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Riddle me,this batman:
>If AI is actually replacing artists in gaming
why can't I find AI arts in game?Why can't AI have a consistent artstyle and character design?Why are all AI art looks like uncanny grotesque bullshit?
>can't find ai art in game
How would you know they aren't using it? We can assume they aren't because their artists would throw a hissy fit, but a background incidental detail could be AI and you wouldn't know.
Because the flair of Ai is super obivous???
Backgrounds are usually just irl photos in a filter.
Ai Backgrounds are worse than that so why would they pay for AI to so that
If he don't release chapter 3+4 we will die, would be painful.
Because if AI art is used properly you shouldn't know A.I was involved
New tranny cope thread?
no but this might turn out to be >>689502056
OP has been spamming these threads lately, definitely a tranny coping.
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AI is not good enough to be used in games. It's only good enough to handle basic mindless tasks like resizing or changing something to fit different formats, like a marketing ad, for example.

They use AI in a few games out there, where it's more in the game reacting and adapting to the player. (It's actually been around way longer than you think)

The whole image generation AI stuff is an entirely useless technology in the way it fundamentally works, and it being applicable to game production. The whole "making a fuzzy thing, and then decoding it into something" is why it can't be consistent. You can use it for concept art, I guess, but it's really not legally possible either, because of the way AI works (stealing from all over the internet). Therefore, if a game company wanted to use AI, they have to build their own, and no AI company is going to make a good game, and you know it.

AI won't be used legally in games any time soon, which is why you don't see it now. It's only used for upscaling and text shit like in GTA remake whatever. Even translation needs to be touched up by humans.

People use the word "AI" way too much, because they all work very differently. The text-prediction kind of chat AI is entirely different from how the image AI works. People lump them together. The text one isn't stealing images from tons of copywritten stuff. The text ones, I think, are more like google, and also talking to humans, and getting better at predicting the next work the AI SHOULD say. That's why the text ones aren't so legally impossible to use.

You need to spend some time talking to someone who actually does work in AI, and you will understand why it doesn't work for games in the way people scream about.
It seems to be the same type of mental illness that compels the dalle spammers. People originally posted dalle images because it's new and novel, then people noticed they can get attention and (You)s so their entire personality becomes dalle spam.
Someone makes a thread whining about the dalle spam while posting low IQ incorrect anti-AI arguments, gets (You)s, so the same person or someone else just makes the same thread because it's guaranteed (You)s and people will call him a retard for thinking dalle 3 is cutting edge AI and that AI can't do consistent art etc.
This is just a parasite sucking off the attention off the dalle attention whores.
dalle enjoyers create and share art and they mind their own business
OP is mentally ill on the other hand
This is the truth but people on 4chan are allergic to self awareness and would rather get angry instead
If you don't understand a buzzword don't use it
Dalle thread is peak mental illness of the same 5 or 6 trannies posting their own avatar. They have entire arcs of drama and fake e-dating relationships and love triangles. It's just random people who like dalle posting some images of things they find interesting.
Nah, Bro has been posting images of a cartoon furry dog girl pretending to be her for e-friends and is calling others tranny

Bleak af.
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Bros, It's been 3 years. When will AI finally become good enough to make entire games? The only thing that came out of this was shitty visual novels. Claude and ChatGPT can't even make the code for a fully functioning snake game yet. I am beginning to think that not much will come out of this besides le funny ai images and videos.
Have we finally graduated from Reddit screenshots to 4chan screenshots?
>AI can't do consistent art
But thats true???
Stable diffusion,Nai.....none can make the same guy twice.
Hello retard from 2022. I am very impressed you made a time machine but using it to travel 2 years in the future is retarded as fuck.
>proving that you also have a mental disorder

maybe one guy but there are dozens that post in those threads.
AI has already peaked its never going to that level of usefulness lol
Give me an example you flaming retard
Yeah theres also one who pretends to be princess peach, daisy, some white wolf girl, etc that's 1/3 of this dozen off the top of my head. Sad weird group of neet's exercising what little control they have over a computer program to have it churn out some ugly crap for the digital fridge door, because they finally found some other losers who they can show something to for a passing moment of attention

You all gonna be doing that when u 50? Any real life plans or hobbys? Don't say dogwalking lol
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Am I really gonna need to start filtering your daily AI bitch threads alongside the Ai spam?

