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Bloons thread
CT is up and running
Love this game. I play it every day.
Fuck off Hive Queen
>other team steals banner from us
>go and recapture
>it's a race
>right as the cleanup finishes I see someone else captured for us
>don't react in time and waste a second ticket on the same tile
Sorry man
kill yourself
>Apache Dartship can't even kill a fortified MOAB without relics
what the fuck is going on over here?
See if any of the other teams' cheerleaders are willing to whore themselves out for some tickets
im scared to even mention sexo at the moment cause of the last little thread attempt
That seemed intentional to get the thread deleted
but what's worse is the retard deleting the thread instead of just the posts
Same :(
They could at least move us to /trash/ instead of nuking everything
Oh yeah almost definitely, I feel a little bad for Goatboy.
In-game team chat when?
never ever, it's just the way nk wants to keep it
sex with bloonarius
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I would be happy with just a little room where we can spam emotes
thats... what coop is?
I'm getting a 6 tier on DBF, just saw someone else is trying the tile too
how does our sweet little c-team look?
Might take a while for them to get the memo, they're not as obsessed as we are...
nvm I can't beat 76 with the 400, I need to make the heli a 500 so it'll be a 7 tier
I have 1 boost left but if I use it here I'll die to 78
What are your relics perchance?
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Needed the lives to be able to tank enough camos until 47 and then place the camo trap in the middle of the round. I had 6 hp starting that round.
Strat was 000 druid to saveup for the heli into a 500 heli.
400 heli worked up until round 76
Damn, I dunno if you can replace anything here. I was gonna suggest bringing along durable shots
Can a human and monkey find love together?
The only relic I'm not sure if it is mandatory or not is moab clash, the other 3 I needed for this strat to work.
And I know the 400 heli can get overwhelmed by moabs, maybe durable shots would have been better.
i may not be able to fulfill the extra promises i made about finishing my missing medals for valley/infernal today but i am about to keep my word on black bordering high finance
i will do impoppable and chimps after my shower
who up popping they bloons rn
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Durable shots, MOAB Clash, Glue Trap, Alch Touch
Monkeyboost (Daily relic)
3 darts into 000 ace
Upgrade ace into 420
Get 013 dartling before round 40, micro it to kill the MOAB without losing health
Keep microing mortar to kill cerams until round 47
Use monkeyboost on 47, if you don't have it use glue trap I guess. Sell all 3 darts and buy 024 dartling
Use glue traps for round 63
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just report and move on, boys
Jannies could at least move us to /trash/ instead of nuking the threa cause of this fag, just saying.
Fuck off, we're not moving to trash.
I know, I don't want that shit either, but it's better than just fucking dying
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well, i kind of doubt this thread will be up much longer, mods would rather just kill a thread than figure out how to prevent spamming
are you blind, this is not /trash/
Can they like, lock images from being posted or am I making shit up?
dude don't get baited, this kind of thing only happens when someone has a melty and wants to 404 a thread
there's a few things they can do, image filters, range bans, permas, but mobile posting makes it pretty much impossible to have anything really work permanently
we've been through worse, this too will pass
Reassuring to hear.
Now I wonder if the fag spamming is the same guy from earlier that was mad he couldn't join the thread teams
ah, now that's where the schizo theorizing comes in. it truly does not matter, this isn't a general and i wouldn't want to be, shit comes and goes but we all just play the game in the end
Wise words, wish I could stop noticing patterns and trying to figure shit out but you know how it is.
Gotta say though, this guy probably doesn't play the game, you just don't have the time to spam porn and capture tiles concurrently
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*if* we happen to go down, just leave it for tonight, no need to make another thread
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Sapper is so FUCKING annoying to get.
Gotcha, that'd be a real shame tho, hopefully our janny overlords have more patience
What even motivates you bro
Why are you guys making a general in /v/ anyway?
That's what /vg/ is for. Or maybe /vm/ is more appropriate. Either way, /v/ is not for generals like this.
Bloonarius Blorn
ignore it, all spammers feed on attention, of any kind and any type. don't even mention it, pretend it's not there, report, and move on
If you want a tip to get it passively, whenever you beat a map on hard go into freeplay and just the let the game run until you die
unlike all those places, we play the game here
>CT opponents are tryhards so it gets boring to play
>CT opponents are weak so it gets boring to play
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forgive me bwos
i had to guidefag half cash because i was out of ideas
i will be using one for chimps too......but impoppable is all my own retardation
I mean, as long as you pay attention to the guide and try to figure out the logic behind it it's a legit way to learn more about the game.
yeah i understood the meaning behind the towers my brain was just too cooked from rushing from medium to double hp all in one go
A quick question, have any of you messed with model extraction for the game? I got a friend trying to extract the model for Brickell but the model won't extract with the armature intact while models for Rosalia and Adora do
There actually was a guy here a couple threads back that was messing with the game's models, I dunno if he's still here but it probably wouldn't hurt to ask around.
