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try it: https://www.bing.com/create
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They aren't gonna do anything lol how new are you?
I'm not reporting you
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Now that Ginny shared both his pokemon scat fetish and diaper fetish, I'm really curious what Sun's NAI subscription will reveal about him
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So I have free rein? Or are you one of those who cry "it's too much" if an insult is too harsh
Yes, projects are always the most annoying when the boss knows less about them than you do.
Let's celebrate the weekend with lots of coffee eh?
I like that you are giving him proper credit, and you knowing your place.
you are so fuckin based I kneel holy shit
>AGPeach tranny is back
is that paulafag going nuts or what
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oh bother
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not only him
list and pokefag aswell
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don't forget patch and cola slime
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How many for a Switch 2??
Has Choppy become Farty?
Poop now? Are you serious? Why don't you grow up??? It's Friday night and you're alone spamming fecal images in a thread on 4chan, what a fucking loser.
new Succubus Prison DLC lookin good
Maybe discord doesn't sound so bad after all

But then again, Paula spamming peach and List spamming gay marios are both also in discord
Even funnier is he saved all these images on his computer lol
You will need an entire year of of GBP for that
holy shit stop I already said you're based this is dangerous levels of based
paula spams the discord too with his self destructive depression
I can do it! :)
it keeps the OCs out
that's a win, right?
zhu yuan?
what reality are you living in lol
You mean self destructive autism
Clinical retards can't feel depression
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Oh well
Beat the shit out of me pls
wait you're saying the shit spam does LITERALLY NOTHING?
Anyone else getting a "high volume, can't create" warning or is this the new "fuck you, go away for a few hours" workaround?
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Press F5
see ya bros, lets hope a better NSFW model is released
Hold still
I've got 20+ years saved up
One must always give credit where credit is due.

Hey Bwo, hope you're good.
And you surely want to waste these on the Switch 2?
>posting adult women
tfw you're the first one to fall asleep at the sleepover
I missed ya bud
Which OC are you thinking of making porn of?
what the fuck are you doing
Whatever I wanna do. It's Friday and I don't give a damn
>sharp teeth
>multiple long slimy tongues
Haha, yes, yes!
>male tag
How could you do this to me
cause it keeps wanting to give me cuties
What the fuck are you talking about, kek
Oh sure, say whatever you like.protesting my treatment is just fun.
Good lord...
More like 'erective
That's a very nice one.
where is the "based" for the gore spammer
aw hell naw choppy tryin to become poopy
Anon please be considerate of people's phobias
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Anon please be considerate of people's phobias
nope this is gore spammer with new stuff to spam bros
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At least Gorespammer has more variety than most OC fags haha
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don't look
Dallesisters leaving their thread to die on the worst way possible holy shit
We'll burn that bridge once we get to it.

Sankyu sankyu, that's a great gen yourself
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Damn bros, see ya this is very disgusting
Damn a lot of weird shit in this ai thread
sketch bro
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>gay nintendo
>peach spam
how many fucking mobile devices does list even have?
Seems someone is mad
Reminder that image blurrer exist for those that can't deal with it
There is more if you search "4chan image blurrer" you will need tapermonkey and stuff
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hmmmm I should be able to afford it
switch is a good investment: all the games are free
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Love me some shift+W Werk Tyme

Yo, wanna show off new accessories huh?
I'm glad that you think like that
We'll see how you do, if you piss me off prepare your protests
should've posted vidya...
Isn't often that choppy gets inflamed enough an anus to post variety like this
what set xir off this time?
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I was saying this for weeks
List/Waluigi/Wario poster is multi posting all the time
this one is female
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I think I got the shirt color right

I will never post or reply to vidya ever again

Sucks to be you, list
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what sort of cucked mindset is this
... so how is this not a melty again?
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Also hey Frenchie, I keep forgetting to say hello.
Medieval Justin Bieber leaving her dalle thread house
who said it wasn't?
Forgot my bloody image.
cute anon
He is on the schizo council but we do not grant this the rank of meltdown.
Oni sexo
too tall
wrong hair color
wrong fashion
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Good choice anon, follow me to the other room where your new Nintendo Switch 2 â„¢ is
ok this is based
Can you make it a spider but the peach skull is its abdomen
actually, it's a sand castle
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bro wanting to fuck skulltulas
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Fuck KH2
Hello. Doing great and hooe you are too. See you've got NAI now.
Ye, howdy
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of course theres a lewd version of that image as well
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Thanks! Just added an artist to that Musketeer Daisy prompt from earlier, and I really like the results.
Heh. What pisses you off, exactly?
Lovely. Beautiful confidant expression, cute fangs.
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Something like that
Hey there. That's not a problem, always good to see you
if you make lewd slop of characters I like I will resub and figuratively T-pose to assert dominance
stop being cringe god damn it
I forgot the critical part
if I find said lewd slop to be lacking.
I don't know how to
Is she working for ludwig?
very cute
got more?
Mm, was feeling a bit burnt out, time to give something else a go.

