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Fear him
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I only fear one thing
don't open
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It looks like Pink saved all their tickets to grab everything before refresh so they can grab everything again after we take it all back?
Otherwise, how would they have gotten enough tickets to take the entire board over.
Shit's fucked man, We need EVERYONE to play to have a chance at this
Does anyone know how many people played yesterday on team A? From what I counted only like 4-5 dudes did
Hopefully even if they keep their lead if we stay somewhat active we can still win.
How in the fucking world
And how the shit did green get down into our base again somehow lmao
I think if we can recover our relics there's a real chance we could recover from this.
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I'm trying to get alch touch but I don't think I'll beat this shit.
We got too confident and not enough people were playing
RIP, I'll get camo trap and SMS asap on refresh. Is there a list of the relics we should rush first and foremost?
Box of Monkey, SMS, Alch Touch, Camo Trap, MOAB Clash
Those 5 feel like the most important ones to me.
People not playing isn't overconfidence it's just having lazy motherfuckers on the team. Everyone who has actually been playing isn't doing anything wrong.
I get the feeling these dojofags went crying to discord and got coached by good players in the actual well ranking dojo teams or something for them to suddenly pop off out of nowhere.
We can recover from this, we've still got a solid lead and if we just continue fighting they won't be able to overcome that. Just need people to keep playing.
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I'm currently working on the alchemist touch tile, I grabbed it before they could fully cut it off.
I'm planning on sitting on it until we reset happens so we can start the fight in the center of the map.
If they want to play cheap, I'll play fucking cheap.
Semper Fi
Ideally, we should have people rushing to get the relics while at the same time others work to push pink from near our base
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This is SMS, fuck me
meant camo trap
Someone posted a pretty good strat for this tile on a previous thread
See if it works, camo trap is really important
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Not only are you looking at the same strat as in the post you linked but...
Also, place the sniper near the track and set him to close, I've found that makes him hit dreadbloon much more often. Don't forget to give him pickles and jerry's fire and shit
I fucking knew it lol
AND ALSO, leak some bloons for the elite defender skill
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Yeah I tried to do both of those things, I find it hard to calculate how to leak something here. On the first run I failed it was a lead that made it far, on this one instead it was a much faster green so I had enough time. And yeah I have the sniper there to be on close specifically.
Fuck piggers.
Based, fuck piggers
>need the tile in CAF or the tile in EEC to get MOAB clash with my strat
It's degraded enough that I might be able to get it but we only have 20 minutes left and it's a long one I don't have much to experiment.
>tile in CAF or the tile in EEC
You happen to remember what those were? I could get them for you on refresh.
Also, how many team tickets you still got?
Only 1 team ticket left
It's either Thrive in the top left (10 tiers for MOAB Clash) or Hero Boost right below abilitized (9 tiers for MOAB clash)
At this point the most important thing is making sure the ticket gets used regardless of where it goes, we need everything we can get.
I'm still holding the tile. Would someone else beating me to finishing one take the ticket?
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drew a Bloons Card Storm monke
Uhh I think so? I just used it to get SMS
No wait nevermind, that's why when you use a team ticket it first forces you to claim so if you claimed it and you could enter the map you still have it.
In any case, use it before 10 minutes pass or you lose the ticket.
What did he mean by this?
Read the thread.
Finish the tile right now if you're waiting for the reset, do not wait for the reset to happen or you'll use one of your personal tickets, wasting the team ticket you're holding onto.
Its going to be close, but the important part is everybody being around to pour off the tile that I cap.
If I dont make it before cap, I still think its worth it.
1 minute until reset
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>Tech bot
Fuck off
68/74 on Alch touch.
Get ready to take everything back in the center and hope this pays off.
Dude if you're on that candy falls map that's abilitized, not alch touch
you wasted the ticket for this strat lol
You fucker I was doing alch touch and exited because of you
I swear it said alch touch.
Regardless, getting alch touch isn't the point to begin with so I don't know how its wasteful.
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Because now you have 3 personal tickets. You lost the team ticket you were using to enter the map since that was lost the moment the reset happened.
Bizarre. I swore I was on alch touch. I don't remember ever seeing "Abilitized".

I don't care about losing a single team ticket if it means stopping us from having access to the middle at reset.
how hard is bloons? is there a meta you have to follow to beat stages or can you use the units you like?
What happened to CT, A-bros?
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loggin in now

We can't let them do this
Only on the hardest maps are you pigeonholed into doing some very specific things. The normal game is generally easy.
we're WORKING on it
Cbros, I told you being hopechads would pay off.
We can easily make it top 3, maybe even 2nd place.
Can someone take out those 3 (at the moment) green tiles from near our base?
I'm about to open up the entire cluster of banners in the middle.
While I'd love to take care of them, I think it's more important we leave as big a dent in pink as possible.
I know, but green is starting to screw us over too.
Does anyone remember what tile is BBS?
The tile that is 2 up from Box of monkey, we have that one so you should be able to find it.
If you go to pink's base, go 4 tiles towards the middle.
does it matter if i capture banners with completely half-assed scores
just capture them, we can shore up the regular tiles around them to protect them
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>Green and Red attacking us too
Heresy! Traitors!

