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>here's your ultra-mega final boss of the ENTIRE SERIES bro
>>more powerful + important to canon than both Demise and Majora btw
>>original, root timeline enemy
>>ignore that it's just a gimmick mechanic boss to finish off this gimmick game like Malladus-Cole was to Spirit Tracks
>>ignore that the game has an ESRB rating aimed at 10 year olds, and is targeted at little girls
Do you think they really intended on nothing as the followup to Skyward Sword?
g..g..goa...goated game
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If this is real and the boss is goatse then I kneel. Imagine being the shitposter that got Aoioueuoneuma to make goatse the ultimate evil with a straight face.
It's The Null and it's a VERY important antagonist. It's what made the 3 Golden Goddesses create all of reality for, just to try to contain! You could say that the concept of reality itself is just it's prison.

basically an apathetic black hole is the ultrabad of the franchise
>It actually has a ring on the finger
No fucking way that has to be fake
How fun are the bosses for this game?
Nothing after botw is canon
It's a ahitpost made by a retarded OP. The scene in question has Null show up after you beat its echo of Ganon in obscured villain format and then leave after messing shit up, with the later half of the game dedicated to building up to face it. You don't fight it after Ganon so we still have no idea what it actually looks like.
This game is an allegory for Zelda losing her anal virginity.
Link is a lucky guy.
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But BotW is a non-canon spinoff gimmick-entry itself.
Really no one reached the end yet?
Nope. Until we get actual leaked screens, treat anything you see or read here as shitposting.
Hasn't there been completed overworld maps though?
any amibo info yet? specifically the la link one?
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Any creative / fun / broken summons? I know the spiders are supposed to be EZmode, but is it really just spamresting beds to instaheal and spamspawning Bokoblins to instakill otherwise?

Anything that's just fun to use?
Yeah, but nobody has posted final boss details which leads me to assume nobody has reached it yet.
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Aeiounuma is a hack
/lozg/ revival?
Hmm, I'm clearly missing something in regards to the flowing water training dream. Just feels like a real pain to kill the spiders in time, while also going up the river
The game can be played on emulators.
Yeah, and people still need to play + beat it. The not!torrent dropped less than a day ago.
The graphics are completely broken on ryujinx, is it the same for anyone else?
>zelda's grunts and noises keep turning me on
Why is this shit board censoring every not reddit friendly word
the fellow zelda goyslop eaters will try to make something coherent from the lore of zelda when nintendo doesn't give a single fk but to s3ll bo0ks
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whats the point of having different pots
What's being censored? You posting raw download links or something?
*meant for >>689607539
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bro what do i do lmao
I'm guessing I'm supposed to burn it, but i cant get the ignizol up there. i only have four triangle things right now.
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The answer to every puzzle in this game.

