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>The specific patents cover a number of things
>such as importing and unlocking content from an older title in a new game.
>A controller vibration technique to alert players of nearby enemies.

It is illegal to make a controller vibrate when enemies are nearby. When will developers learn to stop adding illegal mechanics in their game?

These damn litigious Japs are pissing me off
We enter the shark eat shark era as these huge companies die as they are too big and the games they make too expensive to turn a profit
I love it
>such as importing and unlocking content from an older title in a new game
They never went against Falcom with this? It's how the Trails series works.
It's so fucking retarded that you're allowed to patent gameplay mechanics in the first place.
W-well this doesn't mean anything! Patent lawsuits don't mean anything!
chill it with the antisemitism
>invest in R&D to think up said mechanics
It's not illegal, it just cannot be designed the exact same way, line for line, code for code.
>It is illegal to make a controller vibrate when enemies are nearby
Hasn't it worked in some classic silent hills?
patents are such retarded kike nigger shit, man
t. commie
I hate Japs desu
I hate the Capcom/KT feud purely because it prevented Nayru, Din and Vaati from being in Hyrule Warriors.
That's how shit evolves yes, taking the good and improving it
If everything is patented then we'll only get absolute shit in terms of gameplay
Especially mechanics that already existed before patent was filled.
>Abiding by laws is bad
Are you dark skinned by the way?
Make a profit through good product not predatory hogging of generic concepts.
They make profit already by the games they make. People should be free to make whatever they want. If they can outdo some rich company then that rich company sucks.
>such as importing and unlocking content from an older title in a new game.
How tf did they patent this when it's been a thing in sports and rpg games since forever?
A whole 1.5 million dollars how will a company with a mere 84.5 billion yen in revenue cope.
Nigger sharty
1.5 mil wouldnt even cover the lawyers fees if it was in us
local terrorist
Both ancaps and commies do not recognize intellectual property, it's something from state-protected capitalism aka oligarchy
>such as importing and unlocking content from an older title in a new game.
That predates the existence of Capcom i'm pretty sure. Wizardry did that.
>such as importing and unlocking content from an older title in a new game.
like every seconf of a gen armored core since 1997?
same case as the nintendo one, jap laws are retarded and tech giants abuse of it to push smaller competitors out of business
That is question, such patent application should be denied by patent office, as it has no novelty comparing to the prior art
Is this all jap devs do now? Patent troll?
Maybe that's for the beast, their games were always subpar.
we will not stand for this sisters, these japs will pay for the psychological damage they have caused us
>taking the good and improving it
Damn so that's the reason why china is going to surpass the west in two more weeks right?
KT is no small company, they could just pay a small sum in order to use capcom's patent.
>>such as importing and unlocking content from an older title in a new game.
So something like original baldur's gates had?
>improving it
The fact its such a small sum of money i am convinced this was done on purpose by booth companies as a sort of flex to scare of smaller developers.
Literally yeah, they can ignore all copyrights claims and make literally whatever they want.
that's not how programming works tho
you set some shit to vibrate during some event
unless they STOLE the computer code
there's not many ways for logic to write that

they're the last people who should be suing people over copy right
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>jap companies are nasty patent trolls

