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*completely ruins the show's immersion*
the show would've been better if little to no episodes focused on the gangs and it was mainly a detective show.
I bet you hate the longshoremen scenes, the Carcetti scenes, all of Season 5. Sorry it's not fucking Law and Order.
This is where you draw the line, and not zesty Omar?
If they didn't make Omar gay he would've just been another Scarface poster on the wall of a misguided youth
Basically the opposite of what Simon was going for
Anyone else also can't watch this show without constantly thinking about how nice those Baltimore rowhome neighborhoods would be if they were populated just by whites?
nta but none of those things were cartoon characters the way Brother Mouzone was, plus his only interactions with other characters made the more like cartoons
If he was this elite hitman he wouldn’t dress to stand out like that.
The white people would decide to move miles away from the city into giant soulless suburbs that can't be economically or environmentally sustained, and even though they are safe and clean the ultimate product was the fattest, most autistic generation of human beings ever known aka you, and then be forced to commute 2 hours every day to feed your obese and cretinous offspring
It's just a more insidious kind of disaster and degeneration
T. Old Man Striker
Omar already did that.
>even though they are safe and clean the ultimate product was the fattest, most autistic generation of human beings ever known
Because the parents were psyopped into thinking children would get kidnapped, raped, and/or killed if they so much as crossed the street
Nobody wants to live around niggers.
i think its probably more a lack of open spaces to play within walking distance. here in the UK we had a serious glut of serial killers in the 80s when this generation's parents were growing up, but me and all my friends were basically allowed to free roam as getting to the nearest parks was safe and quick
There's a Baltimore anon who's described exactly that (50+ years ago).
Yeah I mean black people can blame exterior influences for their condition too but the fact of the matter is that gunk-head fat balls who never develop an ego or superego aren't a superior race of anything and aren't going to lead the nation into anything
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>he got bowtie and glasses he be smart!
why did they cut the scene where he and omar got extra zesty?
Him,Omar, and Mcnulty's 4am milkshake are all points where the wire crossed over in to Toonsville.
This guy is literally fucking nothing compared to Marlo and the newspaper shit
honestly the cartoonishness represents the "true" believers in nation of islam well, they all seem like goofy aliens that just dont belong in the environment they're in
creepy ass robotic holier than thou hivemind.
Omar was a real person.
>that can't be economically or environmentally sustained
2 more weeks
This, I hate that fucker, not even because he’s a fag, just a shit character
did the show have any hoteps?
Shit was ridiculous
I'm glad 9/11 fucked them
This. The real-life Omar wasn't even a gay super stickup kid, he was just an insanely lucky crackhead who prayed on dumbass dealers. That being said, if they toned down his invincibility and gayness, he would have been a better character.
Marlo was extremely realistic, hollow sociopath with no higher ambition than "muh name" and "muh corners"
Nah, guys like Marlo do in fact exist in the hood but they rarely make something of themselves because Baltimore is such a shithole

>toned down his invincibility
>killed by a literal child
I remember hearing that the jumping from a building was a true story, just different distance I think
Longshoremen are the reason I can't make it through S2 of this fucking show.
Let me guess, you're foreign or a zoomer?
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There's plenty NoI faggots irl. Get out moar (in a "niggers could be here" neighborhood)
We sellin dope and coke in Baltimore nigga
Irl Omar is the zesty guy Butchie sends as backup to County jail that does his nails after revealing a shank to him.
It's like no one here saw the documentary New Jack City, which Simon plagiarized almost entirely.
I'm a black American millennial staring down 40.
Do you still have both your feet? Do you have priors? How many strikes left, if applicable? is it true you guys have like 17 different words for fried chicken?
>black guy can't stand to watch white people on screen for 5 minutes
I thought you guys were memeing with the representation shit but maybe you're all just retarded and can't put yourself in the shoes of another human being that's different from you.
>have to wait until the second to last episode for his invincibility to run out
Simon had like twenty-plus years covering the drug war in Baltimore. Many people in the show are based on the people he would come across on the job.
>sorry its not a good show
>that one botched robbery shootout with the guy and two girls where they shoot for 5 minutes and no police show up
>gets saved by a soft couch getting raped by bullets
>jumps from a building at an insane height
>somehow managed to get away quickly despite having a fucked up leg
I never once felt bad about Baltimorsters, but bubbles was cool
>get away
He was hiding in the building and the dumb niggers thought he ran away.
Every time someone mentions Bubbles all I see is fat Steve Earle.
I think I saw the show twice before someone pointed out he was in it.
>nigger nationalists are...LE GOOD
typical kike propaganda
There was a real person Omar and then there were "stories" of the real person and the show is based on latter. I mean look at this news story, we should make a movie about this guy.
How? Black muslim's in the hood is remarkably realistic
then watch another show at that point fucking dumb ass
>I bet you hate the the Carcetti scenes
I didn't care for the bane guy, indeed. And the journos were annoying too
BWC is currently annihilating your sister , crush, and mother lmao
He was worse than those fake cartoon buildings blowing up.
omar's skill was patience and the element of surprise/not being found
the moment he was out in the streets publicly, he was lit up by a juvenile

