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Has there ever been a greater character creator than the one in the upcoming video game Dragon Age Veilguard?
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>Top Surgery Scars: ON
>gain two additional inventory slots
How can you say this? I turned up the boob size slider to 100 percent and I still don't feel represented, as someone with perky, supple D cups.
Good post to start the day with.
this game is normalizing seriously deranged behavior. it's telling people that the mentally ill choices they made in real life are okay and that forcing people to lie to themselves and deny reality in order to accommodate this insane behavior are valid.
go fuck yourself. also join the 41% because you're probably one of them.
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I don't think it's the lack of boobs that has been the main source of complaints, although you're right, the game does lack boobs almost entirely. I think it's more the inclusion of modern day political themes that have no place in a fantasy world.
kek, the guy's fast.
> the game doesn't have enough porn addict shit in it
that's the only thing it has though
trannies are the biggest porn addicts and they turn their porn addiction into their whole personality
>game has top scars option
>not one time attack mastectomy minigame to be seen
If you're just going to lie to the player in the opening why bother even making a real game?
Why don't trannies in Dragon Age just pay a wizard to polymorph them? Why the fuck are people mutilating their bodies in a world where magic exists? It makes no fucking sense.
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Why can’t chuds make good comics?
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i'm going to specifically blame the character creator when this game flops
name one leftist comic creator that has the slightest bit of relevancy
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What do you mean? This and OP are fucking hilarious
Top right is literally what I look like but with body hair
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Stan Lee.
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The things trannies do to their bodies is aboslutely revolting and they should be put in a mental asylum alongside the doctors who take advantage over the mentally ill
porn addicts are the exact people who would want to have their dicks cut off
lmfaooo This guy is so fucking retarded he turns based.
And in what world was JFK moderate? These niggas would have a heart attack if Kamala told Israel that they can't have nukes.
how do people fall for bait this bad? this board really is a lost cause
Trannies are also the ones obsessed with blacked porn. Welcome to the psychology of projection
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>meat sleeve
Do I even want to ask?
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it's always fnny to me that you can make son vigilio zipper tit aberration but you can't make a woman with tits
top kek
You take the meat from the arm and turn it into a fake cock that rots within the week
all trannies are ex-chuds
Then how is everyone gonna know you are a super special valid queen??? It has never been about representation. Just about expressing how much of a flaming faggot they are to everyone that didn't ask.
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don't criticise israel
Bioshill response
some trannies managed to stop(after the mutilation) and tried to warm the others, especially young and impressive children but all of them are being silenced by active mental troons/pedophiles.
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That would be too "sexual" for modern (social media) sensibilities
Why have a character creator with sliders in the first place if the boobs can't even match literal characters from other games in the same series?
>greater character creator than
Does it have an axe wound slider?
bulge slider
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>character creator
>you can't give a woman E-Cup tits, curvy figure or a shapely butt
>you can't make a male whos chiseled and tall
>your options are ugliness, skinnyfat and vitiligo

This has to be satire, fucking /v/ on a shitposting binge could make up something better
>Why can’t chuds make good comics?
>posts kino
What did he mean by this
wait what really? I can make my dick huge but i cant give the chicks big tits? whats even the point. Cyberpunk did this as well, you could make them big in the creator but everyoutfit had only been modelled with small in mind
Its a billion dollar industry.
Abused children that where given HRT to early grow up with a tiny microdick, not enough to build the gash, so they need to take material elsewhere, this particular fake vagina has a habit of collapsing
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Reminder that they are no longer aiming at balding 30 yo zoomers.

They are aiming at your children now. Stop letting them do this to our media, don't accept and don't buy their products.
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what the fuck, chat is this real?
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Why can't people just be normal?
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Yes, you don't "I'm Jazz" ? it was TV horror kino
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Oh no, A choice!
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why would you save the thumbnail instead of posting the link
Don't you have a dilation session to handle faggot?
That doesn't sound exclusively leftist. He could be describing vitriolic twitter people if I didn't know better.
I just copy pasted a pic
there are like 7 seasons the in the 4 is when they finally chop his dick but since they drugged him when he was just a kid his dick never developed and the doctor needed more "meat" because the microdick wasn't enough to make a transgina, so they used his colon.
Imagine a mix of Alien + Hellraiser + Twin Peaks
>T-this isn't indicative of the game, it's j-just a choice
If only consumers could stop seeing red flags.
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Nice post and gif, I laughed.
>porn addict shit
but they ARE adding tranny options
I don't know why anyone is surprised about this after Inquisition. And that was 10 years ago.
wrote before gender studies existed lel
>I can make my dick huge
can't even do that
max bulge is still micro penis
holy fucking idiot
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>self-mutilation is fine because it's a choice!
>but this isn't
explain, please
I swear to God every time I see this screencap the post year increases.
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>said gaming was going to shit due to crap like TLOU, GG, DAI, Shadow of Mordor, CoD
>I get called "crazy"
>say the thing now about the sequels and fallout of these franchises or new shit like Concord
>suddenly I'm "sane"

I'm not mad, just sad that its too late to fix things now.
I think half what people are annoyed with is that even on max glutes the character is still as flat as a pancake (as seen in OP pic).
Choice for me, but not for thee so to speak.
Personally I don't give a shit about vitiligo and scars being possible but not even being able to give the characters I create a butt that matches the butt I have IRL is weird.
But BG3 managed to break into normienigger mainstream because you see the dice along with percentages and red/green text explaining exactly why the text is red/green?
Every time in history you freaks pop up the ax eventually comes back for you. Don't think it won't happen this time just because iPhones exist.
That looks badass tho. what game?
it would trigger trans folks and women with small tits chud
Shadow of Mordor was good and CoD was fun untill Activision lost their minds
yabba dabba doo. don´t mind if i do!
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Now someone draw one where all the normal people are making the trans weirdos choose to be a curvy, pretty woman-oh wait those options dont exist, what happened to "its optional/whats wrong with more choices?" Seems you get choices unless you want a curvy woman that looks like an actual woman with larger than A cup breasts which is disproportionately higher than any trans person.
This jew supported Kevin Smith and even cameo'd in his movies. What do you think current year fags think of Kevin Smith?
>saving the mobile version of a large image with small text that is relevant to its message.
yep. i'm thinking it's kys time.
that's self muttilation

