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Bro wtf is this
Xe's just like me

Make who you want. So maybe don't make that character. PERIOD.
m-m-m-m-more options chuds!
Trannies wanted to play as chuds or something?
I don't think I'll buy the game thanks tho
It's called inclusivity

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Oh my KEK
Making horrendous looking characters and laughing at them is a tradition that dates back to Oblivion. Please understand the ways of our people before commenting you ignorant bigot, we should not have to expend our labour educating you.
faarquad looking motherfucker
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GOTY right here.
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Bioware design process be like:
and no one will do anything about it lol
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proof nothing happens in parliament
How did they fuck up the horns so badly?
It looks like he has a tumor
Have you guys seen the comments section of those videos demonstrating the character creator? It's nothing but bots, again.
>max hips, ass and tits slider be like
you just know they softened the qunari at the last minute because they wanted to copy BG3's cute tieflings
huh?? how did you misunderstand my post that bad? esl? PROOF not prove you fucking spanish parliament member
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>Sten went to Ferelden to help Grey Warden fight Darkspawns
>Returns home after the war is over
>See his country home looks like OP's pic
What do you think his reaction would be like?
tieflings have weird ridges and spikes all over their bodies though
these nu-qunari just look like soft faggots with gigantic 5heads
you're as much of a retard as she is
Women's shoulders shouldn't be as wide or wider than their hips
That's a fucking qunari?
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I never said they were smart or good at their jobs
I think you're giving them too much credit, I think they're just too incompetent to give it any more detail.
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Yes, this is how they look now. You like?
>member of People's Party (PP) a conservative christian-democratic party

LMAO so conservative politicians are literally retarded now?
>welp time for another purge
they went to the trouble of giving the one-legged mage crow's feet and the Asian elf bags under her eyes so they definitely not afraid of adding more detail
NIGHTBREED got a videogame!?
Europeans no longer have conservative parties, see the fucking UK, all the niggers flooding, and vaccine mandates and lock downs, all from """"conservatives""""" they are a progressive Uni-party
Looks like a modern female lead, you bigot.
He’s the Arishok now.
jesus fucking christ
Can't be a barbarian babe with big breasts because the breast slider is oppressively small. Can't be a shota because the height slider isn't generous enough (even if I could, all the women in the party are ugly so there is no point), so can't make what I want. You don't know the pain of us gamers.
the UK's conservative party is just hilariously bad at governing
Both of which are piss-easy compared to convincing horns on a humanoid.
what if I want to make an attractive women with big titties
>soulsborne allows you to make ugly character with retarded proportions
>so funny lol haha
>this game allows you the same
>the west is dying!
gender status?
100% of all the characters we have seen from this game have been ugly. You can atleast make attractive characters in soulsborne games
they all vaguely look the same though. everyone has the same slouched over body, its just whether they have mosquito bite tits or not
Operative word here, and it's only operating on one of these games.
Bro this isn't some freak anon made, it's from.the ign preview
>Sten went to Ferelden to help Grey Warden fight Darkspawns
Not really. He was just there to scout out what they were and got jumped by them, lost his sword and murdered a family of farmers in an autistic meltdown over it.
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leaked sex scene
i... i can't... thank you..!
lol eat shit, faggots. you fucks wanted your democracy, so here it is, in all its' fucked up glory.
>soulsborne allows you to make ugly character with retarded proportions
The difference is it allowed you to make good looking characters as well. This game doesn't.
If we could go back...
Still going to pirate it because I've never played a game with hair physics like that.

Ah fuck, maybe I should wait like 2 years so modders can fix some of the slop.
looks just like she
This just shows how bot like this style of writing is. Like it's saying all the usual shit, but the thing plugged in makes no sense. What do people with down syndrome have to contribute?

The only thing I want from literal retards is well supervised simple manual labor, or them being a good presence in their caretaker's lives.

