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Not enough people appreciate Zoldath. It may not be the best UFO 50 game, but it's pure SOVL.
Magic Garden, on the other hand, can fuck off.
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>betty two shots everyone and one shots rufus
i just have to keep grinding
i just have to keep grinding
i just have to keep grinding
are the games original or are they clones of real nes games
I still haven't gotten there
Can't beat Ninpek OR Paint Race
You can see the inspirations for most of them and it's easy to simplify them, but they're still sort of their own thing
You could go "This one is Rally X + Splatoon, this one is Pac Man + Snake, this one is Into the Breach if it was made in the 80s", etc.
Anyone noticed how every game in this pack that isn't just called something like "Action Jump Palace" has an awful name?
This is why ufosoft went bankrupt. What would you rather play? Fire Emblem or Attactics?
why do people hate on magic garden so much?
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>resetting the game in the town overtaken by demons lets you teleport to the nearest town with a chapel for free
love this shit in grimstone, though the grind is insane
just got the rifle for maria and it honestly feels weaker than the pepperbox and the hit bar becomes way smaller
kinda regretting picking anne even though I can shoot 4 times with dual pepperbox, all the bars are pretty fucking tiny too, it sometimes randomly targets other monsters and her attack stat is pretty mediocre
her aoe heal is very weak and its her only skill early, maybe she's a late bloomer with some OP dual wield options but very underwhelming character
doc is pretty good with his shield buff and healing item passive but just too slow to get his heals out in battle
umbra was a deadweight at start but got better with forage for more herbs to heal and got her skill for evasion buff, though i feel like i shoudlve gotten the attack skills since the tough demon boss in the town has insane def that maria's rifle barely does damage unless i hit a crit
We pretending that shit like "Mario Brothers", "Zelda" or "Kirby" were good names?
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Post 'em.
I hate it cause it's pedestrian in concept and easy to get the gist of but requires a lot of skill to cherry. I was ready to be done with this shit two hours ago. At this point I have more time spent with it than half the games I actually think are fun.
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>thought I was a genius
>there's a 2nd block
people don't understand the chainig strategy and think it's just pacman + snake
not sure, one of my favorites from the first row, really satisfying once you get good. the flow is pretty simple, just pick up some pinks, get potions and clean up
if you want the 20k for the cherry you can make a potion, deliberately drop all your pinks outside the stars and then grab the potion to chain them all
The real solution to this puzzle WILL make you feel like a genius.
Hint: find a way to keep the switch turning on and off
50 stages is TOO FUCKING MANY for Campanella.
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Do not underestimate the power of the mighty pterodactyl
only thing I can think of is baiting a pig onto the platform somehow, after I killed the one that walks back and forth over it
I think I need to kill it to get the 5 lives it opens up though, seems too narrow a window to grab it otherwise, although maybe it's worth the trade-off if I keep him alive and just stone down there or something
they are clones/influenced by retro games/genres but with gimmicky twists or mashing multiples influences/design elements into one, it includes modern/postmodern indie games and design influences (some focus on qol or "accessibility, like in the first game there are different paths to get to the boss so you can't really get stuck even if you miss a puzzle) but it also adheres to the difficulty of retro games (eg, games where if you get hit 3 times, you have to restart from zero)

there's a classic fantasy dungeon crawler, but with real time combat influenced by punchout and some similar neo geo titles, and also has some kind of "meta" secret mechanic
there's a spooky mansion, item-based point and click ala maniac mansion but it takes the first-person from uninvited and the stalker from clock tower, so a supermix of retro mansion games
there's a blaster master clone visually but it's turned into a puzzle platformer with indie influence like vvvv
same with the metroid clone (you can walk upside down)
a classic contra/g'n'g but with indie bullet hell layer
there's a stealth puzzle game influenced by indie title gunpoint but it's retro flavored around arcade style timed challenges
there's an obtuse/cryptic puzzle/secrets metroidvania in the style of la mulana and the msx titles that influenced it but it is styled like an even more primitive atari platformer, very slow and clunky
there's a classic sidescrolling beat em up but with zombies and some unusual mechanics

something I notice is that a lot of the games have hidden mechanics, like you reach level 4 of a game and it teaches you a rule, that you could have used all along, so when you replay it, you get much better, and that's a very modern indie design style (metroidbrainia, there, I placed it)
there are no "fake" manuals in the game, which would have been awesome added flavor, and I wondered why it was omitted, but you not knowing what things do and discovering them is part of the design
based effortposter
Do you unlock things in Golfaria that make the premise make more sense?
Because as it is, this is easily the worst game in the set from a design perspective.
also: top down zelda arpg but with "addictive lizardbrain modern indie bullshit" (idle/incremental and survival/crafting number go up shit) (very clever in the broader context of the collection because it continues in the background while you play other stuff but there's a cap to resources so you have to keep returning to it between sessions of other games)
Well, there's your first problem.
what else? others can contribute and we can make a full list

anon just mentioned magic garden is snake + pacman, good description
pingolf is obvious, it's golf with a pinball gimmick
there's a puzzle lemmings but with an army men style

owl starts like a shinobi clone but if you die your guy gets captured and you have to rescue him, turns into msx metal gear (need to play this more, I think there's more to it?)
Any really game breaking Blue Magic Lee can learn so far?
My conclusion for now is that putting 50 smaller works together in a single package doesn't make that package a masterpiece, just what it really is, 50 smaller works all in one place.
also how do I deal with that faggot dino thing in the room below? using a load of bombs on it seems wasteful
can't arrow into spikes, stone gets broken
if I could jump out of the arrow I could make an arrow platform on the left that it can't reach and arrow off it into the door area, but nah
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this game is fucking hard bros
Grimstone is Wild West Final Fantasy
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What's your team besides the dawg? Combination DPS (Anne in my case), Tank/Healer/Doc and buffer/Umbra cheeses most of the game. Dog is good for most of the early game due to ignoring defence, but you sadly need to find Dog treats and without documentation you can get screwed.

Also, Lasso's your friend.
It's good, yeah. It's fun to wonder around in. I can see myself replaying it after beating it the first time.
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Ammonite on wave 3? You really have to memorize these layouts.
I chose Anne, Doc, Lee, and Bull
I've mostly curious about Lee because he learns skills from enemies like a FF Blue Mage. (Explains why his clothes and hair are blue)
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Part of me hates him, part of me loves him.
He carried me before rest of my team could do any damage, but he definitely is the worst party member simply because he cannot be controlled/attacks more than once per turn and can miss randomly.

Also lmao Coro-sensei
is rufus just complete shit or does he ever become good? feels like the dev is trolling
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I may have a problem
no CRT filter, soft CRT or hard CRT?
hard seems a bit much, to me
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I beat party night, this game is awesome, but honestly after realizing how strong security/other boot out cards are, it became trivial
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eat my shit nigga i love my retarded cyclops dog
i had no problems with her on my second attempt, i just got shit RNG and couldn't get doc's shields up in time the first go
can you make it so there's no women or minorities on your team? asking for a friend
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>when you spend 30 chicken giving Grug fire and he doesn't use it on the dinos
Protip for Valbrace: floors are 30x30 tiles
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Probably Anne, Doc, Lee and Umbra are best comp then. Maybe swap out Anne for someone who can use shotguns.
Goddamit, I could've had my favorite FF class instead of random doggo, but I don't regret it.

Also it really feels like they want you to have Umbra, simply because instead of getting usable skills, she learns them from random animals and she gets a choice on top of that each time.
Currently I feel like these are best choices:
Foliage from Rabbit (getting Herbs and Mints early game for money and recovery) -> either from Bat (Evasion is good, unless you have Anne who already can setup party wide Evasion buff, so probably go with Lifesteal if you do) -> Howl from Wolf (even if you have Anne, because Attack Up is OP) -> Screen wipe from Hawk (I didn't get this one, I went for Hawkeye, but you can teach almost any member Focused from item sold from Sherrif in next town) -> Snap from Turtle (Attack debuff on enemy, helped me deal with Betty) -> Gallop from Horse (speed up isn't much, but it's helpful on bosses) -> Regen from I forgot what (Party wide great heal and removes paralysis which thankfully is rare, but still).

Also in the mines behind Betty there's a free Medkit, if you have Doc in your party, bring it to the Fort and he is taught Revive, making him probably the single most valuable party member.