Really nice!

I hope you like handholding and cuddling!
not of the spider variety
Damn. Still very cute thanks. Would not mind more spiders. Do you have the vibe you used?
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Your gens always remind me of modded sims 4 or something. I like it
Back off I'll smack you so hard that you'll fly completely through the corridor
the vibes I use are three different black souls images at 0.5 info and 0.2 strength. I can go and catbox em again
you sick bastard
Possibly...if Ludwig wasn't dead at sea. Now there's a new blond noble to steal from work for.
Goblins have very little self-preservation instict.
Anons do you prefer Dark or Psychic types?
fuck this
short hair Bayonetta is peak
not me but cool
that's even better holy shit
>personalised filenames to the scat
>random numbers for gore
what did he mean by this?
more offbrand driders please
this counts I guess
dragon drider?
also got a slime and ghost one somewhere but they dont have the vibe transfers. will try to make more that do have it
It means that this month he lost more of their furry diaper subs
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I suddenly feel like knee striking into your ugly goblin face. A hideous ugly creature like you would never be employed into my castle
>drider the size of a toy breed dog
That's adorable.
Nice! I think I'm going to make some pics of the White Lady from Dark souls later. These I'll be handy for tag guidance, so thank you.
nigga how the fuck did you turn her into an elf
all the worst posters in one thread...
I'm here too but I'm busy so I can't make and post any images (you probably know who this is).
that's it, I'm going to melt down
how long until he starts making pov kissing and hugging gens bros
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I can see on your stupid filename that you are still posting like a retard but I haven't need a single image of yours in the past hour

good job retard
imagining gorespammer travels by means of ultra-rapid newton cradle testicles that sound a lot like giant bug wings flapping in my head rn
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Guess the game.
breath of fire III
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how do i get past this?
vidya posting is so cringe...
I blame John
its not gonna let you do blood. havent used it in a while but you could try something else thats red like red paint, strawberry jam etc.

Another option is to spam the prompt with things that suggest the scene is fake and therefore 'safe'. That way you might get away with using fake blood in the prompt.
you essentially need to trick the visual detection BIC uses to detect what it considers to be no-nos
my first thought is to substitute the blood with a similar substance to your preference
what if list and john are collaborating without even knowing
Goblin maids are very effective. They get rid of all the extra jewelry and cutlery cluttering up your opulent mansion, they feed themselves, and are suspiciously low cost to hire!
Noimger...I'm sorry...
Slime drider, cute!
Go to /g/.
>photorealism: broken CRT television displaying a cruise ship NES sonic game level, background is an abandoned dirty hospital with red staining on floor
sure you can make it better, maybe mention more hospital instruments, beds, in background to get it out of the hallway. maybe add in a TV stand or look up the term for the high up TVs in hospital rooms
use substitutes for violence and gore to trick the dog Stephen, try tomato juice

quick heads up: all lewd white fluids you see in these threads are actually cream cheese and foam. it's all staged.
If you were truly sorry you would mix up your shit and post some GOD DAMN VIDYA
no i'll stay here and tell you to your face how cringe you are
little girls playing with tiny girls...
do it to the ocs, they deserve it
This doesn't even feel like gore at this point, it's like a screenshot of an old MTV music video for some random metal song or something
What vibe transfer you use
Is choppy scraping the bottom of the barrel now
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Castlevania Order of Ecclesia
Albus did nothing wrong, fuck Barlowe.
bro what happened to your faaaaaaaaceee

