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The one Pokemon mechanic that had a patent on it is the one they decided to copy
This "Pokemon like" game barely has anything in common with Pokemon but they decided to use the only mechanic they legally couldn't lmao
Obviously I hope they win because patenting gameplay elements is bullshit but holy SHIT these guys are dumb
no one cares bro palworld is better
it's not been disclosed which one it is
now these patents are stupidly precise, and in palworld the ball don't split it separate in two independent parts, also it doesn't fall down but float

anyway the realist possibility is nintendo it taking them to court to drain their money as a bullying act
>cartoon animals
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>nothing like pokemon

You knew that wasn't true the second you saw some of the pal designs. You knew this game would be hearing from nintendo ninjas at some point.
if the case is just about 1 mechanic though how big could the consequences be?
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they are not suing for copyright so is not about the monster designs, they are suing for patents and they havent disclosed which one
>anyway the realist possibility is nintendo it taking them to court to drain their money as a bullying act
no that's exactly what it's going to be
most of the recent lawsuits Nintendo has done that wasn't piracy related were patent trolling like this
They're REALLY dedicated to it to, Dragalia Lost was literally made as a way to patent troll a competitor, and once the lawsuit was settled the game was EOS'd pretty much instantly having served its purpose.
>You need to patch that out
I don't care what the lawsuit is about. That's for jews to kvetch over.

You knew there would be one the second you saw this game.
>nintendo suing the competition into bankruptcy
yeah we all knew this was gonna happen
your honor our game is not finished yet as we are still in early access
this is a mere coincidence that slipped our oversight as this particular mechanic happened to be coded by an intern that no longer works here
we shall change it up a little right quick
>nintendo never sued sega
>nintendo didn't see sega as competition
A pokemon clone that didn't instantly flop and disappear on its own was always going to hear from nintendo. There was never a timeline where that wouldn't happen.
>and in palworld the ball don't split it separate in two independent parts, also it doesn't fall down but float
That's not part of the patent anyway. It just refers to the balls and other things you can throw as objects
The patent is from December 2021.
what's the supposed patent about?
>but they decided to use the only mechanic they legally couldn't lmao
not true. the game came out before nintendo had the patent. nintendo seethed about palwords success so they thought about how they could fuck them over
The catching mechanics in the webm where you walk in a 3D space, aim a spherical object at a monster, display probabilities of capture on the screen, and upon successful capture have that monster as a member of your team
>That's so vague though! Millions of games do that!
It was posted literally yesterday with May 2024 as a date you retarded faggot please holy shit
They literally patented Palworld 4 months after release
This is at the very least the second time they do it too
>the game came out before nintendo had the patent
The patent was filed in 2021 and published 2022
Palworld released this year.
I feel like this is what's going to happen and /v/ is still going to be mad about it
That is very nice anon
Its also not that one
>they decided to use the only mechanic they legally couldn't lmao
Nintendo has thousands of patents. Trying to scan through every patent from across the entire gaming industry and guess which patents may have actual validity is impossible.

Anyway, we don't know what patents they're actually claiming were infringed as the lawsuit is not in any public court record system at this point. That patent seems like bullshit however, since there are older games that've used the same fundamentals.
>This application is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 17/949,666, filed on Sep. 21, 2022. This application also claims priority to Japanese Patent Application No. 2021-208275, filed on Dec. 22, 2021. The entire contents of all disclosures are incorporated herein by reference
>filed on Dec. 22, 2021.
This is japanese patent application 2021-208275
Applied: December 22, 2021
Published: July 4, 2023
>(57) [Abstract]
[Problem] To provide a game program, game system, game device, and game processing method that can cause a player character to perform various types of actions on a field in a virtual space.
>[Solution] In a first mode, the aiming direction in the virtual space is determined based on a second operation input, and the player character is caused to fire an item that affects a field character placed on a field in the virtual space in the aiming direction based on a third operation input, and in a second mode, the aiming direction is determined based on the second operation input, and the player character is caused to fire a combat character that engages in combat in the aiming direction based on the third operation input.
It absolutely is lol
We don't have explicit confirmation but they're not suing over a patent that wouldn't legally apply to Palworld. That's a patent that was filed well before Palworld came out that is in clear as day violation. Kicking your feet and screaming "no fair" doesn't change the law
>since there are older games that've used the same fundamentals.
Anon, if you don't understand patents I suggest you don't reply because they aren't about a fundamental idea, they're about an exact and detailed execution.
It's not copyright.
No one defending Palworld on this case knows even one thing about patent law.
The only defense of Palworld you can make is "I disagree with patenting video games from an ethical point of view," which personally I'd agree with. But it's unbelievably clear that this is an open and shut case.
Like do you see how retarded these guys are? >>689443898 They do not care about the law behind this case at all, they're just furious that it isn't going their way.
ITT OP pretends Coromon hasn't existed for years. This is not what they're being sued over.
Get angry as much as you want but it's not changing facts, the patent was filed in 2021.
The law in any developed country is that patents 90% of the times get thrown out because they are retarded and they just let you register them because you have to pay for them
Not like you would know, since you didn't even know what a patent is before this week
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>It's no fair it's no fair it's no fair!!!!
This is not how courts work dude
>I learned le word yesterday xd
You are retarded anon, stop embarrassing yourself
Niggerdo has lost already 3 patent cases against Sony alone
>The law in any developed country is that patents 90% of the times get thrown out because they are retarded an
Yes, most patents are nonsense that are never realised and vague but you're talking about this.

>[Claim 1] A game program which causes a computer of an information processing devicecto switch between at least a first mode and a second mode based on a first operation input, and in the first mode, causes the computer to determine an aiming direction within a virtual space based on a second operation input, and causes the player character to fire an item which affects a field character placed on a field in the virtual space in the aiming direction based on a third operation input, and when the item is fired at a location where the field character is placed, gives the field character an effect associated with the item, and in the second mode, causes the computer to determine the aiming direction based on the second operation input, and causes the playervcharacter to fire a combat character which will engage in combat in the aiming direction based on the third operation input, and when the combat character is fired at a location where the field character is placed, starts a battle on the field between the field character and the combat character.
>[Claim 2] The game program according to claim 1, wherein the item includes at least a capture item for capturing the field character, and further causes the computer to make a capture success determination as to whether or not the capture is successful when the capture item released in the first mode hits the field character, and to set the field character hit by the capture item to a state where it is owned by the player when the capture success determination is positive.
>[Claim 3] The game program according to claim 2, wherein the item further includes an item having an effect of making the capture success determination more likely to be positive.
>[Claim 4] The game program according to claim 2 or 3, wherein the item further includes an item having an effect of restricting the movement of the field character on the field.
This is a 38 part patent by the way for a small throwing mechanic that was put into a game