damn i feel even better about stealing all their games. especialy nintendo. stealing nintendo games has got to be the cleanest most pure pleasure (looking forward to stealing many switch 2 games soon). cheers anon
That description is bad. It was specifically about disc expansions like the old Dynasty Warriors Xtreme Legend games which have very limited content by themselves, but acted as disc expansions if you had had the base title. Still ridiculous considering how they were a fairly common thing for pc games and Capcom never actually used the patent as far as I know.
>i totally came up with this basic feature that anyone can come up with and only i should be allowed to use it
nigga this was like a decade ago. move on!
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That is exactly how programming copyright laws work.
i'm starting to think all this patent bullshit is why japs havn't innovated last decade
>frognigger toursit
literally can’t make this shit up
>their games were always subpar
compared to who?
I could patent thinking but even then i wouldn't get a single penny from your dumbass
They did it for sengoku basara which was released way after Dynasty Warriors and XL expansions, so i dunno how they won
You can re-create copyrighted programs with your own skills. You can't recreate patented gameplay elements.
Patents aren't copyright. Patents rarely have actual code. As long as the concept and logic for it was deemed original and it got a patent registered, you can't mimic it even if you have a completely separate code. See also those old loading screen mini-games. Namco had a patent over that shit. So the few non-Namco games with them had to freaking pay them for a license.
Make sure to pirate anime and manga too.
*why video games haven't innovated last decade
The patent itself was registered a few months before the first XL came out. Which is still really stupid. It's clear they had started planning and developing the game before the patent given to Capcom.
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You can also patent code and software in Japan.
these patent laws apply to japan only tho
you can't patent mere ideas like that in european or american laws
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>Troon industry . ACK!
Why hasn't anyone patented leveling up, having an inventory or first person perspective?
>pointless laws kill innovation unless you pay fees
Are you Jewish, by chance?
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ah yes, investing in R&D to think up said mechanics, one may even call it "inventing".
>DOA only exists cause of Tekken and VF
>Nioh only exists cause of souls
>Ninja Gaiden reboot only exists cause of DMC1

Good riddance that company is completely unoriginal
Yep. Palworld stole Pokemon 'software' AKA the models.

So the copyright thing is just a cope, haha.
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Someone has already patented the formula for battling, leveling up, and turn based combat.
not too fast, they probably are but in a sligthly specific way and nintendo is waiting to sue at any moment
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>you can't patent mere ideas like that in european or american laws
And I didn't say you can't. What I mean is that patents generally won't have the code, so they're actually much more broad than what you made it sound.

>it just cannot be designed the exact same way, line for line, code for code.

See what I said about loading screens for example. Even if you did a different mini-game from Namco's (so obviously, it'd be a completely different code) it'd still break their patents and could get you sued.
I know you didn't say that; I'm familiar with the language. I'm providing sources and credible data for ease and convenience.
N*ntendrone bootlicker cope
>>such as importing and unlocking content from an older title in a new game.
suikoden and mgs had this on PS1
when did capcom patent this?
>Stealing others ideas is innovation
About jews...
>tfw we will start seeing turn based RPGs as good as SaGa in the early 2040's
damn, will I even live that long..
Can Capcom/Nintendo go after indie games using these mechanics? What's going to happen to UFO 50??
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>patent the concept of a video game
>get a license fee from every single nip game that releases
gottem goys
huh I haven't heard about that before
That's specifically for turn based combat where there's a real time meter that fills up to show when you or the enemies can/will attack. It's turn based but you can't just sit in the menu forever because your enemies will keep getting turns in real time.
>Can Capcom/Nintendo go after indie games using these mechanics?
they don't even need to win, in jap laws you can't have the other party pay your legal fees in case of win a case or anything, so big companies will just take you to court and make it take as much time as possible to bleed you out of money
Expression is not limited to concept. Concept is subsumed in the idea. If someone patents/copyrights the Adult Swim bump, then things that feel like an Adult Swim bump are subject to inquiry. It's not all about whether something uses the idea with choice elements, it's about whether the idea is used with intent and categorical meaning to simulate another company's intention. Then you can argue about that in court to see whether or not that is actually the case.
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3D printing started booming and improving at an alarmingly fast rate to the point every retard can now afford it only after Stratasys lost the patent that they sat on for 40 fucking years or so doing nothing with it.
There's also the infamous Bandai namco Loading screen minigame patent that was almost never used by them and expired only when loading screens became so short you can't put anything in them anymore
There's also the nintendo lawsuit now but even pocketpair don't know the fuck they are getting sued for, which could be anything from catching animals to using a mount to making a playable chatacyer

Patents are a fucking scam. I understand why they are needed but instead we have shit like this happening all the time because the entire system's fucked to the core.
did you miss the whole nintendo going after palworld thing
if you make a better game than nintendo (not hard to do) they will sue you
How do we get the jews to fight Nintendo? It's the only way to stop them from killing video games
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>such as importing and unlocking content from an older title in a new game
So when will they sue Nintendo?
>Can Capcom/Nintendo go after indie games using these mechanics?

