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/tv/ - Television & Film

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>Female main antagonist has a sappy backstory, betrays her male boss and gets forgiven for everything in the end
sylvanus kinda meets this
name square root of pi movies where this happens
kenobi black whatever her name was
>been watching a “bad guy of the week” show lately
>if the bad guy is a man he’s killed half the time
>if the bad guy is a woman she’s almost always taken alive
The Goys
This reminds me of Better Call Saul.
Kim getting away with everything was repulsive, but also predictable because of her sex. And this happens in a series where characters frequently get killed.
>Female main antagonist wins and continues to hold biggest humiliation ritual of the year and eventually acquires enough power to single handedly change how everyone from the elite to the incels dress
Yet the Devil Wears Prada is hated by Incels....
Sir, this board is for movies and TV shows, not real life. You want /news/.

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