SPIDERMAN THREAD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Z8N9TTvKeQ
ok, guess not. what material is that supposed to be?
I'm sick of people arguing about "canon". You're arguing about which imaginary stories are more or less imaginary but the truth is they're all equally imaginary. They're all equally fictional. None of this shit is real. It's all just a story.
How would you feel if you skipped breakfast this morning?
>You're arguing about which imaginary stories are more or less imaginary but the truth is they're all equally imaginary. They're all equally fictional. None of this shit is real. It's all just a story.
Zelda general is up again
I thought Demise/Ganon was the big bad? The literal reincarnation of evil that’ll destroy the world time and time again?
This is impossible
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is this another one of those "you're gonna have to watch for the emulator to update when it comes out" games like ttyd was, especially if you've got amd? switching to opengl makes it have all these weird specks, but vulkan breaks everything and only renders like a quarter of the screen
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Demise vs Hylia (Good vs Evil) is the tier below The Null vs Golden Goddesses / The Triforce (Reality vs Un-Reality), according to this one so far.
Not clear if that's the full story yet, but it what seems to be emerging as Anons get further through.
Who gives a fuck? They can establish that the old guy who gives you the sword in Zelda 1 is the real secret villain of the entire franchise and they won't give a single fuck if you bitch about it. They don't give a fuck. Why do you?
>stop caring about things, just consoom and wait for next product while being a selfish little fuck such as myself
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Less "Reality vs Un-Reality" and more "Something vs Nothing"
I’ve noticed the Zelda series has had a ton of power creep in the past couple years. BOTW started it, Link in that game is a fucking beast and in cutscenes he’s literally some dynasty warriors character as you see bodies of lynels and moblins in his wake. Guardians shoot death lasers and were a threat to him as well, and Botw Link has more hearts than any Link that came before. Sure, his weapons break, but he can do fucking ice freezing combos and summon infinite bombs. Then TOTK comes and the fully upgraded link from Botw just gets one shot and made a pussy out of by a decrepit Ganondorf. Don’t get me started on his power-level, or Rauru’s giant fucking Kamehameha that kills like 100 Molduga’s in a huge valley. Link has more hearts than ever in this game and also his Master Sword is now fucking modular with augments that can make it adapt to any situation. He even gets a Bionic Arm like fucking Venom Snake that lets him rewind time in isolation and build machines. He destroys Ganondorf after he sacrifices his will to gain immense draconic power which leads to his defeat represented by a literal fucking nuke like the korok forest gets hit by Little Boy. We get it Japan, Hiroshima SUCKED (for you guys). Now we have a void goatse entity that is a primordial evil that cannot be reasoned with and potentially lives on an extra-dimensional level? And the sad part is, I said this was power-creep but 100% Fierce Deity Link would absolutely destroy Calamity Ganon & Nu-dorf and you just shot a bunch of sword beams with that form. This NEW overarching antagonist (because fuck Demise I guess) would probably give him a run for his money.
Makes perfect sense, Golden Goddesses brought order to the original world of chaos, now chaos wants it back
It's more of chaos vs order. Demons have always been an agent of chaos.
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Castlevania is the only series where SURPRISE THERE'S A SUPERBOSS BEHIND DRACULA was actually a decent twist since the Castle itself is arguably more famous than DRACULA himself.

Kind of a shit fight though.
I was gonna complain that people were barely discussing the game, but I forgot it was 4:30 AM EST.
Demise is the source of f the Demon Tribe as we understand him, but he's more Hylia and Hyrule's personal enemy. Null is closer to something the Golden Goddesses are personally opposed to and outside of being the reason they made all reality, isn't really something anyone else is really involved with.
So what happened to the actual Ganon?
Lost, presumed eaten by Null.
The one in-game is like some historical-spiritual reincarnation that Nothing creates to do bad shit with. It's not the real Ganon, it's like if Magic-Hologram-Stalin appeared to kick kittens on Nothing's behalf.
pad the numbers. There's also 2 types of bed from promotional material
Nope. You're on AMD aren't ya
So it's likely post AoL, got it
Honestly, null seems like an improvement over demise to me, demise was always shit, and I feel like null doesn't break established canon as much as demise
Yeah the Gerudo bed heals you much faster, I just got it
honestly this game is terrible but I don't even care enough to explain why. Others already have said it all. Hopefully they take the game form the first few minutes and create something with that because fuck the rest of this has been awful
Wonder if the game can be fixed via mods, swapping models with ALBW would go a long way
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>big bads are who are evil because they're evil, will always be evil as long as evil exists, and whose only justification is being stronger than everything around them (unless you, the hero, can defeat them) are shit because..... BECAUSE THEY JUST ARE OK?
Trying to find motivations or loopholes in strength is for women. Demise is a man's villain, and a well written one at that.
Remember when a Zelda spinoff could have a one-off villain that didn't have to relate back to le big bad ganon?
We’ve actually got to the point people are defending demise, god help us all
I can’t tell how many people have legit gripes about this game, and those who haven’t played it. Acting like it’s some affront to Zelda doesn’t feel right to me at all. At worst it would be a bit below average, calling it outright bad feels like a major stretch. I’ve enjoyed it pretty well.

