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>Ai art is the future for VNs bro
>Meanwhile not a single AI can make characters with consistent design and artstyle
>Which is the core to Visual Novel art
???Just go in AI generals and you will see how much of a failure they are
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the issue with AI is that it fundamentally appeals to imaginatively bankrupt NPCs
even IF it somehow becomes really "good" one day, it won't matter, because the types of people who use it will still be incapable of truly creating anything
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ai can make characters with consistent design and artstyle
what are you talking about?
>Meanwhile not a single AI can make characters with consistent design and artstyle
Is that really an issue though? You can just generate over and over again until you get one that matches your other pics.
>the issue with AI is that it fundamentally appeals to imaginatively bankrupt NPCs
Pretty much this
Fucking obviously, who would ever buy an ai art porn game.
>Ai art is the future for VNs bro
No one has said this.
Agreed, the issue with Ai isn't how "good" or "bad" it is, that's a cope for people who don't understand why they're supposed to hate Ai and an excuse for Ai supporters to claim it'll get better. None of this matters. The real issue is that Ai is fucking commie bugman crap for people who cannot value merit and just want to remove actual skill out of the equation because they have none. For the Ai "creator" it's a perceived ability to pump out crap upon crap upon crap and believe they can somehow charge for it. For the Ai consumer, it's the insatiable desire to perpetually slurp up some chaaantent, it's people who have no sense of appreciation for what they love or the ability to postpone gratification, just content addicts wanting MORE MORE MORE, GIVE ME ANOTHER PICTURE I'M BORED OF THAT ONE, ANOTHER! ANOTHER! MORE! CAN'T! STOP! CONSUMING!
your webm shows AI being inconsistent, look at how each frame it generates is different to the previous
I've seen some of the AI WEGS people have been pumping it and its pretty sad
Along with the porn flooding coom sites, you can always tell its AI from the thumbnail because it keeps using that same homogenized style
>it can't do it NOW so that means it never will be able to!
What's it like living with sub 70 IQ?
Sure it can do it in 2077 bro I swear
god damn what gpu I need to pull this off? I have a gtx 1080 and it takes me between 30 seconds and a minute to generate, depending on the model and res.
> Meanwhile not a single AI can make characters with consistent design and artstyle
Art style is two words you fucking retard. Bet AI wouldn’t make that mistake.
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>technology doesn't improve with time
24/7 mad bro lmao
Thats why they say future retard. Consistency gets easier each year. Controlnet already has a tool for it. You only see bad ai made by hobbyists. Youre already enjoying good ai, you just dont realize it cause its just pixels.
the issue is retards like you thinking the cherrypicked bad ai art is the only ai art being made. that and the assumption that you will be able to tell good ai art from human art.
Yeah in 2999 lmao just wait Lil bro
Have you seen the amount of AI art that gets churned out? For every thousand pictures theres maybe 1 thats passable so you can imagine it can be really difficult to find this "good ai art" you talk about
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Man you sound like a boomer terrified of technology. Either get over it or move into the woods grandpa. You’re the type of retard that would call the internet a trend.
You are mentally ill.
>Bro, why isn't this free image generator literally perfect???
Dalle 3 is not designed to produce consistent images for your visual novel. It produces 4 images in 10 seconds that just look good enough on their own. This AI serves no purpose but to sell people on AI and farm data.
Even if that’s true still way cheaper than paying someone to do it. It’s not true though, most AI work is better than your gay ass sonichu drawings.
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who cares though?
OK and if you're such a talented artists you can take the ai image and redraw it but "perfect" why not use ai as a reference? You sprout an idea, use ai to grease the wheels boom now you've got Inspiration and non copy righted protected material that you can say you came up with in A dream
uhh doesn't count because uhhh *moves goalposts*
It really isnt if you consider that time is money. I'll pay one artist to draw exactly what I want if I like their style. Boom Done.
While you'll be spamming prompts and praying to the algorithm that it hits the jackpot.
did you read the post you're responding to? or, like everything you do in life, do you just approach this argument with ready to go microwave meal retorts and hope that they match what the person said
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Artstyle is a compound word, retard.
The actual question is why is this faggot shit allowed on this board? It's advertisement and spam. AI art is not video games.
This is such pathetic goalpost moving cope. The webm clearly shows that you can make consistent character art and if there is anything you don't like you can easily change it.
This can easily be used for a visual novel.
>nooooo it's not 100000% consistent, you had to change it a little
More consistent than two drawings of the same character by the same artist
It appears that it's just jannies from discord circlejerking eachother with avatars. The thread consists entirely of the same maybe 5 people avatarfagging roleplaying as little girls. They wake up and they say good morning to everyone in the thread, they post all day and then they say good night to everyone. They do this all day every day.
None of them ever get banned, but if you post an AI image in the thread you will get image banned. They just hang out there chatting with their trans friends and ban anyone who isn't part of the clique. I've tested in a dozen times and got image range banned every time I posted one image.
Dude...why are you so fucking AGAINST THIS? It will get better, it will improve to a point you can't tell, you WILL have to deal with it.

Shit, this is EXACTLY what I wanted. I can even draw my have assed shit and use AI to touch it up and get it to a point of "yeah, this is what I wanted it to look like".
You already can't tell when there's good CGI in animation btw
Reread the post you're responding to
Yeah, the DALL-E threads are made by a literal discord group making the threads constantly. The server link was posted once.
That has nothing to do with what that guy said but il follow your weird response

if AI is responsible for 10% cool stuff and 90% slop, then its AIs fault and you shouldn't be angry that it gets judged by its biggest factor, which is slop
nta but i don't think AI-NPCs can bring themselves not to get offended when AI is criticizes because they actually stake their sense of self identity as self worth in this sloppa
they're miserable over not being able to create anything, not for a lack of skill but the literal inability to learn and refusal to try, and so they convinced themselves this crap is "their" creation and insulting it is akin to insulting them
99.999 percent of memes made with AI suck and are cringe AF. The only good memes were the Pope with the puffy jacket and Balenciaga. And that's only because they were something new and different that hadn't been seen before.
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>no nipples
what a shame, there's still aeons of waiting for technology improvements
What is this workflow? I only know how to do basic prompting shit with comfyui
Tranny delusions. AI Chads simply live in reality and acknowledge what the AI can do and what it can't do and follow the improvements and can reasonably have an idea where it will end up. Dalle 3, which is a completely free tool, produces better images than any artist can make and it does it seconds.
Instead of acknowledging the reality and engaging AI in good faith you create strawmen about the personality of anyone who isn't a blind hater of AI and you cherry pick bad images and old outdated AI to shit on AI, not because what you are saying is true and you're just speaking facts, but because you are completely butthurt and having a meltdown over tech becoming more advanced.
None of the shit you see posted here is made with cutting edge paid AI models, they're made with free demos.
There is no sense in talking to you. Anyone who doesn't fully hate AI and agree that it's shit and seethe about it 24/7 will be dismissed as a blind AI follower who made whatever shitty porn images you're mad about.
>princess peach but (doing random different thing)
Who is the autist making these every single day all day long
>This is such pathetic goalpost moving cope
fucking retard.

i tried to use AI to create illustrations for a furry muscle growth fetish story i like, mostly just as practice and to learn the tools, and it's fucking impossible to get characters to be consistent without doing a shitton of manual paintover and then img2img. i'm talking things like undercoat fur colour regions not matching across images, e.g. in one image its belly only and in the next its belly+underarms. and of course it doesn't match, because the AI has no fucking idea what it's drawing.

AI is fine if you just want to make pretty picture. if you actually have an artistic vision you're trying to execute AI is a blunt object at best, and 99% of the "skill" is having a fast enough computer to generate a vomit of images so that you can find the lucky one that is close to what you want. in the real world, as I learned, the best way to use AI is to finish a sketch and to make quick adjustments where you can alter proportions or expressions or whatever using the transform tool crudely and then inpaint over them at a low denoising to tweak images.

anyway, the point is that AI will actually INCREASE the dominance of artists, because the best and most skilled artists will now be able to pump out much more work at a much lower price, thus drowning out smaller artists even more in the attention economy. AI makes making art easy, sure, but the easiest thing to do is nothing so there'll always be a demand for someone who's better than you to do it for you.
>autistic furfaggot
Opinion discarded
Nigger I can go to any booru, check the ai_generated tag, and look at 99% abomination rate of the shit coomers make. You ain't fooling anyone. I don't need to cherrypick.
The type of person who types novels on 4chan about furry muscle growth ai porn >>689427956
Just say you're a furry faggot and kill yourself next time instead of this pedo goal post moving cope.
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qq moar lmao
Pretty much this.
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>we will live in a future that can un-bog ai
Vidya butts died for this
only if it's open source
I, for one, want Peach with big booba
>Tranny (...) chads-
Post immediately disregarded fuck this gay shit I'm not even reading further, learn to communicate without memespeak you plastic aple
>pokemon tranny got triggered
Alright, I admit it. AI is based
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it's too late anon, for i have already depicted myself as the chad and you as the virgin.

no, but seriously, it's just not possible to keep characters consistent in a way that serves a narrative without heavy manual editing, to the point where it's literally easier to start from your own sketch and just have the AI finish it rather than trying to AI generate what you want.

this makes sense, because the AI doesn't know what you want, and the more specific you make the prompt the less it adheres to what you're telling it. AI can't even continue a background object through a foreground obstruction because as soon as the line stops the AI forgets that the line is even there. that's just how it works.
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Digital art is dead. I wanted to learn a new skill and get good at it, now you can literally create any pose you want with this and just trace over it, fucking gay. I mean you could do it before with CSP 3d models and stuff but whatever. I'm completely demoralized by AI.

