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What do you guys think of the game so far with what we have seen do you think there is more to this game than what they showed in the trailers
>its gotta leak this weeknd right? right?!
i don't need to see trailers to know it's gonna be fun but heard it has botw food 'healing' mechanics which is fucking stupid and makes me think it's not gonna be amazing either
4chan no troll challenge.

I give it two minutes, and I'm being generous.
here's this while we wait
I'm just hoping they haven't revealed everything. They've shown a decent amount, but what they've presented feels like a typical amount for a game. I'm hoping there are more interesting elements to discover.
The literal first item is a bed you can use to regain health.
>on the weekend
I hate you normalfag low IQ retards so much it's unreal. Kill yourself. Please.
It fucking regens health??! Bro... they literally already made the game mechanics let everything do it for you combat wise wtf
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this thread will also go nowhere
Im waiting for the 5 more hours anon to appear >>689481769
mr crystal ball over here is probably right but i dont like it
What trolls will we see on here? Let's call them out before they happen.
wanna play bingo?
some1 gon try and oneup guy from other thread and say its been up for six hours
If someone posts an EoW troll leak bingo card, I will be very happy.
its funny cause there is actually people talking in this thread and the last 7 post in the other thread are

>"Random slop" here u go anons

quite literally funny how all the niggas doing that cant click on a cross thread link
fuck it im doing it
already quit 30 minutes in. it's mid.
what better way to pass the time
Longer so...

fuck he posted this as I was typing it
im still waiting; bossa nova wii shop slaps
Please do id love to fuck around with yall
Trolls and low IQ. Name a more iconic combination.
i get that but as long as the puzzles are fun to do i'll prob be happy
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d5a is a real discord and not made up shit
5 more hours
some spaniard trying to get you to install malware
2 different rickrolls
several people finding all the fake echoes on btdig and asking if real
and then that guy who hates zelda whining about it, a few of us chattering about dungeons of infinity, that one super mad guy samefagging about aghanim fight over and over
I think that covers it.
>yuzu gets btfo
>leaks suddenly stop
The 5 more hours anon arrived ive seen every single one of your post im a big fan
there are no full game NSPs yet until the eshop unlocks. The two XCIs are two different sizes lol. TROLL HARDER
i think so
anyone else here because they're incredibly fucking depressed and have nothing better to do
The quality of this thread is so much better than the other one. Protect this thread!
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Nah. I ljust ike the childish humor in Zelda Leak threads.
damn well may things get better for us all but only after the game leaks and we play it because i need to play it
sex with armadillo
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dump this shit now
We did not have this on the bingo card.
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Nah, currently enjoying the Megaman X8 demake, then I'll follow it up with some Zelda romhacks. Echoes of Wisdom just looks boring, so I'll fill the niche with THE ULTIMATE TRIAL.
bingo isnt fun unless there are multiple cards
rearrange some shit and add armadillo sex if need be
You are actually my hero. Nice work.
concord had a budget of $400 million
wish i put that on my card
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Personally, I can't decide if the game is good unless they play it. HOWEVER, the leaks shown have been pretty poor.


This guy got an early version of the game, and as you can see, it's just poor quality. The puzzles are easy and so is the combat. As an OOT fan, it feels like it'll be a shit game, but as someone who also didn't want to hate TOTK and BOTW, maybe it'll be good? I have tons of TOTK critiques to offer, like how it needed better pacing in how it let you into the world, since the great sky island lasts too long, and there was no challenge, and puzzles didn't allow for any smart solutions. All of them could be brute forced.

Guess we'll have to wait for more info.
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I love armadillos and pangolins
I've been around long enough to recognize XcQ on sight.
Funny, armadillos in my country are liked by a very specific group of people, known as the stick bundlers. So that would technically make you a faggit (we don't spell it with an O here).
i only acknowledged the rickroll. everything else must come naturally
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ok I made it
Is this the most creative way you can shill this game?
read the text in the post next time gigathunderfag
TOTK as fake leak doesn't work because it's way bigger than EOW file size