Oh and pic related is a rare enemy, Bouncing Bean. It deals 1 damage and runs away, only receives 1 damage unless it's critical. If you see it, either get Focused and make sure you hit your stuff or just ignore it if you don't want to waste your SP and resources. No clue how much it drops.
has anyone beating fucking Onion Delivery yet?
getting hard filtered by the time the third day rolls around
what's the cherry condition? I'm curious to know how much I'm going to have to suffer.
Yes, since you can go solo.
If you want full party, I think Lee, Bull and Rufus count. Doc might be a minority AND HANDICAPPED at that, but he's based imho.
seriously this thing is fucking idiotic, I'm actually pissed now.
You know, those classic NES games where you have to get up and manually reset the console over 100 times in 30 minutes of gameplay? The ones where you get "checkpoints" that just make it harder to reach things? Unmarked multi-stage dungeons where it's impossible to know if you're equipped to do them yet?
what a profoundly stupid design for a game, jfc, never touching this again.
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He gets flat permanent buffs from dog treats.
If I recall their locations are:
One is at the church below the starting town, where Angel Zed is.
Another I think is given to you by the dog owner in Santonio
One is in the pile of bones behind the Cactus, dog in the Outlaw Town mentions it
One is inside the well of the ruined town, but not when you're in the Twillight Realm.
Lemme' know if I've missed any.

He carried me during the early game, because like a moron I did the fight with the demon guarding the Grubbler without using the Prickly Pear. Not the best, but not the worst, though I'd need to do a second playthrough to confirm.
How do you get cherry in Grimstone btw? It's not soloing the game... right?
playing it for 6 seconds was enough for me to know I want nothing to do with it
Ahh, Metal slime. Thanks for all this info, especially on Doc. All I know about Lee so far is
Robber: Teaches Pilfer
Bat: Leech
Alp: Mine (don't know what It do, it cost 24 SP)
Is there a meta progression in the whole game or each game is totally self-contained?
Self contained, but every game you get fair enough in unlocks a little addition to a little house
There are 8 character terminal commands hidden in all of the games, you can pause at any time to type them in as part of an ARG/metaprogression thing.
Pilot's Quest has incremental game mechanics that continue to tick whenever you're playing another game in the collection.
in the sense that you're seeing how UFO Soft develops as a company, and the little tidbits it tells you about certain developers and the like, yes
some games also get sequels or spiritual successors, or there'll be recurring characters or a character they try to make a mascot
plus what the other Anons said. all in all it's tied together quite nicely
why is campanella 2 so fucking bad
why's it bad? looks like Spelunky x Cave Story x Metroid, seems pretty ludo. Spelunkroidory
the metroid parts feel like filler/are trivial and the campanella 1 parts feel like they miss what makes campanella 1 good
Does this game play OK on the steam deck? Obviously not in performance but the controls etc
My favorite games recently are factorio and balatro.
Does this compare decently against them?
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Some games had cool names
I'm only interested in a 1V1 strategic game and some dungeon crawler mixed with Punch Out. Others games seem like "been done and better" before. And why the shitty 8bit aestethic ? We can 2D games like Windjammers 2, Vanillaware and LizardCube studios. What the fuck is this shit ?
For you it'll be Party House and Bug Hunter.
You might be unaware of this but Action 52 was on the NES
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Got filtered by the last level of this, there are so many waves
Making it to the last level is impressive on its own
I'd prefer if there were less waves but harder, it just ends up you getting to wave 16 or so then losing then having to go through it all again which I just can't be doing with.
My favorite game so far is the one with the flipping tank, and I kinda like Barbuta but the movespeed in it kills me and I feel like I still haven't found the first thing you're supposed to do in it. Best I've come up with is going way down and to the right to get the necklace but I always lose most of my eggs in the process.
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>people on steam forums whining about Barbuta
the absolute pleb filter
let's be honest, if a developer released this meme shitpost game back then literally no one would have played it
it would've been a retro cult classic and only be fully appreciated by the general gayming populace when games like Jump King, Getting Over It etc came out and some faggot youtuber made a video on it, titled 'THE ORIGINAL JUMP KING? IMPOSSIBLE GAME' or something
would you rather call it "amazing" or "alright"?
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I cherried party night, awesome game
ufo 50? probably my game of the year but I still have 25 games left to try out
Alright mooncatchads, spoil me on how to get the other 2 eggs. I've found warps but they didn't help.
Its parts range from ok to very good
The sum of its parts is amazing
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Barbuta map anons and/or other Barbuta experts that have scoured the whole game
What does this stat screen look like for you? Post screenshot, please.
Why does no one ever talk about Paint Chase or Attactics? They are early games, surely everyone has at least tried them by now. Are they that bad?
Thats just a plump woman with green skin and a beak
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>unironically stuck in grimstone because i'm too retarded to find the detonator

i'm sure if i keep slamming my skull against this i'll figure it out eventually. already killed betty and investigated the whole cave, unless i missed something obvious.
>you can kind of slide jump in mooncat
one of my favourite things about these games is how each of them have these small tech moves
Mooncat was originally a Ludum Dare game
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>you need to make 50 deliveries for cherry
fuck this game
52 / 9
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I don't play or buy woke games.
high pitched tranny brap above me
moonkino would've been beloved
Can't be doing with that one I hate the controls
Hard to say. I would certainly not call it GOTY for me, because collections/anthologies are uneven but I've barely scratched the surface, there's still a lot of cool stuff I keep finding. What I can say is it's a lot of fun and very charming. I went in with a mindset of "this game and this game interest me, but I'll ignore the rest" but the best part is finding the surprises that click with you but you didn't expect.

The early reviewers and marketing campaign were saying it's not so much about the games, but about the experience; I was joking about it but they were right. not just the games individually but the whole feeling of "what's this? looks lame but let's try it for 2 minutes" then realizing I've been playing for 2 hours. The feeling of "ok I'm bored with this, let's launch another one". And then everything starts mixing according to your taste, so no one has the same experience. It does evoke feelings of childhood I haven't felt in years. Going to a friend's house or swapping cartridges and playing their games even if we have different taste. Chasing high scores, drawing maps. Types of gameplays you wouldn't give a chance to by focusing on individual releases, or that you forgot you enjoyed. That feeling of discovering emulation for the first time and playing random romsets, chasing classics but how sometimes it's the completely random obscure picks that surprise you. Playing obscure console/computer libraries, flash games, mobile games, games that exist outside hype, expectations, pre-conceived notions. Playing obscure games without manuals, initially being put off but something makes you want to keep trying, just discovering the rules via your own experimentation. And then the fun of these threads, seeing other anons share tips and secrets about games I've barely sampled, while no wiki walkthrough exist yet, seeing all the different anons all focusing on different titles and objectives, but still experiencing the same game. It's video games.
Barbuta is terrible, not because it's simply a bad game (which it is, by the way), but because it gives the wrong impression that UFO-50 is a game that's not worth the effort.
As an anon posted here, he was thinking of making a map, optimizing the game, etc., but he gave up because he realized that between doing that in a purposefully bad game like Barbuta, and playing one of the many "real world" options that will offer something deeper with acceptable gameplay, he saw no reason to do it in Barbuta, and he's right.
But I don't think that applies to UFO-50 as a whole, I think it's a collection worth playing, but a lot of people are going to play Barbuta and conclude that the same thing is going to happen to most of the games there and ask for a refund while they still can.
>a lot of people are going to play Barbuta and conclude that the same thing is going to happen to most of the games there and ask for a refund while they still can.
and that's a good thing
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this is every room and secret in the game. I'm the autist that made the map infographic
So it's kappa woman then
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making this work is so FUCKING difficult, and it's just for 1 measly kill
I've been at it for the last 30 minutes. I manage it about 1 in 10 tries
Yeah I liked it, too bad the Zoldath games aren't longer. They're the closest things to an indie 2D Zelda clone (I guess Mina the Hollower will come out eventually).
I played for hours today and I've only finished 4 games but it's been satisfying.
>which it is, by the way
The map design is too good for it to be a bad game.
We need r34 of Maria immediately.
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I don't think Barbuta is bad but it's not representative of the collection that comes after it. I get the idea was that it was a basic game one dude made in his spare time at work but the lack of a title screen or music or a more interesting color palette is definitely throwing people off. Ninpek as Game 1 would've probably been a better choice from an onboarding perspective but I get that it wouldn't make sense in the meta-narrative.
If you're talking about the UFO-50, I think it's only average.
I get the impression that a lot of people who are loving the game aren't exactly the type who play arcade/retro/retro-inspired games normally. Because even though UFO-50 has a lot of OK games that are fun and worth the $25 price tag, at least in my personal experience it's working as a curiosity rather than a truly worthwhile experience. The best thing about the game, in the end, is that it offers a good incentive for you to finish the games, or try to master them, but that's pretty much it (there's also the terminal which is interesting especially if you try to figure things out on your own).
In any case, all the games I've tested now are mere mini-games, both in size and depth.
At the last level of this. Curious what the cherry will be.
someone make a tier list of all ufo 50 games
do it nao
Is there a meta for this? I got stuck on the last level, was using mostly fire guys with some tar.
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At least 4 anons have posted their Barbuta maps and it's short enough that it's not asking too much of you. I agree I would have preferred if it weren't so slow and primitive (as per the chronology gimmick). But it's part of the weird mysterious appeal it has. And there aren't even that many "real world" alternatives to this type of game that are also designed in a sensible way. Like the fact that you can get to the boss via different paths, so you can't get locked by a single puzzle, is very clever balance and modern design, it's a lot more player-friendly than it seems at first. Because there's no hint book or Nintendo hotline to help you.

