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Are gaming laptops a meme?
Always have been.
That listing is a ripoff. You can get better for cheaper without a sale
i know people who have akways used gaming laptops and refuse on principle to even consider a desktop they love the portability so much.
120hz on a laptop sounds like a recipe for a house fire. These things are already loud enough
they can be okay if you can get a decent deal on one, the high end ones are all memes but if you can get something with a budget gpu with decent build quality it can be alright.
They're good if you're in an employment situation that doesn't allow for a desktop rig. If you have a place to put a full computer to come home to every night, there's no reason to get a laptop. They should be a niche.
They’re fine if you travel a lot or like to play games in bed. You just have to keep game graphics set to low to prevent it from melting
bro I got a 3070ti laptop for 1000 pounds 2 years ago
The fact is that they don't make good games anymore anyway so you could probably play like 90% of all good games ever made on even a pretty cheap laptop.
At that price point you might as well be looking into the 4070-4090 level of gaming laptops.
>iphone filename
buy that laptop now
A 4090 laptop is like a 3070 desktop at best
How so especially if you travel a lot.
They always overheat and are loud as hell
I use a gaming laptop because I grew up in a small house and now i live in a small apartment.
>>iphone filename
Kys homo.
If you are a poor reddit rentoid it's useful, but for homeowner chads there is no point.
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pls do not bully rentoids
I have a 4090 and I still can't play a hat in time without lag
I started on a thicc-top with a 680m, upgraded it to 1060, then finally got a desktop. They are great if you are traveling or living the dorm life. Don't expect desktop performance even if the numbers look the same; they use 300 watts at most. Also don't try to use the on your lap, all take in air from the bottom and need a flat, clean surface.
set the resolution to 720p and frame rate to 45
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Gaming on laptop sounds unfun.
That one? Yes it is. You can get a decent laptop with a RTX 4050 for $600. What the fuck is that pricing?
Laptops in general are fine if you're in a tight budget, have space constraints or travel a lot. Never buy one of those huge monstrosities with a 4080 or 4090 though, they're very expensive, overheat like hell, have shit build quality and don't last long.
I don't understand the point of these, because can't actually use them on your lap because of heat. If you are setting up a small docked station because of a lack of space, you can pay the same amount for a desktop with a small form factor.
Gaming laptops are for people who have to travel a lot for whatever reason. That's the point of a portable desktop replacement, they're not playing shit on a bus they put it on a desk in their hotel room because they're in one place for a week or two and then have to fuck off again.
If you wanna play AAA games yes, but for most gamws it's fine
Meme, no, but they're definitely a niche of a niche since the gamers™ that would want something like that generally don't really leave the house often enough to need that much power, and gaming™ laptops don't have enough battery life so they have to be plugged in.
Also that laptop in particular looks like ass, TBQH. Took me a bit to notice why it costs so much; it looks like the reason it's so expensive and relatively-weak is because it's an ultralight, which IS a meme.
>only 16GB RAM
>Windows 11 Home
>only a 3050, a budget GPU, also nerfed to save battery life and heat
>probably has shit battery life anyway, thanks to being an ultralight
>will probably break the second you bump it against something

Anyway, the userbase for gaming laptops must:
>be a gamer™ who exclusively plays fancy hi-def games and wont settle for anything less, fussing if the FPS drops below 120
>not care much about battery life, plugged in somewhere at all times
>not care too much about lugging around an easily-stolen $2k+ electronic device that LOOKS expensive
>have a reason to go out and do shit on the go, like taking business trips for their job
>dislike the Steam Deck and other portable PC handhelds and/or they need a keyboard and mouse but don't want to carry separate ones
>be okay with spending a thousand or two and still have lower specs than their PC
>be okay with the idea of the laptop throttling after a while due to heat
get something that ends with 60
For 99% of the people that own them, yes. They're the pickup trucks of gaming - people buy them for the novelty and hypothetical mobile gaming they'll do and then end up playing them at home where they could have built a desktop twice as powerful for the same price. Same thing with most handhelds like the Steam Deck. For the 1 out of every 100,000 that actually travel for work or spend A LOT!! Of time using public transportation or air travel, I'm sure they're great.
take the steam deck pill
failed project
It's worse for sure.
Though I hook my laptop up to a little hub with a monitor and keyboard and mouse. But my laptop is mostly for work, otherwise I would have just got a desktop again.
>£1.800 for 3050
Just burn the entire laptop factory at this point. Money laundering faggots
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To a degree. I have pic related for my desktop but I do travel a lot (fly to my parents almost every weekend and fly back for work/school) and it's only an hour flight each way so it's useful for me to have a gaming laptop so I can do work and then play video games if they're sleeping in or going to bed early. For most people, it makes more sense to have a desktop but I can see how for a college student it would be a good choice.
I have a 2070 equipped unit that does okay with it, but you definitely notice the increased strain on the GPU. Really happy I've got a desktop again.
Pretty sure those 3050s only have 4gb of vram so no
I own a PC, laptop and Deck and the Deck only gets played in bed. Its not a replacement for a PC or laptop
>Are gaming laptops a meme

Most of them are, but you can get 'desktop replacement' laptops for much better prices than that

The biggest problem with laptops is Nvidia gimping VRAM on their laptop cards
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Redpill me on ThinkPads, bros.
/g/ certified toasters if you actually do any command line work
Don't. /g/ pushes them hard for some fucking reason. Are they a good work computer, yes but this is /v/ and there is no point getting one if you want to do anything /v/ related on them
that's not a gaming laptop. that's more a business notebook.
This. Gaming rigs in general are getting near pointless.
Not if money is not an option. This one is a meme.
>got a laptop with a 3080 in 2022
>got hit by the vram apocalypse in 2023 because the laptop 3080 is an 8GB card

generous VRAM should be federally mandated
They're solid laptops, but not gaming laptops.
Are they good enough to run less demanding games like Project Zomboid? I don't really need a laptop to play things like Cyberpunk when I already have a gaming PC.
What are some new laptops that balance price and quality?
My current one is like 4 years old and it's barely chugging along for newer games.
The 4090 mobile is literally a 4080 desktop
Make sure you get something with adequate VRAM nowadays. The GPU companies gimp laptops.
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>snag laptop with i5 and 4060 for $630 this year
>144hz and 1080p
>only mostly play shit from 2016 and earlier
Picked an MSI one up solely to play starfield as i mostly use my pe5
>inb4 snoy
>inb4 no games