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yeah idk team c
i think its just over
red has surrounded us with literally unbeatable scores
here's a place with some of them, but i've never tried extracting them myself
don't give up, do your best!
gentlemen it has been an honor sailing with you
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there's literally nothing to be done
the team is run by a literal insane person on multiple accounts
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im sailing right now
Good lord, is this even allowed?
yeah i get you, but it's not like all ct's are like that
Monkeys stole his cum
i dont get what people see in brickell
her body isnt very womanly, it's too androgynous for me
but the HAIR man
very andro
she's deidara mode man
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That's every monkey anon, only way you can differentiate between a boy and a girl is eyelashes
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which uh, only sauda has of literally all the female heroes
can anything that can pop led also pop frozen?
yes and no
you have to take the upgrade descriptions at face value when you read them, some lead popping stuff doesn't pop frozen and vice versa
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I just checked and you're right, man that's fucking weird.
Honestly it's not THAT bad.
Look at the scores, there's always a chance for a comeback.
We already fucked back the chinese after they decided to dig in our territory and we got some ground back.
Red technically didn't take shit from us, now we can either try and take some of red's shit back or we dig toward yellow and blue.
As long as we can secure a couple of banners we might make it to top 3, especially since yellow only really got normal tiles as well.
>was literally going to argue sauda still reads as distinctly feminine, just like a flat asian girl
>see >>689376803
well how about that
What's with the monkey tits?
Yes I have the GARDNER MONKEY and I can place him ANYWHERE in this park. Where should I put him
Her clothing is very feminine, I think she's the only monkey that wears a skirt
spammer, report and ignore him
Place him on my bed, I NEED to kiss and cuddle him
what's the strat for ACB?
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I haven't done it but if I had to guess, probably mortar -> plasma accel > tsar bomba, maybe get u.jugg somewhere along the way
idk chief im not hopeful.
they fully contained team chink with unbeatable tiles
so their next move will probably be to systematically grab every other banner, then start containing the other teams. this can be seen by their move to dig directly through to the banner next to our starting tile.
Cute monkey girl.
wait i thought china was the problem, where did this red team come from?
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I love magic monkeys so much bros
now to repeat for chimps
>echosense network with NO other mermonkeys
Damn, red is doing better than us
Why do you think a bunch of upgrades mention Lead, Frozen or Lead and Frozen specifically?
he needed camo/range, i only bought the village for the druid for DDTs
She’s better when she’s male and sticky, anyways
if you're on A team, not until they have every single banner and relic they aren't
>Waves get stronger the longer they are on screen
>Seeking shots makes waves no longer stop because they hit a wall
i know but it's like only 3k to max out his range, i get you didn't need it but i would have done it
Their point growth is bigger than ours, they're still like 20k points behind tho
It's gonna depend on how hard he follows tutorials for tiles honestly, if they're beatable we gotta kick back until he decides to go for others and we get points or we just give up and go for yellow to aim for 2nd or 3rd place when chinese guys fall off.
we dont have a choice but to go for yellow since all of red's tiles are unbeatable. we are at the mercy of who the giga autist decides to pick as his next victim, but it seemingly us.
Not sure where else to ask.
While it has some Brickell models, they all seem to be low poly versions though.
>they all seem to be low poly versions
They're straight out of the game, the fuck are you expecting here?
there are no high poly versions dude, those are the game models
The in-game models are just that low quality, you're never supposed to see them up close
May draw some glue stuff, any pose ideas
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More like sexbot lmao
i mean i've seen way sexier robots to be honest
I mean specifically the Brickell ones seem to be especially low poly compared to the other models on the site, that and there seems to be some higher quality models available if the model used for this edit is anything to go off of.
They're the one having an issue trying to extract a Brickell model with armature intact
brother that's a model made in like blender or something, and is also a really shit model
Glue Gunner trying to shoot Phayze but missing every shot.
That's cuz it hasn't been drawn as a shortstack yet
yeah that wasn't taken from the game dude, it was made using the game model as a reference
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Will the BTD battles 2 preview models ever be leaked?
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Seems about average to me.
She's a little lower resolution than some of the others but it's not like some aren't lower quality either, probably because she's big as hell with the ship.
>Corvus has hyper detailed clothes and hair
>Sauda has shitty texture clothes
Monkeys are not born equal.
Goddamn Corvus' hips are wide
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i just lke their little tails
i hope not to be honest, they looked terrible
anyone willing to grab alch touch from pink real quick? the strat is 402 boomerang with sms on 40 and camo trap
On it, boss.
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there's nothing quite like some super serious looking dude and seeing his little tail poking out
wizard paragon gives incredible ssj4 gogeta vibes with his little tail poking out while hes just going ham
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he does wear puffy shorts hiding his fatty thighs
The all-powerful vengeful divine goddess and her cute and sensitive little tail
showing off her bellyyy
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>sacrifice popseidon
what an incredibly cruel strategy...
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yes, im a millenioomer, get over it
BASED, Joan of Arcdora is so pretty
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When I went to bed last night I said I would black border high finance today
now I am going to bed again, I dont think I will do any levels tomorrow because I will be going to fnm
gn monkemaniacs
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she is quite the based lil monster
Sleep well bro, dream of many monkes
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how dare you not have a better version of that portrait
It is done, boss.