The article author is a woman of british "asian" decent, btw.
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>They didn't buy Veilguard?
>Crash the stock
white girls are evolving....
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All this but you can't give your character big tits?
Is it ironic that the downy is a conservative christian politician?
Okay so why do the sliders do fuck all?
Why do so many seem to have the same/similar posture?
That's the horrific part, it's n9t bots, it's legitimately retarded fujos who unironically loved DA2.
>Can't be a barbarian babe with big breasts because the breast slider is oppressively small.
Also because the ridget class and gear system will effectively lock you into being a knight
I don't understand how this can be allowed to happen.
It's like taking the Sims 4 character creator and explicitly disallowing hot characters to be made
>my face is tired
Making a hot woman in a video game is a gateway to nazism.
sad thing is, that abomination probably is considered hot by "the modern audience". And that's the point.
How thicc can you make the ass and thighs?
Meanwhile in Inquisition.
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'member in the ancient before time when the widely mocked sjw game had this character?
>Sten was a generic black dude
>DA2 gave Quanari's a more bestial appearance
>DAI soften the bestial features
>new game makes them look like manlets with a malformed skull
Oh come on, you can't expect it to look better than a game from 10 years ago.
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Bashera, we should move on
>the most vanilla, basic cleavage that even a fat, middle-aged wine aunt walking around the mall would have
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It's morbin time
can someone photoshop the eyes to be a few pixels further apart please
>They managed to make a DA game look worse than DA2
Genuinely impressive feat.
>we want the tiefling audience after BG3 had really popular tiefling stuff
but how do we do that?
>we already have a horned race, silly!
i hope video game development layoffs continue to go strong, forever
I remember when she was considered an ugly potato-face character and mocked for it. Very surreal to see posters like you who must have been underage at the time now hold it up as a sexy design from a better time.
lord fartquaad
The maps look prettier I suppose. Didn't think they could outdo the awful artstyle of 2 but here we are.
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The depths /v/ermin will go to to desperately try to fit in and act contrarian just keep surprising me over the years. No, I am not underage. I was on this board when this game released. You apparently were somewhere else. But keep chasing that dopamine hit I guess..?
This still looks worse than DA2 thobeight
Oh and also the fact that I explicitly called it a "widely mocked SJW game". Seriously the patheticness of the people on here just keeps baffling me.
compared to now, she's ten outta ten super hottie.
Its allowed to happen because there's not enough of you fuckers learning to make games and art to rival theirs. They have control of the system, so why wouldn't it be allowed to happen?
I also 'member you could get into a lesbian orgy with her while a dwarf gawps and gasps and grumbles that he wasn't invited and in the very same game a tranny prostitute was used as a punchline.
buddy, I only played DA:O, actively avoided DA2 because of how retarded the characters looked, that pirate-looking bitch especially.
>This is drgaon age now
I've just replayed origins and awakening. And seeing this just sad
It's just gonna flop like concord no matter what we do
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Baldur's gate 3 didn't flop, and its nearly as pozzed as this game is. If this shit succeeds, media will get even worse for you, but people just aren't motivated enough to fight back yet.
Hey anon
bg3 is a fun chaotic dnd game with friends and dragon age is some tranny's pinterest feed being condensed into a game
hope that clears things up!
BG3 is actually a good game with degeneracy injected into it, so people were willing to tolerate it to get to the good parts. Bioware is going as far as giving you the customization option for "top surgery" scarring, which is likely going to be commonplace in games over the next few years.
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For some reason Farquad popped into my head the second I saw this.
oh fuck off bg3 isn't anywhere near the levels of this goyslop or concord. it was a good game with a few misteps
bg3 is tranny deluxe fucking bullshit.
there are a few misteps in your genes
Statistically the average bg3 player is an elf paladin or bard. Not somrthing a tranny would play
a perfect example of making things lame and gay
The only positive this shit is is HIV positive
But why
You're looking at it
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It is a travesty what they did to that race but is no one going to talk about the travesty of the retcon this game is? Only humans can be grey wardens. Now anyone can?
>Only humans can be grey wardens
What? There are like 4.5 non human origins in the original game.
>Only humans can be grey wardens
wait a sec weren't the dwarves' culture devoted to that shit and you could play as an elf or dwarf grey warden in origin?
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literally adam sandler on the cover of click
Yes, from the beginning anyone could be a grey warden. Ignore the animefag.
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>gender bending demon characters
Lord Farquad
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Why do the games media like this shite so much?
how is she any different from the other people in the parliament?
>wife has macromastia and loves the qunari from the first game for being stoic monster guys
She's gonna be so fucking mad about this game lmao
This but unironically. Look they need to be able to show all the emotions and facial movements of the face , so the parts that move around on a human, they want to move around on a qunari, so it has to be similar. Otherwise theyd have to make it a race with a separate facial animations from other races = double work.

Don't be a transphobic bigot!!!!
Why did they make this depressing on purpose?
This franchise has lost all of its edge and is just marvel slop at this point it not even the good marvel slop.
>Meanwhile in Inquisition.

Funny I remember being sad about how fucking ugly the Qunari looked in Inquisition. Guess once you reach the bottom you can still dig.
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You fucker. You made me wheeze at just the wrong time. I was mid chew on some really spicy chili flavored beer sausage.

Good kek tho.
I would gladly exchange 3 of BG3's shitty companions to have her as a full playthrough companion
I'm laughing but the sad reality is that they look exactly like that, it's not even an hyperbole at this point. What the fuck
>Otherwise theyd have to make it a race with a separate facial animations from other races = double work.

Yeah it's because they made them a playable race but don't want to commit resouces to a single race. Inquisition had the same problem but they somehow managed to make them look even worse.
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>Otherwise theyd have to make it a race with a separate facial animations from other races = double work.
We used to call that "attention to detail" and its usually the difference between good games and slop
>Bioware is going as far as giving you the customization option for "top surgery" scarring, which is likely going to be commonplace in games over the next few years.
That was my point though. It'll be common because you guys won't fight to change things. People will tolerated it, so it will deserve to exist in gaming.
The best character creator ever made? what else could it be