and it's hot as fuck
What if I made a game where you can make your character nazigender? And why would you be so offended by my simply offering the choice? Why would you be so sensitive as to not buy my game just because I understand political diversity and want to fully represent nazigender individuals in my game?
Give us the cum!
Is Shadow of Mordor bad or something? I got in on sale at gamestop
>max bulge is still micro penis
For you chadAnon
How did rightoids gaslight themselves into believing gaming was a chud hobby?
Sex with that pink thing.
I don’t get it, were the tits taking up slots
Not that anon but the game is awesome but it arguably started to push how scummy paid crap in games was. I think its all disabled now but when the game launched you could buy tons of shit since your fortress could get invaded by other players and you could loose shit or orks would die. the paid shit was like resources to make your spot stronger or block attacks for a time.
Tell me you're a Zoomer without telling me you're a Zoomer: the post.
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Boiling frog and all that, it was done progressively
I think we reached saturation thankfully, AAA gaming is absolute shit right now and is collapsing on itself with meme indie games like Lethal Company being more popular than the latest AAA spiderman slop or whatever
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Yeah, I choose to not buy the game.
You must understand, the target audience doesn't know any bigger because the faggots who cut theirs off never saw what average size is
Reminds of when Sweet Baby Cringe went absolutely apeshit because some Steam user made a group listing games they worked on and it had a shit ton of subs.
City of Heroes
what's it feel like to be bullied by a cute girl in school?
What do Americans mean when they say marxist and communist?
never skip penis inspection day!
>I think we reached saturation thankfully, AAA gaming is absolute shit right now and is collapsing on itself
I really hope this is the case, but at the same time, taxpayer funded woke grants are still subsidizing these propaganda games. There's also the fact that the games which are coming out today have been in the pipeline for a few years already. So it will be interesting to see whether in five years if devs have learned their lesson, or if they'll choose to double down on pushing their batshit politics and bankrupt themselves.
Google phalloplasty
why did the pink guys let them in?
Literally me
The people killing games will never realize they're doing it, they'll blame everyone else even as they squat in an overpriced, Californian apartment eating nothing but weed, ramen and candy. There won't be anybody with new talent because the shareholders, execs and CEOs will drive them off or they'll just lack talent to begin with. Its happening with Hollywood now and TV and games. In our lifetime, most if not all forms of media will die.
Imagine trying to argue logically about "options" in a tranny fetishist game. It's either your fetish or not, and if it's not, it will be repulsive no matter what.
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>Sperging about porn
>When there is no porn to be found
Return to your place of origin, zoomie
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What is it with lefties adding vitiligo to every game now?
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can NOT wait for the kumalot edit of that
>defending tranny pedos
>calling anyone sex addict
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I’m the old Norm! I want NORMAL games!
Brownie points, same reason you got dragons in wheelchairs in a universe where organ/limb regeneration, cybernetics, time-travel, magic are possible.
but OP is literally showcasing the porn addict shit tho
Good job anon, you hit the nail on the head.
It's the epitome of virtue signaling.
but i thought making ugly characters is funny
besides troons just make pretty characters to self insert pretending to be women
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Remember David Reimer. The first kid who they experimented gender transition on. He got depressed, became an activist against gender transition and later killed himself.
For some reason everybody decided to ignore this tragedy and they keep trying to normalize this insanity.
It can be. But it should be optional. You should be able to create an attractive character as well.