I haven't even played the "sequel" yet but from what I read here, it's a different type of design. Would have been nice to get a more polished Barbuta 2 near the end to see the evolution.
Bro I've only tried 20 games and I'm not even forcing myself to beat them give me time. Here's where I'm at (playing Warptank now, this shit rules).
Oh, right, the other sword, I guess.
Do you get a room when you beat the final boss? If not, I'm missing one.
If you see a tiny green moai head on the ground, do a running jump over it to activate some platforms leading to a warp. If there's a flower on the screen, that means that there's a warp somewhere on the screen.
Red/green flowers lead to the red/green egg.
If you enter the gate leading to the mechanical place where the first egg is, you've fucked up on your route somewhere along the way so you should start over. Good luck.
might have been a good idea for the initial startup screen to be randomized before showing all the games in chronological order, with how many people go straight for the first game instead of picking based on whichever cover looks cool
considering how late the game tells you about the blood sword, it's surprisingly very close to the start
hint: where the mushrooms are, look for an ice / glass platform and then see what room would be underneath it
it was the last thing I discovered, for reference. was convinced it was just an empty gap in the map
Yeah the whole point is to show the "studio" growing in talent/scope as they get more experience. It's like Make a Good Megaman Level 3, the first levels you play are godawful because they're the lowest ranked, and it can sour people from the whole experience.
Campanella 2 also seems to have influence from Blaster Master, I need to explore it.
Fist Hell is not just a classic beatem up, it's short but insanely high effort and hard.
The blood sword is in its own unique room? It doesn't spawn in one of the rooms next to the slime telling you about it?
If you have made a map it should be obvious where the missing room is.
the former. not sure why the slime tells you it so late, especially considering he's not near it
when he said 'break a few eggs' I thought he meant smash the egg near the boss room, but you can't do that
I'm not cherrying Bushido Ball... I'm just not gonna do it, hahaha!
>Others games seem like "been done and better" before
That you haven't played before and won't now
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If I'm high which games should I ideally play?
>especially considering he's not near it
Oh shit, thanks for the hint. Alright, my last mission is to find the blood sword, then.
I thought it was gonna be in the suspicious room next to the timeglass room that had those skull blocks that you need to jump to trigger. I guess I'll still try there first just for completion's sake.
the hint is right here >>689530518
Is this the very first UFO 50 r34??
Only a boring cunt would play Barbuta first and not try the other games cause they didn't like Barbuta.
you are literally describing me
Zoldath is probably much more bearable baked.
I am still not buying your game Anita
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Be honest... would you?
Paint Chase is absolutely amazing with a friend. It's THPS Grafitti Mode/ Splatoon Turf War meets Pac-Man with Power Ups.
I havent tried the single player mode yet.
Mooncat? Haven't played too many yet
>koala kid is nonbinary
no way fag
some are too gimmicky and don’t have enough unique mechanics to justify it. sorry but the gravity tank one and the vvvvvvvvv metroid one are just too shallow for what they are.
Both come across as games meant for 2-player but every game in the collection had to be playable solo. Paint Chase is an awesome concept but the campaign basically requires memorization of both enemy spawns and optimal routing rather than more freeform on-the-fly play to clear it. Attactics is absolutely meant for PvP the same way Bushido Ball and that platform fighter are.
This part wasn't very well communicated in the game, but there's an NPC in Rio Valle that has an item you need to progress. Once you have that item you need to seek out a place where "the vibes are off" as the zoomers say.
Warptank is awesome what the fuck are you talking about
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>1h into barbuta
>still stuck
did I just get filtered?
Probably have to try a few more times to understand the timings of the 4 directions
>woke game because you saw a nigger in one of the 50 games

Just kill yourself you tranny pedo faggot.
There are a lot of boring cunts in the world
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holy FUCK Mortol bros this is boiling my piss. I refuse to let it go but it's driving me nuts
Nope, I found only half the items in my first hour. And I'm not using a map some faggot made to cheat, I'm just raw memorizing the castle.
yeah i got it the moment i made that post bitching. i remembered there were NPCs i hadn't spoken to yet after doing something important and sure enough some guy had a macguffin for me
>play game
>first thing I try sucks
>refund it
>go play better game
I don't have time for your hebrew nonsense
>refund it
>spend the next few days being a bitch on /v/
Got bit further in and almost beat the black prison and holy shit this dungeon is dogshit design with no shortcuts at all to get out. Having anne in my team is really making the game so much harder, at lvl 12 all she gets a crappy party evade buff with barely any damage upgrades, even doc gets pistol handling upgraded to lvl 2. Almost at the boss but managed to backtrack out safely somehow with barely any bandages left. Honestly whoever designed this dungeon needs their head examined because most of the treasure chest are dogshit(mostly stuff the player has farmed for) except the dagger which is an ok upgrade from the kitchen knife.

The player already has shittons of teeth from bank interest but no way to buy better equipment other than the demon town I saved(probably the crackheads hidden it somewhere I dont know).