The game wasn't made for basement dweller chuds anyway
was too masculine, strong and handsome
needed to look more feminine. effeminated.
the face of western games in 2024
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I can open BG3 and create a female drow with a penis and vitiligo. What's the difference? That didn't stop BG3 from being GOTY.
Fantasy Tranny Simulator
Freedom. The freedom to create ugly monstrosities.
you dont have these --> PERIODS
end of story
dot dot dot
What does macromastia have to do with qunari?
Night and day difference between those two pictures holy shit
She'll be among her peers then
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Inclusivity is not the problem.
The problem is the removal of any form of beauty and curvy (aka healthy) body.
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Will this be as spectacular a flop like Concord, lads?
>my ancestor :)
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She has massive tits and can't make a character with tits that look any bigger than a case of gynecomastia
if you don't see the difference between these two there's no saving you
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>The problem with democracy is…………..the people…….are retarded.
How long until a character creator hives the option to give your character mental illnesses?
Effete. You hillbilly.
>>Sten was a generic black dude
You're fucking retarded
A weak game for womyn and effeminate cuck losers. Especially made for trannies.
...by the retards, for the retards...
No it doesn't you contrarian

>a race of hard-core black society fascists.

>a race of downs victims with missing chromosomes with no culture or heritage
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Yo I found his face model
I can see it already
>Perk: autism
And you better believe it won't have a negative impact ingame. In fact, it's probably gonna make your char better
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He looks like me
He's built like me.. i... thank you
+2 INT
-2 CHA
>basic cleavage that even a fat, middle-aged wine aunt walking around the mall would have
Only it's on fit young woman, great observation retard
Oh xis, my apologies.
Game has sliders you can make a character look purposefully bad you can do this with dragons dogma and elden ring sign of a good character creator.
First time experiencing a character creator that allows you to make weird shit?
Also your character can choose an additional proficiency in a skill of your choosing and rolls with advantage whenever rolling for a skill they are proficient in, but gains disadvantage when making checks for any skills that you aren't proficient with.
Anon, that's the official ign preview
I think all this morphed physioliogy and demon face syndrome shit going on is an attempt to normalize aliens (actually demons) manifest on earth in the near future
Yeah and he made a weird looking character problem it what happens when most options are sliders and not basic presets.
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>That face
>That body

Thanks for the laugh, OP.
jason schrier?
Modern designs are so shit that crap from the past is legitimately better. Sad times indeed.
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>to rival theirs.
It's not "theirs" these are franchises they fuckin hijack and pozz up, thats >>689470379 literally is the same series
and if (you) somehow manage to make a successful from scratch game they'll latch on to it and eventually take it over, by either slowly replacing the workforce, waiting for you to retire or move on or outright ousting you with allegations.
then they'd make it gay and lame

I wonder what Qunari Tariq Nasheed has to say about this
>and its nearly as pozzed as this game is
>bg3 roster: 3 whites, 1 black guy, 2 non-humans
>veilguard roster: diversity checklist going over every race, 1 non-human
lol, lmao
Not that many npcs are ugly in bg3 and you can choose to be ugly in bg3.
Da:veilguard everyone is ugly and you have to make an ugly character.
Help a reporter out really doing the heavy lifting, or whatever it's called now
>most intelligent Spaniard
I'm not buying your tranny nigger game lmao
...thats the default character
The west has fallen
Buy what you want. So maybe don't buy this game. PERIOD.
you haven't even used the cc you retard lol
jesus christ dude
now make a sexy character like in bg3
we have eyes nigger.
I'm so fucking tired of this
This vanilla? Surprised a newer game has an outfit like that.
gotta get those white male suicide statistics UP
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This is the new normal
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Every character in this game has manlet proportions.
So whatever happened to DragonAge DeadNamed Wolf?
Or did they replace that with FailHard?
So can you make something that doesnt look like a genetic failiure in this game?
>first game is literally named after grey wardens being able to come from any origin
Thats modded, Leliana wears a hood at all times in the game
How about I DON'T buy the game where you make Megamind's retarded gay cousin?
Yeah, what other games let you make a THWOMP?
Looks like yakub
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Holy kek
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I remember when the DA2 redesigns were getting shit on.

Oh boy.
reminds me of the really hot sauce from spongebob
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>Just another shitty day in my shitty nigger life
BG3 has a few outfits like that, but you don't see them until Act 3. That's where you actually get to the city and can buy lingerie and shit. Pic related is a quest reward with decent stats
The teal slimfit is kawaii
Some of them do have extremely weird proportions in the artwork
Chuds cant understand what peak masculinity looks like
Why is his nose crooked?
>top surgery scars
>but absolutely no body hair options
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It just keeps happening
Chudnari. Billionari must die.
Didn't know Carrot Top answered the call.
can these retards even drive a car, lmao
people are buying this on Steam, maybe not a blockbuster but a lot more than I would have hoped
I bet We Wuz Samurai is going to sell like hotcakes too and that brief moment where I thought things were getting better is crushed and I go back to 90's and 00's games forever
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Blacks can drive so probably.
Do you not see the staggering irony in your post
The new dragon age won't even ALLOW you to make a character that looks like this
This is the crux of this issue.
Yeah BG3 had all that gay shit but you COULD still make something attractive.
Dragon Age is railroading you into making misshapen androgyform creatures and dishonest niggers on twitter and discord are trying to say people are complaining about """""""more options"""""""
>Horns coming out of the forehead
Literal bad design they're all arching backward since it would look ridiculous if they pointed forward.
Yeah they just switched the name
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good one

