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Squarer Enix will announce a Remastered Trilogy of the Final Fantasy XIII games

>Each game will cost $50 but if you already own the games on PC/Xbox, you can get a huge discount, the games will get a bundle for $129.00
>Games will run at 4k/60 fps
>Improved graphics and textures, additional effects as well
>All DLC included
>PS5 will get Dualsense support
>Original and Remixed OST
>QoL updates like previous remasters: Fast battle mode, turn off random battles, level up characters easily etc
>Early 2025
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my waifu queen
but the games suck unless the gameplay changes a bit i aint buying
the gameplay is 10/10 in all three games
Would be glad to see it as long as the MMO team are not involved.
looks like kino is back on the menu boys
>PS3 games
>No Switch port

Explain this
> Fast battle mode, turn off random battles, level up characters easily etc
Holy based
Is this for Steam as well? So it will be a new version different from the current 3 ff13 steam games?
>time to bring back another FF
>brings the most aborted arc ever, even worse than 15’s aborted arc
SE is bleeding money they wouldn’t bother remastering this game.
Toriyama asked for this
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Random battles?
would be a nice excuse to play lightning returns again
Coming in here to say what I always do when the XIII poster appears: Lightning Returns is schizo kino of the highest order, a top 5 FF game, and the best in the trilogy.
This, I finished it a month ago, and it was pure kino. One of the best settings in a jrpg too.
Im not paying 43$/game for games i spent 30 bucks total on. Squenix can suck my dick.
>>Games will run at 4k/60 fps
not happening because no one cares. the og ff xiii which is the only half decent game would barely benefit from a graphical overhaul. lightning returns is the lowest selling ff ever and increasing the resolution on the pc port doesn't keep it from looking like ass.
Lightning's armpits are 10/10 but the gameplay is trash
Did they ever fix the original PC ports?
kys XIIIschizo
I bought these for $5 each. Square can fuck off
making sequels for xiii was one of the most autistic moments from square enix ever, only rivaled by vanilla XIV. even from the people that liked the game, the consensus was that XIII didn't have very likable characters. Toriyama literally doubled and tripled down on making Lightning a hero.
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Just play the originals. Remakes/remasters are NEVER better than, or even as good, as the original. Not a single exception.
>remaster the game that killed final fantasy forever
>not literally the second or third best games in the series being ff6 or ff9 (yes ff7 is the best, the remake is cucked by dei bullshit, but the music is an easy 10/10, anyone who disagrees is either a zoomer or a jaded boomer who still thinks ff6 is king although ff7 literally made vidya mainstream.)

It must hurt to be a final fantasy fan in 2024.
>>Each game will cost $50
Square Enix is out of their minds
the Squarenix website
>FF 13 remaster
even dumber idea than Days Gone and Nicocado lmao
I wish it would actually finally die
They're going to start having westerners make mainline FFs I just know it
Sniffa Sniffa Sniffa licky licky licky slurp yumyumyum
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>It must hurt to be a final fantasy fan in 2024.

Yes. A lot.
I loved the XIII trilogy and now I'm almost finished 100%ing X-2 and I'm starting to think that Toriyama is the Nomura of Square-Enix.
I have fapped to Fang many times.
>They're going to start having westerners make mainline FFs I just know it
Fuck, it really is going to turn out like this isn't it? They've been pandering so hard to modern western AAA fags that you can actually see them giving the franchise to the west.
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I don't think this looks that bad. Certainly modern consoles and PCs overcome the severe limitations of the PS3 and Xbox 360 releases. They're just going to fuck around with the lighting aren't they?
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Brother... I love Lighting. And he is not. Sackaguchi is the only one with the vision and even he is kinda faded the only thing that can save FF is an autistic Japanese og fan that throughly studied and breathes final fantasy and knows from inside out what is the artistic quality on it. There is a soul there but its mostly faded now.
What a fucking beautiful game. Graphically it doesnt look aged to me just a bit rough on the roundness of the meshes but thats it. Problem is the gameplay I would say, the progression the leveling system, etc.
For a while, FFXIII was my favourite video game of all time. Yes, I'm autistic and yes, I think the game is flawless. XIII-2 sucks because retconning is gay
there are people in this world who eat feces so nothing people do shocks me
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Why. Either aesthetic visual novels appeal way too much to you or you like auto-fighters. Artistically the game is fantastic but it lacks the substance of gameplay.
anons praising XIII-2 is the reason i never trust jrpg fags.
based and correct, hope you thoroughly appreciated LR too
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what the fuck were they thinking
same two faggots every XIII thread who are just serah-fags
i'd have a much higher opinion on it if it was considered a non-canon spin-off, not an actual sequel
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they were not