idk never played as him but i rather have them in my party instead of anne if they can do decent damage
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I'm playing UFO 50 like a roulette. Not moving on to a new game until I finish the game I'm currently on.
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You can Bullet out of Stone?
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feel free to copy me
Remember to explode at the very end to kill the pig too.
I'm not even sure it's possible.
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I want to die.
bruh, there's a random sort in the game already
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>you actually can
holy fuck
nice, honestly I didn't realize that was the intended way to kill that pig until I saw your webm
mortolbros, we are gonna make it
so is miasma tower the only secret game?
What are your favorite puzzles games in the collection? The only one that clicked with me so far is Bug Hunter.
Fuck that was cherry, too. I think that game sucks but I also am starting to think it's the gamepad I'm using. I might try it with keyboard input.
Devilition clicks a similar part of my brain as Bug Hunter but it's more satisfying to see it all play out at once, even though you can pull off more interesting moves in Bug Hunter by buying moves after you use your full bar. Camouflage is clearly really in-depth in its design but it filtered my peabrain.
I need someone else to try that little strat at 1-A so they can see how fucking hard it is
it's like hitting the little hole in the fucking death star
Bug Hunter mogs Devilition into oblivion though.
I don't really consider myself a puzzle gamer but I thought camouflage was pretty easy, especially since you can quickly undo every time you make a mistake.
You have to go left from the town then when you see the sandpit with the hole go further south until you see a tree with a hole which has a guy tell you where to get the brake powerup. Then you have to go get the power from the temple north west to crush stones and shit. I dont know where the fuck is the desert area power up is but that area is so fucking slow and annoying i dropped the game for now
I'm on the fence for getting this game. I like a lot of retro NES style games but the fact that there's puzzle, tower defense and strategy games makes me not want to get it. I just want fun Mario style action games or shmups/beat em ups. I know there's a lot of those but seeing a bunch of games I didn't even touch uncleared in the menu screen or whatever is going to trigger my autism. It's why I never buy bundles on Steam unless I know I like every single game.
Why is completing a game called a cherry?
They both remind me somewhat of a SNES game called Kablooey, just the tiles and explosions.
The problem is you can't buffer inputs. It's made for a fucking 4 way gate stick, drives me mad when I hit a direction and nothing fucking happens because I'm not far enough into the next tile yet.
Cheer up by playing Pingolf, it's cool
I would love Devilition if the playable field was more readable, there is no reason to have some indicators for the explosion radius of your own units. Bug Hunter has much more clarity. Ufosoft really dropped the ball when it comes to puzzle games after Bug Hunter, they peaked early in their career.
>Every game is too hard
Guys, I think I'm just retarded.
because cherry red was one of the coolest colors you could find game cartridges in, and they already used gold for regular completion
I don't particularly hate any genre except probably boomer shooters and MMOs which were pretty rare on the NES
Night manor can be cherried by anyone with a guide
>using a guide
you will bumble around for an hour using every object on every other object and you will enjoy it
For the most part the puzzles in it were logical so good on the devs for that, unlike the similar games from the 90's.
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I don't know what to do after getting the key or whatever it is, tried fighting this guy, but I guess he's just here to delete all my eggs, don't think I can climb a ladder with 2 turrets, don't know what to do with whitish platforms or red blocks, at least I got a free umbrella.
I actually wish there were some straightforward games. It doesn't seem like there's a "Mario" or a "Gradius", but maybe I haven't found them. Everything has some sort of twist.
20 minutes later, I cleared it. Man, this fucking game took me all day. Total playtime, almost 5 fucking HOURS.
I just spent an hour on bug hunter trying to "beat it"
then I find levels beyond level 1 are just endless replayability
thought for a second this derek mother fucker really wants me to spend 1+ hour per game
Bug hunter is beaten at day 3.
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It's not very long. It is one of my favorites so far alongside Rashaka, Waldorf, and Seaside Drive though. I wish it had 10x as many stages.
I'd say Ninpek, Magic Garden, Campanella trilogy, Big Bell Race, Block Koala, Kick Club, Pingolf, Fist Hell, Rakshasa, Grimstone, Night Manor, Elfazar, Seaside Drive & Cyber Owls are pretty standard for the time, granted some of them feel more like early 90s design than mid-late 80s but maybe UFOsoft was meant to be ahead of the curve.
What's the how long to beat for this collection?
umbrella stops acid hurting you, so now you can climb a certain ladder
>red blocks
require a necklace, or at least the one to the left of the starting room does. found in a chest in an acid area near you
the ladder with 2 turrets is unnecessary if you already got the key, which I'm surprised you did considering that's more of a late-game item usually
~220 hours?
I was up the ladder near jump activated spikes already
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How am I supposed to reach the door in time here?
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Why did he trade his magic rod for my shitty sword? Is he stupid?
There's a chest in the acid area you haven't opened.
Nevermind I just saw the slope to the right of where you shoot the lock.
he knows something you don't. he'll go and get the blood sword behind your back
Just favorite the ones you like and then set your profile's default sorting method to favorites so you don't have to look at the other games and can just focus on the ones you want to.
Sounds like you should work on yourself rather than blaming the game. Just don't play stuff you don't like.
>made a map for barbuta
>made maps for the dungeon crawl
>now even making map for that dumb planet quest
please help
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Defeated Thunderbird.
Anyone remembers who said something about it and its Scale? Who should I bring it to?
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I believe the sheriff in one of the first towns wanted it.
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Currently mapping out every screen and route in Mooncat
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I appreciate the effort but I'm a couple levels past that now.
>Found Nest Sector by complete accident
i sincerely don't think there's even a single person that actually tried playing Barbuta, didn't like it and just didn't try any of the other games
It sounds preposterous to me
This is a non-issue
Don't know what the other niggas replying to you are talking about. Paint Chaser and Attactics are both fun games solo.
I don't remember the sector names but last I played it was getting more convoluted just finding the next stages too

>gonna map warptank next!
save me
No, that's the Barbuta experience
I'm jealous, man. I still have this demon to slay and I'm not looking forward to it.
Shit game.
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An anon posted this last night.
I relate to your particular brand of autism. Fortunately for me, I like all genres.
I think you need to go look at the cream of the crop of retro games to find stuff that is better than the average UFO 50 "minigame".
You really telling me even something like Magic Garden with worse graphics wouldn't have been a big hit on the arcades all the way to the late 80s?
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>Get really close to beating a game but fail right at the end
>Feel entitled to a victory, get mad
>Get close a few more times, make some silly mistakes near the end
>Brain overloading and tired
>Can't even beat the first level anymore
>Take a break while pissed off
They really went all out in reproducing the retro game experience
Late 80s I don't think so, by '87 you already had After Burner and then '89 had Final Fight. But for the year it released in-universe I think Magic Garden would've succeeded.
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aaand done
fuck this game, I played it so much I ended up liking it
It's better when you realise gold potions give you an extra dude. As long as you keep chaining together 6s you'll never really run out of potions, and if you need more score you can risk a drop or two when you're potion rich.
Cheers, I'll try to keep that in mind
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bros I still can't fucking reliably do this. my autism refuses to let it go, I want maximum efficiency
Don't worry, later stages will destroy your determination to minmax.
I am really bad at almost all of these games.

Am i completely retarded with Bug Hunter? after the first wave I always have a few left on screen
I think it's pretty RNG heavy and you're not always going to be able to clear every wave completely
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how the fuck am I supposed to get this
>getting my ass kicked in overbold
>gotta play *that* song to win
Win on second try afterwards
Also if you want to play Void Stranger, don't look at any of the comments for that song
You're not meant to screen clear, you're just meant to prevent eggs from hatching or your days running out before you get 30 kills. Knowing how to make use of energy is really important, since it explodes if attacked and you can buy moves even after you've expended all you have that turn and use the moves you just bought. You'll also learn the enemy variants enough to know what kinds of moves do well agains them (if you get the mustache ones that always sit on high elevation, try to find Throw or the one that attacks every elevated spot at once; there's an attack that turns any given pit into a bomb that is great for the pink squids as well).
>game starts out fun
>dev ramps up the unfun grinding mechanic to unbearable levels
Porgy gets fun again when I unlock the better torpedoes, right?
At what point was that piece of shit fun? Worst game in the collection, next to golf RPG.
if you set yourself on fire you can feed yourself to the mouths that shoot bugs, causing them to combust and burn up
I only play the attactics and avianos. If only they were longer or had a harder difficulty, most platformers are are longer and harder at the end why couldn't strategy games be too they always get the short end of the stick. Also no grid strategy games like the first advance wars is a bummer
oh wtf, I had no idea you could do that. Im gonna have to repeat this stage with that new knowledge
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still not sure how to do this, assuming the gold switch is the one I need to keep rotating between on and off
tried pushing the pig off with a stone block, trapping the bug between two blocks, neither work
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>always start this stage by botching the arrow
>realize I can just drown myself and use my body as a platform
unironic 10/10 video game
There were a few early Steam reviews with like 0.3 hours that gave the game negative reviews but those felt more like inorganic hit pieces from other indie devs that had released around the same time.
The cafe is soul
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The Game Center CX games have retro games that are much less "innovative" but still very fun, including two Mario clones in the second game, if you're looking for something more basic.
Star waspir has to be one of the worst shmups I've ever played
it's literally spelunky 3
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some prick said you get through the bottom by placing a stone right on the edge of it and squeeze through
I wasted 30 lives trying it and I'm pretty sure it's bullshit
you are supposed to let one of the dragon flies kill you and let your body rest on the switch
Isn't it more like Blaster Master but the vehicle segments are Campanella and there's procedural generation? I'm not that far into the collection.
damn that's smart, thanks. any idea on >>689539252?
I dont think I did that one, I mean I got it by just by jumping up and putting a rock there
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>from other indie devs that had released around the same time

What devs are even that spiteful? Most of them re-tweet each other's games all the time. That said, what an INSANE week for indies.

