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Post your Girls Band Cry stuff here.

Is OP picture spicy enough?
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Its accepted even though it tells my I mistyped the catchpa. Ok.
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I have a real hard time imagining those two doing anal fisting. For all their anger and griping those two are really very normal, their sex will be very sweet but really vanilla.
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Composer Momoka
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Lady Nina
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"Lady Nina's Request"
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m: You can tell just by looking at her that she has grown up beautifully.
Just eat good things, see good things, and imagine a wonderful life...
m: So, what song do you want me to write?
(It would be something like a love song to send to a gentleman you have a crush on.)
n: I...
Please compose a funeral march for my funeral.
m: Yes?
n: I'd like a song that feels like it's fucking the people who came to the funeral.

n:Is that possible?

m: Yes.

So what does this Edwardian/Taisho era Nina planning? Suicide leaving a funeral song to torture her family??
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Arguing during sex.
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Could have picked actually good pairing for a change
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I asked, and more people wanted sex than wanted a particular pairing.
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I wish they had continued this series of lesbian competitive intercourse images with all the members of TogeToge and MyGO not just the drummers.
Stay in your thread AI scum.
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It's a great pic, nee-san, thanks! Don't let these weirdo contrarians tell you otherwise.
Also, please, someone, I'm begging you, please write more Ninamomo fanfics. I've read everything available already, some multiple times and I'm dying here.
what do you want to see?
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Forbidden love...
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I will take fluff, I will take angst, I will take smut. I just need some more Ninamomo in my life.
Nah they’d use cuffs.
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Random new Momonina fic dropped yesterday. Haven't read it yet, but just happy to see a new one on the GBC tag when it's been pretty dead lately.
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Did they make any songs about drowning fish yet?
If they had done this would DD have broken up?
they did it a lot before DD broke up and it didn't help
You really believe the orgy rumors?
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What will change, if anything, once Nina reaches drinking age? Is she still going to frown at Momoka getting sloshed even after she can join her? Nina seems kind of rigid.
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Fandoms always seem like a big happy family when the show is airing and content is being produced and everyone acts like they're still going to be there even when the lights go out but as soon as the final episode is in the books everyone bolts for the exits to jump on the bandwagon of the Next Big Thing and there's just like three people left alone in a room looking over the upturned tables for anything to read. I don't often write for big fandoms but it's always a trip seeing the daily kudos drip abruptly stop when the show ends like a faucet being turned off.
>there's just like three people left alone in a room looking over the upturned tables for anything to read
on that topic, let me tell you mate that I am glad to high heavens you no longer see IP count in threads
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Regret filled Momokana sex?
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These two really ruined my life, I can't no longer listen to music, read or write without thinking of them first.
MomoNina is driving me insane...
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Nina can be bought for candy corn??
that toothy grin feels waaaaay out of character for Hina desu
Except when its the "all according to keikaku" smile.
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idk what the fuck she put in that popcorn for the sake of her plan, but I'll be watching it unfold with great interest
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Rupa will trick Nina into drinking just so she can enjoy watching the chaos unfold
She had better take pictures too.
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This @ArticularM person finds different things interesting than most. Like MomokaNana and SubaNina.
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And they make Nana as boyish as Momoka.
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Is ikemen shojo x ikemen shojo a sustainable relationship? Or is there a inherent imbalance that meant they couldn't last and they had to each find a softer girl?
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But that is a normal and common option.
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The Usual Suspects.
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MomoNana is pretty common considering a huge chunk of people immediately decided Nana was Momoka's ex all because she said "Momokan"
So what do you guys think about Meant to be?
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What is going on here?
Current theory on xitter:
"The two new songs are teasers for the second season. Melt Into The Dark is the opening song and Meant To Be is the ending song."

Album has sold 26,000 copies in two days.