retards that act like he and mouzone are superhero tier are no smarter than the kids on the corner speculating how it must have taken an army of gangsters with ak47's to end his legacy
it's very clearly demonstrated in the show that the stories extend far beyond the reality
The Carcetti election plot was interesting the first time you watch it, and OK the second time. After that it's skip material. I've rewatched maybe 6 times over the last 15 years and that's the only plotline I skip over. I even watch the newspaper shit in S5 because it's better done.
>the moment he was out in the streets publicly, he was lit up by a juvenile
Omar was always in the streets. There are several scenes showing him scoring stashes while barely trying. In one scene, he's simply smoking a cigarette in front of a building completely unaware before the crew inside drops their package to him. He is absolutely a super hero depiction.
He jumps off a several storey floor and can hobble off with crutches the next morning. He spent weeks terrorizing Marlo's hardened niggas with crutches.

He was invincible until the plot needed him to die. Just as he started walking and being dangerous again, he gets randomly killed.
>5 seasons of shit to complain about
Oh God not a gay man
he moved around all the time and whenever you see him taking a stash, it is on his own terms and with the element of surprise
things didn't happen the way he planned twice and he got fucked up both times - against barksdale which led to the street shootout and against marlo when he jumped out the window
the stash being dropped out when he was smoking was a scene obviously showing the power of his legend in the streets - he doesn't have super powers but the people in baltimore talk of him like a superhero
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>There's nothing more dangerous than a negro with a library card.

I beg to differ.
also, when he tried to kill avon but weebay popped up and shot him the shoulder
doesn't sound much like cartoon superhero
Batman gets shot all the time and then makes miraculous recovery with no longlasting side effects
omar needed a doctor and then left the city to recover and hide from avon
keep reaching, faggot
And Batman doesn't retreat to his cave to be treated by that butler dude?
Yet most Omar scenes are on the street, negating your assertion that he was never on the street.
surely you understand the difference between appearing once - again, with the element of surprise and after days of planning/scoping it out - to take a stash somewhere new in the city compared to standing on marlo's corners day after day yelling for him to come on down
Yes Omar was stealthy and good at ambushing. No, he was not hiding at all times like you claim. He was always on the street. Everyone saw him and shouted his name when he came around.
yeah, it's not as if the people hunting him mentioned how they couldn't find him or the show displayed him living in abandoned buildings and checking his gum seal wasn't broken or staying with junkies he gave drugs to, or spending days in the backseat of a taxi
Is he a Nation of Islam black? Are Nation of Islam blacks really like that? Honestly when I was watching the show I was just baffled whenever he was on the screen and slightly pissed too.
The cops couldn't find street niggas that stand on the corner all day. Sleeping in vacants isn't the same as never being outside.
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>noooo he's not a comic book character he just has a super secret hideaway no-one can find!
how many times did you watch The Wire when David Simon's contributions to the story become too obvious to ignore?
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/tv/ is Carcetti Sobodka board
Sopranos had the Chrissy goes to Hollywood storyline and that was offf putting as well. It’s an unfortunate trope of resentful writers
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i always loved The Wire. Its hard to match its power from STORY TELLING as a crime drama

I've lived in many major US cities. Worked for 35 years in many different industries. I've been intimately tied to Law Enforcement, Courts and Municipality management. I have N E V E R encountered a black that was competent, let alone considered bright, trustworthy or accountable as a leader
The Wire is ridiculous with the black heroing
All the morally incorruptible enlightened super-competent geniuses are black
> Lester, Kima, Gus, Daniels

Super competent earnest darlings caught up in the game
> Prop Joe, Bunk, Avon,

weak and conflicted support (whites)
> Pearlman, Prez, Landsman

Selfish emotional fuckups (whites)
> McNulty, Rawls,Valchek, Sobotka
Problem with Mouzone is that hes suppose to be the most dangerous killer ever however we never see him in action, if anything, in his 2 scenes with a gun, he holds it like an amateur, he needed some big scene like Omar got when he shot Weebay for his reputation to make sense
>how nice those Baltimore rowhome neighborhoods would be if they were populated just by whites?
yes, its called GEORGETOWN
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>Mcnulty's 4am milkshake
Sorry, but this shit actually happens.
Apologies for your boring social life
Sorry no, this was off-chan.
>>206158015 meant for >>206145063
>Simon had like twenty-plus years covering the drug war in Baltimore
Simon's THE CORNER was a black-cast drama about heroin in the hood. It was a well acted drama
Ed Burns is the cop that provided the guts of the police procedural that IS The Wire

look at Simon's Treme, The Deuce, We Own This City..... those productions are much more heavy handed.

