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Japanese fans are mocking Palworld on social media.

Proof of Japanese fans are mocking Palworld on social media?
Astroturfed by chinese bots, ofc japan hates it.
Adults have always mocked Palworld on social media because it was the retarded children's game.
Who could have possibly seen that coming?
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>what went wrong with Japan?
Yeah, it really does feel like the game was always astroturfed.

No one talks about this game, and yet I'm supposed to believe it ''''''outsold''''' Pokemon?
It was the (at the time) latest survival sandbox flavor of the month. Its popularity came and quickly went away. The only reason it keeps being brought up is due to shitposting and butthurt pokemon fans still obsessing over it
Chigyus won
Paid Nintendo shills.
Japan companies can do no wrong, and if they did they would've issued an apology. If two companies are at odds, the bigger one is always correct.

Donqui blasts annoying music in their stores that you can hear from miles away and it's okay because they're a good company, but if some kids play music on their phones that's wrong and they get glared at.
You didn't say who the fans were for, the people "celebrating" are Nintendo fanboys.
nintendo owns japan
Classic collectivist bugmen. As great as japan is, it's still asian.
>Japanese developer killing a Japanese indie dev that brought a bunch of capital to Japan
Nips are the world's biggest Chinkaboos.
No they're not, why would you lie OP?
Most are on the side of palworld
...'s biggest slop
japs are soulless, coroporate bugmen whose only purpose in life is to produce content for the rest of the world, have their women get raped by foreigners, and die.
pokemon's biggest slop is merch, trading cards and whatever other shit they sold, their biggest slop game is undisputably mario
Palworlds only flaw was that it was shit
Nips are the biggest corporate bootlickers in the world. Of course they're on Nintendo's side.
Cool it with the anti-semitism
uhm you can't just question OP...
Japs are Nintendo bootlickers who will buy cardboard.
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I can say anything on /v/ and they'll believe me if it supports a narrative they like without needing a source

> What went wrong with Japan?
America didn't finish the job.
Yet I am jewish and also a /v/ anon.
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>2024... my legacy forgotten... I am finished
idk man
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Yes anon, What are you trading today?
Chinese investment.
Mysterious stew for 47 emeralds.
Stop doxxing me please
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Reminder that Nintendo holds a patent for Multiplayer and Sony holds a patent for the concept of a Video Game. The law is backwards
>don't release the game on the tendie console
>tendieland mocks your game
Name a more dishonest fanbase than tendies you can't
how big is 6.8"realistically speaking
The abortion of copyright and patents when?
I will never understand how Palworld became this Robinhood type folk hero
There are plenty of Nintendo knockoffs that Nintendo never did anything about. Many of them are on the Switch and in Nintendo Directs. Palworld was stupid enough to violate a patent. That's why they got sued
>You shouldn't be able to patent that mechanic!
No, you shouldn't, but you can. And if you're making a for profit game and you try to make business decisions in terms of what should and shouldn't be legal the real world is going to catch up to you
seethe, shite and sue
What is that in normal units?
20cm is average.
Reminder that design patents only last for fifteen years
There are no games from the past fifteen years worth taking ideas from. Why Palworld wanted to copy Legends Arceus is a mystery
>No, you shouldn't, but you can
Yeah that's the part people have an issue with moron, on top of the fact that it's obvious Nintendo is throwing its weight around out of spite
Based Japan seeing through the grift.
for you and me pokemon are just funny monsters with iconic designs, but for them they're a national treasure so they are much less tolerant of copycats
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>20cm is average
But the game was in development long before Arceus was announced?
>Pokemon copycats cats are bad
>Billions of Godzilla copycats are fine though
I wonder if there's a patent for "giant monster attacking a city"
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>want to make monster catching game
>scared about getting sued
>ask nintendo if its ok to make monster catching game
>"ok, you can make monster catching game, just don't put them in BALL"
>don't listen
>put them in BALL anyway
>get sued
(laughs in japanese)
Nintendo has been sued for patent violations too, I'm guessing they're a wholesome little indie company and they were just being picked on?
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I have no sympathy for Palworld. Very blatantly copied designs on the level of russian bootlegs that were treated as comedically awful in the 2000s to create the sloppiest slop imaginable is not the kind of shit I want to support.

>buh nintendo should make good Pokemon game
I agree. I very strongly agree, in fact. I will not pretend that a fucking multiplayer open world crafting gathering early access game by a dev whose previous games were literally the same thing but now abandoned and are STILL IN EARLY ACCESS is somehow the thing to get behind to make the point that Pokemon devs should do better, though.
If they can prove they independently came up with the exact same catching mechanic as Arceus, they'll be fine.
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>we can just make up conversations

>my gay fanfic of me x this anon is actually real and the whole thread supports us because I say they do in greentext
chinkpair spent the last year or so mocking nintendo and jp gamers on twitter and bragging about AI shit, why are you surprised they hate chinkworld?
You vill worship ze bootleg
People literally want Pokemon and Nintendo to do better so Palworld was a huge protest buy to make Nintendo shit themselves which they did considering it took them this long to sue for some contrived reason and how they delayed the announcement of the next Pokemon game for Palworld.
Palworld is a shit game that has nothing in common with Pokemon other than the designs of the creatures and the catching mechanics. It's more like ARK or Horizon than Pokemon.
I know supporting this is your new Dogecoin, but this is the game you latched onto? Seriously?
japs are called bugmen for a reason
they are like flies that are addicted to swarming around shit
literal corporate bootlickers
wouldnt surprise me even a bit if all those tendie shitposters on this board are just lonely japmanchildren
People bought Palworld because they saw streamers playing it, no one bought it to teach Nintendo a lesson lmao
>Japanese fans are mocking Palworld on social media.
Substantiate your claim.
may i see it?
>People literally want Pokemon and Nintendo to do better
Palworld is early access crafting and gathering horseshit.

If your motivation was at all for Pokemon to be better, you would not remotely want Palworld to be the representative of this.

