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Highlight clip of Sunday's War of Emperium: https://files.catbox.moe/eevh1i.webm
Next WoE's time and castle got changed, see the rentry for details.


>what is Ragna/v/
It's a non-commercial Ragnarok Online server made for 4chan. There are no donations, vip systems or cash shops. This is the third iteration of the server.

>I never played Ragnarok Online, is this a good place to start?
We have always had high ratio of first-time players on previous Ragna/v/s, more experienced players will help you figure out your way. There are resets available, meaning no permanent mistakes.

>what's different this time?
The first Ragna/v/ was 99% vanilla with almost no changes, the second was more of the same but with global and individual achievements. This time around, we're trying some extensive customization, in order to improve weaker builds and classes, particularly extended jobs such as Ninja, Gunslinger and Soul Linker.
>first time in a quadrillion years the ragnarok related shitbox has dozens of artists
>aiSLOP thread OP
MyRO has extended zoom. So fucking nice and something that pretty much every pserver has these days. Fagnadev won't add it for some reason. I guess I have to be a bully and ask for it.
Oh and it also has a navi system that isn't bugged to death and works no matter what map you're on when starting it.
Oh and gear also drops identified. Fuck magnifiers.
Oh and it has the good BG script.
Oh and it has dungeon warpers once you unlock it for the first time.
Oh and you don't have to do dungeon access quests on every fucking character on your account.
Oh and the episode it's on is before the satan morroc trash so old morroc is there and has all the old sograt desert maps+spawns. Very very soulful.
Oh and it doesn't have assassins doing 10-20k autos with 30 minute EDPs for no reason at all.
Oh and it doesn't have wizards doing max matk attacks at all times so they kill stuff like necromancers and salamanders with 1 SG.
Oh and it has a daily mob kill quest system where you can party up with people and it counts the kills for everyone in the party.
Oh and it has regular events to participate in not ran manually by a retarded GM.
Oh and the GM chats with and takes feedback and suggestions from anyone, not just those in his faggot clique guild.
Oh and every player has oc/dc 10 instead of taking it away completely.
Oh and it has costumes dropping for every mob and you have to actually earn your appearance.
Do I keep going?
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if yk yk
lmao this motherfucker has been farming mavka for 2 hours straight
>woe clip
Look everyone you must witness the dev's guild dominate the entire server. I wouldn't record anyone else dominating oh no no no just my fag clique friends I give special treatment to.
looks like the back end of a horse
Stop fucking horses
How much life does this server have left? I've been having fun, but I'm seeing more and more quit.
You need to try harder than this.
There has been talk about moving to this malaysian server called myro. Im not convinced because its 3/3 server, although the card drop rate is 15x compares to ragnav3's 10%. 15x is nothing really, and 3x EXP is a chore.
There's more than ever, venessa/ratshitpiss/myroshill
Not much more. Bulliekeks are one step away from "wOeLoGgiNg" (normal people just call this not playing the server). It's kind of cynical that they still want to rope randoms into joining the server to be their audience of clapping seals despite this....
is that you Giga Nigga
Which MVPs can you easily solo as a lord knight?
Impregnate Shoquar
the dragon at mavkas
we play MyRO now btw
screenshot of "we"?
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People are quitting every day and part of it is due to Niggerdev's idiocy
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this is ntr
>instant seethe coom reply to the greatest meme this server ever produced
how do they keep losing the story bros? even some of them are laughing in dc....for my part I just started playing this new server called MyLibidoRo

KEKing at you goonie nerdzzz xddd
can you insane niggers keep your retarded schizobabble in your /vg/ containment thread
what the fuck are you talking about
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Look again

go back to r*ddit and take ur mexican shitstained server with you faggot
ok you pasted your priest into an image
now what the fuck is everything else you typed?
why dont we play a server that actually has players like origins
ask 10 anons and you get 11 answers how a RO server should be made so that they play there.
Because we can't play big fish in small pond there and would get cucked out of content and buckbroken in woe, despite having more players than most actual RO guilds
fake a funny provocation pre WoE?
Holy shit you guys are truly retarded, I'll let you bath in your doomposting and keep having fun in game, see you gachabois
Retards can't force the dev into buffing everything they want through constant berating
why dont we play a server that actually has players like twRO
why don't you leave us alone instead of being bitter and trying to stir shit all the time
Origins is shit
noooo yoiu'll be called an idiot don't you know???
sieggy got a gr btw
nobody asked, peonggy
Wtf is going on this webm
Any girl wants to ERP with me in THAT place? You know where
your normal everyday priest experience
gigachad gooninggod absolutely BTFOing beta bulliekeks
It's always funny seeing him discuss his autism with others
What DX9 limitations look like. RO mobile client doesn't have this issue.
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did everyone already accept whatever the hell is happening on sphinx_F4 with priests?
is it alright for them to go from lvl 50 to 99 from that thing alone?
i mean yeah
personally i'd rather just ranged autoattack/bolt geos to death
yeah man its fucked, they are even at our mavka map now
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priests leveling by TUing anubises is just the game lol
better they have an option when they want to play solo instead of exclusively playing in a party
>ai slop
what's going on there!?
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it's a shame how there's still nothing like this on the modern market
Most servers with xp rates higher than drop rates nerf that but it's core to the meta strategy some people use to rush servers so Ragnadev refuses to change it.
not dealing with that shit
this thread is just further proof that you should never play on a private server on any MMO in your life
>literal third worlders from reddit and their discords trying to desperately steal 7 people from your shitty server
>if they succeed they'll be the target of the next third worlder group
just have fun is that easy join whatever server you want
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does this server have a doram
i like doram
that's just in the threads in game it's fine but it does start to hurt for getting newcomers, which is a shame.
I had a great 3 weeks playing on ragna/v/, got bored, now I play somewhere else and once I get bored I'll just stop and do something else. I like private servers, playing shit for free and having a good time, why not. Just don't waste time with schizo posting in threads.
fuck off furfag
some, dare I say, made it through the moving island quest at Moscovia
you could also just play on the server you do want and have fun
pinoy and hues are annoying, but you can just ignore them
Why is everyone suddenly seething at Priests farming Anubis?
they are jealous they are fucking dogs instead of them
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Dorams fucking WHEN?
so that's what they're a like
why are people farming myst
>You can marry animal but can't marry the same gender.
I don't. I just auto attack'd that randomly.
its a good card
any predictions for tonight's woe?
Peonggy will finally kill himself
isn't it in 30 hours
is there any way to have @arealoot and @showexp on by default?
try the login options npc at the starting area
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Missed the confession priestess today... I much to tell them
sex at church with churchers
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Drew my ragna/v/ character.
vote before woe
cute mariel
why is she covered in pee
Don’t understand how you guys are remotely WoE prepped I still have so much crap I need to farm to make my WoE char
we're autistic
Just get a neetbux loser to farm cards for you 12 hours a day.
now draw a megamilk of a big tits priestess with MEGAKNOT written on her shirt
LK's thighs erotic
You misspelled "cool".
thank you
I want to plap your character so I didn't
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mabel is good but i prefer
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the true main heroine
stop tripfragging nigger
Every card that generates something on kill is fucking garbage
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it's easy when you're a well-adjusted normiechad with 5 jobs and 3 kids who only plays 1 hour a day, like all of us
That's myst, myst case, newfag.
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People whining about priests leveling on anubis is such an insanely funny take to me. You're whining about the main support class being able to solo level because you want to be carried by it in parties. If you want a priest in party so much make one yourself, what's the problem?