But in less happy news:

Soobs and Tomo will be replaced. They are pressing ahead with the fall live performance schedule without them. This does not look good at all. Seriously, what could they be "sick" with, both at the same time?
The image version of this can't be posted because it's over 10000 pixels.
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Who is saying this? JP fans? I admit I've been busy the last few days so I haven't been able to look around as much as I'd want, but first time I'm seeing this "theory".
Also been found on reddit- I don't think anyone who doesn't speak English can be found there so it could be only foreigners saying this.

The news that they are going to perform live with substitutes is more worrying.
I don't use reddit, plus they're idiots.

How is the live having subtitles worrying exactly? They've said from the get go they're aiming for an international audience.
not subtitles, substitutes, mirei and natsu arent performing at anisama because they still havent recovered, which puts their health in a worrying light
Maybe they couldn't delay the live any further.
Oh, I thought you were ESLing and it turns out I was ESLing all along.

I mean that's been a worry since Mirei just disappeared. If they make it for the 2nd one man live in a couple of weeks, I wouldn't worry anymore though. The worst that happens in a franchise like this is that they get replaced which sucks sure, but I dunno what else to tell you. Toei's probably not gonna drop the franchise any time soon though.
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>see subscribed GBC fic updated
>it's a HUGE chapter

I'm so happy right now.
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Is that a Baki reference?
Tsuchinoko roleplay.
>what could they be "sick" with, both at the same time?
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Who's in Korea?

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It appears to be a chart of their sexual preferences and endurances.
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Out of curiosity I looked at where Bandori's fics where 5 months after the very first fics were posted and they only seemed to have had 55 fics.

We're currently sitting at 144 within that first 5 month timeframe.

I just hope people will write more. There's a few OK fics right now, but a lot of it is lacking if I'm being honest.
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Akuma to Tenshi no Kissu.
This just gave me a flashback to the 90s and the old Earthain OAV series loosely based on the BL manga of that name. One of the OAV volumes was about a angel who became a fallen angel after falling in love with Rock and Roll and a London girl- and it was set in London. He only played live but his band and his girl convinced him to make a demo recording. And it turned out to be a weapon of mass destruction. It hypnotized people and they became addicted to it- like the Sharon Apple takeover in Macross Plus. When he played live, the effect stopped when he stopped signing. But a electronic recording could be looped and played endlessly.
He and his girl took the tape and ran, but their manager gave the info to both a label and to the mafia who he owed money to.
But heaven sent the MC Angel pair to bring the fallen angel back and destroy the tape.

These drawings remind me of a yuri version of that. A devil who was out because she discovered justice and a fallen angel meet and start a band and their music has such powers over the human mind that big tech, world governments, and the yakuza all want to possess them. And Satan and Heaven are sending demons and angels to bring them 'back home'.
And they just want to live as a normal yuri couple and play music to keep them in food, rent, and alcohol.
This sounds like it would be an amazing AU for a 27mm fic
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Really love this artist's work.
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One more page. It was in another post, not linked to the one with the first four.
2 of the members are still sick or something?
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Soobs and Tomo's VAs are still on hiatus due to health reasons, so they're gonna miss the two upcoming lives in september (13th and 15th)
no lives announced until november after that so hopefully they'll be back by then
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This artist has shown me the NinaSuba light, better late than never I guess
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this artist's horny schizo rants are absolute gold, desu
>another artist I follow makes a poll for their next drawing
>has MomoTomo as one of the options
>it loses to RupaTomo by just 10%
remind me again, /u/ is a red board through and through as far as nsfw content is concerned?
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The schizo tweets range from kissing at random times to futanari and honestly ____I like it__ (yeah I know where I am)
I don't think I follow?
Feel free to post bare titties and cunts
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aight just wanted to make sure
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>____I like it__ (yeah I know where I am)
have this then, password is "yes" as usual https://poipiku.com/10468531/10679212.html
hey man you're not the only one
but that stuff goes on /d/, let's keep the boards properly segregated
good shit
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Yes, you can even post dangerous snakes!
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gonna post the biggest snake of the series then
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english translation
This one goes first.
man, shame this artist keeps all their nsfw art to a private invite-only list
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@FaeGbc "I think Momoka is the type to be charming on accident"
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New book if anyone wants to get it.