I thought they are on our side?!
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7 tiers
Alch Touch, Camo Trap, SMS, Durable Shots
Psi on round 1
Get a ninja on the right to let you save up until super
Get a super in the center platform, upgrade him to 031
Place camo trap after round 42 (if you can place it later go for it)
Level 10 ability on round 70
Use level 3 ability on round 74 for the camo ceramics, just to be safe.
Round 75 is scary and difficult to explain, you'll need Psi's level 10 ability and SMS
SMS on 76 if you don't have the level 10 ability
Use level on 77 once all MOABs have been popped, this is a scary round.
Keep in mind this strat is kinda weak against clumped MOABs and BFBs, use abilities as needed
A way to get super without the ninja would be nice but I can't think of anything
I don't know how hard it is to get money for the super but maybe an hp related relic allows you to leak enough for it?
Would substitute durable shots since that seems the only non mandatory one.
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alright team c, if i can at least help contribute to an early heart attack for this schizo, i am content.
What round does camo trap run out again? Assuming you place it round 1
70, but you leak a few regrow whites
If you want to reach past round 78 you need to place it mid 47 (need to not decamo 30 camo pinks from 47) and it'll last for all camos up to 78.
The next camos come in round 90.
Post a pic of your map, I'm curious.
>Pink isn't taking any tiles.
Watch. When we reclaim the middle, they're going to cap it all back and then hold it over night.
I can't beat any of these fucking race times
Are you trying BBD? Beating it is kind of hard but if you do it well that's a sub 3 minute clear.
Not any one specifically I've just dipped into like 3 or 4 at this point and had to peace out cause they were too much
>If you want to reach past round 78 you need to place it mid 47 (need to not decamo 30 camo pinks from 47) and it'll last for all camos up to 78.
I will try this right fucking now
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red team still has team pink locked down with unbeatable scores
>lmao win this map with 1 tier
mostly just grabbin relics/banners for the hell of it at this point
If you're not sure, don't want to risk it and can afford to do so then just waiting to finish round 47 is good. 47 has 70 camo pinks, you can afford to decamo 40 of those.
>If you want to reach past round 78 you need to place it mid 47 (need to not decamo 30 camo pinks from 47) and it'll last for all camos up to 78
How many live should I have left over after round 47 if I do it right?
>team c really is foightan' for 2nd or 3rd
aww I love to see it, maybe you kids aren't so bad after all
It depends. If you have NO camo detection at all until then (like for DBF which is what I imagine you want to do, the strat is 000 druid + 500 heli) then you need SMS to clear the camo rainbows from 42 and a big wave of pinks from 47. This allows you to survive past buying the 400 heli with single digit lives.
You guys should get rid of that enclave of othe teams inside your territory
This is bullshit. I just died to round 36
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Also forgot the important thing but you also need this one to actually survive without camo detection.
Which is why we have to go balls deep in them now to crush any chances they have to recover
Sorry bros I've gotta split and have two team tickets left. I'll make sure to spend them tomorrow.
Take care fren
Watch for rolling rocks
fuck pink
Is there a way to get 6 on MRX?
post image of the tile with the towers available I don't know it by the code alone
>Coop is dead
Bloonbros... we're flying solo...
I'm playing CT man
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It's the climax of CT and you're expecting niggas to play co-op?
That's the 6 in your image. You need camo trap, alch touch and something to kill the MOAB in round 40 to afford the tier 5 in time.
Hey now, tickets can be spent! And besides, somebody asked.
I had to get 7 because I die to the early rounds without 410, is that ok or what relic should I use?
I think yesterday I could get 6 because I had the power that boosts attack speed for a round
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Moab-Clash, Camo Trap, Royal Treatment, Durable Shots
420 tack + 203 tack