It is now mostly used for old games but my console gamer brain can only use m+kb for RTSs. Tried to install a controller support mod for oblivion but my severe retardation fucked the install of the mod loader and i just gave up with that. At least i have dawn of war dark crusade
Flopped + shitted
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last year i got my first laptop because i needed something very basic for the library. i got a lenovo at 600 euros with an intergraded gpu (pic related). i have to be honest. laptops are far better than i was lead to believe. the comfort, the quality of the build, the size, everything is really good. and this is just a plastic budget laptop.

i have my eyes this now:
Mine got so hot it fried itself. Just don't.
>he doesn't go from place to place for meetings and doing business online at comfy cafes
It didn’t flop real gamers love the deck
used gaming laptop with 2060 is less than a steamdeck and has way better hardware.
Actually the opposite, I have a PC but if I want to game in bed or on trips I got a laptop too. There's no reason to not have both unless you're poor
i mean depends what you're doing
if you live in a college dorm, travel a lot or work FIFO at the mines then a gaming laptop is a great idea.
>The fact is that they don't make good games anymore anyway so you could probably play like 90% of all good games ever made on even a pretty cheap laptop.
91% of people play 2~8+ year old games.
I have a 2060 and the only games I cant run at max settings capped FPS are
>Minecraft with 1000 mods and RTX Shaders
>Cyberpunk 2077
>Dota 2, cuz its poorly optimised trash
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>Buy a Laptop
>It immedietly performs poorly in 2 years
>Buy a better laptop
>Same thing happens
>Immedietly put more money into a Desktop
>Manage to have it not break down and keep it's performance high for a decade.
Desktops hardly break down, Laptops do. Just spend the extra money and go for a Desktop Anon. Your wallet, your future self will thank you.
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I would say it depends on what you will be using it for with Gaming Desktops. Will you be playing older games and Emulators with barely any new games and only care about performance. Well then a Mid-Range rig with a 3060 will easily cover the decade alone. Do you wish to have tons of mods on games, render videos, stream etc? Well then you will need a 1k rig at least. But you guys are right there is diminishing returns depending on what the needs are as a whole.
Gaming laptops can last 5-7 years depending on what games you want to play
Gaming Laptops are only good if you play smaller games. Anything more is just retarded as a whole. Nobody should buy a Laptop unless it's for casual use. Desktops are far better.
Just get a goddamn deck
Deck chads unite
It's a meme because the thermal solution is ass.
i got one for my college days back in 2012, some MSI shit that i use for school and obviously games. these were expensive, heavy, loud, have dogshit io, and even for the top models, doesn't last long on battery. here we are 12 years later and they are still the same except with much better screen and speaker, so i guess getting one is a meme unless your lifestyle is highly mobile.
>buy a laptop like picrel for vacation
>after 10 minutes gaming the keyboard is over 100 degrees
>>after 10 minutes gaming
laptops are not for ebin AAA gaming at 144hz.
I bought a laptop with a 4070 for 1800 lul wtf
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not really. they are a meme only if you buy the highest end one for 4k for gaming.

they are good if you choose good specs, and if the machine has good wattage, and cooling.

my legion 5 2060 rtx, with a 1080p 144hz screen is kickass.
Thin laptops are not, but I returned it and got a full size laptop and the heat issue disappeared.
The problem is when retard engineers design stuff then ship it without putting it in someones hands first.
outdated machines that are only good if you want to tinker with part swapping and run linux.
if you max out settings it'll die in a year
If you don't go outside, there's no point buying a Thinkpad at all.
Also Thinkpad general on /g/ should be banned imo. Gas all the worthless paid shills.
Every component in a thinkpad has long mean time between failure.
Its made for industry workers like sadmins, network admins, industrial programmers, engineers, etc. Its like a Lada Niva, it iwll never let you down, but it will always be a Lada niva.
If you do not clean the dust and do not replace the thermal paste and do not use a cooling pad then it will be overheating.
Playing games is using the GPU or CPU or both to the max, so you should know what is your use case and if you really need the portability.
If you travel a lot and maybe you are commuting for hours in a train every day or living in a van or something that requires you to have the mobility than you buy a high performance laptop.
>1809 (GBP) pounds sterling
You can assemble a 7800x3D and a 7900xtx desktop computer with that money.
They are fantastic laptops for studying and getting work done. Not for gaming. You can get a really great thinkpad for cheap if you look around ebay or offer up in the used market. Got a T490 for 150 recently with 16gb and 512 ssd.
Laptops are a meme for everything except portability.
Work? A desktop workstation is always better
Game? A desktop playstation is always better
Laptops also burn your sensitive thighs and have smaller screens
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That one is
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Yes. The components are overheating while in use. The components that degrade like this are not replaceable. There's no reason to waste money on a gaming laptop. Get a desktop.
this is why you buy a mac
i built my gaming PC with the 2060 almost 5 years ago when covid started and at the rate i'm going, itll probably last me until 2030
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>Buy a Laptop
>It immedietly performs poorly in 2 years
>after 10 minutes gaming the keyboard is over 100 degrees
get one of these for $30 and every 2 years take it in for a clean out and new thermal paste
Macs have no games
Yes. But they're much better than they used to be. Always look at a small form factor for comparison.