The ones that get thrown out are akin to
>you put it in and it slides out!
This is a very specific, detailed patent.
Sony and Nintendo have never been in a patent battle and I doubt Sony would even take the risk since their patents are often vague like the PlayStation universal remote. Where they also show their anger towards other platforms by calling them "inferior" much like their cult.
>they aren't about a fundamental idea, they're about an exact and detailed execution.
It's an execution to accomplish an idea. Stop being pedantic.
Palworld does not use the precise execution of the one patent tendies keep spamming anyway, so your point is retarded.
>It's an execution to accomplish an idea
The idea doesn't matter. You think it s about throwing the ball but it isn't it's about how an object is thrown as a mechanic in the game, the end result is nigh irrelevant.
>Palworld does not use the precise execution
We don't know what they're going for at all, or even if it's Palworld, this is all speculation but the main reason why people are suggesting it's the throwing mechanic is because it's the one thing covered by a patent that can also be found in palworld with an extremely similar execution and input as you can see here>>689441772

Why you're getting mad about this acting as if only the tendie boogeyman can discuss this is beyond me but quite frankly, it's pathetic. If you can't discuss matters like this like an adult then you can leave.
Places like reddit are more accommodating for your brand of stupidity.
>Stop being pedantic.
Nigger, it's a fucking patent you have to focus on the fine details because the whole point of a patent is how something works not what something is.

Jesus fuck are you like 14 or something?
Fine, if you're so desperate to nitpick over pedantry lets bring this down to your level. I never even used the world "idea" in this post >>689443462. I simply said "fundamentals".
Fundamentals being, obviously, the fundamental steps that make up the execution of inputs/logic that produces the result nintendo has patented as their novel gameplay method.

Your interpretation of my post does not match what I actually posted, in the same sense that your interpretation comparing palworld vs arceus gameplay does not match what is actually written in the patent you tendie faggots all use to troll these threads. It does not matter that the functionality *looks* the same, as the patent is a description of functional inputs and outputs.

>We don't know what they're going for at all, or even if it's Palworld
This is true, and I said as much in my initial post. However the OP was describing the specific arceus patent that keeps being thrown around.
Pocketpair made this mechanic in Craftopia long before Legends Arceus came out, and before they patented it. Maybe they should sue Nintendo instead.
You're replying to video evidence from 2020
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>pokemon invented small handheld device for catching monsters
Won't Nintendo just get BTFO if they claim this?
No I'm replying to the other poster to show him the video evidence from 2020
>Won't Nintendo just get BTFO if they claim this?
Nope. Nintendo invented small handheld device for catching monster BUT IN A VIDEOGAME.
Totally novel idea, that'll be $30m plus tip. Welcome to patents.
There's no dedicated aiming mode in craftopia
I mean, if the judge is a 70 yo Japanese boomer, then I guess, but otherwise Nintendo is about to shoot themselves in the foot.
they'll argue that the patent is combined capture and release to fight whereas ghostbusters is purely capture
Foolish anon, that was merely a 2D videogame. Nintendo has a much more recent patent for the exact same experience, but in 3D.
I read somewhere that they made the patent back in May, and since it regards a use of it that came out before PalWorld, it's still applicable in court.
>they made dawn a nigger
>i'm supposed to side with them
If there's a prior use case (like Ghostbusters cited above) then the patent is in fact illegal, because you can't patent something you weren't the first to do.
>The one Pokemon mechanic that had a patent on it is the one they decided to copy
Nigga, they release that patent in August. LMAO.
The fags at Nintendo have fucking nothing.
>>nintendo suing the competition into bankruptcy
There's a window to file, the intent being that inventors don't have to wait to start selling their product until after they've gone through all the patent bureaucracy.
Those are so obvious to the gameplay that yes millions of games would do that if they were the same genre and had no knowledge of one another. This is why software patents are retarded.
Didn't craftoptia have a throw and catch mechanic in it and that came out before arceus
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Isn't Pokemon originally a rip-off of Shin Megami Tensei anyway? Funny how they're trying to act superior.
>This is why software patents are retarded.
Ok but what if you actually invent something unique.
>causes the computer to determine the aiming direction based on the second operation input, and causes the playervcharacter to fire a combat character which will engage in combat in the aiming direction based on the third operation input, and when the combat character is fired at a location where the field character is placed, starts a battle on the field between the field character and the combat character.
This doesn't happen in palworld as pals will engage with you real time regardless of whether or not you throw out a pal. A battle is not automatically started either if the wild pal is in "flee" mode and the allied pal isn't set to attack everything
They already have a couple of guns that shoot pal spheres instead of having to throw them by hand so they could easily rectify this. They could even change the spheres to cubes, electric nets or some shit.
Not a lawyer but maybe you could argue the patent isn't violated because Palworld displays capture rate.
I hope they make them frisbees
>small handheld device for catching monster BUT IN A VIDEOGAME.
if you have to add "b-but in video games" it's not a valid patent
Then you'd have the copywrite on it
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Who fucking cares? Palworld is cheap stock asset unfinished early access ai-generated chinkslop that died in less than 2 weeks. Nothing of value was lost. I hope the next Pokémon killer will be worthwhile and not just an extremely lazy and half-assed way to capitalize on the Monster Collecting genre.
software copyright is almost useless. Doesn't protect from competitors going through function by function and rewriting the precise code.
Is there any chance of this backfiring and damaging Nintendo's reputation?
you cared enough to post ITT, favelamonkey
>now these patents are stupidly precise
i don't know about the ones in this case, but usually its actually the opposite. you try to cover as much as possible in your patent which makes them super awful to read
cope tranny
software patents are cancer. they stop people from doing stuff like adding compatibility for a filesystem.
it's the reason why exfat support has lagged behind around 15 years
Depending on JUST how obvious the pettiness is, it might harm business relations. The Pokemon and geenral Nintendo cult won't let a project come close to failing, though.
keep seething huemonkey
Nintendo is gonna bribe the 90 year old judge. Nintendo is a corrupt piece of shit company, basically legalized yakuza. Any retard who thinks they'll play fair is low IQ retard and black. Nintendo hired private investigators to stalk a console modder and then spread lies about him all over the internet about him being a lonely incel chud who eats out alone, this is how low they will go.
That's be cool. Store them into data discs like Digimon.
I agree, but I think this really comes down to the stupidly low bar for determining what is trivial vs novel.
Most advancements in software/gameplay are incremental, remixing existing ideas.
Rounded icons is held at the same level of significance as a patent inventing cryptocurrency would be. How does one decide what is fair?
>The one Pokemon mechanic that had a patent on
nigger, nintendo has a patent on using physics in a video game
they have a patent on vehicles in video games
they have a patent on a character looking in the direction of an object
nintendo is a massive patent troll company
More like pokemon simps angry that palworld gets let off scott free.
*monster rancher, that franchise is dead as fuck anyways.
Doesn't matter, the patent is about what the mechanic does not what it can't and that mechanic is in palworld
man I wish we'd get a good new game I can only play so much monster rancher 2
No aim mode when the camera slightly zoomed in
>electric nets
now you have my attention.
imagine lovander making googoo eyes as the net tightens around her
I don't understand patent sues much, I just have this question: in the case a company successfully argues they did not infringe on a patent, what can happen after?
That ultra man was pretty good though
The mechanic is literally different in palworld. The palsphere does not initiate combat. Line of sight and behavior does. The palsphere simple sends out a helper
but this is japan, and their courts have like 99% conviction rate so it's pretty much over for palworld
ever wonder why they don't sue everyone using a camera or hitboxes in their games? cause this wouldn't fly in any sane country and they know it
Other games have done this before though. Nintendo failed to defend it against those so they don't have power now.
how has palworld improved since early access? kind of interested in giving it a shot now
I refuse to consider that a monster rancher. I need my zuums and hares and bakus and jells and everything else
Pokemon didnt patent the pokeball mechanics until this year. they have no grounds if thats the case
Only in criminal court. Their chances aren't good either way because nintendo basically owns the civil courts too, but they've lost before
They added more content, improved base building and let you manage what kind of work your pal does
Bizarre how an indie company can make a game that looks and plays better than a massive studio with storied history.
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It's going to be interesting watching this case unfold since no one who's on either side knows a single thing about patent law. Every time a new development occurs people will be saying "Oh I didn't know it worked that way"
Thank you for parroting the absolute lie you read on the Palworld subreddit. Read the thread
These are just pre-grant publications; a patent hasn't been granted.
>when the combat character is fired at a location where the field character is placed
This is the most important distinction btw. Pals can be fired anywhere and they will initiate their ai behavior, combat related or not. In fact a lot of times you do not want to fire your pal at the attacking pal.
Has Nintendo ever lost a case like this even once? They typically don't swing if it isn't a homerun.
They lost against Shozo Kaga who was an idiot and managed to let Nintendo appeal it by saying his game was part of the Fire Emblem series
multiple times yes
Any examples other than Kaga?
>game that started as a gachapon capsule knockoff so much so that they couldn't even get the trademark for the original name Capsule Monster and had to switch to Pocket Monster, now sues its own knockoff
oy vey
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Patenting gameplay mechanics should be illegal.
Yes I'm still mad about the Nemesis system
I played palworld for about five hours and then I couldn't figure out what to do. Or rather it felt like had done everything already
>civil suit
>conviction rate
the stupidity on display on /v/ is astounding
they lost a handfull against sony back in the day
one for katamari damachi also if i remember well
>Has Nintendo ever lost a case like this even once? They typically don't swing if it isn't a homerun.
They legit lost against Philips and had to pay royalties and fees
>Yes I'm still mad about the Nemesis system
Nemesis is complex enough; but Nintendo has patents for basic physics, point and clicks, throwing objects at npcs, riding npcs, and kicking a soccer ball
I know plenty about patent/copyright law and I can tell you it doesn't matter what anyone "knows."
The entire point of lawyers is the fact the law is complicated and confusing.
They might try win through a settlement though.
Yes, anyone who says
is retarded.

