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/v/ - Video Games

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What is the most invasive video game species you can think of? Starting with metroids.
trans people in speedrunning
Holy fuck this. You can see the fun sucked out of AGDQ in real time
White people in EU4
wanted to make a witty post but you won
Discords invading video game communities and killing off forums
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What am I looking at here?
Turns out the dalle generals are an orchestrated discord raid instead of natural threads.
But if you already have an active discord why would you want to invite /v/ into it? The only worse community I can think of to invite offsite is /pol/
trans people on /v/
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there's a pattern here but....hm....I can't put my finger on what it is!
not reading your schizo screenshot. meds now
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We found one boys!
Is it that or is it that they spun off into their own gay little community that now has a discord?
the voices in your head?
why does pointing out simple truths make you upset?
To make you mad.
The mods are in it too.
Mod approved,get over it.

also those leech virus things on mh sunbreak
Kys chud
fippy bippy
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kill aislop spammers behead aislop spammers roundhouse kick aislop spammers into the concrete
Schizo idiot took a screenshot of random shit and came up with some idiotic retard theory that doesn't explain anything.
Anyone who spends 5 minutes in the thread can tell you what is happening.

Dalle 3 came out and it was impressive for it's time. People made dalle 3 threads making jokes. Novelty wore off and most people left. A few attention whores stayed and started avatarfagging. They have been circlejerking in their thread for a year, they know everything about eachother and they spend all their waking hours posting in the thread talking to the same people. So they made a discord and now they circlejerk on discord too.
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slopgods won
trans are just mentally ill nerds of course gaming is full of them

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