>UFO 50
>Lorn's Lure

And none of them could feasibly delay because it would put them against literal fucking Zelda in five days. Bloodbath. I bought all of them but I don't know when I'll get to the rest.
yeah that's the easy way, but I think it needs to turn on and off if you want the bonus 5 lives at the end
I'm going to guess that manuals were omitted because 50 is a big number
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I don't understand the Campanella appeal even though the game says it was a huge success. I'm getting filtered by the flappy bird mechanics.
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Alright lads, what do I dust off next?
if you're using a controller, rebind the slash key to one of the shoulder buttons. makes it much easier to hover and slash independently
couldnt you just blow the rock up after? or am I misremembering the stages
>hate campanella
>tfw see campanella 2 there
6th one, the chameleon camouflage game. I liked it a lot.
It's better anon, trust me I felt the same way
Camouflage is way too easy.
Ill trust in the system. The game has been worth its money just for attactics mortol bug hunter warp tank and devilition alone
why you dont more indie devs band together and make compilations like that? easier way to stand out for them, instead of one indie title getting 10 reviews
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So in Warptank I have 20 capsules and defeated Renegade in the hub. Nothing else opened up, so what do I do now?
They were doing it for a while with the Dread X collections and the haunted PS1 demo discs, no clue why they stopped or didn't expand to other genres.
these were just demo's mostly but that actually helped a lot of devs get traction for the finished products
Cause it sounds like an easy way to get fucked over by whoever is actually managing the money coming in from Steam.

The Haunted PS1 compilations are an ongoing thing but those are released free and then the devs sometimes expand the demos into full games later.
All the more reason for them to keep doing it then, but instead they did five in two years and none in the two since.
This game is bold for starting with Barbuta. Some people say it possibly hindered the game's sales. If it was your decision what game would you put first on the collection? Personally I would put either Mortol, Paint Chase, or Warp Tank
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1. There probably just wasn't anybody with the means who had the idea before Derek did. Even then, there's things similar-enough to it like Make A Good Mega Man Level or themed Game Jams that put out the entrants all at once.
2. UFO50 took like 8-10 years of development, since these are all NES-sized games that probably their own individual dev cycles. They likely only had the means to work on it that long because of Derek & Ojiro having hugely successful indie games on their own.
3. Speaking of, people only talked about UFO50 before release beyond its scope because it had "the guy who made Spelunky" and "the guy who made Downwell" attached to it. No-names putting out 50 games in one would've been met with way more speculation as to how quality each given game would be.

That said, hopefully we DO see collaborations like this in the future. Maybe not on his vast a scale, but if three indie devs wanted to put together something akin to Capcom's Three Wonders, or even just a Robotron/Joust dual-game setup that used the same control scheme, that'd be cool.
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I have a weakness for games like Dig and Motherload so it started out promising. After getting most of the first stage (just fuel upgrades), it feels like a pointless slog.
I admire the balls for starting it out with such an "out there" game but I would picked warp tank personally
If they want to keep the illusion of chronology, Ninpek. Have that be a game made by a guy who quit his job to start game dev which went to UFOsoft to publish, and then have the story be that Barbuta was made by a UFOsoft employee who wanted to get into dev too before the company pivoted.
Yeah I agree I love the fact they started with it
>jrpg forces you to use 黒人
what did they mean by this?
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>destroy my stone block on the golden panel after I'm done with it
>still can't get through
FUCK. it's always either one or the other but never both. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
also there has to be a better way of dealing with the dino in that room besides 3 bombs and a stone platform
Is there some gimmick later on? I just picked all the non nigger characters, and the dog over the muscle chick.
You should prob start on a good foot.
The game is a horrendous first impression.

Yeah I get it. "lol, bad game on purposeee!!!" but still. It made me think that ufo 50 was going to be derek yu's failed game dumping ground for a quick buck-a-thon. 30 bucks felt pretty steep.

Because after playing it, I was considering a refund. And I see that a lot of people have.
It really should have been the last game you unlock or something.
Barbuta is literally the high point of the game. I'm sorry you're a casual.
Just wall him off with a block bonus points if you can position it to make the jump
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If anyone's interested, a Mooncat map with the links to all the different levels I've found, including detailed routes to the other 2 eggs. Funnily enough the game claims I'm at 32/42 levels but I have zero clue where else to go.
eh? it breaks the blocks
It doesn't unless you land on him. It's tricky but possible
wow you're right. I'm retarded
I keep playing a game for a while and then getting mad and closing everything and coming back a few hours later

got the cherry for night manor at least...
why don't they just up the movement speed and make jumping feel good in barbuta? i'm a modern gamer
Barbuta is great
It's not "bad on purpose", it's clunky and deliberate but very well designed..
Yeah I think this was really a mistake of an idea. 50 games is just too many and none of them have as much going on in them as your average NES game. Should've done like 20 games (and made them SNES style instead)
>and none of them have as much going on in them as your average NES game
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Post playtime
I have 5 hours and have tried most of the games
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Whats this
also is there difference between green and pink or just cosmetic for troons
Post cartridge select screen
>5 hours
Yeah and 30 minutes each I suppose
Shooting that block destroys all enemies on screen. The T buttons are just cosmetics, you find more of them in the hub (I like the one where you have treads).
Barbuta seems about as deep as any NES games I've played, and Mortol is definitely more mechanically interesting than anything else on the system
Barbuta with super metroid graphics and controls
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People always say shit like this and then their idea of the "average NES game" is the most iconic and timeless games on the console; the older the system in question the more narrow their idea of its library.
>none of them have as much going on in them as your average NES game
Have you never heard of Ice Climbers? Balloon Fight? Kid Icarus? Clu Clu Land?
Most NES games are short and shallow as fuck. The Zeldas and the Super Mario Brothers are the exception, not the norm.
you're like the fifth anon posting this screen kek
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EXEC RAND in the terminal
Thank me later
It's not great, come on. Imagine Barbuta being released by an unknown as a genuine game, would you be saying it's great? It's terrible, the gameplay is crap. Games since Pac Man back in 1980 have been looking for good gameplay, something that Barbuta doesn't have. This idea that bad gameplay “adds” something is absurd.
I mean, take Lone Runner for example, see how the gameplay is completely acceptable, fast, responsive, even though it was released in 1983.
Barbuta is trying to create the image of a game made for a not very suitable hardware by someone with no experience, and the result is what you expect, a shitty game.
I'll give you the answer, heavy spoilers:
use a bullet morton to make the pig drop to the level the button is
based. post maps
>Imagine Barbuta being released by an unknown as a genuine game, would you be saying it's great?
There's a very good chance I wouldn't know of its existence or at least not try it out. There's a lot of games out there, after all.
>the gameplay is crap
It isn't. The sense of exploration is great and the game asks you nothing that it doesn't allow you to do. There's no bullshit platforming that the game can't handle.

You sound like someone that would get filtered by Prince of Persia. Also a great game to this day
Did you like the ants game?
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I haven't seen a single other anon talking about the dungeon crawler so I won't post the full maps yet as that just trivializes the whole game, you need to suffer on your own
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Just started Mooncat. This game feels like it has lots of secrets it wants me to find but doing shit like getting on the roof doesn't actually result in anything. Confusing
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Where the fuck am I?
Now I gotta master the airdash because the platforming here is so tight with these bowser flame balls
I don't know how to pass that screen.
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literally all me. I can't stop trying to optimize my runs, to the point that I haven't even beat 1-C yet since I keep resetting