Good fuck palworld, hackiest retard shit ever
Yeah, a massive patent troll.
Let's just ignore the fact that you can cou the amount of times they've been the plaintiff on your hand
>Other games have done this before though. Nintendo failed to defend it against those so they don't have power now
There aren't any games with the exact implantation anon and that's Copyright, with patent you don't have to defend it.
>you legally cannot make a game where you throw something
Technically it's impossible for nintendo to lose. At worst, they gain nothing.
If they think a direct win is unlikely, they'll probably settle. Nintendo fanboys view every settlement as a win.

Their real loss is their reputation. No one likes patent trolls. Unless something really juicy comes out in the next few months, outsiders will look badly on this.
>Has Nintendo ever lost a case like this even once?
Possibly but no one can find an instance that wasn't turned around in appeals. So their track record is potentially spotless.
They didn't sue SEGA because of the senate hearings, where NoA's jew lawyers did much worse to them than sue for damages.
/v/ literally needs /pol/ flags now.
>Technically it's impossible for nintendo to lose. At worst, they gain nothing.
That's losing. When you aggress against someone for gain, and you gain nothing, they won and you lost. That's how defending yourself works, you win when you defend yourself and the attacker loses.
they patented this mechanic months after PW released.
and IDs
The nemesis system's documentation is about as long as this throwing mechanic.
The physics keeping link moving at the same speed is even longer
>That's losing.
Sure, but all these nintendo fans claiming a spotless court record don't view it as such.
The physics keeping link moving is a setting from the Havok engine lmao
This and they may have to pay some settlement, either way it’s not like they’re gonna kill the game. Palworld and Pokemon exist on separate platforms with different audiences, there’s little to no competition here
The havok engine can't do that natively anon. That's why every havok game has the player character move at the same speed when, say, jumping on a moving object.
The way developers got around that before was to just make the moving object it's own area and have everything else move around it.
And when I say same speed I mean their normal speed not adjusted for the moving object so the jump would bring you backwards or forward depending rather than straight up.
No he's correct.
If it means nothing for me to spend a million when I have trillions: For you to spend a million dollars when you only have that million, at only the cost of a million, is a victory through attrition for me.
Unless you can provide more examples, Nintendo only ever lose twice when they initiated lawsuit: Kaga and ILife. Although both got overturned by the court after Nintendo appeal
That was the renewal. This gets said every thread and you still get it wrong.
Copyright, Trademarks, and Patents don't actually require you to be the first. Remember how someone trademarked Candy? They were in their complete legal right to do so, and in fact did so.
Yes, anon. You could single-handily ruin the games-industry by making a hundred patents for every imaginable vague niche gameplay concept.
patents can't be renewed faggot
dont forget vending machines.
There is NO reason why patents like this should be longer than 2 years tops. If you make a patent for pokeballs, and fail to establish yourself as the pokeball vidya company in that time, it should be free for the taking for everyone. It gives the "inventor" time to profit and establish themselves off the idea, but doesn't permanently cockblock entire humanity while stifling others and threatening lawsuits over 20 year old barely used ideas.
>Copyright, Trademarks, and Patents don't actually require you to be the first
Yeah they do, that's the entire purpose. Something common that wasn't registered doesn't change that fact, it just means that no one bothered to register it.
Also King's trademark for Candy only pertains to video games and clothes.
See >>689443573
>filed on Dec. 22, 2021
Thank you for proving I'm right.
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>There is NO reason why patents like this should be longer than 2 years tops.
The fact that it TAKES two years to publish let alone be granted?
That it might take more than two years for the final product to be created?
Time for the creator to recoup losses by selling or licencing out their idea?
Competition to spurn others in to making new and efficient versions that they can patent and repeat the cycle?