It involves swimsuits.
i'll get it
too bad it isnt digital since it'll take a while to arrive and scan
Nina's cupcake breasts.
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i just dont understand why all girls band cry doujins tend to get below 4 stars even when translated
other yuri doujins from other series dont have this issue
Look how happy she is
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>prototype/preview version of some july merch had official diadus members birthdays on it
>release version didn't
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Like rating-wise you mean? Honestly who cares, I'm just glad they're being uploaded and translated.
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2nd Live Video
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>Friday's concert also announced the band's fifth concert at the Pacifico Yokohama venue on February 7, 2025. The staff will hold auditions for the band members and cast members who will appear in the previously announced smartphone game.
Hope you enjoy gacha
What happened to like half of the band?
nobody knows if illness or something else
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We just don't know
they'll be back
5 birds flew up during catharsis at the baycamp live today, 2 and 3 but all in same sky together, they will definitely be back.
the theory I agree with the most is just some form of a tendon/muscle strain issue from playing their instruments too much due to the auditions and whatnot, which is why recovering is taking so many months by now
I just hope they'll be back by the next live
they played every single song except the 2 newest ones at the 2nd one man so that makes sense, they are defitinely being pushed having to learn so many hard songs in such a short time
They were really great at the 2nd live so the practice has paid off, but for sure they deserve time to recover if it really is musculoskeletal issues. From experience I can say those suck really bad and take forever to properly recover from.
Can't they let them participate in the non-live activities at least? Or even just a clarification on what happened to them. I'm anxious they might replace them.
I just saw, they really DID release live birds at the Baycamp concert. And Rina and Yuki sang on a single microphone. I am being pandered to and I don't know what to make of it.
her stage name is Yuri, and she is doing yuri, I know it can be confusing.
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Rina and Yuri also apparently guilt some Japanese fans into giving back a towel they took from a Chinese fan after they got into a pushing and shoving match up against the security fence in front of the stage.
Baycamp imported the real club band experience, even including fights in the audience!
Getting read for January's show by having MyGO! record covers of TogeToge's songs and put them in their game.
why is it so cute
the artist got a very cutesy artstyle desu
makes it look strange but still working whenever they draw nsfw
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this artists twitter bio says "i hate futanari" lol
God bless and preserve them.
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i need a rupa episode so bad
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Somehow the idea of Nina's thorns coming out in Jealousy never hit me, I like it
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it's a very underutilized bit by the fan artists
I've seen maybe two or three pieces using it at most
though I think the thorns aren't meant to represent her being angry but instead that whatever she's thinking about is unfair/unjust? at least in the way Hina defines them in the flashback
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I wouldn't worry about it
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Spent the last few days finally watching this and my gosh, these two are so damn cute together. I finally understand.

I've spent all morning looking and trying to find artists on Twitter for them.
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welcome to the party, anon
enjoy your stay
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Finally someone drew this.
That pic is at least a couple of months old.
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in english, the last one translated for now from goggled
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Nina: Cant sleep without fingering followed by cuddling.
Momoka: Gets woke up by Nina's fist in her ass. Discovered to be superior than dumping her on the floor like in the anime.
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Ninners would never
>I didn't add #garukura to avoid being searched but got freaked out when I got a like from the official account
>Official chan, could it be you are not just searching #garukura, but perhaps also momonina?

Apparantly likes still show if it's your own post, official account cannot be stopped
Tweet has since been deleted sadly, but wew
Damn image limit reached, someone make a new thread
you do it

Dude that buys doujins. Here’s a new one coming.
I'm on it. Just whenever they release it on melonbooks.

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