# Filter Generals on /v/:
Stable Diffusion Genera
/^DALL-E 3 AI$/
/^DALL-E Thread$/
/^DALL-E 3$/
/^AI \/ DALL-E Thread$/
/^DALL-E 3 Thread\/AI$/
/^DALL-E 3 AI thread$/
/^DALL-E 3 AI thread$/
/^DALL-E 3 AI Imagery$/
/^DALL-E 3 AI Containment$/
/^DALL-E 3 Containment thread$/
/^Vidya DALL-E \/ AI images Thread$/
/^DALL-E 3 but also AI - containment type thread$/
/^DALL-E 3 ContAIment Thread$/
/^Dall-E AI THREAD$/
/^DALL-E 3 \/ AI thread$/
/^DALL-E 3 sloppa$/
/^DALL-E \/ AI Thread$/
/^DALL-3 Containment Thread \(For AI Art\)$/
/^Dall-e 3 Thread$/
/^AI \/ DALL-E Containment Thread$/
/^dall-e 3$/
/^DALL-E thread$/
/^DALL-E 3 Thread$/
/^Dall-E Thread$/
/^Dall-e Thread$/
/^DALLE thread$/
/^Dall-E Thread\.$/
/^DALL·E 3$/
/^DALL·E 3 Thread$/
/^Dall-E 3 - \/v\/ gens only$/
/^Dall-E 3 thread$/
/^Dall-E 3 THREAD$/
/^this will undoubtedly affect japanese videogames$/
/^Dall-E Thread!$/
/^DALL-E Three Thread$/
/^Poorly describe a game$/
/^Poorly describe a game, and let AI interpret it$/
/^AI Slop$/
/^DALL-E 3 Threa$/
I like this anti-AI shill becoming increasingly mentally unstable
sounds like you're quite the regular weird that you're criticizing the thread.
No argument lol weirdo alert, stop shitting up places. Even figurine buyers are more socially accepted
The sad part is, you look in the discord and they're doing the same shit. I knew the people who browsed /v/ were fried but I didn't know it was to this extent.
thanks for letting us know you are a schizo that lurks in threads he doesn't like and collects dolls?
You didn't make it rhyme...
You try
There is nothing to prove to a retard who is stuck in the past and has never been in the loop. All the paid models can easily do consistent characters. Toys like Dalle 3 don't do consistent models because it's not designed to do that and it's a free toy.
This is what mental illness looks like
This is what people mean when they say ''rent free''
Fun fact:Most filter niggers are dalle fans.
Go to a dalle thread and you will see them spamming 'just use a filter bro' against anyone that doesn't like them.
They want you to turn your hear around so they could keep their degenerate rp and make 4chan worse.
Why do other AI threads start getting deleted just a few days after a new site comes out even when they're still original and fresh but this one that's effectively a general has been up for months with the same few posters making 60 trillion iterations of the same few characters?
Wdym it's still equally plaguing the board even now
It just have less traffic because it's slightly more natural
The latest video site started getting jannied in just a few days, people are still posting gens from there but dedicated threads get squashed
We're two weeks short of a full year of slop general being allowed on /v/ despite being a general and also not video games.
I just got warned for """"advertising""""" because I told the Ai faggots to fuck off back to their official discord.
In the fucking AI shill general.
The irony is crazy,man,the mods don't even care to disguise that they are AI cockriders anymore.
>pajeets trying to make it about trannies
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Fact: the only people who hate the slop can't prompt
it requires a very high IQ to produce images
Weak bait.
because it's containment thread. I think they are the same people that's shitting on drawthread for decade.
Name one person who hates slop but can also prompt
What?You expect me to know or give a fuck about your namefag bullshit?Go back to pisscord bro
Don't insult your superiors. You can't slop so you're mad. Simple as.
You tried to make something cool but failed.
proof it's bait?
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>this isn't happening
>this might be happening
>this is sort of happening and you're weird for noticing
>this is happening and it's a good thing
please end your life swiftly
They are not to be trusted.
get a life
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this is likely true and the main benefit of AI, all of the retarded shitskins can prooooompt themselves silly making terrible mutated facsimilies of toadette huffing used diapers instead of begging every drawfag on planet earth for free fetish porn
microsoft advertisement sir open source AI is dangerous to our democracy
dalle looks like shit compared to other imgen
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dalle 4 soon sirs
be patient
This shit looks ugly
>twitter tourists complaining about ai
>Twitter tourist
Want us to show you the screenshots and links again?
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AI is good, actually.
>a common sign of autism is to take everything literally
still waiting :3
>why can't I find AI arts in game?
you literally can. There have been several games that have admitted or had controversies over this. Bone Totem is one just off the top of my head
They are the tourists,not us.
actually making this thread 45 times is a sign of autism
Impressive,now let's see dalle generals' thread count.
no one's crying over there thougheverbeit
All those filters effectively removed all AI threads from my catalog, making a much better /v/experience tailored to my tastes.