Probably the least sexo skin but man is her design good, the red and gold color palette is gorgeous
There is no time for sexy only purifying holy fire
>least sexo skin
ahem, i would like a word please
Lifeguard Brickell is the most dissapointing skin but you can't say it's not sexo, imagine her wet see-through clothes, imagine her sweaty butt on those lifeguards shorts
But pirate brickell is COOL
you can fantasize all you want but she puts on more fuckin clothes as time goes on
Looks like a man.
True but Joandora has even more clothing, how am I supposed to get to her butt when it's covered in gold and chainmail?
this might be one of those preference things but girls in armor are hot
I agree honestly, just a shame you have to take it off to get to business
Ironically her base skin is more feminine looking
hence why i said "least sexo" skin, it's especially not sexo because it feels intentional
very nice. fuck pink.
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Mermonkey was their way of apologizing
Only the bottoms
A girl with a chestplate or some mail on riding you is honestly insanely hot
Casca moder
mermonkey was their way of apologizing for rosa
alright now green took two of our relics with dogshit scores, i don't have any tickets left
Tfw no petite genki nympho gf
i've got tickets, ill do it
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Rosa is a cute, don't you dare
>is a cute
Anon, its just a cute
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My bad, have this Rosalia as an apology
Shes so cute bros
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Just did this glue pic of the team b cheerleader, not sure if I’ll do more this thread as it’s been a tiring day today and I think I thought I had more energy to draw than I really did, that said, I’ll try to keep >>689383518 in mind
>Halfway through MOAB clash
>Fucking thunderstorm comes outta nowhere
>Lights go off
I'm sorry bros
Strat is Ezili + 150 mortar, my relics were mana shield, BBS, camo trap and something else I forgot so it probably wasn't important
>what happens to a cheerleader when their team dies
current state
pink is encroaching slowly, taking a lot of regular tiles but the ones they're next to are pretty degraded
green is also contesting us on a couple fronts, all in all i think tomorrow will shake up our dominance a bit
and i of course forgot pic
I feel like not as many people played today
well, today was a little weird, and we did start off the day by literally owning the board entirely
Oh yeah, maybe that spammer was an agent from the dojo
Anyway, we need all hands on deck tomorrow to do something about pink, I'm starting to get really worried.
The amount of monkey money I've spent this CT cannot be understated
Let's not get complacent, owning most of the board means we have to spend a ton of tickets to even keep our shit. I hope people show up tomorrow and fuck pink in the ass
Wonder what the guy that originally made the team thinks of this, domino effect.
Based, ever tried giving them a gas mask like top path glue?
It doesn't work, RIP
I’ll take the bumps even if they were deleted, I wonder if the still contribute to thread post limit before autosage?
Deleted posts don’t count toward the limit.
If there’s 2000 posts and 1600 get deleted you still got 100 to go for auto-sage.
New wrinkle in my brain
>Do half cash
>Set up an instant tower and MIB that I know should be able to solo it
>Fall asleep
>Wake up to find it died to 63
does anyone know when/if the game will add mod support?
eh, nk has said in previous update notes that they want to add steam workshop support, but i would not bet on it anytime soon.
i think they know as well as we do what we would do with it, plus they're pretty strict about modded game files for multiplayer already
what a hare brained scheme
I just want x10 speed officially in the game
honestly i might have every non-expert black border by now if i could do this
probably dozens more boss and odyssey medals too
I have nearly every chimps medal in the game but few full black borders because I don't want to grind reverse and military only for 100 hours
A race mechanic as an option would be nice
Pink's taking all of our relics while we're seemingly out of tickets/players
So what’s the QRD on this guy who keeps posting porn? New thread specific “vidya butts” poster just dropped?
just a spammer, that's literally it. just ignore him like everyone else
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this is easily one of the best profile banners but i dont wanna actually spend money on it
Just buy it off the t-
>not actually on the trophy store
That's pretty goddamn low, NK
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what do I cap bros? camo trap seems important
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bloonarius my beloved
that neutral tile by green looks important
grab camo trap and sms (sms is the pink owned dreadbloon on the right)
alch touch doesn't let tac shooter hit dreadbloon's lead phase wtf niggerkiwi
Come on Anon atleast wait for us to get /trash/ed first
Sure it’s not during the primary immunity? Or is it the dreadbloon -1 damage reduction idk
it wasn't it was magic immunity
maybe it's the resistance like you said
Does the /v/ guild have space? Mine is dead and I might hop in to do some CONTENT.
Got multiple local rank 1 and global 1% medals.
I think Team A has a spot, but I don't know if any Team B anons have dibs.
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Play Sauda's map
What's the current state?
I will cap some tiles soon, bros. Was kinda busy at ticket refresh
They've encroached a bit over the night and our point gain lead isn't too big.
Today at reset we need to buckle down and really give pink a good fucking
Pink has taken a bunch of relics from us including camo trap and sms (and probably alch touch soon) and they seem more active than us, not looking too good right now
I wanted to get moab clash but needed camo trap for it so I got that one instead. Sadly I only had 1 ticket left.
They went for the good relics straight up.