>first thing the troon thinks is touching itself when it sees attractive people
lol, lmao even
not all of us are ugly deformed things like you, it's good to be attractive and to be admired, and it's good to look upon beauty and sexy things.
YWNBAW, you will always be a mockery in the eyes of society, not even your "allies" want to be near you
That's Shadow of War, not Shadow of Mordor
But that was definitely scummy, and was much worse than any modern game, which usually just sell cosmetics
Fucking lmao, un-wishlisted after this travesty. Honestly, keep your bullshit. I'm done
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You put it on your wishlist in the first place?
>AI shit
You retarded AI lovers are no better than trannies, tbf
> make a mod that removes troons
They're selling those hits pretty well
haha your concern trolling is fucking TERRIBLE my DUDE (male)
What’s the issue here?
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>increase bust and ass size to max
>gain two additional inventory slots
Why did this gif make me laugh so much lmao
There are most certainly going to be NPC's with those surgery scars
>What do you think current year fags think of Kevin Smith?
What they think? Genuine question
"Choice" is what they called faggotry and now it's mandated in education systems and no longer a choice.
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The dumbest shit. Fantasy game but for some reason you need barbaric surgery instead of using... I don't know... magic?
it takes no effort on the part of the developers and makes them look tolerant and progressive
or something.
>hit me harder girls, it's important to sell it to the audience
>it's very important, I assure you
I know you a retard so i'll tell you. They slowly tricked them to get in. Then once they get in the cycle repeats.
This is why gatekeeping is good and diversity and inclusion is a negative.
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>keep healing the boobs back to trannoids with top surgery scars
el oh el
the real problem we're facing is that people this dumb aren't ashamed to spew their retardation publically
>pick the whole nine yards for my ftm he/they mongoloid qunari
>enter game and get into first big fight
>healer comes up: "You seem hurt, champion, let me cast healing!"
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>ridicules the customization options as representation
>depicts the gamer as being incredibly fat
>the character creator does not let you be fat
This pisses me off. The one thing all this body positivity and diversity should be giving us, plus-sized and overweight characters, practically never happens. I don't feel represented nor is my fat fetish being catered to. Neither side wants to let you be fat, or even a little chubby. Attacking weight is in fact the go-to insult for either side throwing ad hominems at the other. Fatphobia is real.
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>remove and restrict all options to make regular appealing character
>add this mentally ill fetish shit to the fantasy game instead
>hUr duR iT's oNly mORe opTioNS
Glutes being maxed and the ass being flat as shit is on point
The reason is that they're adding the most simple shit to add.
There's practically no difficulty in adding shit like that weird skin or scars but adding fat stuff would require actual effort, it's done for brownie points and making actual fat bodyslider that looks okay requires some effort.
womenbros, it's so over
talmbout trannies again
I can't wait to see another great vidya crash.
>Kill yourself
Isn't that a little more apropo to you?
This picture is psychotic.
That's nice Stan but here in 2024, anti-racists openly hate white people and
>we must learn to judge each other on our own merits
will get you called a racist because anti-racists also hate meritocracy.
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as a tranny, can you tell me why trannies wont just play as men or women?
i mean if trans women are women and trans men are men? why not just play as men or women?
Reminder that calling it “top surgery” is a tranny cop out. It’s a double mastectomy. They’re double mastectomy scars.
being trans gets your more privileges
What do you mean? Everything it depicts is 100 percent true.
This is going to end so bad. There has been so many flops not just in gaming but also media in general because of all this woke pandering. People are so sick of it and how they push this weird trans agenda onto us. I think we’re at a point in society where we’re healing and rejecting all this manipulation
Meritocracy is the establishment of a hierarchy and exclusionary principles. That's what marxists railed against all through the mid 20th century.
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I agree. Kinda sucks that the Movie industry, Music industry and now the vidya had to fucking die but hey what was that song called? Destruction begets Flourish?
They need to make a movie the way Matt Walsh made, What is a Woman? And Am I Racist? A deep look into the woke companies in gaming and how they’re just greedy fucks who grift for profit
Fucking lmao.... Tolkien is rolling in his grave thanks to Amazon
For privilege equality feels like injustice. I don't trust a religious zealot to tell me how he is being oppressed nor a white syoremacist doing the same.
I’d like to know why they’re ignoring revitiligo.
I am pretty sure some bbw fetish games do give additional inventory slots for your characters growing folds.
>For privilege equality feels like injustice.
Didn't you creatures move on from equality and on to "equity"?
reading what top surgery patients have to say after a couple years, you'd be doing them a favor.
garrison is peak and Ive seen leftoids praise him because that shit is hilarious and unhinged.
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That guy work fast!
Why wouldn't a healing potion or spell heal back amputated boobs?
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Nothing about your poisonous garbage should be tolerated anymore
That is correct, equality does not take into account existing enviroment.
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I choose to not buy the game.
Garrison would get a chuckle out of this edit honestly.
That's not a gender.
>If you want regular looking people you're a coomer
>But adding in a thing about cutting off breasts and leaving the scars as evidence, that's not done for the purpose of cooming!
This would be like if you could start giving fantasy characters fursuits, or make them really really fat to the point where they just sweat and fart everywhere.
People need to just start shaming these people for adding their deviant fetish material into these games, because that's what it is.
>but JFK was based for signing off on chemical weapons
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I am tired of pretending they can be reasoned with. Evil must be destroyed and violence is the only solution.
/pol/ btfo
it may be "bait", but anybody who makes posts like that are fucking faggots. no normal person with sane views takes any of this shit as a joke just to get (you)s.
That's not AI...
>Image is dated as being from 2007-2010
Marxist and communist = people who disagree with me on the left
Nazi and Fascist = people who disagree with me
I'm reminded of that guy who wished a white man had murdered his son instead of an immigrant so that the death couldn't be used for anti-immigration rhetoric. Imagine your brain being turned to mush to such a degree that instead of wishing your son were alive, you instead wish for a more politically convenient murder. This is the level of brainwashing that leftists exist with, they will even sacrifice their own children to leftist dogma, leftists are subhuman creatures that have replaced all of their humanity with dogma, and that's why they can't be talked to or reasoned with, the only way for humanity to have a future is for leftists to be exterminated.
Their goal is to trick people into thinking more things are AI so they get more confused by actual AI. Whether or not it works is a different question entirely.
>chopping off the tip of your dick
>chopping off your tits
It’s feels like it’s only bait after the fact, like you only see posts crying bait after it gets swamped with negative feedback and call outs.
Nope, you redditors got BTFO by this thead. Kill yourself then fuck off back to lebbit forever, faggot.
oy vey
what are you implying goy?!
Nioh 2
Illusion games like playhome and Honey Select
modded Skyrim
Second life
Unequivocally based opinion.
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maybe that hitler guy actually had a point.
>kek, the guy's fast.
Right? Holy shit he doesn't miss a thing does he?
>>chopping off the tip of your dick
No one chooses to do this. Most of it in the US is done without consent of the parents.
Hell, even as an adult they try to trick you into it.
zyklon Ben shit is funny since he doubles and tripples down on the worst parts of press comics while shitting on libs
always triggers them as much as stonetoss
about what, his army was full of trans
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>Dr. Shekelstein assured me that the virus is transmitted through the foreskin!
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trannies call anything pretty AI now because AI actually gives people a simulacrum of what they ask for while they specifically push shit nobody wants.
This you?
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2014 is WAY too late to notice a downward trend.
the 360 generation was the true downfall.
thats when westoids were pushed to the front. thats when moviegames became big. thats when games got dumbed down the hardest. thats when fagshit started appearing.
what about something normal, that becomes demonized out of corrption, not because it was abnormal? Does the same apply for its re-normalization?
More like
>You'd have a better time with your dick if we removed the foreskin!
>>But why?
>*insert doctor jargon to overload the patient*
For babies they do everything from just doing it without asking to tricking the recently in labor mother to sign the paper along with the standard paperwork.
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>porn is when women aren't sterilized mutilated wrecks with mental illnesses
Don't open spoiler, it's full of porn. God, you mentally ill freaks have jumped the shark a decade ago, now you're just spiraling.
Holy shit, THREE Milla Jovoviches?
Four Milla jovoviches... maybe more
>Hell, even as an adult they try to trick you into it.
How does that work?
This. They are always giving me diverse characters and customization options for shit I never even in my WILDEST DREAMS wanted to see like that weird white on black vertiligo skin disease. Why can't we have obese characters? Native american characters? Albinos? Only CERTAIN groups get it and it's the ones nobody wants to see.
>weird white on black vertiligo skin disease.
It happens to white people too.
it says a lot about our society doesn't it
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What about re-vitaligo? That’s the opposite of what Michael Jackson got.
poor people choose to be poor, and black.
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>attention-seeking faggots need top surgery scar featured on videogames to feel represented
meanwhile, normal people will see a random goblinoid creature andsay 'litteraly me"
>It happens to white people too.
Yeah, but the most they get are like, pinkish splotches
>Kill yourself poltard.
it has plenty of coom stuff in it if you're a mentally ill sexual deviant instead of someone who enjoys pretty women with big boobs and a nice ass.
Why do you think it's fine to cater to one and not the other?
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Based artist spilling truth to power
>Choose body type 3
>Character gets +1 resistance to toxic and blunt damage
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get mad sissy ass bitch
Same with how they wished the Trump shooter was white. So that he can be judged as an individual.
>dastardly Trickery Domain Cleric goes around casting Cure Major Wounds on every transkin he can find, regrowing tits and mending axe wounds wherever he goes
This would be a funny bit if any of these people had a sense of humor.
I hate snorks so fucking much
right wingers are the most sensitive snowflakes of the 2020s desu
>daughter has blue hair already
*hits pipe*
but the person doesn't look like that? this isn't a very good joke.
I don't even know what a right-winger is anymore. Apparently wanting border control that is anything more than "No borders" is enough to make you a nazi.
>that tiny window with Rapunzel
>trans ->
I just make my characters look buff and scary and say literally me. (I’m a slightly overweight scrawny guy)
What did Miiyamoto tell him?
What democrat is proposing the elimination of the border wall?
Is this show a false flag to make normal people look absurd?
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The only good thing about Kamala winning is more Latinas.
m8 I live in Bongistan where the government despises the Brits and gives everything including preferential treatment to migrants. Which is wholeheartedly supported by all the leftists here. Opposing this makes you a far right nazi fascist criminal. What the fuck do you want from me
brownies can use public transport for free in germany, cause conducters (a popular women job) are affraid of them
only one person needs to open the door
She's Indian and black my dude
People actually like this cunt? Seeing a bunch of hardened operators mincing around this oh-so-strong woman was embarrassing.
>nog and poo mix
i mean she's going to import latinas, right? state mandated latina wifes for everyone
>be twitter artist
>your audience is 4chan
>look on the front page of /v/ or /pol/ every day to see whats popping
>make a 4-panel comic of a twitter screencap thread with the same joke structure as your last 100 comics
>post, rinse, repeat
no you are getting a obese latinx goblin best she can do or maybe she will import more poo into the country so it can end up like canada.
no, she literally said she's going to make gta6 real
>You're not on my team? You must be on "the other" team!
It's too late for you.
Border wall with Scotland or what?
I fucking hate fantasy now.
>guy who only complains about leftists and calls everyone he doesn't like a tranny tries to act like he isn't right-wing.
My choice, the same one millions will be making, is not buying the game.
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>top surgery scars
>in a fucking fantasy game barely scraping the renaissance
How the fuck do you retain verisimilitude in an explicitly non modern setting?
If the character select said something along the lines of
>scar of faustian bargain with the dick wizard
sure, whatever, but fucking top surgery?
no cuz they have zippers like pockets lmao
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Have you checked Tainted Grail? It's pretty much the only fantasy series I care about these days.
>literally cannot comprehend something beyond my team (tm) vs the other team (tm)
amerifat politics mindbroke people
>card game
fuck sake, not again. is it better than etherlords?
Sup Feds
what are you taking about? this is great.
no, child, there are no feds here, these are your criminal delusions speaking.
enjoy prison.
He is right, both times.
Shadow is a QTE shitfest and the last good COD was United Offensive.
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for a second i didnt realize what the issue was and thought to myself “oh this is the chinease localization and that stain is where poorly cgi’ed out a black kid”
so now im imagining some chink ceo being like
>”no bracks in our movie”
>holds up hand and power blasts niglet into the dirt
Rot Pocket
People don't generally want to see the product of mental illness presented in a videogame they picked up for their own enjoyment or especially if they got it for a younger family member. All of that slow burn 'normalization' of this kind of behavior reeks of a similar ethos as the long march through the institutions and other subversive campaigns of culture shifting.
Why can’t trans make good comics?
He's talking about her letting in another 40 million illegals.
What black kid?
Isn't it car-tire marks?
The only good post ITT.
it is tire marks im saying I thought it wasent at first
There is no black kid.
Not anymore.
ironically the hyper-obsessive narcissitic nature that leads people down the path of even WANTING a character creator that allows them to control how pointy their elbows are, or the type of person who would even get trans trender procedures done, is born entirely of porn addiction. stop jorkin your peanits to increasingly extreme and niche shit and suddenly you'll find yourself able to either cope with playing 1 of 4 characters or able to just fuckin move on and do something else.
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You might think you're clever for making this bait but you're still a fucking retard for typing this out to begin with.
okay then why do you remove breast size meters if you're pro more choice?