You're literally like niggers whining about not getting enough money from welfare.
what the fuck is this webm
Wow that's me. How can people play classes that don't just oneshot everything on sight, I don't get it.
hello anons. I started playing ro for the first time a few days ago, and I've got a priest in the 80s now
that's been entirely solo, so I don't have any experience with how priest actually plays in a group setting. I'd like to get at least some experience with that before hitting 99.
is there anyone looking to do group content that wouldn't mind someone new that will probably fuck up a few times? I would prefer something low intensity, where deaths won't mean a massive loss on anyone
>most necessary party class
>high solo exp
>no way to generate zeny or farm mobs
seems like a fair tradeoff to me
I am up for it. Start something in global and I'll join
I have autism and don't like drawing too much attention to myself, would you be fine with meeting up and making a party? I'm outside of prontera church. I'm also not too familiar with good spots to level at as a group so you'll have to pick where we go if that's okay
I am lazy to go all the way there. Just start talking in global or wait for me. I'll start looking for a party in a little bit.
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you're close, get to +84
we have parties every night
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I'll wait
I've seen you advertising in chat but I wasn't sure if it was something someone completely new could join
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the only real requirement is +84
come join us fren, we're finishing a thana run rn, I could save you a spot for the next run
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if I'm on tonight I will pm you when I see it
i seethe when i see other anons get cards and i don't
How do I not be useless in parties as a rogue
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C ya later
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>2k kills with no card drop
Low exp rates and higher drop rates is the way to play RO. Trust me it's far more satisfying. It feels great when hunting items to progress and do better maps is actually meaningful. Even 3x experience is really easy though. 0.15% cards feels good.
Fuck off
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some anon requested a nekkid Cenia the other day so I drew this because I was farming her too
tips greatly appreciated

I'm Bunnings in game

hope you like it bro!
You would already have had it on myRO
The malaysian my-ro is another server, the 3/3/15 my-ro is from an anon from here.
>from an anon from here.
No it isn't. It's from reddit.
holy sexoooooooo
saying "its a reddit server" because it was posted there its like saying its like saying "its a youtube server" because the admin posted a video
I have a tip for you in the church
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I'm starting to believe the skill frequency schitzo jesus christ.
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There is nothing schizo about it the skills are broken on this serv even renewal did not change the way AI works so you can go on iRO ssj and see for yourself if you want. This makes specific mvps simpler and others harder because some of them can get stuck in skill loops.
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I'm always praying for your peace, everyone!
Have a great day!
ooooaaaaahhhhhh aco hanyeo i'm gonna molest
It's not a 4chan server. Never was.
This might be the funniest use of AI I've seen for a video game.
That's illegal, just party with acolytes instead.
Thats the best part.
stop replying to yourself
I know you're the voices in my head but you don't have to be so mean about it.
I wish my-ro was 1/1/25 but I guess this is good enough
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>discord as main form of communication
>advertised on reddit a lot earlier than on anywhere on 4chan
>logins are announced globally
>fucking 3x rates
oh thank god nobody is actually going to fall fo-
>discord on first glance already has ancient /rog/fags in it
oh yeah nevermind it's going to be forcibly brigade spammed here until the end of time
>fucking 3x rates
too high
Imagine caring about exp rates, but spending months hunting low rate drops on a bulliekek server, that has bugged melee movement/combat. Having gear to enjoy the grind is much better than the other way around. (you know actual progression)
Nice ass, what job is this?
horse (female 4th job ninja)
can't believe dev's battleground killed narue
>US west
nigga what
you can't make this shit up
I am unable to do WoE tonight count your blessings b*llies
thanks for the group anons I had a lot of fun
WoE begins in 10 minutes. Good luck to everyone.
>it's an american shartcare plays warpslave peon for his masters to get social cred after being demoted to outer circle episode
You party up with me, an alchemist, and we both get to be useless...
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tfw high-melee lv40 stretch
I have a high aco if you wanna party
I don't understand woe at all
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>tfw life has been really tough lately and you haven't put as many hours into RO as you'd like so you had to miss woe
maybe next time...
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Im missing a metric fuckton of levels and gear before i feel comfortable going in there, better odds of the server closing than me getting all that gear
stack in the lp
it is a useless class unfortunately. no buffs, just a crappy version of every other class
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it's over
>WoE 1.0
>precast at portal
>WoE 2.0
>precast at portal
stupid niggerdev
it's depressing how much change can happen in a week when bad decisions are being done left and right to the benefit of only a few the fatigue is real and it shows
ro in 2024 is a bitchy moaning tranny, who could've guessed :^)
>multiply SP regen to ridiculous numbers
>you can just cast every spell infinitely with no consumables