>we all chose to protest Pokemon by buying Palworld!!!
Did you buy Temtem? Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth? Or literally anything Pokemon-like?
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Videogame copyrights are the most draconian and malicious thing ever, they're basically bullshit legal jargon so suits have an excuse to sue stuff they don't want around, it's terrible. But that being said Palworld is made by some rich japs who invested money in some pajeets and chinese to make their game for them, just because it filled a niche it doesn't mean they didn't release a predatorial, overdone product that's basically literal slop. Not that I think Palworld deserves to lose though, I just won't pretend they're a poor witddle indie cwompany that did no wwong uwu. I hope Ninty gets shitstomped, they still are the biggest evil here, this is basically their fault for letting their games be so damn shit for years, they can't even make good games themselves, how could they be expected to have a good leash on those Gamefreak tards.
Why do retards like you keep bringing it back to team sports cuck bullshit? Yes patent trolling is vile no matter who is suing who, being able to throw your legal weight around because you filed a patent for shit like "moving in an MMO" and "video game" is bad for consumers and only serves megacorps who don't care about you
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>People literally want Pokemon and Nintendo to do better so Palworld was a huge protest buy to make Nintendo shit themselves
Jesus Christ Palfags are pathetic
I'm not going to bother checking the subreddit but I'm sure there are memes like this everywhere
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Japan is retarded and the japanese love kissing corpo boot every time they can.
Patent trolling=Someone I like broke patent law
>Palworld is early access crafting and gathering horseshit.
oitside the open world monster catching and battling yeah.
what does pokemon havw outside it's contained random encounter catching and battling?
being able to have your pokemon be able to be part of the world outside battles and collecting resources/making shit for you would unironically be a massive improvement in the monster catching genre as a whole thoughever. hell pokemon games already tried player bases in some of their 2d entries, why not put it all together?
all patents are trolling
>no you cannot do that, I already did it 80 years ago
fuck you faggot, go patent nazi gas chambers before I build my own and gas you
I want to fedpost about software patent lawyers so bad.
You don't have to think either of these are good to recognize it's a completely different game. You got scammed and told you were buying a pokemon clone when you bought a survival crafting early access open world asset flip. Get over it
So you think it's reasonable that the Ninja Theory founder owns the patent for a video game?
japs have always been corporate bootlickers, this is nothing new
Patent and copyright shit is why I look forward to China's inevitable world takeover.
It's fifteen years lol
Name a game from the past fifteen years worth copying
Irrelevant. Palworld is slop. I will not get behind it and neither should you. Nothing in my statement is implying Pokemon is better. Solely that Palworld is slop.
>it's a completely different game.
the thread is about nintendo suing for patent reasons because they feel threatened.
are you well?
Kys 3HRTranny
I dislike Palslop but I dislike big business even more
MineCraft, don't bother responding, I accept your concession in advance.
>don't put them in a ball
>also don't have mounts that go from flying to running on ground
>also don't have playable characters
If Nintendo wins, I predict this'll usher a new dark times where other companies will patent their game mechanics and take down other similar games too.
Pokefaggot projection
Pokemon already did that multiple times, most notably several of the games with following mechanics have them able to gather resources, and Legends specifically lets you use them to gather from gathering spots without being close to them.

Regardless, while I agree the concept of using creatures to interact with the world is cool, I don't think Palworld pioneered it nor does it change that it's open world crafting early access.
Tendies are an unhinged and mentally I'll cult
you implied nintendo did it better by including nothing outside the core gameplay. i'm arguing that's incorrect.

use your buzzwords all you want
Doesn't matter. It expired two years ago.
Just I M A G I N E the amount of cancer that Ubisoft, Rockstar, EA and Activision are thinking about right now
I didn't imply shit. I called Palworld slop.

I think the modern Pokemon games suck and a company of that scale can and should do far better, especially for an IP that big. But that's irrelevant. Palworld is still slop.
Or they sued because Palworld used a patented mechanic? It was one of the only things they lifted from pokemon and they retardedly chose the one thing they weren't allowed to steal lol
The japanese community value the creative aspect the most in their games while the western community only value the technological aspect and that's why they don't care about the plagiarism.
Hoooly shit you guys are stupid
Video game patents existed way before you were born and developers were getting sued and losing. It's just that very rarely do people come up with a mechanic worth patenting. Katamari was patented and gaming didn't die
>nitnentoddler falseflagging
No one asked, no one cares.
Yes, this is exactly what will happen. Soon it'll just be one big monopoly on creativity.
>Katamari was patented and gaming didn't die
That's because Katamari is a very niche game with it's mechanics.
>It doesn't matter that it was legally granted in the first place it's not valid now!!!!!!
What about Sony owning the concept of cloud saves (2017)? Square Enix owning the concept of moving in an MMO(2020)? Nintendo owning the concept of multiplayer (2023)? Are these all just legally upstanding companies doing their hecking best to protect their IPs?
And throwing a circular ball where your positioning relative to the target determines the probability of capturing isn't?
it may comes as a shock to you
but the tendies in japan are just as mentally ill as the one over here
>A small indie dev makes a better game than GF does in years
>N*ntendrones in this thread: b-but it's shit!!!!
Those are all blatantly unenforceable and would be ruled so in court. A patent isn't enforceable if everyone did it before you. No one did the LA catching mechanics before GameFreak
>The japanese community value the creative aspect
nigger the entire anime industry has literally just ibeen isekai LN adaptations for nearly a decade
it is shit though
t. never paid for any game, console or whatever other cope you can muster up, tranny
Why didn't Nintendo sue Temtem?
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Because it never got anywhere close to the amount of traction Palworld did.
Yes, Palworld was an insanely popular FOTM. It also violated a patent which is something Temtem didn't do
this is not the first time nintendo has done this anon
why are westoids so fucking stupid and uninformed about the vidya industry they claim to care about?
>in their games
Anime and gaming have two different communities.
Japs are subhuman corporate drones who‘d murder their own families if nintendo told them to
All those stories are different anon, I don't know why are you falling for kike propaganda claiming otherwise.
Palworld fans are a different breed anon
They think defending Palworld is some kind of ethical thing
I don't get how you can file for a frivolous patent after a game releases, get the frivolous patent for something that others have done in the past, and then sue someone for violating your patent before you even had it patented...
explain how nintendo patent trolling is le gud?
nintendo is just butthurt at palworld success
see how the pokemon mod for palworld got shutdown while the pokemon mod for ark is still there
It isn't. But it's hard to feel sympathy for Palworld
Imagine if an emulator developer started sharing game isos. Yes we all love emulation and we all pirate old games. But that would be so retarded you'd have to just shake your head and wonder why they thought they could get away with it
That's how I feel about Palworld using one of, if not the only, patented Pokemon mechanics in a game that already has very little to do with Pokemon
Seethe harder subhuman tendie
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>All those stories are different
Maybe if palworld released the full fucking version already things would be different.
temtem had enough brains to not use bootleg pokeballs and not plagiarize iconic mons
at the bare minimum they used the weird card shit iirc
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There are two kind of Japs
>Jomon: Independent, free-spirited, true Japanese
>Yayoi: Bugmen, hivemind, fake Japanese (Korean)