I loved the story/characters and actually loved the hallway simulator aspect of the game. It stresses me out when I don't know what to do next in a game so it was nice for it to be so straightforward. I understand why non autists would hate the games though. I also really loved the music
I'm a lightning fag and I cant recommend XIII-2 that game is literally filler the game. Do you enjoy shit like One Piece? Then that bullshit is for you.

Do you care about the main story and how it ends? Just play FF13 and Lightning Returns, in fact don't even play LR unless you really like her armpits.
paradigm shift was kino
idk if i was playing correctly but shifting is cool
I haven't played that one yet. I should get around to buying it someday
Don't listen to this asshole
Play Lightning Returns but when you build your loadouts put roll and block on one of your builds
Now you can parry and dodge roll, the combat can be fast and exciting just by doing this one adjustment
I liked XIII-2 because of Chadius. I sincerely think he's one of the best antagonists in FF. There's so many aspects of XIII that's either godawful or full blown kino, it's rather interesting to me in that regard. Nothing about it leaves you with a neutral opinion.
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This game is 15 YEARS old
You can tell noone ITT played any of the FFXII games because
>turn off random battles
They don't have random battles lmfao
your waifu's cute when she smiles
>>689501767 (me)
Oops, meant FFXIII
>>All DLC included
That's unbelievable since they actively removed it from the PC version because of licensing issues
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People can say what they want about the gameplay but the visuals were fucking amazing
And the price for that was the mind numbing linearity of the maps and environment.
So never?
I miss proprietery engines, bros.
anon completely fixed the ports a while ago
google ff13fix
Have you played xiii-2? Half the time the moogle clock spawns the enemies right on top of you so it might as well be random battles.
XIIIschizos are desperate to make people like this game or at least concede that it had some redeeming qualities but its total and complete shit, possibly one of the worst JRPGs I have ever played and that includes actual indie shovelware
I deeply regret giving it a chance
>Have you played xiii-2
No. I have played XIII until just after pulse and quit because I couldn't take it anymore, never once played 2, and for some reason beat lightning returns and I wish I could get the time back. that's my experience with xiii
are you sure you're not the schizo?
>t. FFX enjoyer
SE still tries with Luminous, and Nintendo has their own engine they've been updating since N64 times apparently to fit every new console. Capcom's MT Framework is still being used. Sony has a bunch of them too.
i would be fine with koala moogle if it was in a new game
it contradicts ff7 since the moogle caith sith rides is based on a moogle and it has sharp ears
PC ports of run like shit, have bugs, or crash a lot. This is one of the few cases where it's reasonable to do.
Hey there. Impartial third party here. If I had to guess, I'd say anyone defending the dumpster fire that was XIII is the schizo, yes.
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>the gameplay is 10/10 in all three games
fuck you!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've played through FFXIII using only the auto-battle option and it never failed me. Gameplay 10/10 my fucking ass.
You know what. I might be willing to give Lightning another chance. Dropped 13 2 times before but third times the charm right?
fag lmao
There are people stupid enough to keep this company alive.
that's what happened to me
>blind play on 360, dropped before ch2
>pirated on PC, made it to ch7, deleted because I didn't have much drive space at the time
>re-pirated, finished the game and 13-2
Playing through Lightning Returns. Finished 5 main quests, have 7 days left and very little to do.
When you clean up the remaining non-annoying quests, are you supposed to just skip time unless you want to kill all enemies?
Posting while hugging my Lightning daki :3
congrats anon. you'll never get that time back.
pretty much, the time limit is pretty lenient, that's what the inns are for
how much time have you spent posting on vee?
not nearly enough
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Say hi to the reddit frogs

Yeah I know, but that's not always the case.