Yeah. Konami has been doing it for decades and Warner Bros is still taking hostage the nemesis system while also doing absolutely nothing with it. Game mechanics patents are absolute cancer and one of many reasons why you should never listen to a libertarian droning about the "free market".
>even pocketpair don't know the fuck they are getting sued for
Hard to say what specific thing they're getting sued for when they stole most of their game
To be honest everyone saw the Palworld lawsuit coming. But what about games like Anode Heart, or Monster Sanctuary? You can tell these are both obviously "creature capture" games inspired by Pokemon, but they do their own thing. If the Palworld lawsuit is successful, are these guys fucked because now a precedent is set?
looks like pocketpair fucked themselves making le pokeshit with hecking guns and slavery survival meme slop
you get what you fucking deserve
Did those games steal the mechanics from Legends Arceus?
>About to work on my game this morning and I need to fix how the movement isn't smooth when standing on moving platforms.
>Have a good idea how to do it without even needing to check the internet since it seems like a pretty obvious problem to solve.
>However, thanks to threads this week, I now know that Nintendo has a patent on this.
>Save myself a law suit from accidentally implementing something in a day that violated Nintendo's 30 year of R&D inventing it.
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b-b-because they didn’t sell a bajillion copies like based pocketpair the wholesome chungus indie devs!
"Intellectual property" is the most jewish concept in existence. Imagine if through all of human history nobody told stories or made music or came up with any idea without trying to claim ownership and profit from them, or prevent their use and spread if they can't.
Losing the nemesis system sucks, but that's a pretty granular specific thing. But how the fuck does something as widespread as "controller vibrates when enemies are nearby" get patented?? There's no way Capcom is the only company that's ever done this.
thanks for reminding me i need to do a rewatch
Did Pokemon red/green stea..
..oh wait, it did. Damn.
What mechanics specifically?
>Stealing others ideas is innovation
Yes. Can you imagine how fucked humanity would be if nobody else could make wheels?
>importing and unlocking content from an older title in a new game
Ultima allowed you to import your entire party from previous games into the sequels back in 1982. EA suing Nintendo when?
Underage are not allowed on this site you have to go back.
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>All those indie devs that make games """"""inspired"""""" by games made by big companies
>t. frognigger tourist
>A controller vibration technique to alert players of nearby enemies.
The ladies are really fond of this one
hope pocketjew sees this sis!
literally who?
gotta claim it with a patent, bro
>Stole most of the game
Catching monsters, fighting them and using them in gameplay has been done for decades before (Digimon, Bakugan, Monster Rancher, Monsuno, all the popular not-pokemon pixelshit games), and while the catching with balls could be infringing, the patent does not specify balls, It says OBJECTS, which could be anything, making the aforementioned examples illegal too
ARK gameplay is not patented. Derivative of Rust (Which is derivative of Miencraft) maybe but there is no patent on "Mining and Crafting and building shit"
Designs can't be patented, they're only subject to copyright, and this is a PATENT lawsuit, so no amount of talking about models, designs, pokemon ideas or any such shit applies here.

Now tell me, with those in mind, what did they steal?
it’s okay sis, I can tell you’re mentally unwell and I hope you get the help you need!
this one's an old article but I'm pretty sure lots of games did the "unlock stuff from previous game in new game" way before Capcom could have patented it. Even pokémon did it.
Doesn't capcom also have a patent for playable loading screens?
I invented the "camera"
Capcom is such a tranny company
no that's bandai namco and it expired once loading screens stopped being significant
>Kojima is in this thread
Holy fuck
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>n-no u
but it wouldn't, alternatives would have been found.
Innovation stopped there when the wheel was invented, big wheel could have spared us from our fate.
just make a more fun game than your competitors. Apparently Nintendo doesnt understand how to do that.
>/pacoball supremo/ lingo
confirmed for mentally ill AND brown
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To the western games, friendo.
moneyberg hands typed this post
at some point during ps1 era every one made games with top down camera and tank controls and at every iteration there was tweaks and changes improving the formula
today there's a bunch of soulslikes, while they hardly improve some does have good ideas how to branch out the concept
every roguelike follow the same concept as well
When Kojima patents the camera it's over for all of these companies
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>patenting mechanics so no one else can use them
how do you respond without losing?