At what point do tools replace human creativity and skill? And why did we do it? Why replace creative skills and jobs first? I hate the current timeline. You should see /ic/ AI threads get deleted immediatly because they get the most traction and are a thread to the board. Look at all the art sites like deviantart, artstation etc all flooded with AI slop.
God, you're pathetic.
Not really
It's just a ragdoll
You can do it with a normal ragdoll too,just plaster a full body model on it.
Artists had been doing this for God knows how long now,why do you think painting dolls exist?
>At what point do tools replace human creativity and skill?
>deviantart, artstation etc all flooded with AI slop.
you answer your own question anon.

human creativity and skill have never been more important because they're literally the only thing that sets you apart from the slop. when every piece of art is executed in a technically perfect way, shitty conceptualists can no longer wow people with their autistic rendering.

imagine if every race car driver had to use the same car. the only thing that would separate them then would be how good of a driver they are. it's counterintuitive, but AI art makes the "art" part of art matter more, not less, because it's the only thing left. the distraction of skill and technique has been stripped away.
As a silver lining, sketching out a pose beforehand makes for the best possible AI gens, so your time wasn't completely wasted
>not a single AI can make characters with consistent design and artstyle
isnt that because we're just using the bing creator? you can finetune your AI if you're running it locally
>distraction of skill and technique
So even AI fans admitted AI is skill less.
>Ai art is the future for VNs bro
no one says this
>???Just go in AI generals and you will see how much of a failure they are
Dont tell me what to do faggot. if i see you irl i will rape you to establish dominance
The truth bomb has detonated.
>Chinese AI tool
until the CCP clamps down on it
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>princess peach with a hat
>princess peach in zelda
>princess peach cooking dinner
>princess peach in a biker outfit
>princess peach with a cold
>princess peach on a farm
>princess peach working at amazon
>princess peach at the bank
>princess peach in a desert
>princess peach
>princess peach
>princess peach
>princess peach
Kill yourself furry faggot
You're such a subhuman faggot it's not even worth explaining to you that maybe the AI you were using wasn't trained on furry porn and that it's easier to draw consistent images of people than your awful furry OC
Die already, furfag
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anyone know when Pony Diffusion v7 is coming out? my GPU's too weak for Flux
Furry pedo talking about human creativity and skill
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>Anon literally says it doesn't matter if AI art is ugly because the point is that AI fags are retarded
>AI fags respond with "but it's not ugly!" proving that they are in fact very retarded
It's like pottery it's idk
>Meanwhile not a single AI can make characters with consistent design and artstyle
You're 1 year late for this cope.
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it really do be like that
Why would you use Dall-E(a censored online-only corpo model that's what most anons in those threads use) for VN art when Stable Diffusion's open source and fully customizable? Hell, you can even finetune SD with your own art.
Trannies are masters of logic
Anti-AI fag proving once again that he is hallucinating from too much HRT. Unable to understand that people can go just to the post and check the replies. That post has 3 replies of anti-AI trannies dilating and one single post disagreeing, and it's not saying what you say it does.
This shit again
Nintendo trannies are something else. They obsess over their one company so hard that they only know one female character.
until it gets perfect, AI can't really do VNs, thats why im spedning thousands to have all the art for my VN commissioned, just like the old days...
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>That post has 3 replies of anti-AI trannies dilating and one single post disagreeing
>meaning is has 4 replies
>but it only had 3 replies overall when anon responded, and two of them are disagreeing with the original post
nigger what?
>Meanwhile not a single AI can make characters with consistent design and artstyle
you haven't used AI in a while isn't it?
cry about it
to be fair, for most image models generating vidya characters is a pain in the ass unless they're extremely well-known like Mario, Pikachu, Sonic or Peach
Anti AI tranny can't read. Anti AI tranny so braindead he can't add 3 + 1
It's more to do with /v/ being overrun by autistic trannies. Most people here are nintendo, sonic and pokemon fans. If you look at the dalle 3 thread it's not that Peach is easy to generate, it's that one single guy claimed Peach and he will generate nothing but Peach because it's his avatar. Another guy generates nothing but some bat character from Sonic, another generates only Pikachu, another creates only black Mario. It's not multiple people generating the same thing. These are autistic people with a hyper fixation on one subject.
>At what point do tools replace human creativity and skill?
At no point? It was always about translating what you had in your imagination to the real world. It's just different ways to accomplish that.
I think the only concern people have is money. If more people can do it, there's more competition and it's harder to make money.
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Butt rage incoming
Coomers and low self esteem friendless losers who need to participate in AI threads and other threads where you "create" or "name" something and pray someone gives you a (you) have ruined this site along with generals. This site needs a fuckton of updated rules and also the removal of some since I have never in my life seen someone modded for avatar fagging which happens all the time.
Pretty realistic considering what the sequel to that image is
>I wanted to learn a new skill and get good at it
then do it, do you stop playing a game because some chink or troon is too good at it?
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I like making ai slop
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>do you stop playing a game because some chink or troon is too good at it?
anon, this is /v/, the board that literally has a melty daily because some game is associated with trannies and they aren't allowed to like it anymore
think about what you're asking
Muh rules don't fix anything. There are rules that are bad like ''no racism outside of /b/'' that gets enforced randomly based on whether or not you insulted the race of the janny. There are good rules like ''no furry shit'' that don't get enforced at all.
The problem with 4chan is what kind of people become jannies. It's nothing but trash. Most jannies are literal trannies who circlejerk about how they infiltrated 4chan and will make the site liberal and trans friendly. These people gatekeep new admins.
The only solution is getting rid of every single janny and replacing them with competent and paid admins.
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>princess peach wearing a pink garbage bag
Rules do work and don't get enforced randomly it's just that sometimes mods and jannies won't be available. I have seen stuff here and on /tv/ that blatantly break the rules but linger for an hour or two before getting deleted because mods are not around. This will keep happening because they don't get paid. Generals all eventually become mini discord servers where 5 or less anons just treat it like a personal chat room and don't talk about the topic anymore and shit like this needs to end. I do agree with you about the corrupt janny part though but that's a different issue.
For once I agree with the wojak poster
seek medical help OP
Mods are around. They do selective moderation and have been exposed gloating about keeping up blacked threads. These people are online all day.
You can see the selective janny work if you post certain stuff that they specifically dislike. /a/ and /lgbtp/ never have moderation issues. Jannies are on /v/ all day just waiting for the vidya butt poster and anti-Nintento shitposts playing whack-a-mole with it.
>Mods are around
Not all the time. A thread breaking the rules but staying on the catalog for an hour or two proves that which happens often. Why then delay the pruning? Because they aren't around.
It's ironic to see people bitching about AI and it killing creativity when the anons from before this place became a tourist-infested shithole would have embraced it and would have done all sorts of crazy and hilarious shit with it.
Imagine the people from the flash/ytp era with AI in their hands. And that's the basic uses, I bet in a single week some anon would cause some sort of outrage by posting extremely realistic fake nudes of the president, or "leaking" fale audio of important people in compromising situations. It would have been pure chaos, instead of this relentless bitching and moaning.
I think the only one I've seen getting bopped was Berniefag lmao
Now you're being either fucking retarded or disingenuous
Why would a mod wait 2 hours to prune a thread that broke the rules?
The only good shitposts were the indian ones at the beginning of the Dalle3 threads.
Once the novelty died out only the hyper autists remained. Truth be told AIslopping is boring as shit. Copying prompts from the internet and rolling the Ai gacha until you get an image that isn't vomitive is not high art or creative or anything. It's incredibly mind-numbing and repetitive and the threads have nothing to do with videogames, it's just a bunch of discord trannies prompting the same exact thing every day
They do it on purpose or are ''''''''''''''''busy''''''''''''''''''''''' doing something else on 4chan like monitoring nintendo threads for anyone who says nigger or posting in the dalle thread right now LARPing as a little girl.
Go post in the dalle thread and see how fast it takes for them to either ban you or image ban you. It will take seconds.
Ok so you agree they aren't around and that's the reason. Good.
Wait they actually moderate those threads? Considering the absolute state of /v/ I thought it was a desolate shithole with no moderation. Hell it seems like every videogame out there with a slightly recurrent thread becomes a discord chatroom full of shitposters posting inside jokes and drama 24/7
The people who apply for janny positions are absolute scum. They sit on discord and they have anime avatars and pronouns in their description. They apply for a specific reason and then powertrip by moderating only what they want.
The Dalle thread has heavy moderation. I've tested it many times and I get image banned for posting in them. Doesn't even matter what you post, they know everyone who posts there and know when someone not in their clique posted. Post a random image of Peach that blends in with the rest, you'll be image banned.
I just made this reply in it lets test your schizophrenia >>689435925
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sloppers won
It's still there along with a bunch of other posts that aren't waifu fagging how is this possible I thought it wasn't?
I love how all the people mad about this post aren't even refuting the point of the post. He's not even saying AI is all bad, only that it really only helps people that lack creativity
My point exactly. People could only think of a single joke, ran it into the ground and now just spam. That's all people do on this site anymore besides the endless stream of shitty bait, AI has changed nothing, besides adding one more general to the catalog and a bunch of worthless threads complaining about it.
>Go post in the dalle thread and see how fast it takes for them to either ban you or image ban you. It will take seconds.
Still not deleted and banned. How "fast" is this supposed to happen bro?
Tranny told his friends to not delete his post. Very clever.
she's pretty tho
>"i...i...i...t will be deleted in seconds!"
>wasn't deleted
>"this time is special!"
God you are sad. There are tons of non waifu shit in there not deleted in "seconds". You were wrong autist.
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pathetic cope
Except there's nothing to refute because his point makes 0 sense and was proven wrong by AI threads themselves. The people without creativity were limited to what the AI gave them while those with creativity were finding ways to bypass censors, testing the limits of prompting, finding ways to create consistent styles or characters and so on.
These non waifu posts were made why before this thread was created. They were never deleted in "seconds" or at all.
You were wrong you pathetic schizo.
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Pathetic tranny cope. I never said they deleted any of my posts. They image banned me every time I posted.
I am testing it now to see how long it takes for them to image ban me.
>Go post in the dalle thread and see how fast it takes for them to either ban you or image ban you. It will take seconds.
I accept your concession.
Accept that you'll never be a woman and 41% yourself already
I accepted your concession schizo we are good.
Accept death, tranny
>The people without creativity were limited to what the AI gave them while those with creativity were finding ways to bypass censors, testing the limits of prompting, finding ways to create consistent styles or characters and so on.
It doesn't take skills or creativity to brute force a computer into making something you like, lol. And even after all that, the vast majority of AI art are copyrighted material because AIfag can't make anything original. I already hate artists that do nothing but draw copyrighted characters, but at least they have the skills to draw. This is below that because this takes 0 skills at all.
We are good schizo you lost it's ok.
Post your nuvagina, tranny
I will never be this competent
See previous post
This is just unhinged artfag cope
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>peachposting is actually triggering /v/tards
I accept your suicide note
why do we have AI art generals in /v/ anyway? shouldn't they go into /gd/ or some other art board?
I use AI to create realistic pornography of celebs and send it to them on Twitter
/v/ jannies are complacent and actively post in those threads. There hasn't been an attempt at keeping those threads video game related in a long time.
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>princess peach wearing a pink garbage bag
this not even my final form
Ngmi if Ai stops you from being an artist than you weren't motivated to become in the first place. Ai isn't gonna replace artists go pick up a pencil faggot or stay in Dalle threads generating slop that shits up the internet
AI is killing the porn industry...
It's over...
Most AIfags are too lazy to start programming anything. And the ones that get minimum viable product on Steam are only in there to scam suckers before the grift is overplayed.
can you give an example of an AI game on Steam? I am curious to see what they are able to make
>tfw 'jakking is more soulful and creative than proompting and spamming 5000 "peach at the park" aislops
The end times are upon us
Ahh the hourly anti-AI shill brought to you by OpenAI and Microsoft.
So true, can you generate a princess peach posting in the anti ai shill thread slopmutant for us?
I don't understand why China has such a massive lead in video AI, everything good in that space is only coming out of China. Runway is like the only western competitor and they're inferior to MiniMax.
While everyone is jerking off Dalle 3 or complaining that the free dalle 3 demo isn't perfect, while everyone is shitting for AI videos not being good enough, suno has casually completely mogged human made music.
While there is some way to go with AI images and videos are far from perfect, the music production stuff is already like 99% perfect. Next Suno version should be coming out soon too.
Udio is better in essentially every way
Chink cope. That model isn't even close to being the best, it's just the best one you can use for free online. The previous best was probably Luma, which was released months ago.
This is how it always goes. One side releases their stuff, then the other side one ups them with a better version, then the other side has to come up with a better one.
The actual best tech will not be shown to you at this moment. They're working with models you won't see in years.
You're actually retarded, Luma is a tier below MiniMax, Runway, and Kling. MiniMax has the best temporal consistency which is what everyone wants out of a ai video model.
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>It's unhinged to call uncreative fags out for their lack of creativity
Blatantly false. I've seen this repeated everywhere and it's just so demonstrably false. The shit udio produces doesn't even sound like music unless it's very short instrumentals. It takes like 15 minutes to generate a song and it always without fail sounds like absolute trash.
Suno generates a song in seconds and it's radio quality. The shit udio produces often doesn't even sound like human words or singing, just wailing of dead animals. I don't have any idea how people parrot this stupid shit without thinking. Everyone says udio is better than suno. It's like one techbro misspoke and said it backwards and everyone just repeats it without ever checking it for themselves
What's an easy program to make VNs with? I'm talking drag and drop shit, not renpy, I'm a retard.
Dude suno sounds like a shitty text to speech pasted on top of a generic audio track, atleast udio sounds like the vocals and music mix. I hate the suno text to speech sound.
why are they so pathetic
Did you also complain when Photoshop / similar tools debuted the heal tool? The fill tools? These vastly simplified difficult and time consuming tasks and I'm willing to bet you welcomed these with open arms and use them.
>AI art is not video games.
it is if it's AI art of video games.
Any responses?
>he's actually arguing that 4chan mods Aren't discord trannies
it's pretty fucking obvious
>Ai is fucking commie bugman crap for people who cannot value merit and just want to remove actual skill out of the equation
This is pure projection. AI takes skill to use, you commie bugman.
>>he's actually arguing that 4chan mods Aren't discord trannies
I never argued that once you dumb fuck and even agreed with him that they are corrupt here >>689434393
>The webm clearly shows that you can make consistent character art and if there is anything you don't like you can easily change it.
Its just inpainting.
>heh, i can't wait until AI replaces you low IQ burger flipping service workers