It isn’t to say anyone who says bad things about the game is baiting or whatever, but some posts feel a bit more vitriolic than I feel the game deserves.
oh shit! it's giganigga!
Anyone know what NPC to give Monster Stones to? I have 20 of them now
I picked up the bow but I can't use it at all. Am I stupid?
Is audio still broken in the rifts on Yuzu? I can't use Ryujinx, those shaders stutters are just too much.
where key?
Game key or in-game key?
I need the title key
How do I fix the rift visuals?
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That's basically how the English translation interpreted it, but in the original Jap script it's less literal reincarnation and more just a general "violence breeds violence, there will always be conflict" kind of thing.
it's nintendo
their apathetic lawyers hoovering up all of reality
When you really think about it the difference between the 2 versions is not that meaningful, plus nintendo made both ganondorf and demise red haired dark skinned evil fuckers for a reason. Only some autists think it's extremely different because they have trouble understanding things outside of the literal sense
Demise needed a world to stomp around in. I imagine Null wants to take that away too.
It all returns to nothing
It all comes tumbling down tumbling down tumbling doooowwwnn
Kind of gay considering he started it. It's like the equivalent of stop hitting yourself.
i cant figure out what people are mad about. we have a pirate princess downloading cars to defeat a literal DMCA.
idk how the game works but can you put out the fire? it looks like the smoke is coming out backwards
more like goatse game lmao >>689602435
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I'm so fucking stupid.
Watched a stream of the Gerudo Desert and it looks decent. This game is very strategic resource management
Okay what's the real lore of the void monster? Is it true this game connects classic games to the wild era?
Oh, I supposed to drop down from outside. Neat.

Game is much better than botw/totk trash. Even if it shares some DNAs with them.
I am in this thread solely in wait for the goatse edit
No the other anon is right. BotW shouldn't be considered canon either tho. Nintendo was infected by dei and esg by then.
Never care about a work of fiction more than the creators care about it. If they don't see it as anything more than a paycheck, why should you care?
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What do I do in this room? Do I have to hit both buttons at the same time or something? How?
It goes like this :
- Null is a primordial being from the Void before creation
- Null hates the Goddesses for converting the void into the World & wants to "Go Back"
- Demise is the progenitor of the Demon Tribe
- Demise hates the God Tribe for being in control of the World
- Demise wishes to obtain the Triforce to destroy the Gods & make his demon tribe reign supreme over all realms turning the all the world into the Dark World.
- The Curse of the Demon Tribe ensures the Demon Tribe will resurface across the ages for eternity & carry Demise's will
- The Dark Realm is the realm where the Demons nest
- Powerful demons such as Malladus & Bellum invade the Light World from the Dark Realm alongside their demon tribe servants
- Mortals of the Light World are also impacted by the Curse of the Demon Tribe. Their own dark emotions & a great power as a catalyst can turn them demonic replenishing the ranks of the Demon Tribe. The opposite transformation Batreaux undertook. Ganon & Vaati are such beings.
-Ganondorf is a Gerudo King, sorcerer & thief warrior consumed by his dark emotions. His greed for power & conquest, his envy of Hyrule's bountifulness & harmony leading to his desire to have it for himself & his hatred of Hyrule's peaceful inhabitants & the Royal Family ruling over them. He echoes Demise's hatred through his own upbringings.
-Ganon is Ganondorf's demonic persona, a nickname he obtained as a dark thief. He is the Great Demon King of Darkness brought into being by Ganondorf's use of dark rites & conquering a great power.
-Ganon became Demise's successor as the leader of the Demon Tribe through the Curse, he carries the Will of Demise of a creation of the Dark World in which the Demon Tribe rules supreme & the Gods & their races are destroyed or subjucated.
-Null and Demise's ultimate Goals are contradicting, Null wants to consume the world whereas Demise wants to conquer it merely "destroying the current one" & establishing his own, a perverted form.
how do i shot web
>Winwaker shitter
>instantly spoils everything