to be fair, with gypsy's kiss you'd be able to do that anyway
And now it's a useless class without a linker KEK
posted in the other thread
>as a new player interested in creating a sworsdman, am I right that Knight is mainly Spear and AoE oriented while Crusader is more of a tank/buffer?
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Cleaning up this thread.
Remember they did this because of """""miscomunication""""""
It still has scream and slow grace.
Crusader builds are mainly devotion tank (take damage for allies) and Grand cross
(AoE holy nuke that also hurts you
Knights are mostly spiral pierce or bowling bash, but also have a agi auto attack build (but this is pointless here Assassin and SuNo and Sage are better at it)
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Is waterball free yet
>bitching moaning tranny
>plays sniper
check this for a quick rundown
but you're mostly right, knight is the ooga booga hit stuff while crusader is a bit more buff and party oriented
both are really good though, but crusader gets online a bit sooner than knight

apologies, forgot to mention I'm thinking of starting in MyRo, I greatly appreciate your help though
both can aoe well, and both classes use spears. the crusader is more of a caster/meele mix.
Woe was fun, but link is incredibly retarded being 11 cells away for woe, you can't even break ensamble formation because of that.

Loki shouldn't be able to be casted within 10 cells of portal range
gomen gomen I just really wanna try out swordsman
>Male: We wanted a fight
>use every single ensemble on the portal
crusaders are bad, knights do almost everything better
it is time once again to remind people that you are retarded for playing woe on this server with these changes.
I will never understand why people bother with WoE in a solved game in a low pop server.
alright I did a bit more research and Crusaders can self buff, I made my choice thank you everyone
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sex with sexsader
Ensemble on portals is the faggiest shit in the game
>m-muh vanilla
In vanilla there’s hundreds of players and some will eventually break through the mode isn’t built for this. Or dev could quit being a retard and support BG in any capacity.
its not even that it's a solved game but it's impossible to find good info online so cliques that hold all the tribal knowledge can just dominate for free
Or just pick proper class instead of fucking sniper. Your whines in chat were pathetic as fuck.
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I have been taking a nap for the past hour and haven't logged in yet to start playing, I'm a PvEnjoyer, not a PvPajeet.
I wasn’t able to play because I had shit to do
You are going to kill the server if every WoE you sit on the portal and force people to metagame a 20 year old game with “le correct classes” just to START fighting
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As part of showing GOOD WILL after their recent VICTORY, the BULLIES will be allowing the PLEBS the rape of ONE(1) priest for the period of TWENTY FOUR(24) hours. No, the Priests have not agreed to this. It will be ONE HUNDRED PERCENT (100%) guaranteed non-consensual. Please pick who it will be TONIGHT.
you win woe by not playing it bros you have to be retarded to play against a zerg guild with changes this bad.
who is no1
>nooo n-not my posts!!
>nyooo i wasn't playing!!
You should take your own advice.
>You should take your own advice.
I did, I don't participate in a mode that isn't worth my effort.
>nyooo i wasnt flooding chat with "kill yourself", i wasnt even been there!!!
I really thought you were a chill guy. Last (You).
post your woe recordings
From the skin it looks like alice without the cosmetics.
why wont shion and male get married? why is shion like this?
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I don't even have the game open, my guy
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only ss I took of the actual fights
tell the tk to stop kicking my stones
what's happening?
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Is madness canceler any good on this server or is it a meme?
how can I tell when someone is debuffed so that I can cure/status recover/bless them?
Look at their character model. Red model: bless, silence is 3 dots speech bubble, stun/freeze are self explanatory. I think only blind has no effect, it just has a sound effect.
There will either be an animation over their head or they will spam certain emotes like the (...) emote when silenced
i don't play this game, but in that highlight clip, isn't that "P" icon over the character names the exact same sprite as touhou games use for the power up items? wtf? is that actually in the game and is it some public sprite?
Alright that was fun, back to woelogging see you next sunday. Time to play the real server.
Guild emblem
During the guild war, the guild emblems float above the characters. One of the guilds in the server has the 2hu thingy as their emblem.
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Summoned a Bring it on!/Poi Poi in the church after the marriage. Good luck.
acid demo was the worst thing that happened to this game, whens pre-trans?
i see you are a fellow my-ro enjoyer
It's true... 0.1% to 0.15% is more of an increase than people think. You'll have far fewer dry streaks.
Lol yes it is. The Admin is regularly posting here and checking feedback and responding to people.
not gonna sugarcoat it
The skill frequency stuff is true.
That said, an acolyte has no business doing evil druids over firelocks. They're far more efficient. It'd only be good if you have bathory armor and SP recovery items to spam. At that point, you may as well buy a ton of ygg leafs and go kill anubis with them.
What did he do? Prove it. I think you are just jealous.
I also want an ED card, so it's a farm and a leveling grind.
MyRO chads, let me know if you need any help getting started. I'm about to start my day 2 here.
He's fucking smart to advertise it everywhere he can. Niggerdev was too retarded and refused to post it outside of here. We could have had 300 players and a proper woe if he did.
Imagine a 4chuds vs plebbit WoE.
Can't believe Male and Shion had agree to a political marriage to save the server.
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>4chan server
>admin ignores literally any feedback on 4chan
>reddit server
>literally every feedback was implemented
idk buddy thats a self own
navi actually works properly in myRO. bullies said it was just buggy on rathena... yet works perfectly across regions here despite also being rathena.
Congratulations to everyone who was married today, and to the people who helped kill Bring it On!
It is bugged in rathena but it take like an hour to fix the luas if you know how to edit a txt and if you actually know the info of the episode you're working on.
We gotta work on your idea of fun, dev
>bullies said
bullies keeps saying they don't know much about the game so why would you listen if they say stuff like that
I'm coming up to 99 faster than I expected and I'm still short about 600k for the rebirth fees, what's an easy way to get that kind of zeny so I'm not stuck at 99 for a while? on priest so it's hard to kill things that aren't undead
reset and slap desert wolves for a while, maybe
ask your guild
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it's all coming together
lmfao based
What the fuck are you talking about.
I'm not even sure why I try with these servers anymore, it's just full of closed-off cliques on their own world
what exactly did you not understand from that post
i see no portal there, what happened
I misread and am wrong, ignore me fully.
I like this kind of post because it makes me think you had no idea what was going on in both weeks
These are the people we erp with? Disgusting
post your week 1 clear
It's useful for any ASPD build that wants to reach 190, especially because you can toggle it and not worry about its duration, neither about needing Adjustment to cancel it when you need to move. Just toggle, untoggle.
only two pushes out of ~10 managed to get through loki instacast bullshit on portal
problem is, every attempt costs attacking party around 5x the amount of condensed whites than it costs defenders.
PLEB patrol simply ran out of resources. Fights that happened after breaking out of the lock were pretty even (in fact, guilds were equally matched in size today, it was 20 vs 20 players on each side). But after every wipe, bullies were able to quickly set up spawn camp loki cancer, and it's back to square one.
lokis is particularly cancerous when there are so few players.
I could see the point if it was 20-30 defending players against 100, but everyone knew pretty well that on previous WOE bullies already had advantage in numbers. I really wonder what is their idea of engaging pvp experience, if even their own guildmembers stated it was ass.
There was a lot of miscommunication, some people had an autistic fit about us being outnumbered way more than we were. It wasn't the case, Pleb only barely had more people than we did, so the WoE ended up a precast clusterfuck because we thought we were fighting way more people than we were.