someone just has to link it as such without realizing its on bingo
im going to the gas station for a fopo yall want anything?
If you genuinely think Nintendo would pay anyone to shill a game on 4chan of all places, then I've got some magic beans to sell you.
it's up on tx8
An XCI of the new Zelda game
Whiskey. I need it to deal with half of this shit on here, lol
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base game just got uploaded to nxbrew. downloading now.
i gotcha senpai

nice try ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
custom autocorrect was not on my bingo card either, im fuckin strikin out
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sweet n sour or ill be very upset
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Is it out yet?
check the discord
ranch it is
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it was briefly up on ICT but they took it down in minutes. waiting for the d5a dump now
im sorry that wasnt very thoughtful of me, i will at least grab napkins
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2nd card from diffrent anon
is it up on d5a yet?
ughhhhh i got got
Can we get some HOLY SHITs in chat
that makes the both of us
They seem like nice people!
I want to meet them
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lets gooo
There is no way this going to be bad as totk.
You fucking useless idiot, we can literally see where it says it's the update only in your screenshot.
oh yeah i forgor to mark that last one off
As we in the business like to say: You just got pwnd n00b XD
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s i g h >>689485137
it will be awesome
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you retards clearly want me to win
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qr code to pixeldrain download
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anyway lowkey bored should I buy these pants
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nah that aint it bruv
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The artstyle does look like shit though
>140$ for fucking stretch pants
Honestly just start yourself on fire. something went wrong in you that can't be fixed
he's catching his breath
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2 for 1 special
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thanks dipshit
congrats :)
up in 5
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im counting this as mogged
where the fuck did everyone go
your moms house to see the leak
This guy's got it
still alive
just working on game dev
Why does classic style Zelda games get this shitty baby artstyle?
to the gas station /s

boutta go tho fr
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>Zelink porn

Intimate contact between two people in love does not constitute pornography.
i.e. pornography
has a point
How did tears leak so early but this one is still locked up
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it is taking too long.
If it makes you feel better, Pokemon Legends 2 will leak 3 weeks early thanks to concentrated autism efforts.
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This does not make me feel any better, since I don't care about Pokemon.
real and based pilled if you play pokemon or care about it in your realm of reality you def have onions body and or smell
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>""combat"" is braindead shit
you summon some garbage and it plays the game for you.
>""puzzles"" don't work
easily just break and bypass poorly thought out 'puzzles' because the retarded devs don't know ho game design works.
>level design is a formality
bypass level design in the same way you break puzzles & combat.

Literally what is the purpose of this non-functional, non-game?
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shut the fuck up faggots
how often do you jack off
They made Zelda a girl this time.
Idk I still have to play it in order to see if its good
>Wink Wink
but for rn for me its just something new that I can play lifes been really mundane with the same old sht and I really have nothing to do rn expect for sit in this depression so even if it sucks im play through it
cute girl's game
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now that im married? every night
It'll be talked about for a few weeks, and then likely forgotten. Princess Peach Showtime went through the same.
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If you know you know

2 for one stone with the same (YOU)
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while we're waiting for it to leak, how is life treating you
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peach's game wasnt a game though
>nobody here bothered to check lemonparty
XCI has been up for 8 hours, i'm playing right now on ryujinx
>it is taking too long
>shutting my fuck up
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Dear diary,

Today I woke up and decided to go on to a leak thread about a game I don't like, so that I could talk shit about it.

Those inferior dullards do not realise their mistake in liking that slop. Why can't they have superior taste like me? Anyway, I just KNOW that my post put them in their place.

Anyway, diary you're my best friend. The girl I like is just like all the others. A whore because she won't have sex with me. Why can't she see that I'm a nice guy?! My doctor thinks he knows because just because I'm "obese" and my idiot mom had a go at me for not getting a real job. I HAVE a job. I've had 10 twitch viewers for a year now, my channel WILL take off soon!

Why does no one understand me?

Anyway, back to the latest EoS thread on 4chan. These happy people looking forward to it need to know their place.
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a little girl game, Nintendo is in their little girl era.
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Because that's old shit. Most of us are using Updog these days.
>What do you guys think of the game so far
>says exactly what he thinks and is objectively correct.