{{{{{{masterpiece, best quality, good quality, better quality saar please let this work, 5 fingers}}}}}}
okay then you little autist. You were implying his post was 100% litteral fact when you knew exactly what he meant
I wanted to generate two songs with the same prompt and lyrics to show how suno is better, but udio flagged the lyrics as copyrighted so fuck that
This is what suno generated in seconds
here is another version

Here is some shit I generated with udio with random lyrics but the same genre prompts
This doesn't even sound like music if you can even tell what the fuck they're saying
No I quoted the part where you literally said my post would be deleted in seconds when it's still there over and hour later.
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>>Meanwhile not a single AI can make characters with consistent design and artstyle
I have seen many successful prompt anons generate consistent outputs of a character. You might not get winners back to back but you just have to keep trying and get good at writing prompts. Don't worry anon, it's a skill but the more you prectice the more you get the hang of it.
toyxyz3 at twitter
This is fucking sick, as in it's fucking awesome nigga
im really not him and that's exactly what I said. Only austis think litteraly means 100% litteral fact in 2024
>You might not get winners back to back
That's what a VN is.
>m really not him
>defending him
>taking up his argument
>typing like him
This is just sad now.
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AIfags are just like trannies, both pretending to be something they'll never be.
And art purists call AI users out for not practicing and honing skill, funny.
I am pro AI. Digital art is not dead. Go learn the skill. Hell even use AI to help inspire you or create poses to base your ideas on. AI is a tool, there are always humans piloting them and at the wheel. Go learn to be an artist and make something great.
>Why replace creative skills and jobs first?
We invented assembly line machines years ago. We have invented self checkouts and online storefronts. Amazon regulates shipment centers for package delivery automatically, humans supervise and help move things along. The creative fields were not the first impacted by tech.
Doing something you love and doing something you live for money are not the same right. A true creative finds niches in what they can and like to do, either in their free time or how to make a living out of it. You're a member of this free market, so make a supply that has a demand, or convince others to demand it.
hilarious. I just read the thread, agreed with him and thought you were being an autist for no reason
I accepted your concession already remember?
True, even the trannies in the DALL E thread have a Discord where they ERP using their slop. They are losers.
What a stupid and disingenuous comparison. How retarded do you have to be to post something like this to try and make a point... like you can clearly see this is an unfair comparison since you provided lyrics to one and had AI generate lyrics for the other. Secondly, what's the prompt? For all I know you prompted it differently since these are two different genres of music.
I want to see some /v/tards turning against AI slop because there are trannies who support generative AI. It would be amusing
lol you don't need to cherrypick, just look at every ai general on 4chan and you see the same lack of creativity.
Here is also something you can do with suno. I took the chat gpt generated lyrics of the awful udio song and used them for a suno song, and used the mario bros theme song as the base which got turned into a bass beat

The next suno model is going to be wild
It's a tool. AI doesn't just make generated art. It has so many more applications. It can be used to synthesize and produce voices which you probably think is super scummy and basically thievery, but that's only because you're creatively bankrupt yourself.
As a tool, AI can already revolutionize the audiobook industry but nobody is jumping on it yet because it still costs tons of money to do, even though the production costs with AI would be a fraction of what they would be and better than if it were through a studio with real people.