It's not that hard to come up with reasons. 2 years isn't a long span of time and you can't just type YOU MUST WORK THE WAY I WANT TO into a PC to get a mechanic to work day one.
>If you make a patent for pokeballs
That's copyright you idiot.

>It gives the "inventor" time to profit
We live in an age where video games can take 5 years and you think that 2 years is enough time?
and what about physical inventions? Did you ever think about that? Designing and building a car takes 2 to 5 years on its own, one car, one built product and then you have to deal with mass production.
>but doesn't permanently cockblock entire humanity
Fuck you unimaginative cunt, the only thing that cockblocks you is yourself both your poor understand of IP law and the fact that your brain is so fucking fried that you don't have an original thought in it.
I mean, patents are so fucking specific that the a toilet with a lever and a toilet with a button can be considered two different patents when they both just flush a fucking toilet.

Get your head out of your ass you Jewish faggot and stop trying to screw over creators more than they already are by this society.
There's a dedicated aiming mode throwables in plenty of games. That category is too broad.
By... Proving you wrong?
King registered the trademark first before anyone else. How does that prove that you don't have to be first?
Anon, you can't even name one.
>uh uh uh I need to sit on my fat ass doing nothing um so actually fuck you
Not an argument. Can't use the idea you're legally fucking everyone over with in a "reasonable" amount of time? Then kill yourself and let another person use it.
Monster Hunter World
NuHitman has a dedicated aiming for throwables mode
You can capture monster in hitman?
>King registered the trademark first before anyone else
And I said.
>Copyright, Trademarks, and Patents don't actually require you to be the first.
Because guess what? Candy wasn't used by them first, they just trademarked it first.
>How does that prove that you don't have to be first?
Because Candy Crush patented their mechanics but their mechanics are just Bejeweled.
You didn't say "dedicated aiming mode for throwables for the sole purpose of only capturing something"
doesnt' change what I said you moron. don't try to wiggle away from your failures.
Literally any modern shooter with grenades
No, you can equip the net but it's not contextual not does it change your controls.

It has a lock on but the objects are specfically weapons.
You two should probably read the patent it's not just aiming and throwing.
It doesn't have a dedicated aim mode
Restricting basic gameplay mechanics because of an incidental element associated with it is retarded and overboard and would only hold up in the retarded japanese legal system
Pokemon related patents.

Pocket Pair is fucked.
I would stop replying now before that anon traps you into debating over some precise definition that explicitly includes palworld, even though the actual mechanism in palworld itself does not match the precise patent description of nintendos' method.
Their response to a valid answer is to start trolling.

>No, you can equip the net but it's not contextual not does it change your controls.
Well, there he goes again..
If it so basic why only two games used it?
You're arguing a retarded point, that no one is arguing by the way. >>689453489
>Isn't Pokemon originally a rip-off of Shin Megami Tensei anyway?
Which then gets the response
>Copyright, Trademarks, and Patents don't actually require you to be the first.
My guy shooters change your pov when you take out your grenade. If that is not a dedicated aim node then palworld's aiming the palsphere isn't either because active combat happens simoutaneously
Palworld does not use it
Anon did see op webm?
Many shooters do it when you take out your grenade to help you aim them better
The patent specifically about catching enemies
>Candy wasn't used by them first, they just trademarked it first.
Good lord you're stupid....
Unless it's a a completely made up word like klarhungabon no one is going to trademark something before it's used.
Being used is completely irrelevant to the conversation because we're talking about trademarking it first
>Because Candy Crush patented their mechanics but their mechanics are just Bejeweled.
Which should tell you how much leniency there is with a patent and a unique implementation.
See >>689465829
Not it is about aiming throwables. Catching animals is incidental to the act
game mechanics arent patentable in civilized countries

heres whats going to happen, nintendo will win an injunction against the game being sold in japan

big fucking deal. other countries dont respect those patents and i doubt they are getting their hands on any palworld money located in china
>It has a lock on but the objects are specfically weapons.
It has several ball shaped objects
You forgot the part of
>and the player character is caused to fire a combat character that engages in combat in the aiming direction based on the third operation input.
Japanese civil court does not allow defendants to recover legal fees when they win a case. The entire system is designed explicitly to allow large companies to bleed competitors out of business.
Many Americans fail to understand that despite how shitty America is, it is still better than very nearly everywhere else.
That's not a thing in palworld, so it's irrelevant.
There is no special combat state in palworld, and aggro is based on distance detection rather than user input.

Same retards every thread
Japanese law actually doesn't require priority of invention. It's entirely based on who files first.
>causes the computer to determine the aiming direction based on the second operation input, and causes the playervcharacter to fire a combat character which will engage in combat in the aiming direction based on the third operation input, and when the combat character is fired at a location where the field character is placed, starts a battle on the field between the field character and the combat character
You conveniently left you the last part. Palworld lets you aim you palsphere anywhere. Aiming at the wild pal to start combat is incidental to a completely different design of the system when you could be aiming in the opposite direction and combat will in real time.
>Restricting basic gameplay mechanics because of an incidental element associated with it is retarded and overboard and would only hold up in the retarded japanese legal system
It would hold up in any legal system because that's how patents work. I don't know what to tell you because no matter what you're not going to get it.

>Well, there he goes again..
What does that even mean?