Credits to this Monkey King >>689424793
If you don't want to try relics until you get it then go for a 7 and be done with it. I'm sure there's some combination that allows you to get to round 47-49 with just a 400 boomerang.
The problem rounds are 46 and 48 even with 410, so I had to grab the shield relic. I think with 400 you die to every ceramic round. Maybe restoration + shield? I'll just go for 7 hopefully pink doesn't fuck me.
SMS for 46 and 48 then bring moab mine for 40 maybe?
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Flying Fortress at home
DBF strat?
Draw Bimbo Fusty?
Literally a better design.
Told you guys it was doable.
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no... not my monke in his little box...
They set a pretty good score too
No doubt they got it from one of their discordfag friends
Yea, I'm sure too. They play a lot better suddenly all out of nowhere.
They should make a hero that's just "The Dart Monkey" and its the original bloons monkey.
Pink is starting to get more active around the alch touch tile, I'm kinda worried. We really need to clear all of the little enclaves they have around the map.
Any ideas for what box of monkey could possibly be?
A box with a monkey in it.
I need to go, lads. Didn't take any team tickets. You guys will FUCK PINK.
Going to a wedding tomorrow. Wish me luck!
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The wedding is between me and the C-team cheerleader btw
take care bro
I have no idea how to do it in 10k, it's absurd
Could be dartling micro but I don't want to think about it
first anon to genuinely marry a monke, based
I tried with 2 ninjas and got to 46, it might be possible with the right relics
definitely need the hero xp and alch touch, probably sms, and i don't know about the last one. restoration actually probably works but i don't think we have it
Two 302 spactories + Quincy aren't it, either.
I'm assuming it's gotta be something tack shooter or 040 mermonkey related, dartling micro is shit on multilane maps no?
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I'm trying to get restoration right now, I couldn't do it because we didn't have thrive and now that we do have it we lost box of monkey which made it free.
I don't know if I can get it now lol, had to use 1 SMS on round 7 to get the engineer before dying.
What was your strat?
Just quincy in the middle and 2 402 ninjas, not sure about the exact positioning. I already leaked some ceramics on 40 and 43.
I have never fought a boss or played control. Am I missing out
>playing control
We only play aggro face unga bunga here
You should at least fight the regular bosses for trophies.
should we take banners from green or spend everything on pink
Green has nothing left
I'm more worried about red personally
Have fun bro
Bosses are fun, you should play the bloonarius that’s available right now
CT is kinda poopy ngl
Yeah but they just took one of our banenrs which is why i'm asking
Also I don't know if I should spend team tickets after personal tickets or not, it seems only ~5 of us are playing today again
Who's the dev that keeps adding beast tamer to every single race, CT and challenge known to man?
Spend them dude. There's no reason not to.
>only ~5 of us are playing today again
Yeah that's been fucking me up, what happened to all these bums that made them stop playing just when we need it the most?
just use him anon he's cute :)
I cannot figure out how to use him honestly, none of his early paths seem to really be of use at low power, and it's usually not worth the time/money to power him up
he needs to change, remove the merging and just keep the paths and upgrades the same honestly and I would be glad to use him
well, I'm at work, so
I'll be home in like an hour, and I always use all ten tickets
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Ugh, I'm fucking done with these race tiles.
30 minutes on this one, +1 hour on the others I tried before.
From what I've seen the dino has good pierce so it's actually useful in CT races
Wait I thought team tickets were shared between all players
Do we actually all get 6 team tickets each?
Well red took out those straggler green tiles near our base so they were good for that at least.
Pink is making a move on thrive though.
They're all shared but each player is limited to only 6, in reality there are much more in circulation.
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Just achieved my goal
Red better not try to fuck us over, we must keep fucking pink tomorrow
Doing maps on half cash or something?
I'm not sure what the intend to do now, their goal was probably to fight green for third and with that done I have no idea what they wanna aim for.
They might want to help the "underdog" dojo team or maybe even slam into them trying for second, who knows.
>slam into them trying for second
I think that might actually be their aim here, they have consistently ignored our tiles thus far, always going for either pink, green or blue ones instead. Let's just hope this is their actual plan and we won't wake up to a red and pink split map tomorrow.
since there's only 1 reset left I believe pink can't beat us but we shouldn't fall asleep anyways
There's two resets left.
What's the white border signify?
All easy/medium difficulties beaten
Never seen that banner in my life lol.
Never seen those circles top right next to the maps either.
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are these literal bots?
It's literally just one guy.
Check red guild.
>team code
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They have a femboy cheerleador, anon.
Either that or one super autist and his alts
A shame you can't report these fuckers but maybe it's for the best.
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Those circles are the highest impoppable round of people you've added to friends.
the game just glitched out on me
after beating a pink score it said "an internal error has occured" and took my ticket but didn't take the tile
what do bottom path druid smell like?
Sweat and musk. You see how fast they attack and how ferocious they are?
tile FEA
alch touch, camo trap, durable shots, moab clash
just a 420 boat, easy peasy
How new player friendly is this?
it's not hard, you just place little monke down and he pop bloons
beginner maps are perfect for beginners, and the difficulty curve is very smooth, everything is pretty obvious for a new player to beat maps pretty easily
what's the strat for sms again?
i've just noticed recently, i dont think heroes get a "target camo" option even if they can see them, quincey can see camo just from his upgrades but i can't focus camo if i wanted him to
well, we are back to owning all banners again, i dug into red to get their banners too
pink has been trying to get sms for a while
what monkey has the sexiest feet? something about druid feet does it for me
that tile is deceptively difficult, you can't really even attack bloonarius until he comes around the fence, 204 super does a lot of damage but you have to pivot to elite defender for the last two skulls, it's weirdly hard to clean up all the extra bloons too
team c would have won if not for a metagamin giga autist
so if you think about it, team c is still undefeated.
shouldn't this idiot get banned? I'd hate to run into him next time and there's no way you're allowed to do what he's doing
If you wanna go further you can also say team C is also being fucked over by having what, 10 players? And how many active? 5 or 6?
i am the only active member
everyone else is my tulpa
>Be a casual player with only two maps blackboardered
>Join these threads out of curiosity
>People going into deep tactics over territory control
>Also there's a femboy monkey mascot for some reason