>Guess once you reach the bottom you can still dig.
Imagine if games were bought by gamers and not by fucking cattle.
Imagine if gamers were actually able to vote for the games.
>BG3 is actually a good game
No it's fucking not.
Why are they blue now? Didn't qunari used to have regular skin color?
99% of women have shoulders wider than their hips. Have you ever seen a person?
lol just look at the difference in detail between kellteric and that bald evil elf guy
literal flat texture robe with armor painted on it
thats pretty much all you need to know
what a fucking disaster
yes it is, cry more tranny
you can make megamind's retarded gay cousin in all the souls game and yet you niggers dont give that game any shit
Says the one defending a pride parade CRPG, using FUCKING 5E
Because I have the option to not do that in those games
Megamind's downie cousin seems to be what DA:V really wants you to do

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Same thing he did at the first Ferelden farm he saw: panic and kill everyone
pretty much
always were
La Creatura...
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they look like one of those indian abominations
I am not defedning pride parade crpg, tranny. I am defending rpg where you can kill every single troon and nigger you see instead of being lectured about bullshit. game where you can and should kill refugees, liberals, cuckolds and more.
lying nigger.
The game allows you to do all these things but paints you as an arbitrary serial killer for doing so. You don't have the option to actually be based, you can either be a cuck and follow along the faggot narrative, or kill people and abruptly skip content. It's as much agency as hitting the skip button on a DVD player, and also it calls you an asshole for doing so.
Excuse me, it's Le CreaturX
I genuinely feel bad about how the Qunari got downgraded since 2. Elves too but less so.
Nobody shat on the Qunari tho
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The bull looked like absolute dogshit with the sagging tits. An utter fucking embarrassment that basement dwelling 3D bara artists can make better models.
no it doesnt, game doesnt have judgemental condescending evaluation of your character. more so over, cannon playthorught is "evil". stop coping with lies anytime. I am going to kill refugees in swens game which are deplicted by literal demonfolk and theres nothing you can do. not going to buy your dragon age slop.
Male Quanri were ugly.
we joke about games being for trannies

but this one is actually for trannies
you can get tranny scars
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The game is good despite being woke. Stop coping
Do you really think character creators didn't exist before oblivion?
you couldn't make abominations before oblivion
abominations only occur due to sliders
game is shit because it is made by a faggot.
anything made by a faggot is shit.
This is a simple fact.
The future is now chuds
I'm getting Andromeda vibes from these characters.
Except it does. fambamalam. 90% of DA2 looked like ass but the Arishok shits all over cisquisition horntrannies.
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did this ratfaced faggot take his armor off yet?
EA doesn't have the entirety of the CCP's infinite funds running a psyop and using tencent money to boost the games numbers using bots like Larian has thoughbeit.
she will die from breast cancer sooner or later
if she exist that is
How do you manage to fuck up this bad? lol lmao
I have nothing to apologize for! I've been on team Swen since the Divinity Original Sin vs Pillars of Eternity shitflinging
Hail Swen
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You 'mirin'?
>where do you work out
>the library
This is bang on the money hence the uncanny valley hitting hard.
>Bioware wanted to have tieflings so they just made the qunari into them
They really made Yakub into a vidya character huh?
Apologize to Jenna Ortega
At least she has tits and a decent butt
why does it look like ps2 CGI cutscene

You're a massive faggot. Go outside and have sex.
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Like hell it does. Did you see the cutscenes in fucking God of War 2?

even has the tranny hunch lol
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I'm not going to buy the game though.
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How 'bout I don't buy the game?
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you will never have a period
I know /v/ likes to sperg out over everything but for anyone actually mad, this is a character with all the sliders maxed out
I want to make a girl with big tits and ass, but I can't in that character creator
Logitech gaming mouse lookin ahh
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i am not mad
this shit is just hilarious to me.
i hope EA never shut down nu bioware
>no it doesnt, game doesnt have judgemental condescending evaluation of your character.
It literally tells you which acts are good and evil, from its perspective. Guess which one murdering random people is? I'm not telling you to buy dragon age slop, I'm telling you not to buy any fag games, which includes BG3.
Dragon Age is the prime example of a franchise that becomes worse with each new game
>not understanding how D&D aligments work
I dunno, I think Inquisition might've been better than 2
>Unironically trying to claim that a game with objective morality that it applies to possible player choices doesn't mean it when it calls an act good or evil.
>still doesn't understand how D&D alignment works, but is increasingly angry about it
It is doomed I'm afraid. Fujos do love DA, but they won't be enough.
Bioware is a tiny indie studio backed by EA, please understand.
Lmao he looks like he'd sell you questionable shrooms at burning man!
>make who you want

