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Is this Binger Wahoo'ing a bit too hard?
>shoes indoors
typical american
>shoes on the fucking couch
>they way he walks and sits

i bet he's a cuck
>I bet he's a cuck
No shit, he's a tendie
>shoes indoors
look like crocs to me
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Sex room.
I bet he fucks aff the Pokémon and Mario and he gets hoic rocks off from stepping on bowser.
How do these people afford this shit?
their wife's boyfriend earns a lot of money
You didn't pay us fees for using our mascots and use them in advertisement purposes. Please refer to our patent 006660420 from September of 2024: "...a device that captures image or video data for the later purpose of being watched..."
He mugs people in shady alleys at night.
we just had the same thread like an hour ago
If this guy was CONSOOMING anime girl figurines & watching moe anime, you faggots would be saying he's based.
He could have paid for a hair transplant, you know
They work in the video game industry as some sort of homosexual cuckery department I think.
If that were the case, he would be black or brown.
/v/ would just call him a stupid nigger
This basically every gamer's wet dream, and I fucking love it.
Honestly, good for him. He has a hobby and he clearly has more money than 99.9(9999....)% of you.
absolutely hate the lights
All those lights would give me a headache.
Is this who the nu-male wokeslop is made for?
This is what happens if you buy consoles?
Nothing there costs that much, its just wasted on shit aesthetics
And he has a wife.
>B-but Tyrone fucks his wife
He still has a wife. Where is YOUR wife?
Nin10toddlers are all mentally ill cultists.
>all this RGB shit
Do people really enjoy this? This permanent low-luminosity red-blue-purple environment? It looks like a fucking laser tag arena.
Why are you such an autistic faggot?
Being you must be so tedious.
How much circlejerking went on here over Astrobot? Let's not pretend snoys are any better.
There's just something very sad about this.
What use is a wife if you dont get any action?
This man is insane but I appreciate the effort and I smile as I look at it, the same way I appreciate those motorsport themed car enthusiast garages with all the memorabilia and stuff. First instinct is to hate it, but I actually like it. This man is dedicated to consooming Nintendo products.
He is not a lonely loser like you.
Stop making fun of nintendo
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it's definitely depression
Tendies are the most pathetic fanboys ion the planet
I don't make much, live in a city, and could probably afford this. Buying this shit is probably the entirety of their leisure budget, or they get paid very well.
Perhaps /v/ would like to share with the class what they would do if they had fuck-you money.
I wish I also hada wife like him.
What if a nuclear (or missle to nuclear non believer) suddenly hit america, destroying their 'man cave' and led them to be drafted to war?
Just spend all your money on it instead of things that matter. It's not that hard
I'd travel a bit and then donate a lot of money to help people who are suffering. I'd also not have to worry about going broke.
I bet he is allowed to eat out his wife after Tyrone fucks her.
I wish I could be like him and have a wife too.
All that shit he bought, just to put it on a shelf. He has 8 fucking Switches.
>I'd travel a bit and then donate a lot of money to help people who are suffering
May as well just set it on fire
How can "people" not admit Nintendo is just a cult?
Buy a medieval castle and a full suit of plate.
This is what lower-class people do with their wealth
Buy a wife and build a cabin out in the middle of nowhere.
I'm pretty lower-class myself.
Inherited about $350k, and I wouldn't make ugly-ass rooms like those.
This is the guy defending Nintendo at every opportunity.
Good. There is a kernel of high-born in you
I don't think relieving suffering is a waste of time or effort, it's the most noble thing you can possibly do. I guess if you're a psychopath/narcissist you'd see it as pointless though.
Yes because anime IS based dumb newnigger
Anime hasn't been based in over a decade. Now it's just a part of the troon pipeline.
Moeshit was a mistake.
These types of people are hyper neo lib progressives who work some BS job in tech, coding, or some bullshit office job that "feels" important but isn't. They then complain about how much work they do/how hard their job is, spend all their money on consumer shit, and then assume every white person has it easy like they do and can't fathom a lifestyle different to their own except in some abstract romanticized way. If you came up to them and told them you were poor/homeless as a white guy without a drug addiction or mental illness they wouldn't believe you, because in their head homeless people look like dirty methheads with schizophrenia
>I don't think relieving suffering is a waste of time or effort
Most of the time it is. Just look at our attempts to "relieve suffering" in Africa. There's nothing noble about being a bleeding heart fool
Two income + cats/dogs as child replacement = a lot of extra money for bing bing wahoo
Not just "relatively wealthy", but SPECIFICALLY "fuck you" money? Aw shit, you have no idea, bro.