Shit, I'm way out of my depth here, ain't I?
I’ve been here like a year and I feel the same way, lol
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oh heavens, a true greenhorn
yeah you're way behind on thread lore, but your just in time to enjoy monke, it's always a good time for it
>Thread Lore
Ah hell, I gotta fucking READ before I can properly write any autistic greentext shit
and it all depends on how far back you want to go, we've had these threads for like 3 years now...
i have played btd6 for over 700 hours without an account, without going past round 110 or level 80
i think that's impressive, maybe, i don't know
Jesus Christ
Fuck man, I just wanna do shitposts with (you) and Monkeys
then do so, we make up new silly little garbage every thread it seems
just say whatever deranged thought comes into your head and we'll go from there
Tile: AFB
Bigger bloon sabo, durable shots, camo trap, sms
420 dart top left of the highest floor then 402 ace x2 (make sure they go against the track and not in the same direction as it) then 410 ice top right then 420 dart bottom right
could be cheaper maybe with shield or restoration, would have to remove bigger bloon sabo and then use sms x2 on round 63 (the second wave has less ceramics so easier to survive). could try without the 410 ice and second 420 dart then, maybe
also the pink FAGGOTS just took sms
they've also got moab clash which i think is way worse for us to not have
I don't know how to beat 9 on that tile, I'll leave it to whoever knows what they're doing
someone before got 8 with ezili and a boomerang, they'll have to figure it out again
Nah fuck reading just vibe bro
Did my first 2 megapops with pirate lord. Thought I was fucked since alch was *just* in range to hit MOABS, but I had 3,700 pops to spare.
Well I don't know how to do SMS either apparently. Did someone post a strat in the thread before? that tile sucks
yeah someone did, don't really remember
i did happen to notice that if you use geraldo his fire potions actually target over the hedge, that feels important to me somehow
and besides i wouldn't try until we get moab clash back, +2 damage on bosses is insane
My attempt was dragonbreath with guided magic, hits over the hedge. and phoenix is a lot of damage too. But without moab clash we're dealing no damage anyway.
What map and hero?
who cares about reading the threads, but i would recommend checking some out for the hundreds and hundreds of catboxed porn requests over the years
Park path so nothing to completely write home about. No hero, sub start.
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>launch some abilities
Alive but at what cost
bro your doomship?
Don't have one, I don't usually go this deep and I just noticed I'm still half a mil XP away for Ace.
And that I never used engineer enough to unlock x5x so the little shit on the right sits at 042.
Current state?
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Tile BDC (MOAB Clash)
8 tiers
Placements shown in pic related. 510 Glaive Lord
Relics alch touch, +25% pierce, glue trap, bigger bloon sabotage
Use Ucav on rounds 85 and 57, they're tricky and might require restarts. Round 40 requires etienne lv3 ability and is a little RNG reliant it seems but nothing too crazy.
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absolute state
we need someone to take sms back from pink, i have no tickets left
I forgot to mention round 40 needs glue trap, it should be put on the bottom left of the glaive. It should last until very late into the game and be reapplied when it runs out. Of course buy glaive lord asap
Did red suddenly wake up 3 days into CT?
They tried to take a few banners but without relics their scores suck ass. I'm more worried about pink since they know to go for moab clash then SMS and alch touch
monki bump
Huh, we're doing better than I thought
Post the maps you are having trouble with, I want to contribute but I'm away for the weekend and phonepostin
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Current state
Blue took two banners at the top
Pink is apparently going for moab clash again. If anyone has any tickets left it'd be nice to grab SMS before we lose moab clash
Just took monkey box from red, Cbros.
If you want to go get some tiles now might be a good time.
>Blue took two banners at the top
They probably decayed pretty hard at this point