I wish I could have a filter for users too.

If only using a filter worked, they wouldn't change the subject each time to evade them. They are literally shills, those threads are ads.
Literal thousands
Let's say they posted 24/7 for a year(actually longer but let's just estimate).
The average lifespan of these threads is about 4-6 hours.Lets say it's 6.
That's 4 threads per day.4 x 365=1460.

Dalle niggers had posted the same thread for 1460 times.
>why can't I find AI arts in game
they are, Ready or Not had AI art, a bunch of games are adding it.
>Why can't AI have a consistent artstyle and character design
it can, you can use loras to do basically whatever you want
>Why are all AI art looks like uncanny grotesque bullshit
because most of what you see is lazy anons with the default settings with a prompt like "big ol tiddies" and that's it.
how would you know if good art was AI unless it fit your preconceived notion of what AI art looked like?
In comparison,there's about 1325 OP threads that includes the word 'wukong' in the history of /v/.
Imagine having more threads than the entire legacy of an immensely successful and controversial game.
there's well over 2 thousand
in the early days, threads would easily average just 30 minutes
based safe space enjoyer
why not just filter dall? are you actually braindead? serious question
Because it doesn't work.
Double that,actually,2863 threads.
search "AI" and go to the bit of the review where he complains, you can also check the steam forums, a lot of noise about it.
pick a model, and then within any models is "loras" you can basically get any result in any style you can think of.
looking through the above is probably evidence enough, but im not sure what it would take to convince you, they good ones are basically photo-realistic at this point.
Use it to make a consistent character.Bet.
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I won't test it because I managed to filter every AI generation thread on my catalog a long time ago. (also, they use stable diffusion and many other AI generators other than dall-e)

Now tell me how to filter single words on comments.
keep reading, they added the "arrest the furry pedo" mission and his apartment is basically made of AI art.
>Use it to make a consistent character.Bet.
go to any character lora and it's all just consistent images of the one character?
Isn't that just a joke about how Aifags are scumbags?The main art is still normal hand made shit,it's just the wall art and figurines in the house of the streamer.
It's also a way to avoid copyrights while maintaining that weeby feel.two birds with one stone.
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>I think I can tell it's AI
>and yet I think it doesn't have a style
>this one image bothered me so much I had to post a crappy meta thread about it
OP is a faggot
>this one image
the moment AI is able to pull projects out of a hat that otherwise take 4-8 years to complete, you will immediately know it
Goal moved
Maybe you should ask AI to help you with your regex filters
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ai is based because make troons buttmad and going full schizo
clearly all the other threads until now didn't upset him enough sperg about it to the rest of the website
>literally said it's satire in the article
>bro,they are supporting and using AI art!
Yeah, as a mock target.Sure.Theres plenty of other games shitting on ai art too,do you count them as Ai art using?
There are multiple people getting upset here.
/v/ is not one person,fucktard.
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works on my machine
I've been meaning to talk about this
The only AI slop that's obvious is the "jeet" style— proompters who click an output stuffed with "masterpiece, art by Artgerm and Greg Rutkowsky" type prompt engineering, and usually with shitty models by modern standards
I've personally helped actual artists take slop output and draw it up to fix mistakes, as well as had some outputs that are nearly or perfectly indistinguishable from either hand drawn illustrations or photography