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The other thread was archived. Incoming. :(
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Do retailers even have it yet?
Why aren't you sharing the XCI then nigger?
No one here has played that game. When you're doing shoving it in your mouth like your uncle's balls, please can I borrow that crystal ball of yours?
I'm just gonna buy it :)
Is the armadillo fuckable?
It exist to make you upset
Actually just as a whole all games right now are complete goyslop even the triple A companies that are trying to make something fun legit cannot

are only luck is indie games which good ones are hard to come by but its like putting your hand into a halloween candy jar you might pull out something you like or you could pull out one of those fucking coconut chocolate bars

Mina the hollower is something im looking really foward to as a 2s zeldaist
What's Updog?
anybody wanna have sex
Do not interact with this pedo anon please

legit you are so fucking weird
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Not much, bro. How's things with you?
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don't we all

im back from the gas station btw
Are you like 50 IQ? you don't need to play something to see that it fundamentally doesn't work mechanically.
You know exactly what it's like from the footage. Holding the controller won't fix the lack of design.
I don't get it :')
Parody = REEEEEE

Ok, thanks. You sure showed me.
hey. NO. I cannot watch this. I cannot have this in my mind. I don't want to see anything until it's out, I can't handle it :(
it's up on gelbooru
where my nuggies at anon
in the backseat, i aint holdin em bitches
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Armadillos and pangolins are among my top favorite animals (with whales and songbirds).
I'm happy to see an Caromadillo enemy.
Legit in the same boat im freaking out cause I want this game to come out so bad I have to force myself to forget about it
in the pudding
Wah, wah, wah. So GTFO off a leak thread. Is this really how you spend your life? Go start a thread for people who hate the game before they play it. Oh wait, you're so low IQ, and so attention starved that you won't. It NEEDS to be here where everyone can see you. Fuck off with your pathetically fragile ego. Fuck me, haven't you got a mom to disappoint, and a dad to look for? Fucking fatherless behaviour. I don't even know you and I'm disappointed in you.

yo senpai gimme a sec imma munch on 500 jalapeños before I continue to obliterate you thanks
So is it on gelbooru or pudding?
pulled this pawg at college. gonna fuck her for about an hour, tell me if it leaks after
Sounds like one hell of a sock you found. I bet you just heated it up as well. Have fun!
nah bro you got one of those bears you stick in the microwave and it heats you up when you're going to sleep. bet the bitch smells like lavender or oatmeal or some shit
Did you even play the game? These are wholesome moments you fucking sick fuck.
anons I have to go to bed it was a pleasure being here with yall. I know it wont be leaked by the time I get up but I hope I can do this with yall tomorrow night.

If this thread is close to hitting its limit can someone do a cross thread waiting room #2
I know this is a joke post.

But this game is far more limiting than Botw/Totk.

This game honestly looks like Pikmin with heavy limitations, more puzzle solving and properties added to things.
Dont post children on my fucking board fucking weirdo you are a part of the raped and have 42 days
I just played back through ages and seasons and this game looks like so much of the future we never got because we got so 3d. I liked the LA remake, it's fine but. I really like pixel art. And it looks SO good. And strong castlvania elements, some chatter about metroidvania elements in it, it's too much.
Should I replay the Ages and seasons games ive been meaning to but been waiting for a nice pc port desu man. Or should I pull out my modded gameboy color and get to it?
if you define wholesome as ripping a daughter away from her father and gaslight him into thinking its ok because of "tradition" that the gerudo dont even know why they follow anymore then yeah, its superduper wholesome
Also I just know the way you present yourself on the internet is fucking vomit inducing no one takes screencaps of children in fucking video games you goymongler. I just wanna run little test on that brain on yours that make you think what you do is fine and okay fuck you and fuck your fucking kid posting fucker
>But this game is far more limiting than Botw/Totk
That's not saying much. Those games don't work either. You can bypass everything just by using basic shit they provide but the designers were too stupid or apathetic to consider.
emulator with CRT filter is actually a really wonderful experience. If you want a really authentic CRT experience, play the cartridges on a gameboy player in a gamecube. It looks nice.
But yes, replay them, they are still very fun.
They aren't currently in the decomp list:
So I don't think we'll see a PC port very soon. I'd love to be wrong. I'd also love to be able to assign more than 2 items when both have a "use this constantly" special item.
I got a few pvms so I can work something out here soon I just dont own a gamecube
kill yourself retard
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also I just know this sht is gonna piss me off more in 2 years knowing no one is actually gonna do a good pc port with this shit with native widescreen
If you can complete something without the game softlocking it means it was considered.
Remove all the pronouns out of the bio stop watching cartoons. Take a speech class to remove the lisp. Study the bible and follow christ. You reek of shit and I already know your not accepted in the real world and no your not accepted here either
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>waaaahh GTFO off a leak thread
>don't invade my fragile safe space
HAHA pathetic little bitch.
No one here is posting a leak. people are just discussing Zelda instead.
Get your mentally ill ass back to Trannysetera.
That's not how programming works at all.
t. gamedev.
im still holding out hope but i drink mountain dew so
Get a rope and hang yourself, you autistic faggot.
A heck of a lot of assumptions you are throwing around. Jesus
The raped
Your balls are shrinking