Yeah that makes sense
Wow, look at that. Somebody using the term goyslop is a glue snorting moron that doesn't understand what the hell is going on but has an opinion. Strange how it's always like that.
So.. is it fun?
I’m the one from yesterday that posted the almost completed map. Unless I can’t find the rest of the collectibles I’m not going to go to the final dungeon.
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>button prompt how to swing the fucking sword
Better than botw and tiktotk... better than albw too. It might be a mediocre Zelda but it's the best zelda in past decade
Ganon has been dead dead since the Oracle games, even further back if half assed resurrections don't count.
That's right piggy enjoy your slop
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owo what's this?
It might be no OoT but it's gonna be goty
Mmmm yes nintendo please give me more of that delicious poopy of mediocrity like the property I am
Who the fuck says poopy, go back to school you underage retard
If this is a sequel to ALBW, he fused with Yuga & lost his self in the process when Yuga was destroyed his spirit was stuck roaming the gap between the worlds until Null came across it converting it into a Echoe puppet he sent to Hyrule & used to open the rift to the Still World used by Null to consume the World of Hyrule.
How does he even end up coming back for zelda 1
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Attempt 2, how do I get past the holes shooting steam i've tried so many things including putting out the torch but it's too high up to the ceiling
Is there a mod to remove all the blur?
They know their audience.
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Wake up guys new tech just dropped. If you're skilled enough with your inputs (I am not) you can probably consistently use a moving tile as a floating staircase. You can see that I can jump, immediately spawn in the new echo, and then land on it to do the same thing again. I have not been able to chain a third moving platform yet as it's really precise. I am using the jump boost accessory as I don't think it would be possible without it. If you get good enough at this you can even change directions midair.
Malladus was kino though and I want New Hyrule back.
.... it's likely a new continuity, the lore of the classic games doesn't connect very well with A Link Between Worlds despite it claiming to be. It's like another Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom situation.

Ganon can be resurrected from his ashes or through dark rites. The Ganon of Zelda 1 is the Ganon of A Link to the Past revived. We aren't explicictly shown how but since his minions know about the "blood on ashes" thing, he perhaps underwent a similar revival.
The Oracle games are also questionable in their placement but they did explore Ganon's revival through dark rites, this failed tho his form was incomplete showing beast-like intelligence. He was destroyed & sent back to where he came from. In that game Twinrova summoned demonic beings from the dark realm to aid in his survival, the underworld is where Ganon's minions are said to befrom in Zelda 2's manual. There might be a connection there, the demons & monsters from that place did something to bring their King back.
Because the people who enjoy the wrong games are not human and should be sacrificed on an alter to ensure better crop yields.
Go to the left room to freeze the water, the grab the 2 rocks there and create a 3rd one on top to block the fire, then use spiderweb to go up
There are Yetis? Like Phantom Hourglass or Twilight Princess?
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The only thing I care about is if they confirmed that fucking garbage that Hylia is the fourth creator goddess and the big ol hole in the Triforce. God I hate that stupid Mary Sue bitch

Also Null sounds boring. I only accepted it in Kirby because the concept that antimatter in the Kirby universe is actually a grumpy dark cloud that hates happiness and fairies is actually pretty funny..
I wish. Pretty generic yeti desu
Yes, use the statue enemy that walk forward, and time it so you both press the switches at the same time, use the rocks to balance the platforms
Are they in Hebra?
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Worst fucking dungeon in the game so far. Painfully inconspicuous puzzles and a boss that makes no sense.

It spits out boiling water but what the fuck am I supposed to know about zol's in this game where there is no rhyme or reason to anything?
Tendies sure do get flustered when you bring up the fact the whole series has no overall coherence and just tries to pander to fat women and faggots now
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Twilight Princess was peak design
You guys actually give a shit about Zelda lore? You know they just make that shit up right? You're here for the gameplay r-right?
I had no problems at all with this dungeon, and actually liked the hot and cold mechanics of this one.
How to make the fish bombs blow up underwater?
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ok erin tranny, you got raped by a lizalfos
>Deku are back, FINALLY
>deku village theme doesn't even reference Deku Palace theme from MM
I want to fuck his wife
He wouldn't be able to sit on the cuck share
Yeah, though so far i've only met one
It can easily be post AoL. Ganon is a demon lord, no matter what you do, they resurrect, that's their entire MO. That's why Demise needed a triforce wish to die
How do I beat the boss? I've tried hot and cold on him and nothing does anything. It keeps giving me energy from the busted rocks but sword/bow/deflecting does nothing.
My ryujinx says "no application found in file"

