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This thread is for any kind of VTuber (Hololive, Nijisanji, upd8, indies, mangaka, etc...) as long as they're gay.

Useful links:

Rules for /jp/ and /vt/ visitors:
No shitposting, no reddit memes, no waifufaggism, no to any kind of hetshit. Keep it gay.

Previous: >>4271378
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Why do lesbians love fingering each other naked at the beach in broad daylight? Think of the children!
Marine is no lesbian.
>a female and fingers in someone else's coochie
that's a lesbian in my book
The actual Marine wouldn't even have the guts to put her hand anywhere near another woman's cooch. Let alone want to.
The "real" Marine also isn't a pirate captain with red hair and heterochromia.
Even as her Vtuber self she is a coward though.
So, who Amelia surely fug in holomyth?
Her mom.
neither is Matsuri so moot point.
Matsuri is a bislut at least andf has molested and kissed plenty of girls. I can see her going over the edge and fingering a girl.
if she was she has clearly grown out of it seeing shes aiming exclusively for male ecelebs now. In fact she just found another one to mooch off of.
All yuri stuff she does is meaningless cause we know where she heart lies.
Nobody cares what you think. There is plenty of evidence what she does to girls irl, not much more than distant celeb crushes for dudes. Get fucked.
Does, or did?
You really are too stupid for even this thread, huh?
Answer the question, retard. It's different if it's a thing she did to girls but doesn't anymore and if she still does that.
No you fucking retard, this question is completely idiotic. Nothing has changed you half-brain. Matsuri molests girls and drools over guys, just like she's always done. Instead of asking stupid shit just look it up next time.
>drools over guys
Then why the fuck do you mention her? This is /u/, moron. Go fuck yourself
How fucking new are you? Do you not understand what the word bislut means? How do you not know who Matsuri is fucktard? You need to fall out a window.
Cecilia is a bit fruity ain't she?
She learned quickly from the others to keep up the yuribait.
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Nee-sans, I know they're not the most liked pair here, but help a sis heal by posting some of your best AmeSame pix, one last time.

Please and thanks
i don't really save images, but here you go, found this
Instructions unclear.
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Ask Gura to send you some she probably has a whole collection
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edited together some clips from the chionanok 3dio stream before it was members-only. sorry for low quality and audio cuts, its a screen recording. hopefully someone uploads the full thing soon.
They clearly bang
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here is their god doujin, your welcome
All germans are for some reason.
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Luna is a dangerous one
This is some old stuff, isn't it? Also this is hardly the most extreme thing Luna has made Subaru do. She already coerced her into kissing.
Yeah is an old one. I was just going through my files when I found it. Still, I'm impressed at how far Luna went with Subaru
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I found a pair of honest to goodness lesbian vtubers (one is technically a PNGtuber), they're married to each other.

Not really into vtubers but this seems like it'd be an oasis for you guys.

Streamer I found:


Her wife:


They have a kid
It's old news, but the sentiment is appreciated.

>they have a kid
Unprotected lesbian sex.
They don't actually have a kid, it's some dude that is a part of their Valo group that they "adopted".
Anon, their videos get posted her regularly and there is even one in this thread.
Also that shitty adoption joke is annoying.
Also they are not really married. It's amazing how you just accepted every bit of roleplay as legit.
They are dating, but that's the extend of it.
>pic with male not deleted
It's a fucking toddler. Get a grip.
A bunch of voice actor had their vtuber avatar
Please, learn English.
Pleae, learn others english, american
>can barely write the language
>nooo, you must adapt to my third grader Engliiiish!!
Fuck adm who banned me 2 Weeks to provide evidence that the programmer vtuber was a men.
the good thing is that now everybody knows so he won't be posted here ever again
Nobody gets banned two weeks you lying sack.
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You have to wonder what's the point of a redebut if they're gonna stream so irregularly every other week
This is just a hobby for them and they have been streaming for years. They're not suddenly gonna put stuff out like a brand new channel trying to catch up to established Vtuber channels.
The redebut thing was basically just a cheeky little gag with their new models.
>Ayaka loves Hiroko
Seriously? That's her current fave? But that one is just pure agony. The same stupid joke infinitely repeated and dragged out.
>The redebut thing was basically just a cheeky little gag with their new models.
Yeah I guess so, it's just a bit weird since vtubers usually redebut when they want to push their channel or go full-time job
Shadow girls touching Kiara in importan place
Starts in five minutes
They work normal jobs full-time please understand.
So, urame get a girlfriend
she's still following the creepy sound engineer dude that drugged a bunch of female vtubers, she is sus for sure
Maybe to follow his case?
Your comment is in very bad faith. She didnt "groom", she was catfished (her cybergf lied about her age) and she ain't a "tranny" she's a woman who claims to be "non binary".

Context? This sounds as another extreme bad faith/flame/bait comment
on a scale of 8 out of 10 to 10 out of 10 how much of a lesbian is Ina?
2, maybe less.
I'm sorry that is an invalid answer as it falls outside of the established limits of the scale
The scale did not include the correct value.
Any good yuri fanfics of vtubers?
Probably a 7. Doesn't show it but she did get fucked by kronii in that one offcollab, and hung out with her multiple times since then.
There is no context, there was an extremely popular sound engineer who Nijisanji and a lot of indies used for their MVs, but it turned out he was creep who was secretly spiking the drinks of the female talents visiting his home "studio", taking spy shots and possibly more. It's why Tomoe is right now on an extended break from vtubing.
In any case, the vast majority of talents he worked with unfollowers him on Xitter after it came to light, Urame is one of the small handful that is still following his account.
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I'm still sad that this also cost us all but one of Crossick's covers.
It depends on what fanfic you like reading? Hololive has the most on AO3
So wasted she didn’t bed her then

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