>Buy an underground base and fill it with food, a gym, a pool, an underground sports field, a garden, an armory, a hospital, and various other amenities you might find in a prison or military base
>Live there exclusively and throw parties and balls and shit
>Train in all the stuff I can't afford or don't have time to do, like MMA, stunt driving, languages, music, etc.
>Build my own private Christian school for poor kids and make it prestigious as shit, and build up a culture that incentivizes them to donate back to the school when they find themselves in positions of power and wealth (kind of like how Harvard grads are always donating and shit to Harvard because they feel like Harvard is the reason they became successful)
>Create homeless shelters with free therapy, and make them find jobs and convert them into useful members of society

I don't know, that's just off the top of my head. With "Fuck you" money, I could do a lot of good, and have a lot of fun, you have no idea.
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>But whaddabout muh Amerifat trannies
Don't care.
I'd focus on helping people in my own country first, plenty of people suffering here from mental illness, homelessness etc.
this webm fills me with dread
>give someone money
>their crippling mental illness disappears
>Create homeless shelters with free therapy, and make them find jobs and convert them into useful members of society
The problem is majority of homeless dudes who don't live out of their car while working are just drug addicts with 0 mental issues past being hedonistic fucks who went too far with their hedonism/addiction, or they're criminals and routinely steal from the other fucks at these shelters for no reason
A lot of the visible homeless are like this, theres a small few who just gave up and became visible homeless, but most decent homeless people just live out of their car while working or stay hidden, the rest should be killed for their hedonism
they'd get heart attack during first physical training in base camp
The issue is there are legitimately some people who are homeless despite being drug free and having 0 mental illness, the job opportunities and cost of living has just skyrocketed, or maybe you decide its not worth it to work 40-60 hours a week to live in an apartment which you only shower/sleep in and spend 0 time actually living in so just stop working
The rest of the homeless people are just hedonists with 0 willpower who decided to spend their money on drugs
It certainly helps to afford to live decently. But also to invest in care for them.
Not being a nigger is not tedious if you are not a nigger.
Still a waste of money. I would recommend you look at things more structurally. If something like homelessness, for example, is the result of a specific political policy, simply throwing money at it is just a bandaid fix. You should try to influence things at the highest level you can (i.e. politically).
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Im more offended by that cheap little couch.
That shit does not look comfy at all
My thoughts on that is that it might lead to something much better, or it might not lead to anything at all.
no it doesn't, if you give a schizo $10,000 they're not gonna turn their life around, that money is gonna disappear because they are literally unable to function. it's like thinking that giving a guy with no legs money will give him the ability to walk
That's the only basedthing in the video
man, I wish I wasn't poor
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It's not even a home. It's a showroom.
It's like living in a corporate altar.

There is literally nothing that personalizes it.
It's just a worship of BRAND.
No photos, no mementos.
Just shit from a store.
And it will never be anything more than Shit From A Store because it was bought to literally just be put back onto a shelf.
Never used. Never enjoyed.
Never touched except by a duster.
There's nothing wrong with owning things just to put on a feature shelf, to enjoy it for its aesthetic alone. But that's EVERYTHING in that room. I have one small shelf for shit I've collected, and most of it has meaning to me. Some were just to look good, but most have a memory tied to them.
Everything on those shelves was promptly forgotten about after placement. Because they never mattered, beyond brainless consumption.