Its the 5,4 gb one I downloaded from a thread yesterday
>explored 95% of the overworld just to tag as many fast travel points as possible
>explore caves as i find them
>get five star mobs i can't even summon
>still only completed the first dungeon
why is this so fun bros
Of you mean the water boss, I used the ice statue enemy that uses ice breath
tendies unironically paying $70 + tip for goatse
Has anyone found a consistent source of fairies?
One always spawns in the pond near the Suthorn dungeon
Two spawn in the great fairy fountain
Who the fuck cares about the overarching Zelda lore? It has been nonsensical since ALTTP.
Demise at his core is still a demon.
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Let me guess, you need more?
Still no DOF mod that works on Ryujinx?
the one posted a few threads ago works on my machine
On ryujinx?
Still no fix for the audio in the rift world on Yuzu/Sudachi?
Kinda shocked the OST doesn't lean into Zelda's lullaby more, and I don't think it ever references Ballad of the Goddess. Overall it's decent, but could definitely be better. Probably better than the BotW/TotK OSTs.
Because open worlds give freedom which lets you play the way *you* want to, it will always be more fun because of that.
Having it in the overworld theme is enough. If it was everywhere I'd get kind of annoyed.
Does anyone have the (sharable) shader cache for Ryujinx with NVIDIA hardware?
What version, and can you screenshot the settings menu?
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performance is rough, has anyone tried seeing if overclocking helps at all?
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The Ganon fight is Amazing but holy fuck the soiZelda (botw and tiktok) ost and the soifood ruin the fight

I guess Nintendo has the talent to make a good game.
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Lore dump images courtesy of Din for those who care.
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where are the better beds? i want to save time healing, also resetting the sleep every time after the first heal is faster than waiting the whole time
>using beds for healing

you didn't beat the game
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>final boss is goatse
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You can get the Gerudo bed in the Gerudo town. Zelda's bed is available after clearing Hyrule castle and restores 2 hearts per tick. Smoothies are much faster at recovering health though.
How long is the game?
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Cringe and not even fitting
This one's sort of rough, what do? No platform to cram armos on and they drown on beds or boxes
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Oh god there's more of them
Get fucked
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>The new zelda game has a new final boss. Shocking.
>It's been the true big bad evil guy since the very beginning! we just didn't know until now.
Okay I'll care about that until the next game comes out.
I don't think anyone has finished it yet. There still arent any screenshots of the final boss.
It has 8 main dungeons though.
So is it fun?
>>It's been the true big bad evil guy since the very beginning!
This isn't really true.
It's a big bad but it's not responsible for anything that has happened in the series up to this point.
Did they really weren't able to come up with three rows menu?
Upper row for furniture to traverse the world.
Middle row for the enemies.
Bottom row for the Special/Other echoes.
Is it really that hard to understand? Holy fuck, scrolling through endless list of items is so fucking stupid.
>It's been the true big bad evil guy since the very beginning!
This is not at all true.

Should've named him Nihil instead of Null.
oh so it truly doesn't matter and it's just a new boss for a new game just like any previous zelda game with a non-ganon boss.
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This game really makes you feel stupid sometimes. This is like the first real puzzle of the dungeon
Not that either. Null isn't responsible for everything that's ever happened, but it is the entire reason the Golden Goddesses made the universe the franchise takes place in to begin with.

>it's just a new boss for a new game just like any previous zelda game with a non-ganon boss
This happens in any franchise. How do you think new characters and villains are created exactly?
Yes. Null did not create demise or ganon or anything like that. Null just summoned the current ganon from the beginning of the game as an echo of the actual ganon.
Honestly, this is what I wanted TOTK to be. A good mix of open ended (though it's way less openly retarted here) puzzle design but a more linear structure to accompany it.
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How do I fix this? Almost everything is black, I'm on ryujinx.
Whoa Zelda is a
Easily the best Zelda since Twilight Princess. Grim
It's a game. Story making sense would be ideal but story doesn't matter.

