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if a zombie infection actually spread can you use your epic gamer skills to survive /v/?
i've survived /v/ thus far, but death will be the end of it
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if a zombie virus was real first thing i'd do is go to 4chan and check if anyone is talking about it
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Depends on the zombie infection and how long clean water keeps running. I'm pretty sure anyone but the physically/mentally impaired could survive a TWD style outbreak at the very least.
Unless the infection is airborne and the infected are runners, humanity will have no problem fighting off zombies because plenty of zombie media has been around for centuries so they know how to curb the outbreak.
same but i'd do it on my phone while getting my guns ready.
Mmmm no. What happens is cities start running to the suburbs because they ate all their food in a day, and then fighting breaks out in the suburbs as people realise they're packed into an area that's not big enough to sustain the population without refrigerated semi trailers bringing in food every day. You'd need to be positioned rurally to start with.
>the infection is airborne
don't underestimate poisoned water, especially if animals could get infected as well
my gaymr skills? taking a break from fartnite, cumming on my crust-infused RGB monster keyboard, wiping my fingers with crust-infused towel, hitting a joint and resuming gtaV? No... I don't think i would survive
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Living in a low population density area in a high up apartment, I'd just sit put and wait the worst of it out. I already keep a good supply of food and water as it is on the regular
As long as I can get enough food then all I have to do is wait until Winter and no zombie will be able to move.
Depends on the kind. Basically this >>689528426 It wouldn't be as bad in a rural area compared to cities.
What if its the video game kind where not only does it spread like wildfire it also turns people into horrible superhuman monsters?
Then pretty much everyone that isn't packing an armory or get lucky in the matchup/circumstances is fucked and even then might still be fucked
>Live in rural area
>Have plenty bows/crossbows etc
>Construction stuff
>Live very close to the supermarket and other stores so can get the jump on that immediately
>Various routes to maneuver
>Can also just sit in the attic
Should be manageable assuming they're basic bitch zombies, of course can never say for sure due to the "OH SHIT" factor if it actually happened.
Sorry, rural areas get sprinters to make up for the low density.
If it's like what happens in Zomboid, where it's an airborne virus that simply kills most people and then they reanimate as zombies, then there's not much you can do.
But if you happened to survive, then just don't be a total retard like 99% of the characters in zombie stories, including supposedly realistic ones like World War Z (the book).
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>"OH SHIT" factor
I feel like people who are already used to living as shut-ins have the biggest advantage in this kind of situation. Simply stock up, lock down, stay quiet and put and you should be fine
corpses can't walk around in the real world so I'd be okay.
Am I the only one that doesn't see much threat in a zombie infection that only has slow shambling zombies? Like sure, fat cunts, cripples and old people would be pretty fucked, but the average adult would easily be able to outmaneuver and outsmart any shambler and cobble together anything spearlike to ding their skulls and kill a fair number of them easily enough.
Most people would panic and a bunch even if in life or death might hesitate to attack something that looked human.

But yeah it all depends on how horrifying the zombies are. Like if they are just moving dead then weather will eventually take out most of them.
>shoot zombies in the brain
>they are still walking
I could theoretically see it being an issue in heavily populated metro areas if the army/police don't contain it but anywhere rural would assumedly be totally fine
>cut zombies head off
>the head and body are still moving and coming towards you
>TWD-style outbreak
Fairly easy. Zeds are slow, stupid, and can be killed with a stab to the head, so an average survivor will only have to spend some time constructing a fence and stabbing whatever zombie trying to come in until he slowly clears his area that way. The most important part is finding a shelter where you can easily hide, as you don't have infinite stamina to fight the horde daily.
>Runnning zombies
Difficult, but doable. You'll need to be extra careful and quiet and try to wear clothing protective against bites at all times because a runner will always get lucky at some point. Due to how easily they can amass a horde, it'd be easier to just create medieval-tier holes around your castle so you can easily burn them down and pick up the bones later.
>Mutants, ala Dying Light or L4D
We have no chance. These viruses either mutate all the time and infect everyone that isn't a carrier or create highly potent specimens that can climb, and possess super strength, or they're some fucking monster that lives in a hive and only comes out at night. You can only hope that the military wins before the infection grows too severe.
I mean if we're being serious for a second, most people are not set up to be fully independent from utilities and food production
>All power plants and generators shut down eventually since they can't be manned properly, as the staff are all zombies
>water and heating will stop working too
>Impossible to ship food and other supplies to stores, because of all the zombies
>waste disposal will become an issue after 2 weeks (not just trash, shit like plumbing will become an issue as well)
>even if you live in a literal impregnable fortress, you will EVENTUALLY run into some kind of supply issue that cannot be reasonably solved by yourself, beyond scrounging for scraps and pushing the problems off a little until tomorrow

Like, I could probably lock myself at home for a while. My neighbours can probably do the same. But if we're all staying at home, unless we're going to raid each other then we can't loot other properties for more supplies. Even if you had a farm or garden, how sustainable is it if you can no longer go out and buy whatever supplies you need to maintain it like more seeds or fertiliser, or use water networks to keep your crops watered?
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>zombie hasn't consumed and metabolized anything in decades
>continues expend high amounts of energy running towards and attacking you
>get attacked by a zombie
>Fortunately I have a traditional video game health pack that will restore me to full HP
>Red Cross rapes me in the anus (homosexually) because my health pack has a red cross on it
if you wanna bring realism into it, nerves stop working entirely in a matter of hours after death so zombies would have a life expectancy of about a day
unlike you virgins I am a homeowner so I'd just board up my house and grow food on the roof. Water I will get from rain. If the zombies thin out I will venture from my house to barricade up my front yard. This way I will get extra growing space. The only thing to deal with now is boredom once the electricity shuts off. I will shoot myself before the zombies could get me.
how large is your roof that you can grow enough food to sustain a person
Unluckily for you me and my friends are packing heat and were walking around the neighborhood so I'll be taking what's yours, mmmkay?
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I want b42
I just want it man
>grow food on the roof.
Anon you need an acre of land to feed one person for a year.
You're putting your house at risk for water damage, as well.
>go to the next town over
>Activate tornado siren
>light the town on fire
Done and done, ez pz
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I’m not proud enough to say I’d probably have about 3 months then I’d get infected, probably by infected water like >>689528426 said
I live in Appalachia no shambling zombie is getting around up here easily and population density is extremely low. While most have stopped subsistence farming for about 40 years there is still corn and bean plots around for food.
I am the zombie

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