Unfortunately most Japanese belong to the latter
Stop knowing the actual law you're supposed to just say Nintendo bad
Palworld probably did copy some Pokemon designs, but Nintendo chose to be the greater evil by suing over patent infringement, that’s how it is
I wonder if there is prior works of a 3d game where you can throw a thing and control it after you throw it?
Read the patent. It had a bunch of stuff about the very particular probability effects of the player's position. Which Palworld used. They're going to have to patch it out.
After a decade of anti-japan propaganda and westoids actively sabotaging JP media while using chinks and gooks as help for extra pot shots, explain to me why shouldn't I cheer when part of the problem gets raped in the ass by nintendo ninjas.
Nintendo IS bad, darren
Nintendo has ties with the yakuza so the courts always side with them.
Anyone siding with the big corpo attempting to limit game mechanics via bullshit patents is the biggest of goys
Automaton has a good writeup about all this

>The most recent such application made jointly by Nintendo and The Pokémon Company is “Patent No. 7545191” from July 30, 2024. According to Kurihara, the companies requested for the review to be accelerated, and the patent was approved as soon as August 22. This special, sped up examination process was used to approve three other patents as well (filed between February 6 and March 5). As the parent patent of these four divisional patents was registered in December 2021, they are legally effective against Palworld, which launched in January this year.
>The previously mentioned Patent No. 7545191 appears to, in essence, be about the mechanic of catching Pokémon. It describes (in extremely simplified terms) the following processes: aiming a capture item (Poké Ball) at a character placed on the field (Pokémon), releasing the capture item in a direction determined by player input, judgement of whether capturing is successful or not upon contact between the capture item and Pokémon, changing of the Pokémon’s status to “owned by the player” when capturing is successful. In addition, the patent also covers the mechanic of having capture probability displayed to the player, regardless of whether it uses colors, graphics or numbers.
So basically Jewtendo is trying to keep the "1st/3rd person monster catching" genre all to themselves. Expect a shitload of push back, and hopefully a few Jewtendo execs get lynched in the process
Shitendo will go bankrupt from the backlash, I can't wait
Should have been a good game
>n-no u
all im seeing is westoids using yet another excuse to attack a household japanese company
explain to me why shouldn't i support nintendo?
because any corpo no matter where it is based or where it is cringe for that matter is not your friend and you should never support any of them and always be happy every time any one of them gets ran over.
nintendo saved jp vidya after snoy tried to kill it anon
how convenient westoids keep trying to attack nintendo
>Le hecking wholesome household mega corporation
Fuck off
>big jap corpo sues small jap corpo
>somehow supporting the small one means you hate japs
I don't pay for westoid slop, I don't pay for jap slop, I don't care about your tribal wars. I don't care if company gets ran over and dies like a dog, I can torrent the game and play it if I want to no matter who made it.
palslop trannies are using Jewish tactics
They’re literally the rabbi spray painting a swastika on their synagogue meme
Hivemind insects defend hive queen.
>nintendo troon bots
Nintendo toddlers are the epitome of brand loyalists
They’d probably sell out their own family for Nintendo
>sues small jap corpo
Pocketpair is chink. >>689416858
That doesn't apply to early Pokemon game mechanics since you don't aim the poke ball
It's funny how every time there's a "pokemon killer" it usually flops. But the very moment that one actually succeeds, it gets its legs chopped off.

You can bet your ass if there was "Minecraft killer" it will suffer the same fate.
so you're telling me you can create patents that apply to products before those patents were created by associating them with a patent that's older than the product in question? that's kind of retarded
vintage story already exists, its just not popular because westoids play vidya for the community, not because the game is good
I don't think any Pokemon game did that prior to Legends Arceus, did they?
Which is why I said 1st/3rd person monster catching. Read, nigger
define flop
Pretty weird that we're in a world where consumers will fight tooth and nail for less freedom because the megacorp has the right sticker on it
Then Vintage story isn't successful.
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palworld is getting demanded because they are japanese dumbass
at this point probably more authentic japanese than pokemon
palworld? hope it loses.
No one is "fighting" for Nintendo because there's nothing anyone besides attorneys on the case can do about the outcome. The observation is just one of "Why would you do that if you know you're going to get sued?"
If they didn't use the LA mechanics they would have been fine.
>Literal jewish tactics to try pass off chinkpair as japanese.
Can't make this shit up.
Half the people working at nintendo are indians and their execs are mostly gooks and chinks as well
Neither is a real japanese company
because I want to make a game that I find fun, why can't I make one just because it has similar mechanic to your game? Are you really that insecure?
Who the fuck listens to the normie drones on social media?
>Terrafirmacraft clone with blue people that makes horn noises
we all also know the game wouldnt have gotten the success it did without shilling it as "pokemon with guns"
now thats an outright lie lmfao
Japanese are corporate slaves. They would be executed for owning an Acekard.
ok rabbi we get it you love money and want some for yourself and can’t create anything yourself so you have to steal and then cry victim
you have a message brownoid
People are literally rooting for a mega corporation to win so they're able to own the rights to certain gameplay mechanics. Yes that is fighting for less freedom, you anti-consumer hack
Biggest bootlickers
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>and nintendo
That's all on gamefreak man. It's always been gamefreak slacking.
Japanese worship Nintendo like conservatives worship Israel.
>self reported
>self reported
>self reported
>self reported
>self reported
>nintendo steals from smt and digimon
>but that‘s okay though
based mega corps are based because they make trannies and browns cry
If people will pay for my bootleg, was your original idea really that original or great enough to be worth defending?
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>Proof of Japanese fans are mocking Palworld on social media?
>The observation is just one of "Why would you do that if you know you're going to get sued?"
No one thought Jewtendo would be so pathetic as to try and monopolize throwing objects at monsters to capture them
Only twitter autists are, normal people don't care for Palworld.
>greedy hand rubbing intensifies
you really exaggerate palslop success and downplay every other pokemon like game
your an embarrassing joke
>Calling people Jews when you want gameplay mechanics to be bound by law
Oy vey
Trannies love nintendo
Trannies are supporting this move retard, they're cheering because Palworld mentioned something about AI once
Seethe more disgusting golem
Kys kys kys kys
I don't know how many people play palshit or pokeshit, I haven't played either personally. My childhood related to japshit consisted of owning one bidaman and few beyblades, glad that I didn't fall for gotta catch all dem STD's and mental illnesses fad.
the jew trannypalsoppers are getting upset they’ve been exposed as greedy parasites
many such cases
>gooks and chinks
Not to give your strawman credence, but aren't these the same thing?
That is a hyper specific thing at baseline and the patent they're being sued for is even more specific than that.
good for you turdworlder
But Gamefreak only work within the confines of the merchandise cycle perpetuated by Nintendo and tPCi. They all agknowladge their games are undercooked but it has to be done to sell plushies, anime and trading cards.
Koreans are technically not chinese
Too much rape by the japs
I find it hard to believe that other pokeclones managed to avoid every single one of these points
Actual French people or imported niggers?
you're completely correct and I don't need a source on that
that’s because you’re coping
So am I jewish or thirdworlder? Be consistent, goy.
>steals from unpopular shit nobody plays
>Oy vey goyim please understand, these gameplay mechanics let us hoard more shekels, no-one else can use them
Anti-consumer kike
Palworld is a game that just steals the worst aspects of 5 games, clumsily combines them and uses AI sloppa to create their characters and monsters
The prime example of a soulless game
And? People enjoyed it anyway.
you’re both spiritually and metaphysically
and I find it very amusing watching it on full display
Keep pretending you’re on the good side and playing the victim card lmao
Doesn‘t matter
Nintendo always prevails against subhumans
It wasn't and the patent was initially created shortly before the release of that game.
Because it's not an automatic process and Nintendo gets to choose who they sue perhaps?
So then with as swift and frequent is tp shut down even the smallest copyright infringement even on non profit programs like romhacks, how is this any different? Are they getting sued and we just don't see?
And somehow got really popular. Crazy, huh
I'm on neither side because I'm not emotionally invested in throwing my balls at weird furries and dreaming of having sex with them.
holy shit you are dumb
Proof AI is used? I'm exhausted of this talking point.
>muh ai
>implying gamefreak designs aren‘t made by people with less soul than your toaster
>It's soulless so Nintendo should be able to do what it wants
Dishonest consoomer
Japanese are fucking retarded if they actually agree with what is being patent protected. Nintendo wants to patent flying mounts and the ability to throw friendly characters. Like, thats fucking insane, theyre talking about things like Pikmin and FLYING MOUNTS, a concept that has been everywhere BUT Pokemon games. What?
And you‘re a chink slave
you say that because I exposed your Jewish tactics and now you’re switching to another and you keep swapping like a jew
it’s tough
And you're a tranny so we're even.
>No! MY team is better!
Imagine being sides cucked like this
but it's an english speaking bot not a japanese one....
I say that because it's the truth and everyone should be allowed to make their weird throw your cock and balls at animals games if they want to.
Nintentrannies have no proof because it's a lie
Coming from the guy advocating for (((corporations))) and less freedom, curious
>t. jew
ITT, both shitendo bootlickers and paltrannies screeched at me for no reason at all, interesting.
No other japanese company has as many jew shareholders as Nintendo. Yet being opposed to them ruining videogames gets you called a jew.
literally crying out as the strike you and the rabbi spraying sawstikas on his synagogue meme