except an attractive, shapely female.
Bioware is definitely cooked, but it is still a brand name. 2 mils easy.
That used to be the case, but we've seen a lot of flops recently. Star Wars: Outlaws seems to have sold poorly, despite being Star Wars. It'll be interesting to see how AssCreed: Shadows performs
I think you are confusing the Inquisition designs with DA2
designs weren't the main complaints with DA2
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Its like they want to make the Quanari into generic Tieflings so they can roleplay their dogshit DnD OCs but have absolutely zero talent to make them look as appealing as actual Tieflings. At this point i would rather them just go back to them being rough barbarians with horns like they were in DAO lore
Do not let these demons win
>people shitting on the ME3 ending
>"it had nothing to do with awful writing and everything to do with gamergate, guys!"
seriously though, who asked for this?
do these trannoids just try to make the ugliest shit possible? are they incapable of making shit that looks actually cool or good?
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>with horns like they were in DAO
you may not believe me but i completely forgot about inquisition, remember dao and da2 only
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Return to Yakub. Embrace tricknology.
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Can you retards now see why we were right to point out that BG3 succeeded because it WASN'T woke? It has some woke shit in it, but at the end of the day, it allows you to
>create a masculine, white player character
>romance attractive, sexualized female characters
>kill trannies and crossdressers
>play out your straight male power fantasy
Veilguard, meanwhile, only allows you to create ugly trannies and will almost definitely force you to do pro-LGBT quests without any options to subvert them.
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They were meant to have horns in lore I mean, Sten was outcast for it because he was hornless. There are some pretty good mods that make him look more like a DA2 one but with stunted horn growth
>Sten was outcast for it because he was hornless
Where did you red that shit? Is this from some troon-wiki? Everything after Origins is not canon.
They hated him, because he told the truth.
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Yes daddy.
Not that anon but I've literally never heard of any of this, Sten was no outcast in his society, just a scout
>They were meant to have horns in lore
That claim is very questionable
Nothing really indicates that in the game
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Add it to the CC freak collection
Was that not part of it or was he just unable to return to the tribe since being captured in battle was seen as dishonourable? Pretty sure he said their people had horns though, its been over a decade since I last played I barely remember, I rarely took him in the party though
it's just really clumsy retcons.
Sten was hornless because they didn't think of giving the qunari horns until concepting DA2
Woketards are retarded
They don't understand that pozzing your game is like wearing a blindfold to a race, it's a huge disadvantage and risks you losing, but it doesn't mean a certain failure, specially if you have other advantages to compensate
This just makes me actively hate Taash.
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even the other qunari you could encounter in DAO (dead bodies and renegades) had no horns.
>Pretty sure he said their people had horns though
No, he did not. I played this game dozen of times. Sten was a scout, like this >>689511882 anon mentioned.
After he lost his blade, he was unable to return home, since this is literally means to dishonor himself.
Dont read troon fanfictions plz.
I don't recall that at all
I mean, there people saying that sure, but there's always people saying that.
Everyone in ME was called ugly, potato faced at least once here
You... I've seen you...
Sten wasn't outcast because he didn't have horns, he came to Ferelden as a regular soldier and only 'exiled' himself because he lost his sword and would be immediately killed if he went home without it.

The qunari having horns WAS an intended feature that was left out of Origins because of technical limitations or whatever, though they add a retroactive edit in during Inquisition where Iron bull mentions how some qunari are born without horns, and its considered some kind of auspicious thing. You can also make your qunari hornless in DA:I (though they don't look exactly like Sten did, they still have the harder looking skin/dark spots on their foreheads where the horns would be.
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my bad DA2 poisoned my memories with how fucking dogshit it was I now get mixed up with Sten and other shit they retconned, like how they rewrote and character assassinated Alistair, Leliana and Anders
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The new normal.
This is how women and fags design. Men wouldn't do this.
Oh yeah
>Anders is now aggressively gay and blows up churches
>Alistair is a sad drunk if he doesn't become king
I forgot Leliana was in DA2
Fucking faggot
Newflash fucker they changed the name of the game to lame toothless "Veilguard' horse shit so your tag is irrelevant
The face of diversity, bigot Chud.
Skimmed the preview and one of the characters sounded like a jeet. They wouldn't actually make a jeet companion, would they?
Oh my fuck
You may not like it, but this is what the peak tranny form looks like.
Sven was always based and gave us hot chars along with the ugly ones
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these faggots are literally replacing the Qunari with Tieflings so they can play their tabletop mary sue
DA2 main issue was it being short, taking place in one city only, being repetitive and clearly unfinished and turning the game into Mass Effect with a predetermined protagonist with voice and personality.
And this is why I re-downloaded BG3 recently. Well also to record Shadowheart's voice so I can use it and make her say lewd degenerate shit.
BG3 uses predetermined face sets that are all attractive. It's literally what carried the game. Yes, it's wokeslop, but basically every companion is hot and attractive.
Hah! Fuck you. Baldurs Gate 3 took the attention, accolades and time of everyone who was waiting for a sequel to Inquisition and rightfully so. Failguard will absolutely continue to have that fact rubbed into the face of it's fucking retarded tranny lead dev
ME3 might've been the proto GG
Suddenly, journos all in unison were saying da gamerz were wrong and Bioware was well within their right to have a shitty ending, gamerz just don't respect art
For what? Sven was, is and always will be a lying dishonest faggot.