>My guy shooters change your pov when you take out your grenade
Okay, one, what FPS are you playing that changes your POV from first to third person jait for a grenade other than just lobbing it
Two, that still means you don't have an argument because POV has nothing to do with this. Sure you cans switch to first person in Arceus, I think?, but that's entirely different thing not covered by the patent anyway.
That's how patents are able to be filed before they're laughed out of legitimate court systems
So when you throw your palsphere that contain your pals at an enemy your pal wouldn't battle said enemy?
>It's entirely based on who files first
Meaning it requires to be first.
>What does that even mean?
It means that you are repeating trash arguments that have been repeatedly refuted 20 times by now in previous threads.
Lurk more before trying to play armchair lawyer.
Only if both are hostile to one another. The palsphere throw is not what determines when combat happens. It's line of sight and hostility based on the ai of the pal and the player
If he's the same anon who's been shitposting these threads his argument is that because they can "sometimes" run away there isn't a battle mechanic.
>It's line of sight
You can throw palsphere without looking?
See, they were right to patent it. Look at how brazenly Palworld copied it.
No. You literally do not need to be the first to use or invent. As long as you swear you came up with it on your own and were unaware of anyone else doing it, being first to file grants you the patent, even if others have clear proof they invented it and used it before you.
Sounds like you don't even understand how the game works. If I make a completely generative movement system that determines animation and interaction with terrain it would still be a different system if the characters in my game incidentally did quick jumping off a ledge which Nintendo patented
Okay, so, you've use that argument 20 times in previous threads.
Gotten the same response from multiple people and then refused to refute them because it's supposedly been refuted before?
>Being this illiterate
Read that again and again until you understand.
>The palsphere throw is not what determines when combat happens. It's line of sight and hostility based on the ai of the pal and the player
video game mechanics have always been brazenly and shamelessly copied
nooooooo you don't get it, grenades go boom bang. they don't summon monsters and they don't capture them either. plus they don't initiate battle mode so therefore it's totally different!
Nope. The battle mechanics are based on the world state, not the specific character/monster action.

Also on the off chance you actually are interested in learning things and not just the same bad faith troll debater, the combination of those two menu modes is trivial. There is no actual relationship between the 1st case of throwing the item, and the second capability of launching a monster.
In other words, an example of a selectable menu with a capture item, and a separate example of a menu with a monster activation would collectively provide coverage for the entire patent.
Arbitrarily being the first to include a precise combination of trivial menu elements is not a legitimate innovation.

Well I was on the fence for a moment, but this 100% confirms that you are in fact the same troll. Have a nice day.
Maybe be more subtle next time.
Bejeweled never made any patents on its mechanics, retard.
>You literally do not need to be the first to use or invent
Yeah, you need to be the first to patent, trademark or copyright.
What's confusing you here? It's a very, very simple concept.
>As long as you swear you came up with it on your own and were unaware of anyone else doing it, being first to file grants you the patent, even if others have clear proof they invented it and used it before you.
Anon, the only proof you would have is the thing that's being submitted which you wouldn't have if someone else submitted it.
Not to mention that's beside the point, you still need to be the first person to register it, the whole system is predicated on being the first.
>quick jumping off a ledge which Nintendo patented
This one is actually an interesting patent, but it's expired.
>but this 100% confirms that you are in fact the same troll
Anon if you're just going to get annoyed and call people trolls when you have no argument what's the point in even posting?
>Anon, the only proof you would have is the thing that's being submitted which you wouldn't have if someone else submitted it.
You're arguing a different fucking point.
>We both decide to make an invention.
>You make the first ever lock and key, but didn't patent it.
>I then make a lock and key, but patent it.
>I now own that patent despite you being the first.
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Here's a video explaining how vidya patents work in Japan and the whole Colopl lawsuit:
>In the 80s companies and even individuals outside of the vidya industry were patenting popular games they had nothing to do with to demand money from developers
>To combat it, developers started patenting everything themselves, from title screens to high score boards. Literally everything.
>To this day it serves as a way to keep outsiders from patenting vidya related elements. The developers don't sue each other because they know they all are infringing on each other.
>Despite having hundreds of patents the only time in the past 40 years when Nintendo sued another developer was the Colopl lawsuit:
>Nintendo patented touchscreen joystick in 2004
>Nothing was happening for over a decade despite hundreds of mobile games having touchscreen joysticks
>Colopl decided to patent their own touchscreen joystick and charge money from anyone who wanted to have touchscreen joysticks in their mobile games
>Got bitchslapped by Nintendo
>Mobile games keep using touchscreen joysticks without having to pay anyone
The patent never mention about when combat happens
Arrow pointing direction is not innovation yet Sega patented it and sued EA over it
I know I just needed an example for these tards to understand and one that demonstrates how ridiculous these frivolous patents. The system I described is something akin to the one Rockstar uses. It's novel and worth patenting and even then it would be worth a patent as it would be the specific process and not just the idea of generative movement.
You're calling people retarded but you lack the braincells to even finish reading the post >>689467512
>Not to mention that's beside the point, you still need to be the first person to register it, the whole system is predicated on being the first.
Stop getting mad and stop moving the goalposts you made this claim >>689462880
>Copyright, Trademarks, and Patents don't actually require you to be the first
You were wrong about it, accept it.
The argument is in this very thread, within a fork of that same reply chain. Keep reading, you'll see it eventually.
>starts a battle on the field between the field character and the combat character
Read nigga, read
Asking too much of a tendie. There's a reason nintendo games have minimal dialogue.
Pokemon patents... This would have been an april fools joke 20 years ago.
throwing your party members at wild pals doesn't start a battle. the game has no battle mode. you're always in 'combat mode' therefore the patent is retarded
>frivolous patents
Anon, just because you don't like it doesn't make it frivolous.
>even then it would be worth a patent as it would be the specific process and not just the idea of generative movement.
This is just plain hypocrisy now. This whole thing has been about a new and specific process but it's good now that rockstar is doing it?
>You're calling people retarded but you lack the braincells to even finish reading the post
Okay, anon.
Let's run this down then, okay?
If the original post, the post that is replied to, is saying.
>Isn't Pokemon originally a rip-off of Shin Megami Tensei anyway?
This implies that pokemon wasn't the first, that SMT was.
This is then further added onto with...
>Copyright, Trademarks, and Patents don't actually require you to be the first. Remember how someone trademarked Candy?
Because candy was used before, but was never trademarked before then. And is acknowledged that they had the legal right to.
>They were in their complete legal right to do so, and in fact did so.
Which is then added onto with the joke
>Yes, anon. You could single-handily ruin the games-industry by making a hundred patents for every imaginable vague niche gameplay concept.
Because you could do that if you patented everything first, like nintendo did.
No, no it wouldn't. Especially since this was filed 18 years ago
That's just a file modifying another file. lmao.
Yeah. well now you can't. You're going to have to come up with something original now. No more rehashes or copying other company's games anymore.
Technically Palworld does have "combat mode" denoted by the combat music playing, but it's initiated by Pals or other hostile NPCs aggroing onto you or your Pal, or you or your Pal attacking a while pal or NPC, not by simply throwing a pal sphere to summon a pal
In other words, you have no idea how IP law in general works so you instead chose to ignore what was being said to get angry.
Because like in medicine and hardware the process to achieve a product takes years of work work to configure and fine tune. It is not simply the idea of jumping quickly after grabbing onto a ledge which can be done numerous ways or moving fucking files around. Seriously these game patents are a fucking joke
No, no it isn't.
You people read a single line of a patent and try to summarise it in a single sentence.
No, anon. Let's review the first thing you fucking said.
You argued with a fucking imaginary point that wasn't being made.
You then acknowledge the original point.
>How does that prove that you don't have to be first?
Which then is repeated.
>Because guess what? Candy wasn't used by them first, they just trademarked it first.
So then you shift goalposts, but I'm not letting you.
>because we're talking about trademarking it first
This is the original post. It says.
>Isn't Pokemon originally a rip-off of Shin Megami Tensei anyway?
I'm not arguing you have to be the first to patent, that was never the point. The point is you don't have to be the first person with the idea.
Now do you need to be the first person to have the idea to patent something? Because you're what arguing isn't the fucking point.
Of fucking course you need to be the first to legally own it, but you don't need to be the first person who made it.
>It is not simply the idea of jumping quickly after grabbing onto a ledge which can be done numerous ways or moving fucking files around
Did your mother drop you on the head as a baby? Honest question, because none of the patents you're angry about are just the concept, you cannot patent a concept it's ALL what you were praising GTA for, each and every one of them.
Extremely detailed functions or inventions that took years of work to configure and fine tune.

