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>patent violations

Means they copied software my guy. If anything this is worse than a copyright violation.
I can't wait for them to get ass raped and have to hand every dime they made out of the pokemon haters to pokemon
The patents were made in May 2024
>Means they copied software my guy.
No it doesnt
>Means they copied software
No it doesn't. Software patents are "patents" of vague bullshit concepts, and shouldn't be allowed, because they are univerally people trying to claim ownership of preexisting ideas (and usually preexisting software features) in order to try to suppress competition through baseless legal attacks.
So how the hell did Nintendo be able to put a patent after palworld came out and still be able to sue them for it?
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This is now an AI thread
Why do people just make shit up like they are looking forward to being proven wrong later
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This is my post. I will see you in court, thief
We don't know exactly what patents were infringed. Until then it's pure speculation who will win.
>Laws shouldn't exist and shit

This is the argument you guys are making now? Lmao.
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do we know that's the patent they are using over?
I was indiferent to nintendo and japan, now i hate them.
>palsisters we are losing, quickly spam our AI generated pictures of AI made character!!!!
you made this thread already, play some videogames dude
Nintendo hasn't publicly said which patent they are suing over but the people that have looked into their patents have found that the closest patent to anything that looks like palworld was made on 2024
No. So just ignore everyone making those claims.
>Laws shouldn't exist and shit
Nobody said this. I said that software patents shouldn't exist. Learn to read, nintennigger
Because is japan. All their aplications of laws are made with corruption in mind.
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The patent was from 2021 shortly before PLA came out, the 2024 thing is just a renewal of an existing patent
sofware patents aren't vague at all. it's very detailed.
So I can just steal a Pokemon game and sell it as my own and nothing should happen to me?
What did Palworld copy? This is something poketards can’t answer without shitting and cumming in their pants.
you are a dumb nigger
If that was the case why would they renew the parent on 3 years later? Why would right now on the year they decide to sue a company over that specific patent they decide to renew a patent that's still pretty valid?
They aren't detailed, they are fluffed. They describe extremely broad concepts, usually ones that already exist in existing products. For example, Nintendo claims software patents over things like in game vending machines, riding animals in an open world, and throwing an object at an animal in order to catch it. All of which not only already existed in video games decades before the patents, but are just concepts from real life that have been used for thousands of fucking years.
Copyright and patent are not the same thing, dipshit. Obviously no, you cannot and should not be able to just flip assets that don't belong to you without permission from the owner. But creating a conceptually similar game? Yes, absolutely, of course you should be able to.
Nothing has been disclosed, presumably it is a mechanic involving capturing creatures with spheric objects, using "stored" entities as fighters, and also flying mounts.
Nintendo literally tried to patent "controlling a character to have fun in a virtual environment".

Specific examples tend to get writting off by Palshills by claiming Pokemon's mechanics are '''''genericized''' even though they're not and insisting that the designs aren't stolen, even though they are.
The PLA patent in question is extremely specific
If they didn't steal anything they shouldn't worry about a court case :)
>spamming threads
>even after getting a train ran on you
Modern nintendo fans are an embarassment.
Pokemon didn't invent monster catching or monster taming or monster fighting, Megami Tensei had all that almost a decade prior. FF had flying mounts before Pokemon
This gay dragon could very well be best friends with Dragonite, another gay dragon.
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>Flying mounts
RIP Skyrim
Pokemon didnt' copy paste concepts from other games like Palworld did.
Until the real patent infringement is disclosed we can only speculate, not sure how Japan handles those things but if those patents are really the culprint it would be stupid to allow them to win.
It doesn't matter because Japanese courts are corrupt and in bed with Nintendo, a national icon. They're being patent trolls and their lawsuit is going to be completely unjust, but they'll win anyways. And most of the Japanese public will cheer because they're consumerist corporate drones.
No, it isn't, it's insultingly broad.