Hopefully blue and yellow clean pink out of their side. We've got a decent lead, but we cant let them get their footing in the middle because they'll explode in the center and we'll never get them out. I spent my tickets trying to flatten out borders and keep them from reaching in.
Scary, I think we underestimated pink
The annoying thing is that their scores are all dogshit and i could cap all of these tiles pretty quickly if i still had tickets, they're gaining on us just because they're more active and we seem to be getting complacent
From now on every single ticket needs to be spent taking from pink unless it's a vital relic.
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alright just logged on team c
looks like we have one square that isnt completely sectioned off by the giga autist.
it's pretty much over though.
It's really not. We're not that far behind on scores, it's pretty even overall.
Yeah there's no beating red but we can pass purple or yellow if we play it smart.
Red sodomized pink so we just have to go for yellow and hope purple also eats some of his tiles up.
Or we can get some red tiles when they get score decay.
it's over OVER
it can't be...
Good. They are fighting back.

I can feel my motivation coming back
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Gone...like tears in the rain...
All our team tickets are gone?!
Pink stole them
sorry I was hungry
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Current state
Not too bad considering pink was fighting back
A team ticket is a personal ticket that wasn't used the day before. A collective pool of them is created and another player can use up to six of them at once but they ARE shared between ALL players even capped at six. If a lot of people are playing the team ticket pool doesn't last long.
where's box of monkey
Bottom right (for A team), it's in the new castle map
I can't finish the daily advanced challenge because I lack ONE monkey knowledge point...
What? Do you really need specific MK?
>try with MK disabled
>it's impossible
Wew lad
Which is the easiest map for getting a "furthest round" record? Cubism?
If I had to guess, either Logs or Resort, Cubism is good too.
Don't waste your day like that Anon...
Get to grinding.
lol noob
Imagine putting points into "support" lmao
Couldn't be me
>no pre-game prep
actually unironically bricked
Yeah sometimes the daily challenges aren't beatable without.
Do you guys play other games while popping bloons in the background and alt tabbing between them?

I do
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What's a good monkey that flew under your radar for the longest time? For me it's
For me it's the other way around, I used to think it was busted and now I never bother since for that price I'd rather pay for something that can also hurt the BAD.
I've been playing a 2D platformer, put almost 200 hours into it and there's still more content but now it's getting too hard so I'll probably quit.
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Used to think they were dogshit until I learned about the MOAB shredder stun cannon spam strat that wins every map.
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BEC (box of monkey)
restoration, alch touch, durable shots, moab mine
daily: monkey boost, hero boost
wolfpack quincy, two 402 ninjas, two 300 spactories, use cooldowns and powers on ceramic spam
Nice, that's an important relic. Another anon posted a 17500 the other day, it's in the archive.
Kingdom Rush games are better
Then go join the Kingdom Rush threads
>if this banner had decayed one more point I could do it with Archmage instead of SMS
I've had the really dumb idea of wanting to make a tower defense game on Roblox with the main inspiration being BTD6. All maps being able to be completed solo without much trouble fairly easily, the upgrade paths, hero towers, etc
What IS the most cost effective way to hurt BADs?
Cost effective? If you only care about the BAD and nothing else probably a 140 spike factory, then maybe a 040 submarine.
Like the other anon mentioned probably spactory. If you need a strat that can output a ton of single target damage though, subspam is great for that.
>Unironically using marching boots
Say, what spot in Cracked has the most coverage for a 420 tack?
It honestly can be good in certain modes if they limit the amount of the best tower to 1. It's rare but it can have niche uses.
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Another race, wohooooo.
You guys ready to have fun?
I don't play races
>mode that requires experimenting with how complex it can get
>you only get 1 (uno) attempt otherwise pay up goy
Just look up YouTube videos of the solution like everyone else
Absolutely not, following race guides is a fucking nightmare.
I wouldn't even mind paying since I have almost 500k monkey dosh.
But they won't even let me pay when I fail because it forces you to use a race pass if you have one and I don't want to use those unless I'm gonna go autismo for a high score
Getting race passes makes me want to pass on trying again because then I have to commit and at LEAST attempt top 10.
Not disagreeing, not that anon but looking up some CT banner videos when I hadn't played any races helped me understand the mode better and I can do okay times now without help.
>Dark Castle
>203 Super
>402 Ninja

Does anybody have anything better for afk xp farming?
>CT banner videos

Isn't CT random?
I dislike races as a gamemode, it's not just CT or ranked
If you're going deflation then use the usual 022 village, 2x 203 ace with alch buffs
There were at least 2 channels that uploaded videos of them doing all the banner races every CT and they did those kinda early into the event. I haven't checked them out in a while so I don't know if they still do.
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Marching Boots, Royal Treatment, Camo Trap, BBS
420 tack + 203 tack and a 103 tack
Monkeyboost necessary for round 57
Having MOAB Clash here would change EVERYHING, you could probably ditch marching boots and just get a single 203 tack, probably wouldn't need the monkeyboost either.
Thanks mate
If you still have a ticket and want to try getting MOAB Clash back, the strat itself isn't hard but it might take a few tries to do. And we also have better relics now. >>689252568
Camo Trap required to make it to glaive lord before dying. I don't know if we have thrive right now.