It's exactly like graphics. If you like story it can make you like it more but if you include criticism of it in a rating of it, you're a retard.

And this applies to everything. Your car being red doesn't make it faster and getting the autograph of someone while sitting in your car is a neat little story maybe but it doesn't make it more fuel efficient. They don't effect the facts and the facts are the gameplay.
Tris = Triforce?
I can't imagine being retarded enough to care about Zelda timeline/lore.
>Castlevania is the only series where SURPRISE THERE'S A SUPERBOSS BEHIND DRACULA was actually a decent twist
That already happenned in the first castlevania game on the nes. Until rondo of blood (the og creator left after castlevania 3) retconned it into being dracula's second form.
Please, anons who are further than me, i've been stuck here for half an hour
Spin into them.
Again, you need to freeze the room, then simply use the statue enemy that walks forward to press the switch
Isn't this somewhat close to the formation of the Elder Scrolls world?
Nihil is actually it's name in the latin american version.
NTA but you helped me out like crazy. Didn't know you could freeze the rooms again. That solves everything
In TES, the world is a dream of the Amaranth ANU after Nirn was killed by Padhome/Padomay so not quite. There's no big primordial nothing that the world is built upon.
Ah I see I mixed up everything being descended from Anu and Padomay as it being a void/reality thing. Was probably thinking of Sithis when I was typing.
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>only 2 cost
>available as soon as you do the lanaryu dungeon
Bedbros... we've been replaced...
Giving Zelda a warm smoothie and sniffing her armpits
Answer here
Thank you :)
where is it
There best be a place where I can buy the remaining echos or i'm gonna hang myself
Path to Ice dungeon
Does Conde have childhood trauma? Feel bad for the fellow
Got a link for me?
Tears of the Kingdom or Skyward Sword HD?
Do the amiibo unlock Zelda's past designs like WW or TotK?
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How to fight worms in the sands? I cannot see any enemies with grappling hook to catch their tails.
btw pressing R stick is top down view.
Framerates of this game is worse than Link's Awakening, very distracting.
Tears of the Kingdom
how do you fags tolerate this art style? It's like they knew a traditional 3D look would attract coomers so they made it like this as a middle finger
I'm working towards fifth dungeon (Eldin Vocano) now. Finally had a good sleep. I'll tripfag to answer questions if it comes up here, or in that chat.
It's a stable 60 for me.
It's mostly the fault of ryujinx fucking compiling shaders every other seconds.
how many hours is the speedrun going to be?
Anyone else fought this guy? Was an optional boss in a mini-dungeon, was pretty neat
Does it run well on emulation, or do I need to play on the console?
This game is kinda mid. The most 7/10 Zelda ever.
audio always seems to get desycned by about 1.5 seconds after playing for about 10 minutes, possibly triggered when a particularly bad stutter from shader caching on ryujinx

doesn't matter if vulkan / open GL and doesn't matter which audio backend is used. as far as i can tell, no fix anywhere yet
anybody able to get any shaders?
Yeah, I found that after the first dungeon. When you complete Hyrule castle, the general gets info about that dude and another mini dungeon. He acknowledges if you beat the monsters before you spoke to him.
Do you ever get a combat form that lasts longer than 10 sec? Or I'm dropping this shit game, tired of "see a monster, summon your own, wait until it's over" instead of just swinging twice like in every other Zelda game.

It's like Aonuma got pissed that people were skipping all the nuts & bolts shit in TOTK and just played the game normally, so now he's forcing this garbage on us.
Stopped reading here.
Entrance is blocked off by rubble, how do I get in?