yeah we know your tactic rabbis
In Nintendo wins, I imagine this'll start a trend where patents are used and abused by many other companies trying to push DEI shit.
Elaborate, shitposter.
Trannies love AI slop though. Who do you think works in Silicon Valley these days anon?
Palworld has no true defenders, they're all chinks
what you said is fucking retarded
hope that clears things up
Try being more subtle next time man
I’ve seen a lot of Japs criticizing the part of their statement where they talk about how this is an attack on indie gaming and indie companies.
why does palworld need to be defended? How does wanting to impregnate vaporeon make anyone superior to wanting to impregnate a lovander
>inb4 non sequitur as if anyone but zoophiliac degenerates play these games
That's exactly why Nintendo is doing it. More power to corporations and patents. Palworld is just low hanging fruit. The people itt thinking Nintendo was scared of Palworld or some shit are not looking at the bigger picture.
>more Jewish tactics
>No you!!!!!!!
Sorry rabbi, maybe you'll fool someone next time
Japs are born corpo bootlickers
I dislike Jews as much as the next guy but this is clearly somebody throwing a tantrum because this is pretty cut and dry patent infringement.
>Even the legal world is team sports now
Abhorrent, especially since no-one knows what they're talking about
There aren't "Palworld defenders" there are just generic anti-Nintendo people, most of whom are PC gamers who have some bizarre grudge against Nintendo because they refuse to port their games to Steam or something.

Notice how Palworld is like the perfect reimagining of Pokemon designed to target what PC gaymers like, its literally just
>what if we made pokemon but with le guns and its le open world multiplayer survival game with crafting!
I patented humans breathing
All of you better stop or else
>>what if we made pokemon but with le guns and its le open world multiplayer survival game with crafting!
>The people who don't agree with me are secretly conspiring for the flimsiest reasons possible
I wish I could live life like this
yeah we get your having a meltdown because I exposed your jew lies and jew tactics and everyone who isn’t a shitposter or brain dead can see
There are a lot of jaded Pokemon fans who grew up in the 90s watching the anime and are bitter the game never evolved into their action/adventure dream of how living in the world should be. Those people united with a portion of the Pokemon fandom after the dex cut and have been sperging out cheering for all competitors ever since.
They’re cattle for corporations.
remember that he's a shitendo shill and gets paid for posting these things, secretly
>Palworld is early access crafting and gathering horseshit
Wow its Arceus???
You can easily play all pokemon games on pc though, fuck you can play all the good ones on a 10 year old phone.
>theres a lot of graphixfag retards that are crying pokemon is not killing itself chasing movie game graphics
>Still more no you
Here's your (You) Goldstein
yeah that literally what your doing jew but keep at it because it just proves my point
BIG YIKES GOY, pay for the consoles and games chud
>He's still going
This is my last (You) pennypincher, keep it safe
Dude it's not exactly a patent on jumping in a game throwing a ball at a creature to make it join your team with the probability of success being dependent on your position is very, very specific
Pretty much, it's yet another attempt of kikes attacking nintendo because pokemon makes money.
Ever since the original satanic scare of the 90s these attacks never stopped.
I accept your complete and utter concession
enjoy tel aviv
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Palworld even stolen Pokemon's "Pal" term.
Seems ridiculous to copy the most recent one then.
Nah, you have no argument. Nintendo lives to dmca and sue for copyright infringement whenever they get the chance, and this case of patent infringement seems to be an intent to extend that territorialism into the conceptual realm of IP. I see no reason why, if everything said is true and how the system functions, Nintendo hasn't sued over other games with monster catching mechanics in as swift of a manner as Palworld or their other legal adventures.
>mocking the peasant as he's oppressed by the king
>pay for the consoles and games
This but unironically.
Nintendo makes the only sane console, one that didn't get raped by graphixfag kike investors.
Nintendo both makes good games and allows good games to be published in their console.
Why the fuck would someone not support what they like by just buying the games?
What an expertly crafted post, it even has the broken English, a winner for sure
epic cope lmao
uhhh, I prefer my computer and I will pay the inaccurate experience tax with my FREE emulator and FREE copy of the game because UHH, not my problem, pull yourself up by the bootstraps.
>There aren't "Palworld defenders" there are just generic anti-Nintendo people
Both exist, friend
Japanese people small pp hahaha
Nintendo‘s bizarre patent regarding arceus‘ catching mechanics was filed after palworld began development
Scarlet and Violet don't even have passable graphics and it still runs like shit, why would I support that when an emulator makes it playable
They haven‘t made a decent console since the 3ds.
I patented that joke anon
Delete your post or my lawyer will be notified
Yep this is exactly it.