>a bullet morton
a fucking what
>a fucking what
the one that launches itself horizontally and gets stuck to walls
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this is what sex feels like to mortonchads
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Most helpful review on steam. It's over ufo bros...
>Would you actually WANT to play games from that era?
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>43 lives
Yeah, it's fine. I'm playing on a Steam deck and I get my gold's and my cherries like the young people do.
Bounce on enemies by slamming, you bounce in the same direction as the button you're holding initially. The movement in this game is pretty weird but it clicks after a while. I'm sure there's some crazy tech you can do with the slides and air dashes
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you're a genius, thanks

fuckin nice, bet that takes a bit of luck getting the pig on the switch to be in the right spot too
have you tried >>689529898 on 1-A? fucking painful, you can blow up at the end too to try and get the pig on the other side
>.8 hours on record
>.6 hours at review time
nigga didnt even get to mortol
>MAME games with a tumblr skin
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>Less than an hour of playtime
>"Yes I learned to play them"
Shit like this is why I don't mind the clown shit on Steam, this garbage deserved it.
>There are people who dislike Magic Castle
Filtered. If it actually came out in the year it's supposed to in-universe it would be considered one of the best arcade score attack games of all time
Steam reviews need another overhaul
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Even the people who played a lot say its shovelware...
Anybody know where the last holy putt piece is in Golfaria? I have the yellow, red, and purple ones.
>you're a genius, thanks
Learned it from another anon, I couldn't even imagine that synergy. And now that you know it you'll go autistically through every level again looking for opportunities.
> bet that takes a bit of luck getting the pig on the switch to be in the right spot too
I got it on my first try so I assume it works every time and is, surprisingly, the intended way.
That zoomer sounds angry and confused.
It's over for arcade styled game enjoyers, fellow /v/ boomers... we have been replaced.
game is too hard to enjoy though
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I feel like there has to be a better way to do this, also im stumped as to how to get that 5
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Mortol bros we're so fucking back. 58 lives with +24 on 1-B
if I don't get the cherry on this on completion I'll be amazed
Life is a mooncat.
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>softlocked in grimstone
had to take a break somewhere
goodnight ufbros
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forgot to post pic gonna kms
do you see yourself playing any of these games months from now or is it a shelf when cherried game? i’m not sure yet
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I managed to get +26 and I'm pretty sure +28 is possible, but I just don't know the most optimal way for this part.
I am a millennial retro gamer, though I just emulate these days. I literally cracked a beer and played this today.
I took a big sip of the beer, made an audible "aah" sound, and played Camaflogue.
I just blow myself up here when the pig is above me. not sure what the blocks at the top are for
on the other side past the dino, I blow up the wall when the pig is on the opposite side, move to the right so the ship moves, then put a block on the pressure plate
maybe that's how you got +2 more than me, idk, not sure where else to optimize
In Santonio, yeah, thanks anon!
Got +30 Resistance Scarf for Doc
I'll try to post a webm, give me 50 minutes until I stop fucking up.
kek I did the same thing but with Rock n Roll Island
I don't think anything here is appealing enough to replay.
mini and max is ass, why were you guys hyping this up so much
There's one guy here at least who is apparently going to play Mortol until he dies.
Mido a cute.
Bushido Ball is something that me and my roommates will probably fire up on occasion. We've already held 2 tournaments.
I came 1st and 3rd with the lady that can grab the ball.
Being in my 30s has been pretty good so far. Financial stability and having hobbies is quite nice.
I'm less fucking angsty too. Man, I was angsty in me teens and twenties.
Life is pretty good.
Some of these games really needed a manual.
I beat Rock On Island and I still don't know the differences between half the cavemen.
The Game Center CX game had a 10-20 page manual for each game. It's just screenshots and text, this should have been doable even for 50 games.
babe you have to go to the first level and talk to all the villagers. they give you the game tips.
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probably yeah, some of them like Ninpek or Magic Garden are arcade-like and short enough that I can quickly give them a play, so it's worth keeping installed. I'm only 6 games in so I'd assume there'll be more like that
it's gonna take months to cherry them all anyway, and stuff like Mortol are gonna take a very long time to perfectly optimize
also one thing that's nice is how quickly you can go from launching the game to actually playing it, in under 10 seconds I'd say. same thing with Hyper Demon
Wow, didn't know about the starting village. I guess I picked a bad game as an example, that's a straight up tutorial I skipped.
Mooncat is a great game
When you know, you know.
is this game worth playing? it looks like action 52 but actually good
how long are the individual games?
My favorite part is my friends have all become as lazy as I am. Nobody invites me out to do shit anymore they're all just content to hang out at home and play vidya or watch movies. I love it.
bros this shit is too fucking HARD i'm so BAD AHHHHHHHHHHH

what's next
it varies. honestly most of them will take multiple hours for the average person to beat even though a clear of some games takes about 12-15 sustained minutes of not fucking up. a lot of the games are like old arcade games in that way.
Beating Pilot Quest will kick you straight into NG+ so you'll need to play the entire game all over again if you didn't get the cherry. I hate this game so fucking much.
Is there any canon reason these games are in widescreen, haven’t played it yet but it kind of takes me out
what's the cherry?
the canon reason is that it makes the games better
They're in universe all for a fictional home computer called the LX. Presumably it just had a wider screen.
Sorry your game flopped Derek You. Anita Sarkeesian is a bane on any project but you chose to work with her. Anyway, buy an ad, I'm not buying your zogchow regardless. How long have you had BLACK LIVES MATTER plastered on Tigsource now?
Do mammoths have a weakness in Rock on Island? they keep fucking me on the last mission
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>finding the next item in barbuta because you got the hint
this shit hits like cocaine
Is the cherry even doable on the first run? I couldn't work out what to do with those statues, and the black dude only showed up once.
Overbold is great, you guys just suck
But I've already cherried it, was quite cool
Someone else said you need to kill the black guy 6 or 7 times in a single excursion and he will give you the idol.
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what're the games developed by Thorson Petter? Barbuta, Mooncat, anything else? Divers seems like it's from him. haven't seen the credits for it yet, doesn't say in the description

the console itself has a widescreen, so that should do
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I swear I read an article that said every game does the black screen loading with the 'bzzzt' sound like in Barbuta to keep everything consistent, but I've only seen it in that game
It seems after Mooncat he was demoted to sound support.
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fuckin UFO Soft, guy made ludo
Rail Heist would be so fun if the controls were not complete ass. So many contextual actions tied to the same buttons, you can barely tell what your character will even fucking do.
Try dropping a gatling gun through the floor for example. What a pain in the ass.
It's done on purpose.
some of them seem to have a tutorial that shows up if you hang around on the menu after selecting the game. worked with Magic Garden at least
others show a demo of it being played which might be helpful
Barbuta and mooncat really tickle my "intentionally wonky platformer" autism like Yellow Taxi Goes Vroom
I don't think barbuta needs the full reset though; that's a bit much
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>blocks your crystal
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finally found a game easy enough for me to beat (the big bell race)
Just cherried Attactics after several hours of ranked mode attempts, probably my favorite game alongside Bushido Ball of the 10 or so I've played so far. Ranked mode gets quite annoying around the 80-100 range because of RNG though, you pretty much have to pray for archer spawns and good enemy sapper placements, otherwise you just get overwhelmed by the number of enemies.
do you lose points in ranked mode for losing like in other multiplayer games? beat the main campaign but havent tried it yet
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Here we go boys, final wave
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That fake water chest was the cause of my problems, didn't notice it the first time, even after thinking that it was a weird spot for deadly water in there. Also good to know pin is free too, still missing one item in purple area and lever in a pit, wonder what's in there
try to manage building a triple grunt columns + spears behind them to clear up shit. almost nothing can deal with it
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Yay, that last mission was hard
your best clear time for this game doesn't save properly. I was going to boast my sub-10 clear
wow they made the prehistoric age political
Did you cherry it? Where is the red sword? I'm guessing the red knight gives it to you somehow
Mortol 1-B with +28 lives
Probably +30 is possible, there are a few parts I simply don't know how to optimize.
Yes although you don't lose as many points as you gain by winning, I only lost matches in the 65-100 range and it only took away 5 points or less typically while winning usually gives around 10 points. Except in the 90-100 range where I would sometimes only get 5 points for winning. I suspect the points given/lost might be based on your winning/losing streak but I wasn't paying enough attention to know for sure.
Not yet. He gave me an item but not a sword.
I suck at this whole collection so bad
5 hours in Velgress, still no cherry
Play Warp Tank, right column second row from the top, and Vainger, one spot down and to the left of that.
I swear they intentionally make this guy path near the crystal just to fuck with you. I mean its funny but man fuck you
Also did you figure out the gem puzzles?
wow this is impressive. I can't imagine what an optimized run of the vine level would look like. unfortunately that level halfway through the game with the breakable-brick-enemy-spam section at the end will be turbo-aids
damn dude, nicely done. didn't think about farming the bugs by smashing them with the switches like that
sleep on it. also for some reason once I switched over to a controller I immediately started playing better, despite being on m+kb all the time
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I'm this guy here. I'm noticing a lot of people are having troubles with Bug Hunter so I figure I'll drop some tips. It's my favorite game so far.