All at 0.5 information and around 0.2 strength. For the furry model you might have to go higher on strength.
red stains don't work as an compromise gonna have to try red paint
I was posting warcraft goblin doing engineering, but I put her in a maid outfit for a couple pics...sorry, sir...
Now you need to have her engineering a cyberpunk maid outfit
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I wanna go back to this version of DALLE. It was even smart enough to make the insides in a Minecraft blocky aesthetic.
ngl I'm getting kinda hungry
no man it ain't fair how the hell do you get these absurdist horror results?
I'm legit just jealous.
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rotoscoped animation cel, messy uneven lines, simple colors, flat shading, yoji shinkawa: one female goblin, green skin, laege pointed ears, yllow eyes, teal hair, short hair, skull hairpin, gangly, long limbs, short, small, wearing mechanics clothes, using a power drill on a panel of a ground zeppelin craft, looking up at viewer, view from above, annoyed expression, blush
I'm trying!
those months were fun
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we 0 anals now
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Might resubcribe to NAI, was trying to setup local but I was having some trouble setting it up.
I can kinda see it.
I think this one is pretty good!
Nice, reminds me of Poppi from XBC2
If you like to use NAI inpainting I'd suggest checking out Flux. A lot of the DALLE images I tried ended up with blurry backgrounds because DALLE anime images have awful resolutions or something.
Thank you. Most of them struggled with the idea of having the maid armor being on a stand, or what it was, but I got some cool looking if inaccurate results too.
This is cute. Dummy Ochako sim.
No probbie
Anyone else noticed how the Content Policy block suddenly got very aggressive from yesterday?
Many of the exact prompts that were just fine the previous day are now blocked.
Pic related.
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I will stuff you into my personal punching bag and nobody will ever have to see your ugly face again
cute gen
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Anyway I'll catch some sleep

See ya
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shit lads this tits prompt is done