And not even audiobooks, but even games themselves, AI can reduce cost and create actual translations and high quality dubs.
In terms of Voice and Audio design, AI is an absolute game-changer.
It's not "killing" creativity as much as it is providing a far more efficient and cost-effectively superior product.

AI is not infallible, of course, it has issues and it can absolutely be used nefariously, like a gun to shoot up a fucking school, but It also has its upsides, and depending on who uses it and how, it can be very positive, or very negative.
Unfortunately we live in a world where regulation is basically dictated by the market's biggest corporations which is absolutely fucking disgusting.

If people should be bitching about anything, it's these fucking Jews who are in control of everything from banks to hospitals to the god damn gaming industry and all its woke agenda.

Blackrock and Vanguard are literally owned by Kikes.
AIslop is soulless, forgettable trash that even the AIsloppers will forget about it a week later when they start proompting more slop.
Technique =/= creativity
there's a few pics I've been using for phone backgrounds etc but yeah, most of it lands straight in the bin
The claim that udio generates better music than suno is so laughably false that I don't feel like jumping through hoops to prove you wrong like you can't just generate two songs and see that udio is a failure. It generating shit and not being able to do copyrighted lyrics is enough for me.
I've seen absolutely zero evidence that udio is better than suno in any way. People were claiming that udio was the suno killer back when udio only generates 15 second clips and took 20 minutes so you'd have to spend an hour or more on a full song. They were already saying it was the best.

I do not understand where this extremely loud and vocal support for udio is coming from. Everyone says it's the best but when music needs to be generated no one uses udio because it's bad.
>It can be used to synthesize and produce voices which you probably think is super scummy and basically thievery, but that's only because you're creatively bankrupt yourself.
AI isn't synthesizing shit from thin air, retard.
AI doesn't kill your creativity, but it could help you express it easier and better without wasting years on the more monotonous aspects of a hobby.
That doesn't mean your hobby's monotonous aspects will go extinct, either. If you think that you're just a dumbass.
There will always be a demographic for oddly specific things, they're not going to go away just because AI streamlines anything.
If anything, the primitive ways may become more novel in turn.
Oh I'm sorry, I should have asked your permission before using real data from the real world to feed a tool that can improve upon it.
Kill yourself, faggot. The future is now and nobody is going to wait for your bitch ass.
Here come the brainless retards who think AI works by storing trillions of terabytes of audio data and somehow ''steals'' voices
We had a good thread but reddit has arrived
Search any decent AI artist tag on a booru and they'll have a consistent style. Online models try to censor specific styles so trannies don't cry about being stolen from, but that's a fault of the limitations of machine learning generated art.
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Of course, they're not going to remember their slop since they had no part in actually making any of it.
>it has issues and it can absolutely be used nefariously, like a gun to shoot up a fucking school
My brother I'm so glad you bring uo this example. I recently have come to comparing the claim that anyone using AI will create slop to gins; as "guns don't kill people, people with guns kill people", "AI doesn't create bad movies, people misusing AI kills people". It's like using Wikipedia in a school paper. Most people know to dig deeper and follow the wiki sources instead of just throwing the first wiki link you find into your citations and call it a day. Genning once or twice and not seeing good outputs for the task or project is the users' fault, and if a mocie uses horrible scripts generated by chst GPT that's their fault. Why did you not wdit the script and keep the structure? Why dod you not keep what worked or what you liked and make the rest yourself? Copy and pasting wholesale is lazy, but you don't blame the AI on that. Hollywood did not need AI to make slop, humans are just fine for taking the shortest path and doing that on their own.
Pick one.
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I use the same funny or cool pictures in my shitposts, profile pictures, backgrounds, etc. It's no different than art or photos taken by humans, art made my man in my folders or on art forums are just as memorable or forgettable. I see no trend here.
The AI discourse really went to shit the moment retards got tricked into thinking AI is an idpol/culture war shit
Also Japanese artists these days are no longer based now. They are increasingly buck broken by shitty foreigners reposting their art without giving them credit while also being asshole toward them or going woke and broke because of AI art (as in the case of Belko) /sarcasm
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taking a few request for ai slop
It's pretty weird to see them treat AI as some religion or some shit.
It's just a tool. Nothing more, nothing less.
AIjeets and trannies keep trying to say it's a tool so they can get credit for their sloppa which is never going to happen.
>Veins on her tits

The only thing that could make this better is her pubes running up towards her belly-button.
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99% of antiAI seethe is sour grapes from being unable to prompt and not having the raw talent to produce real AI art
It's so funny, isn't it? Artists I've known have always said "once you put your work out into the world it is no longer yours, it is everyone's. Everyone's to witness, to interpret, to be inspired from, to derrive.
I learned how to draw from others art works around me. I practiced drawing their works until I understood how to control my hand and how to draw shapes and lines as they do. I may not know their technique but I made a technique to make what looks like theirs. In teaditional art circles you would call this my own budding style.
AI does the exact same thing, and the model is trained and programmed by exposing it to others works, not unlike how a child's brain absorbs everything around them to learn context and purpose.
So how can art be stolen if it belongs to the world? How can inspiring or derriving be plagerism if that's how everyone learns in some way shape or form?
>You have to be a brownoid to like a piece of technology

Unlike a Pajeet, I wouldn't use it to get any credit. Go fuck yourself, retard. I just want to play around with it and see what I can make. Like memes or shitposts. Break yourself.
Partially agree. I think a lot of them want to make their own traditional or digital art, the sour grapes come from the fact what a machine makes is on par technique-wise with what they want to accomplish and they are jealous it took you less or a different effort.
If only they didn't feel threatened by the existence of this.
There are only two types of artists. Those who enjoy the craft and the process of doing art, they don't care about ai. And those who do art as their job and they are already using ai in some way.
Except everybody can tell your sloppa is AI by glancing at it for 5 seconds so the entire endeavor is completely pointless.
Antisemitism is social justice shit now. Get with the time
lmao the copium is strong. you will only get an approximation at best.
>buh buh buh good enough
yes, you're an NPC
Jews are subhuman. They always have been. Gas them all and into the oven you go, rabbi.
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>real AI art
>Raw talent
They can't prompt. They tried it once and went
>umm....mario.....and ummm he is ummm mario....eating mushroom
then they look at other people's images and its this beautiful work of art they can't even describe, they can't even reverse engineer the prompt and figure out how it was prompted. So they do the only thing a cornered frustrated ape an do and they start flinging shit and making monkee noises.