It might be the biggest vice of AI slop that it's inherently lazy and attracts the lazy, because if more people really put in effort with even contemporary models, you would NOT be able to tell what is and isn't AI.
The next 6 months are going to be pivotal for me to see of AI slop has peaked or is still genuinely improving.
specific portions of ai (img2img) are equivalent to tracing, but are less offensive, because when you trace a piece you are expending actual effort to generate worthless garbage
Literally different characters in every pic
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>we're on the fast track to the kind of dystopia that would make china blush but at least the troons are le mad!
If you try really,really hard you might've gotten a piece that is high quality enough to not have obvious traces and is actually quite decent.Bonus points for fixing the little mistakes yourself.
But you can't gen the same guy twice or have an actual dialogue though,so it's limited into shit like background and drawings.
I can definitely see it being used by games in the future but only as a minor tool,not a replacement.
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What makes slop so soulful? Is it the skill of the prompter or maybe AI art is just inherently superior to ''art''?
24/7 mad lmao
>this guy is so mad he makes threads every day and every hour over an AI thread
>hahaha he's mad!
Of course if you do something provoking people are going to get pissed off,what are you,12?
Nigga is mad at AI images hahahaha
Making a thread isn't provoking
>we are discord tourists whose dedicated at spamming the same thread over and over which is essentially autistic cringe discord roleplay with ugly images,and we gets unfair preferential treatments from the mods
>Why are people getting mad at us?
Calm down old man, or you're gonna get a heart attack at AI
Do Ai bros really
Such a pathetic cope. There is nothing trans discordites hate more than AI. Their hatred of AI has gone so unhinged they have forgotten that they're supposed to hate other things like muh transphobia and muh racism. They're just in a full anti-AI meltdown 24/7
They're now fully immune to YWNBA and only get triggered by AI

See above.
Dalle fans are the discord tourists.
>implying people give a shit about your post lmao
My condolences
I give.
thread like this one just goes to show how tiring AI discourse is
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For years, I've been able to take out my phone, google my bus, and have google tell me when the next one is-live tracked. No matter what stop, no matter where in my city I was, it was so handy.

Now, I google my bus and it gives me an AI result telling me what a bus is and where the route goes. Everyone keeps telling me how great AI is, how it's going to change the world, but it doesn't. None of these things ever fucking do. All it seems to be doing is taking actual useful shit out of everything and replacing it with infinite AI slop.

Techniggers and Elon Musk's personal ass rimmers are insistant that's the evil woke tranny artists that are crying because now the based white chads can make epic art without them, except they can't and don't. A one in a thousand still of a moon rising over a castle, or something-amazing, AI has changed the industry! But now it's in all my fucking apps, and I can't turn it off. I have 50 fucking AI assistants I didn't ask for, like a harem of fuck acne ridden autistic faggots pawing at me and gibbering like apes.

The worst thing is I literally didn't care. Let retards enjoy their jingling keys generative AI image memes and porn, like I give a fuck. But now it's
>our movies will be better with AI!
>AI apps!
>AI planners!
>AI assistants to your shitting on the toilet app!
>AI writing
>AI voice acting
>Oh, isn't AI brilliant!
there's no off button. And when you complain that nothing fucking works or that the quality of everything has plummeted or that you can't ever get a human to speak to you about any issues with services or products or any of this annoying awful shit, you get some retarded indian saying
>heh, luddite. it's progress! adapt or die....heh...