>importing and unlocking content from an older title in a new game
square enix and bioware have both done this
and its not just them >>689523693, and you don't own that. its like sony saying they own "ai, play game" when open source projects have existed for over a decade, YOU, DONT, OWN, THAT.

copywrite workers get the rope. you dont own these things. stop putting me off making games like how I will never sign with a record producer in the music industry (they will take all your profits and scam you out of the rights if they can, dont do it)
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Nintendo invented video games.
>heh I’ll call him brown first so he can’t expose me for being a fat brown underage homosexual tourist tranny retard
Oh Eric, are you with us right now?
MIT invented video games (space war)

>new captcha, noisy mess
fuck you.
>japs court
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oh I forgot that browsing those threads means you're probably a fag too, thanks for just projecting that one for me, Pablo.
>n-no u
I won
this one here include about every game with physics, simply ridiculous
Is that a patent for jumping on platforms and not falling through them?
And I'm sure the corporations whose ass you lick will reward you for your service any day now
Japanese held patents are filed or approved by a patent office, it's all just approved by judges. In the case of Capcom and Nintendo, these judges are all long time friends or paid off (see: the bullshit patents nintendo had approved in august)
keep up the good fight sister we can’t let these jewish fatcats win!
we have asmagrifter on our side!
"Is" is correct there, though. It refers to the "state" of the virtual space.
Jesus christ, this is incredibly dumb. And old judges have no clue what it all means and how to rule it so it's probably won by whoever has more favor with the judge.
Everything is rotten to it's core, unironically the entire system is going to collapse and cracks are showing everywhere. I fucking hate jews and jewoids so much it's unreal.
yeah on a lot of points, including laws japan work like a mafia, it's like a third world country
again, literally who are these ecelebs you're obsessed with?
asmagrifter is pro isreal, he supported those soldiers beating college students at least indirectly by siding against the protests, which is exactly when I unsubbed.
I wish I could unbuy DD1. Being a conscious consumer is hard.
thats right sis we’re on the heckin right side of history
actually are there even any examples of western patents aside from WB patenting the system from the recent LotR games?
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your meltdown no longer even resembles a response to my question
based asmagrifter
also you were subbed KEK
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Why is this thread so antisemitic?
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this seething faggot is gonna post his entire /v/eddit folder
time to bring out the big guns a dump your ackjaks
I'm going to start using that
>thinking "controller vibrates" is in any way a unique idea
Anon, are you retarded?
>pro zog? based!
>subbed lol
I enjoyed the holocure streams. its a good not vampire survivors game

stop killing civilians and laughing about it and ill stop hating you (you cant)
Only jews should be allowed to have patents
Nintendo also hold more than 100 patents in the US
>pro brown nigger
also you were subbed like a filthy sun-human until he hurt your feefees lmao
I patented moving using the D pad. No one else can do that, ever. If I see that shit even once, it's over for that company, I'm going to make their life a living hell.
inb4 browns don't count as people but im somehow the racist chud bigot problem
Serious question.
Does Capcom hold the patent for on disc dlc?
At least you have the self awareness to know you're seething so hard that it'll inspire people to start quoting you and posting ackjaks. Maybe you should take this as a life lesson before you embarrass yourself on the internet any more?
look at this goy
I honestly don't get right wingers obseesion with jews.
same here, shalom!
Someone should patent the concept of video games.
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I wish Fromsoft would patent soulslop so people will stop making rollslop clones
>no stock /v/eddit reaction image
Damm nioh 3 by capcom confirmed
>such as importing and unlocking content from an older title in a new game.
So many games did that
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very cool!
unironically more people should become patent trolls. It makes humongous amounts of money and there's no laws to hinder it since they get outlobbied the moment people try to implement them.
If we can't have a fair system it should just be abused to the point of failure.
I invented sex
Now die a virgin :)
just /pol/tourist watering it down by using like lefties use nazi
>jewish friends
>90 ways
>only posts 11
Jewed yet again.
I bet falcom is sweating profusely right about now. If capcom hits them with one of these they could torpedo the whole company
shalom and welcome
>implying calling villainous business practices jewish takes away from how evil jews truly are
I don't disagree
I don't know why this kind of lawsuit is so rare. Look like an extremely easy way to make money
just like this tourist nigger retard
like dustborn?
jap game devs have got to pay us reparations now
patent trolling stifles innovation
>implying you stop being indie once you sell a certain amount of copies
based retard
THEY HAVE PATENTED THINGS LIKE THIS? WTF? What a bunch of greedy asses.
don't hate the player hate the game
who are you quoting?
indieslop defense force
Better yet, for all those times you've been told about how vidya publishers and devs are wasting money on progressive features & pandering: This one's been built in for far, far, far longer and it doesn't get challenged for ideological reasons.
>there are people here who actively defend suing for ridiculous patents and copyright laws made from multi-million dollar companies who don't care about you and continue to make sure they are the only ones making mediocre video games
How you could you people sleep at night assuming this line of thinking is correct or "moral" in any way?
i blame soulless americans
is it in the room with us right now?
I don't think at all, so I sleep like a baby.
>I don't think at all
we know
I think only Americans should have the right to patent troll
nintendo owns the patent for physics in a video game
because as everyone knows nintendo invented physics with botw
>tons of articles on how pantenting the nemesis system is the death of videogames
>all this shit comes to light
Am i missing something?
Crapcom pays off a lot of people.
look in the mirror
>draconian patents/copyright
>greedy AAA companies