Be careful.
meant for
ohhhh nooo i was gonna use those

when was the last time you had sex
I mean, that dude just posted a child out of the blue as if it’s a normal thing to do, like, OMG, LOOK HOW CUTE! The other anon has every right to use stereotypes like that, which are probably about 50% accurate.
Based analysisnon. This game overall will be our most hated game of 2024, if it can even be called a game.....
Gosh, even the name, "Anti-EOW" sound bad ass!! Like a army tank or millitery gun or something!
Why are the anti-Nintendo people of /v/ so cool, /v/? Is this our payback against them for them flopping PS5?
gamecube is VERY easy to hack, then you can get a gameboy player without a disk and just go to town. Great way to play gba too
quite literally forget 4chan isn't for actual based chads and that most of them are newfags or also groomed by jews. Wish people could act more normal and not have terminally online brain/porn brain
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well tile based with scrolling makes it weird, but it was 3:2, wasnt it? lots of displays are 3:2 now.
You are fucking retarded.
>A heck of

im gonna stop you right there
i'm ready gamers
>im gonna
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the fuck is this????
I don't know if you're the same anon who posted about the child, but it seems like you've said this three times now, and you're getting bullied by three other anons who are absolutely coming after you. As the fourth anon, I hope you can consider your wrong doing and stop being rather weird, but you do you, man.
Can you shut the fuck up you autistic retard?
update only. not out yet
>Normal words
Living rent free in your head tonight which is gonna be fun for me while I sleep softly
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>it's up on my private tracker
>is gonna
Are you gonna say this to everyone who called you out or......
>you gonna
Making you freak out is quite amusing
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Start edging until it leaks.
GONNA edge until it leaks
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do you think that anon is GONNA leek it!!!!!!!!!!111
>trusting anon to leak it
just waiting for VERIFIED shit
I am gonna leak
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Attention: I am about to masturbate

Thank you for your attention you may now return to your regularly scheduled posting
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talking to the anon who is freaking out about anon using the GONNA WORD

Niggawad derailed thread over a word cause he got posted to death
gonna have fun
/v/ isn't going to like that!!!!!
it's not leaking tonight guys. go to sleep
its a sandbox. You like sand dont you!?
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â–² â–²
someone translate i dont speak japanese
I was wrong, actually - https://github.com/Stewmath/oracles-disasm
they are fully decompiled. There must be a PC port kicking around. I'll see what I can turn up.
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pay for groceries with an octopus? thats kinda sick honestly
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Can someone tell me why everyone hates Resetera and Famiboards.
woke shitholes to be short
if you asked this exact question on those sites you'd be instantly perma banned and possibly doxed (they want your real ID to make an account)
hope this helps
>cunny Zelda
the game is suddenly a lot more interesting, the Japs truly are geniuses
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what do you mean, half of resetTr00n live on /v/
da fuq
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To leek or not to leek.
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Waiting party.
>the game allegedly leaking enters mainstream 7 days ago
>still no leak
What gives
Nintendo Prime lied and every news outlet used him as the source.
it didn't leak. several fake screenshots circulated here.