I think it goes beyond Pokemon though. There's a whole population of 90s kids who grew up with Nintendo 64 or SNES but later "graduated" to PC gaming, and they have really warped visions of what they think all Nintendo franchises would be.

It's the same people who think Zelda should be transformed into a realistic Dark Souls clone. I remember that being a huge meme back when Souls games first started getting popular.

Doesn't stop a lot of Steamfags from begging that Nintendo should be releasing their games on PC and that its "anti-consumer" for them to not do so. These people will never get over the fact that Nintendo didn't go 3rd party
two nukes weren't enough
it's an island full of corporate bootlickers
Soulless graphicwhore chink
And I'm sure they happened to come up with it well before seeing it in Arceus
No but American fans/shills are melting on X formerly known as twitter
Companies in the industry have patented literally everything including title screens and leaderboards. They also dont enforce it because no one would actually win.
Palworld is almost certainly a case where its not what people theorize it is.
No I want my games to actually be playable if I'm paying $60 for them, are you well?
Should have filed it earlier then
>Your product is better than anything they have been making in over 10 years
No, I would not agree that Palworld is better than Mario Wonder, Xenoblade X, Dong Freeze, etc. Palworld's a FOTM survival, crafting game. Better than Pokemon? Sure, but that's a low bar. Better than Nintendo's best? No fucking way.
so don’t buy them or can you not live without your gay animal catching slop?
it's about time you stopped paying, you can download them for free
These people haven't played a Nintendo game in like 15-20+ years. It's impossible trying to convince them
>oh shit we're getting btfo by a new competitor, better start suing them!
Read the reply chain retards, I'm not buying them that's the entire point
Why are tendies always so quick to throw Pokemon under the bus, it's one of Nintendo's flagships, who honestly gives a fuck about Xenoblade or Donkey Kong?
In what sense were they "BTFO" by Palworld?
Not even the most delusional of tendies can pretend the last like ten years of pokemon weren‘t complete shit.
why are you crying?
If a homeless man stole a load of bread from me, I'd let him go without saying a word. It's so insignificant that he can have it for all I care, if he asked I'd have given it to him for free.
Now, why is shitendo suing paltrannies? Articulate your argument coherently without sounding mad.
Because you lack basic reading skills
And Pokemon is still selling their Switches.
When was the last time you actually played a Pokemon game?
If you solve this for me, Nintendo will win the lawsuit
It’s the psychotic delusions palfags(scorned ex-pokefags) keep repeating hoping daddy gamefreak sees their tears of pain so they can finnaly buy pokeslop without feeling guity again
People also buy lots of junk food
Doesn‘t mean the food isn‘t garbage
N.i.n.t.e.n.d.r.o.n.e.s are the worst
nah you’re literally crying
>People also buy lots of junk food
They don't proceed to go online and lie about buying junk food or about how the junk food is a big part of what makes their favorite restaurant sell.
I actually like Pokemon a lot but still don't really want Nintendo to win
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Explain why you're fuming without sounding mad or exploding.
>I really like what this person makes
>but I hate the guy and hope he dies
Mentally ill chink
No one's fuming, it's just cringey watching tendies on /v/ pretend they don't consume Pokemon, it's a sad attempt at pretending to have standards.
and there it is, the totally legit centrist trust me bros, both sides le bad BUT....
Well there certainly would be less consuming it now, and since doing nothing is powerful these days, that's the most effective strat against NIntendo.
Most interesting pokemon content is on rule34, and I'm pretty sure same applies to palworld. If you respond, do it without sounding mad.
When the peasant spends his time screaming at the king that his reign is shit and that he can do it better why should anyone feel bad for the peasant? He was asking for it.
Doesn't pokemon have it's own board? Why do they seethe so much about Palworld on /v/?
>Self reported
So it's likely half the size unironically
So they have 10cm at most
Realistically my penis is 16cm but it little matters since I never had sex and never will
The modern internet is so boring
palworld was a shameless rip off of pokemon and ARK and we all know it.
Westoids need to learn to let go of their schizo hatred over nintendo and get a fucking job. All of this happened because they were getting too loud and too cocky. Now they're going to pay the price for their arrogance.
It's just the same bullshit story with pirates and fan game developers. If they kept their fucking mouths shut and did whatever they want quietly then everything would be fine.
But no, they just had to antagonize nintendo into getting ANOTHER major court room victory.
Why do people never question these studies?
How many Ecuadorians actually had their erect dicks measured? It's all just porn brain rot
Pokemon is making more money than ever.
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And you need to learn that you're not a real woman faggot.
I don’t care about Nintendo but I hope pocketpair and all it defenders are executed for shilling low effort slop
funny how le hecking centrists only ever pop up when one of the two options is supporting a japanese company while the other one is chinks/gooks trying to pass off as japanese
funny how it works
And I'm just gonna continue to do nothing but shit on Nintendies and make them look lower than a ant's ballsack.
Why are you conceding?
stop asking questions goy, that's antisemitic
good luck with that sis!!!
Get yo revenge on!!!
>not sucking corpo cock is le centrism
which company paid you to shill theirs?
Imagine if they intended to make the game a Switch exclusive.
Nintendo probably would have bought the IP
>No! You must pick a mob to associate with immediately or you're [shit I made up]!
I don't identify with corporate brands that hard, sorry anon
>le corpo cock suck
Jesus get new material jewfaggot
Because they are sad little people and only feel good when fighting for their owner
This kind of AI-generated ripoff game cannot be allowed. I'm glad they're putting their foot down early.
Good thing they didn‘t otherwise the game would look even worse and run at 10 fps, then again tendies think that‘s fine.
so which one paid you, is it Pocket Pair or is it Nintendo? Be concise and don't sound mad when replying.
did being exposed for behaving like a jew make you upset?
Why can't you answer which company's paid shill you are?
>AI-generated ripoff game
But enough about modern Pokemon.
>Hello my hello corporino haters!
you’ve been found out