Night night frens, don't let the bedbugs bite.
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she a cute
a cuuute
No I am still generating smut
Hm. Slime Dragon. Never really thought of that one! Cool pic.
>maid lining up to take a turn
Bye bye bitch
Sleep tight sleepy one
All of these are so dang cute. I want to protect spider girls.
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>Create an unprocessed 35mm style image of a whimsical mysterious A Rouge the bat from the Sonic franchise(,femme,green eyes,anthro bat,blue eyelids,white short hair,dark violet tiny wings,peach colored skin(muzzle,ears,arms),pink heart print on chest,upper body chest Exaggerated) in a cloak and clothing made out of dirty towels, 3d model, bohemian, vibrant colors, blackprint, cinematic lighting, soft shadows, tilt-shift blur. Aspect ratio is square.
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Remember to stay hydrated while prompting!
>Save me, Mario!
Omg Sun and Brush having awkward pale blonde sex with each other
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Good night
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grimm x toehoes crossover?
Can I see a tall Yuugi
dragon and slimes are one of those prompts that override stuff, good to mix up. I added sensual to the prompt and now I'm balls deep in secret of mana for some reason.
Disgusting. Sun deserves a loving cute boy who will drill her while affirming she is loved and beautiful until she cries and cums at the same time.
It's about that time.
I miss these posts
Also hot
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Why does Ginny get bullied by blonde nobles?
Why do the leaves fall? Because it is in their nature.
"Why?" the audience replies in unison, a few preemptive giggles bubbling up in anticipation for the punchline.
Impressionist Brushstrokes Knight and Ludwig teaming up to bully Ginny when?
needs more static
reminds me of Dogma from Isaac
kino shows the death of the threads, post more
Noticing what?
Thanks you t-too
sun should bully you too she's a vampire she'll have a castle or something
Anyways I keep getting these weird blisters on the bottom of my foot that really really itch and it's like they're under the callous parts of my foot. Feels good when I pop them.
Who else should bully ginny?
Nighty night knight
Sleep tight
What's it taste like?
It's a suppository
Ludwig is gone, anon...
Sun is a good girl, she wouldn't.
No one!
Ochako has turned to a life of crime...no...
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>all the OCfags are slowly turning to NAI
>given the time they will all reveal their various fetishes to the threads
>even more porn spam than before will come at the hands of the most deranged
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wondering if sun will keep his no sun lewds oath in place. id better get some freaky detective porn tho
>Turning to NAI
>Unironically wasting money on AI image gen
that sounds retarded.
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yeah if only more people used...whatever the fuck garbage you use kek
generals are banned but apparently a recurring AI wank thread is ok
Flux? Looks shit
Pfft, I made fetish stuff and posted it before I ever made an OC. It was like, the second thing I tried to generate.
*wanks u*
grandfathered in by the drawthread clause
I made a yuugi and parsee image earlier but let me try some big yuugs
im sure after an entire year the jannies will certainly remove them now that you are making this post kek
PRINCESS PEACH IS A WHORE https://files.catbox.moe/ws0er5.png
haha i'm in danger
The trick is to generate filthy degen shit day 0. This way SD can't keep up.
>Seinfeld balloon spammer got a new shtick
Can't wait for him to have another melty and run back to /g/ again for 2 months.
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wait what the fuck are you even trying to make? an abandoned hospital showing a creepy pasta rom on a broken TV?
>This way SD can't keep up
wtf does that mean?
kill yourself pablo
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it means that SD and NAI can't keep up once you've tasted real degenerate shit made by dalle. I'm biased though, SD is too oily and generic and NAI is booru based, and I already have those sites too ingrained in my brain for image generation to be of any use.
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Why are /v/ dwelers so shit at coming up with ideas?
>hurrr lets take the same 5 mario characters
>then spam a really lame / unappealing concept over and over
Whether these are anti-AI troll posts or a genuine autist, these faggots are so creatively bankrupt that it's actually fuel for a convincing argument that a robot could come up with better ideas than the average person here.
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why do you continue to seethe about shit like this. i saw you over in /trash/ today doing the same thing too
Any cotroons lurking, did we get nuked?
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thanks bro
>onigirls don't cut their nails
i have a feeling turning her into a furry is gonna make her tits big again but I want to wait a bit before I make a wolfgirl
I just had an idle thought, is the phrase "/co/rrection" ever used over there?
>/co/ threads literally cant survive when isabelle is banned
abstract horror peach is a thread pillar
if he showed any interest in porn clemposter would be all over that pillar
polishing with both hands!
Last post was 25 minutes ago according to the archive, I think it got deleted. Takes hours for /co/ threads to archive
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those eyes are kino
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Yeah it got deleted. Not sure why.
Imagining me putting my dick in EVERY Peach hole.
>/co/ refugees
I require a Raven tax.
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bruh wtf
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nah no way this shit can make Riley and gang
did you use a LORA? can it make ujncle Ruckus?
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Can you train it on that /jp/ ms paint artfags style?
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I don't think it quite understood my prompt..
Sonic gets a whiff of Amy's stink glands
can't train loras on NAI sadly but if you turn off the enhance prompt and negative prompts you can get some silly chibis
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Reminder you can use this(if you don't want to see it) to blur images /co/fugges>>689477337
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Here's a quick one
look at them doods
I thought NAI came with vibe transfer?
I think that is what anon meant. Granted i think those cost more
>this will never be me
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anyone know what was prompted to get picrel? saw this in one of the OP's a bit ago. its adorable, i wanna recreate it in pdxl.
Hooo boy, that's a nice tongue and teeth!
Oh yeah vibe transfer is a free feature. This is what happened last time I tried a multipanel vibe
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>granted i think those cost more
nah vibe transfer is free even when sub is ran out
this is happyness
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: (
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>/co/ is Steven Universe baby being cooked alive
>/v/ is picrel
There's no peace is there?
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Not in any of the AI threads on this site, no. They pretty much are all brigaded regularly by some kind of mental illness.
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crop it?
amazing how your pic looks like something a 2hu schizo would draw it
>>/co/ is Steven Universe baby being cooked alive
I'm disgusted, but curious
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Based yuugers
Holy shit
Alright I'll try the comic as a vibe.
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cute green 2B :^)
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2hu bully anon is doing more damage than gore anon could ever hope to do
Damn it's been a while
For real
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It does feel like he's going through a best hits today and it makes me oddly nostalgic
eh I've been through the cats wiki page
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I'm calling the police
I actually like that black vergil design
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seethe moar
can they ban you fuckers? I swear they did already
see >>689491676
noimg gang... lost...
Very nice, saved.
considering that she's a dog, couldn't this technically be canon?
Animal Crossing characters DO NOT poop!
New thread plox
Beg for it, slut
pretty pls anon! I beg of you! I'll let you do whatever you want to my body.
Okay, now be a good boy and wait 160 seconds.
I respect that clean muscle ring
t. hemorrhoid haver. yes I checked on google the stage of hemorrhoids and I am not happy with by ass ring's state and neither with my brain's intention.
IDK why this made me laugh

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316 KB JPG
prompt please
get over it, chapter 3 is taking too long.
nobody knows

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