It's truly sad. If any of these people had even a crumb of talent they could use that talent to produce the most amazing AI image ever created, say AI is shit and they won't be using it and drop the mic.
Defined by you. I don't care if the art style or qualities of it are easily discernable as ai made or not, I don't wish to gen AI pictures to fool you into thinking it was digitally or hand drawn. I just want pictures made, I want people to be happy, amused, uplifted by the creation if these images, audio, videos, text. I view AI from a utilitarian perspective, and it gives us so much, we have so much capabilities with AI whether its artisitic, scientific, or otherwise.
>if there is anything you don't like you can easily change it.
you can't quickly fix up the hairstyle from twin tails to straight down. not to mention the clothes switch every time. you're fucking delusional
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AI trannies try to hide the hands on their slop the same way a tranny tries to hide its adam's apple.
>Left= AIslop
>Right= Real Art
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tranny didn't even watch the webm he is seething about
So are the Hamas dickriding brownoids
>skilled artists will now be able to pump out much more work at a much lower price
this means less work is needed to complete a work, which means LOWER PAYRATES for the same hours.
good job, you've just made artists starve even more
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>Saars, it tooking me 2 hours to fill out a google search. Plz redeem, thank you come again!
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I hate both Palestine and Israel. Go suck Kike dick somewhere else you fucking goyim.
Me drawing a pencil sketch for 30 minutes does not mean artists cant charge hundreds of dollars for fsncy commisions. I havent changed a thing.
based gif
It's funny because I've put stable diffusion and dall e in front of some friends of mine, they just can't come up with something to generate.
Danbooru and Sadpanda went woke the moment AI slop got uploaded to these two sites
>oh no, ''art''ists will starve
boohoo :(
I'm a coomer and AI outside the SDXL (worst model) is cucked and boring
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Why is it always either trannies or pajeets?
me on the left
Are you saying the posting of that art is the woke, or the website went woke in response to the ai art?
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>The AI bad because AI bad! It's not good enough for my tastes!
Who cares? We have the power to churn out a custom image in five seconds, it's fucking awesome and fun. We're on a damn image board, people. This should make us happy, not angry.
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you don't understand how it works. if you can achieve the same work in less time, you're either getting paid less per piece (fewer hours * same payrate) or doing more pics (same pay, same hours, more work).
>why did we do it?
Because we live in a dystopia, I bet you didn't give a shit about the slaves mining the materials that were used to build your videogame consoles. Now it's your turn to get fucked, simple as that.
It's the latter
Cherrypicked, but you don't really care to be honest
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Proving the point that AI is for white chads. Took a pajeet 2 hours to create images it takes white men 5 seconds to make
Now make her dick tiny and give her insecure expression.
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>porn quality skyrockets
>no irl women benefit in any way
Unfortunately, still looks like AIslop.
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AIbros, what are your thoughts on RPGmaker?
So lower priced commisions also means more paying customers who can now afford your pricepoints. I'm not seeing the issue here, you get what you put in, and I'm not going to pretend traditional or digital art stops being valued as AI improves. Clearly we see plenty of anons, plenty of ai models that people are happy with using yet the art world and art comissions still make money. I don't think anything is happening.
It just shits up the internet for the most part. I've seen some decent prompts but they're pretty forgettable. Still have no idea why we still have a dalle general everyday, it's just the same 3 fags praising slop but keeping vidya related
>also means more paying customers
No it means less because they can just use AI
Most people don't really give a shit when AI is being using for shitposting, the issue comes from AI art fags being insecure when people call their art soulless slop.
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>when a tranny is so delusional you hit him with the AI slop stare
It's more like comparing real Pokemon cards to the cheap chinese fake ones. Nobody wants that bootleg trash, people want the real thing.
probably took him an hour to download it via dialup
To parallel it to AI, it's a great toolkit for those less inclined in gamedevving to work from an engine scratch, BUT you get out what you put in, and so many wonderful games have been made on RPG Maker, but also too you see plenty of default or reused assets that feel less like its own game and more just lazy or low-investment. AI is the same way, you put in low effort and you get low result outputs, but put in a lot of effort and get good outputs.
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How am I the tranny? You're the one pretending to be an artist the same way a tranny pretends to be a woman.
>b-but you get more c-customers
you're still working MORE FOR LESS
Never used AI slop for political shit
Only for shitpost-y stuff like "NEVER GOON" or that Dr. Mario meme
They open the pandora box and you are angry, yes we understand
Most "artists" are glorified copy machines making art only for profit, most are mad about ai art because it threaten their fake job.
I produce amazing works of art, therefore I am an artist
It's time to stop playing pretend.
Then they can go to the "real" artists and pay real artist prices. Again, I'm not seeing the problem. You haven't destroyed opprotunities, only created more.
Surley there is a clientelle that wants human made art but can't afford the current modern price of commisions. Hell furrys throw their money at anything, non furries who are just as irresponsible with their money exist too.
better than renpy
>being unable to prompt
Lmao look at this absolute retard
the entire point of AI is to create art that people can't tell apart from art by an artist so that clients can save on the costs of hiring an artist. as long as people can tell the difference there's very little point to it.
Where are your prompts, tranny?
Defying to DEW the math I see?
Reminds me of pic from Luma trying to continue an 8bit cutscene from fnaf4
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You didn't make shit, tranny
Don't AI troons get tired of completely embarassing themselves for the past 2 years? They just keep taking L after L every thread.
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this makes arttrannies seethe
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Imagine looking at this and thinking AI can't produce anything of value.
>Brown hands in the middle
Lol how fucking braindead Ai artist are. By being able to mass produce your shitty art, it makes it worthless.
>the entire point of AI is to create art that people can't tell apart from art by an artist
Once again, you have invented this definition yourself. AI is just meant to create what the user prompts it to based on its flavor of training data. No more, no less.
An Amiibo fighter in Auper Smash Bors Ultimate is not made to become a fighter that immitates humans so it can fool humans into passing a turing test through its gameplay, its made to learn to fight from its training input data and resemble it as succesfully as possible.
AI needs human art to know what humans define as "art", and "looking good", its not trying to fool you. Fooling you may be the objective of a user utelizing AI but as said >>689448079, guns don't kill people, people with guns do.
Hence why it says "Classic piece of art". Also emotions are a thing. You know, the reason art even exists in the first place
>All the details look like incomprehensible, melted looking garbage.
Yup, that's AIslop alright.
just 2 more weeks
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dude just casually mogged the entire ''art'' industry
I kneel
See >>689448989
oy vey
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prompting is hard bros, please respect me and my time
Value is determined by every individual. What you fail to realize is your own subscription to the notion of "the more it is, the less special it is". Life is a fucking miracle, every animal you see, every body of water glistening, every treat you get on a hot summer day is magical. Just because you've lived life and have seen all of these things doesn't make it any less magical UNLESS YOU THINK THAT IT IS. I think you could use a perspective shift.
>umm sirs good mornings, dalle 3 sirs that makes 4 images in 5 seconds cut corners sirs, it didn't take 2 hours to do the needful details
bros, the future is looking bright
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Based, but for me it’s Anthros
>hating both Palestine and Israel
Retards are going call you a fencesitter for not picking either sides. Be careful
AI art is a necessary evil because it filters dopamine-addicted trend hopper "artists" who only care about clout and attention
If trannies are pro-AI these pro-AI shitposters would have a complete 180 turnover because they don't want to be associated with those freaks
When are mods gonna ban the Dall-E and "let AI interpret a game" threads? Those fags INSIST they're not Generals.
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Thank you for your service, slopper
Civvies wouldn't understand
>AI art is a necessary evil because it filters dopamine-addicted trend hopper "artists" who only care about clout and attention
don't forget the patreon money
When the drawthreads get banned, because that certainly is a general under the same criteria
I heard AI progression is going backwards since it now uses current AI slop to create even more AI slop.
Isn't that one a weekly one?
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>AI troons have to pat eachother on the back since even they know that nobody in the real world takes them seriously.
How sad.
If artists really want art to flourish they'd do it for free and let the spirit of artistic merit uplifting and enriching the people who see it be all the payment needed.
>b-b-but I gotta eat to live!
AI gen artists do too, and they usually have day jobs.
>implying it's not the same guy replying to himself
What is up with AI fags typing like teenage girls?
>Life is a fucking miracle, every animal you see, every body of water glistening, every treat you get on a hot summer day is magical.
Dawg, you sound like a fucking faggot which makes sense since you love AI so much.
And you call me the creativitly bankrupt one?
I hope they do the same thing but with culture war/rage bait threads as well
Heard about the AI inbreeding for a while now
Or free commission they do out of spite because of AI slop
what a nice young gentleman, i wonder if thats his cat....

im shocked this isn't censored yet.
AIchads are gods amongst men with limitless creativity and skill.
Here's my take: AI as "art" is fucking stupid. However, it does work for comedy, be it graphic (picture/video) or written.
Even literal children on Tiktok can tell your slop is AI. So much for muh 2 more weeks cope.
The best comedy it creates is the anti-AI tranny seethe and real people losing their jobs over it
the point is the people funding R&D want to replace artists. they want a cheaper solution to human. that's the problem.
in an ideal world the artists would switch occupations find work elsewhere, but that takes a ton of time and effort, so it's in artists' best interests to stop the rollout of AI.
Intentional sabotage / self sabotage, I refuse to believe they would do / keep doing that after they find out about it.
>to human
to human labor
>switch occupations find work elsewhere
switch occupations and find work elsewhere
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This is true, one of the hurdles now is people posting untagged AI slop to normal art sites so now they're having trouble filtering out a basically incestuous training pool.

It's funny watching AItard cope like they're finally going to be relevant in the world now that they can generate cheap tits and memes, instead of treating it like the cheap titty and meme generator that it actually is (holy shit img2img is funny as hell)
Well, if they use a lora it gets pretty consistent
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ai is killing artists
based ai
Yea "cheap ass and tits generator", why MS doesn't understand lol
holy shit
More programs like Nightshade are also releasing so eventually the data will all end up poisoned to the point that it will be unusable.
>holy shit img2img is funny as hell
care to explain for a non ai user?
what a mess. terrible waste of perfectly good strawberry sauce
Go back to the TRANN-E thread if you want to ERP with the rest of the AI troons.
Because you are lmao. No matter what shitty prompts you use to fuel your shitty art, it will never be exactly what you want, just a guesstimate. But then again, i doubt AI fags have enough brain power to come up with an image in their head.
Not fast enough
Firstly, you wouldn't know AI if it bit you
Second, listening to children on Tiktok is one of America's greatest problems right now.
There is so SO much more use for AI than art, but even in that realm only the super rich mega corps can afford to hire and keep artists in full time, those are the ones churning out the souless corporate art like the google headers or the grubhub and kroger ads, so are we really becrying the loss of those being done by humans? As said before, slop needs no ai to help it be slop, it would have been cheap corporate slop with or without an ai.
The purpose is to consolidate and simplify when someone doesnt care about rh details so more time/money/effort can be put somewhere else. If they dont care and get an AI to do all their ads, don't blame the advancement of science thay a mega corm who can afford to hire a human doesn't, but I'm only so sympathetic because, again, I'm jaded don't see what is lost to appreciate about corporatism in the west.
Counterpoint: https://huggingface.co/spaces/p1atdev/AdverseCleaner
That's the thing they rationalize everything but deep inside they are so angry with AI, well if I was an artist I will be very salty too, is human nature damn
Sour grapes and projection
>still posting this dumb pajeet from 2 years ago
This is an example of inconsistency, and it's the same inconsistency that plagues AI since day 1. Every frame changes the lighting and details. Whenever someone tries to use AI for something practical, rather than just posting a one-off big titty anime girl to Twitter, they run into the same thing - you want a shot of your VN protagonist from another angle and now her T-shirt says something completely different and her hair ornament has changed shape and her bangs are parted differently. You need a shot of her frowning and now the entire face's lighting has changed.