23 hours ago (edited)
I was really surprised at how many people overseas were defending Palworld on this issue.
Just like the case of a certain assassin game, I was reminded that overseas countries have little interest in respecting copyrights and intellectual property rights.
I personally had the impression that overseas countries were stricter on this sort of thing, but I guess I was just dreaming too much of overseas.
22 hours ago
Many people overseas think that anything on the internet can be used however they like
22 hours ago
@pacifistapablo2899 They even called copyright the right to beg
@user-nz9nv4pz8h-Daifuku Mochimochi
22 hours ago
@yomotuhegui If that's the case, I wish they would complain more to Western pharmaceutical companies...
They're charging a ridiculous amount of patent fees, and unlike games, it's directly related to life...
22 hours ago
I think people think like that because American copyright has a sweet escape route called fair use.
22 hours ago (edited)
Overseas, especially in Europe and America, the idea of "noblesse oblige" (the obligation of those in high positions) is strong...

The lower classes can do whatever they want to challenge those in higher positions (= giant killing), and those in higher positions should accept such actions and insults from the lower classes with a smile, and those who can't do that and get seriously angry and start a lawsuit are the "small-minded," "uncool," and "childish" kind of people.
The idea that copyright is loose is just a superficial thing, and the real issue is this.

I think many foreigners see this as a plot that "a tiny brave Pocket Pair takes on the monopoly of the mighty Nintendo that dominates the gaming world!"

all that was behind the lol randumb was a shitty rust clone
Japs are pathetic
In other news fire is hot
>i If that's the case, I wish they would complain more to Western pharmaceutical companies...
>They're charging a ridiculous amount of patent fees, and unlike games, it's directly related to life...
to be fair thats not even wrong
>I think many foreigners see this as a plot that "a tiny brave Pocket Pair takes on the monopoly of the mighty Nintendo that dominates the gaming world!"
by directly being funded by china, snoy and microsoft?
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This is nothing new. Nintendo has been a patent troll for a while.
Didn't read this thread but American Nintendo fans have basically been making every single DMCA etc that Nintendo does a cause celebre for the last 15+ years and it has moved into the collective unconscious. Japanese fans don't pay attention to that so they see this as shameless copying instead of an opportunity to get back at Nintendo for being litigious
They reneged on their promise of adding sex so this is all karma
Lying chink
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>ha, the truth isn't LITERALLY exactly as you wrote, I WON!
Could Pocketpair just move its HQ to the US and stop conducting business in Japan to avoid having to pay Nintendo? I don't know that Palworld is even all that popular in Japan.
They are right.
Reminder that most of the internet is made by bots. All palshill replies look the same.
The majority of pal world sales were in mainland china where mainline pokemon games aren't available for sale legitimately. Probably the main reason for this lawsuit, it was a real threat to the pokemon brand in an emerging market
>throwing a circular ball
>positioning relative to the target determines the probability
shooters, hack and slash, thousands of games having area specific "critical hit" spots

Combining baseball and the targeting is not a unique idea
Japanese fans don't give a shit when some random Mario fan game gets taken down. American ones do. When Nintendo does something that has no basis, Americans get mad because they're used to Nintendo being the fun police. Japanese people don't
I would die for Furukawa
Funny how all the goylems rush to attack nintendo for defending their IP because muh patent trolling yet those same people were completely silent over the last 3 months when kike payment processors were pulling support from basically everything japanese regardless if they hosted R18 content or not, up to and including fucking over SE for literally no reason on one of the more recent FF14 expansions.
Funny how that works.
Nothing "went wrong" Japs are just SO BROKEN they consider Nintendo to be a paragon of their culture and will defend it until they are dead
Gamefreak activated all their brockbroke fanboys who eat any kusoge with the Pokemon logo attached
Palbros stay making better games
>this level of delusion
Reminder that counter strike blatantly copied pokemon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWFTXBxiAxk
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This is literally the pearl harbor of video games
Because americas love making money off other peoples hard work because they’re jew puppets
Should I even care about this in the grand scheme of things? Every thread about it just seems like retards fighting with each other
I know this might come as a shock to your deranged little brain but it is possible to be against both those things. Dislike of Nintendo does not necessarily imply a dislike of Japan in general.
Funny how jewtubers didn't raise a fuss about that then.
Funny how it works.
Yeah exactly all these palworld shills need to understand this is just the tip of the iceberg. Nintendo is gearing up to sue every company that ever included a grenade in their game.
when pokemon is hit by the pokeball, it turns white and glows until it gets sucked into the ball just like the flashbang, this couldn't be more blatant
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The Japs will defend their corpos being abusive to their employees and other companies. They are just quirky like that.
The whole point of discussion is about pal vs poke. Look at you tendies moving the goalpost. Embarassing. FOTM PW still shits on half those btw
steelix, trevenant, escavalier
piloswine, lombre, tranquill
phanphy, alolan-golem, landorus-incarnate
how many points did I get?
>openly creating a thread saying that the main topic is about what people on Twitter are saying
What went wrong indeed
People are constantly talking about how much they hate kikes how the holocaust that never happened needs to be brought back for real though
Patents are the most retarded of IP that do create chilling effects over entire industries, so yes, you should care even if you hate pocketpair
Joe Merrick is from England.
holocaust is good, but I love sucking shitendos cock and I would never ever ever gas any of them
>He said while Japan has been ripping itself off for several decades
Alolan Golem didn't count for some reason, looks like Nintendo is losing
It's fucked up when your "ip" is "all videogames"
You're right, I forgot I gotta watch my seasonal shitsekai moeslop.
you're not welcome here
Yet I am.
he is trolling you because he got a small dick
why did chinkpair shill their games as pokemon with guns then?
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This dude never watched the Chinpokomon episode of South Park.
>shit that never happened
Oh thanks, I was looking for a post to wipe my ass with.
Sorry, I thought Alolan-Golem was ground-electric but it's rock-electric
sums up your whole history
Tranquill is such a cute lil birbie I want to hold it gently and pet it and hear it coo in my hands
I'd like to know about your history, but we customized it more than you customize your body so even we don't know what it was really like.
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They are not being sued for making a "game like pokemon". They are being sued because nintendo owns the patent to all videogames where "a character exists"
Shit like this makes me glad I never got into software
westoids only care about protecting intellectual property of only small creators or whenever it involves AI """stealing""" from small creators.
why are you avoiding the question?
westoids have squatting laws that allow hobos to hide in your attic and steal your property away from you if you don't find them fast enough
Why are you making strawmen that have nothing to do with what is happening? Fact of the matter is that nintendo is not protecting anything to do with pokemon. They are suing over patents that cover ALL videogames.
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It’s less a protest and more that people are desperate for a good Pokemon game. Palworld at least scratches that itch because it’s better than Scarlet/Violet. That’s kind of the problem with this lawsuit. All it does is put a dark cloud over everything they do. Even if they win, it’s not going to help Pokemon. Now rather than the games being shit, people will be pissed their shit AND they took away a game that was fun. Palworld reached 25 million people and despite Jap’s bootlicking, this action is not liked by Westerns. On this side of the pond, this is anticompetitive which is seen as immoral here. It’s just a new reason to hate Pokemon. It’s one thing to take down fan games or ROMs distributors. It’s another thing to go after what is seen as a rival game with more money and backing (Sony has a partnership with Pocket Pair)
Switch sales are propping up Pokemon. Every other Nintendo series had their biggest hit on Switch and usually 2x-4x more. Pokémon can’t beat a 30 year old Gameboy game. This is with COVID stimmies. People bought Animal Crossing instead.