My general go-to is having 3 movement and 3 attack modules. Jumping movement and throwing attacks are very important so you can get around high places and walls in your way.

You can strategically use the "drop energy somewhere" module and then blow it up to damage everything nearby.

A good tip most people probably don't realize is that if you kill all larvae of a single type of bug, the next time they spawn they will still be larvae. So try to delay those red and yellow bugs as long as possible because they each have 50% chance of evolving into annoyance that take 2 hits.

Do not that if your bugs evolve into the red one with armor, it still gets 1 shot killed if you move onto it from a high platform. This is why jumps are important to have. You can maneuver to shoot stuff while killing a bug while you move around and gather energy.

Don't shy away from blowing up energy, especially if it kills 3 or more bugs in one chain reaction.

Anyway there's some tips off the top of my head. Feel free to ask if you want more specifics. Good modules to have are ones that refresh your moves/attack or just offer great flexibility like launch or vault or just throwing/jumping into any 8 directions are incredibly useful too.

Relating to my picture, I wish a couple modules were better like the bug spray. Some of them are just a waste of energy/space.
Is there a single game that comes close to Kickle Cubicle? If the answer is no then it's just a collection of retarded nostalgiabait.
Ah fuck I forgot to mention some things.
Don't forget you can push bugs around with non-jump moves. You can even push one from a ledge and fall on top of it to kill it with the second move. Or push them into holes or energy.

And don't forget if you shoot at an anti-energy next to a blue bug, it'll turn into 2 energy. If you kill the bug at the same time with a 2 range attack, you can then loot yourself 2 energy instead of 1 afterwards. Just make sure anti-energy never gets to 3 or you'll be sorry.
>shoot at an anti-energy next to a blue bug, it'll turn into 2 energy
into 2 normal energy, or 2 anti-energy? I didn't know you could turn anti back to normal
We desperately need Sephy and Maria r34
how the fuck did you gold walrus but not mooncat?
It turns into anti-energy, but just kill the bug next to it afterwards and it's 2 regular energy now.

Also another tip, eggs don't count as bug kills so you really want to kill bugs until they turn into eggs whenever possible or the timer will get you.
ARG spoiler
just found the benedikt secret game
can I pin it to my main menu somehow or do I have to remember the code? it's pretty awesome
Maria is a pure crimewife don't lewd her. Sephy FUCKS though
You shouldn't be able to review a collection of 50 games with less than an hour of play. This is literally an obvious rival dev hitpiece.
Can you favorite it?
take a screenshot or make a webm, I'm curious
Go back to your tranny walking simulators.
>Loads of these games are modern concepts like roguelikes or idle games or the game that made UFOSoft famous, a clone of that helicopter cave game
Took me right out of the meta when I realized one of the games was fucking Bloons TD
Where are you softlocked?
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This game is cool.
You probably haven't gotten very far if you think this. Tell me what you think about the game after meeting William...
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>take Ninpek for example, it's a simple scrolling platformer
>you can jump and fire a projectile
>that's it - no mechanics or gimmicks. that's the whole game
except you can double jump and descend from platforms, and there's the ghost which lets you attack while being invulnerable, plus the shuriken upgrades, and then the scoring system which allows you to collect extra lives, plus since the balloons appear at certain score thresholds (every 3000 apart from 6000, I think) and you're in control of when the score goes up (collecting balloons or smashing spikes) you decide when balloons spawn, so you can decide whether it's a safe area to spawn it and dedicate time to grabbing it
this guy is a brainlet and doesn't understand that simple concepts can still have complexity and nuance
Anon... Do you think BTD invented tower defense games? Also there are no roguelikes the fuck are you even talking about? Are you so dumb you don't old games had prod-gen levels and you think that's a modern concept?
I don't think there's a single roguelite or like in this
You can beat him on your first run but I don't know how to spoiler text.
ctrl + s over the highlighted text
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Just fucked around in it for 2 hours, phenomenal game. Barely scratched the surface but I had a lot of fun with Kick Club, Paint Chase and Campanella
No idea why Windjammers x Samurai Shodown isn't receiving tons of praise. The depth is insane and I like the music a good bit too. Maybe it's because the arcade ladder is hard as balls. My only issue with the game at all is the main guy's stupid nose but I main the gigachad Yamada anyway.
Yes, position them so none of the same type are next to each other
Just punch a hole in the floor and push it into the hole.
Ah, I'm dumb I was trying to do the opposite
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>Bloons Tower Defense invented tower defense games
Stop embarrassing yourself zoomie. Actually embarrass yourself one more time, what game do you think is a roguelike?
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>No idea why Windjammers x Samurai Shodown isn't receiving tons of praise
Because there is literally 50+ games to get through and people are still hung up on the adventure/puzzle games.
Party House, it's clearly inspired by modern Balatro-type games. Also you are dishonest if you think the inspiration for the caveman Bloons clone is Rampart.
Block Koala
mooncat slid off my smooth brain

walrus was just trial and error

pingolf now, after a few attempts finally got 2nd place just 2 strokes behind FUCK
You're so fucking retarded it's not even funny.
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No, since you favorite from the description and there isn't any. I'm not even sure what it's called.
Here you go, it's a game where you start with 99 lives and you have to spend them on expendable classes that sacrifice themselves to make permanent progress. The classes are randomized each time you start them and have different abilities. There are more than just three. Type "BENE-DIKT" into the terminal to launch it; be on the lookout for any weird 8-character names to type in there might be more.
I'm on my phone
Party house is in no way a roguelike. What the fuck do you think a roguelike is?
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>Balatro invented card games
Anon, BTD is a completely generic tower defense game and was not even close to the first one to exist. How do you come to the conclusion that it's the inspiration over like a hundred other TD games that came before it? You seem like you just can't imagine there are games you never played. Like I am absolutely baffled how you come to the conclusion that BTD was the inspiration. Literally all they have in common is shit that is in every tower defense game. BTD wasn't even the first popular flash game that was tower defense.
Anon, that's Mortol II... some of the games have codes, that's all
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damn I haven't played mortol 2 yet
there was no main menu or anything so I think this is the prototype version, it didn't mark as played for me.
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got to +18 in 1-A, but I think some anon got to +20?
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how many times did this take you? fucking nightmare for me to do this consistently, feels like every 1 in 15
only got +14 on 1-A atm
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also this

like 20 tries yeah, it's really fucking hard
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>Ayumi's caltrop was in the way of the serve so the ball instantly doubles speed towards my goal within frames of me gaining control at the start of the round
Rockn island pterodactyl are fucking cheaters
Can someone give tips for Bug Hunter, please?
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>all fucking 4
damn, I got to 3 with an explosion but that's too clean
are pig movements and stuff always the same on every run? I swear sometimes they don't line up nicely
Nevermind, kek, I see this based bughunter chad is already on it
>So try to delay those red and yellow bugs as long as possible because they each have 50% chance of evolving into annoyance that take 2 hits.
>Do not that if your bugs evolve into the red one with armor, it still gets 1 shot killed if you move onto it from a high platform.
I'm getting confused. Should I be afraid of the red bugs or not?
>are pig movements and stuff always the same on every run? I swear sometimes they don't line up nicely
I think they are, yes. I used to ignore this shit >>689561267 and they would align in about 6-7 cycles consistently
he actually did it... the (functional) triple power...
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damn the third row is all duds except rail heist. explains the second gaming crash I guess
Sort of yes, sort of no. Half of the time the red bugs mutate into the armored ones that take two hits to kill. However if you jump on them, they die from one hit like everything else. If they evolve into the hole spawning guys, those can be a pain in the ass too. Yellow ones are also annoying if they 50% into the dragon one. Otherwise they are the easiest ones to handle.
How do you get blue skin for the terminal code?
How do you find Pongo in Mini and Max?
When I see a jump or a throw, should I buy it as soon as possible? I think part of why I suck is I never know when to hold on to shit. When is it worth it to ugprade and when is it worth it to hold on to energy?

Do you frequently have turns where you clear the whole board? Or is that basically an impossibility and it's all about trying to minimize damage and being close to the ones that evolve?
Just gave Zoldath another try after an admitedly very brief try yesterday. It was kinda fun to be honest. Feels bad the only reason I missed out on cherry was because I had to farm for goddamn sticks to buy an item while I had 40 ice crystals and green shits I couldn't use for anything. Sort of tempted to play it again immediately just to cherry it and sort of tempted to just spend the 15 minutes that would take on something better.
What are your duds on the first row?
Blue skin is probably from the chameleon game?