When Simon took the Generation Kill story, it was ALL written. He didn't have to add to the story
>Problem with Mouzone is that hes suppose to be the most dangerous killer
His representation in The Wire leaves a lot to be desired because they show him out and about everywhere.NOI is a prison religion and fanatically militant in and out of prison. Its nothing to see bowtie niggers selling the Final Call in nigger parts of town. Outside of that? I doubt it. Its a LARP for projected power. Those IN the NOI still operate like they're in prison. If you go against their people,they can really fuck you up in numbers...obvs none of them are concerned about going back to prison. Niggers know not to mess with NOI soldiers
The basic idea was the old Baltimore ethnic neighborhoods--German, Italian, Polish, Irish--were populated by people with a strong work ethic because they were expected to "make it" without handouts. In some cases, they were even the very laborers who built the houses and would not see their own work fall into disrepair. The strong sense of community brought social pressure to maintain a basic standard of cleanliness (without the need for nazi "HOAs"). And course, the family unit was properly understood as a cooperative effort, there was nothing "shameful" about women maintaining their homes.

Of course these points are trivial because they reflect the very different American culture as a whole. But the guy I was talking to made it sound quite personal and poignant in the Baltimore context, with particular reference to how the facades would be maintained, daily sweeping, and cleaning of the stone steps.
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too cartoonish for a somewhat grounded crime series, would've fit in somewhere like BrB though
Not too cartoonish for real life though.
Most of them are even more retarded than that. At least this dude was a capable killer.
suit niggas with a bowtie? I forgot whats Mouzone suppose to be anyway? hired muscle?
Implication here is that even if nigga would be learned from books and offered good education their violent nature would still cause them to do crime and hurt people, now he just would know how to dodge law and use advanced forms of violence. Still they wouldn't try to learn an actual profession or to do good or legal work.
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He wouldve been a better character had it been for that stupid suit and bowtie
Just let black people have shootouts in front of your children chuddie. They have really bad aim
My dad's from Baltimore and it was a good place to live prior to integration and the 1965 civil rights act. Late 60s riots is when the white exodus started. German Catholic and other white ethnic communities had to leave to protect their families
They believe white people were made by an alien in a space ship. The whole religion was made up by a black con artist in Detroit or Chicago
The Nation of Islam was founded by a white guy named Wallace Fard Muhammad who was from New Zealand, don't talk unless you know the facts.
>The Nation of Islam was founded by a white guy named Wallace Fard Muhammad
wtf is this real lmao, and people eat this shit up?
Don't troll here. Serious thread
how come he doesnt looks so black in the photo?
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>When Simon took the Generation Kill story, it was ALL written. He didn't have to add to the story
no he wasn't you gullible tard
looks white to me
kikes aren't White
As someone who grew up in baltimore/Dundalk, guns can pop off and it'll take about 5 minutes for police to get there.
links. now.
He was only pretending to be black because he was a con man
This is so fucking funny. Niggers just can't win.
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ugh imagine a whole race of nothing but charlatans
The current leader believes that. The members just kinda deal with the fact their leader is insane because it’s better than abandoning the ideals/community.
It's called (((The Wire))) as it's a thoroughly semitic/zionist show:
>Shows the true nature of most blakkks with a few coconuts thrown in
>Simultaneously the show also pulls on the heart strings of cowardly Americans; 'Oh looksee at these apes! They're all criminals but they're poor! You should feel bad! It's all your fault!'
(((The Wire))) referring to an Eruv the kikes put around their criminal pets and also The Wiring of endless billions to these nogs that the zionist wants to suck on forever and ever.

Just like "The Sopranos" "The Wire" is a zionist victory lap, bragging about what they're doing and will continue to do. Viewers are meant to feel cynical, sad and go back to gorging slop from the drive thru (trough) and don't dare think about the zionist occupation government.
I mean if you still havent figured out what or who "The Greek" is at this point, then idk what to tell you
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>already have stringer bell
>no we need a smarter black guy...
>a black with a bow tie, that should do it.
this is like if carlton had to go to the streets
This is a thread about
whats with you FAGGOTS???
we should be 300+ posts deep by now
you haven't lived if you don't intimately know this feel
> getting cold busted by your supervisors with no way out right before you get fired
>look at Simon's Treme
it was like a long form version of billy crystals routine he did for all those katrina people

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