absolutely fucking insufferable
The truth is obviously the middle point,Ai is getting more useful as a tool but won't replace art any time soon
And metawise,just make /ai/ and adds a new no AI rule.Boom,problem solved.
It's tiresome because freaks have no idea what they are talking about. You have an idiot writing a wall of text about shit he knows nothing about, talking about how AI can't be used for video games when different kinds of AI are already used and have been used before this buzzword of ''AI'' was thrown around.
Image generators can be, have been and will be used to generate images.
No one wants to explain to some freak over and over again that he is talking about specific niche generation models that have been out of date for a year and that new models can do better and more consistent art with more control over the output, and that the future models will be even better.
Sure,real objective here
The only games that use it are scam games that generate hype for kickstarters or whatever then under deliver or dont make a game at all. If i see aislop in the marketing material thats an enormous red flag
this, idc about any of it since as >>689513590 says it's been around as a tool (although some overstate the role it has, kek) for ages and always will be, but now it feels like there's no opt out of having it infect every corner of everything
this will be minecraft in 2013
>different kinds of AI are already used and have been used before this buzzword of ''AI'' was thrown around
like the fish AI from call of duty: ghosts?
Literally, the shilling of AIshit is just polluting search results and other shit. I wouldnt give a fuck if AIfags just kept their shit to their own spaces instead of trying to shove it down others throats under the guise of "progress".
Turn off your phone and get off the internet for week, holy cringe
There are AI based tools in lots of art programs but it's a tool in the sense that it's a touch-up/finisher. It's rarely, if ever, the backbone of anything.

But AI discourse is so retarded now that you have twitter sorts with blue ticks saying shit like AI has always been around as the sole creation point of art and media and therefore its fine, or as you say that AI in video games sort of exists via NPC stuff so who cares if it goes even further, etc. The problem is that when the devs don't actually put any effort in and let the AI do the work, you get shit like what >>689513532 says where everything is just annoying and boring and you can't opt out
>corporations all jump aboard new gimmick that's being pushed by richfags to save money
>retards eat it up like pigs at a trough
many such cases, you cannot stop the ride
I said it from the start and I'll keep saying it
dall-e threads are ads
Microsoft paid 4chan to always have at least one thread going on /v/ where their 3 bots spam ai pics all day, managed by 1 or 2 supervisors that replies to posts in their stead
this is the reason IPs were removed as well, so we can't see that 5 people bump a thread to limit every hour of the day, despite generals not being allowed on this board
Like AI models built in anti-aliasing, something games have done for years.
AI models are going to replace ray tracing to have the same effect without the massive hardware requirements.
And it only makes sense to start using AI image generation for things like skyboxes to have a fully dynamic sky instead of storing 4gb of skybox images and volumetric cloud data.
Map generation in games like minecraft uses perlin noise. AI image generation is going to replace that with a better system. You can look at minecraft generation and see that it's very flawed and creates fairly boring worlds, an AI can create more varied worlds and solve all sorts of logical problems when creating a world and make it all make sense.
exactly, the role of AI should be to increase quality in areas that are unefficient or often extremely, extremely time or resource intensive to manually sort. unintrusive-your skybox example is a really good one.

But what's actually happening is some retards think this means that everything down to fucking NPC dialogue should be 100% AI driven like those shitty google translate voice tiktoks

it blows so hard
Low IQ wannabe schizo. If you actually look at who is posting in the threads it's friendless NEETs who are just avatarfagging. They don't create anything that promotes the AI, it's self promotion and wanting to be noticed by specific avatarfags. Like there is one gay pedophile who generates nothing but an anime boy with disheveled hair. Other trans freaks suck up that guy and try to impress him with their prompts.
AI is here to stay. And it will get better every year, we are still in the very early stages. It already improved a lot over 3 years. 4chan just needs it's own AI board, so the retards can finally stop raging over muh AI
then why do mods protect them?
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No matter what you think, it can and will be used in every aspect. Some of it will be really good, some of it will be fucking awful.
You will have subtle AI use that makes the best randomly generated maps you've ever seen, and you will have terrible AI images and terrible AI dialogue. You will have good AI images and good AI dialogue. You will have games that are completely broken by shitty AI making unplayable buggy maps that make no sense.
You'll see the full spectrum. AI is a buzzword that includes a shitload of different tools and those tools vary in quality, and a tool can be used well and a tool can be used badly.
You will see shit that blows your mind and you will see shit that will make you want to blow your brains out.