then a retard on twitter reported on it becuase he needed youtube bux and every other outlet was like ITS REAL
beats me
you can say his name. NINTENDO PRIME
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stealth marketing
lol even the mention of 4chan will get you banned on Famiboards. It's under banned content.
did the big scary word scare you?
illiterate nigger
>the jew strikes out
tell me you aint get it without tellin me you aint get it
don't talk to me golem
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dump is soon chat, wait for me
5 hours!!!
But is that really the hand of a leaker?
I'm looking forward to this game because I love playing summoners / having pet npcs
What's in it for the rest of you?
no way broski thas crazy
That's the hand of a pisser, straight firehydrant type shit
The kind that sounds like someone's frying chicken in a public toilet
Hello any potential leakers, I very much appreciate your services, there’s an interesting sort of fun to play a game with a bunch of people before it should be widely available.
More 2D zelda with potential for funny/silly scenarios with the summoning
doesnt look edited to me, if this real image type shit i hold out hope and thank you in advance
Keep an eye out ;)
he for sure has google alerts set up so I would avoid it unless you are posting pics of his cock you stole from his icloud.
What does this even mean. Google alerts for a 4chan post with just the name. lol

who cares? He obviously lied.

mindless drone.
would literally make my week pls
>hand is white
+1 i been sick and getting this while getting better would be lit
>funny/silly scenarios with the summoning
>Zelda in bed surrounded by moblins
It's good for a laugh, at least.
you didn't even finish Princess Peach game when it was leaked faggot
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been abscent the past few hours
lol half the staff left because of some debacle. They can't even get their own rules right.
>You must be logged-in to do that.
shit thank you i forgor
on the one hand, more rules means less insanity, less shitposting erictard and less of that guy who got mad about a picture of a young gerudo and lost his mind for 40 posts, but on the other hand if you reply "lol this is the dumbest goddamn thing I've ever read, touch grass" to something you will get permabanned and the cops called.
Forums have always been fiefdoms. back in the day some freedoms and a laissez faire attitude kept people active and from looking for alternatives so it was in most cases a lot of "do not take action until necessary" and baiting action was hilarious and fun. then came reddit, which advanced both the fiefdom and the sort of landed gentry of "I made it, so I own it" and some of the worst powertripping retards on earth and then forums got worse because so few remained and now it essentially boils down to the few that remain are ridiculous and it's basically make yourself a culture fit or get extremely punted
that's not to say it's great here, pol was a containment board and now it's escaped containment and runs rampant and that doesn't even scratch the surface
in general, online is different. Not bad, but a lot different. it's harder to have fun in a group with an identifier. It's harder to definitely be safe and confident you won't be found. There are more consequences. and way, way more awful people. But there are bright spots. Not here, though.
it looked boring as hell i wasn't paying attention to that
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This might actually be it
google parses 4chan now wingus, for one
for two there is no way he doesn't get a little erection each time he gets a google alert for a mention and feels important and like he matters because the 4channers are talking about him zomg so trolled
his watch looks autistic chat this might be real
>reverse search turned up nothing
Is it time? Ground looks like a warehouse
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What's that? You're a lesbian and black and a 3rd worlder?

reminder that printers exists ;)
ahhhh fuck thank you
He gets so angry about all the trolls actually. If you watch his stream.

But I'm being legit and not trolling. The dude is crossing the line with lies for clicks.

He's actually the type that you need to constantly put down or he turns into the typical egotistical fatass.
>wasting precious toner on a gag
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please leak it and you can have my bingo card
also, please wash your hands up to your wrist anon, thats gross
what does this mean?
this is a pretty elaborate fake if so, considering it looks sealed as well
if bruv is actually at work, i would excuse it
>looks sealed
just the light reflecting, all he has to print is the spine
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>Celda: The Missing Link.
who has the card
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reminder that youre a faggot

dump soon
stop leaking and start dumping
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We've been fooled many times before.

Why should we trust you *thins eyes*
You will be not able to dump it, the game is protected with Denuvo-n
ill love you forever anon
I'm strokin'
Grab me that 4080 while you're at it, anon.
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>pretty elaborate
Designing a fake case isn't as hard as it sounds, anon.
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le dumpe is le soon
damn beat me to it
holy based
Does the american Switch packaging have spanish on it too?

the rating has spanish on it.
show cartridge
i have all my exs's packs, will send everything to you Mr Handsome,
>*thins eyes*
kill yourself
nah.. when there is dump then you can say whatever.. till then is air..
yeah but replicating the plastic protective film is
Yes, English and Spanish
No you.