my sides
i don't get it. why's rapuncel a tranny?
Thanks for posting this video, anon
This guy's videos are pretty good
Fake, the fence, window, stairs and sky aren't labeled.
As someone who does 3D shit, I kinda agree with the lack of really OBESE characters in 3D games, it's a pain in the ass to rig them properly and things like fat rolls and such only make it 100x worse for rigging, modeling, animation, and vert counts, which is probably why fat characters in games either have no rolls or they look like they're inflated.
It made more sense two decades ago where you could just paint rolls onto the texture, but you can't do that anymore.

They could easily make characters that are kinda chunky, but I don't know, feels like "body positivity" has given up on fat people for the most part because it's not "diverse enough" and moved to surgical scars and skin conditions, even though ~100% of people with either of those would sell their soul to remove them.

Circumcision is either done automatically as part of the procedure when having a kid, or the parents are told it's a good thing and the parents agree, plus it legitimately does have a slight hygienic benefit.
Double mastectomies are voluntarily done 95% of the time, almost always done due to the whole trans cult thing, and the recipient often regrets it later in life.

My dad has it, he's got a bit of a tan from the sun, but vitiligo is making his hands WHITE white and it's driving him nuts. It's only pinkish splotches if you're pale as fuck beforehand.
Because Garrison crams as much shit as he can into a single panel until any single coherent point is lost in the mix.
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>hair braided into a rope
well, that's really good then
I don't think it was, but that's a missed opportunity.
Correct opinion.
>digital representation of tabletop game
Tabletop games are designed with simplified math and equations to make them playable on tables. Video games can compute hundreds of thousands of advanced equations and AI calculations every microsecond. Video games that are tabletop simulations are inherently flawed as they will never be as fun or flexible as playing the actual tabletop game, nor as fun as an equal quality video game that actually takes advantage of the fact that it's a video game.
If I wanted to take a move action and a standard action, I'd do it across one of the seven boxes of sets I have for tabletop RPGs. Fuck, I hate XCOM 2012 so much.
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God, I miss Tomodachi Life
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Trannies are a direct result of porn culture, retard.
Zero self awareness.
"Last night, I Bond burgered your sister".
At what point do you keep adding things for the sake of "choice"? I have some acne scars on my face. Should game creators have customizable acne scars?
the modern trannies maybe, but there were always people who would gravitate towards opposite genders
True, but I'm referring to the class of "people" who these character design options are meant to appeal to. The modern-day mutilation cult.
hit a nerve
Would your reaction be the same if it was a "choice" that you disagreed with?
Here's to hoping for a remake with Switch Miitopia's character creator (the far superior character creator compared to DA:V)
Centrists will never hold and significant power in the world and will be crushed under the boot of the victor be it the left or right.
I'm so glad that people like you get replaced and not cater to in vydia. This our space now. You don't belong here anymore.
I still laugh at how his mom tried to argue with that first Dr about jazzs microdick. Then that chink dr latched on & made millions off jazz.
When 45% will only vote left and 45% will only vote right, the 10% in the middle are the king makers and the ones who will actually decide elections.