Nintendo is also going to be releasing a new system into a recession with this shitty lawsuit dragging on for at least a year or two. There is a general Nintendo fatigue going on. All this does is turn apathy to disgust. Maybe a lot of people won’t feel that way, but with the way the industry is now, you don’t need to give people a reason to not buy your product. And you certainly don’t need to give people a reason to spam “PALWORLD” in every Nintendo announcement (doing this before showing the Switch 2 is the biggest oversight imaginable). The reason Nintendo goes through these boom and bust cycles is they make these obvious errors because they think they’re the smartest fuckers in the room. This is one of those decisions. Making Pokemon good would have been cheaper and has less of a PR fall out.
I'm sure that sounded better in your head, inbred schizoid
again, why are you avoiding the question?
fair use isn't even an escape route. Why do people keep thinking that?
You will never be part of /v/, kikel vermin
you can say that to the janitor in ban appeal box
>It also violated a patent
Oh shit is that true? Which patent?
Because it has nothing to do with the argument AND it's a lie. Palworld NEVER promoted their game as "pokemon with guns" and in fact promoted it as "rimworld and ark mixed together" during interviews. Note that this has NOTHING TO DO WITH NINTENDO SUING OVER PATENTS THAT COVER ALL VIDEOGAMES.
Imagine being so disgusting that you need laws and rules to prevent people from hating you
>somebody made a post on the Internet saying they have X opinion
These threads should be a perma bannable offense.
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nta but literally pic rel lol
>Shitendo shill cries out in pain as he stabs people for enjoying their furry ball throwing whatever game
A couple actually such as walking and throwing a ball.
>Kurihara starts by addressing the similarities between Palworld and Pokémon: “As you may know, there have been opinions about Palworld’s monsters being similar to Pokémon in terms of form.” However, Kurihara reckons that these similarities would not have been enough to ascertain copyright infringement. “They come close, but they’re narrowly avoiding it,” he comments.
>Kurihara reckons that these similarities
He's guessing. He's a professional lawyer doing what any professional lawyer would do over a case; guess and speculate. He doesn't know what this is about anymore than any of us do.
Is that what it says the lawsuit is about? Show me wher it says that because I've been wanting evidence for that ever since this case was brought up.
What the fuck, how could they put that in a video game? In my beautiful white country, we all drive by car, walking is illegal and punishable by a cop firing squad on the spot.
>judgement of whether capturing is successful or not upon contact
>upon contact
Wow that's an easy loophole to abuse to get away with anything you want.
Japanese "fans"
They're called Pokemon paid pajeets
>projectiles in every single fighting video game do more damage on direct hit than their splash
um yikes, a lot of companies will answer for this
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Actions have consequences
No not like that retard. All palworld has to do is delay the calculation and thus the patent no longer applies. These things aren't "pick and choose" the whole thing has to apply.
and consequences will never be the same
I'm not defending this shit anymore. I only did because I was an Xbot but now it's just funny seeing these guys dancing on shards of the glass they broke,
>my competitor has to make the game perform worse
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Let's say I as an indie dev come up with a mechanic that is so intricate and so specific that it is integral to the identity and concept of my game. To copy it wholesale (not derrive another mechanic from it, not use elements of it for a new mechanic, but copy mine) means copying the identity of my game and therefor dilluting the market, cutting into my sales. Should I be able to have protection over it like I would a copywritten character or title to reward me for inventing this? Or should a big corporation such as Nintendo look at my idea, reverse engineer it, and utelize it in any or every game they see fit for profit inscentives?
>patent also covers the mechanic of having capture probability displayed to the player, regardless of whether it uses colors, graphics or numbers
Oh nonononono xcom bros we got too cocky
Isn't it better that Palworld gets shut down by Nintendo after they took all your money no refunds? Now they get a half a billion USD and don't even have to develop their shitty ripoff game anymore.
And he never says what the paten that is being broken is. He guesses, but just like anyone here guessing is pointless
You are even more retarded than previously thought. The capture animation isn't a single frame. Do you think the game has to freeze to run a single x < y comparison anytime after contact?
New Zelda looking sick
Do you think I care about any of this? I will implement my game however I want and you can go sue my puppet online persona for all I care.
Indian and Chinese H1Bs
Does it really matter? Pokemon won't collect a single cent from them even if they somehow manage to win.
Any discussion of the legitimacy of the lawsuit is premature since not even the Palworld devs know what patents they're being sued for.
when i worked in big tech i heard more mandarin than english
they didn't actually improve the gameplay
it's boring after the first 6 play throughs
>6 play throughs
I'm glad that I don't live in a world where you can only have one furry cock and ball game, one shooter game and only one mmo and everything else is illegal, now kindly kill yourself.
This is a whites only website
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And what seems to be the problem, my fellow white man?
Nah you're getting replaced here too.
Just the same as how Sega monopolized the "giant arrow while driving" mechanics
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Gaming died because they won this lawsuit
No one was allowed to make video games anymore
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no wonder I don't hear much about this game

Actually Japanese fans have overwhelming support for Palworld.

Japanese social media Line/Twitter are all making fun of pokemon copying the 1986 game Dragon Quest

Source: me I am Japanese.
They're afraid of Nintendo. If you're a Japanese and criticize Nintendo on social media they will sue you.
>Nintendo won't su- ACK
Paltrannies lost.
also the supposed pattent of minigames during loading screens.
at least that one has expired... when loading screens barely exist anymore.
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It’s not a surprise the Japanese have shot taste as always
That's the best take you can have on this situation. Palworld should have lit a fire under Nintendo's ass to do better, suing the competition out of existence takes a lot of money that they could have used to make better Pokemon games instead.