Until AI actually fixes consistency, not just band-aids and "good enough" vaguely similar generations but actually can produce the exact same details every time, it's useless for practical game applications for anything past the very, very bottom-rung "it was this or random images stolen off Danbooru"-tier projects.The only way to get anything close to consistent right now is to train a LoRA, which ironically needs you to have a whole bunch of art of the character already.
>killed porn artists
>killed musicians
>killed animators
next, AI will kill video games...
If Paul Bunyon just learned to use a bulldozer his job wouldn't be threatened, he's just be doing it differently.
Sour grapes about fucking what? You fags like its some fucking skill to pump out soulless art.
AI trannies want to be seen as real artists so bad, it's hilarious.
I hope it kills my job soon
Sour grapes over not having the imagination or the skill to produce the AI art you want. Projecting your failure on other people saying they're the ones who can't get the AI to give them the image they want.
Typical tranny
they are real artists and they're just trying to reason with mental midgets
This, why else would they be so interested in art?
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>AI art
>Skills and imagination
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AI seethe thread? AI seethe thread.
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Am I an artist yet?
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img2img lets you input any image and run it through a noise filter for the AI to recreate. You have basically a slider telling it how much of the image you want it to remain the same or change.
Easiest thing is to just turn MSpaint scribbles into a better image, or go full hog and inpaint photographs/other drawings with changed details
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>reeee I hate artists!
AItrannyjeets are always good for a laugh.
miss me with that shit
Rookie numbers, even my music mix on Youtube has a million views.
anti AI tranny false flagging with tranny shit
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If someone is creating a story then one would assume they have a creative vision in mind. They are spending dozens of hours to bring forth a new world. Using AI sacrifices too much, such as control and consistency and of course a unique style. There's also the issue that AI imagery isn't "yours" both from a creative standpoint but also from a legal one. You won't have limitless possibilities but instead what the AI gives you. You can't copyright it since a human didn't make it, so you can't say "1girl, large breasts, blue shirt" belongs to you and expect to enforce any protection on it.
As it stands, the use of AI art tells you that the person behind the game/VN really doesn't care too much about what they're doing. They want something fast and cheap, so it's just going to be something forgettable and passed over like all the other shovelware. Who is going to spend months writing or programming something and then decide to spend only 5 minutes prompting the visuals? It betrays all that effort.
Nah bro, you're on the tranny side now. Live with your shame.
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I mean I have hetero stuff but I'm not spoonfeeding it since it makes anons seethe here.
Nice gptslop essay
why does:
her cock keep changing color and shape
her nipples keep changing color and shape
her hair keeps changing the little tentacle things hanging off it
her pubes vanish
randomly growing a tail at the end
hmmm I'm not gonna say based until I see some evidence
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i like making slop because of how easy it is and sometimes people pay me to do it (also infinite porn folder fodder)
learning to draw actual art on my main accounts has been fun though, people who say AI stuff is real art are odd
>I have hetero stuff
No point when you already proved to everyone that you jerk off to hentai shemale porn.
The fact that you care so much about your way of doing art that another different medium that takes less effort and different skills threatens you enough that you can't just stay in your own medium of art and be happy. I don't envy you, I don't need the skills that you have to make what I want, because what I wamt is good enough for me but not the same as what you make. I'll concede that I truly appreciate manmade art and the time and effort it takes to make it, you experienced artists posses skills I never have had before. I respect it, but I just don't need it.
good point bro, maybe this AI stuff shits on 1girl standing twitter artists than full complex projects
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wtf? I love ai now
fug, you got me there
also I need to get back to genning sfw of this, promises an anon a few days ago.
>"It's a football! I prompted it!"
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>different medium
Another AI tranny pretending to be an artist.
is she supposed to be Tau kek
>and sometimes people pay me to do it
how much do you charge?
>china kills jewish vidya industry
>china kills jewish porn industry
When are we going to get sinokino to destroy hollywood?
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Are you intentionally being retarded?
I dunno, all I know about 40k is spess muhreens
Im gonna be honest, I think AIslop is shit, but I wouldn't mind profiting off retards with it. Porn addicts won't care if I drew it myself or not.

>more applications.
Krisp is great, i love having voice calls that are not shit thanks to it, Kinect was also a fun gimmick sad micoshit killed it.

>actual translations
no fucking machine can translate from Japanese to English and vice versa due to how ridiculously different both languages and cultures are
like $20-$28 depending on complexity
is it a lot for AI stuff? probably, but my "work"-flow is very autistic to ensure maximum crispiness so too much less and i cba because i'm lazy
>he can't debate back so he's resorted to name calling
AI is based. I've stopped commissioning artists altogether now that I can generate anything in any style.
most people learn drawing from real life figures, you fucking retard, AI is just a fucking noise correction algorithm that linearly interpolates between a bunch of crap that had passed through it, comparing to the human brain is like comparing the brain of a flea with the one of a dolphin.
Sure you can buddy
>is it a lot for AI stuff?
I have no idea, I've had people asking for very complex stuff that I turned down because I'm more interested in starting on patreon than dealing with requests
No wonder why Japanese artists these days are becoming woke (if you think hating AI art is somehow "woke")
Do me a favor and go to the Drawthread. 99% of the artists I wouldn't even pay $30.
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Holy hell this is some cope. No retard, I tried it and found it boring as shit. Everyone can copy paste a prompt and roll for a good gen. No one is sour grapes at AI art. It's easy as fuck and even the biggest orangutan normie can use the Whatsapp AI to generate some sloppa.

I think it's cheap, looks disgusting, has glaring mistakes, and it's so easy to make that every 80iq third world retard can churn out several pieces of slop per day. The end result is a flood with AI garbage on every site that allows user generated content. And THAT bothers me. And now you are trying to enter every possible industry with your greasy AI garbage, which earns you hate because no one wants to consume AIslop.

Now go back to /g/ or the Dalle general, where you can pretend you have a superpower and that everybody is jealous at you, for copypasting another Princess Peach prompt, you fucking baboon
Even if they're not the greatest artists, I'd still consider them artists unlike AItards.
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I think people more hate the smug and self fellating attitude of AItards more than they do the infinite porn. I'm inclined to agree. I just wish they'd stop posting it to regular art sites because it makes filtering an actual fucking chore if it doesn't have an AI tag to filter out.

The missed opportunity is not using/training it on textures nobody gives a shit about for indies. Tileable stone/grass/whatever, open up photoshop and weather it a bit manually, bam done and you don't have to pay royalties to some retard selling photos he took of a brick wall.

Skimping out on the characters is fucking insane.
promptlet cope
didn't read
deaf retard
>another different medium
The fact that people that generate AI art can't understand why their art is bad is the whole fucking reason for why a lot of people hate them. This isn't a different medium, the whole reason for why AI art was created was to replace the need of man-made art. Its not a skill and that's by design. You retards think its so hard to come up with these prompts but eventually its be so easy that even a child can replicate your shitty art.
See >>689451970
Clearly there is creative vision in mind, using AI to fill in blanks or elements that your vision didn't encompass doesn't diminish your intent at all. In fact this pretty much destroys the "AI has no intention behind it", if I made the prompt and I keep genning or altering my prompt as a feedback loop I am searching for something that fits my vision, that's intent.
>There's also the issue that AI imagery isn't "yours" both from a creative standpoint but also from a legal one.
Show me the law about AI art. Also, all art is derrivative from other humans. There is nothing new under the sun. Who did you leanr art from? What artists influenced you and your works? I hope you got their written consent, otherwise... yikes.
>They want something fast and cheap
Affordable? Probably. Fast? Lmao, you get out what you put in. Prompting takes time to understand how the algorithm reacts and handles your prompt, and you need to generate something multiple times for real trial and error. If you are aiming for something quality you are not saving time.
>It betrays all that effort.
Damn dude, hope you weren't planning to use an elevator to get up the stairs, we don't want to betray the effort it takes to climb a building.
Because only crappy artists use a fucking /v/ drawthread. Anyone with talent is doing commissions on patreon or pixiv.
Goddamn son, you cooked him.
You can cope about your pointless pride. AI can even draw hands better than these artists lmao.

>I just wish they'd stop posting it to regular art sites
It's way easier to filter AI slop than your average Western slop drawn by the most untalented mutts. I genuinely wish there was a button to filter them instantly, otherwise I wouldn't celebrate AI slop as much.
AI can't draw though, it can only copy paste pre-existing works.
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>The missed opportunity is not using/training it on textures nobody gives a shit about for indies.
Oh yeah, I remember seeing a tiling option in SD early on. I'm not sure how many people ever used it. I tried it a couple times, but quickly forgot about it. It must be a lot better with today's models.
God seeing westoids post on pixiv is infuriating.
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Like what? Can you point out specific examples or are you still coping? AI is only copy paste as much as you allow, it's a skill issue unironically.