Just a sad attempt to fill the hole that used to be filled by Community.
>all that fucking nonsense
>god damn IKEA furniture
I don't know man I'd probably go for something better than that if I had the extra cash.
There's at least $30k worth of shit + the space to dedicate to it. As I said, that means he has more money than 99.99999% of posters here.
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In the 70's to the 90's? Yeah.

After the 2000's? Not so much.
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>If the circumstances were different, then so too would your opinion on the matter
Wow no shit?
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It would be hypocritical. CONSOOMING anime & anime merchandise is just as cringe as cringe as CONSOOMING gamer merchandise, if not more so.
me on the bottom
>I have the exact same footrest
Just take me to the yeard and shoot me anon, it's okay, I won't even feel it.
if u don't have money that's fine
that retard and the one in OP's webm clearly have money but no brains to buy decent furniture
>be permavirgin
>have no one you have to take care of
>luck out and get a high-paying job
>make far more than you could ever spend
It really is that simple.
And he burns it on stuff for ten year olds.
what game is he playing? God of War?
>immediately become an ex-pat
>move to Panama or any tax haven like the Gayman Islands
>spend the rest of my days travelan, drawan, exercisan, and visitan since I don't have a job tying me down
>doing fun shit with my family and relatives like visiting theme parks all over the world with lodging all the time since I can afford it for them
you can be not lonely and also not cucked you know
>buy/build a nice house in the country with a piece of land including a forest so maybe I can pick up hunting again or just enjoy nature
>give my fiance a beautiful wedding
>travel around for a few weeks and whenever passion strikes
>try out new hobbies like diving or sailing
>invest in real estate to have a decent safety net
>maybe keep working to keep me grounded

I'm not very creative.
buy a ps5 pro
>Get a comfy chateau with lots of land and raise a big family there
>Found a university focusing on the humanities especially european native theology and make it as high quality as possible
>take over a country or something idk
He's not playing anything, that's just a video on the TV.
Imagine the electricity bills and retina damage.
I'm starting to think that letting people do whatever behind closed doors is actually not healthy.
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I had a friend in college whose dad had a room like this, he was loaded off workers comp because his job left him permanently disabled and his back is all fucked up. Dude could have designed a super comfy setup with some ambient lighting, nice furniture even a setpiece to show off all his figs but instead opted to turn it into a post-2000s Electronics Boutique with just rows and rows of fucking plywood and ADHD lights like this. Absolutely revolting.
>if I buy another Nintendo product I will finally be happy
That saying typically falls under the assumption that most adult individuals have the maturity to live a reasonable and balanced life behind closed doors. I guess that's not always the case...
this, he probably hasn't played anything in weeks or even months
its the chink monkey game
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i would become a real pirate and have a mighty crew with all of you
He bing'd when he should have wahoo'd
Most studies actually show the opposite, they were all productive memebers of society that eventually landed in a situation of homelessness because of either losing their job, medical issues or just not making enough money. Then they just say fuck it and decide to beg and get high all day because why not? They don't believe they're gonna get back on their feet so they might as well die blitz out on something.
If this guy had two rooms dedicated to SPORTS memorabilia no one would bat an eye.

>How do these people afford this shit?
Homie most of it is $30 plushies, $15 amiibos and $15 fukno pops. $200 in rgb lights, a nice big tv. Youre impressed by the sum and not the individual parts. Anyone can have a place like this if you buy up plastic shit at gamestop for a year.
Most normal people usually date, have kids or if they're alone some vice like alcohol or gambling addictions which absolutely burns their money
If you hit your thirties without doing any of the above, you'll probably be able to easily afford and have the time to make this room
Underrated post
manchildren are fucking pathetic
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>a bunch of plastic garbage lit up by rgb lights from amazon
Sometimes I forgot that the majority of /v/ is third worlders and literal children.
>studies show
>sources say
>experts confirm
Shut the fuck up retard. You choose to be homeless in America. It's 100% mental illness/drug use. You literally admitted this in your own post about the poor productive people
>may as well get high
Yeah, so they chose. Fuck them.
This is what no barriers to entry gets you. PCchads will never sink to this low
those walls of video games are easily tens of thousands of dollars retail
How do you bring a girl home into that shite?
In a bodybag
This is a genuine sickness.
>”Anesthetize yourself in the glowing soi cave, goy!”
>how do i bring ants into my home?
> :|