Found the patent in question
It describes in great detail the field catching mechanisms of PLA
>capturing creatures with spheric objects
Pokeballs are just ghostbuster traps. Why is it important whether they're spherical or rectangular
Patent my 12 inch BWC you retarded chink.
The courts, especially japanese courts, are hopelessly corrupt.
Nintensnoy cope
Pokemon copied everything from Megami Tensei and then just made it cuter
Nintendo isn't doing this to "beat" Palworld. They don't have a case. They're doing it to bankrupt Pocketpal with legal fees via some retarded settlement.
You only read some clickbait article headline or some twitter post.
You might as well say that nobody can make sanity meter because nintendo patented it 30 years ago but still tons of games have that.
It's just some very specific way you can't copy paste implement it.

Remember when SE sued a music group for doing a parody of Advent Children recreating the Tifa vs Loz scene in their music video? lol
>T-they don't have a case

Yeah! So they're never, ever going to sue them! Because they would get beaten so badly!
That's not what he said. He said they're going to sue, despite knowing they don't have a case, just to drive up legal fees.
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That's still a turn based RPG with commands though? Does the whole case rely just on Palworld throwing balls?
No, everyone was saying Nintendo would never sue before the lawsuit. And now they're coping by saying that it has nothing to do with the designs.
I'm about to patent greentexting.
There are mechanics like that in spite of patents because these companies usually don't act on them. They all have a multitude of absolutely bullshit patents that they spam constantly. They're all violating each other's patents. It's Mutually Assured Destruction. Nintendo is breaking the mold and trying to sue over patent violation because they're just seething that much.
The image is just an example, the text refers to them engaging in combat as well as the field state the entities exist in pre capture and the interface etc used to capture them.
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In fairness to Pokefags, no one knows. Not even Pocket Pair, because Nintendo hasn't filed a complaint which is normally the first thing you file as its what you're fucking suing for. They might has well said "We're suing because they called Fuwakawa a cuck which is a true statement. My guess is they quickly filed something ahead of Tokyo Gameshow as some kind of gay sabotage. This whole think is Nintendo throwing a temper tantrum. Its also why I think this case isn't as airtight as a lot of people want to claim it is. These things are always shoddily put together because they don't have a real grievance the courts need to address; they just want to use the courts to hurt the other guy, so they find whatever they can to put some kind of case together.
Who knew they'd be spiteful enough to go after patents? That barely ever happens with big games. Otherwise Capcom would've shut down Silent Hill and Taito would've shut down every Space Invaders clone preventing SHMUPS from being born.
Legally speaking, it really does have nothing to do with the designs. That's copyright law, not patent law. Nintendo had to find another excuse to rape the game.
Bro think about this for 5 fucking seconds
Do you really think you can sue somebody without telling them what you’re sueing them for? You think this is like a soap opera where they bring in new evidence etc mid trial? The Palworld devs are just lying
That's not what I said at all, you retard. Nintendo's one of the biggest copyright trolls in the world, they've been suing people for years regardless of whether they have a case or not. Every case ends the same way, on a settlement. It happened to the Yuzu people, it happened to Colopl, it happened to LoveRoms, and now PocketPair is next. They're doing it to bully competition, retard.
>Do you really think you can sue somebody without telling them what you’re sueing them for?
No, but they haven't actually served the lawsuit yet. Obviously we will know when/if the lawsuit is actually served. Theoretically nintendo could back down at this point.
can you show me the exact code that they copied?
Shartendo took down many FREE (as in GPL) games out of pure butthurt and you're here pretending that a company needs to lie for attention.
the int main() { and the following } at the end, I just patented it by the way.
>Commit crimes
>Get in legal trouble

This isn't 'competition.'
Nintendo (pbuh) patented the ability to move forward by holding up on the left analogue stick. Palworld bros, fucking refute this...
so what you're saying is
>nintendo is evil because mommy never bought me that gameboy
got it
Damn I didn't expect nips to also be the type of folks to believe anything that's false as long it fits their bias
>throw ball for my dog to catch
>dog retrieves the ball and comes back
>this counts as catching an animal with a sphere shaped object, according to nintendo
>throw ball to friend
>dog goes to friend
>this counts as sending an animal out to attack with the sphere shaped object, according to nintendo
>suddenly a nintendo ninja drops from a tree and executes me, my friend, and my dog
>"help! help! this guy's a crazed murderer"
>"if he didnt want to get in trouble, he shouldnt have infringed on nintendo's patents. they invented throwing balls at animals."
tendies actually believe this is how it should work btw.
If "the character moves while standing on a moving object" is a crime (this is an actual Nintendo patent), something has gone seriously wrong.
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No information about the lawsuit has been revealed other than it's over patents. Not even which patent has been revealed.