>will be crushed under the boot
>Authoritarian can only think in authoritarian terms.
no. baldurs gay 3 literally shows the diceroll.
Yes and that's boring.
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thats moronic. complex calculations in a game arent inherently more interesting and you risk losing the players ability to follow what happens behind the hood which means the player will be detached from the core systems when it comes to planning stuff.
dogshit loot diarrhea games like diablo are exactly like that while in a simple low calculations low damage game like the mario rpgs you can directly feel the impact of every single stat increase and can plan around it.
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>I made I character I don’t like and now I am mad HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN TO ME
There’s literally nothing stopping you from creating a generic white male in these games outside of your own sadomasochism
goddamn you are too stupid to understand a basic tweet
>the 10% in the middle are the king makers and the ones who will actually decide elections

They are still limited to the two opinions retard. Neither of which share their best interest.
>I made I character I don’t like-
Said no one ever. That's not the argument, retard.
You can't possibly be naive enough to think this isn't political messaging meant to normalize and pander to dysgenics.
No, I understood it perfectly.
>they hated him cause he told the truth
holy shit nigga sauce me
>Authoritarian fundamentally does not understand democracy
This isn't a democracy, we didn't vote on either of these people, they were appointed by the party.

Good joke.
quiet down, zippertits
/v/ - Faggots and Politics
So you're saying /v/ reflects the current state of vidya?
>They could easily make characters that are kinda chunky
They introduced the concept of Body Types but the "chunky" ones are muscular instead of pudgy. I'll take pudgy, it's better than nothing. I maxed out my body sliders in Dragon's Dogma 2 and that looked pretty nice, outside of some clipping on the belt.
You just reminded me of how Wolverine's daughter regens her hymen after every fuck.
And then when they're inevitably applied by default you'll just say "um, but you can turn it off you know? No one's forcing you to keep them"
He's right you know.
damn why woman have to ruin everything, like everything has to be about them
lego did a study about that years ago. basically it ended in:
boys: i wanna be batman
girls: i wanna batman be me
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>he doesn’t understand irony
>Prepare game for launch, check all the DEI boxes
>No no, thats not diverse enough. We must go right to LUDICROUS DEI
>B-but sir, no one had gone so woke ever before!
>Whats the matter, are you a bigot, hmm?
>"gulps down" P-prepare game for ludicrous DEI!!
Yep, I think everybody has made the correct choice of not wanting anything to do with dragon age
>game doesn't have enough porn addict shit in it
kys sodomite
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>hmm the corpse is in a dress, but the bone structure clearly indicates that it was a man
>what kind of sickos would dress up a corpse?
I love how much this guys comics trigger /co/mblr
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>Glutes at max
fippy bippy

Bg3 let’s you be one of those circumcised freaks lol
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Trannies are literally the product of porn addiction.
>political messaging meant to normalize and pander to dysgenics.

maybe you should be nice to people who are different instead of stewing online being told by provocateurs that everyone who isn't like you is an actual demon trying to eat your (hypothetical) kid
circumcision also can kill or causes a serious complications on top of mutilating, you know you can’t get nose infections or nose cancer anymore if you chop of your nose? We should start doing that for the slight health benefit to everybody
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shit game
Yeah to not buy the game :)
>you miss
>your characters opponent is much more skilled in combat so there is a big chance your character will miss : > )
>makes sense, thanks : > )

Idiots don't need to know more than that
How long do you intend to a post a variation of this?
this is the funniest shit ive ever seen its so incredibly fucking unnecessarily dense
But try to make a mod removing faggotry...
dude are you me? I had the same insane thought
I don't want the porn addict shit in that's why I'm opposed to the mutilation scars
>tranny uses its textbook cope
Can you suicide yourself already? Nobody will miss you.
This game is going to do more to spread anti-trans sentiment than anything anyone could do or say on this website
its "textbook" because its what basically every good natured person is going to say to you.
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Oh no, A consequence!
>You can't possibly be naive enough to think this isn't political messaging meant to normalize and pander to dysgenics.
so… the average /v/ user
Pooners shaving off chunks of flesh and rolling it into a crude mockery of a phallus and then stapling it to their crotch
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Stream your suicide, clown.

There is no actual way to achieve heroic proportions that highlight masculinity or femininity though.
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I know right? We need to up our game.
Post ‘em. You know the rules.
That little troon in the window got me.
It really do be like. Can someone explain to me why leftist redditors are going out of their way to attack anyone who criticizes this pandering crap?
We should really create a moral panic about this, promoting amputating your breats isn't any better than promoting Anorexia.
Let mothers know what could happen to their daughters if they play this game. It really deserves a defamation campaign.
They are just too stupid to face reality.
marxists and communists
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Do people actually cry about character creator options?
You'd almost think that was a parody post but it really wasn't. Lefties really are this stupid and un-self-aware. CHAZ was proof of that.
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>discord trannies spam several threads with their idiotic new """meme"""
ACK yourself, my dickless man.
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>your children
Imagine thinking the people complaining in this thread has children. It's a stretch to assume they've had sex! Bui it's good to see you care for other men's kids like the cuck you are.
I was never bullied by dudes, but there were some girls trying to fuck with me in school for whatever reason. It sucked because you can't just slap her shit (a man wouldn't hit a girl after all) so you would have this annoying retard trying to push your buttons during lunch break while you're minding your business with your bros. We absolutely hated that shit.
You will never be a woman,
The "option" existing is a joke. I can't believe lefties think this makes "top surgery scars" less absurd in a fantasy world.
not sure, try Nakagami Takashi Kemokko Lovers 5 - Chapter 1

Should the game have scars on the legs and arms for girls who are into cutting themselves?
It's not morally correct to promote self destructive fetishes that cause irreparable harm.
Very common in the modern era. I knew a girl who got beaten up by a guy she wouldn't stop tormenting and couldn't grasp why none of the boys were standing up for her, their entitlement knows no bounds.
Fantasy can be anything without be absurd because fantasies aren't real retard. I can't believe you're so sensitive that you demand fantasy ends where your feelings begin.
>Should the game have scars on the legs and arms for girls who are into cutting themselves?
Most games do add the option to give your characters scars. Seems like this particular type of scar just hurts your feelings more because you're a weak little man.
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The fuck is a meat sleeve? Should I google it? Sounds horrific
>me good you bad
No shit. That's the crux of almost any argument, opinion, or stance, you fucking idiot.
Listen, disingenuous redditor with an agenda to hoist onto your shoulders. A surgery in a medieval world for removing a woman's breasts has no place in a magical setting. It is absurd. Not "fantastical" absurd, just absurd.
It does make sense, when any retard is willing to throw an entire group of people under the bus in the name of some schizo damn straight. If trump shooter was trans or black chuds would have fucking blown a gaskit. But since it was just some fucking white schizo no one gives a shit.
The issue with them adding these options is not the options themselves, but what they represent; the fact that this game was made by hideous, mentally ill, leftist freaks - people who nobody wants to give money to, and whose products are always assuredly worthless slop.