Jean Grey looks even fucking worse. Death and ruination to Insomniac Games.
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Why is it always vitiligo?
easy to make for progressive points
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Why are people who are obviously mentally unstable, with the most terminally online leftoid Twitter opinions, who clearly lack talent that people 10+ years ago had, allowed to make decisions for a game like that?

HOW are they allowed to dictate what probably HUNDREDS if not THOUSANDS of people are working on FOR YEARS.

HOW are they allowed to literally burn hundreds of millions of dollars?

Unironically give 5% of that budget to some random wannabe "idea guy" from 4chan and he would make a way better game. It's fucking insane.
And yet there are numerous RETARDED mods that gets rid of the Tieflings horns, ridges, claws and tail. It's like why in the fuck are you stupid niggers taking everything unique about the race's appearance away from them?It can't be because the aesthetic turns you off so completely. You're just being a fucking faggot. Yeah let's walk into this camp and basically have a bunch of humans mad at a bunch of other, more pensive humans.
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the anders thing pissed me off, especially as the story got so obviously rushed halfway through DA2 and turned the Templars into "MUH EVIL CHRISTIAN RACIST NUTJOBS JUST LIKE THE BAPTIST CHURCH DOWN THE STREET" and you have no way of telling both sides they are retards. The only saving grace from DA2 was the flesh golem was pretty cool
But that's not how journos see it: according to them GG was all about harassing women, which never happened around ME3
I'm trans btw
Imagine the nearly 2 decades (and counting) of kinogames we've missed out on by not gatekeeping trannies and women from vidya. An industry dark age, with no real path to improving any time soon. Depressing.
At least indies have had some gems the whole way through and always will.
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It's just the new normal, bro.
You gotta be fucking with me.
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great value™ handsome squidward
>the flesh golem was pretty cool
It's from Golems of Amgarrak, a DAO DLC
It doesn't even make sense how Orsino knows about it and has a spell to transform in one
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I would like to make a busty mage chick. I cant make who I want. You will never be on your PERIOD.
Not even BBC, futa, bestiality and any other form of degenerate rule34 couldn't save Kay Vess. Ugly, stupid fucking bitch of a character.
pray for their souls for the day of judgment is upon us, or dont, i couldnt pray for comically evil beings either im not jesus
lmao the one dlc from DAO I didnt actually play and its where it was stolen from. jesus christ was there anything redeeming about DA2? I still have nightmares of the same 5 pre-set room layouts being used for every dungeon in the entire game
I wouldn't care about these options, even the chopped off tit scars etc.. if they were just options and did not also restrict other character design elements. For instance, it doesn't appear you can make a conventionally attractive, curvy female character with big tits, hips, and ass. If the breast slider is accurate, the maximum is pitiful, where min to max is the difference between an A cup to a B or maybe C.

>oh no you can't make a fapbait hurrr
You don't get to play the "its just more options how does this affect you" card, while also restricting any options that you find problematic. At that point you're just hostile to beauty and/or making decisions specifically for culture war nonsense rather than just providing all the options and letting people do what they like
>was there anything redeeming about DA2
The friendship/rivalry system was a cool idea.
>I wouldn't care about these options, even the chopped off tit scars
You will never be a woman.
This is some of the ugliest characters i have ever seen lol
Humiliating sex with Mizora.
NEED to fuck that frog
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>1954-2016: oh you like fantasy RPGs? So you're a nerd who likes dragons and wizards?
>2016-202X: oh you like fantasy RPGs? So you're a faggot who likes gay sex?
DA2 had some solid ideas with bad executions like the Friendship/Rivalry system and the race differentiation, but it was mostly shit yeah
The Arishok was pretty cool
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Both BG3 and Dragon Dogma 2 Character editor are good. You can make ugly, norma or beautiful people. Veilguard is just ridiculous, and he won't play that shit, not even with mods.
But if some of you brave ones do, I will follow your threads.
You're in a bubble, chud. The people love and worship beautiful trans women and DEMAND more trans representations in media.
DA2 had great story ideas, decent and well-managed characters, some notable plot twists.

But also a terrible gameplay for combat, a map that was too limiting, no management of blood magic (your character could use it and nobody cared).