>consuming: japan
> :O
This reminds me of the streamer room in Ready or Not and I kind of want to replay that level now.
so much this
it perfectly summarizes whenever i see a tech/retro/collector's room and it's just wall to wall of consumerism with no taste, decor or warmth. i just feel pity whenever i see it, i don't think anyone besides actual children could be anything but embarrassed to obsessively worship/collect/display video games and video game merch
>glowing soi cave
right so there are these things called "jobs"
Instead of buying their dream corvette like most boomers do, zoomers fork over their 70,000$ to do shit like this.
>All that stimulation by yourself
See it becomes uncanny and jarring when you are quickly reminded that you are by yourself and all these lights and animations are quiet. Because it's not very efficient to have all these different background noises going off while you are trying to game or watch something.

But my main point is that you won't get that same feeling you do walking into say Freemont street, where it's buzzing with street performers, people chatting, sounds from the various buildings, they're all complimenting each other to give off an experience bigger than yourself. You can not say the same for these type of rooms, it's just you. The ecosystem of lights and fun isn't a real living one like you'd see in pic related

Literally Platos Cave
He obviously gets off to Tyrone fucking his wife.
Girl? He's obviously a gay pedo
Hello rabbi
Hello, Anon.
Hello Mario
That couch looks really uncomfortable and he has no side tables.
Hello Anon.
Let's a goooo!
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yeah, you fucking nailed it, plus it feels like trying to fill an emotional void inside with product
My coworker has storage units full of shit and is 90,000 dollars in debt.

It may not even be his home. That may be a rented space he just buys and buys and buys for. He could have taken out loans to get to this level.
A bunch of shit does not mean he has more money than anyone.
This is the biggest logical fallacy on /v/ and usually is posted by people with the least life experience.

People who amass and hoard this amount of plastic garbage are not intelligent consumers and usually pay off credit cards with other credit cards. Additionally, any time they get a tax return or any kind of cash they "treat" themselves, instead of paying off bills. I guarantee this fat balding mother fucker has payment plan on top of payment plan set 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 years out, where he's incrementally paying off credit cards or loans he took out hundreds of dollars each month to pay for his thousands of dollars worth of fucking absolute useless garbage. Anyone who has a home or rooms like this is borderline hoarding.
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>shelves are covered in shitty funko pops to fill up space
>first 4 figure statues that I guarantee he took payment plans out on
>shitty LED lighting that he probably bought off temu
>very low quality ikea shelving
>ikea loveseat
>TCL 65/75 inch TV
>stupid fucking surround setup with a bookshelf speaker on the far wall and another facing his head?
>no sidetables, has a shitty "couch console" portable tray for drinks and snacks

>mini split

So he has no central air in that room and he set up his audio in the most ass way possible. This whole room is fucking retarded and his entire back wall is just 40 amiibo spaced out to fill up what is otherwise empty.
also the tiktok LED logo at 0:12 seconds lol
If I like muscle girls nobody bats an eye...
but when I like fat girls everybody LOSES THEIR MIND!!!!
>uses all this money to encase himself in a 100% artificial environment
>could build a cool zen garden, chicken coop or whatever instead
He has a wife.
You don't.
That's a 900 dollar loveseat. And it's the most basic loveseat available and uncomfortable as hell. You have to sit like he's sitting or you need pillows for back support. You can get a deluxe plush loveseat for $500 from anywhere else with center console and USB charging ports. Instead he bought this piece of shit and uses a couch buddy console thing from amazon which is stupid expensive.