SE is far moving away from Luminous. Nintendo still uses others like Unreal for their other properties and the games suffer because of it. MT framework will be forgotten and Sony keeps making movies at least 90% of the time. :(
God-tier game desu
Westoids will never understand
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I wish Lightning was real
im sure in 2200 the tech to do so will exist
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see what you did op?
you made him tap the sight again.
its the most non interesting combat system wrapped around the most boring story in the whole franchise.
if anything would succeed in a current climate it will be it.
I will absolutely fucking be thrilled if it does happen. The current trilogy is so broken on PC that mods are needed to even run it right or we have to emulate the PS3 version as a whole.
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I've got some good news
What makes you think they'll fix it? Just look both the Final Fantasy VII Remake and Final Fantasy XVI PC ports.
the fuck's wrong with her
>>Each game will cost $50
Do you remember when we were getting three games remastered for 40-50 USD during the seventh generation?
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she only dates chads or chad-lites, yes she is a real woman not a tranny
the fuck's wrong with her
whoops ignore
I just replayed them earlier this year though.
will sell better than 7r and 16 pc ports combined and it's still a suck ass trilogy
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The Japanese have Paris Syndrome (パリ症候群, Pari shōkōgun) look it up. They often end up getting disappointed when they arrive there and find a muslim shithole forgotten by the once great white man.
I'm aware of the syndrome and good, total frenchie death
these days games from 10-15 years ago mog games from today except maybe Elden Ring.
and there's enough vocal minority support for it to trick people into buying but damn is charging full price each is crippling
It's already on PC anon. It's been there for a decade now. The least they can do is pull a Capcom and do a re-release with a lot of upgrades like all DLC included, Better Graphical Options, Redone video scenes, Models are slightly upscaled etc. Also FFXV does prove they can do it if they really try.
Ubi-woke is from there too.
>total frenchie death
Cancer doesn't cure Cancer though. But thats likely what will happen to France just a cancer replacing another unless a hardcore radical rightwing party gets power and the backing of the military or its over. The only solution for the French to keep their country French is a final solution. All the Marxist Academics that fucked up civilzation that developed post modernism are in fact French faggots backed up by the Soviet KGB back in the day. They ruined their own country to the shitter. Then they wonder why. It's getting to late for them to start caring.
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Why should I care when I can already play them on pc.
Reminds me, I gotta play lightning returns yet.
There is no point in this ""remastered""
Squarenix website had it for some time i cant find it anymore and no im not this youtuber or shilling him watch at your on discresion i dont even know what he says in the video:
you tried
the lore of the FF13 Nova Crystalis is underrated af too bad most of it is behind retarded walls of text when talking to stones with prompts
>Remastering a shit game
>Instead of all the earlier titles that do looks dated.
literal fanfic
Yeah why out of all the games to remaster they're remastering the ones that has the closest graphics to current gen, and the worst one at that.
what was wrong with them
Switch isn't powerful enough to run PS3 games kek. Better stick to your cardboard game and WiiU ports.
Arent the 13 pc port garbage ? Almost a decade later and SE still cant port pc games properly
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>7 games for $50
why yes, I do.
I didn't think it was hard to understand like a lot of people insisted but I did think it was trash and none of the weak worldbuilding mattered anyway because the entire game was just utterly arbitrary
>>QoL updates like previous remasters: Fast battle mode, turn off random battles, level up characters easily etc
>random battles
also imagine playing this fucking offence to nature as a glorified VN, the story was the worst part
>Remixed OST
I appreciate the option to keep original because there's no way in hell they're topping this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WyTRg-DJ99M
This is like boasting about how much you love the Transformers movies.
You just come off like a low IQ retard, doubly so for using terms like 'kino.'
Seething cloudcuck lol
what's wrong with the pc versions? I played them at release with downsampled 4k on a 7970, don't remember any issues
Yeah for sure thats why the LR conclusion was made. It's supposedly a game about defying fate but our heroes literally fall into fate to a T. All of it was planned even Vanille & Fang sacrificing becoming crystals then Etro's gate opening so Lightning gets chosen as the Valkyrie sexy armpits Mary Sue she is.
Some people haven't played or comprehended Final Fantasy 6. So they never experienced the best story they ever made.
No point in doing this if they're leaving off Switch so that's retarded.