it actually hurts weak little women
It'd be impossible to catch up to you, you're right.
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>you can't see the dice
>but you can
>yeah well it's boring
then play a different game you queer, older games based on tabletop give you dice rolls because it's meant to be your character's skill at doing something, not yours
you know, because it's a RPG; your character isn't meant to just be you, you're meant to actually make a fucking character that's good at some things and bad at others
Then don't give them money, who fucking cares about dragon age the whole series is fucking shit. It's like all the retards screeching THERES A BLACK GUY IN AN UBISOFT GAME IN JAPAN AHHHHHH. Who cares, who the fuck buys ubislop. It's like you retards nearly are to the point of realizing corpo diversity slop is all meaningless and for a quick buck but stop short of blaming the dipshits at the top.
>This specific thing that exists cannot exist in a setting where things that cannot exist exist because it offends me
>btw you're the one with the agenda
Now that's comedy. You're such a sissy you want to put regulations on the concept of "Anything can happen"
Women are fundamentally different than men.
Such a weak little man that you forgot that you'll never be a woman,
I still don't understand why someone would want to have top scars for their character. Like, if you're a ftm, wouldn't you make your self-insert character a regular guy?
Of course I'm right, and you'll never be able to catch up to my superior masculinity. poor little queer.
You'd cry about an option to remove diversity.
if the presence of modern plastic surgery scarring doesn't rip you out of what little immersion this game managed to create I don't know what would short of a car
Trans people who are at least a little sane will do that, it's just that the vocal majority of trans people are nutjobs that've turned "being trans" into either becoming a full-blown cult, or they've made their identity entirely 100% about the "being trans" part rather than "hey cool I'm a woman now".
No, it is you posting variations. Enjoy prison stalker child.
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>"Look! I hit you with the Uno reverse card! Don't you feel silly for not swallowing horrific medical transgender surgeries in a fictional fantasy world now??"
You can pretend to be making this argument seriously, but I'm not buying it. Try calling me a "snowflake" again, that will surely win you this ridiculous line of reasoning.
There is an option to remove diversity from a custom character. it's called making them white, lmao.
>diverse means not white
Wait, you people just come out and admit that now? I remember when you insisted that was a "chud' conspiracy theory.
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The fact that this is being normalized is the retarded part
Its literal brainwashing
They could have added scars into the game and put them up where the boobs were and it literally wouldnt be a big deal
Trying to normalize cutting off your fucking body parts is sickening, no matter how you slice it, freak
Look, medically sterilizing children and mutilating their genitals is based and I am tired of pretending otherwise
Variations of what, schizo?
people on this board would agree with even hitler!
Will there be an NPC in game that lets me have top surgery or can I only be assigned top surgery at birth?
We need to normalize angry lolis in media.
Your criminal stalking has been reported to the authorities, child. Enjoy prison.
Some of that stuff actually kinda makes sense. What's with the "japan is our enemy" stuff tho? I thought that they were part of the axis?
I believe the image is American propaganda referencing German propaganda. It's saying Hitler wants America to believe their true enemy is Japan, not Germany and that you, a good American, should see through his lies and know Germany is the enemy.
>the two party system is dead
is the people who made this praising the two party system?
Based and Tomodatchi Life pilled.
I believe the compromise to the woman question is that we only give hot titcows right and force the rest of them to be housewives, women with flat chests will continue spitefully destroying character creators until we do this.
The game is made by unfuckable women and woman pretenders. They're too insecure to allow you to make sexy women in a video game
That's hilarious. It makes it more funny because japan got the most racist propaganda against them when they did shit like warned us ahead of time about them bombing pearl harbor and we did absolutely fuck all.
I hate women
lmao, this place is still funny sometimes
What would drive a talented artist waste his skills attacking imaginary hyperwoke caricatures?
I believe it
Just to be clear, there shouldn't be a choice, you don't deserve that freedom.
I want to take your rights away from you and I would be good and just in doing so, you and your ilk are a danger to yourselves and society as a whole.
>concept of "Anything can happen"
Okay. The MC can shoot laser beams out of his eyes and his very presence causes all evil to become good and bow to him.
The End.
Hope you enjoyed the Fantasy Video Game!
>Most games do add the option to give your characters scars.
Not the kind he mentioned.
chuds will obliterate this game by doing nothing
I suspended my disbelief for the flying magic lizards so someone losing their tits isn't that hard to imagine in comparison. Nothing is too absurd for fantasy because when taken realistically at any level fantasy falls apart by nature
>societies with superior super resources like literal magic and extra-dimensional knowledge still have a medieval aesthetic when we did more with less.
>why are they speaking modern english? did the danes and normans invade the fantasy world or were they settled by englishmen from the year 1450, or in some cases just flat out Americans depending on the accent?
>Why does anything in another world resemble anything in ours? clearly showing the hand of the author
>How do you maintain your immersion when there's such selected realism? It's like some sort of fantasy.
Just admit the scars pull you out because you find them upsetting and move on instead of trying to argue your feelings is we should draw the line on the term "Anything".
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>Try calling me a "snowflake" again,
Never called you that
> that will surely win you this ridiculous line of reasoning.
Insulting the argument without a refutation is not an argument, it's you being salty.
Nah, I just assumed that's what you meant. I'm pretty sure I'm right, but If I'm wrong, please correct me. What did you mean?
the director of the game is quite ltierally a transexual invididual
they take me out because the surgery, and your gender ideology is a modern invention
Entertainment will never die because it has become a propaganda tool. The government will simply bail the big studios considered "too big to fail" since their propaganda service is essential
Easy DEI credits which they can exchange for millions of dollars with the jewish investment funds (the investment firms will simply get the federal reserve (which is owned by jews) to freely print more money for them)
Anti-gun and anti-freedom of speech. Don't really need more honestly. We dislike totalitarianism.
It's funny because you did describe a fantasy. Not a very good story, but not any less fantasy. But by conflating a poorly told story with the lack of fantasy you've proven my point. You don't like the top scars because they ruin the story by hurting your feelings rather than them not belonging in fantasy.
Anon, if I add a scar and say my character gave it to themselves are the devs going to hop out of the screen and stop me?
So uh, whose fault will it be when the game flops?
>Never called you that
in so many words, you didn't. In your exact words (or the words of someone whose line of accusation you are continuing):
>I can't believe you're so sensitive that you demand fantasy ends where your feelings begin.
You may as well have. You simply opted not to say the word.
>Insulting the argument without a refutation is not an argument
You're right. Because I'm done humoring a troll. No more adrenaline high for you by saying absurd shit. :(
is the surgery something that is happening in the world? or are they there in the same way i could make a MAGA hat a part of characyer customization?
>extra-dimensional knowledge
The fuck does that mean? Your realistic scrutiny is shallow and shitty and really highlights your inability to comprehend world building.
Yours. You specifically. Your name will be on every games "journalism" website.
They mean Liberal but they themselves are Liberal so they cannot call the people slightly to the left of them Liberal or it will be pointed out they they themselves are just right wing Liberals.
Actual commies are basically an extinct species these days, there was huge political action from a majority of western governments to utterly crush them as a political force in the early 2000's and they've not really been able to reorganise since.
I miss custom tattoo and scar placement
I had a character in one of the UFC games with the phrase "I KILLED A WOMAN IN 2006" across his back next to a portrait of a girl
shit was cash
>they take me out because the surgery and your gender ideology is a modern invention
Actually cutting off tits isn't really new, pretty sure in folklore the amazons cut off their tits. and Loki became a woman while still being identified and identifying as a man. Your ideology of getting offended at weird gender shit is more modern than weird gender shit.
>We totally don't exist.
You're not fooling anyone commie.
It's part of the DEI checklist
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i agree, some people has to get around in wheelchair accesible cars, and i can accept that cars exist in this world so those people dependent on them can feel seen.
it's a world with firebreathing lizards and magic, i mean come on,
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>pretty sure in folklore the amazons cut off their tits
not real and also done for practical reasons