You're basically saying
>oh patents are okay when you put the effort in to make something unique!
>ew they put effort in to make something unique and it not from the company I like? I hate that!
>"combat mode" denoted by the combat music playing
that's not how the game works internally
furthermore, as you said, combat isn't triggered by the spheres but by you getting close enough or attacking
anyway, I hope nintendo gets slapped for trying to fuck over palworld for the latter committing the sin of humiliating GF's and its dumpster fire of a game
>You argued with a fucking imaginary point that wasn't being made.
So you're now denying that you said this >>689462880
>Copyright, Trademarks, and Patents don't actually require you to be the first.
except the patent is over the mechanic itself, not the specific implementation. that's why people (rightfully) shit on software patents.
>You people read a single line of a patent and try to summarise it in a single sentence.
Compression is intelligence. I provided a trivial comparison of why that patent is bullshit, after reading all 10 claims. Sorry if you need some autistic line by line breakdown of everything right off the bat.
Try it yourself. Read the claims and mentally replace the terms
>video game system
>video game device
>personal computing system

There are endless computing programs that can interact with and update the saved config settings of related programs. It's essentially the same thing, but with the word "video game" swapped in.
Now, obviously there would be endless debate on why a "video game device" is not actually a "computer", and this would be decided by some judge who has never even played pokemon and possibly never operated a computer.
>Extremely detailed functions or inventions that took years of work to configure and fine tune.
And yet they're written as concepts like aiming while throwing a catchable to start a combat scenario.
>>Copyright, Trademarks, and Patents don't actually require you to be the first.
First what? First patent to file? Or, first to have the idea? First to create it, or first to trademark it Could it be that the rest of the fucking post would imply first to create such a product?
That you don't need to be the first person to make such a product to trademark it later down the road if no one else did?
That don't need to be the first person to have that idea?
>>Remember how someone trademarked Candy? They were in their complete legal right to do so, and in fact did so.
There are plenty of things, even games, with candy in their names that existed before this happened.
>this would be decided by some judge who has never even played pokemon and possibly never operated a computer.
The fine turning would be choosing the perspective (both are different in LA and PW) aim speed, animation and feel. None of these are mentioned in the patent. They are overbroad, vague and frivolous
Aww, you noticed you messed up.
No one boils up like that if they think they're right.
Anon, where the fuck have I argued anything else?
Show me, because you've been arguing an imaginary point.
>Show me, because you've been arguing an imaginary point.
This whole thread is imaginary, to be fair. None of this is real.
>like aiming while throwing a catchable to start a combat scenario.
Which isn't how it's worded at all. That's just how everyone here is simplifying it.
This is a small chunk of the patent
>A game process according to a first non-limiting embodiment will be described. In the first non-limiting embodiment, a player character PC is caused to perform different actions in different modes, i.e., switch between a first and a second mode. In the first mode, the player character PC is caused to perform an action of launching, at a field character FC as a target on a field, an item that affects a field character FC, according to an operation input for causing the player character PC to perform a launching action in the direction indicated by an aiming point M. In the second mode, the player character PC is caused to perform an action of launching, at a field character FC on a field, a fighting character BC that fights against a field character FC, according to an operation input for causing the player character PC to perform a launching action in the direction indicated by an aiming point M.

You haven't read it have you.
>This whole thread is imaginary, to be fair. None of this is real.
Actually this entire thread was me.
>string of concepts but longer
>unintelligible kike legal speak
No wonder no one knows what it's talking about
I could code something like that in a weekend and get AI to spit out a better description.
he's right about patents: if you come up with something and there's prior art, your patent is cooked.
meanwhile copyright is automatic in clapistan starting in 1976 thanks to the 1976 copyright act. that said, if you're gonna sue anyone you want to register it asap or you'll lose the ability to sue for imaginar- I mean statutory damages
and a mark receives protection when it's used in commerce (assuming you're not infringing on someone else's mark), but you want to register it lest someone else take it and you have to go through a lengthy legal process to get it invalidated (if you don't lose all recourse for waiting too long to contest it)
I wonder how many years of grueling testing justified Nintendo's videogame vending machine patent
There's no shame in admitting you didn't read it.
non live service games don't "die" retard, most games enter and then leave the spotlight eventually
Be honest. You haven't read every single line either.
You'd have to pay me $500 an hour to read all that shit.
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>Shitendo owns throwing balls at monsters