As for Pongo there's a very literal hint you can find for it but here's the answer anyways: He sits behind Mittens' throne.
can't bring myself to care about attactics and I dont like campanella-type games. other than those I don't dislike any of the first 20. probably won't beat ninpek either, don't know why people love it
Honestly, yeah you should buy them as fast as you can and replace your weaker moves and attacks that only hit 4 directions with them. They are incredibly flexible not to mention cheap. But do buy them on a turn you can use them for something, like attacking or grabbing energy. Don't forget you get an extra use out of a module whenever you buy it, so you want to time that well for that extra advantage.

You can definetly clear the board. I've done it a few times but it's not 100% probably always. Requires some nice spawn locations and luck, but it's possible. Otherwise clearing as much as possible is always basically good. If you have to let a bug turn into an egg, let the red armored and yellow dragon ones turn, since that usually saves you an attack from taking down their defences. Just try to maximize actions basically.
Yeah, but when you're competing for time it's such a nuisance to not be able to directly punch the ground under it.
Zoldath is fun and misunderstood
You just need to kill yourself if you don't see the nail gun or the boomerang within the first six areas or so
Getting some serious Boss Baby vibes from this post...
Oh yeah, totally forgot to mention about boomerang. The game because immensely more fun once you get it. Or rather, actually fun compared to "oh god kill me now" tier "fun"
Thanks, mate. I'll try to put your tips to good use tomorrow. I love this game but have been too much of a brainlet to cherry it. Only got to level 4 once or twice, too.
pilot quest cherry requirement? is it "buy everything" or do I have to rebirth? because I don't see any reason to upgrade the second silo, buy the stamina pills or other yoyos and will skip if they're not for the cherry
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trying to get these perfect runs in Mortol is actually driving me nuts
resetting over and fucking over just trying to get this one little bit to work. actual nightmare
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I WILL beat Bushido Ball with Yamada, I don't care that he's by far the weakest character. He's the coolest.
Help. I've tried underbrush and gameovered at least 5 times. How the fuck do I do this dumb stage? I can't get the economy going because there are no spots to place units
Glad to hear you like it. It's pretty fun. Reminds me a lot of Into the Breach and similar turn-based strategy games where you can plan out your turn.

It's kind of hard to put into words the kind of general tips you can use in games like those. It's like second nature to me at this point. But yeah, hope the tips help and all that. It's kind of "easy" once you get it. Always have to be on your toes though.
you have to kill a big nig that spawns randomly on the map five times in one trip from what i heard, dont make the ship fuel and fly off yet
Cherry is getting an idol that drops from a black dude that spawns somewhere outside the dungeons probably after beating all other bosses. You have to find him and beat him like 5 times. Upgrading the silos lets you have more meat which is useful since the guy has quite a bit of health and uses basically all attacks from other bosses
Party House is immaculate, what are you talking about anon??
Holy fucking based!
Has anyone gotten deep into Porgy? Trying to find a good way to get to the boss in the bottom left of the third area, but I can't find the path down there at all.
He's not the weakest, he's incredibly broken.
I can imagine, my runs were only me resetting whenever I had a really stupid unnecessary kill or when I missed out on one of the extra lives blocks and even that took me a lot. Can't imagine what true perfectionism would look like.
Okay, you need to have a bunch of zoldnaks (coins) saved up for best results. I think I had like 120 when I did this, but maybe only used half of them. Obviously you'd have the gun and wizard yoyo, too. But you need to locate a dungeon where one of those seaweed aliens can trade you energy for zoldnaks. Use this to restore your energy between fights with him.
>dude check out this heckin wholesome trans friendly nes throwback! they're all bad but at least there's 50 of them and we're only charging 25 dollars!
fuck off derek you chinklord
Who is Derek and why is he living in your mind rent free. Homo behavior
Thanks for recommendation of L'Abbaye des Morts in previous thread, I had a great time playing it and was able to beat it on maybe my sixth try. Final room was a near thing, I was down to my last life.
>trans friendly

There aren't any trannies in this game you mentally ill faggot.
why are there 30 of these bot posts in every thread
1 would suffice
Chef's kiss.
>the final level in Camouflage
well that was underwhelming
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But it doesn't explicitly condemn trans ideology so obviously you're not allowed to talk about in on /v/.

This board is unusable.
Mortol is really fun and I'm so glad they made it so you can improve on previous levels and get the +lives on your current stage. It's amazing seeing people with +70 lives on a stage where I am currently with +20. Inspires me to min-max more too. Already got a few +10 in some stages.

I'm also surprised you can get that yellow switch 5 lives in the third stage. I thought it was just developers trolling with another NES type "hey here's a powerup but you can never get it" kind of thing.
me on the left and right
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>Blew an early lead by just reading a couple serves wrong in a row and crumbling

He's got the most recovery, no good way to roll-block, a super thin normal attack that leads to him getting bumped or missing if a shot is slightly askew (meaning he constantly is on the backfoot in volleys), his bomb requires the most nuanced play of any of the weapons, and his super is invalidated by rolling vertically (meaning it's only good in the mirror).
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What's the trick for this?
I don't know how to get the lives, and I don't know how to get past without stacking 5 stone blocks.
I'm at fucking -13 for this level. Is there tech with poison?
I almost beat Bushido Ball with Tomoe but the last level put up a huge fight and I accidentally clicked the quit option after my ~20th game over...
for me personally, everything was reactable except for a few specials. pro tip: hit the ball while walking backwards to lob it, which completely slows down the volley. I scored half my points by slowing the ball down, getting it to the bottom of the screen and when the cpu eventually angles it upwards, don't hit the ball until you're about to get a stalling penalty (the ball should be moving slowly and the cpu won't walk upwards despite just angling it upwards) and then do a dash-hit angled up. they usually can't reach it in time in this scenario.
Tranny game btw
you have to actually die from the poison damage. a vine grows out of you lol
Stop trying to convince me trannies are based
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>6 hours in
>haven't even beat 1-C
it's not because I can't, it's because I refuse to have anything less than a perfect run. kill me
Based life preserver
No Mortolian left behind
I'm starting to realize that I am gonna be playing this collection for hundreds of hours. 400 minimum. At least assuming the first 10 games are emblematic of the quality of the whole 50.
Wish I knew this shit before I prestiged.
I keep losing to Chiyomi in Bushido Ball, can somebody draw that slut getting railed
i hope we'll be having these UFO 50 threads daily, i'm only starting the game now
Don't get filtered by the first game, bro. It's fun, I promise.
>32 hours in
>I've only beaten 5 games, and they're almost all the really easy ones
Yeah, this is a 400 hour game.
wasn't me that recommended it but check out Elephantasy and its sequel Elephantasy: Flipside. should be on steam
who the hell is pongo
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did anyone ever figure out what game this is that shows on the demo reel?
bonus round in elfazar's hat
This shit is going to take me months to fully complete
I think we'll get more threads for sure, it's a fun game to discuss on /v/ since everything is doing different shit
How on earth did that never happen even by accident?
Thanks, got my cherry now.
Daily "Fuck Magic Garden" post
>I love NES games!
>yeah so this collection sucks, too retro
Is there a gamefaqs guide for pilot quest yet?
>goes to thread to ask for help
>doesn't even bother searching
Why? It's my favorite out of the 8 I've played so far
the orangutan?
Sure thing retard
just explore bro
What's the cherry for Campanella? Please don't tell me it's getting all the coffee...
too afraid of dying or running out of time :( i did get one ship part though
I guess I just need to embrace the risk
Cutting it close on that last turn, gg
I just beat the boss and am missing a single item
have you built all the houses and workshops? once you get to 15 meat, you get enough time to explore new parts and head back home with your loot
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Who the fuck is this?!
Some asshole you have to fight five times in one trip for the cherry.
I can't find him again
Thread delivers.
>A handmade action/adventure game based on the rich folklore of the Scottish Borders
Oh, fuck me. I'm pretty much contractually required to play this now.
Still. Jack King Spooner can be pretty hit or miss imo.

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