>Loki became a woman while still being identified and identifying as a man
literal magic

If you were actually familiar with weird sex shit you would mention some SEA mythology, with a bit from the Japs. Being offended at sex weirdos is entrenched in the culture for thousands of years and sexual degeneracy was always connected to being evil in european cultures
>My character can look into different dimensions and defy time itself but still can't split an atom or conceptualize a fucking power grid.
>Your realistic scrutiny is shallow and shitty
You've seemed to have missed my point. The concept of realistically scrutinizing things that aren't real is retarded.
> world building.
Outing yourself again if you think a world will literally fall apart if a woman cuts out her tits and sews up the wound because it offends you.
if you drink a health potion or get healed via magical means, do the tits grow back?
The fact that your character has it means it does. Making a MAGA character would imply the canonical existence of Donald Trump or the MAGA movement in some form in the game and that is hilarious.
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I don't care about pronouns or scars. I will buy the game. Probably make a Male Human Mage Evoker or maybe a Male Dwarf Champion. Qunari Male Mage too but I don't think the Qunari look that good this time around, the root of the horns just look awkard. I wish I could have something like the Arishok in terms of horn customization.
>It's funny because you did describe a fantasy.
What's actually funny is you have no idea that "Fantasy" as in something that people do (Fantasizing) isn't the same as "Fantasy" as a genre of story telling.
Even in a Fantasy genre story things are supposed make sense in the created world. It's not just "Oh anything and everything is okay because I said so!". It's not fantasy as in what you can make up, it's fantasy as in it's not taking place in the world we live in.
This is just kinda sad to read. No argument and purely projecting because you can't really match me intellectually. I'll pour one out for your pride, buddy.
>Actually cutting off tits isn't really new,
You are a retard.
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there is precedent for a FtM character with Krem back in inquisition. They don't show you his body or "surgery" scars though

point is, I don't think having queer characters matters that much either way
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>identifying as a man
he didnt identify as a man, he WAS a man
> loki disguised himself as a woman, therefore vikings would understand introducing yourself by announcing your pronouns
gender and sex being two different things and not synonyms are a modern invention from the 70s
It's not that there aren't still commies around, of the ones worth taking note of it's mainly a few Machiavellian Leninist types with the rest being the typical dysgenic freaks you find in extremist circles, but they're not organised and they can't organise without being infiltrated by feds, no different from right wing groups.
fat fucks options will never happen in action games
not only is it logically retarded but it will also take a ton of effort to make sure all the gear fits and deal with the million clipping issues they'd have
Actually, Krem specifically mentioned using binding to replicate a male chest. According to Krem, a transsexual, surgery or even magic solutions is unheard of
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is this a woman
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had any dragon age shown dismemberment before
if you have pierced ears do you lose your ability to wear earrings
if you have a cut dick does your foreskin grow back?
if you cut your nails or hair do they regenerate too or they just count as dead tissue?
can you regenerate a surgically removed cancer tumor back
does heal potion restore cum?
>still poking
guess you weren't satisfied "winning" :^)
>not real
>and also done for practical reasons
So...real folklore.
>literal magic
Changes nothing I said. Loki could literally grow tits and a pussy and be considered a man and no one thought "Bro I'm so upset" also, love that you jumped from "gender"(Your original words not mine) to "Sex" (Your words now, lmao) because you lost on that front. By studying weird gender shit it's pretty easy to tell that outside of Islam, being offended at weird gender shit is western and really really modern. I'd say easily early 2010s is where your ilk started. Otherwise weird gender shit was just seen as weird shit or funny shit. not something to cry about on forums instead of having sex.
Yeah a bunch of retards who argue on Twitter and post memes have power lmao larping faggot
lets ask them, see what they tell us
You are mad
They seem to have the power to make all media do what they want
damn he'll be happy to know it is possible now!
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ahhh, youre too good.
What if I don't value they/them's opinion?
>loki disguised himself as a woman
Loki is literally a mother, senpai, and he's still a he. weird gender shit.
>Taking Unilad seriously
Oh boy. next you're going to tell me the onion is a viable source.
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well buddy, you'd got a storm coming
>weird gender shit.
Not what it is at all.
what are the limits of magic in DA? Can you heal ALL wounds? Can you engineer magic wheelchairs or artificial limbs? Do we have a character that grows a limb back or brings people from the dead?
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I swear half of you don't even watch Jazz or really read the threads. Jazz had one of the newest surgeries at the time, which took flesh from the peritoneum. The peritoneum is a membrane inside your abdomen and pelvis. So no shitty neovag. Although I'm sure it's just as bad.
I see what you're trying to go for, but it falls apart because every vehicle is wheelchair accessible if you tie a rope to it. You lack imagination, which makes sense considering you draw a box and lock out things that offend you.
that seems like a botched surgery, which also happens to non gender reasigning surgeries
then you can form your own opinion I guess
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yea, loki is supposed to be unnatural and weird do you think the vikings that told the story about him giving birth tought they told the story of a brave womxyn?
It was always about being special snowflakes and having people bend over for them. Even if there was a magic pill that instantly turned someone into a real woman they would go on about how they're transwomen.
>Women care about appearance
>Men care about substance
shocking I tell you
The Yuri porn of these two are pretty good ngtl
>Even in a Fantasy genre story things are supposed make sense in the created world
Being able to be chopped off comes with the tits anon. Don't see how that doesn't make sense outside of you REALLY not wanting it to exist. You've actually gotten it backward. The fantasy genre of story telling is
>"Oh anything and everything is okay because I said so!
But you fantasize about a world where things that offend you aren't allowed to exist and you project it onto fantasy.
>Even in a Fantasy genre story things are supposed make sense in the created world.
By this logic you can't have the laws of physics and dragons that fly using wings or colossal terrestrial creatures. you violate the square cube law while having animals limited by it you can no longer be fantasy, lmao.
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>then you can form your own opinion
Well in that case, I believe... a guy putting on a dress is still a man. No matter how many knives were taken to his genitals.
>be nice to these "different people"
>they remove the normal things that I like since they don't like different things
>call me a porn addict or toxic for wanting a moderately attractive woman option
mm very kewl
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i dont get the outrage, if you dont like those customization options, dont use em