>If you're going deflation then use the usual 022 village, 2x 203 ace with alch buffs
How's that any better than the start I posted?
Global range, works on every map pretty much.
>Global range, works on every map pretty much.
But Dark Castle is already an expert map? I don't see How your strat gives more exp or other benefits.
Just play the fucking game lol, I'm almost veteran level 13 and I never once grinded for xp
I misunderstood you, I thought you were asking for best deflation strat, not for xp farm in general.
Can't help you in that case besides telling you to just play normally and you'll get those levels eventually.
It helps when bosses don't get the freeplay penalty so we get full exp for rounds 100-139
I don't have any team tickets left sadly. I tried yesterday with a 150 mortar + Ezili and died to round 82 even with monkey boost, so that lead might be a dead end.
good morning monkemaniacs
i might try to finish black borderinf flooded valley today
who up poppin they bloons rn
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I feel like I already did today's challenge 2-3 times
What's the solution? I've tried every farm and crosspath
You activate the two traps on the side then click on the statue middle top and buy it.
It activates a tower.
If you can't afford it try to get IMF loan and wait until you got the cooldown, get loan, sell bank and get the statue.
I figured that out right after I posted it lol
What did that anon earlier mean by it being unbeatable without MK?
Disable MK and try it yourself to see the difference.
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I get it now lol, fucking crazy
Any co-op?
host it
TriDaily Co-Op Challenge
What the FUCK is this Edition
We went into freeplay on this the other day so I'll stop when we beat it
Yeah same, you still up for another game after this?
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peak performance
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Code "arrgh" for pirates
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why would anyone use these?
It's good for boss rush.
And just nice when you want to go for a paragon to rack up kills beforehand.
Alright, how about
Castle Revenge - Magic Monkeys Only
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I have decided to waste my time. Defenses going strong, but my PC is giving up.
i sometimes use the 032 for camo shotgun early on
Bro your VTSG? Your multiple Sun Temples? Your Ascended Shadow?
Maybe but I can’t think of a good minkey for that
Ascended shadow is in there somewhere.
When should I sell the figure? I usually only do it past round 80 when it's worth 100k but I dunno if that's the correct move here
You sell it only when you feel the need for that money right now.
Do you want to buy something?
20 naked shinobis in the showers at Castle Revenge
I imagine you wanted me to buy the permabrew but too late
I was gonna say get a permabrew but we fucking died, gg
should've popped the steam thing
Yeah, I've started using the monkey flex emote to mean "buff", so
>Support monkey emote - Flex emote
Would mean overclock or homeland, and
>Magic Monkey emote - Flex emote
Would mean alch buff.
When you started placing ninjas around the 031 alch I thought you wanted us to go the total transformation route which is why I got it to 041 but then realized it was shinobi spam.
A grandmaster isn't himself without his harem of shinobis.
Seriously, the 20x shinobis give +430% attack speed.
>costs as much as Spirit
>needs Shinobi fuckbuddies to reach full potential
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He's like $86k total assuming you don't get any discount villages (you should) BUT as soon as you get 'em the game is won, the shinobi orgy is just that strong. There's a reason people use it often in expert maps.
Sunken Columns - Apopalypse
Starting in 3 minutes
I'm not breaking leads P1, the AOE only damage normal bloons
Right, I just wanted to make it clear.
Sorry if my internet starts acting up
wtf are you doing p2
Bro shut up
Actually almost got baited by that one, good job
P1 you want to farm more with alchemist or do I T5 my glue gunner?
Go ahead, I've bought all I need for now. I'm not even sure if leads are still spawning
Corvus is plump and soft and incredibly embarrassed about it
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Whomst is this creature?
Harlegwen's gayer brother
Adora titfuck
It's got eyelashes, it's a girl
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He shot JFK.
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Fuck this map
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After getting bored of losing on expert maps I went back to the beginning to realize I hadn't cleared this level on hard.

wish I had more paragons unlocked or the super monkey t5.
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>Permaspike set to Just Chuck Them Wherever Bro instead of Smart
That sure is some way of doing it
Is there any benefit to having the spikes all clumped up in one place?
I don't see the point of smart on a single track tbqh. if they're spread out I can see when they're making a dent in it and adjust. If they're all on top of each other it's either up or down.
That spike factory has 17k pops. It's purely for looks.
It's really not a big deal, but technically you can lose some spikes if the bloons get far enough to reach the ones at the front but your defense could deal with them if given a bit more time.
In your post some of them get really early into the track.
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We were almost top 25 yesterday, man.
Scoring high requires to have as little opposition as possible. Making it that close to 25 despite that is great.
I think we can still do it
Not unless pink and green complely give up
Power of friendship bro
We (purple) should team up with green to deliver pink the strongest dose
Current state?
missing her
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Current state
That's looking a lot better than this morning, did we have some midday anons lay down some law?
Gotta give pink a harder fucking in a couple hours.
Actually on second thought it seems to be that green is trying to take down pink to steal second and helping us in the crossfire?