Suck my d*** :)
They have for a few years.
yeah gamestop's imagery has a case that looks identical as far as i can tell
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it's just a vacuum sealer
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this is a warehouse worker having a laugh as he preps it for shipping, but is too afraid to steal. if he wasn't afraid he'd show the cartridge and tell us when he's done with a firm timeline. it's a vtard having a laugh
*rapes you* shut the hell up?!?!?
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>dump soon
Is this true!?
you 4charted
>game comes out in less than 6 days
May as well just wait and grab it on release day when you know it's legit instead of torturing yourself with spending endless hours hoping for leak.
actually most warehouses have a resealer for damaged wrapping. so it's not unlikely that this is someone off shift having a laugh. or just sending pics of something they are shipping
Yes it's confirmed, that's why only the update is available. No dump at the moment is working
I am not paying $60 for nu-Zelda. Sorry.
you have to be 18 to post here, faggot retard cunt dick penis shit your mom is gonna be MAD when she finds out you read all these unfiltered words
did not expect onyx and veren to show up 15 minutes in
those resealers are nowhere near precise as that.
That's an industrial seal
I have tons of backlogs to burn time while waiting. Hope you anons are feeling well too <3
after Ninty patent trolling, I will never buy tendie shit
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no, this poster is a retard making up shit and samefagging. My uncle works for denuvo and they don't have a relationship with nintendo because nintendo is too cheap.
lol I did it for the chuckles.
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Sorry guys, I'm trying, but the ol' computer is stuck on the last portion. Should I restart?
delete the metric gigafuckton of porn you have downloaded on your computer.
so you've never actually seen the units used in any large shipping warehouse for a major distributor then, that's fine, just say that
I said grab anon, as in free gibs.
Not even one bit of effort in this
we've seen 20 mins of footage LMFAO.

you ruined your joke.
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Onox and Veran.

Though sometimes he's called Knox in OoA.
why is it that whenever a seemingly real leak shows up. 100000 other faggots have to start pretending they have it seconds after.
I can confirm that it is Twinrova pulling the strings this time.
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I am so close now you retards
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Reminder that you should make sure to preorder a game before seeking out a leaked copy and understand that by playing a leaked copy pre-release, you have given up your right to a refund.
I already bought it digitally. Refunds aren't possible.
warehouse anon save us
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This is how things should be.
Have there been any mentions of Dampe or a dungeon editor?
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im tryna hold out hope but idk
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Show cartridge and contents of the box
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>modern ninty
>extra content
that dungeon editor was so barebones, basic and boring anyways. Can do without it.

We need a real Zelda maker.
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thank you
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It was straight ass, doubt they put in
Would Link or Zelda download the xci?
The trannies are the paypigs, retard. Ever since SwSh.
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it’ll leak on sunday night while you’re asleep and you won’t get to play it until monday night cus you have to go to work
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Reminder that Nintendo will never let them fuck.
>check other thread
>astrobot living rent free in some fag's head
they totally fucked after skyward sword
where? I'm missing the action
I want them to keep at it until we get zelda maker
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I too own a printer
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link has canonically fucked Zelda in a lot of incarnations the most obvious SS link and Zelda,WW toon link and Zelda/tetra and others,the only one Nintendo has said a big no is N64 Zelda,TP Zelda and BOTW Zelda (that bitch literally stole your house)

also purah is superior imagine simping BOTW Zelda
He at least brought it with him to a warehouse. Extra points.
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She canonically tried to kill him.
ALttP and ALBW Zelda and Link probably boned too, the game hinted that they were close.
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I bet this dogshit is only going to have 4 dungeons just like botw and totk.2tgm8
Cute, is it her fairy?
Looks too much like plastic and clay. What an awful artstyle.
correction. 5.
Not reading this gay thread. Is it out yet? y/n
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>mob face
Garbage. Will be the first time I skip a zelda game.
It's this game's Great Fairy
Seriously? This would've been a $30 3DS games if it came out 5 years ago. Doesn't even look worth pirating.
The torrent is up on GGN now. It's a private leak so will get replaced soon enough I guess
Not posting the link, if you don't have access cry about it.
worse than the most degenerate porn
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I'll say it again, I fucking love ponytails
Anons, is this fake or gay? y/n
It would be fun if someone checked what's inside the update
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no it isn't or you would post a picture faggot
I have very nearly maxed out the not-solved bingo card things, there are like 2 more things I can get and not win
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This was kino and I'm tired of pretending it wasn't.
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>I won't miss you again.
warehouse anon will be back any minute now
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>warehouse anon will be back any minute now
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any minute now...
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Is that a big black ass?
Nice. Fuck racism.
Warehouse anon is working a double today, so it will be about 5 more hours before he goes home.