hue, excellent
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i bet you are an expert on ropes
No they told the story where gender is non-binary. like it is, Men will be men, and sometimes they'll have children but they'll still be men. weird men, but still men.
Trump losing that election makes this the funniest thing I've read all day. Imagine your presidency getting death star'd by an angry gay anal lazer.
all these scar pictures make my chest hurt
why would people do this to themselves
Mental illness.
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>Why are there Darkspawn in the game?
>The Chantry teaches us that is the hubris of men which brought the darkspawn into our world. The mages had sought to usurp Heaven, but instead they destroyed it. They were cast out, twisted and cursed by their own corruption. They returned as monsters, the first of the darkspawn. They became a Blight upon the lands, unstoppable and relentless.

>Why are there top surgery scars and trannies in the game?

see the fucking difference or are you just poorly playing devil's advocate?
>Would you like HIV or no HIV in your soup?
>Why do you have a problem? Just have the soup with no AIDS in our kitchen that serves AIDS soup!
Makes them happy and won't kill them so why not?
magic in DA is a narrative tool more than a part of the world, at least past Origins
in Origins its akin to low fantasy type of magic

Loki is not a man. he is a god, the offspring of a jotunn and a goddess, not a mortal
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complete fucking schizophrenia

i really dont understand how trumpists convinced themselves democrats are communists, then again some democrats convinced themselves trump is fascist so...
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>see the fucking difference
One is a really desperate strawmen and the other is lore. if you want to be accurate it's.
>The Chantry teaches us that is the hubris of men which brought the darkspawn into our world. The mages had sought to usurp Heaven, but instead they destroyed it. They were cast out, twisted and cursed by their own corruption. They returned as monsters, the first of the darkspawn. They became a Blight upon the lands, unstoppable and relentless.
>Why are there top surgery scars and trannies in the game?
>Because humans tend to do that sometimes. weird creatures, they are.
this is embarrassing, all the artists that worked on this game should be ashamed of themselves
You lack the media literacy to understand this piece of literary fiction
>[woman taking}
>Loki is not a man
Oh O-
>""""he"""" is a god
aaaaaaand there it is.
>Humans just tend to mutilate themeselves sometimes for no reason.
i will not buy your homo game, bioware used to be subtle about it's homosexuality and fetishes, this is over the line
Are you saying anon shouldn't respect Loki's pronouns?
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in an RPG? yeah kinda
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Gods, like animals, can be male or female, but they are not "men" or "women" because those words apply especifically and only to HUMAN BEINGS, in other words, MORTALS.
Gods are not mortal and they are not human beings, therefore they cannot be "men" or "women." You're either a retarded midwit fuck or a good enough troll to get me to respond.
Whichever it might be, eat shit and die, nigger.
Well actually there is a reason for trans people. Whether or not it's a good reason is something I don't care enough to argue, but more importantly humans do in fact tend to mutilate themselves for no reason sometimes too. Strange creatures, they are.
feels good
Stanley Martin Lieber was born on December 28, 1922, in Manhattan, New York City,[3] in the apartment of his Romanian-born Jewish immigrant parents, Celia (née Solomon) and Jack Lieber, at the corner of West 98th Street and West End Avenue
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That is exactly what I'm saying. All Gods should be misgendered.
>Being able to be chopped off comes with the tits anon.
Do you not understand that modern practices don't work the same way without modern tools and that they would not leave the same marks as modern practices because of that?
No, you don't because you are a fucking moron who is seriously trying to act like it's all perfectly the same shit.
>by this logic
You don't get to talk about logic.
based SMT protag
So you admit that sex and gender are two separate concepts that are non-binary outside of a restriction you've placed in humans? Because My dog has a gender. he is a good boy.
That's not even what his post said. You're waffling.
>Do you not understand that modern practices don't work the same way without modern tools
And modern languages don't work the same way without past wars. Guessing jury is still out if the American revolution happened whenever an American accent is heard.
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Why are people even surprised about this? Dragon Age has always been gay and filled with faggots.
But it is. It was a long post saying Gods and animals can be male or female but aren't bound by the gender binary. Some people just believe that applies to humans too.
Now you're simply making retarded replies.
I get you've been playing the retard this whole time for (You)s and to kill the thread but fuck are you good at being a fucking retard.
This is all I have, my favorite movies, please stop.
See >>689483514
Pop pop pop sikibidy bap
It seems you've run out of arguments. Don;t worry you're not the first to lose to me. You will not be the last. You see, the difference between me and the gardian variety SJW is that I don't call your kind "Chud". I call you "Lesser".
Yea yea, you managed to get all these (You)s by pretending to be a retard who doesn't even actually refute the shit said to him.
Such a hard thing to do.
I've refuted everything. Even your lack of argument. Even pointing out the refutation is a refutation of your post. You seem to be in shock or denial. or both
okay faggot, nobody cares move on to the next thread
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>I don't call your kind "Chud". I call you "Lesser".
Same difference faggot.
This, people seem to forget that 7th gen was when everything went downhill.
This implies heirarchy.
Very problematic, anon.
You seem upset that you got busted out.
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I didn't save the rap video. Regardless
>*grup grup grup*
>*the tranny goes pop pop pop*
Why even include a titty slider then?

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