>there are 3 teams now
Have any of you guys played against another /v/ team yet?
Only two really
A vs B never happened but A vs C might
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>Actually on second thought it seems to be that green is trying to take down pink to steal second and helping us in the crossfire?
love from kasachstan
I was going to get that decayed banner up top but it looked like bullshit. And I would've gotten that pink banner above it but we don't have SMS and I wasn't going to wait 2 hours for the score to decay to a point I could do it with just mage
>A vs B never happened
That's lame, NK better make it happen soon. Would've loved to take those smug B-astards down a peg
B team is dead
It lives within team A
What happened? I haven't played in a long while
B-team didn't have enough players to really do anything so their remaining active guys left and joined either team A or C
I always set them to close but honestly never see the point since I always set them at the end of tracks.
I'm guessing it's to make sure they're the absolute last line of defense or because if they're spread out they could get spawned behind bloons when they pop or some shit.
I'm surprised B team hasn't disbanded yet.
I'm still relatively new to the game, level 90, but I'm having fun.
keep having fun anonymous
They're all afk
>having fun
>on MY vidya board
>I'm having fun.
That make me happy, anonymous
Favorite tower monkey?
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Favorite non-monkey tower?
report and ignore
It's not a big deal but technically you can lose some spikes if you let them decay because they're all piled up doing nothing.
I feel like you're all mindlessly following a strategy without thinking about it.
Never upgrade past this tier or he loses all his drip
Monkey sex
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Nah, Wizard Lord looks fire
>that shit ass mustache
>goofy ass bird hat
FUCK no.
The whole point of that path is that it piles up spikes for a long time. I believe it's 4 rounds, I don't remember exactly.
If they decay that's a good sign that your defense is dealing with the rounds efficiently. You're not losing effectiveness if a spike disappears because another one appears to replace it, there's just a maximum amount you can have up at any given time.
Him looking silly as fuck is the best part though
Either 4 rounds or 5 minutes, after either happen a spike despawns.
Ergo it's better to have them spread out so you can react to damage in the line and spikes get used instead of decaying.
There is no world where them getting used is "losing" them and them decaying to inactivity is better.
Can a human impregnate a monkey?
When I sacrifice stuff for the sun temple, do I need 50k base cost of units, or 50k in their resell value?
She's not quite as bad she feels like at first impression.
You can leave her on grenade early game, and late game you can give her a techbot and energizer for almost perma free roam with guns akimbo. And the discount is pretty notable when you go flying fortress. Plus you can make her stay in place for an extra round on Geared, if you turn off autostart.
No? If the spikes constantly get used by random shit you won't have them piled up to defend you when a tough round comes in
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Of course
50k base cost
My point was, and it is a niche scenario which is why I said it's not a big deal, is if you use the spike to deal damage to something the rest of your defense could clear, that's a spike that isn't there in the next up to 4 rounds.
If it dies to decay you still have a maximum amount of spikes in your pile.
I'd rather have a constant upkeep of 100% spikes that are at the very end "just in case" my defenses can't stop whatever bloon makes it to the end than 80% or 70% of my spikes because I decided that killing 5 DDTs slightly faster a round earlier would be funny, personally.
But you do you.
Way to out yourself as a noob btw, if you have a big pspike pile that’s being used up you can easily tell when it’s getting low by the density of the pile
If you’re leaking whole bads though super mines is a better choice in late game
Also in your original post you had pspike with permabrew and under a mib and it was crosspathed with top path which is worse than the middle path if you’re gonna give it pbrew
I get what you're saying but you're minmaxing the wrong direction. If one of those six or w/e spikes upfront gets used, it will be replaced and I am forewarned that I may need to push a button during a round or make a change after a round.

Min/maxing to decay the most amount of spikes is a weird way to play the game but you do you I guess.
It's 202 village, 022 village, 2 x 203 ace, 401 alch. Or 202 village, 022 village, 202 heli, 2 x 203 ace, 401 alch.
The latter requires the +200 starting bux and the 33% discount on the first military monke.
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Fuck monkeys (no, not like that!)
Post your petfu
I fuckin love this guy and the slime cube
You should almost always make permaspike 025, 420 alch has 100% uptime and the difference is night and day
>Post your petfu
Only pets I ever bought were Corvus owl and Ninja kiwis.
I'm not really particularly fond of either, I just think the kiwi is mildly funny for obvious reasons.
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Ok I pull up
>not turning the accessibility slider down to ~30%
But why. Sure, it doesn't affect performance but at least you can see what the fuck is going on.
Hop out at the monke party?
>he needs to see
casuals get out etc
I wasn't any of the people who answered already, probably the Sniper
>way to out yourself as a noob btw
Was finishing the first map on hard not a big enough tell? Mayhaps your brain is rotten friend.
I know about the crosspaths, alch, and MIB. He had a real job in the earlygame but now he is decoration. I could sell it when I go back to this tonight but meh. I'm probably just going to turn on autoplay and listen to popping noises as I fall asleep
I am very bad at this game, I don't know how to beat boss tiles in team events, I feel like I can never get strong enough in time.