Still, remember COOLING COOLING COOLING. and a 4080m is NOT a 4080.
Actually, make sure the cooling tray pulls in air from the sides, or you have to use the the uncomfortable riser feet, and still not have it on your lap.
Never put a laptop in your lap. It will boil your balls and make you sterile.
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>1800 for a 4050
My laptop was 650 and also has a 4050.
If you buy one when you don't leave your house then you're retarded.
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I used my 1050 ti laptop for 5 years. I replaced it with a 4060 one recently. Works great.
I've always used laptops because I work 12 hours a day and the last thing I want to do is sit at a desk when I get home so I cozy up with my laptop in bed.
>and still not have it on your lap.
this is where you're fucking up
you're not supposed to use gaming laptops on your lap.
This. It's fucking awesome. No it's not a replacement for a desktop, but it is the perfect companion device and it does make consoles completely obsolete. What the deck does is the future for such systems.
Yes if its meant to be your main rig, no if your job or life doesn't allow you to be around a desktop or constantly has you moving. I've debated getting myself a CDL-A and then just gaming on the side with a laptop, seems like a comfy experience that would pay well.
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>Yes if its meant to be your main rig, no if your job or life doesn't allow you to be around a desktop
That's why the cooling trays, dumbshits.

Why else buy a laptop. You don't have 2x the space for a desktop? That's very a niche need.
id rather have a laptop that smokes the steam deck, and actually use it as a computer.
a steam deck would out perform most ''gaming laptops''.
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steamlets actually believe this.
>120hz for a 3050
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Lol. steamies are deluded as fuck
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in the modern world of today, i choose a laptop because it suites my everyday lifestyle, whether riding on the subway, sitting at the park, riding in the taxi or even sitting at the cafe, a laptop is a convenient option for carrying thousands of dollars worth of electronics around your nigger neighborhood
I love me 'eck but you know this is nonsense
Yeah, it's really comfy for couch or bed gaming sessions but it's barely usable as a laptop replacement for work.
its expensive because it has a 120hz oled panel
Friends I'm eyeballing a better stronger computer. Hows picrel out of ten and if shit could I get a suggestion?
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stationary PC gamers are seen as weird and unsocial. You can bring a laptop anywhere and pretend to work. And if you play older games, you are always good to go.
Only snoys play modern games on their 5000$ rig that is old news in a half a year.
Keep seething
They used to be a meme when portability wasn't that viable and thermal throttling was a major issue. It's not too bad now and you're literally only paying extra for the portability.

That laptop is likely $1300 or less on sale, and you can find much better deals that don't include the overpriced display.
I9 is a meme. Don't get them for gaming as its super hot. Rather have you get an i5 and RTX 4080 super for 4k gaming.
And they complain about ps5 pro price
Best Buy doesn't seem to offer i5. How bout this one?
Are you dead set on buying a prebuilt? These are outrageously upcharged prices for what you're getting, on top of paying extra for totally meme rgb components and a retarded gaymer case that does nothing for you
8gb wont hold you back more than it being an overheated tiny laptop will
Not particularly, but I also don't have a strong sense of what parts should go together for the creation of a good gaming computer. The upcharge is an unfortunate consequence of my ignorance. PCBuilder websites just read as nonsense to me and I don't know what mixture of parts would bring the magic and what will just give me a strong start that leads to a blue genie in mere months.
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>pull out my $4000 Epic Gamer LaptopTM in the airport
>run the charger through 12 extension cords to the nearest outlet since the battery bank died years ago
>snap my femurs setting it in my lap
>boot my copy of Skyrim, saddled with a whopping 12 lightweight mods
>FPS is at 25, impressive, must be the cool air of the airport helping the fan
>play for three minutes
>pants catch on fire
>airport security rushes over, seeing my giant electronic device and shooting me 27 times under the assumption that it's a bomb
>look to my laptop as I'm bleeding out
>cry because the $2000 screen has been cracked for the 57th time
sure, I guess. But what's inherently wrong with memes?
CPU: 7800X3D - https://a.co/d/9QKrUEy - $515
GPU: 4080 Super - https://a.co/d/aO8Mvu6 - $1100
Motherboard: Asus AM5 socket - https://a.co/d/fcQhYfG - $190
RAM (you almost certainly don't need more than 16 GB but if you want more just buy more of the same): 2 sticks of 8GB DDR5 5600mHz - https://a.co/d/cd1x6hh - $46 for 16GB
Storage: 2TB NVMe SSD - https://a.co/d/8dkCzsK - $120
Case: https://a.co/d/3qf5khG - $90
CPU Cooler: https://a.co/d/4BNkH8V - $120
PSU: 850watt gold - https://a.co/d/7zksuDz $95
Thermal paste: https://a.co/d/ikCMhvI - $8

price total: $2284
You get a significantly faster, future-proof PC with this for way cheaper, plus you'll actually learn how it's constructed and how to upgrade it later. This is also just on Amazon; if you shop around a bit/wait for some deals you can definitely bring the price down.
we've all been there
yes, inherently
>850w with nvidia transients
>over 2k upfront
Woof. Sounds like I gotta save a bit more if I have to just drop that rather than entering a monthly charge like if I were to get the upcharged prebuilt.
Thanks though, I'll definitely keep these bookmarked.
>amazon credit card
>amazon payments on alot of things
anon never buy prebuild
Buy the parts as you go, never enter into monthly payments for something you can't afford that isn't a house
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If you are gonna use your laptop 90% of the time at home then yes its a meme.
My PC is 2-2.5 faster and stronger than this thing and it cost me the same amount of money.