Why can't you people stop fucking with me and ruining my entertainment? I just wanted to live quietly play video games.
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The anthem of a generation
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One thing stood out to me though is these patent lawsuits aren't that damaging.
Pocketpair at worse will lose a few million dollars here.
Even for billion dollar franchises like CoD and WoW paying a patent infringing case costed them only 23m$
oy vey anti-semite!
we are the same person.
This is why no one like jews (you).
>only 23m$
It's over
>Shitendo defense force already deflecting
B-But Anon they broke the law ok!?
It's capcom vs koei where does shitendo come into play?
Most people such as yourself are incapable of coming up with good ideas that actually work. You retards just see a patent a go “I could have thought of that! What a patent troll!”
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Fucking hell I totally forgot japs can do that as well.
Love your work, Hideo.
are you saying you need actual skill to be a patent troll?
Japanese should patent getting nuked, that way the world would be saved
yes, anyone can come up with the idea of changing mounts based on terrain or having the controller shake when enemies are near
Nah, the real reason it wouldn't work is small dicked individuals hold no candle compared to big companies in terms of influence, and it is influence that wins cases (and money) like this.
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Funny and based Frog Pirate, where’s your cool eye patch Froggo?
then Activision wouldn't loose this case >>689527685
Also that would make even less sense as big companies aren't suing a lot either. Look at the case in OP, Capcom could sue any game company in Japan but they only chose to sue Koei
And original Ninja Gaiden wouldn't exist without Castlevania
That's a good point, why don't they just sue everyone? I'm genuinely asking.
>I could have thought of that!
Unironically this. I and most other people could have come up with the patents Nintendo owns since, like Nintendo, I can look at what has already been done for year or decades and replicate it an obvious way. I could not however get a patent for it since I don't own a large company, so the laws apply to me and I am not allowed to patent things that are obvious or derivative.
Weren't they being sued by Boeing in that example?
look how they’re seething because they know it’s the truth
It's okay when japs do it
They learned well from kikes
Your rights stop where my profits begin
The Nemesis system is a complex system that arguably stands at the center of what makes shadow of war/mordor unique