Also, I already own and played it on PC so if they want my money a second time, the Switch is where they're going to have to put it.
Never listen to opinions on this site, just look at the images and decide for yourself if you want to play something.
These people have no fucking clue what they're talking about, because other than the gorgeous visuals, it was in fact THE GAMEPLAY of FF13 that was the best part of the game, while the story and dialogue were all over the place.
FF13 is pure mid 2000s KINO and anyone saying otherwise doesn't actually like video games, or doesn't play them.


These screenshots are just a taste, with the music that plays alongside those enviroments it's truly a joy to just be there. Aren't you tired of all the retarded open world slop of the last 15 years? You might find it very relaxing to never need to figure out where the right path is, or make any of those "game changing" decisions, so try this game out and go in with an open mind. It's got the best atb system there is, and anyone saying otherwise didn't engage with it, or played it back when it came out and dismissed it, when the best games of that time were browns of war and brown of duty and brownsistance.
7 is far superior in every aspect so I'm not sure what you're trying to imply here.
A lot of shit.

Why does my 1070 run it without any issues, with upscaling mods included?
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caius owns her, reminder that he is the only ff villain that actually won.
FF13 is better than 1,2,3,5,6,15, and as good as 8,10,12
>Fast battle mode
Hold X more?
>turn off random battles
What random battles??
>level up characters easily
Hold X even faster????
Same. Unreal Engine is absolutely soul less and I am tired of pretending it's not.
lol this pasta will still get people
>I also really loved the music
Pure autism. It's literally video game music.
I mean kefka won, he destroyed the world
>pasta, lol
>hallway meme is true
>throws out nonsensical terms that requires reading countless log entries
>mindless libra+auto battle combat
>one (1) likeable character in the entire game
>no NPCs or towns
>the game "opening up" is just an empty field with "side-quests" that merely involve backtracking to kill a recolour
>if the one (1) playable party member dies you get an instant game over
>side paths so short you can see the end on the map at the fork, can always guarantee one chest at the end

>game opens by retconning the ending of the first game just to justify its existence
>2 permament party members, one shitty monster that can be chosen
>terrible battle system more or less unchanged from XIII
>began lightning wank
>convoluted time travel shit

>peak of lightning wank, making her an actual god
>story ends with lightning coming to the real world (to have sex with toriyama)
>scraps party members all together
>tries to be an "action rpg" but movement is a joke because you can only walk and you either sprint towards enemies for every attack or vice versa
>awful time limit mechanic thats trying to ape majoras mask but nowhere near as well
>battles dont give exp and are thus a complete waste of time
>forced to do side quests just to level up
>somehow succeeds in making the original cast even more unlikable
>if you get in a battle because enemies only spawn in two feet away, it wastes an hour of in game time to run, serves only to waste your time
Looking back these games were the beginning of the end for FF.
no he didnt and that wasnt his desire anyways
X was the beginning, XIII was the final nail.
It's legitimately disheartening that kids are now latching onto the XIII trilogy as "sleeper hits" for hipster cred, either that or they have nostalgia from playing them in their youth.
>westoids crying that their propaganda failed
I'd much rather replay 13 that fast forward through 70% of the gameplay of the first 9 games, after the first few hours wear off and the battles start being annoying pauses to the progression
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Nothing but remakes, remasters, and shitty low effort sequels. God this gen sucks fucking donkey balls.
It's gotta be contrarians or infants that grew up playing them. They think they can Zelda cycle it because XV was shit too but it'll never work
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Sounds like the queen needs another AH FUCK SHIT HURTS MY HANDS treatment
No XII is when the series started to decline.
I believe it
Can't wait for Xbox trannies to pretend they're any good
Never listen to image fags, watch gameplay and decide if you are willing to pay 50 bucks for that.

yes it was
It unironically doesn't need a remaster on PC. It still looks amazing to this day. Shame about everything else.
Not even Sawashiro could keep Lightning from being insufferably boring. That's almost an achievement in itself.
it absolutely was not
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these days game releases are so shit that FF13 looks great in comparison. FF13 remake aint competing with the legacy of final fantasy or resnance of fate, or halo 3 or anything like that it is now competing against concord, dragon age, asscreed... So yeah, no wonder why Zoomers are like omg underrated master piece. Things are so shit today on average. Rarely something like Elden Ring comes out.
Kefka: "I will destroy everything! I will create a monument to non-existence!"
Friendly reminder sweet baby is in total control of square enix.
>Square made a bunch of shitty games that their shitty FF would look good in comparison
That's some 4D chess playing right there. Maybe we underestimated Nomura all along.
research his character.