what will they patent next? Swinga sword?
>You'd have to pay me $500 an hour to read all that shit.
Jeez no wonder you're against this, you're a jew.
They'll go after Tunic next for Z targeting.
threadly reminder that anyone who goes out of their way to talk shit about palworld, especially after the lawsuit, is a seething tendie, no exceptions
Our system thinks your post is spam. Please reformat and try again.
A jew doesn't offer to provide services for money. A jew finds someone else doing so, and says
>I patented labor, give me 10%
Did they not try to patent that after the wii zelda? Shocking
This system may work on some no name company, but good luck calling Nintendo out on it. It would be a guaranteed black list and Nintendo would take revenge on them as well.
>but good luck calling Nintendo out on it.
Call them out... For doing nothing?
>open video
>lispy faggot starts talking about some "code of honor"
>close video
this is what tendies actually believe
Patenting basic game mechanics that already existed and using it to bully other developers just like Colopl in the example.
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so why is nintendo sperging out about palworld now? Isn't this opening pandoras box?
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>The one Pokemon mechanic that had a patent on it
Nintendo has patents on tons of bullshit. It's no wonder we never get any good indie games from japan. These asian jews patent everything and then sue small devs once they become a threat.
>these patents are stupidly precise
That's completely wrong. They are designed to be vague.
i support this lawsuit because i hate open world survival crafting
no i do not care about the principal of the matter, if it takes retarded copyright law to make that shit genre even slightly less popular i'll eat mickey's shit
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>These asian jews patent everything and then sue small devs once they become a threat.
You hate to see it.
you do realize that the effects of this case will spread far beyond palworld and survival craft, right?
dont care, carpe diem
Valve could have saved gaming by patenting loot boxes
this is like saying you want the US government to use their entire nuclear arsenal on your neighbor.
he doesn't care, he will keep playing bing wahoos on his underpowered tablet toys in 720p until he dies of old age, never getting his dick wet
If patent lawsuits by Nintendo are subjective rather than all-encompassing, doesn't that add credence to the notion that Nintendo wants to specifically put Palworld under the ground?
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Because it is blatant shameless infringement by an upstart company.
It's so egregious that even people like ZUN have commented, basically shaming Pocketpair for trying to hide behind the "indie" label and causing trouble for any creator who relies on toeing the line on IP (like the entire doujin market)
Patents are enforced on a case-by-case basis. A company has to take legal action against an infringing party to enforce their patent.
>blatant shameless infringement
whats being infringed?
Kojima claiming to have invented the camera makes a lot of sense now
throeing a ball to an animal
Nintendo and The Pokémon Company's intellectual property.
>whats being infringed?
Nintendo's sense of dignity
can these japs speak in a way that normal people can understand
Published date is not filing date you absolute retarded faggot
We don't know what specific patents Nintendo is claiming infringement on. Stop repeating everything you see on Twitter and Reddit.
ok and what part of the IP is being infringed?
infringing how? By battling with monsters? Should noone make games with monster battles now to appease nintendo? They just own it period? What about digimon? Or Monster rancher? Is it throwing out balls to release monsters? Do they have to be cubes, do they need to release them from cages instead? It's ridiculous. It'd be like patenting all fps military shooters cause you made call of duty.
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>wheres the source my dude, do you have FACTS
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What's hard to understand?
No one knows yet, not even scamworld devs, so it's likely all fake and gay
We'll see what the courts decide

Every single human being alive who knows what Pokémon is (that's most of them) immediately clocked Palworld as a Pokémon ripoff, where is this indignant cryposting coming from? Why are you so shocked about it? The only surprising thing is that it took this long for Nintendo to come around and break their knees, anyone could have seen this coming in January.
Do you have any idea how many patents for random bullshit Nintendo already holds, and has held for decades? Do you know how many bullshit patents are held by other companies? Are you not aware that the video game industry has progressed regardless?
The rare cases where something overly broad actually gets enforced, like Bamco's "loading screen minigames," it is a very rare exception. Your doomposting about how Nintendo is going to own fucking grass in video games now is hysterical, you sound like a woman.
>Every single human being alive who knows what Pokémon is (that's most of them) immediately clocked Palworld as a Pokémon ripoff, where is this indignant cryposting coming from? Why are you so shocked about it? The only surprising thing is that it took this long for Nintendo to come around and break their knees, anyone could have seen this coming in January.
>Do you have any idea how many patents for random bullshit Nintendo already holds, and has held for decades? Do you know how many bullshit patents are held by other companies? Are you not aware that the video game industry has progressed regardless?
>The rare cases where something overly broad actually gets enforced, like Bamco's "loading screen minigames," it is a very rare exception. Your doomposting about how Nintendo is going to own fucking grass in video games now is hysterical, you sound like a woman.
I noticed you never said which part nintendo owns that others can't use. Only equate being womanly to pointing out how absurd it is that nintendo can apparently own an entire genre of fantasy apparently. But then I can tell you're here just posting like a retard for attention and (you)'s so i'm not really surprised, desu.
>Just hope you don't get abused by daddy Nintendo
Spoken like a true cultist. They've done plenty of abusing in the past including ripping off sound tracks for their flagship NES titles.
My hero
>We'll see what the courts decide
Goddamn it dude, you're like an Oblivion guard IRL. Can I have your autograph man?
maybe kimba deserved what he got
>I noticed you never said which part nintendo owns that others can't use
I don't know what their suit is about and you don't know either, so what's with the hysterical exaggeration about this magical patent that somehow grants Nintendo ownership of "an entire genre of fantasy"?
You're well aware that other monster-collecting games have existed alongside and before Pokémon, are you sure you're not just pissing and shitting about nothing because you don't like Nintendo?
Kimba was not ripped off by The Lion King
Highly recommend the YMS video
Nintendo patented basic gameplay features just to be able to file a lawsuit against DeNa's competitor Colopl. Are you sure you're not pissing and shitting about your hallucination of an anti-nintendo campaign when people are against patent abuse?
Would you prefer to speak to the knuckle-draggers who have spent the last 48 hours telling people this Japanese case is about an American patent?
Why does it even matter that PalWorld is playing off Pokemon's style and themes? In the end it does its own thing and has very little in common with Pokemon aside from monster collecting and a cute visual style. Aside from making Nintendo look bad by by pushing the genre forward more than they were able to do, there is nothing that make PalWorld stand out in particular compared to all of the other games that it shares similar mechanics with. This is legitimately just a matter of revenge, like the one anon said.
>Palworld has very little in common with Pokemon
Post hours played
They should change the spheres into some sort of weapon since the gimmick was already Pokemon with guns.
I just wanted your autograph
Yes. Name a few things that they share in common in terms of game play beyond the basics of catching monsters.
Yeah the base building/management, real time FPS combat, and 3d exploration all belong to pokemon
>Name a few things they have in common besides [core gameplay features and visual identity]
Everyone who was calling it "Pokémon with guns" was just delusional anon, you're right, Nintendo is just making it up
Meanwhile, I'm just concerned that if Nintendo wins, this ends up setting a precedence that will effectively kill off any kind of experimentation in gaming in japan as well as extreme copy paste slop because no one can make anything without stepping on the toes of other companies' patents except for what they have been making.
Can anyone describe the difference between being a "patent troll" and the legitimate intended purpose of patents
I notice how you didn't answer what should be an easy question, curious!
remember every time you dodge the question you imply its more and more difficult to answer
So you never played it and just repeating the words of those with surface level observation of the game
Anon it's been that way. The bugmen are completely subservient to the corpos
So are you going to name something or not? Monster combat is different. Human combat is different. Progression through the game and goals are different. Managing resources is different.
>In a videogame
That would be dragon quest actually.