At least it wasn't pink
>Huh, we're doing better than I thought
Because we are hardcore like that
Can pink even do 40k points in 2 days? Is it theoretically possible?
I don't know but they just took moab clash with 7 tiers somehow. Not sure how exactly, they have one guy on the team putting out good scores.
The way I've captured it multiple times is
Geraldo round 1
If box of monkey is available place a sniper for free (that will become elite defender later) in the spot closest to the entrance that hits dreadbloon as soon as it spawns. If no box of monkey, place a turret.
Get the figure asap, use nails as needed to not get penalty.
Make the sniper a 003.
Place a spike factory as close to dreadbloon's spawn as possible, then make it a 040 so the cooldown ticks down before the boss.
i believe at some point in this I bought the 103 for the sniper.
You can also place a second spike factory next to the first one.
Then for round 40 sell the figure and get 2 040 spike factories, depending on your relics you will need to make them 240 or you can afford to go 042.
Then as soon as you beat the military layer, sell the spactories and get Elite Defender 205. Afterwards get whatever, remember to use Geraldo to not leak like giving camo potion to the sniper.
Also rereading this is not clear, but for the boss I end up with a total of 2 spike factories, not 3.
>he immediately took it back with some crazy score
These fucking guide followers/bots I swear
yea the tickets/players problem is real
every time I open up CT I see a team having captured half the fucking map, meanwhile we're lucky if we get a handful of tiles
also it really doesn't help saudafags and the purple team got almost completely ignored by both the chinese menace early on and the turbo autismo later
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This is how I do the early game for SMS
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Cbros... I leave the rest up to you.
I went with a wizard where your Geraldo was, then made a sniper for the bottom lane but to the right not angled like you.
Alternatively you can maybe have one wizard at the front of each lane then make a 203 or 204 sniper for purples
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This bot guild hella fun to fight against
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The fags are coordinated too, they're isolating SMS now
It's so funny to me that they were getting so ass blasted the first few days that they clearly obviously had to run crying on discord to the other dojofag teams to coach them
From what I'm seeing, it's only 1 account that puts up actually incredible scores.
The Lab Cult or something like that
The others seem to be beatable.
I don't mean purely in a scoring sense, there's only so much that can be done for a less skilled player on that front if a score requires certain micro or whatnot.
But they definitely are getting some help when it comes to map control plays.
Yeah it's so fucking weird, they were sleeping for +2 days and suddenly bam.
The chinese guys were also weird as hell, they were dominating, then they gave up as soon as they got locked down once.
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I do not understand how they did camo trap in 37 seconds, I fear that one is going to be locked for a good while.
we need people in these tryhard discords finding out what the meta strats are for important tiles
Anyone know of a good mazing TD with branching upgrade paths? Or should I just reinstall W3?
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Should I contact the dojofag to infiltrate them and steal strats?
>defenses all the way in the back
>Round 41
>already ran out of time
Your time got eaten by bloons traveling for ages before you even got to the boss, silly.
You gotta kills the wave bloons fast or they deduct your time.
It's reverse dude, they're at the start.
But he put a score of 36.5 or something, that's how much I could deal before running out of time.
Considering the amount of projectiles the druids shoot MOAB Clash might help a lot but I don't have it and I don't know if that would be enough.
Maybe more druids but 013 instead would be better.
Oh, my bad.
For one you should at least have had a C4 Ninja, also you weren't gonna kill it with just druids and a sniper.
He probably had a C4 ninja and a BUNCH of MOAB rockets.
For rock bloons probably a spike factory? Not really sure. Maybe a fast sniper OR actually a bottom path cannon rapes them.
I can do it in 1:30 or so with a 104 ninja + 203 super into a 205 sniper after the magic layer starts.
But I wanted to go for ultrafast since the ninja is relatively slow. I think this needs good relics. Fucking dojofags man.
>Inb4 they invite us to their team
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I played the game on release. Is the online still dogshit?
Had that happen to me last CT we did, got a bunch of friend requests from guys that weren't even in the clan out of nowhere.
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That was fucking close
Yeah they like to prowl boss and race leaderboards for that, and I belive they specifically target people with good medals and points when recruiting from teams. Very gay, very humiliating.
But they haven't tried to poach me yet :(
I mostly focus on getting the good relics so you guys can get the banners from them, but I couldn't get MOAB Clash, Box of Monkey or Camo Trap so I stole their banners instead.
Hopefully they degrade enough by the reset I can get them tonight.
I still don't know how they got 7 for moab clash
500 Glaive lord? 050 mortar possibly? I dunno
not even hard
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what is the ACTUAL hardest map outside of the Expert category?
chutes, somehow
X factor or Erosion
If I had to guess it's Etienne + 500 glaive with good relics.
SMS + Alch Touch + MOAB Clash + Bigger Bloon Sabotage maybe works. Or maybe the hero gets 20% extra exp per round instead of BBS.
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Good ol' Spin Monkey + Glaive Lord never lets me down on maps with weird layouts like chutes
They didn't have moab clash but that's probably what it is, I think restoration + sms + alch touch and 500 glaive + etienne
restoration probably helps you survive the early game before you get glaive lord, then sms for 85/87? or maybe +hero exp to get perma ucav for 87 if that's even possible.
We could probably look at what relics they have/had available at the time to figure out
The relics I mentioned + a few other things such as moab mine
They didn't have the +25% pierce relic but apparently it's not necessary. also lacked glue trap which means they need something else for 40 (probably MOAB mine)
If you have Etienne that's enough to beat the moab layer from round 40.
Yes, but the ceramics leak even with 410. with 400 you will die here.
>188% ceramic health
Depending on how many leak you could probably tank that with restoration + another health relic
Could also just spend an SMS there
post that sexo mermonkey
You need both SMS for the late game I think unless Etienne gets to level 20 by round 87. That's why I assumed it's MOAB mine and restoration to get a bunch of lives, pop the moab and use etienne lv3 on the ceramics, then tank ceramics in 46,48 and 49. Glaive lord at 50, then hopefully the lategame is still doable with 500 which I'm not even sure about
>glaive lord at 50
Does it get that bad?
When I did it with Ezili I was able to buy it early into 49
Oh you're right actually, glaive lord should happen earlier. So the early game is definitely possible with this, now what I'm worried about is the 80s with only a 500
>outside of the Expert category?
Midnight Mansion
Hate that fucking place
monkey hot
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oh yeah, it's time to make out
>two humans and a mermonkey in a pool
>the woman is getting fucked silly by tentacles
>man is rock hard and cumming from the singing
>Mermonke covering your cock in purple lipstick marks
Prehensile dolphin penis
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Mermonke is just so wonderful in every way
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TriDaily Co-Op Challenge