if they had more time of development , maybe something good could have come out of it
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Actually I like my RPGs to have sex with wizards and dragons
nothing looks or sounds appealing about veilguard. It cant even be classed as an RPG either from the dev interviews, they're making it more like nu god of war and cutting out the majority of stat based progression and classes
More like Gay of the Year
>Inclusivity is not the problem.
Kill yourself tranny
Literally every "female" companion in Ballshurtgay looks like a man you delusional faggot.
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Yea BG3 girls look like ass most of the time, not sure what those anons are on. Got mods like this to improve nearly girl in the game, even got the no gay overhaul that removes body types, same sex relationships and even fully replaces the necromancer tranny in the game as an actual woman with a complete ai voice replacer.
look my guy sometimes a woman can look handsome and still be attractive. there's nothing wrong with that. wanting women to look overly feminine is a sign of fragile masculinity
>really wants you to do
you are really desperate to fit in huh
>wanting women to look overly feminine is a sign of fragile masculinity
Hope you die in a car crash, cunt
You are gay for playing the game in any way shape or form, modded or not.
kill yourself starslop tranny jeet
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Nope the game is actually fun and appeals to my autistic need for turn based dnd shit perfectly, especially the dialogue reactivity
No wonder you're autistic when you play this shit
Don't care, it could be the most fun game ever made and I still wouldn't touch it because I am a straight White male and not retarded enough to directly support people actively destroying everything I love with my money and/or time.
I am sorry you were molested as a child.
> Alistair is a sad drunk if he doesn't become king
No, its if he doesn't become a king OR stay as a warden, i.e if you side with Loghain and he storms off, which is pretty understandable, given he gave up his duty as a warden by just leaving before the final battle.
Shadowheart is not an over-the-top beauty, but she is quite cute in the way she moves and the way she expresses herself. Yeah, I find her genuinely cute. The frog could be a good character if you put a lot of maintenance into her, but she's not really my cup of tea even if she was human.

Also Gale...pretty charming White dude.
Everyone in that picture is a man. You are a fag
you will never be white, Ruslan.
I can't genuinely believe that it is. Really. There are so many details that suggest that these people are too far away from my tastes.
I'll wait for /v's reviews, but I just won't touch this game.
I understand the need to differentiate yourself, but dude... calm down.
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I am sorry you dont play videogames anon, but that makes sense you are shitposting on /v/ though

Shadowheart still looks like ass compared to her beta cuter face. I actually mod her anyway with another overhaul, and Gale and even lae'zel
Coomtards are honestly just as bad as trannies.
If presented with a contract granting them access to a lifelike VR sex game in exchange for having a million children trooned out and their entire family being raped and murdered by blacks they would sign in a heartbeat.
Truly disgusting pathetic scum. They care about nothing but their coom.
Rent free
>monster race
>actually looks grotesque
>if only you knew how bad things really are
How about you stop being a slave to your chode and not trip over yourself to buy wokeslop if it happens to have vaguely woman-shaped characters that are slightly more than Concord-tier attractive?
You "people" are honestly the only thing keeping the industry from completely abandoning wokeslop.
The nurses were so hot
I will play as a gigachad 2H human man and smash dwarf pussy.
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are you seriously going to deny being mindbroken paid jeet shill spamming bg3 hate threads for a 2nd year?
kill yoursef you bioware tranny shilling subhuman
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I'm glad that after all these years, we can still count on Bioware to bring us all together to laugh at their monumental incompetence.
have you got the webm of the mass effect 3 wine/drink pouring physics. That always made me chuckle how dogshit it was
>Jew stars on the leg
Bethesda, Bioware, and Larian are all terrible woke shithole studios. This isn't a situation where you need to pick one of the three and defend them, my small-brained friend.
Why is it okay and inclusive to have girl bulge and surgery scars but no big ass and tits?
You are literally mindbroken and obsessed with someone who doesn't even exist, you are shilling for the CCP for FREE when their paid operation is long over, absolutely pathetic.

I'm not shilling for bioware either, because bioware doesn't have the CCP funds Larian was getting through tencent to artificially boost and run psyops on the games industry and userbase they aren't going to get fake GOTY awards, fake record breaking playercounts, etc.

Don't blame me that you were gaslit and obsessed about some random user that probably doesn't even exist.

You're LITERALLY on the side of trannies, and China.
That is literally a male body, Female skeletal structure isn't that shape around the shoulders lol.
When people say that Troons want to make women ugly as fuck because they hate women due to Trooning being a degeneration fetish, you can see if easily in stuff like this.
and the food on plates that look like they're made out of like, 12 polygons max
But I want to make someone beautiful and I can't in Veilguard. What do I do now? I'm not allowed to download mods to make people beautiful that got me yelled at in BG3
That looks modded.
Schizophrenia is a hell of a drug
Does in have body fat slider? I can't feel immersed if my character isn't obese.
Y-Yakub? Father, have you come back to us?
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Hardly have any Mass Effect 3 stuff.
Harrison Bergeron. The pursuit of equality has always been to drag everyone and everything down into the mud.
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It absolutely is. Its basically impossible to make female qunari in inquisition that don't look like someone you'd see in a biker bar.
You are adorable. You don't believe this bullshit either.
You talking about the indians that are in the room with you right now?
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Yes, though you can't really make your character comically obese.
I'd say it's a very deep character creation system
Might as well use mods to your advantage. At least in Inquisition they have normal foreheads.
Oh definitely, you couldn't pay me to play any dragon age games without some kind of modding included.