in contrast what capcom is suing for is something basing being used in thousands of games
It's even worse that they can sue you for damages even if your accusations of something they did wrong is correct.
That will never happen, Fromsoft are the good guys.
They really sued over fucking Wo Long? Holy shit Crapcom. Guess I won't be buying Monster Hunter Wilds after all.
Well they really needed this win after the string of failures they've had recently
the fags get faggier
why bother when no one ever made a good souls clone?
Japan jewed up, sue left and right.
What a nightmare
>kikery, japan
>>such as importing and unlocking content from an older title in a new game.
I've missed that since Mass Effect
>retarded frognigger thinks the 3 years of switch 2 delay aren't tied to combating piracy
enjoy your $400 chip not earlier than a year before EoL
Boeing is a much bigger company that Activision kek
>wanting to buy dei goyslop to begin with
>Only kikes should be allowed to abuse patents
Spotted the goylem
The Jews of japan strike again. Fuck this retarded company
Humanity existed fine for millennia without patents.
The only thing the patent system has succeed in is making countries that don't need to obey american patents stronger as they can steal all they want while local companies are fucked.
>such as importing and unlocking content from an older title in a new game.
isn't that 1980's thing(I think Wizardry 2 already had it)? How are these things holding up in any kind of court of law.
>jewed up
they were always like this, you really expected the biggest lickers of american boot to not gladly inherit all their kike shit?
fucking retards, they were sued by Acceleration Bay the one who brought Boeing patents
err.... didnt //hack made the importing from game to game ? did they get sued ?
Patenting game mechanics shouldn't be legal
actually relevant for the "gamer r art" crowd
(in real countries) one cannot patent an element of an artistic work, the best you can do is name (trademark) or a particular implementation (to fight shameless copypaste)
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>Crapcom, Most pozzed JP AAA company right now
>KT, Less pozzed JP AAA company when compared to it's peers
>Capcom launching monetary attack on KT
>Capcom won because they're funded by big jew boss and they have more money
>KT desperately needs funding to cover up their losses
>They're forced to use Blackrock™ funds
>KT are now as woke as Crapcom
They have actually established an effective closed ecosystem by ignoring foreign laws and enforcing their own. They keyword here is *closed*, that is, there is limited interaction between the foreign shit they copy and the domestic shit that copied it. Being culturally and politically against the global conventiom helps with that.
>private company does "R&D" with government grant (taxpayer money)
>private company gets to make patent and keep all the profits

what a great system
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>All the Japanese companies entering a litigation war
Nippon is collapsing

It's not just save data. Koei had the Dynasty Warriors Xtreme Legends titles that acted as expansion packs for the previous numbered Dynasty Warriors titles, but first you need to load the disc of the previous version in order to unlock the full functionality of the expansion.

Looking into it more, Capcom had specifically patented the use of -DVD- for those expansions (rather than CDs like some older pc games did). It's bullshit though, since they registered this patent just a few months before the first DWXL came out, so it's clear Koei wasn't ripping them off. They were just patent trolling.
Nothing makes me happier than the shitskins on /v/ getting mad about patents.
Fucked up they stole that orignal concept from daddy capcom, can't wait to be a crossdressing hunter in wilds by the way !
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>such as importing and unlocking content from an older title in a new game.
i dont mind patents even if theyre fucking stupid, but patents over the vaguest shit shouldnt be a thing. you should have to hyper specify because i can think of a few games do this. hell i recently played borderlands 2 where you could. it seems like patenting something that already existed
Any reason why patent trolling shouldn't be heavily punished by law (other than kikes)?
MGS did it with psycho mantis, and that was over 26 years ago. there were lots of games that had old save bonuses. the patent is bullshit.
based frog scholar
they got nuked back to the stone age and got their military privileges taken away. what else are they going to do other than create weird media and be litigious?
When did KT ever used those mechanics?
It is, videogame mechanic patents are vague as fuck, they literally prohibit other game studios from adding similar mechanics into their games. Can't iterate on good ideas and make better implementations because the patent jew will sick the government on you if you try.
Wasn't Wizardry?
>they literally prohibit other game studios from adding similar mechanics into their games
this problem isn't exclusive to video games. in fact, it extends to all software patents: unlike normal patents, which focus on covering a method to bring forth a result, software patents end up barring others from arriving at the result itself
Based Nippon
It certainly is bullshit, but this was specifically about how you could use two different discs in the PS2 to unlock additional content. It was the implementation that was key in the patent. Koei didn't like that Capcom also did it with Sengoku Basara, a very similar game to their Dynasty Warriors. When they couldn't sue them for copyright infringement, they went after the patent. Sound familiar?
>claim a certain mechanic/concept for yourself
>never do anything with it for the next 20 years
>make sure that no one else use it in the future either
why are they like this?
Well for one thing, it's legal.
Same with Mass Effect, a core part of the main trilogy was save data importing from previous games
fighting the good fight anon. god speed.
why should it be legal
Capitalism is a jewish cancer
What the fuck? Wasn't this like years ago?
When they did Dynasty Warriors Xtreme Legends, if you had both discs, you had to swap discs in order to use the base roster in the Xtreme Legends title.
This lawsuit was the reason why the disc swapping aspect is gone, and why Samurai Warriors 4 never had an Xtreme Legends but instead Samurai Warriors 4-2.
seriously something needs to be done about this. cant believe we let them get away with it for this long. nogtendo really just exposed the whole scam to everyone.
If companies want to be "ruthless" then why shouldn't the government (or the people)? Let's say they try to patent troll. Okay, if they fail everyone on the board and their families get killed.
>seriously something needs to be done about this
then start not buying their fucking games and not keep happily consuming slop
>such as importing and unlocking content from an older title in a new game.
Fucking how? People have been doing this in games for decades now. Are they going to sue BioWare and Sega next?
you retard. being litigious is frowned upon in many jurisdictions internationally. you are wasting the judicial system's time and resources this way.
A bunch of the Yakuza games have you bonuses if you had save data from other Yakuza games too.
Call me a commie, but everything related to patents should always be for public use and free.
It is one of the very few things in the capitalist world that is a total cancer to any industry...
how are you expecting people to work if they don't think they're a temporarily embarrassed millionaire? Creative drive? sounds like commie talk to me
ive already boycotted nintendo and capcom. who else do i need to boycott?
Not buying shit from a company is not a boycott. A boycott is organized with many people. It's the consumer version of a strike.
>heh... that company slaughtered 3 million brown babies, I'm buying a different brand at the supermarket from now on!
Doesn't mean shit and is not a boycott.
This guy talked a bit about it