Now back to your scheduled shitposting!
You should see their legal system
What crime did Palworld commit?
>T-The shitmons look slightly similar!
That's not a crime. The anon I'm replying to is a retard, so ignore him. But Nintendo won a lawsuit against Universal Studios back in the 70s after they ripped off King Kong. Palworld wins on that precedent alone but they just don't have the money to beat a copyright troll like Nintendo. It'll end in a settlement if Microsoft and Sony don't intervene.
>People are beginning ot notice that the Palbros narrative doesn't make sense.

All of the youtube gaslighting in the world isn't going to protect they/them from what's coming.
they literally worship corporations over there and their legal system is BEYOND fucked, to the point that you can confidently say nintendo's CEO could commit murder on the street and nothing would happen because of how the country works, not only would the people say "he probably deserved it if the nintendo CEO killed him" but the government wouldnt care.
the island is a literal corporate dystopia and america isnt far behind.
Sar you have to understand, the CEO is member of Yakuza.
When you file a lawsuit, the plaintiff will have what’s called a complaint which outlines the facts of the case (who they are, what they did) and what they violated. All Nintendo has filed is that Pocket Paid Infringed on multiple patents, but that alone isnt enough to go by. The court case can’t even start without that (or whatever Japan’s equivalent is). A judge can throw out cases for “lack of cause of action” as well. So, eventually, Nintendo needs to file more than what they have already. Again, the timing seems to be just related to TGS but it’s still very sloppy since you should have the Complaint done before you even file the lawsuit. It just looks sloppy on Nintendo’s part.
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I'm mostly saying this because a twitter user eb_kemo claimed to work for pocketpair and was harassed with so many nips defending him and he public admitted it was a lie and nobody said anything and still praise the shitneet.
This shit is ridiculous
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What is the so-called Palbro narrative you are talking about? Because last I checked, its the fact that Nintendo's patents have a high chance of being bullshit related to broad gameplay concepts or obscure code. Contrary to whatever the tendies are saying, its not going to be about Palworld's monster design.
I counter with the player character being an active combatant, able to deal damage, is a sizable change to the capture mechanic
Any patent involving catching monsters with ball shaped objects would've expired years ago with no room for renewal. Pokemon Red/Blue/Green is over 20 years old. And anything about
>w-well we patented 3D ball catching.
Should get Nintendo punched in their balls. Course, who knows how much dick the Japanese court system sucks for Nintendo. Heard they've been slapped in the face for stupid patent shit before.
The Palworld one looks better, it even shows you the chances of capturing the pal.
This shit is like saying that Minecraft invented the survival craft games so nobody can make games like ARK and we must settle for Minecraft for life even if Minecraft becomes stagnant and boring.
Patenting game mechanics it's absurd and only hurts innovation and creative freedom in the industry.
they filed the specific patent in may (after palworld's release), any logical person would say "well thats stupid, nintendo only filed it after palworld was made. they shouldnt be able to sue palworld for it", but the funny part is that doesnt matter in the world of the law. the only thing that matters is who coughed up the money to file the patent first.
with enough money you could theoretically find some game mechanic that nobody's patented before but is present almost everywhere, make a game with ONLY that mechanic so that nobody can try to counter-sue with another patent, patent said mechanic, and then go on a rampage striking down just about everything.
>Course, who knows how much dick the Japanese court system sucks for Nintendo
they practically own the country since they are in bed with the current ruling party, and since nintendo wants pocketpair dead the only way they get out of this alive is if sony or microsoft step in to match nintendo's ability to endlessly extend the court case. sony's the most likely case since pocketpair and sony's music division (responsible for marketing & merchandising) were looking into merchandising together
>This shit is like saying that Minecraft invented the survival craft games so nobody can make games like ARK and we must settle for Minecraft for life even if Minecraft becomes stagnant and boring.
Nintendo sued pal world because Nintendo is in the right, the court will side with Nintendo because Nintendo is in the right and the public will side with Nintendo because Nintendo is in the right.
Cry and seethe more about Nintendo using the law to protect their property from thieves you commie tranny
>Nintendo sued pal world because Nintendo is in the right
why is nintendo in the right? what did palworld do wrong.
A patient should tell anyone how to create things that are being patented. I feel like software parents just explain the end result and expect you to be able to figure out everything else.
>it's right because it's right
Circular reasoning. Guess this is the result of playing too many nintendo games.