Anyone that's not retarded should be upset that Nintendo's answer to competition is to try to sue them out of the market so Gamefreak can keep putting on the laziest and shittiest games possible. Post Iwata Nintendo fucking sucks and that's going to be made more evident as time goes on.
>I was really surprised at how many people overseas were defending Palworld on this issue.
>Just like the case of a certain assassin game
Nintendo using the same bots as Ubislop?
>Delayed Pokémon ZA


It would be funny if the game turned out disappointing in the end
just look at who has the most stocks in each
Taste so shit they made palworld
TemTem checked with Nintendo lawyers beforehand and didn’t include balls to catch the monsters in.
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read literally any of the replies
Dead on assesment です
based and true
Yeah you should see what they made before that.
I have no interest in playing Palworld, can someone go into how similar the catching mechanics really are to Legends Arceus?
I did not buy Palworld because I despise all gathering crafting open-world survival bullshit, but I am for anything that makes Gamefreak/Nintendo make better Pokemon games. Legends: Arceus was like the prototype for an awesome mainline game.

Then the next mainline games came out and they were fucking awful.
Meanwhile in reality.
How do I make palworld fun?
Couple hours in and currently just wandering around aimlessly
Seems really hard to make a nice looking base too
they still smaller compared to nintendo.
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Do you really believe that shitendo can make any games at all without stealing ideas from others?
That one expired and it only covers an arrow; Simpsons was able to dodge it with a finger
chinkpair is chinese anon >>689416858
>I came up the idea called the "jump"
absolutely fucking desperate for attention today, are we? it's not even friday night MOTHAFUCKAAAS yet
Zelda was also a Hydlide clone. People forget that Japan used to be as bad as China when it comes to stealing from other IPs. Final Fantasy's main theme is a ripoff of Neverending Story and the gameplay rips off


There's a lot of Final Fantasy songs that are "inspired" by Neverending Story when you look into it. Final Fantasy itself ripped off games like Ultima 4 while Dragon Quest was a Wizardry knockoff.
Nobody lives in Japan anymore, who cares?
>Japanese fans are mocking Palworld on social media.
Fans of what? Nintendo? Pokemon?
Japanese fans of Japan, I love Japan, and gaming, GIRUGAMESH
Now that explain lots of thing.
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This really doesn't work as a cope when chinkpair is now a big company as well, receiving subsidiary money from both snoy and microsoft (and likely tencent too but they don't have to legally disclose shit from china).
now that they stole everything and everyone forgot, it isn't theft anymore?
>this doesn't work now, because money was made from Palword, therefor Nintendo is safe the same criticism on a bigger scale for decades.
Insect hive mind is in full effect. Shocking.
>duck looks like a duck
>ghost looks like a ghost
>golem looks like a golem
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>nintendo prease herp. we must stop parworrd. if we rerease a regends z-a trairer before parworrd is dead we wirr be made fun of again. prease stop them.
>pal looks like a pokemon
did I say anything about palworld? No i was talking about your retarded image
didnt read the text portion of your post of course!
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Sony just cut them loose from TGS
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They never got punished for it, just like no one is punishing China now because the Chinese courts don't give a fuck. Look at Castlevania ripping off of those monster movies for another example, any of these legacy Japanese gaming companies suing other companies for IP infringement is the height of hypocrisy.
this is why I always laugh every time someone makes something then seethes at chinks copying it, ideas can't be owned
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based. its really over for palslop. /v/ trannies lost.
this is literally replying to palworld post and shitting on nintendies
Don't use my wife for your inane shit, faggot
>this is what zelda copied
lol good thing nintendo sucks at copying then
what the fuck, why is sony pussying out
They pulled out, it’s not Sony cutting them. They need the money
I can't believe that Eric guy was right all along.
Japanese fans of what?
Hydlide 2 was already out a year before Zelda, so that's probably the one to compare it to.

It's much more in depth than Zelda, Zelda streamlined the formula, to the point where you can say that Zelda dumbed it down.
Concession accepted, now post your 'jak
They praise the Italian plumber like the burger praises the mouse
>zelda could've had boxing montage training but refused to copy it
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the retarded pajeets here seriously thought this steam shovelware could come close to the stupidly large juggernaut that is pokémon, uh.

fucking smooth brains. you retards shouldn't be allowed to operate a vehicle or vote.
I never made any 'jaks and posting off the booru gives my wife an ick
is that oc?
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Anon, there's something in human language called 'implication'. The poster didn't feel the need to specify more than they did because they trusted the intelligence of the readers to connect those dots themselves.
You'll get it next time, though, don't worry.
big enough for you to seethe about it
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You dumb sack of shit you gather lots of shit in Arceus to craft items too
>that are living HMs you can't use in battle...
>to reach a swarm of pokemon or crafting material
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Gotta love /v/ and its love of misinformation.
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>actually caring what bugmen are saying
A little context: it's not Japan as a whole mocking Palworld. It's Pokemon Uncles, low IQ adult children brand loyalists obsessed with Pokemon. Japan hates those people, they're considered even lower in Japan than Bronies are considered in America.
>Source: Trust me bro.
And? I said it was a good prototype because the capture mechanics and the sidequests from town resulting in changes to the town were great.

You can like different parts of games.
>There is a general Nintendo fatigue going on

??? Show me where anon.
>P-Palworld can't be allowed to succeed, it's a knockoff of Pokemon with a fandom founded on spite!
Japan itself is a knockoff of China founded on spite.
The thing is that in the Japanese announcement of the lawsuit, Pocket Pair said "We're a small indie company located in Tokyo." as a way to garner sympathy. Something many people and actual indie developers absolutely despised.
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Right before the thread ends
Which is funny because it's like saying "We're a small indie company located in Vancouver/California".
No sane indie is going to be hosting their studio in one of the most expensive cities of the country unless they are lying about being indie.
It's true. "Pokémon Uncles" (ポケモンおじさん or "Pokémon Ojisan") is a term used in Japan to describe the middle-aged men who are avid fans of Pokémon. Over there, Pokémon is generally seen as a franchise only for children. The adult fans who enjoy the games, anime, and merchandise carry a stigma expected of people that are socially awkward and overly obsessed with a children’s franchise, like Bronies.
Pokémon has good designs.
Palworld has no good designs.

Pokémon wins.
Only the first three gens had consistently good designs. Palworld surpasses NuPokemon at least.
Pokémon at its worst is 10 times better than Palworld at its best
post your dxdiag

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