This is clearly a stupid fucking consumer who just charges everything.
lol no he just have money
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this is not a setup for someone who has a wife or anyone sitting next to them.
The part that's bad about this is that every single piece of merch here is less than 10 - Hell, less than five years old. He has no attachment to any of this, it's all identity signaling.
You know a video lives rent free in peoples head when it’s posted here in like 18 threads now
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I'm not a tendie fan but I love it
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"Funko Pop Americans" don't care about anything they consume.
>the last of us
even worse
looks like a twitch streamer set not a gaming room
all second hand funcopops and decorations very little actual games or gaming related stuff
that said i dont really care what people do with their money
>man children who have no kids, no dreams, and post frogs all day while having anime porn and calling their PCS battle stations are seething because a even bigger faggot has a wife

Lmao even
I like how hard every reply is trying to downplay this, because I guess it hurts to think some guy who looks like an absolute faggot is more successful than them.
do you think he.... HIRED someone to film him in this sad state...?

- the thread
Everyone making guesses is wrong. It's a CCP sponsorship through temu and tiktok. He's an ad for China, hence why everything is cheap and new.
this room is overstimulating and i don't even have autism
>half the images in the thread are movies, anime, and video games

Literally seething like Satan over not being God hahaha
the retro channel on twitch is full of guys who are 30-40 have a bit of extra cash from their careers that they hate
and they build out rooms like this and set up a stream til they realize nobody is ever going to watch their retro stream
then they sell off all the decorations and funcopops to the next round of retro boomers
who knows he might even make a few bucks doing it
funcopops seem to have more staying power than beanie babies did, at least
>NO! He should hate himself and his hobbies, like me! Why isn't everyone just like me! ;_;
You still have time to stop caring about other people and fix your own life
I was gonna say, it looks like set dressings.
Shut the fuck up and enjoy your minisplit and non-central air basement hovel retard.

Oh also, fat and balding.