source: warehouse anon’s boss
You aren't going to fire him for stealing a copy and report him to the authorities?
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Based on his responses in the Switch Piracy discord, I don’t think he really has the capability/intent on doing so. He posted a photo of the front, back and side, and they’ve since been deleted from the channel.
what'd he say?
My personal assumption is he works for a National retailer and would have to smuggle it out. I’m betting he’s too pussy to risk losing his job for a little bit of discord clout.
Alright wrap it up fellas. It's not leaking until release.
Post the discord url
Discord Link?
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Honestly, not a lot. Which makes me think he has very little intent to leaking it
You can leak on my face
ah sounds like he's afraid to lol still holding out hope tho
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>la princesa

what private discord is this
It’s only stealing if he tries to walks out with it. It’s not against company policy to use your phone on the dock.

Also, if any anons out there are interested in a job, we could always use the extra hands.
How do you know that's actually him though and not some trollfag trying to pretend to be him to get clout?
im in that server. he works for bestbuy. th admins are dead serious about him having it & will ban him & anyone asking for it LMAO
if it leaks in this server it'll be on the main sites anyways right. I'm guessing the groups are in there.
best buy anon do it for the clout i need this i am begging

So it's happening then?
That’s a fair point. And to be honest I don’t know with 100% certainty. But he posted an image of the front, back, and side. I only got the back downloaded before it was deleted. But anyhow, I haven’t seen those images anywhere else on the net outside of the front cover posted here. And I’ve looked everywhere these past few days. So that’s where I’m at with it lol
there's a front back and side pic from like last week.

lying on a bed.
generally when something leaks anywhere the usual sites have it up in a few hours
These were not those. The black plastic tote was visible in the image with front and back like you see in this thread. And the side pic was shown against the matching warehouse floor.
it wont leak in this server. mods are pissy and banning people for even asking about it
>confirmed Grezzo game
Any of the tempered excitement I held for this game sunk when I heard that.
This is the outfit I’m sticking with when I get it. Such a good adventurer fit for Zelda.
I don't blame them. Nintendo has spies in those discords. They screenshotted a bunch of discord convos back with the tears of the kingdom leak to use in their lawsuit against yuzu.
I used to work for Best Buy. So it’s definitely doable to walk out. But if inventory is checked before it makes it out to the floor on street date, all signs are going to point to employee theft. And for that reason, I think there is no shot this guy is gonna take the risk of carrying it out of the store with him
All my excitement died when someone said Nintendo is using Denuvo Security on new switch games. So I have a feeling this is gonna be one of the first that has Denuvo security.. making it unplayable/downloadable.
>nintendie ninjas know how to use snipping tool for snooping on tools
it's so over bros
Grezzo have made nothing but decent to great Zelda remakes (MM3D’s dumb changes were Aonuma’s fault) and Ever Oasis which I have not played but is apparently really good.
People have been saying that for 3 years.
you far underestimate the willingness of some minimum wage retard to go to jail for internet clout-
lol these zoomers are a different breed, no doubt
pls leak
what did they fuck up in MM3d? I never played it but I thought it'd be fun to play in VR and really get the depth
simple and effective.
How do you dump a game?
Like how do you link up the console and a computer?
is this where the paper saint meme comes from?