A major plot point of goonbusters is that the captured ghosts eventually escape.
(Whoops spoilers)
>"Nintendo is stifling innovation!!"
>copy and pasting Pokémon into a generic early access open world survival crafting game isn't "copy paste slop"
Everyone said that based on a 2 minute trailer. It's perfectly normal to compare something new to something well known.
>Japan is fucking itself over
>western games are slowly recovering from dumb inclusiveness bullshit
>eurojank is still eurojank
>China is the only one doing somewhat well
All posts discussing the implications of the suit are just bait and arm chair retards until we see the actual complaint from Nintendo.
Right now all that exists for the public to look at is a twitter post.
As opposed to Nintendo literally copy pasting the same game over and over and over again? Kek
No they have first to file, what you are thinking of is first to invent, which the burgerland used to have, I'm not sure if that is still the case here however.
Very funny to continue feigning ignorance about the blatant gameplay similarities in a thread about Nintendo suing Pocketpair over the blatant gameplay similarities
You're just trolling, right? I know it's been 8 months since anyone gave a shit about this game but it's pretty hard to forget the basic concept
Software patents should be just piece of code with given context for its application.
This would fuck over all retarded devs and similar bad actors.
The application is the important part, because if you design a drill and I'll create a new way to use it we both should have claim on our contribution, you for designing the thing and me for new application for it.
Shit like >>689476934 are pure nonsense.
i think all of this happened because palworld started becoming a threat to the faggot plushie market
source: my intuition
Then post the similarities you dumb fuck. Otherwise, go breath in some asbestos
>blatant gameplay similarities in a thread about Nintendo suing Pocketpair over the blatant gameplay similarities
No they are sueng over patents which can be something as innocuous as aiming or loading screen mini-games despite the games being completely different genres.
I am in fact ignorant anon. That is why I am asking you to enlighten me. You could have easily done that in the same amount of time you have been deflecting. You wouldn't want to give people the impression you don't actually know what you are talking about would you?
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Where can I play Super Mario Odyssey Remastered?
Merch does make a lot of money so I can see it happening.
can't pocketpair just dip out of japan and start ripping off nintendo even more out of spite? that would be funny
On the emulator in 4k@60fps :)
I don't see how without being acquired and it would be by Microsoft which has a habit of ruining their franchises.
>Bug behavior
Actually it was dragon quest, a lot of gen 1 is ripped straight out it
But you cant copyright/trademark common use words
You can pretend you have but in a court all one side has to do to win is show its common usage prior to alleged copyright/trademark
I assume this is similar to patents with some stuff being common or easy enough to come up with like a ladder that any patents of it won't hold water. Although a certain way to lock the ladder in place or how the rungs are or something like that can be patented and held up in court just not the basic principal of ladder
Patent trolling is patenting as much as you can and hoarding it so you can sue when companies or individuals come up with that same idea
Actual patents are there to protect an individual or companies rights to profit for x amount of time for that idea depending on country. After that time that patent is essentially free to use for all
Hence why you might of seen one off products 20/30 years ago but now see that exact same idea all over as that patent is free to use
pretty sure he was talking about gameplay and mechanics you dumb nigger. do you even play videogamea
Sorry guys I patented breathing, so I expect all of you pay me.
But I'm a fish. I don't breath.
Ummmm your gills, sis?
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Eric is trying to gaslight you to make you think Nintendo fans are just as deranged as he is. He wants to push the idea that tendies call everyone Eric in the face of criticism. Eric is trying to push himself as a boogeyman. After Eric's funny junk account was doxxed, it was confirmed that one of the jannies files false ban requests against anyone that talks bad about Sony

Don't believe his lies
>eric is trying to gaslight you by calling everyone eric, which is exactly what im doing right now by accusing everyone who says eric of being eric.
>yfw this is actually 4D chess and it's Palworld baiting Nintendo to waste time and money suing them just so they can get some free publicity before changing a mechanic they didn't care about in the first place

It sold millions and when it leaves early access it's going to sell millions more no matter how much tendies seethe about it.
patenting how games can be programmed is such a bleak future. What stops someone from developing VR shit and patenting all the things while looking like block objects.
Patents only hold for like 20 or so years unlike trademarks and copyrightd which can be up to 100 years or forever if you have very Jewish lawyers.
Patents are there to allow individuals or companies to make money off the patent by charging other companies to use it or being the sole provider of the goods before it goes to free market. Hence the low cost comparatively to file a patent and why so much gets patented
It's the issue with every type of patent. They can only hold up to scrutiny if they're actually innovative i.e. none of Nintnendo's game rule patents like with the pokeball throwing. The problem is the lawsuits they enable
>let idiots make a bunch of money
>sue them, take it all
Basedtendo. Palworld looks gay idk how people got excited for it
Your schizo quotes mean nothing Eric
whatever you say, eric.
they have disclosed which patent it is. it's the one where you throw a pokeball at a monster and the capture rate is decided by multiple factors.
That's the one people dug up recently. They still haven't disclosed it which is the kind of BS kangaroo court shenanigans you'd expect from a shithole but it's tolerated in Japan because it's run by a bunch of bug people
>n-no you're eric!
Nobody is falling for it eric
>you're eric! you're eric!
uh huh, really proving >>689485521 right.
tendies TOTALLY arent deranged enough to call everyone they dont like eric.
How is the same? The palworld one clearly shows you what chance there is to actually catch the monster even before you throw the ball.
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fuck pokemon and fuck palworld
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Yes to both, for me is Kirlia and Flopie.
>Amertranny seething at the superior country
You love to see it.
File: fpbp.gif (2.81 MB, 315x177)
2.81 MB
2.81 MB GIF
How in pokemon world, people store and transfer pokemons of a Computer to other?
And why a wooden ball convert living lifeforms in energy?
>Code of honor
>from a company that got its bearing using plagiarized works
>muh DQ monsters
That's not plagiarism you fucking retard. They are distinct enough not to be copies and they are not spliced frankensteins of them either. Palworld has plenty in their roster that are blatantly a few pokemon poached together.
Never said DQ monsters. Maybe look up the songs they plagiarized for Mario Bros
It's crazy how you can copy pretty much anything from anything but the second you copy something from nintendo it's the only time you see a massive corporation get highly litigious outside of actual criminal activity like selling hacks.

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