Yea seeing the boorus get spammed with AI to the point where you barely see any low effort Western drawing has been so cathartic.
Bonus dumbass point if they unironically use English tags like "loli"
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What makes an AIchad so talented? Why did some people with natural talent and skill rise with the creation of AI while others failed miserably and seethe covered in piss and shit?
You give the same tool to two people, one creates the most amazing works of art ever created, another one shits its pants and blames the tool for its inadequacy

Maybe one day they will invent an AI tool that can fix whatever is broken in these people. For now it's best to ignore the plebs.
And the fact we can sit here and argue if its bad or not shows the true mature of subjective interpretation, a hallmark of art.
>the whole reason for why AI art was created was to replace the need of man-made art
Again, see
The only humans it is replacing are for industries where the merit of the art never mattered to begin with.
>You retards think its so hard to come up with these prompts but eventually its be so easy that even a child can replicate your shitty art.
Well AI is made to be accesible to most everyone, so the ease of use is part of what makes it great. However for the complicated prompting like we've seen in this thread why don't you prove to me how easy it is to make an AI masterpiece?
I don't care if people like me or not. Part of the reason I love AI is because I don't need to rely on anyone, it gives me all the power I need.
Lol every day until you like it. Cope, seethe.
>The only humans it is replacing are for industries where the merit of the art never mattered to begin with.
You can not be this fucking naive to believe that?
Dude, I use AI and even I have more respect for those /v/ bros making other people's requests happen. You really are gatekeeping your precious field. Get fucked, lol
drawfags are some of the worst trash and they deserve death
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>the virgin prompter
>vs the chad "do whatever"
you literally can't fuck up current AI gen
you do quite literally nothing and it shits out a cute girl
True, I've already seen of ton of AIfags graduate to making real art since even they eventually got tired of living a lie.
If they really cared about the merit of the piece, even in a post AI world they will still commision human artists to do works then. Otherwise it's souless digitally drawn slop. Have I solved your issue, sir?
>art tranny fantasizing about transitions
Only 81 posts until we reach the thread limit!
>Using AI while also showing respect toward drawfriends
Fair enough
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Most of the anons that seethe at AI are too retarded to even prompt lmao. They are even lower than the AI "artist" they constantly make threads to seethe about. Genuinely a miserable existence.
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>art is dead. I wanted to learn a new skill and get good at it, now you can literally create any pose you want with this and just trace over it, fucking gay. I mean you could do it before with real models and stuff but whatever. I'm completely demoralized by technology.
Why can't art trannies prompt?
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>too retarded to even prompt
prompt what
>Comparing professional artists to random /v/ hobbyists out of nowhere
Damn son I can smell the insecurity. Even if their art isn't good the need to shit on them out of nowhere tells me everything I need to know about you.
>not a single AI can make characters with consistent design and artstyle
Yes it can. Hell I can do that now with a local install of stable diffusion running ponyv6 with the appropriate character LORA.
>t-that doesn't count because they're, they're hobbyists!
That's just one example. Go to any boorus or even Pixiv and filter by region(hint: also don't be an EOP) and you'll see the quality difference between Eastern artists and the average Western trash. There's a reason why everyone mocks Deviantart and not Pixiv.
I didn't say I didn't respect them tho, I hate AIslop as any normal person. All I'm saying is, if they were super pro artists, they wouldn't be on /v/.
>actually typing "lol"
Oh wait you're underage.
Oh, so now you're gatekeeping to PROFESSIONAL artists now! Lmao
Sorry art bros, you're only an artist if you make money off it.
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desu I just use AI to gen HMOAF straight shota because it's a niche subject
>Y-y-you just hate AI art because you're too dumb for prompts
LMAO, you retards act like typing words into a prompt is some high level skill that takes years to master. This shitty fucking meme I made took more effort to make than your shitty art.
Forgot to add, the other reason I brought up Drawthreads is because in the past some of these insecure turbo losers were seething at Skeb and how competitive their prices are compared to their overpriced commission prices.

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excuse you i am a "professional" prompter
i put score_9 and {{{masterpiece}}} in my prompt
such beauty
Every single one of these threads ends up in calling anyone criticizing AI a seething artist.
You don't like it? Cope artist
You think it's shitty slop flooding every site with trash? Lmaoo you lost your patron subs artoid
You think it looks bad and the people shilling it are obnoxious retards? Adapt or die art tranny
All these arguments are extra retarded because we are in a videogame board and no one here draws, yet it seems to be the only reason anyone could dislike AI in the mind of an AIjeet.
I kneel
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That's the point retard. Prompting isn't hard but you're too retarded to even get into it. Then you realize that it isn't only just prompting and you'll cry like a bitch baby lmao.
how's that artist boot taste?
Is Pranjeet having a melty spamming his slop the only reason janny hasn't eaten this thread yet?
A reminder the "aipajeets" are just one guy farming (You)s
I think it's very sad that you think that looks appealing, but also very funny. Honestly I wouldn't have a problem with AI if literally every fucking media agregation site now wasn't filled to the brim with garbage pajeet spamming trying to get a quick buck or just for attention.
Idk man I've been able to create some relative consistency. Maybe not on certain aspects, but with Loras and the like on stable diffusion some models do a pretty good job.
Appealing or not it's better than your average Western slop "art".
>I wouldn't have a problem with AI if literally every fucking media agregation site now wasn't filled to the brim with garbage pajeet spamming
Skill issue. Learn how to filter.
>Prompting isn't hard but you're too retarded to even get into it
The art by the guy who put nothing into his prompts looks better than yours LMAO.
current ai tech is not advanced enough. I personally think that in the near future ai will become the big thing for everyone like internet or even bigger. everything will be made with ai or ai support even video games.
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>he doesn't know
lurk more lmao
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> Then you realize that it isn't only just prompting and you'll cry like a bitch baby lmao.
You're right.
90% of the work is finding a pre-trained checkpoint. This is where basically everything you do matters unless you're paying for NAI which can host multiple terabytes of training data remotely.
Prompting is just wrangling that checkpoint into the details you want.
Then you roll the slot machine a few dozen times until you get something you like, save the seed, and then you start detailing.

That's automated too, hand, face, nipple detectors. It's also not perfect so it might take a couple retries especially on hands but you can mitigate that with some good loras (also something you just google and download)

The only actual "work" put in is how many burgers you need to flip to afford a 4090.
I wouldn't know. I'm a mere programmer that likes vidya. I just think these threads are pathetic AIjeet cope
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Gotta love the AI trannies that think they're actually doing something when they post their obvious AIslop.
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>90% of the work is finding a pre-trained checkpoint.
Retard using Comfy for 3 days suddenly thinks he knows every post processing tool. Tinker some more.
All true. Die tranny.
If it can't do VNs, what can it do?
You can tinker as much as you want. At the end of the day it's still going to look like AIslop.
You can draw as much as you want. At the end of the day it's still going to look like Deviantart slop.
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Why do trans ''people'' hate AI art?
you are wasting you time with these "art" gatekeepers. They think that "art" has to be done by "hand". What they are actually saying is a person using a graphics tablet & using Photoshop & other programs is an "artist" & no doubt they are using AI in their "art" now. The people who can still actually draw, paint etc won't be out of a business, but all these fags thinking they can hit the big time being an "artist", their days are numbered.
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>he's upset that i'm revealing the epic secrets
uh oh melty
here let me improve that for you
It slops.

It can't do videogames because ideaguys are the most useless pieces of shit in existance and companies cheaping out on art and replacing it with AI aren't gonna make a good game. On the indie side, 0 good VNs or Indie games have come out of AIslop despite the tech being in a good enough state to do that for like 3 years.

The only thing it does at the moment is some textures for AAA slop like EA or Ubisoft.
Now you're just being disingenuous or your bias is too flaired up to ho>>689456517
nestly say how much you appreciate it.
True, the only time they can get their slop to look good is when they add an actual established artist in their proompt.
>post retarded statement
>gets proven wrong
>double downs
This thread was literally started by someone seething at AI. Half of these "pathetic AIjeet cope" wouldn't be a thing if it weren't for people like you constantly starting shit lmao.
they are literal discord faggots that do cringe roleplay. shit belongs in /trash/.
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I have fun with ai
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here I'll post another one for you since you're too daft to even realize
I don't know what more embarrassing, your shitty AI art or the fact that someone took your shitty AI art and made it look better with barely any effort. LMAO
Tiny cock futa is the best
Didn't even have to open the thumbnail to be able to tell that it's AIslop.
pranjeet is going to jump in front of a train if you don't stop...
>still doesn't know
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Oh no bros he posted the epic armor with noise filter at me, how will I ever recov- oh its only 200mb
Based, thats the problem the internet pollution bro fucking disgusting
>not even the same model
Oh what was that anon? Are you saying the MODEL you downloaded is what was important here?
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Who cares about the model when it still looks like AIslop?
savage. pajeet discoder on suicide watch.
Why is it always Peach and Daisy though
>AI trannies hated him for telling the truth
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I mean sure, go prompt the same thing. Surely you'll get the same exact results or even better.