Is there another secret entrance somewhere
Emugen Wiki has some
No one cares what ESL whiners think. Go back to whatever shitty Zelda game from your childhood you want to pretend has good combat.
Your PC is probably just too shit. Both Ryu and Yuzu run fine on my end. Although you should turn off vsync to prevent the game from flipping to the fallback 30 fps mode (cap the framerate in Nvidia Control Panel instead).
You're not the main audience
The philosophy that's been cancer to this series is "freedom"
Botw was "exploration freedom" which was fine
Totk was "puzzle freedom" which completely ruined all puzzles on top of "exploration freedom"
Now this game adds "Combat freedom" and refuses to let you play the normal way even though they went out of their fucking way to program the best 2D sword and bow combat in a Zelda game
Next game is probably just gonna be a level editor at this rate. The developers clearly don't want to actually design anything.
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>he doesn't spam the bomb enemies to nuke the enemy
>The philosophy that's been cancer to this series is "freedom"
That's the best thing the series ever did, and that's why the first game was good.
Bloat. Same as Tears of the Shitdom.
Fucking same. No one wants to have a pokemon battle when they're just casually exploring, it's a massive waste of time. This game's casual reception will be pretty bad once it's out.
Can't wait for clint stevens to play this game
>No one wants to have a pokemon battle when they're just casually exploring
didnt palworld sell like 15million?
To make you scroll longer. That's what everyone loved about TOTK's arrowhead system.
Good. Gooners and coomers can fuck off.
The first game was exploration freedom, which is fine. It did not feature puzzle or combat freedom, which are bad.
>It did not feature puzzle or combat freedom, which are bad.
Both of those things are good, and the closest thing to puzzles LoZ even had was getting keys in dungeons, which had more freedom than anything else in the series since you could take them in between dungeons and buy them in shops. The categories people try to make up to pretend they have points about game design on /v/ are absurd.
Nah puzzles and combat freedom are great too. Fuck off.
Looking like it'll run like shit on the Switch like LA
The combat is bad, yes
Ok I'm stuck in this room in the jungle dungeon and I think it's bugged at this point. The 2 exits closed and putting stuff on either or both of the platforms does nothing.
>which is fine
It's not fine, it's great. You're a dumb faggot for trying to minimize its importance, especially within the context of a series about exploration.
>which are bad.
No, they're good. Options based on systems and mechanics are good things. Pretending that a puzzle is bad because you can solve it in multiple ways with multiple tools or that a puzzle is good because it's a railroaded lock and key style puzzle is retarded.
how many Tris do Lynels cost
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Huh... what could this be?
There is no freedom, just turn into link and kill everything.
You need to press both switches at the same time
sex with whatever that thing is
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There it is
Nice to have a game with the Triforce, Farore, Nayru, and Din again after all this time. And a game with the three goddesses and not Ganon/dorf as the final boss at that!!
there's another way to get there.
Given who the antagonist is, this is the one time where a team up with the tree triforce wielders wouldn't look out of place.
3070ti + i7 12700kf so nah, i'm not the only one reporting audio desync
Wait Din Nayru and Farore are literally in the game? What about the Triforce?
Running around in circles to avoid attacks while your summons fight is incredibly boring, this game sucks.
The switches are just outside the staff's range. I don't get it.
>can easily be post AoL
Not with that small map
I used the bed (as always) to solve the puzzle. This can't be the intended solution though.
Don't do it then? It's only funny the first 2 or 3 times
Why the hell do jannies delete and autosage Zelda threads? We know they don't get paid by Nintendo, do they literally do the defend the multi billion dolar corporation bit?
People who complain about the summon combat are genuinely playing the game wrong I think.
Each monster has their own specificities, strength and weaknesses, if you summon accordingly, combat doesn't take long at all, even on Hero mode.
And you only have to upgrade your energy twice to get a sword form that lasts quite a bit.
It's a one-line D-Pad menu containing over 120 entries. This control design is beyond pathetic, even for a Japanese game.
Can someone post what the three goddesses look like?
I'm in gerudo desert, can someone help me with finding the 5th stamp and the tumbleweed sidequest?
Several versions of Ganon have been omnicidal lunatics no different than Null so I really would not trust him to not backstab everyone to deepthroat its eldritch cock.
This could be an evil vs oblivion case because clearly Ganon wouldn't want this. At least if he's not at the helm anyway and its not like Link and an experienced Zelda can't kick his ass when its all over.
there's no such thing as 'zelda canon.' Every game is standalone.

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