The key is to be realistic and respond to this stuff as it comes, not be some seething tranny who whines about how all AI is bad or thinks AI is the best thing ever because you can generate a thousand images of little girl feet.
Like it or not we are moving into a new era and it's going to be a bumpy road.
Admins are trannies and leftists. When dalle first came they were seething and would ban anyone who posts anything AI related. But then people started generating little girls and LARPing as little girls so now mods protect them and most likely join in.
They were fully against AI until it served their interests, which are pretending to be a little girl online.
ok that makes sense... especially considering the amount of Nintendo ai slop posted there
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Yesterday some retard tried to argue with me that AI is being used all the time in the industry.
His best example of the usage of AI in vidya were some images from an ad. 2 years into the AI hype and all he got was a single post on social media as the best example of what the technology is capable of.
He seemed more interested in the fact that it makes some artfags on twitter angry rather than whether is actually useful and used by the industry. Absolutely delusional lmao

I'd like to add to the initial question in the OP: if AI is used in game development then how come absolutely no one talks about the tools that are being used? There isn't a single game dev nor a game company where someone stated that they've used a particular AI tool in development. This thread is the same, tons of statements that game devs are totally using AI but no one is able to name the particular programs used despite the fact that this a new technology that is a part of an insane hype train. I'm sure someone can come up with a hilarious conspiracy theory to why everyone is so secretive about this but I'd like a non-shitpost answer just this one time.
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Heck yeah bro, I love AI. Stupid woke trannies need to get with the times. The world is moving forward. Sorry, you're with it or you get left behind, wokie!
just because you can't recognize something being ai doesn't mean it's not
and that's not limited to pictures
Ai absolutely can have an art style. Just go into those fall e threads and you'll find people generating dozens of images in a specific style they like which will drastically differ from the ones of other people
>There isn't a single game dev nor a game company where someone stated that they've used a particular AI tool in development.
why would they discredit themselves?
inb4 someone reposts this on twitter and it gets a bajillion likes
>AI won't be used legally in games any time soon
It's already being used in some and what law do you think goes against it's use? Do you genuinely think a court case would win against say Delta rune using some ai images for their backgrounds? Be real
I just wish we could all banish them to an ai board so they can have their gay little club over there
The people that complain are usually horrible at telling what is AI beyond the basic Dalle pics where you don't have any control
Hey don't talk shit about my furry diaper porn subs!
prove that this kind of quality is the norm for game devs
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>How would you know they aren't using it?
they have the correct amount of fingers
Judging by those video threads, ai could cut down quite a bit on cutscene animation work, no? We'd be going back to prerendered stuff, basically.
>can't into regex
You are brown
Anon you are not thinking like a mentally ill autist, AI is supposed to not progress what you see now is everything what will be, just like how videogames still only use 16 bits
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Depends on what you mean, tweening has already been a thing for over a decade now with animation and a lot of (good) animation is done in a very deliberate way that ai can't really replicate at the moment. Like pic related, I don't think an ai would be able to understand techniques like these and what their proper applications are.
Sorry, I should've classified that pic related isn't tweening but smearing.
you're welcome
>Ai as tool
>Ai as all artists replacement
End of argument
I'm okay with ai art as long as I can't tell it's ai.
It's a joke you moron
I've made 20 GB of gay hentai traps so I'm pretty pro-AI now
>using exact sentence for regex
Based retard
At some point you would just get bored of the internet.
No matter anywhere,it's always just the same people,the same moderators and the same culture,it's just stagnant,you know?
Doing anything in this shit is pointless,you can't change anything,and any single one of your interaction would have zero fucking impact on anything else.
Maybe it's time to get away from this shit.Let the people argue pointless shit and let the internet world be the same unchanging piece of shit and head to the real world.
Enjoy life before they start shoving AI in your face.
It's called regex, anon. Very inefficient regex, but still regex. Not mental illness.
they still need to hire people that know how to use these AI programs
we're two years into generative AI so if these gaming companies were using them there would be at least a couple of examples of job adverts in which these technologies are listed
it's not like they have any other choice and even if they did it's not like every single game dev on the planet would choose to follow the exact same pattern about staying secretive about AI usage