Any tile you're particularly struggling with? There's a pretty big difference between them depending if you can or can't farm
I was doing ok with Bloonarius, it hadn't moved very far yet before I took out 20% of its health, then it unleashed so many balloons that I instantly lost. Vortex just managed to get to the end in the previous event for me but it was also a really short track.
In the non-team, boss weeklies I can consistently beat Phaze on normal but I lose at around tier 3 on elite.
Oh, and I can beat Dreadbloon, I just hate fighting Dreadbloon
What do you even need to MIB a permaspike for?
If you got an alchemist it can already pop anything.
>Acid Mixture Dip applied to spike traps is removed if you reload the map after quitting it or if you restart after getting a game over
What the fuck, that's scummy as hell.
>Phayze T3 elite
Dart paragon, unless it’s like last week with no paragons, think I went 205 super monkey when I did it solo
There's 6 units being buffed by that MIB that are not a spike factory.
>Dart paragon
You weren't allowed to make darts last Phaze event.
Wow maybe you should’ve read the 20 other words in my post
It's hard to explain, it requires knowing how to deal with the bosses normally so having some experience with them helps.
In short, you want to get as much money as possible to spend on the defense for the boss. In the case of CT, if it is 1 tier then you go ham and farm as much as you can which sometimes is not farming at all to then afford the best tower. Which tower depends on which ones are available, and the boss' gimmick.
For tier 1 generally elite defender is fantastic. 104 ninja too.
No I mean ignoring paragons, you couldn't make any dart monkeys at all. And I tried super monkey last Elite Phaze but I did Sun Temple instead, I didn't run out of rounds to beat him this time, he just got to the end of the track
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>Expert map
>Look inside
>Meant for experts
I think they're actually pretty easy. Except the freezing one, well it's not hard, just annoying as fuck.
>lololol build in water = no vision on track
>lololol build ABOVE track = no vision of track
>lololol there's a grand total of 6 small towers you can put on the actual track
It's just straight up unfun in every way. Even Dark Dungeon has more fun to it with the spike traps and the statue.
I like antibloon
I think he looks cool
>For tier 1 generally elite defender is fantastic.
Yeah, Elite Defender + 4-0-1 Alchemist is basically what carried me through normal bosses.
I’m aware you couldn’t use darts but I have no idea why you’d bring that up because nothing in the dart tree would do fuck all to T3 elite phayze besides the paragon which we already established was not useable
Imagine playing expert maps.

My life is easy because I take it easy>>689462109
Having to learn the mechanic of the map by losing on the map sucks. it should tell you what's going to happen.
As I said, I'm very bad at this game.
Honestly yeah, I still have no fucking idea how the lanes work on Ravine and Quad
Just fucking farm hard dude ok
In ravine there's 4 total lanes, each round they alternate between a set of 2 and then the other set.
On Quad I don't know exactly how the spawns work per round but if a bloon spawns on the top then it leaves on the left, if it spawns on the right then it leaves at the top and so on
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>Expert map is impossible to beat in CHIMPS so they have to add a mechanic to the map to make it possible.
Post the sexiest monkey
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God Ravine is so retarded.
They should have just changed the track up a bit instead of adding that fucking dumbass sword that only works fucking once.
The idea itself is good, if a map has a gimmick it should encourage you to use it.
In practice though that map is shit. And it needs like 25 clicks to activate each time you want to use it which is retarded.
>each time you want to use it
25 clicks to use it once and then it's gone*
At least it’s bloonarius this week so that should be some good practice for you
I think it was an elegant solution, it’s not supposed to be easy at all, it’s supposed to make you want to tear your hair out
It being a one time use is good, the problem is that the start is so hard you will be using that sword a lot with the amount of retries you'll do if you beat CHIMPS. 25 clicks per attempt slows it down to a crawl if the pixel perfect positions didn't already.
>it’s supposed to make you want to tear your hair out
When you make content, the least you could do is make sure it's actually beatable instead of just adding it and seeing if people can beat it then retroactively adding something to make it beatable.
It was beatable
Only on co-op though!!! LOL wacky!!!!!!
I see it as a failure in map design. Like you've already fucked up by making a map that cant be completed, so you have to just throw something in there that gets you through a round that's impossible to beat.
Maps that have interesting little gimmicks and stuff are neat, but when it turns into "You have to use this on this specific round, and this on that one" it becomes stupid in my opinion.
High Finance has a really cool gimmick where you buy the map as you need it, similar to cornfield. Scrapyard is also cool having this crusher on it that you can activate but you don't 'need' it.
I bet she only has missionary style sex with the lights off for the sole purpose of procreation
Why does coop CHIMPS give more initial money anyways?
Tar Pits in BTD6 soon.
It won't be tested and they'll add a dinosaur skull you gotta click to beat early rounds.
I don’t think this is advertiser friendly…
Don't give attention to the spammer you retard
Erosion race...
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We gotta put our best performance tonight bros, this is starting to get serious
kill yourself
Just ignore and report
This might be a strange call but I think it might be in our best interest to let green keep some of their tiles on the right side so they can fight against pink trying to get second.