Wet and shiny nautic ass
That is all
P1 get some poplusts of your own
Somehow sincaster is even faggier than goatboy
Goddamn it, GG
What a shame
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Quincy and his bros
Current state?
>haha non-hero monkeys are meant to be gender neutral
Thats bullshit and you know it.
Every single monkey is a cute boy
Except mermonkey, mermonkey is a cute girl
They're whatever gender I write them to be
Current state??
It's over
We're so back
They're all just monkeys to me.
if you aren't willing to fuck every monkey no matter what you are simply not a bloons fan
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>this is a very clearly feminine outline according to /btd6/
i mean, if we're going by the game's standards then the female outline is exactly the same as the male outline
Man I wish people would draw more Monkeys vs bloons cool art like this instead of inflation fetish shit and boring fapbait.
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All the monkeys are pear shaped and flat chested, that simple
there's not a whole lot the draw, the bloons advance slowly and the monkeys shoot them, that's about the extent of the conflict
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Current state as of, I dunno, 20 minutes ago
Spend your tickets, bum ass
Meh can't be bothered, we won already
Off the top of my head
>Phayze warping in bloons from the sky above monkey city and monkeys can only see his outline with the eye
>Vortex being chased by some ace monkeys in the sky
>Dreadbloon digging under the track and monkeys just wondering where the fuck he is
man, we're really having a little fight over moab clash aren't we? i'm kind of wondering why pink is taking relics and ignoring banners, are they planning a little counter attack?

we *technically* could lose a lot of ground on points if literally no one does anything the next two days and we lose all the banners, maybe even enough to lose first place
Go cap those pink tiles at the top of the map atleast
what, so just bosses then? i don't think the bosses are that cool really
>Dreadbloon fucking niggas up Tremors-style
no wait, get our banner back from blue, it's right there
I like the bosses.
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Don't forget DDTs brutally mauling and dismembering monkeys
>nothing gets past my bo- *DDT speeds past Quincy with a smug look*
>monkeys freeing cavemonkey so bloons free up cavemoab
>BAD about to make it to the end and glue gunner shoots glue in its eye, it cries and fucks off
>i don't think the bosses are that cool really
you gay nigga
Fortified BAD with camo, zebra, purple immunities, DDT speed, Phayze dash and Bloonarius slime drop from the Bloonarius quest
Shit taste honestly.
I like the bosses more than I like the heroes save for one hero.
Hopefully they all get their own theme someday and someone decides to remaster the Phayze theme.
I'll be honest these sound really boring, just nothing to write home about
>I don’t like bosses
>I don’t like any ideas
>I got no imagination either somehow on how to make anything bloon vs monkey
Alright man, cheers.
It's just boring man, the bloons are too boring and the monkeys are too cute to make anything cool
im not even trying to be mean, go outside and spend some time outdoors, you are depressed.
Insane post
if you just like cute shit you could’ve just said so
that’s all I’ve got to say.
Get some relics for us dude

Or atleast grab some easy regular tiles in 5 minutes if you are THAT low on time
Shut the fuck up already, retard. Nobody gives a fuck about boss bloons.
But I didn't, so, cry about it. I guess
>Meh can't be bothered, we won already
Top 25 bro? Don't be lazy like that
Fair enough but I still think it's hard to make genuinely cool art when the monkeys are designed to be cuter than anything.
I'm not doing all that.
It's already won, I'll just cash in the rewards.
Have to agree with this guy. Bosses are lame ass shit and I ignore them every time. I only like CT and do boss rush for the team because I will not let you down
Oh really now.
Tell me anon, how many points does the first place guy in the local leaderboard have?
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>It's already won, I'll just cash in the rewards
Top 25 gives more rewards
Why does he have huge fuckin' TITS
Not gonna log in to be you're personal army, look it up yourself
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Expose deez nuts, weirdo
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I knew it, you fucker.
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Good job, senior detective Anon
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Here, have this one on the house.
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kys bomby
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Thanks, it's cool.
Alright how do you feel about all the art the other guy has been posting?
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They're pretty cool I guess, I dunno, I just find some of them hard to take completely seriously
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love these 2 little dudes
goat couple
What a faggot.
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my wife nearly keeping up with him is wild
870k pops on superstorm
Co-op Bloonarius?
Could you host the room? My internet is kinda acting up. Apologies in advance if it ends up being a bother
where were you when captcha was kil
>where were you
Watching Wakfu.
Alright time to try my luck with some Bloonarius ranked now.
it looks like they made the captcha even more gay and retarded so i guess it's getting DDOS'd from all the failed entries
Only thing they added was a line though, if anything it's easier than before
host it and I'll join
>captcha doesn't load with 4chanx
>still using 4chan X when it's been abandoned for years
Use 4chan XT instead, way better. And captcha auto-solver if you know where to get that lol.