The one from back when Nintendo dabbled in love hotels.
Patenting game mechanics isn't "right" by any stretch of the imagination.
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The truth is you can't patent game rules (or, at least they wont hold up. You can send anything through the patent office if you pay the fee). Nintendo patent dealt with using the Joycons to throw a ball which is fine. But the gameplay aspect (throwing a ball to catch creatures) isn't. Also, the fact that WoW's pet battles work like Pokemon means Pocket Paid has an easy defense.
It's not just "catching monsters in balls", but the specific order of mechanics involved into doing this action. The Nintendo patent is something like
>enter aiming mode through input
>entering aiming mode for this purpose shows a sight icon
>throwing a catcher item while in aiming mode
>catcher item's chance is modified through monster strength and different versions of the catcher item
>upon success, the caught entity becomes property of the player
>you can then use aiming mode to throw the catcher item, which releases the monster, which does battle with other entities or performs other tasks
As well as a bunch of mechanics related to boss battles
As far as i undertstand, Palworld needs to simply not do one of these things to not infringe the patent. Adding more (as in, the fact that the player contributes to the fight with its own prowess) still infringes the patent because the mechanics still contain the entirety of the patent.
>inb4 i'm called nintendie bootlicker
Lol nintendo doesnt want this to go to court. Theyre just patent trolling. They had yo settle before.
It doesn't matter how specific it is, patenting game mechanics is wrong.
Palworld fans keep doing this where they keep creating false flags to make Pokemon fans look bad.
they couldn't stop being niggers
the problem is that this is the objective best way to handle the mechanic.
nintendo shouldnt be able to "own" the best method to do it.
thats like saying you cant spell the alphabet in alphabetical order because a big company patented spelling the alphabet in alphabetical order.
I see illegal pictures ITT
yup nintendo is panicking
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Reminds me when someone said nintendo owns all fanart of their IPs. Yes. even the furry stuff. Got a chuckle out of me
Nintendo did purchase the rights of a Super Mario Bros. porno for the sole purpose of preventing it from ever being released.
And while i agree that game mechanics shouldn't be patented, Nintendo has patented the way their software interacts with the hardware to achieve these interactions. So what is patented isn't the idea, but the execution.
>you now remember the disney porn vault because they had the bright idea of making it so that they own ALL the work that their artists produce.
Source? Sounds too funny to be true
Is there any thread on 2ch about this?
It's Japanese patents, they outright can patent entire gameplay concepts so long as it's so literal that there's no escape.
I have patented the idea of patenting
Now everyone who ever patented anything owe me 5 trillion dollars
It's broad but tediously broken down using mundane actions that, taken together or individually, do not indicate innovation or novelty.
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Hahaha holy shit
>tfw the realization that nintendo and disney may be the biggest consumers of furry porn
Then nintendo should be suing Epic lmao
Palworld could crowdfund this by going live service and people would be fine if all they did was disable nintendos patent trolling for the entire industry
>Nintendo has patented the way their software interacts with the hardware to achieve these interactions.
Then it's not relevant at all because Palworld doesn't run on the same hardware.
Specificity does not matter. I can't take a bunch of preexisting actions that exist in other games, put them in a specific order and stop others from doing so. It needs to be novel or innovative which it isn't here especially aiming and throwing
This is the best way to do it only if you’re literally just trying to make notPokemon
and given the modern state of pokemon can you really blame them for wanting to make "pokemon but better"?
>Splatoon fans want TF2 sued because it "stole online shooters from Nintendo"
>Metroid fans want Hollow Knight sued because it's too similar to a metroid title
>Zelda fans want BG3 sued because only they own patents to winning game awards