Seems like it was allowed because it used was still a technical aspect (transferring data between multiple games). Still seems like Japan plays fast and loose with patents than US and Europe do.
tons of people are boycotting them though. now who else is a patent troll that needs to be added?
This stuff is bullshit
Fuck patents or else...
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There's a deep rabbit hole with Japanese companies, government and yakuza right? Why the fuck didn't America dismantle this shit when they CONQUERED THE COUNTRY?
Wow if they can get away with that shit, I guess Nintendo is gonna get away scott free with their broad gameplay element patent nonsense as well.
Patents on gameplay mechanics are like a studio or director patenting camera angles or lighting techniques. This shit is so unbelievably retarded.
>such as importing and unlocking content from an older title in a new game.
Dawn of War 2 Chaos Rising did that
Panzer Dragoon Saga unlocked content if you had a save from Zwei, in fact it worked the other way too, having a Saga save unlocked everything in Zwei
Sonic & Knuckles probably counts too
Sim Copter and Streets of Sim City could open cities from Sim City 2000

this is retarded, this feature is almost as old as the industry.
Hyrule Warriors was worked on by Koei Tecmo. None of the characters from Zelda games that Capcom worked on made it into HW, so the leading theory is that it was out of spite because of the feud between the two companies.
in case you thought nintendo had a chance of losing...
I still don’t see capcom suing mihoyo for copying their moves. So fuck them i hope they fall.
This guy talked a bit about it

Seems like it was allowed because it used was still a technical aspect (transferring data between multiple games). Still seems like Japan plays fast and loose with patents than US and Europe do.
big corpos will have patent Mutually Assured Destruction between themselves.

Smaller companies are the ones that will get fucked.
Nigga how do you think these people rose to power after the war? Same with the chaebol in south korea.
>studio or director patenting camera angles or lighting techniques
yeah, that would be crazy
What game was the patent lawsuit about? Article doesn't say

Isn't this the 2nd or 3rd time Koei has tried to sue Capcom? I recall they sued them for Sengoku Basara (Musou ripoff) back in the mid 2000s
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>gameplay mechanics are like a studio or director patenting camera angles
Nintendo going for that 2 for 1 special
Motherfucking Wizardry II did that and it's japanese port birthed the entire JRPG industry.
Nintendo invented RPGs you stupid contrarian. I hope you get sued for libel.

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