I wouldn't be surprised if veilguard gets on not too far out of the gate that lowers the horn position/reduces forehead size in general.
Mods are and will remain a blessing, but in the case of Veilguard they will have to work quite a miracle.
BY the way, not bad. Still , It's a shame though that stuff like this requires a mod instead of being included in the base game.
swear it was in Me3 too for Shepard pouring water
Designs weren't the MAIN complaint with DA2 but they still existed and still do exist (I am one of them, not having them all be like Sten and instead be a race of horned dudes was and is retarded)
The obvious woke agenda makes it a no for me. I can’t support people with these batshit crazy beliefs. Men can’t get pregnant, PERIOD
>Men can’t get pregnant, PERIOD
Do any of the boomers who repeat this gotcha realize it just means a woman identifying as a man? It's been years.
Males can't get pregnant
If it makes you feel any better I'm learning how to make games.
> work a miracle
changing forehead length or adding some new complexions is 'a miracle' ?
top kek
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What even is the best vanilla character creator?
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You're not perfect
A celebration of ugliness and mediocrity.
>>The qunari having horns WAS an intended feature that was left out of Origins because of technical limitations or whatever
do you have DA:O concept art showing this or is it all DA2 retcon interview wankery
Remember when these were called White spots or Splotches? Ffs even F4 had it
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Baldur's Gate 3 does the same thing.
Yet no one gives that game at any shit.
Fuck your hypocrisy.
That's literally how they look in the DnD lore and that's been established for decades at this point.
You lost, tranny!
>"I am represented, now I will play your game!"
I will never, ever understand this mindset. I am a balding, skinnifat dude and I would never want to play anything resembling myself in those games. Why does a troon want to have the same awful surgery scars they have in a game where you can be whatever you want? Why is it so haram for a fantasy world to just have attractive characters?
Dragon dogma 2?
When public officials are scared to answer “What is a woman?” There’s an issue. Buying this game adds to the lunacy these people believe. Also, boomer? I’m in my 20’s you ass nugget
Who even said troons are excited about this? It's just virtue signalling CEOs plus some genuine lunatics in twitter. Everyone else just accepts to avoid risking their job. or being called a bigot.
would the scars be an issue if the game had an array of body scar options and this was simply one of them?
>Make who you want,
Great! I'm looking forward to make a biological female with H-cups, a thin waist and wide hips.
If it was one of many scar options and not a single big "surgery scars" slider then probably yeah.
the ceos are doing it to get investor money, it's the shareholders who are demanding socially progressive behavior from their companies.

basically out of touch boomers gave their retirement savings to out of touch managers who are squandering it by telling video game companies (and everything else) to do gay shit even if the customers aren't interested

but the economy is so fake and so gay that they can afford to keep fucking up

polfags will say its intent and malice by you know who, but it's just a small number of out of touch old people with lots of relative power because of the amount of money they responsible for.
>Yet no one gives that game at any shit.
It gets shat on here all the time you disingenuous newfag.
They let all the weirdo pansexual kids into managment positions.
>it's the shareholders who are demanding socially progressive behavior from their companies.
Why? It can't be about making money or they'd stop doing that long ago. What do they get from putting it in every video game?
Ah yes, classical autism. Is someone gonna tell this guy that the horns by themselves aren't the problem? But that the characters in Veilguard look like shit? B-b-b-but B-B-B-Baldur's Gate 3.
Have those games always had such terrible character design? Those horns?! What a mess.
Might get the Starfield treatment where the people who would make said mods decide it's not worth the effort, though
People say it's just because it's easy, but really it's the combination of being easy and immediately noticeable. You can slap it on and people who aren't paying much attention will notice the walking cow human as soon as it shows up on screen
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How does anyone type something like that and deem it postworthy. How do they that not feel shamefully pathetic.
goddamn does that look bad. gone from distinct fantasy race to regular human with horns, i can imagine the absolute losers that made this game thought that the characters wouldnt be "relatable" enough if they didnt look more like normal humans
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nah its more like this guy
Can i make smug sexy lolis in that game?
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death to america
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>he doesn't know about snowbreak
anon i-...
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Reminds me of Andromeda's wackass proportions
What the fuck happened
Trannies usually completely shave because they associate it with feminity so they'd find female body hair triggering.
I have the strangest urge to join the qun
The ME3 situation was when I realised that almost all games journalists weren't on the side of consumers, but considered themselves an extension of game devs.
I'd always known that there were bad actors and that they probably fawned a bit to make sure they still got access, but that was when I realised no, they're just actually working with them and defending them against the consumer.
jesus christ
what an insanely unfortunate body
peak slam pig physique
Saints Row 2.
Maybe people want to make characters which aren't cartoonishly fucking ugly. How about they demonstrate some pretty character? Or just average looking characters?
Saint's Row 2 has a pretty good one.
Saint's Row 3 too, better in some ways, not as good in others.
You're wrong, the main complaint was definitely the reused dungeons and maps, you could feel how that was the part of the game that received the most cuts just by playing it for a couple of hours.

The designs looked on point in DA2.
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If you play one of those green or pueple garloid charichter creation abominations in any game, dark souls, oblivion elden ring etc, you obviously dont take the story seriously
How do you go from Jade Empire, Mass Effect and KOTOR to...this?
Oh come ON, I have bigger tits than that.

Why wouldn't they be?

Oh god. What the fuck happened to the powerful and weathered masculinity? Went from old and hardened war veterans, to some metrosexual faggot who's a vector for monkey pox.

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