So ideally we would take out pinks holdings in the top since it's far from their base and they can't recover them?vhd0y
Pink is trying to sneak through the bottom of our map to envelop the center like they did with blue. We have to drive them out and snub them.
Yeah I think so too.
So would our order of operations be something like:
>Recover important relics
>Clear bottom left of green
>Clear top of pink
>Recapture as many banners as possible
I'd say not to bother with bottom left green much unless they try and push in there since it's near their base.
So get important relics and then clear the top of pink while also fending them off from the right?
Oh that's not their base I'm a retard.
I dunno I don't feel like they're threatening us from that side.
Clearing green out of the bottom left is important, once that's done they're gonna be limited to fucking with pink in the top right of the map, two birds with one stone
Yeah that's true, I'd say that's a solid play
Can someone fund the event relics pls?
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I grab it after I finish this tile
Did you draw this?
>bringing a second hero boost lets Ezili reach level 8 right in time for round 40
That's a 1 tier cut for MOAB clash, nice
Is master bomber as good for tier 2 as sticky bomb is for tier 1?
>3k damage per bomb
>full map range
If you can’t get an MAD because no dartling it’s solid
Isn't it 1k? Compared to the tier 4's 500?
>Fortified MOAB on round 46
God I hate Dreadbloon
That's Lych
Turns out it's custom rounds on the tile I'm playing
Buffed in update 39
BUFF Master Bomber's Flash Bomb stun duration versus bloons increased (1s 1.3s)
NERF Master Bomber sticky attack rate reduced (2s 5s)
BUFF Master Bomber sticky damage increased (1000 3000)
BUFF Master Bomber sticky AoE damage increased (300 600)
Attack speed nerf is ok because it’s easy to add attack speed (shinobi, OC, bbrew) but you can’t add 2k damage
nvm I just looked it up and dreadbloon also gets fmoabs before 50
I only remembered lych doing this
I got out of the early game and got the glaive lord, should be a 9 tier run if nothing goes wrong. Hopefully the 80s don't give me too much trouble.
Good luck friend
tfw I try to take that upper map banner tile with a solo wizard and fail like 65 rounds in
I hope they do a CT event without a single fucking race banner
I love race banners on CT, they're the ones I always aim for.
It's quick and usually easy.
The ones I hate are tiers or least cash that go up to round 80+
>capture SMS
>pinkfags are already inside trying to retake
I'm not going to take any chances, I'm taking SMS and camping inside that tile until they take it to get a better time.
Green is starting to fuck with us directly more, I'd really like to clean them out of the lower left if possible
I'll help ya, I'll start from the left, you can go from the right
How many tickets do you still have?
I think 4 counting the one I'm currently using
Hope more people show up soon, there's a ton of rate decayed banners near the center
We need one more person in here ASAP to fully cleanse green, I'm out of tickets. Gotta be on quick before they have a chance to sneak out from that one tile
i hate half cash i hate half cash i hate half cash i hate half cash
Shit, on my way if nobody gets there before me!
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Alch Touch, Durable Shots, MOAB Clash, Air and Sea
Glue trap as daily relic
402 Buccaneer
Use glue trap on the bottom half of the map for round 63
I dunno what to do for round 63 if glue trap is not available
Would durable shots affect engi traps in any way?
I have no idea, in theory it should be able to hold 25% more RBE but it might not work with it at all too. Only way to know is to test with it and compare without.
They really gotta allow relics in sandbox one of these days
Anyone else feel a little bad about how much we're bullying the other teams?
Not really
fuck pink btw
they dared to take the dojo name, they shouldn't expect mercy
With green excised from the left they're gonna be forced to try and fight pink, so we can pivot to going full on against pink as well now. Try and get their tiles on the north side if you can but also stop any incursions into our territory first and foremost.
There's a lone pink tile on the bottom right, it'd be nice if one of you guys could take it.
They have one non banner tile in our territory in hedge that I didn't want to bother with because I think it's an ace solo
If anyone is brave enough
>400 helicopter can't beat round 76 even with a glue trap
That's sad, it creates a regrow farm lol
apache has great damage but abysmal pierce, it cannot handle clumps well
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I know it doesn't really matter, but those neutral tiles near our base are fucking me up
Those guys don't have their gay discord linked, I think they might just be posers.
Despite being in the lead I'm starting to not feel it because some of those players in pink are putting up very good scores. If they get the good relics they could fuck us up
Just keep laying it on them as much as you can, even if they start to play better late in the game it won't matter if we build an insurmountable lead.
That's the thing about CT, no amount of skill can beat complete relic domination
New thread after this or nah?
Don't think so
This is the last bloons thread goodbye friends
bloons is over.
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it's been... real...
see you, space monkey...
Where were you when bloons was kil?
I was in monkey meadow, having sex with monkey wife
quincy come to me
'servers get past my bow'
Don't forget to write down the strat for any banner or relic tiles you've beaten, by the way
Royal treatment, BBS, MOAB clash, SMS
032 wizard use sms x2 on the bfb and glue trap on round 57
Pink is on the move.
I'll see you tomorrow
attention everyone, ive lost flooded valley chimps to round 55
C-team update before thread dies???

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