Ranked Normal Bloonarius
Just rawdog 4chan like a man
>4chan XT
One spot left on that normal Bloonarius, I'll start soon otherwise

I can't browse this place without easy filtering of images, threads and keywords and auto highlight threads based off keywords and also sound files + filename randomizing and auto captcha solver.
4chan X but still updated
Communcation gonna be fun with this wack ass post delay
I ran out of useful things to spend MM on. What skins do I get first?
>>>689653916 #
>I can't browse this place without easy filtering of images, threads and keywords and auto highlight threads based off keywords and also sound files + filename randomizing and auto captcha solver
Sounds super useful. I have to look into it. Never heard about XT before ever
>I can't browse this place without easy filtering of images, threads and keywords and auto highlight threads based off keywords and also sound files + filename randomizing and auto captcha solver.
That shit sounds like a fucking restaurant order bro. The day I discovered the thread watcher was a thing my mind was fucking blown and you're out here telling me about sound files?
I think we should just go merchant boat spam?
Notice how all monkis are flat? Yeah that's why they hate balloons
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>Notice I'm only missing black borders on a couple advanced and a bunch of expert maps
>"Maybe I'll guidefag these it would be cool to have a full set", pull one up for #Ouch
>5 minutes just to get an attempt past R12
>Fail R14 almost instantly 90% of the time, return to step 1
>Finally get pixel perfect sub placement and get past R14 and immediately lose R15 to Brickell's mini mine RNG

Boy this sure is a fun, engaging, and very balanced game mode I'm very glad I spent an hour of my life failing at this.
Remember the ceramic rush after it pops.
Sasuga pause
the game is only fun when you're allowed to win with whatever towers instead this gay minmaxing
the new one they're rolling out has this obnoxious scratchy checkerboard pattern in the background that's almost impossible to read
Blade trap sweep
Just out of curiosity, does bloonarius still get instakilled by two first strikes in co-op?
What we getting for T2?
Damn then I dunno, mine looks the same as before
>getting back into BTD6
>conquest mode or whatever it is called
>make warplan with friend
>some fag is setting ~5 minute times on time attack
How in the fuck do you go that fast? I am mashing next just to keep pace but still getting raped. Do I need to watch 6 hours of YouTube tutorials or some shit?
>Buying blade traps when there's a ring of fire
>Buying ring of fire when we have blade traps
Do the math bro
Okay. $1300 spent for no reason as the RoF was already constructed.
>Finally get past that and think I'm home free
>Lose on 35 because I hit naval tactics half a second too early