If you must play games on the go get a deck or a modded switch or an android phone whit a controller and emulators installed.
My rtx 3050 laptop has served me well for 2 years. Had to get it for CAD. Worth 600€
Anon he was talking to here, what's wrong?
Werent 7800x3d like $350 a month ago??? wtf
>noctua air over thermalright
>2 fans case
>includes thermal paste but not a LTT $80 screwdriver
people's obsession with overkill cooling has no basis in reality, and linus' meme screwdriver is a total waste of money, I hope that's a sarcastic recommendation
things that definitely happened
>PCmong alternative: taking le epic prebuilt rig past TSA
>PCmongs ever leaving their mom's basement let alone traveling
It was sarcastic but it is a good screwdriver unironically as long as they have some sort of lifetime warranty. Competes with PB swiss and snap on
he's meming about NVIDIA's random power draw spikes. that card with that PSU is more than fine though, don't worry about it
if it was half off, maybe
Yes but if the system used an intel K cpu it would be cutting it real fucking close and probably trip playing space marine
I can't play my PC while laying on my bed the entire day.
I can't play my PC when there's outage
I can't bring my PC outside for work and offline gathering portability
>Buy laptop
>it comes with OS AIDS also known as windows 11
>scam deal bait
You can get a Legion 5 with RTX 4070, I9 and 32 gigs for that less.
Anyway, I see them as more portable PCs. They are very convenient.
lots of modern laptops come sans OS these days
not like uninstalling windows is hard anyways but fuck paying the MS tax
the part list has a 7800x3D which is theoretically capable of drawing 162 watts total, but in all intensive testing shows about half that, so it'd be totally fine. Buying intlel is the first mistake people make when building a PC anyway, no idea why you'd do that
That is what I do.

This is untrue. latest AAA need high-end laptop or else it will get REALLY hot even on Low setting.
If you're a graphic whore who exclusively play latest AAA, go buy a high end PC or just buy a console.
I don't really play AAA, so I'm content with my gaming laptop to play "lesser' games.
Yes. They overheat, they break and finding replacement parts is a pain in the ass. You can't upgrade shit either.
they're shit. I have a high end desktop and a ~450 laptop with an igpu for using the internet in bed, the rare occasion I go out of town, or extremely rarely I'll play stuff like rf4 or nine sols in bed
just get a desktop. I've had a gaming laptop before and they're shit. if you really insist just buy a used one on ebay or fb marketplace for dirt cheap, which is easy because people who buy gaming laptops inevitably want to get rid of them.
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Its designed and executed exactly as linus wanted it, I was very skeptical at first too I bought a stubby one though.
Its made for pc building so it has the best backdrag possible to screw in an almost barely even started screw, and doesnt skimp on magnet like all sub $50 ones
Nah, thermals are about the same on gaming laptops compared to desktops, just that performance is worse compared to equivalent desktop PC parts because of the compromises of the small form-factor.
Also it's filled with bloat. I had to immediatly reinstall the OS when I got my laptop, cuz something was corrupted in the OS steaight out of the box.

Also i think windows 11 has some sort of memory leak going on. Can anyone else attest. Like memory just doesn't get freed fast enough
so thermals are not the same since you dont get the same performance to power to heat generated
How do you fix a PC when it starts getting slow?
they were, but the 9000 series announcement didn't include new X3D's so everyone decided to just buy a 7800X3D now and they sold out everywhere. last I checked they weren't available on Amazon a week or two ago
luckily for me I got mine in a microcenter bundle with a mobo and ram for $460
same. fuck sitting down and fuck PC.
laptops go through hell
had a Sager one with dual gpus, the cpu heatsink / heatpipe contraption warped over time from being dead at 100C 24 7
Moving to another country soon and taking my desktop with via plane seems kinda not feasible
Should I get a laptop or one of those mini pcs?
>1.5 hours battery life
lol no thanks
this is why I hook my desktop to my LG C3 and lay in bed with a controller getting every single one of my 120fps :)
well, f to me, guess ill Wait™ for the 9800x3d
where are you going anon?
steam deck
steam deck
steam deck
take out the parts and put them in their boxes with foam then into a suitcase, ditch the case, buy a new case when you arrive. easy
what vidya will you play? if its not that bad, just get a nice laptop.
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>I can't play my PC when theres an outage
>not care too much about lugging around an easily-stolen $2k+ electronic device that LOOKS expensive
Where do you live for that to even be a concern? Around here, a drunk/drug addict, or otherwise mentally unwell person could conceivably attack you on the street, with their fists or a knife, but for that to turn into an actual mugging and them robbing your possessions sounds like an outlandish tale. I've only heard of teenager gangs taking some easily recognisable brand clothing off of people's backs.
Anyway, for me personally, gaming laptops are a joke because they're often designed to look really unsightly for some reason. A desktop PC and its individual parts are whatever, you can hide that under the table so you don't have to actively stand the sight of it, but a laptop is a single item that sits in front of you when you use it, so you'd want it to be something you like looking at. LED-lit cheap black plastic monstrosities don't tick those boxes. So instead, I buy a decent laptop without the gamer branding, usually meaning something meant for professional use. Often that means shelling out a bit more than for a 'gaming' laptop, but them's the breaks.
I‘m borderline retarded and the parts are all pretty old by now anyway so reassembling is probably not worth the pain
Figured I might need something new soon anyway
Mostly older stuff
Haven‘t played any new AAA in like 5 years
>Figured I might need something new soon anyway
oh then just sell it on craigslist or whatever, then buy new when you get there? do you NEED to game on the plane?
Just buying a desktop there also makes sense yeah but norway has pretty insane taxes on electronics so it‘d cost me
Your laptop is a pc brainlet. Unless you're some macfag, in which case why are you here, you hate video games.
Sorry, iFaggots only buy Macbooks and iPads to stay in muh ecosystem.