I think Lightning is pretty based actually. She would vote Republican.
FF7R runs on a heavily customized version of Unreal Engine 4, but despite its potential, there's still only so much you can do with UE4. even FFXV, an open-world game, looks even better then FF7R on PC. Developers using UE4 won’t gain a true competitive edge unless they create their own engines.
FF6 Really need a fucking Remake. It really benefited with the current state of Squeenix nowadays
>FF6 Really need a fucking Remake.
with faithful Yoshitaka Amano stylized graphics, kinda like how SMT: Nocturne did with its graphics being based on its concept artist. A vibe like that will work. A FF purely on Amano's style.
There's a large overlap in regards to FF13 fans and Kingdom Hearts fans, that should tell you all you need to know about both series.
For me its this song:

It's like the gods are signing to you do do your destiny, sounds holy but its actually a grim fucked up fate. Perfect for tricking the goyim.
>source: trust me bro, i browse /v/
What is this, ff13?
>but if you already own the games on PC/Xbox, you can get a huge discount
This part doesn’t sound very Square Enix like, not at all in fact.
1 through 6 are the only ones outright worth playing but if you're going to 13 is the only one you should.

Everything else in the main series is movie trash.
Love that one, the ocean next to the ruined village in snow just makes the quiet bass section hit so hard, feels like the last intimate moment before you go to finish the game


This one was great too, the whole game is very ethereal
The world has left you behind unc, and you won't let your nostalgia go. Chrono trigger is probably the only rpg from that era that stands the test of time, and that's due to all the edges being ironed out by the previous work
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Lmao, lol even
I don't like how Lightning Returns gives you tons and tons of outfits but you have to use those three with the best abilities you own or you'll have trouble. You just don't see the costumes (and don't hear the random voice clips for you and passers by for every outfit).
The DLC fits are really OP especially the Cloud one. The heavy slash is very strong early game.
>Games will run at 4k/60 fps
These games already run natively in 4K 60 on Series X due to gameboost
OK, and?
There's already 4k 60fps mods readoly available
Why waste money buying a remaster when the game already runs great and looks great for $15.
Unless you're on PS5 which rubs at 1080p 30 fps I guess.
On PC, only console version at 60fps is on the Series X
He says that before the final battle, when you kill him. So he never fulfills that desire. Kefka never won anything because he had no goals in the first place. He was completely aimless because the main theme for the party is each of them finding a reason to keep going, so as their foil he just does shit for no reason and thus never feels fulfilled. That's why he gets angry when they give their self help booklet speech to him.
The answer to this question is no. FFXIII-2 is almost unplayable even with Durante's fix. The fact they are going to expect me to pay an additional fee just to have the game work properly is retarded. I will buy the collection, review bomb each game and then refund it.
I liked the trilogy but very much doubt they‘ll remaster them any time soon
>turn off random battles
Fast battle mode, turn off random battles, level up characters easily etc
So literally just a walking simulator then

It's a menu RPG, Square. It's not like XVI where people have to button mash
You have to be 18 to post here.
How fucking desperate is Square Enix if THIS is the well they have to fish in now?
>turn off random battles
So it's fake. got it.
up there with OOT as most overrated games of all time
I just found XIII in a bargain bin and five hours in the battles are like VN level "press A to advance". Does it get more involved?
>All DLC Included

Including Mass Effect N7 and Assassin’s Creed armor? I doubt that.
Never played any of them, qrd on pros and cons of each?
>turn off random battles
FF13 doesn't have random battles.
When 90 percent of your screen is skybox, you can get away with that shit. It’s not too different a concept than what Capcom did with REmake/RE0. Those games still look good, despite being almost a quarter century ago.
>all dlc
Including the crossovers in XIII-2 and LR?
I dropped FF 13 when the tim pool guy summoned two water bitches that transformed into a bike and he did some (sick) donuts on my enemies. I appreciate the retardness of it all but it wasn't for me. I love Lightnings pitpussy though.
Final Fantasy is for old people who don't realise they're old.
Persona is for old people who are still trying to be cool.
Dragon Quest is for old people who realise they're old and have leaned into it.
having to stagger every fucking enemy to do any damage isn't 10/10
>Same shit gameplay
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