Next WoE we're handing the castle off to Pleb to start, and both sides have a gentleman's agreement against portal casting, and now Shion and I are friended so there can't be bullshit about the numbers again.

The fights were fun but the rest of it wasn't, hope next week is better.
>every attempt costs attacking party around 5x the amount of condensed whites than it costs defenders
Why did you let us get into that position? We were uncontested in the first few minutes. They actually managed to break in despite the loki bullshit, which led to some good fights. Even then, it felt like once they managed to broke in they were aimlessly delta splitting all over the place, one of the priests in particular was hellbent on going on a solo mission for some reason, more than once even
There's literally nothing else to do because niggerdev rejected the """good""" bg script
why is he so fucking hellbent on not adding account-wide dungeon entrance? even at the cost of losing the bg script
the other server just added the entrances before it got offered the script and it ALSO has the script now too, what the fuck is ragnadev doing?
what a shame that was the perfect spot for a ecall
There are no excuses when you decide to use lokis you want to win the woe and have zero fun while doing it.
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Overdosing on soul here
Can you imagine actually trying to win in video games?
How the fuck do you deal with reflect shield mobs as melee? Is this seriously a case of "haha fuck you play a different build"? I die to Cornus just from hitting myself.
This looks boring af.
fr fr ngl no cap bruh
Cornus isnt even aggressive anon, what are you doing?
The beginning was scuffed mostly due to our confusion - we thought that the WOE would start with bullies already on defending position since they won the previous WOE.
When we assembled at the entrance, the instacast prison was already set (not that it takes particularly long to establish it). As for actual organization while inside, it's true we should improve that a bit, which we will do before next week's WOE.
Cooldown for ecall was used for guild buff to help with breaking the lock. We were unable to hold on long enough for the second one.
I hope so too, would be a shame to waste all that prep both groups did by the most boring strat ever. It would really help if Kusoge were to join as 3rd side to make it a three-way fight.
A lot of late game bosses and enemies have it. You else dispel it with prof or get fucked. Hope you will enjoy thor's 3F anon.
>we thought that the WOE would start with bullies already on defending position since they won the previous WOE.
Fair, I also thought that would be the case before dev said how it'd turn out to be.

>As for actual organization while inside, it's true we should improve that a bit, which we will do before next week's WOE.
My sincerest best wishes to you all. Tell your creator to ask me for marionette control next time youre brewing
can't a prof just go through the portal and instantly put down a land protector
you can but it is a bug so bullies and ragnadev would have a big melty.
pre casts are staggered, with enough wizards you require instant cast to do that
Lokis prevents any skill to be cast within it, friend or foe.
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> It would really help if Kusoge were to join as 3rd side
It may come as indifference, but it's hard for a guild of more casual players to be interested in an event that seems so staged. You are currently making agreemenst with the other competitive guild in order to level the field, only adding to the unorganic feeling of WoE in the server (Which started with the needless and very poor implementation of WoE too early). I know that there's probably no better way to solve the issue directly, since the game itself creates boring situations such as pre-casting over warps, but you are waiting in vain if you are hoping that Kusoges will join as a group so soon. Be content that there's a few of them entertained by the idea of semi-organized PvP. This reality will last for a long time until the non-sweaty players feel comfortable about their own achievements, gear and in-game friendships.

TL:DR: In the current environment, WoE has no place being seen as a 'fun competition', but rather as just another event, only this one comes at the price of wasting resources.