you said that the AI is unrecognizable, I merely asked that you demonstrate what makes it so good that a casual observer is not able to tell the difference
keep in mind we're talking about the game industry here
Oh god,more bullshit jobs.
How close are we to the world of idiotcracy where no one actually knows how to do things?
Ai rocks
Ai sucks
...In other words, it's Google and all those companies you're complaining about that are the actual problem rushing to implement a tool that is still improving, and not AI in and of itself.
Ai is mid actually
Don't worry, once they realize that the AI systems are doing nothing but hunting down niggers they'll shut it down.
I for one, welcome our Sibyl System overlords
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>peachposting still triggering /v/tards
>have cyberpunk 2077 tech already
>makes everything as lame,sterile and miserable as possible
Why is the future so lame?
Well post some if they're so great
You don't have rights to troll if you are supported by higher powers.
That's just power tripping.
We went through this before,because keeping us miserable makes us consume and fuels the industry so rich bastards can not be miserable and hunt down captured third world virgins on their private islands.
FYI, AI makes the work of real artists more valuable.
>anon tries to punch up but comes across as a sissy bitch with an inferiority complex
ai tools are new, games take years to make. some games have already used ai for assets, including path of exile.
in other words: you're wrong, nigger
>inferiority complex
Said the guy who hides behind the big guns
*unzips dick*
*sticks my dick inside yours*
Teehee,now that the thread is dead I just wanna say I am secretly bisexual and like femboys despite being anti faggot in the surface
Not like anyone's gonna see this teehee
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AI board for all the pajeets when?
wtf it's like I'm in the dalle thread
>why isn't X fully developed after being in active use for a mere year or two HUH?!
wait until you realize that artist are nothing more than just slow AI
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feels good being an AI god
>Ponyfags still trapped in their containment board
>AIsharts keep shoving their AIslop everywhere and there are multiple generals in every board full of trannies slopping all day with 0 relation to the board's subject

Free the ponyfags
Zoomers mods don't know what it is
Allows zoomer mods to do something they like the most:Discord erp
Case closed.
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AI has stagnated because all the big companies want it to censor and control the masses, and the only way for that to work is to tie down and control the AI it's self. Were not going to see any big jumps again until something like Microsoft actively tries to start the singularity.
TL;DR Big tech says no fun allowed.
I hate that its always the same fucking things for the op:
>a hideous as fuck princess peach (100% sure whoever makes those has a massive fucking ego)
>isabelle, probably with lemonade
Sometimes the op is kind of funny but its always those two, fuck I even remember it used to be zelda with a bottle of bleach and lucario.
Paul Dano

Gib it a few years. AI will replace India as tech support and numerous Indians will be out of work.
As you have said, it's people with massive egos.
More tranny cope based on knowing fuck all.
The best public free AI models like dalle 3 are extremely censored and lobotomized, but with other better paid models you can generate anything you want and it's not censored.
AI that you host on your own hardware is inherently impossible to censor.