Posted unironically from my Macbook Pro with no games.
>he doesn't have a generator
Laptops have much lower power consumption, so it's rougly the same performance and cooling per watt compared to desktops, which can draw way more power and have larger cooling and exhausts to back that up. Cooling solutions on laptops are fine enough for the nerfed hardware though so you don't have the overheating issues of old.
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I want to buy a laptop (don't ask why I don't just get a PC), but I don't know which one to buy.
I don't play western AAA (and have negative interest in it since the DEI trend), so I don't think I need a high-end gear.
Here's my wishlist for reference. These are games that my current laptop can't handle (it can't even handle a Switch emulator)
I'm fine with playing on Low setting, but I need the laptop to be powerful enough to not overheat like crazy.

Really need a serious advice on this.
I've been using MSI for 10 years by the way.
You're moving to Norway, the land of the pale-skinned oil barons, but you can't support your current lifestyle with their price standards? What are you moving for?
Mine is 144hz and was much cheaper than that one in the pic. Had more RAM too
Laptops are not built to last anon. Even Steamdecks are built better than Laptops.
PPW is higher on the goat meme laptop cards but not on midrange
laptop 4070 is usually around same perf per watt as desktop 4070 while laptop 4090 is like double, however its like half of the performance (so thats like 1/4 wattage)
Why don't you just get a PC?
General cost of living isn‘t even that bad just some things are way more expensive
I do have enough money to buy some stupid overpriced monstrosity and not mind too much but it would still be a waste
No way, that's impossible because of the underpowered CPU of the laptop.
It will last as long as you have somewhere between a 9th and 12th gen CPU. I hope you are going with 1080p high framerate because if not it will kill you later in 1440p unless you go medium settings.
I'm a 3rd worlder. my region is vulnerable to power outage unless I buy a generator, which is very expensive. >>689612409
It's for travel and bed. Get a mouse and you're good for some multiplayer gaming. Or you just wanna play some Cyberpunk.
I guess you can get a Steam Deck instead.
I posted the powerwal pic but I dont even have those, they are quite expensive but my whole home inverter generator was about $10k (canadian) getting 2x tesla powerwalls plus solar panels is like, fuck probably $40k lol
I wouldn't buy a laptop without getting a feel for the keyboard first hand. They can vary wildly in quality, even in the same brand.
I'm laying on my bed this entire weekend browsing shit. I can't do this with a PC
general reasons
>Not setting your Desktop PC next your TV and Using an HDMI port.
What is wrong with you lol. I sit on my couch and play games using my Desktop and I am typing from my own keyboard on my lap on the couch.
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do they have laptops that dont upcharge more than the $40 they cost with gateron low profile mech switches or anything?
Is this really worth getting? Can it run Phantom Liberty? Ryujinx?
that's my entire investment fund for retirement. my goal is $300k.
Thats what my house is worth although it was only 100k 10 years ago
>enjoys 500 degrees on legs
>enjoys 5 minute battery life
>uses the same machine for work and play
subhuman on all fronts
gaming laptops are a bit shit but laptops that can game are based and always have been
no I don't want a huge fucking rig in my house and I like being able to move around
>that enter key
i just pulled random pic thats probably the ISO version, but the switch is what i was conveying
no one can afford a house nowadays anyway.
I'll just wait until my parents die and inherit his house.
Yes i dont even want to look at city real estate I live in rural area in Canada lol, after covid it got FUCKED hard
>Mah huge rig
You can make smaller ones like a Mini ITX you know.
> I like being able to move around
Steam Deck.
nta but Steam Deck is cool but can't run anything worth a shit, good for emulation and indie games
Its true entry level GPU laptops are based or can be. Most people do not really understand the heat / and bulkiness / weight (and price) of a laptop that can actually power through max settings latest games with a 4080 or higher
I'm using a Lenovo Ideapad 5 14, it's over 4 years old.
It just uses integrated graphics, it's thin, and light, so you'd think it'd be shit.

But it runs all the games I like well enough. Thankfully my favorite games are 10+ years old.. My favorite part is that it rarely makes any noise at all, even while gaming.

Thinking of upgrading soon, I'm starting to want something that can actually run things from beyond 2016. But man everything's so expensive, even things a gen or two old. I mean my same laptop sells for the same fucking price I bought it at 4 years ago.
I keep waiting for some magical mystery laptop to appear, that's cheap and powerful.
>laptops that can game
What‘s the difference
>that laptop
You can get a 4600g apu for like $50
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problem is i cant play on a laptop while walking / on the train since the tray is too small
Not him, but gaming laptops have a reputation.
They're bulky, ugly, GARISH even (bright leds, edgy designs), loud, shit build quality, and typically massively overpriced just because zoomers with rich parents will just buy the best "gaming" laptop.

Getting a regular laptop with similar specs will set you back a lot less, for a better and more respectable looking product.
I wouldn't want to be seen in public with an Alienware. People wouldn't bat an eye at a regular Lenovo or whatever.
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>Live in Arizona, USA
>Prices used to be 150k for a single family living in a Condo, 250k for living in a Single Family home
>COVID happens
>270k for A condo
>445k for a Single Family Home
You know it's bad when my state is not in the top 15 in terms of popularity and places to live in, but magically is as high as California prices, except in the rural areas which is normal pricing. I do think all of us will get out of this crisis in the decade if we start building but it's crazy times we live in.
>I'm starting to want something that can actually run things from beyond 2016. But man everything's so expensive
same. my laptop is 5 years old and I really need to replace it with something new.
I was sold on the "new AMD Ryzen CPUs are super duper good" meme that was very prevalent at the time. And in fairness the 4600u does still seem very capable.
But obviously not enough to run modern(ish) games by itself.

though yes I'm aware it's awfully overpriced and weak, especially now, and especially compared to regular PC components. But I like laptops.
ROG Ally and you run SteamOS on it. Highly recommend this channel if you like smaller builds.
Yes, but I lack the room for a tower, so I got one anyway.
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my t520 for 54 bucks (with a charger,ssd and good health battery) smokes the shit out of our 15 10400s in the job that i do

and the work i do is in hotels so the soft is all run on a website. this means its giga fast and convenient to do. I used to bring in my home laptop to work on but after getting this i keep it at work permanently idc if its stolen its so cheap and it works like wonders, i love the trackpoint so much /v/ros

certified good /g/ meme and i cannot go back to using normal laptops ever again unless they have so major physical gimmick to make me forgive the lack of a trackpoint. Even then the value of older thinkpads is so huge you would be a retard not to buy at least a t480 which is the last of the "old" guard meaning it still has user swappable batteries.