Consider not being ridiculous tryhards and actually participating of the server beyond your discord group.
>Which started with the needless and very poor implementation of WoE too early
So you wanted the "tryhards" to be even more geared than they already are before the first woe? Im failing to understand how that would help level the playing field here
>Consider not being ridiculous tryhards and actually participating of the server beyond your discord group.
tell me you don't play ragna/v/ without telling me you don't play ragna/v/
first week we were outnumbered and precasted to death via gust but bullies decided to not knot us too hard and were walking slowly towards emperium to make """fight""" look """interesting"""
this week we were precasted to death via some other fancy shit that hwiz and soul kekers decided to use
overall my guild enters castle, forced to eat through hundreds of white slims and die in the process because hundreds of slims goes away pretty fast, we did it several times and gave up, this thing happened on both weeks so i dont see any difference besides different spells name (aka knot lube)
>Why did you let us get into that position? We were uncontested in the first few minutes.
in last prepping minutes we remembered that we forgot building materials so we were mailing them to Shion while you were conquering castle

overall whenever we could press our buttons i was removing priests and debuffers despite throwing in build without much testing but it only happened for 3 minutes out of 40 minutes of "gameplay", still doesn't justify me butthurting and sending death threats in chat, was simply disappointed in ruining sleeping schedule over exactly same stopping factor despite being told that it won't happen today
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>be casual
>dont log in for WOE
its p nice
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The entire point of this is that you cannot, because loki's veil turns off all skill use. The only real ways out of it are:
1) Toss in people into meat grinder with a lot of reflect type skills
2) Toss even more people than that and hope that someone can get through and disrupt enemy line
3) Try to locate enemy dancers from the cloud of pixels and kill it with autoattacks (good luck on this server netcode) while being bombarded by spells.
So it all boils down to having very specific combination of gear and classes (which is clear as a day that PLEB patrol doesn't), or having very decisive advantage in numbers.
There is a certain point past which getting better gear is just diminishing returns, what really matters is just getting basic setup of core pvp cards (hydras/skele workers, thara frog and raydric) and 90ish level on trans character.
The real issue is again, the game and WOE mode was balanced around much higher player count, where this problem would not be as apparent. Stuff that allows one 20 man group to prevent another 20 man group from casting a single skill would not be possible with 100 vs 100 fights. This had been known for many years now, since pre-reneval RO was been around for a long time.

In the end, it all boils down to what kind of pvp players consider as fun. There is a way to enjoy it even if you ultimately lose. There is also a way to not enjoy it even if it brings you 'victory'. Thus, the need to level the field somehow in order to keep everyone engaged.
The precast was a single storm gust and magnus exorcismus
bugged mob behavior/melee-range jank is the real death of this server
the larger the precast, the harder it is to break
Why would they be the only ones geared up? Unless the developer is coordinated with them to time it in such a way (perhaps this is what happened for 1st WoE), giving more time to the server in general would mean more players having the resources and knowledge to feel ready for WoE.
Maybe you'd know more players if you spent less time circlejerking
On the first week you captured the castle first, we wiped you then set up our defence. Ill give you the second week because THE DEV SHOULD'VE SAID SOONER (as in, not literal 2 mins before woe started) WE WOULDN'T START WITH THE CASTLE CAPTURED, so I understand the confusion and "letting" us set up our bullshit undisputed.

>still doesn't justify me butthurting and sending death threats in chat, was simply disappointed in ruining sleeping schedule over exactly same stopping factor despite being told that it won't happen today
Happens desu.
i get invited to way more bullies parties than anyone else's, sure its not the other way around
this is the exception and half the time it doesnt actually happen we just group up, wait 20 minutes and split
Check the hw changes again.
>On the first week you captured the castle first, we wiped you then set up our defence.
16 (half ungeared) vs 22 (+2 not in the guild)
>Why would they be the only ones geared up?
Because the tryhard will end up with better gear than tidals/wools

>There is a certain point past which getting better gear is just diminishing returns, what really matters is just getting basic setup of core pvp cards (hydras/skele workers, thara frog and raydric) and 90ish level on trans character.
Fair point, but I would argue that 3 weeks is enough time for a guild to help every person willing to woe to get them basic gear, and also enough time for the casuals to get a trans character to 90
can't really do anything about that unless the dev changes emulators
Didnt Shion live for days in abbey im the first few weeks? How were you ungeared?
we just banned wizards, soul linkers, dancers, and bards from woe. fixes all the problems
You're comparing a guild that started since the beginning with a random group formed less than 2 weeks before woe started.
well that would force me to get status bow sorted out and start shooting at you instead of drooling over 100 INT 150 DEX FA because of bragi
>guild does more content
>guild wins
>guild does less content
>guild loses
this is all it is, if bullies gets lazy and pleb starts doing valk/ifrit/beelz/et like they are then pleb will overtake. woe is a symptom and not a cause every time.
Assuming you arent full of bullshit, it could be a timezones thing. I've barely ever seen and joined a Bullies ran party.
>Muh Dodo
The guy simply happens to play most of the time, so his parties are always up or he's in one, but throughout the day you will find people organizing and looking for parties if you bother to search.
Dev should enforce the same number of players per guild for WoE. If Pleb only has 15 players, then Bullies should only have 15 as well.
pleb has outnumbered every woe so far there is no reason to nerf them further
it still feels as bullies are getting special treatment, WoE time still isn't fixed so some people from PLEB simply ditching because of timezones (dangerously based honestly)
>pleb has outnumbered every woe so far
server should even have WoE
>durr let's cause hostility in a tiny server and make it so people really don't do shit outside their guilds
Those few times I went on my own I made 4~6 of you follow me to the other side (creator included), which meant taking you off the group's backs for a moment. That was the push when we broke the guardian stone.
its the reason why i stopped @autotrade and only trade with PLEBs and Kusoges to not accidentally sell something to bullies, they're too strong already
How are we having special treatment when its a time both guild leaders consented to and we had less people in this woe than last weekend's thanks to busy work schedules?
niggerdev is retarded. wait for his WoE ""highlights""
Dont think thats something a support should be doing, your guild is way better off with you supporting them directly and having narue or some other loner do that kind of shit instead imo
What did we learn? Never listen to braindead PvP fags
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Pleb had more than we did, but it was very close this WoE. Close enough that it's not really a factor. Shion has been pretty vocal about trying to keep things small.

