
and i've argued with you every time that its not fesiable, at least not blocking them in the cave with rocks (lmao) or catching them in a cage. But my ideas burning the caves? trapping them between 2 talismans in a house? now that has potential.
Ellis' iranian bitch wife isn't giving birth to a monster, she's turning into one, one that doesn't have to wait until sunset, a daywalker. The whole town is fucked.
Why is she eating rotten food?
It represents how the people in the town got here as fresh but with time became rotten on the inside.
Women do anything for attention
What's with the characters acting completely different each day?
>I can't stay, I have to go find my wife, don't worry kids daddys just going out to get some smokes
>oh actually maybe I should be a responsible father, I'll go back in the morning

>we need food boyd! everyone is going to starve in 2 more weeks!
>what the hell do you mean you tried to save the food? people are more important! now we have 1 less mouth to feed!!

>uhh why is the pregnant woman taking so long in the bathroom? hurry up you stupid bitch!
>heh sorry for being a dick yesterday

Seems like bad writing but it it's almost like they're trying to be blatant about it, like what was the point of the asshole girls lines otherwise
the forest god is trying to protect them by drawing in the tree line, or its under stress and is collapsing in losing ground basically, the forest is misunderstood its actually a protective mechanism, think about it anything involving the actual trees, the faraway trees the bottle tree, the things found in the trees food/livestock/talismans, are all good things. However their is the tree webbed in with spiders that boyd found, this is the binding on the forest god by the blood god, so yes its a tug of war and the blood god is winning, i'm using the terms blood god and forest god for lack of any other term, I'm certain about the forest elemental/god but as for the evil I'm not sure exactly
her baby is a ghoul/fae
i just love this stupid show so much is unreal. I watch it knowing that is stupid but is FUCKING FUN. The funny thing is i recommended it to people and they all love it and talk about it like is some masterpiece kek
again this is common fairy lore, people lost and starving are drawn to a great banquet a lavish table piled high with fresh ripe fruits and meat but moldy rotten fruits and meat on a worn rotten table of filth. Its often a pregnant women who is lured to such a feast.
lol missed a few words their meant
>people lost and starving are drawn to a great banquet a lavish table piled high with fresh ripe fruits and meat but in reality its a table of moldy rotten fruits and meat on a worn rotten table of filth
That's a child
yeah I had a good chuckle too, but in the end it snapped him out of his depression enough to move the plot on. Good directing by the AI there.
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and a sexy one at that
it's worth watching to come shit a thread up afterwards, but besides that it's a 3 season long blueballs so far.
she got pica syndrome now that she knows shes malnutrished
I want him to lose more things he loves, hope he's somehow forced to kill a human so he can be the second shunned character.
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That mullet cut is fucking atrocious.
its going to be him and sara in your heart you know I'm right
idk what you mean by that,its so weird what do you want the show to do? just lay everything out on the table have an entire episode of info dumps to explain exactly what is going on and why? god I hate zoomers so much its unreal
>Tulsa King voice: "You work for me now."
yea its blatant because its two opposing forces acting on them, one wants them to stay the other wants them to go
>cute and normal looking for most of the show
>lesbian gf shows up
>instantly turns her into an ultra dike looking bitch with one haircut

Jesus christ. If this show wasn't so compelling, I would have instantly dropped it right there.

I hate fags and their enablers so goddamn much. they're ruining movies, tv and video games.
>Born July 13, 2003 ยท Vancouver, Canada

Anon, your definition of "child" needs updating.
>Hello sir do you have a moment to discuss your cable services
>Victor's parents were hippies
even if Victor didn't get sent to fromville he will still end up as a creepy weirdo, poor guy never had the chance
it's realistic writing but you're probably not used to it.
How old is she supposed to be? She said she was 15 when Thomas died... so.. 17?
How come nobody suspects that boy(d) is in cahoots with the monsters?
because we've seen his entire story since he showed up in fromville
Not a zoomer, classic projection to ''fit in'' tryhard.

I want the show to actually build an interesting story. Instead we get 3/4 of each episode devoted to characters fucking around and getting into petty arguments they've had already. This episode is a prime example, two maybe three scenes out of the whole thing with any new information, there's rarely any real tension or need to think about anything presented on screen. If the characters were interesting or had good dialogue I'd be OK with it, but it's not. It's a real shame because the actors are pretty decent imo.

I don't want spoonfeeding lmao, just a better ratio of info/filler scenes. I've liked many mystery box shows and so far this one is pretty subpar. Honestly this might just be me, I have this problem with tons of TV shows that drag things out for no apparent reason. But if the anons in here saying it's all an elaborate ruse are right and everyone is getting Will You Kindly?' 'd somehow, I'll eat my words. I like the two opposing forces theory explaining the characters switching motivations every day, thus accomplishing nothing.

Episode is saved by 'Celebration' and 'We can't keep doing this shit, we need more information!' (please webm this).
lol ok zoomer, go watch something else on x4 speed then
I meant the residents, dummy.
he keeps being the reason anyone survives?
>no argument

Besides giving me an excuse to blogpost you might as well have just shut up then buddy
one guy did, he shot boyd, he didn't shoot so good, boyd shot him back
not the guy you're replying to but Boyd has 2 sides, either he's gotta go or he's about to breakdown and cry but still trying to act tough.
no reasonable man would think he's friends with the monsters
>thing happens in show
>references extremely obscure lore that nobody has ever fucking heard of
this is getting silly
nah you are "mystery box" anon you always do this, you are add and can't handle everything not laid out for you because your too dmb to figure things out for yourself withthe clues made apparent, you always do this to answer your statement
>Honestly this might just be me, I have this problem with tons of TV shows
yes its you its your problem, you can't handle that everything isn't laid out in neat patterns explained by timely and consistent info dumps, in short you are a massive pleb who needs to go back to your capeshit

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