>They're bulky, ugly, GARISH even (bright leds, edgy designs), loud, shit build quality, and typically massively overpriced just because zoomers with rich parents will just buy the best "gaming" laptop.
>fucking Alienware
dude alienwares haven't been relevant since 2010
this is the problem with you fags all your stereotypes about gaming laptops are incredibly outdated and you're still parroting them ad nauseum
I got a midrange laptop ($650) for taking to college class, Been out of college for 2 years now but it still works fine and still runs every game I want to play so see no need to upgrade
Makes sense I guess
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So do you guys actually live like some kind of techno nomad or just being autistic about wanting to game on laptops?
Laptops are only good for school/work etc.
This is the same problem with steam deck niggers. PC games are for desktops not laptops or handheld garbage.
>google "gaming laptop"
>results are all exactly the same edgy black and red, angular designs I was expecting
It doesn't have to be Alienware, but yes they are still prominently out there in the "gaming laptop" market
please help
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On holidays, it's nice to be able to pack in your computer with you when you travel 1000km across the country to visit relatives. Same when visiting friends who live closer by on the weekends. All of this is much easier with a laptop than it is with a desktop.
nta but there's certainly much much higher quality gaming laptops than the ones see pop-up first thing on google and 99% of the time are low tier shit build laptops sold with higher specs than comparable higher quality and better lookinglaptops. The one in the picture is the best example, Acer Nitros are notorious for how bad they are but are price traps so they get boosted on the algorithm.
the irony is that laptop manufacturers are using that ugly garish design for their low end specs to encourage people to buy their high end specs which are marketed as looking more "professional" and discreet
they are more self aware than you give them credit for, and the obvious resurgence of portable gaming like switch, deck, shield etc all point towards that being the case
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>Laptops are only good for school/work etc.
Can agree. People often think it's good for gaming but it's not. I have been there and have been burned multiple times. Always performs like trash after 2 to 3 years. Desktops never degrade as poorly.
>This is the same problem with steam deck niggers. PC games are for desktops not laptops or handheld garbage.
I can agree, I just recommend people ROG Ally X or Steam Deck because if they are autistic about portability may as well go that route. But if they are not, I will always recommend Desktop. It's just unbeatable as a whole. The funny irony is when they think you have to sit on a Chair and play on a Desk. Reality is you can play on a couch, have a keyboard on your table or lap and a Mouse on Table. It's not difficult at all lol.
Not if you need a portable gaming computer.
It's very nice if you have to travel for work.
>being confined to the corner of a room at a workstation, like it's still 2004 and you're using the family computer
Get with the times, gramps. Laptops work well enough now, don't weigh a ton, and don't sear your legs off any more while deafening you with their fans.
>Laptops work well enough
El Oh El anon. I have heard this for 10 years straight, I am not going to let you mislead more people into the trap of having things fall apart in 2 years for 700$ and then spend another, when they spend once on a PC and it's over with.
Yes, if I'm going to game, it'll be on my PC. Even though I'm a PC guy through and through, my MacBook is better quality than any other laptop I've used. It just has the better screen, battery life, and portability for my needs.
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Anyone who says they are still lives in 2014.
Nowadays the cooling got so good and specs are well enough that a gaming laptop can comfortably run any AAA game on high settings.
Obviously it will NEVER be as good as a PC equivalent, but if your use case supports it, then you can absolutely get it. Just make sure you get a good model/brand because there is a lot of shit out there.
For example i have a student/uni/young adult lifestyle. That means i often live in the city but then i drive back to my home for few days/a week. Obviously i can't carry a PC but a laptop i can just plug in works way better. I don't need to keep it in my lap, i just need something that can be easily carried and driven around.
It can run nearly everything. Very few games it can't.
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Stunningly retarded post
I used my last laptop for literally 10 years (I mostly just played older MMOs like WoW and OSRS so there was no need to upgrade, it just worked), and now my current laptop is going strong after 4 years (now I play modern MMOs instead, I clearly have a problem).
I don't know what you guys are doing to make them "fall apart" in 2 years
>Things are not what they used to be
Give it 2 years anon lol you will be kicking yourself when the Laptop breaks down. Just like when my cousin bought a 1.2k Laptop. Finally bought a PC for 1k and got it over with. Can run mods, can stream easily, can game on high settings and high FPS. It will be able to stay this way for the decade. Your Laptop will burn out within that timeframe because they do not build them to last.
sorry meant for
Oh yes if you play those games you will be fine, but do not claim it this way for modern games or anything new. Otherwise you will be misleading everyone into thinking it can run FF7R 60fps when it can not.
>mid game rig
>1k rig
A laptop with a 3060 already is an 1K rig
Woah your inbred cousin had a bad experience? That totally changed my mind dude. Fuck gaming laptops.
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Sometimes I wish I had a /g/ friend who could just tell me which PC related things to buy, so I don't have to think, do hours of research, and then get things wrong anyway. Peripherals, laptops, etc

I look at it all and it's all so confusing. Like I'll look at CPUs, and I don't know what any of that means. What is a 7645u vs a 7400hs? What the fuck is an intel i5-13420H? It's like the "Xbox Series X" thing, these names don't make any sense to outsiders.