We lost a few of our core players to the one hour bump I agreed to after first WoE. Any further and we'd have no creators or wizards. There's no perfect time for either team but the current time was a compromise between both guilds.

I assume this is directed at Bullies but uh...
>lead the guild
>going to major mvps as a fucking knight
>woe too
>no hunter or any farming class
>r/v/1 i played a fucking whitesmith and took it to woe
Gonna assume you're funposting because if you think playing as suboptimally as possible is tryhard I just don't even know where to start.
There's no highlights this time, plebs left the castle before he could start recording. Why do you think he summoned a Pori Pori? >>689580101
He really ran out of content. He could've get us a proper BG mode but he also fucked that up.
You get invited to bullies parties because you're a cuck who lets them have gear that drops.
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Both other priests are more capable than me so they had that covered. And at the end of the day, it worked once.
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the eternal hunt for the grand tip bag...
this, honestly. game has so much fucked up spells and jobs its simply not fun to play against them without introducing artificial rules and restrictions to make it more bearable with <100 overall people
nothing to say about ppl saying dev caters to you?
you're alright bro
t. kusofag
Where can I practice firewalling as a mage? Getting bored of geographers but I still need 8 jobs levels to 50.
This. PVP in every single MMO is dogshit without fail, and you should KYS if you think it's a worthwhile investment or if you think it'll """"""save"""""" a server.
Go to mi gaos
Walk into an area of the map, clear the mantis first
After that practice by using firebolt 1 or fireball on the mi gaos, gather them into a circle, and set up VFWs
on undead or if one is alive, atroce
should I make a dancer or crusader alt
Is there a WOE middle ground for everyone? There's people who either like it or hate it. Never someone in between. This event feels like it just damages the server for everyone involved since both sides always end up hating each other for different reasons. From a newshitter perspective, this event was clearly made for 4 to 5 guilds all min-maxing the hell of it on a huge server. Not a 1 to 2 guild on a low pop one.
personally I'd like to try it atleast once, but im playing with 300 ping and WoE happens at 4am at my place so im shit out of luck.
Personally I hate a ton of the changes. The only thing Dev listed to me on was that having a miniboss card in the knight combo was retarded. Other things I suggested:
>rebalance 1hq so it's not such a stupid spot on the swordsman tree, preferably onto knight so that it doesn't get abused with shield boomerang
>cosmetic-only bg rewards to encourage play without worrying about balance
>cosmetic headgear quests
>apply discount to potions since the dc side of the oc/dc removal is heavily in favor of ranged classes and fucks over melees
>stop giving snipers even more tools than they already had
None of these were implemented or even really considered from what I can tell. That's fine, it's his server, but he has demonstrated infinite times that he does not give a FUCK what we want.
Guess I should also mention that I would really prefer quest unlocks be account-wide rather than character specific, but I've already done all of them twice at this point except a couple of the Nyd ones. I don't really understand why this isn't implemented, I assume it's because quest triggers are fucky.
You mean you.
>Lowest amount of merchants yet
>Only people who talk in global are the ones in guilds
>dumbass faggot begged to be adopted by bullies members only
>woefags ruining shit again over literally nothing
just end the server already
maybe v4 will be better
No, I mean Bullies, the guild I lead, ESL-kun.
it requires significant work to make woe work, well beyond what the nigger dev is even capable of doing.
things are so grim that i'm considering playing iRO
>everything great in-game
>thread is a dumpster fire
Not the first time. It's sad that we always get some vengeful autist neet who wants to run a shitposting campaign against people having fun.
>ingame: everyone parties together, memes on eachother in global, the guild leaders are married

yeah I'm having fun with my costumes how can you tell?
literally nobody gives a fuck about your damage control, nigga
>the guild leaders are married
this shit is unironically beyond based, I kneel
based as fuck
the schizo is aware of every happening in game so it's even funnier that he's playing on niggerdevs server while shitposting 24/7
>everyone parties together
who are you talking about? nobody says shit about parties except the usual one person
>I don't really understand why this isn't implemented, I assume it's because quest triggers are fucky.
Dev just changes his mind on a whim. First he explicitly said he wouldn't make us do entrance quests and that he'd just let us go inside dungeons without them. Someone mentioned Moscovia and then he went back on all dungeons requiring quests instead of simply gatekeeping Moscovia alone, while saying he would "PROBABLY" make it easier to access nameless after launch.
Now it's been how long since that, a month+? And when questioned the only thing he says now is "Entrance quests are a fair barrier blah blah blah".
In ragna/v/2 he made Nidd's access dungeon quest skippable by talking to an NPC. How hard would it be to make an NPC that checks your quest status for one character, stores the value, and then it sets your quest status for other characters the same when you talk to it? You could even make it so it checks first for level requirement, or that it grants you any quest item along.
My raison d'être is eliminating all the jews in Payon.
>There's parties we swear
>Just the one party doing fucking thors or abbey for the 100th time for 84+ only
today I did group content for the first time ever and I had lots of fun
achsually is Thanatos and today we did Abyss (mvp included)
fucking KEK look at this no fun allowed queen