I guess hair transplants or health care don't come in the Nintendo plastic purchase budget do they?
There's nothing wrong with decorating your home and make it feel like it's really yours. I've been to many dull and plain homes without any decorations, nothing that gives "soul", nothing on the walls, no colors.
I had a coworker who collected funcos and I think he could tell I was feigning interest whenever he brought it up that he stopped talking to me.
i don't think i ever met anyone who CONSOOMS this much that has good credit
the flesh is weak. the machine is immortal
basedboi from silicon valley working in tech
>move to third world country
>hire live in servants to do all the housework. plenty of countries where this shit is still normalized
>rot as a NEET playing vidya and browsing internet all day
All that money and yet he's balding. Talk about priorities.
we genuinely just live the same as I did before I met her when I used to live in a shithole and worked at tescos. just I play my games on a very big television now and we buy expensive ingredients for dinner every day.
I don't understand this obsession with tacky RGB lights
I would give it all to a random third world country to the point that its gdp far outclasses any place in the western world and just see what happens.
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>basedboi from silicon valley working in tech
You can get all that shit just working at a gas station.
>I guess hair transplants
Sounds pretty faggy
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Buy vintage race cars and take them to the track, also spent (slightly more) exuberant amount of money on a simrig
>Pretending you know a complete stranger's flaws because of a twenty second video
>Gossip and complain
/v/ were the true niggers all along
If I had a wife that allowed me to spend a cent on a fucking funko or a ticktock lamp, I'd beat some sense into her
>doesn't know about house shoes. Typical bigot single minded 3rd world nigger
you have retards filling the room with cars , with those bighead figures and retards filling the room with alcohol bottles
>sharing it with people who wont get it because charity is a scam
based retard
>if i had a wife that allowed me
>allowed me
you will never have a wife cuck
20 an hour doesn't buy you what you think it does.
>worshiping a bunch retards that get paid millions for throwing a pigskin
Replace all funkos with anime figures and /v/ will call this based.
It would need to be an obscene amount of money, but I'd build Dr. Wily's fortresses.
I'd buy the nicest board game room possible, and go HARD on coin-collecting with nice displays for everything. Probably have a vidya and cartoons room but not as big as the game or coin space.
The only people who get mad at these rooms are women who are not seeing a single dollar from that money.
That's the saddest part. I have a lot of respect for the people that go to cons to get autographs or can talk about the stuff for hours, but the OP webm isn't like that. He's just buying cheap merchandice shit because it has "Nintendo" somewhere on the box.
Get a good job and find out.
There's no real reason to get upset at it, it's just some nerd.
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Imagine how much of that shit ends up in the trash when the wife eventually divorces him and takes everything.
>adorn your walls like a shrine to another man
This is even more pathetic than the Nintendo shit, it's like something a teenage girl would put on her walls, pictures of other men, I grew up with people like this, it's weird. This guy doesn't know you and doesn't care about you.
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This has always been a thing for decades.
Let me guess, you need more?
this is actually more classy though
there's no thousands of products coating every wall
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Its really baffles me that people turn to this for worship and spend and give money to people that are millionaires themselves.
This is the guy who will give a 10/10 to Nintendo's first Soulslike and say nothing like it has ever been done before
to be fair there's only like 50 buc-ee's, so the $100K+ jobs are gonna be competitive. you aren't walking in and shaking the manager's hand to get those
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you're not just watchin the game, no
That doesn't change anything. Sport memorabilia are expensive, and they essentially worship grown men tackling each other.
To be fair Americans literally don't walk. They only use cars. So their shoes are clean.
It's even funnier because these people talk like they're part of the team. "Oh dude we really beat that other team", or "We really need to get a better thrower".
That just looks like a fucking nightmare to clean
anybody that into gengar is a creep
nigger those are very clearly slippers and you can see them on the floor when he sits on the couch
was the (You) worth it? Was it with outing yourself as an absolute retard? here, have a couple more since you're so desperate for some engagement
I don't have some nerd like issue with sports but the team worship thing never made sense to me. They're rarely even good or just decent people, they're constantly being caught doing retarded shit like shooting each other or fighting dogs or selling drugs, they're brain damaged violent retards.
i would cut slack if the guy made his money in sports in some way
like, he was the specialist foot surgeon to the guys who gave him all the jerseys for free
Yeah, its pathetic. Imagine paying taxes on a sport stadium, and you have to pay premium just to go to that stadium or watch them on cable. Those fuckers don't care about their fans. The second any one decided to "rebel" against their own team, the team just go to another city and leech there. And they are getting worshipped regardless.
they're crocs and they're probably the worst thing you could be wearing for indoor footwear
I love seeing red state chuds brag about artificially good economies they get from no taxes. It's fun to remind them of their arrogance ten years in the future when all of their money was taken by people out of state and their hospitals and schools are completely underfunded. Tennessee is currently doing it now and they're so dumb they think Nashville will be the next Las Vegas even as the rest of the state fucking dies
The western side of the world has lost their ability to form connection with their own community. They turn to worshipping wife beaters that makes millions of dollars as a form of tribalism. And the people in charge get money from this, via commerical, ticket price, or your tax money.
Yes but then I work at a gas station, I'm not working at a gas station, especially in some sweltering hot miserable shithole in the south in the middle of fucking nowhere.
>worshipping wife beaters