Why can't they call their components the "CPU 5, 5.5, 6," etc
nta but have a Legion laptop bought almost 5 years ago and it works perfectly fine on heavy gaming, never cleaned the vents ever, left it laying flat on my dusty desk exclusively, basically not doing so called "best practices" for laptops and its still working flawlessly.
Modern laptops probably will be able to run anything from the rest of this gen, just obviously not at maxed settings (which you wouldn't be able to fully appreciate on a laptop screen anyway).
You would have to upgrade eventually if you wanted to run PS6 games of course though, yes
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I own my Lenovo Legion for over 3 year and it runs just as good as it did when i bought it.
Maybe you are just a fucking retard and need a big box that's like a Swiss bank safe to keep you from ruining it.
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get amd version of g16. it has mac tier battery life, performance of battery.
*on battery.
First of all don't buy gaming shit on Amazon. It's always overpriced.

Second of all you have to shop around a lot. Most laptops are shit and made with obsolescence in mind. Do your research first.

Finally shop during black Friday or boxing day. This is usually when retailers clear out stock so you can snag a laptop for cheap.

I used to have a steam deck but sold it since it couldn't even run new games and even if it could, it was a heavily compromised experience. I ended up settling on a laptop because my work required me to travel a lot and I only paid $800 for it. So for $200 more than an oled deck I get to play current gen games on high settings. Only downside is the fans are crazy, but I usually play with headphones so it's not a problem. Whenever I go home though my parents complain kek
lot of new games so youll want something expensive but even then it probably will heat up a lot and wont run well. i only buy the moderately expensive laptops and lenovo is good for me. i hear asus is good too.
the reviews literally say that intel is better for battery life. am i wrong, is this for the new or the old model?
maybe it's time buy a PS5... actually never mind, PS5 is still fuck expensive and the 2nd handed market for games isn't big since not many people own a PS5.
Man, I really don't want to buy a PC.
Laptops stopped being a meme for years now, they're competent gaming machines. People who complain about them just reshare old memes or get pissed off that their laptop broke from playing Cyberpunk on ultra settings RTX without clear ventilation.
>1800 euros for a 3050
thats insane. a lot of retarded clueless people probably buy that shit too
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its not that complicated.
-pick a budget
-pick a performance target for resolution and FPS
-check out benchmarks for the games you want to play from big nerds who already put the work in like gamersnexus
-see what parts need to go together when it comes to CPU+mobo+ram
Fair enough if that what you want. I like a desk, can have my drink and stuff on it
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they are not a meme unless you want to play AAA goyslop in which case i'm happy to see you getting scammed.
i have a shitty budget 5700u since 2021 which has pretty decent iGPU, but it still chokes on most older non-indie games. i was thinking of reselling it and getting something (maybe even used) with 3060 or even 3050 just to have a proper GPU.
i already own a PC and this is for when i'm staying at my parent's house which i do for 1-2 weeks at a time and taking my PC with me is retarded.
Pro tip, tech companies with work from home options give them away 4 free
My company lost only 3, recovered 2 because one killed himself and one got murdered
My brother needs a gayming laptop to play Dota 2 and run AutoCAD & Photoshop, he's moving to places so needs a laptop that has some power. Thinking of getting a ROG G16 with that 4060, but it's a market which I have no idea of.
>680m to 1060
Nice. What year was your laptop? I had a Medion back from 2012 and upgraded it from a 670 to a 770, didn't think a jump like that was possible.
A laptop should never be your main machine. Put all your money into a desktop, then get a mid-range laptop for indie / 2D stuff and shitposting while travelling.
How often do people really go away and need to game though? Maybe I'll go away for a weekend or a week at christmas to visit family and I won't game at all then. Sometimes I go away for work like once every other month and yeah maybe I could game in the evenings then but it's hardly a big deal. I'd rather have a much more powerful machine at home than gimp myself for these rare situations. Genuinely don't get it.
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>notorious for overheating
>still make thin 'ultra lightweight' models with especially shit thermals
>still waste room for a giant touchpad instead of vents or fans and just adding a pointing stick for mouseless users
i don't get it
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I might invest on a gaming PC this black Friday and I would like suggestion. I don't really have a price range but lets assume I would like a PC that will last me at least 6 years. No need to play games at max setting as long they look good enough and i can run them on 60fps at least.
You can greentext all you want but it still doesn't make sense. 99.9% of people stay in the same place most of the time and don't travel that much to warrant it. Maybe if you were a travelling salesman or a billionaire who spends each week in a different country but I don't see how it would benefit an ordinary person. As someone who spends 2/3 days every other month in a hotel I'm probably one of the people who would get the most benefit from it and even then I wouldn't.
>>notorious for overheating
It's not 2014 any more, gramps
you're a retard.
people just don't want to bother with having a PC and there's nothing wrong with that.
there's also collegefags, which i'd imagine is the main audience for gayming laptops. it's a huge market, WAY bigger than PC market
What does that even mean "don't want to bother with a PC", it's an inert box? Are you saying people buy laptops because they're scared of owning a tower?
I have a g16 3070 that I got during the pandemic chip shortage because was the only option available to me at a halfway decent price. It's still playing games to this day well enough that I don't feel a need to replace it unless it croaks. Keep it clean, keep it cool with an elevated cooling stand and it'll last you. But I wouldn't buy a laptop again unless the circumstances are weird again.
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I had one of these like a decade ago, still the best laptop I ever owned
Only buy a Legion 5 since it got the best cooling system
normalfags don't want to bother picking out parts, building a pc, setting everything up and having it stay in one place. at best they would consider a prebuilt, which is also riddled with massive scams and terrible deals, at which point laptops offer probably similar or even the same value.
anyone going into college/uni is probably shopping for a laptop to take with him to classes, so from his POV he wants one machine he can take anywhere. PC is an extremely niche market that's shrinking and losing value every year. meanwhile laptops now offer enough performance to make 95% people not miss out on anything.
>at best they would consider a prebuilt, which is also riddled with massive scams and terrible deals
It's always funny how people don't consider laptops a scam in exactly the same way
those are demanded triple A games. I would try to wait a year before you can. gaming laptops are best once technology has progressed a bit. 2024 hasn't really seen much improvement. especially on the CPU side.