I got adopted by Shion and Male you retarded bait eating seether. I didn't gave a fuck who adopted me in the first place and the wedding crashing did lighten the mood around here contrary to your melty here. Some people know where to put their fun and its not with miserable people like you. Glad I barely check the threads today.
I asked
based fun haver :)
and got told, good night anon
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fighting the good fight
how many times are you going to do this shit to the merchants before realizing that their shops don't go away
Where can i donate to this wonderful cause
Until they do
somebody sell me a cheap siroma card
it's still based
wonder how many yellow gems they blow through doing it though
1.2 m, is that okay with you?
god no you jew
define cheap
Everyone in this thread
Play Void Stranger
one day
play library of ruina and skip limbus
*hocus-pocuses them out of a 109 maps*
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what about lobcorp
its kino but not for everyone
if you wanted to make woe as uninteresting as possible then you succeeded
I need to get better at tanking. I sucked big time at cmd_fild03, sorry guys. Maybe a grand cross build would've been better.
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10 years
what happens if you show up to woe when you're not in a guild?
>wake up
>woe was a loki's pre-cast
>in fucking SE
AHAHAHA holy shit you couldn't write a better comedy
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We organized a High orc into Alolian into Ice Dungeon party for the past 3 hours or so.
you're sent back to the Gulag
gay, i wanted to go and full strip people
Going to rape your butt hole
why I can use spider web on rando in normal map during WOE hour?
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Dev, could you use the better Ragna/v/ logo I made right after the first? The first one I made triggers me.
You wont
lots of fun today
this server is going to make it
Maybe, perhaps. It's the only server where I've found people like me and modifications to stuff that I like. I can be an ultra degen, even if I'm in character and people will entertain my silliness. Far more welcoming than any other communities in gaming. Somehow I feel in very good company.

I don't want it to end, but I know one day, it will. I fear that day will come at some point.
dont think about it and live in the good times if you can
is it just me or auto spell doesn't proc that much when you are being mobbed by lot of enemies? locked to the animation maybe or something
the wedding event was the first time it just felt like one big community but it was really really nice. im going to be so sad when it dies.
It's just you. What's you aspd?
i want to sex hongyun so much bros...
you can after i do
i'll take what i can get...

Today's WoE footage. My method for capturing was waiting outside with PLEB PATROL and then going inside along them.

This was a very close fight, with PLEBs taking control of the entrance more than once. At one point, the Left Side Crystal got repaired 50 seconds before they could destroy the Right Side Crystal. If they had managed that, Bullies would have been pushed to the first Barricade and the entrance would be secured.

Review this footage to try and improve your game for next week. If you need any information regarding mechanics of need some practice, let me know.
Should be decent enough but there's a noticeable difference when you hit 179.
lmao bullies acutally getting pushed back by plebs
Nice discord ping at 4:00, puppeteered discordtranny. Who is that, your lord and master Rance?
I mean auto spell barely proc when I'm surrounded by 5+ monster and have to spam fish to survive

I think I wasted like 120+ fresh fish without even a single bolt appeared
you should talk to that person you find interesting today
I already whispered myself though ?
I partied with her but I'll never have the courage to talk one-on-one...
no way pal
i live the solo super novice life
yo lil bro leave some mavka for us too lmao
What can I tell you bucko. Auto spell rates don't change because there are more mobs. You had a dry run of luck. Use safety wall if you want to live.
Nobody finds me interesting...
i have way too much anxiety to talk to her...
there's no women here
well except maybe 1
when dealing individual mob(no aggro) the rate of the first hit proc-ing auto spell is pretty high

I counted it like higher than 50%
I told the fucking retard dev to let have another option for stalkers when it comes down to spells by dual-wielding daggers(sinx always could and in this server they're more broken than ever with more buffs, what gives?) but he essentially told me to go fuck myself, because I know the auto-cast is based on a stupid low chance and Stalker has to spread his ass and stats thin to take advantage when any other job can do what he does better. He also buffed Ninja on their daggers ignoring size modifier and their daggers are amazing for spellcasting too, why not let have rogue similar to be able to run whatever he wanted? It's not like his stats will make much difference but at least it can be fun if you specialized in more than one branch.
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Stop being a low IQ schizo and face reality. The rate doesn't change. You didn't get frozen in animation or whatever other cope you're grappling with in your mind.
>niggerdev spamming his webms in all threads
i wonder if it can be reported as spam
>nooo stop noticing thing!!
someone else got married too?
Momo x Asura
Male x Shion
Kiki x God Sees You Gooning
Can someone adopt my newly created merchant? I named her Netalee Hershlag and I want to her to mirror IRL Hershlag's peak of her career which is Leon the Professional.
You need to be a 1/1 Novice to be adopted.
>My sincerest best wishes to you all. Tell your creator to ask me for marionette control next time youre brewing
plebs have their own
>Note for Adoptee: Must be a First Class or Novice in order to be adopted.
b-but irowiki classic said
wait a minute, I'm pretty sure this isn't vanilla behaivour
I accidentally clicked the >> button on the global chat window and it went away, anybody know how to make it come back? Not the f10 window but the other one
>Must be a First Class or Novice in order to be adopted.
Oh it seems I was wrong. Sorry about that.
the only bullies parties ive seen in the last week is them letting randoms to tag along on their way to juperos core and archdams, could be fun for the first time but pretty pointless in terms of gains if you arent there to kill archdams like bullies
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alarms, mummies, stala golems
It's doubly pointless since there's going to be a majority bullies in the party, so if anything good drops it's going to go to them, then they'll give it to someone in their guild instead of letting someone in the party trade or buy it.
If you party with bullies you're a cuck.
hyper novice sprite is cute
only the male one though, females look kinda lame
never had this problem, went on two bullies thana parties and did dice in larry for the drops after both times
Dev are there any plans to fix the graphical bugs from 4th class sprites? I hate having to go to Larry zone each time I want to invest skill points.
I've only ever partied with the bullies organizing parties two times. An abyss and an abbey party, both times after drops were grabbed it happened. You probably got a non-try hard bully, or someone not in the guild got something they really wanted, so they diced for another chance at it
woe happens ~17 gmt on any normal international server, also shion didnt agree to the current time bullies vetoed
75/55 super novice...long road to go still
>expecting bulliekek NEETs to be awake at 10am
Sorry their 5 jobs and 3 kids prevent them from having a normal sleep schedule, they're just too normiechad for that so they go to bed at 7 AM.
Current schedule is the best they can manage.
dev has said a bunch of times they both agreed on the time lol
Are mobile ads being used or is just desktop
The dev blatantly >>689608250
fakes playercount. Hilarious
is it just me or the server is getting laggier every day
Cenia pads her chest?
so how is the myro migration going on
gbf players not being sweaty neets. good one
it's not really a migration, a couple of us just decided we were having more fun on ragna/v/. maybe we'll come back after ragna/v/ closes.
how big of a couple we r talking here. 3/3 exp in 2024 has me worried to be honest
don't worry about it, just try the server and see if it works for you. us being there or not won't change the rates.
Keep it up, you can do it! 70 to 80 is the worst part (worse than getting to 45 as a plain novice).