Fuck this gay earth I'm done
Current state???
Not gonna lie P4 I was three seconds away from just getting a commando thinking you wanted me to get one for some reason even though you had one.
Waiting for dojohomos to push to counter attack so we can lock them back in thier sissy cage
I have no idea what a commando is in this context, but I wanted all of us to have a T5 trade empire boat
For every T5 of them we get 20 extra buffs so we can go to x80 boats with 4 of them
We go boat paragon for T4 I guess
wtf are you doing p3
I will molest you
uhhh, I'm sorry man, but fast times on ct races are like 2-3 minutes, 5 isn't even that good of a time
you gotta understand towers with high peirce are the most important, and put down a lot of weaker upgrades instead of saving for one strong one
Hear me out.
4 MADs with Perm brew. Super Brittle on first island.
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Sound posting is over a decade old bro... If you ever see an image with something like this as the file name it can play sound
I really need to set up my second monitor. Bloons is serious business.
INSANE overkill
A single MAD + overclock will probably work just fine.
Permabrew does almost nothing for MAD btw
Bro how?
I see I am not missing out on anything
Let's just get that boat paragon I guess, save up and then sell two boats you got for other T5 paths.
Is there a chart or some gay shit I can see? Too much of this game has hidden stats for it to be this metafag centric.
The bloons deserve it.
You fucked your sound file up kek
It bothers me I never managed to find the name of this song
>download 4chan x
>get any of the dozens of script addons for browsers (such as tampermonkey)
>google 4chan sound post script
>paste script in script add-on
>reload page
>allow script to run on page
Even phonefags have access to sound posting.
Also that image is broken because fucking windows renamed my image somehow. Its suppose to have brackets around them
alright you need to calm down, there are literally so many resources to check this out with
just throw down a lot of 402 boomerangs or 420 tack shooters, add in some camo detection and something to kill moabs fast and that good enough
I never managed to use 4chanx, the fucking UI feels so unnatural
>no brackets
Oh nevermind you mentioned it too.
Alright fuck this shit I'm installing Linux
You don't even need to make it that complex
You just get
>google addon called tampermonkey (or greasemonkey)
>with that addon you download 4chan sound file/sound player
>you can hear sound files
>degree 98
Does degree 100 still get the 20-round boss damage boost?
>dude just invent rocket science bro
I don't think we got the capital for mage paragon
Yes. It doesn't matter here because it will be overkill, but we did fuck up by not getting degree 100.
I don't remember the name but it is that character's theme from Black Souls 1 or 2 I don't remember. If you can't find the name of that character or just look at those game's OST you should be able to find it.
Place your wizard tier 5s bruh
I know the character, it's Mabel.
The song's not in the game though, it's just some random jam.
You have to refresh and allow anon but yes the tldr is google and install it lol
Haha very funny. It is legitimately easier than literally any advanced map. Do have beat advance maps right?
If you know that, looking the OST up in youtube should let you find it easily. I know I did when I looked it up a while ago.
I think it even had that same little video of her too.
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I'm still missing my necro
Do it pussy
What's that about damage on degree 100?
Sad we didn't get to see metamorphosis in action, oh well, GG
15th place
Gg, in hindsight we probably should have all ditched heroes and all that and just all gone boat spam then make 10 farms and place even more boats on land.
Need glussy
I play with 2x cash because regular is just too slow.
All paragons get a big damage spike (only against bosses) every 20 degree threshold.
It's why it is so important to get at least a degree 20 paragon on bosses.
A degree 20 and a degree 39 paragon will deal similar damage but a degree 40 will deal way more than those two. So you want to get past those thresholds if possible.
I have almost 500 hours and can barely beat 2 lane maps on standard
Me too.
I usually disable it when we do co-op but sometimes I leave it on.
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Imagine not going full boats
Huh. There actually ARE 69 boats on this map.
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I manually opened the catbox link and played it alongside the video
>TD5 medals
>jazz music
Man, that brings back good memories.
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They haven't swarmed us like yesterday
Hopefully they're crying in their shitcord
>desyncing it
This triggers my autism
I refuse. You wish you were me
Looks like red did end up hitting into us a bit rather than pink. I hate to potentially reward them for that by offering up second on a silver platter but we must continue to FUCK PINK
X-factor. Anyone who says otherwise hasn't beaten it on CHIMPS.
Pink isn't giving up anytime soon, I don't think there are enough refreshes left for red to get enough points for second place
Red kinda hooked around through the bottom right to pink, maybe they want to also fuck pink over? They have no reason to really fight with us except to take some banners for their own gain, but maybe they're thinking if they floor pink alongside us, we'll give pink a 3rd place medal for their sweaty collection.
regardless of red's motives or potential outcomes the same path remains. fuck pink
Take all of the northern crates and let red rape pink on the bottom
>>689659392 (You)
I will not be installing these.
God intended webms to be soundless, and /gif/ is an abomiation
Extensions are an affront to the 4chan way Jesus Christopher Poole intended in 2003
4chan x is the true vision of 4chan,
down with the poole orthodoxy
>God intended webms to be soundless
retard. webms are suppose to have sound
Holy kino
I disagree
My dad.
Can we change team name mid event? Would be fun to call out dojofags some way
Your loss.
Also explain this >>>/wsg/5666311
I believe only the leader can, and I haven't seen him around in a while
christopher poole was a known terrorist 4chan was obsessed with in the 00s
Start it up soon, don't wanna finish this too late because of CT
now what?
Now spend 5 years learning to draw pretty good and make it into a reality
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Current state
now all I'm imagining is my photo realistic dick in a cartoons mouth
welcome back
GG, wow I didn't think we'd finish that in time.
>Grabbing everything right before reset.
Sneaky fucks. Here comes their big push now that they hold the relics.
You know what you must do now
Top path heli camping the entrance makes the game fly by.
Can people tell if you have 2x money?
Yes, you start with double the starting cash
All they have to do is open the money tab when you do co-op and see you got twice the money everyone else starts with
Or looking at how your numbers go way higher than the numbers of others
I wish there was a coop mode where you can't share cash. Dumping everything on highest level player gets boring
You can't share cash in deflation co-op
Also, the majority of co-op games aren't like that at all
>SMS daily relic
actually massive
Co-ops that aren't CHIMPS give everyone a lot more freedom. Elite Bosses are miserable in co-op though for that very reason.
>deflation coop
Cry about it. You are going to carry me to top 50 badges while I watch youtube on my phone and shitpost
Can you stack SMS daily with the normal one for 4 uses?
I told you fags to take the relic cluster up north
Oh right, duh. Was too focused on the 2x multiplier icon.
Double cash users should get the x2 in the money tab as a mark of shame
>fire up cheat engine
>join co-op
>give myself stupid money
>spam banks
>afk till we win or lose
Oh yeah its BTD6 time

It's not over 'till it's archived
>Abilities don't refresh in CT if you retry

Can you read?
>>give myself stupid money
For one that doesn't work, because you'd immediately get flagged and banned.
The only money cheat that works are the ones that freeze your money count and you can then spend as much as you want as long as it's under your current money value.
Good fake story though. Don't know why you'd want to bother with money cheat when rapid fire cheat also exists and bypasses ban detection.
Can we get Royal Treatment pretty please?
hmm i think i will tryhard thiss boss event now that it is nit LC/LT
We making another thread? Yea or nay?

Yeah sure, I'll make one like 5 minutes after this dies
I am clearly just making fun of the fags who just make farms and just afk
Pink is working on BDC trying to undercut 8 tiers
I burnt all my tickets. I told you niggers what to do. We deserve to lose
>listening to hockey preseason game
>playing bloons
I missed it
I wasted a profound amount of monkey money on the box of monkey tile. Fuck me.
>Fuck me.
this but im listening/watching football
going to be a good few months
shame about tuas death
Ironic that hamlin who almost died killed Tua
i'm 0 for 2 today on my teams but at least the cowboys are getting throat raped so i'm happy
I'm not Finnish, no.
DallASS proving they’re America’s team
To laugh at

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