What has stagnated are the public models simply because dalle 3 hasn't been updated in a year. Once dalle 4 comes out it's going to be way better, but your local models are even better.
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>AI has stagnated because big company hasn't updated it on top of censoring it
I don't understand why you're trying to argue with me, my post pretty much said the same thing.
>tranny pedo can't read
>posting the goys
41% yourself
dalle is a free online toy and a demo to show you some AI shit, not what anyone who is serious about AI uses
Dalle 3 is worse than the models people were using 3 years go on their machines
2 weeks bro
Opinion discarded
Yikes,what happened to this thread?
Out of all the stuff you can use AI for, art is really the most useless and inconsequential. Its only use case so far has been making porn addicts even more addicted to porn.
Love how they ALWAYS avoid showing their trash examples since deep down they know it all looks like absolute shit.
Tranny cope
>Indecipherable fake text
I gooned hard for a year straight till it was finally all out of my system, now I only goon a few times a week
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Regardless of your opinions of artists before all this, AI has proved without a shadow of a doubt that not MOST people are not built for the creative process. And that non-creatives should be barred from the process with a caste-system.
but not all have the filename "Designer (29700)" and more.
you sounds like a psycopath making this shit up.
FYI it's not hard to gen 30k images.
>instead of getting used for difficult/tedious things like perspective or cataloging references, AI gets used for the things artists actually like to do like rendering figures
AI is fucking GAY.
>derranged avatarfagging spammers
so enjoy the endless AI spam
>crying hard enough is able to earn you a board
/eceleb/ when
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So since this is the complaining thread, why the FUCK did mods remove the IP counter? Seriously what earthly reason could they have?
So people can samefag more.
It was removed for the 2024 election
election season + bots is the only thing I can think of
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I think it's neat.
there's one and is called KF
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Nothing has made sense on this site ever since moot left
likely someone gave a substantial donation, for one reason or another
is a batman reference.
To hide the fact that certain high traffic threads(for example,dall e generals) are made entirely by a few men
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Why are sloppa posters superior to everytranny else?
>tourists getting upset at ai threads again
>we are the tourists
Stop pretending you aren't discord tourists
>Half of deviantart is ai
>Hehe yeah only tourists don't want AIslop in their videogames. Real gamers want AI now
Cultural phenomenon. You lost.
This thread has been pruned or deleted.
ai slop > woke/corp slop
/pol/ doesn't stop you from coming over here then why would /ai/ stop them?
Good morning, senior sar
>why can't I find AI arts in game?
Because you haven't looked in places where the laziest grifters in existence and who harbor no shame in their actions would try to scam idiots out of their pocket money.

AI has been used in games already but you don't notice it because it is either heavily doctored and "redrawn" by pajeets into a somewhat acceptable result (see AoM retold) or it is completely unnoticeable unless you were explicitively told that it was (some very pisspoor and creatively struggling indie devs use models to "draw" small ability/item icons for their games instead of hiring a petulant freelance artist to do it)
Atlus is lazy grifters?
>Atlus is lazy grifters?
You tell me anon, you're the one singling out fatlus while i referred to shit like pic related
You just exposed yourself as a tourist,congrats.
What's your favorite game?
This shits ugly wtf
>y-you are the tourist not me
What a tourist thing to say.
Off topic meta thread complaining about moderation
Not him but 0 people who actually play vidya want AIslop in their favorite videogames. Yet you call everyone here a "tourist" for disliking it
You sound like a /g/ shill here just to shill AI to the masses, without even the slightest interest in the media you are trying to inject it into while parading generic arguments such as "art is woke anyways i'd rather have slop". Also who do you think is gonna use AIslop for videogames anyways? It's gonna be the same corporations trying to make the same corporate mandated woke slop but at a fraction of the cost. It would change nothing. You are simply a tool with 0 arguments not care for the videogame industry.
Tranny cope
Majority of games would be improved by AI slop and no one would have even noticed
Have you seen the OP?No one is talking about moderation,all about AI's involvement in gaming,which is perfectly acceptable as proven by dalle threads.
Cultural phenomenon,dude,you lost.
You said it yourself.Ai sucks balls.
Based beyond belief
I cant fucking stand having image searches and boorus flooded with AI garbage. At this rate the Internet will be flooded with completely useless information and images.
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I don't know why I even wasted my time writing a well thought response for you complete subhumans. You are right, I lost the moment I tried to take any of you AI shills seriously. Now kill yourself back to your home board nigger you aren't getting more (You)s from me
You will never be a woman
>they pay for AI to so that
This nigga paying for AI
Ai sux
Aifags will literally never recover from this one

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