But 80ish is where you get to the good part.
You'll have most of your buffs as melee, or you can reach instant cast as a mage.
And it gets even better from there on out.
the drops make up for it because you actually have carded stuff early on.
15x vs ragna's 10x? Not that much different desu
If shion didnt agree to the current time, after the dev listened to both parties about it, why did it get chosen?
dev sucks shion cock to meditate both parties
Yeah it's actually pure shit. A marginal .05% in card rates for an over 50% reduction in exp. lmfao. And the gameplay is centered around dailies. LOL.
1000/1000/1000 chad here. got any questions?
shion doesn't have a cock and if she did it would only be sucked by her husband
>shion doesn't have a cock
shion doesn't have a cock
>shion doesn't have a cock
War is peace. We have always been at war with Eastasia. War is peace.
its good to have perspective, even if i think niggerdev is a retard theres much worse out there
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anyone wanna buy an angelic guard or 20
i have the other ones too (except for hat)
>max dragonology
>get hindsight heaven's drive
>pull huge mobs of petites
>lay down SW and start spamming
OMG it feels amazing
got any -cast time/dex weapons for Wizard?
I do not
>alt at level ~70
My god this level range is fucking aids, I have no idea how to level alch besides cart cannon on hill winds
sad if true
Creamed by Kris after 5hr grind
Poring doll you gave me was from the gift box I forgot, right? Sovl ending
the priest on the left looks lonely. I can help.
Do non hostile monsters reset aggro if you hide? Like can I shoot>hide>shoot>hide and cheese something to death that way?
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delivery for chelle
sell more Doom Slayer in Payon, please.
cute megu
That's my favorite one so far.
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sex with Chelle
do me nex pliz
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dev can you add more coombait loading screens the server is getting stale and the erp source is drying up, at least add this original work its amazing
sure just send me 1 m :)
IGN: Yi Sang
There isn't a game on Earth with more sovl
what the hell? this is extortion. Are you that desperate for Zenny?
can I change my gender? I was wrong and picked the dumb m*le mage.
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I log in, but I farm stuff with no competition on maps. Got vanberk card while those retards were wasting resources. Hiding char window also makes it feel like that shit doesn't exist
Noob here wtf is WOE?
based conscientious objector
I may be in bulliekeks but you can't force me to WoE at gunpoint.
is it just me or its fucking cancer to melee on this server?
My favorite meme is when bulliekeks try to gaslight the rest of the server into thinking early woe launches don't give a massive advantage to themselves and that it's actually the other way around lmao
it's just you most likely
i dont think there is any NPC for it here, and its also not in the official game (probably).
your best bet is to ask dev or remake
there simply isn't
That a 18999 years old demon fox child.
and also my wife
On most servers, WoE functions with copious amount of gentlemen's agreements such as not pre-casting (or not doing it until the last 10min), not killing random stragglers/respawns they see, guild-caps (either hard or soft). Naturally these rules to break down frequently as people want to win but they're usually there in some fashion. Even origins/arcadia has this despite being known as rather casual.

In my experience these things get dismissed by people/guilds only until they've WOE'd a lot. Because it's easy to be like "lmao just play2win, do whatever it takes bro" until you play the mode week after week and realize it's literally not fun without these artifical rules, not even if it lets you win. And you can only lie to yourself about treasure box loot making it worth it for so long.

Case in point, even p2w who was the quintessential "shameless numberzerg pre-cast" on iRO, ggRO etc. eventually changed their ways.

All that is to just explain why modern woe is kind of artificial in the first place. I don't expect this to happen on ragna/v/, especially not with Bullies as the dominant guild. I'm sorry but immediately leaping towards loki's pre-cast because the other guild that you know is already inferior, maybe possibly has 2 player more than you (lol) is unbelievably pathetic. Can't blame Kusoge for wanting to stay away from that slop.
>Case in point, even p2w who was the quintessential "shameless numberzerg pre-cast" on iRO, ggRO etc. eventually changed their ways.
And they got rekt by actual good guilds when this happened. It was fun seeing Aaron/vry pwrful seething at other guilds for not taking them seriously.
No, but you seem to be
Just give him the money

1m is nothing
Just turn it into pve version of WOE, JRO did that and it was well received.
Do you have a video of that?
>they cant even stack
Is there anywhere I can look for more detailed information about this? Looks interesting.
This is the best I can give, it crazy that 13 main server players clump up in one castle room. I guess you can read more at JRO website if you know Japanese.
I am so adapting this shit to pre-re. Thanks anon.
this looks like shit
1m is 30000 cyfar to me mate

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