Like the Martyr.
Of fucking course he doesn't. No sane person would risk getting fired or get hit with a fine or jail sentence so ungrateful Pedro and Bernardo can play after spamming these shitty fucking threads for 2 weeks.
I will say, the leak SHOULD be imminent now that retailers are getting their physical copies. Surely some anon will dump the XCI soon enough
Probably Monday.
Only it has happened many times before lol. How do you think the shit gets leaked normally. Factory/warehouse stolen copies.
people are still pissed that they ruined the swimming by putting a speed limit, similar to how orignla spiderman 2 on ps2 let you get as fast as you wanted by mastering swinging & gaining momentum.

its a tiny change, its annoying, but its not at all a deal breaker
XCI is up on resetera rn in the members only section, you have to subscribe
also deku is like... unbearable to control. actually feel an angst tightness in my chest when i use it. feels just... frustratingly slow
im pressing x
weekend shifts are looser, easier to pilfer. maybe over the weekend midshift, so maybe even in the morning.
Wokie resetera shill detected
Is it really trolling if they actually use the patents?
Granted, we don't know what patents are being claimed, but it's a distinct possibility.
Doubt it lol. And if it is, prove it.
NSP is in the BLACKED members area. You need TURBO BLACKED for uncapped download speeds however.
Also obviously requires BLACKED membership.
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game is pretty gud
Anyone that can gain access to a cartridge doesn't need to pilfer anything. Bring a modded switch, dump the game on break, put the cartridge back. No harm, no foul.

This isn't rocket surgery, people.
Send url pls
t. poor
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No no no, you are sharing this shit right now!
kek imagine how many indians there are in threads like this
legitimately yeah i cannot afford to waste money on a fuckin forum or some shit
get a job
Another bump limit reached
When will you learn
Is that the right title ID?
what does this even mean lol
Fact is, alot of us have jobs but don't spend money on forums that we've never visited and had to make an account for just to see if the OP was talking shit or not.
it means you are poor, ranjeet
i do, just got priorities
holy cope lmao, you must make $3 an hour
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it's trolling because they are all common mechanics found in other games for decades, they realized they couldn't win on copyright grounds so they are just trying to bleed a smaller company to death instead making better games.
I don't care about pokemon or palworld, but what they are doing is PURE corpo scumbag shit 101
Look at all these people desperate for the game they didn't want to play
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I only want to play it before you ;)
And for free.
You won't if I find it first
Poor people post on resetera all day. They can't afford anything else.
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Absolutely, but that's not what trolling means in that context. It refers to the fishing practice, not internet baiting. Which I think derives from the same term but obviously came to transcend it.
Its only fun when the game is out a week before the paypigs. This game would get zero hype if there was no leak and everyone was playing it on release date.
Sure, but I'd still consider it trolling, it's a punitive move by one Jap to another, I don't think they would have done the same to a chink company.
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I didn't want to play it, but now I do.
There is no greater joy than making Tendies seethe/
Yea post the link so I can stream it on kick. I'm not shitting I'll play it on stream idc about no nintendo ninjas.
Patent trolling specifically refers to the act of sitting on patents but not making use of them. I'm just saying it may not end up being the correct term, even if it's convenient as shorthand.
>but not making use of them
not gonna play your game you sperg
there is no legal definition, it's just a description, and they are indeed trolling, Gamefreak will spend millions in legal fees before spending on Yen on making better games
It's on nsw2u GOGOGOGOGO!!!!!
Well shit there is a link somewhere
Retard, you can't claim that the patents aren't fairly defined and actively being used if you don't even know which patents are in question. And I never said shit about whether the term had any legal definition. The term refers to holding companies that own patents but do not use them to produce any products, solely owning those patents to sue other companies for violating them.
I agree with you that what they are doing is scummy bugman shit, but words have meanings, tranny.
it jusst says gofile with no extension..
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this is so skibidi
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Holy shit
its up
Why no one quoted this shit? IT IS FUCKING UP.
it's probably just link's awakening
5.8 GB
This is real, file size matches
no applications found in selected file
False and homosexual
At least tell us what kind of dolphin porn is in there so we don't have this unusable file
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I fucking told you niggers it would be a random link, not some attention-whoring trip fag
Echoes of Wisdom is 5.4 GB. FAKE AF.
>game leaks
>thread goes quiet
Nothing ever happens
is this real?
So for some reason it says 5.8gb on the site but when you download it, it says 5.4gb, not sure why it's doing that but it's a good sign

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