Plenty of examples out there where it looks less like slop but I'm not willing to post my own shit just to appease retards on /v/ that have daily seethe threads about game journos.
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He can generate a thousand of them in seconds and just pick the ones that lucked into looking the same.
AI shit is a slot machine
no one cares
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>g-go ahead and try to prompt it like me
>n-no my work is too good to post here
DAMN maybe you are a real artist with an ego like that
Paul Bunyan is too fucking big to use a bulldozer. Pic related is the imprints of his asscheeks.
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nightshade is only "successful" in they way that the goal was scamming artists and they achieved exactly that
adversarial noise worked for a few years but doesn't now, and if it's specialized like here (meaning it works specifically against one model) a simple non-AI image filter makes it completely useless

and the slop feedback issue isn't really one anyway, because it's not like AIs are piping random prompts straight to the internet : there's someone (even if born in a non-human country) choosing which images to save and spam
so it's human filtered in a way, and it can be filtered even further by score filtering on boorus n shit, though I do not really trust it as a mark of actual quality
Use a lora
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Absolutely embarassing
stop he's already dead
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AI bros going from "it doesn't work" to "this is literally terrorism that I can't steal" with Nightshade.
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An 18-year-old alluring beautiful cute enticing gorgeous hot pretty seductive sexy young Korean gravure idol with light-pink high pigtails wearing lingerie with a plunging neckline.
She is playfully bouncing up and down on top of a bed, which is causing her enormous bustline to bounce and jiggly gratuitously.
She has a very big bustline. She has a very huge bustline. She has a very large bustline.
She has a narrow waist. She is skinny. She is slender. She is slim. She has a thin waist.
Eyelashes, eyeliner, eyeshadow, makeup, mascara.
She is making eye contact with the camera.
She is smirking playfully.
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Is that why you make daily seethe threads about AI art and people that just enjoy using it?

>"my work"
Alright enough. I've literally been posting examples that look nice. Seeing you desperately try to one up me with examples that look only good at first but technically amateurish has been entertaining but the fact that it took you this long to even realize is insane.
>guy is ruining my dall-e thread erp
>he's a terrorist! Iock him up! he made my princess peach eating a sandwich #1113372 have weird eyes!!!
Or I can just go on Google Images and find one that doesn't look like uncanny valley dogshit in 2 seconds.
Is this flux or some derivative or did something new come out?
thanks bro
>my work
That's even more hilarious. The AI fag going on and on about how people who hate AI can't prompt can't even make his own and has to steal AI art to prove a point just for said AI art to be outclassed be people doing less effort.
But that is worse than what he posted.
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>pre-release fearmongering
these dramaqueens didn't even bother checking out the tards who made it
spoiler: they attempted the same grift not long before with "glaze"
No its literally just ponyxl with nothing extra fancy attached to it aside from the UI loading it.
hahahahaha we are porn addicts and need novelty bro
The fact that it's mostly just shitty porn tells you something about the quality of this "art" and the people that produce it
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What's fun about that?
I fucking hate this shit one of my favorite artists fell for the scam and his new posts with it look like dogshit. Like an oil spill on water ruining the image.
I'm surprised pointing at viewer worked that well. Maybe my prompts are too rigid and I should try more stuff out.
I'm waiting for your amazing example bro.
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I cannot fucking breathe
whats the best upscaler for highres fix? been using yandere for awhile and looking to try a new one.
Unironically the more negative tags you use, the more you gimp yourself. Negative and quality tags are mostly a cope, and its why you see so much jeetslop look the same because they all copy the same MASTERPIECE SCORE 9 BEST QUALITY PERFECT EYES.
Less tags, more specific tags, and playing around with generation steps gets much more unique looking base images to refine later. That was "only" 15 gen steps too, taking 7 seconds.
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I've only seen a few of them fall for it, none that I particularly like thankfully
but yeah there's a reason "glazed with dried cum" soon became a meme
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No dumbass we do it for fun, seeing others throw a bitch fit over it is a bonus
For pony I usually just use monochrome or it starts shitting out black and white pictures randomly.
>consoomer getting mad at creators
Another false flag made by a promptlet artfag. Completely awful image that looks like shit, just a fat typing ''blue hair tranime girl blacked tranny porn meme'' in dalle
I mean look at this, its even funnier because he let it hit the black borders of the image too making it even more obvious
I’m noticing she’s has a Shrek like Ear
>AI trannies coping for 500 posts
Ya love to see it.
Pony prompting isn't universal, tard. MASTERPIECE is SD1.5 prompting. Less negatives differ on model especially if it's online.
>My slop is better than your slop!
It's still slop, retard.
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>meanwhile the OP image of the current slop-e """""aichad""""" thread
No I don't. These niggers need a containment board like Ponyfags. Every single board has a few AI generals filled with the same discord tranny cliques and subhumans repeating the same prompts ad nauseam every day
>masterpiece is SD1.5 prompting
That's probably his point. You can look at other prompts on civit and see that a shitload still prompt like it's 1.5
Bros why the salt if AI is trash and is not even close to real art, explain please
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damn yeah this is tragic, especially on flat styles like this
Shup up, arttranny. We're done talking to you. Your superiors are now talking among ourselves.
The models themselves don't matter when people just copy what they like without understanding whats happening behind the scenes. And then they get a big ass head about how good their image looks and brag about it.
How come AIfags never fix any of their images?
Can't fix perfection
Because that would actually require work.
Drawing is for cavemen
Nah you can tell he started like a few days ago. Cumfy cucks won't get past basic prompting. Inpaint, god no.

You can copy it but you won't get close to it. Thinking you're hot shit just because you prompt a few words is accurate though.
Even if they saw the mistakes, they wouldn't know how to fix them.
>Every single board has a few AI generals
/g/ was asking for an AI board the same week that SD released because of this exact reason. There were 8+ SD threads up at once on aboard that's not meant to be filled with images. Go tell the mods if you want things to change.
adhd retards that are already onto the next retarded "what if (person) did (thing)" megamind prompt the nanosecond they post the last one onto a booru/4chan
/trash/ does because they're autistic furries. Everyone else just generates a hundred new anime girls in minutes instead of spending the same time fixing some 6 fingered horror. Pull the lever enough times and it shits out what you want.
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Why don't they just do pic related?
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Gen AI is a gacha. "Good enough" means "good enough to publicly post".
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Because the ones complaining are mobile posters that are too stupid to figure out filters.
why do regular artists make even worse art most of the time?
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retard, people still try to natural language models trained off tags and copy others when they don't know what they're doing.
all of the time actually
Because rich assholes don't care about quality. AI tech exists to discipline the labor force and bust unions.
>retards being retards especially on Civitai
>but I'm also a retard that can't tell
Read the pony description next time.
Why do all this shit when it's still going to look like AIslop anyway? Wasted effort.
You cant if you dont want to hear about AI and how its advancing. You complain that AI users are obnoxious but then you welcome them by starting arguments about AI
what do you use ? i want to make these as well
>browsing on a mobile phone
cucked existence
AI still can't even do hands correctly.
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>it doesn't count because I don't like the website that I also use to get most of my pretrained data
I accept your concession

It's comfyui but you can use literally any frontend you want. Automatic11111 is probably the easiest I guess?
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lol yeah, go tell the mods. I'm sure today is the day they'll stop dilating and erping and clean this website up, it's only been a decade since they last did anything worthwhile
A lot of the time they just don't have the eye to see it. It's sorta of like how artists flip the canvas constantly to make sure their work looks right and it's something that plagues even professional artists. Our brains are retarded and need alot of work to contextualize visual information in a compelling way as well as the mechanical skill to fully realize that image in our heads onto a canvas. AIfags can kinda guess that something looks "ok" but because they can never know why something doesn't work, hence why so much AIwork looks and feels like "first draft" planning mixed with overworked 500 layer coloring. They can't finetune their image so it'll always be serviceable at best.
>download pony
>never access the site ever
your fault for being retarded.
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>Artists for centuries suck at hands
>train off that data

>footfags are especially dedicated to their craft
>train off that data
>you can literally input "feet" by itself into most AI models and get near perfect feet

What a mystery
Because it's a waste of time.
It's not art and is living on borrowed time until corpos eventually give up on it or make gen AI services significantly more expensive.
Local models are free and furfags will find a way to create infinite porn for free
I wonder what the AI would gen if you typed "tranime"
probably just make regular anime because its closest to the word and theres no training data specifically for "tranime" because its a tourist buzzword localized entirely on 4chan
>"Facebook would never sell your data."
>10 years later, Facebook sells all your data.
you're a retarded luddite
If it's borrowed time and AI will die eventually why are there artists constantly seething about it?

Is it because they're on borrowed time too?
They often do, but you don't recognize it.
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you literally cannot remove a file from my computer
>all this AI seethe
You love to see it
Because AI, regardless of its quality, is still inherently a bad thing for society at large. It has a direct negative impact on the life of other people.
Meds schizo

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