What is it with this fandom and supporting corporations abusing IP laws?
Imagine if Nintendo owned Doom or Wolfenstein and sued the entire First Person Shooter genre into non-existence. People did used to call FPS games "Doom clones" after all.
Only pokemon can use the "Aiming and throwing objects" mechanic?
>First Person Shooter genre into non-existence.
I would love in that world.
>No cringe part of the 2000s
>No competitive multiplayer games
>No rootkits by game developers
We fucking missed out.
>he thinks it'll stop at FPS genre
Look at the smooth brain on this fella
I'm so sick of people pretending like Nintendo deserves to win this even if Palworld isn't particularly great or a paragon of indie gaming.

Top 5 fuckable pals?
>I'm so sick of people pretending like Nintendo deserves to win this
On one hand I agree, on the other I don't see why you're acting like it's some revelation that tendies will back their corporate overlords no matter how evil they act
I'm sure the japanese are sucking off nintendo like there's no tomorrow, they really love their IP laws.
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Here's a video explaining how vidya patents work in Japan and the whole Colopl lawsuit:
>In Japan anyone can patent anything
>In the 80s companies and even individuals outside of the vidya industry were patenting popular games they had nothing to do with in order to demand money from developers
>To combat it, developers started patenting everything themselves, from title screens to high score boards. Literally everything.
>To this day it serves as a way to keep outside bad actors from patenting vidya related elements. The developers don't sue each other because they know they all are infringing on each other.
>Despite having hundreds of patents the only time in the past 40 years when Nintendo sued another developer was the Colopl lawsuit:
>Nintendo patented touchscreen joystick in 2004
>Nothing was happening for over a decade despite hundreds of mobile games having touchscreen joysticks
>Colopl decided to patent their own touchscreen joystick and charge money from anyone who wanted to have touchscreen joysticks in their mobile games
>Got bitchslapped by Nintendo
>Mobile games keep using touchscreen joysticks without having to pay anyone
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Because for some reason, I keep struggling against the state of life and reality and expect human beings to suddenly grow some braincells.
>Here's how patents work in Japan
>Big companies patent everything, and use their patents to arbitrarily knock down anyone they don't like, which is allowed because the japanese patent system is a joke and intentionally allowed for this kind of anti-competitive abuse
Yes I know. What I don't get is redditor retards like you trying to pretend that giving a video game company de facto legal control over who is allowed to make video games is somehow not dystopian bullshit.
and now nintendo's become the very thing they were acting against in the past with the palworld lawsuit.
It always was. There's no evidence Colopl was going after anyone else.
You say that but we don't have real information about what really happened with palworld.
for what reason would nintendo sue palworld other than just knocking them down because "NO! ONLY WE CAN DO THE POKEMANS!!! AND DONT YOU DARE PARTNER WITH SONY FOR MERCHANDISE!!!!!!"?
>We don't have any evidence that palworld did anything wrong
>Therefore we must assume they did because nintendo has indicated that they are going to sue
??? A Palworld trailer showing off these mechanics came before PLA (or at the very least before the patent was approved). isn't there some sort of protection if you infringed the patent before it was created?
After 5 years with a bigger company.
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>isn't there some sort of protection if you infringed the patent before it was created?
Law student here. That's about it. Whoever says likeness is disingenuous.
It's called farming (you)s, here have one for free.
Realistically, there is nothing in the game that hasn't already been done by many other non-Nintendo developers for years. All of the individual mechanics are derivative and only become something that stands out when considered as a whole package. If there actually is some detail that Nintendo invented, PalWorld should not be the exclusive target.

It seems pretty obvious this is just because PalWorld did too well and shamed Nintendo. It is ok for them to follow the honor code when games are made that resemble and borrow from their other franchises since they know their developers are generally among the best in the business and will perform well regardless, but Pokemon is a special case. They are stuck with GameFreak having part ownership, who are so incompetent they probably genuinely think they were the first to figure out how to aim and throw something in a 3rd person game.
Japan is a draconian hellscape

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