Lenovo seems to be the best at cooling at the moment.

if you can't wait get a 2023 model on discount and AMD CPU. Nvidia GPU.
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I have this one, runs almost everything 1080p 60fps. Really happy with it. Battery life sucks though
Have no clue how to make gaming laptops
>light weight
So no cooling lmao
>Nvidia 3050
The shittiest of cards that costs like 200 usd
>1800 britbong bucks
Holy fucking shit lmao
I live in a country where the normal temperature is 29-33 Celsius. I can' even play with my phone or switch outside without AC cuz they get too fucking hot. gaming laptop is a ridiculous deal.
that was my point, they mostly are. so what are the advantages of a prebuilt? +20% more performance? normalfags play the sims, they don't care
That's basically me, I'm not at home and game enough to justify spending that amount on a rig so I've been gaming laptop for ~6 years.
Ideally I would have both of course, but at the same time my shitty MSI Katana was able to run Elden Ring completely fine (exception being the RGB vomit fights, but it seems everyone's comps choked on those), so I genuinely don't feel the need to change anything.
Biggest issue is just general performance though, I can definitely feel it slowing down and such.
I can't build PC. I want everything pre-built (console/laptop)
good metaphor
If people understood how badly electronics take physical abuse they'd never get laptops, every little millimeter of flex you put through a laptop case by bouncing it around is another 1% diceroll to pop a solder point in the CPU and kill it

desktop + decent phone life
>at best they would consider a prebuilt
I want this

>is also riddled with massive scams and terrible deals, at which point laptops offer probably similar or even the same value.
but this is the problem
The latest AAA games are ass and not worth buying.
Which laptop should I pick for gamedev, video editing and running emulators (ps3, switch, gamecube)?
You actually get used to it after a bit, it starts to feel natural.
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I'm waiting for the GPD Duo. AMD CPU, two 13" OLED screens. I'll try an external GPU just to see what it's like, but I plan on using this during downtime at work.
I put LTSC on it
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Myth. I've been playing Space Marine 2 for like 4-5 hours now never went above 60 even.
as if we don't see the giant peaks on the graph as youre sitting at 50c in a menu
Nigga WHAT are you doing. Sort yourself out
That sucks.
laptop vs pc vs ps5.
I don't know which one to buy, each has many pros and cons.

I want a laptop, but the affordable one isn't powerful
I want a PC, but it isn't ideal for my current lifestyle and living condition, also most highend games have Denuvo anyway
I want a PS5, but the 2nd hand marketplace sucks. also there's a huge risk of games being digital-only (can't be resold)

It sucks being a poorfag.
Yes, but they are useful if you're on the go or have friends to plat offline with. Laptops are best used for fighting games.
Like high spec ones yeah. You're not playing insert new game at ultra 4k raytraced with a laptop. But if you go budget, something cheaper and just want something decent and portable than it's fine. You might have to buy additional RAM or storage space yourself though..
Explain to me why /v/alve shills this while shitting on laptops. Just get a fucking PC.
Had? Sorry about the house bro.
you just need to do some research and browse deals. prebuilts go on sales way often than even individual pc parts
We call it taking the D
I feel like getting a steam deck or a rog ally would be more practical if you want to play pc games and you travel a lot.
No, I have one I just play older games on it. Useful if you move around a lot. I use it for work too.
even super high end PCs aren't playing the newest triple A games well.
GPUs never overheat in gaming laptops. Laptop manufacturers prioritize GPU cooling over CPU cooling.
Modern games and cards are a meme. Been sitting on a 980ti for 8 years and it runs everything I play fine. Most stuff is maxed, too. The most demanding game I've played in the past year that I cared about was Stranger of Paradise, and after the performance patches, ran smooth.
I generally don't touch AAA shit releases, which is the only reason you'd ever need anything more than say something like a 1080. Maybe VR if you're really into that.
For example, I recently tried The Outer Worlds, and the performance to graphical fidelity is hilariously piss poor. The graphics aren't anything special, and don't compare to many other games, especially with mods.
It makes no sense as to why anything more than a 1080 is required for it, other than piss poor optimization.
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>are gaming laptops a meme
He doesn't know

>previous anon says they don't make good games anymore

Gaming laptops are an expensive meme that melt in 2 years. The latest AAA games are poorly optimized trash that aren't worth playing. I guess if you have a fear of missing out and absolutely need to play the flavor of the month then it's important to you.
Just remember a fool and his money are soon parted.
Dlss helps and I couldn't sell a AMD GPU in Europe if my life was at stake
Even in a laptop
The laptop experience is and always will be games *just* underperforming compared to where you think they should be and then fighting your hardware for control of the thermal throttling while your laptop manufacturer keeps releasing BIOS updates that further nerf the performance. It's never worth it, it's just a pain in the ass. Even if you can't yourself build a PC (best option), you'd still be better off buying a prebuilt than buying a laptop.
no but pic related sure is, it's not meant for gaming with these specs.
get one of these cooling pads and don't play cyberspunk at ultra settings RTX for hours.
Skill issue. Every game I tried on my new laptop runs at smooth 60.
It can be convenient. I did paypal credit for a few things I really needed, because I knew I could pay it off before interest kicked in, and 100 bucks a month for 6 months was much easier to stomach than 600 as a lump sum.
just like anything credit related, it's fine if you're responsible
Recommend some good laptops that can play latest AAA slops like Wukong, Starfield, BG3
They work pretty good, I had one that lasted 8 years and still pretty much played any game made at low med settings.

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