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>NIS just casually decided to never port 3 to every platform like they have with literally every other Disgaea game (except DD2)
>Nintendo ports Luigi’s Mansion 2 to Switch so players can finally experience…2 and 3 but not 1
>Nintendo ports Metroid Prime 1 to build hype for 4 but…forgets 2 and 3
>Square ports every main FF to PS4/5 except the 13 trilogy because…
>Sony remasters SotC a second time on PS4 so you can play all the Team Ico games on one system…except Ico
>Sony ports all 4 Jak games to PS4 and then…doesn’t port Ratchet or Sly (but releases a port of Sly 1 only that isn’t the HD remaster)
Why are publishers allowed to do this? What is their actual fucking problem?
Imagine if they had the LotR trilogy in cinemas but only released Two Towers on DVD
Or when Lucasfilm remastered the OT Star Wars films but suddenly decided only Return of the Jedi was getting released
Still nowhere near as bad as whatever the fuck Namco Museum Archives was supposed to be. Cheap bastards put the NES carts on there when every single other fucking collection had the arcade originals.
>Square ports every main FF to PS4/5 except the 13 trilogy because…
Because they're piece of shit games that tanked the FF IP and nobody wants to play them
3 is probably the only one I bothered with the storyline on

Is 7 any good for the autismo adiction or should I just redo a run of 5?
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Unrelated to your OP but Kilia is a terrible protagonist and the protagonist of 5 should have been Seraphina.
Sera is the main heroine, Disgaea games always have a male MC with a main heroine.

Basically, she has as much protagonism as any girl in disgaea could hope to have, except for Asagi that girls needs to be the MC.
Yeah she's the main heroine but we spend half the story with the biggest brooding faggot ever seen in a video game. It's so bad that he has next to no connection to any member of the squad because he's too busy being a brooding asshole to get to know them.
Personally I’m waiting for the update to 7 to come out in English but who knows when it’s coming out
It reworks some stuff and adds Asagi
I forgive him because he has the edgiest and coolest design of all disgaea MCs.
Disgaea 3 and DD2 were the most disliked Disgaea games prior to 6, so I guess they figured it wasn't worth porting them. It's not too uncommon to see devs try to ignore games that weren't too well received
I always see people complaining about that guy but I don't get it. I liked him better than the two before him at least.
Which disgaea class would u fug?
Magic Knight
Good taste
>NIS just casually decided to never port 3 to every platform like they have with literally every other Disgaea game (except DD2)
because they suck shit and the company already nearly went bankrupt to waste money porting games nobody liked
>Nintendo ports Luigi’s Mansion 2 to Switch so players can finally experience…2 and 3 but not 1
maybe they wanted 1 for switch 2 but since it's permanently delayed it got skipped
>Nintendo ports Metroid Prime 1 to build hype for 4 but…forgets 2 and 3
clearly it sold like shit and they don't want to bother
>Square ports every main FF to PS4/5 except the 13 trilogy because…
because 13 is still likely the most hated games even compared to trashfires like XV
literally fucking who wants a XIII port?
>Sony remasters SotC a second time on PS4 so you can play all the Team Ico games on one system…except Ico
SotC is highly overhyped and sells, Ico hard filtered retards
>Sony ports all 4 Jak games to PS4 and then…doesn’t port Ratchet or Sly (but releases a port of Sly 1 only that isn’t the HD remaster)
naughty dog is too busy making cinematic slop
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Sometimes it's just because the games rely on special console APIs or the code is too optimized for certain platforms/architectures to realistically port over without great effort, defeating the point of HD remasters being nothing more than cheap cashgrabs banking on nostalgia.
A good hint about this is that Disgaea 3, for example, only got ported to the PS Vita that had a smooth porting API from the PS3
All of them, but specifically both Mage and Thief.
It got portad becasue nobody ever gave a shit about home console disgaea andf shita was the only available portable
nah this was the era where NIS absolutely peaked with home releases they still haven't topped the guided fate paradox and disgaea 4
Yeah let's release shitty remasters with no effort put into them for every console every generation instead of making good new games
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Still baffles me that they spent like 10 years jerking it to Lightning only to never port her dogshit games forward, just wacky.
Also baffles me that weapon skill combos didn't carry on from Disgaea 3, i loved that shit
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Yes 3 needs a port to PC despite its sub-par story and unbalanced design, also I haven't played 6 or 7, what am I missing out on bros?
only retards wanted to sit in front of the tv playing a game which plays much better on portables
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They're on PC thoughbeit. And desu Lightning Returns and Type-0 were the best FF had until Stranger of Paradise came along.
It mostly has to do with how those games were made for PowerPC with platform-specific libraries and porting to new some consoles with their own APIs is some real fucking niggerlicious shit, so the best you get are PC ports. Get a 'eck.
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You stupid delinquent! You ruined my port!
same shit desu you're not gonna play disgaea anywhere that ain't your room
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Also never forget Cheerleaders, a generic exclusive to 3
This cope really doesn't work with NIS when they are comically lazy.
The ONE TIME they tried to shake things up (6) it nearly fucking bankrupted them and even after 7 they still haven't recovered.
yes i will
>The ONE TIME they tried to shake things up (6) it nearly fucking bankrupted them
because they tried shaking up far too many things far too hard
7 has most of stuff from 6 yet in the sane amounts
>yes i will
enjoy explaining to a cop what a loli is
its a drawing of a fictional character
are you stupid enough that you cant differentiate fiction from reality?
>he thinks thought crimes aren't real
disgaea 8 should be cyberpunk desu
ok schizo.
After the writing in 6 and 7 I can't imagine how fucking awful that's gonna be.
It would make hyenas and fairgame$ look like a masterpiece.
i don't live in muttland so i won't need to do that since nobody cares
just as i have a very low risk of having my shit stolen by watermelon kfc enjoyers and have to sit holed up in my room with a gun nearby
>i don't live in muttland
to be fair, leafcucks are also cucked if not even more so
i think aussniggers too
>diet muttlands
no shit
he's cool and not epic/ironic so it's "cringe" to like him
loli is legal in America
which frankly explains a lot about the writing on 6 and 7
Disgaea fans are losers with no one to socialize with, they don't need a portable game, they need to take a shower.
Because porting and localization cost labor and therefore money.
they also make money
>making money
lol, lmao even, it is surreal how such a niche series even managed to get 7 games.
>every game has a 500 million dollar budget
It's called working on a limited budget you dumb cunt. The series is popular in japan.
becasue they can be made for a ramen bowl budget
and ports require much less since most of the game is already there
This is such a weird place for them to stop though
Who the fuck thinks pc is the main audience for final fantasy? Look at 16’s sales
Regardless of how 13 was received, I guarantee if they released a ps4/5/switch port, it would outsell the pc 99:1
It’s just strange that they seem to be remastering and porting literally their entire library before 13
I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if we got a fucking dirge of Cerberus port before 13
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Final Fantasy has always been on whichever console was the main platform for JRPGs, and the current main platforms for JRPGs are PC and Switch.
Final Fantasy 16 sold like shit because it's a shit game.
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I wasn't even interested in the characters or their story, for me Disgaea stopped being relevant after the second game.
I downloaded Disgaea7 for PC out of curiosity and nostalgia, and I haven't touched it in months.
Type-0 and SoP's sales on PC are way better than they were on console in the west
the healer female(male)
all the flat ones
and some of the monsters

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