I don't cut slack on anything. REmember that these are the people that make fun of other people for having nerd stuff, but worship a bunch of greasy faggots instead.
Why he got a boner
I wouldn't, how you make your money is irrelevant, you're not your job, imagine making a shrine in your house to how you make your money like some depraved jew rubbing his hands together jumping into a big pot of jew gold, you'd be disgusted.
The people who shit on sports like this, in my experience, are just as obsessed with pop "philosophy" and like Andrew Tate. You're not smarter because someone with a microphone said the line about bread and circuses and you clapped like a seal.
Asians wear shoes in the house too
They're not crocs they're slides
>not painting a crowd on your wall for the perfect immersive experience
There nothing smart about it. It just hypercritical. Its even worse when you realize they worship them to an insane level.
my animu told me that they literally have their entrance to the house modeled in such a way that you dont have to put your shoes on the interior flooring even once.
>there are people on /v/ who don't have a fake food stand in their gaming room
that guy probably has an arcade in the other room with like 6 pinballs and rows of original cabinets by decade
i had an in-law like that
i have known a lot of wealthy people in my life
every room in his house was basically dedicated to showing just how much he had
had like 12 luxury/classic cars just in case jay leno would come by
he never really came off as passionate about any of it though
not a sports fan, not a gamer, not a gear head.. just a really rich guy wants everyone to know he's rich
You can only stuff so much shit into a house before you run out of ideas, most of it collects dust, but it's not surprising. Even poor people do this, you only have so much time and energy and passion, but you can have essentially infinite money.
that reads awkward, meant to say
>i have met wealthy people in my life that were normal about it but this guys different
or something like that

not like im bragging about the rich guys i know are all my bosses etc
sounds like speedrunners or e-teams
this one is kino
1. I dont want my house being rainbow
2. I dont want my room being overly colorful and lot
3. I dont want my room looking like a candy store museum mix
I still dont get people who put LEDs behind their monitor that completely saps the color of their monitors
I can get being emotionally invested in a team, but given how often rosters and coaches change is what makes it seem bizarre to me.
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Yeah those guys are the worst, it's hilarious watching nerds get all uppity, I love the promos where they're told to do shit like look tough or cross their arms in their team jerseys with their pale little arms sticking out. I laugh every time. It's all so silly really.
https://arch.b4k.co/v/search/image/sPAfFOHrc9t6-6OzNxLVpw/ imagine replying to ritual /v/slop
you can see there's a gigantic split that works the air at the very beginning
Why are all the figures still in the box?
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this whole goyslop Nigger thread
NRFB is always worth more
>IKEA is crap!
>Oh also don't buy "gamer" gaming chairs buy this MARKUS chair from IKEA
Never change /v/
>Perhaps /v/ would like to share with the class what they would do if they had fuck-you money.
Larp as a 18th century noble.
Um... Sonyp0nies? Our response? N-Nint0ddlers were supposed to be the basedboy faggots, not us...
But they are funko pops, they are all worth like 10 bucks at max, the entire point is that they are cheap.
Im really content with my life. Invest for my kids and give more to my church, maybe go on vacation more but I dont really like travelling so probably not
sports teams are safe tribalism; it's not about the players or the coaches but rather about having an in-group (fellow team fanatics) to identify with and an out-group (other teams' fans) to mock or aspire to defeat, along with a system by which the tribes can be ranked

otherwise we'd be doing it openly with races
ITT: joyless faggots seething over people getting to dedicate their free time to stuff they're interested in.
For me, it's larping as a 19th century industrialist.
>buy gigantic victorian mansion, no modern technology allowed inside
>butlers, maids and groundskeepers with a servants quarters
>display ancient artifacts from africa and india, trophies from my adventures in the colonies
They could be spending their time on much better things. Productive hobbies are always better. I have more respect for a guy whose entire basement is model trains or a gym than someone with sports jerseys on the wall.
Before TV and mass media recently it was also about pride in your home town but teams moving a lot fucked that.
The PC and stereo are probably the most expensive parts in that eye rape room. Everything else is like $15-40 a piece and the lights yiu can get on AliExpress or Wish for nothing. Spend a few years accumulating things and you get that. It is amazing what one can do with a stable incomes.
In don't think the respect of a 4chan user means much of anything. The last guy who gained the respect of 4chan users had his life ruined in part because of them.
I stopped watching football the second they sold my team to another city. I didnt spend my entire life talking shit about LA for my fucking team to become an LA team. LA doesnt even like football and the few who do are fucking raiders fans
I would build a small 1200 sqft cottage on a 500 acre property, then spend a lot of money laying Tier 1 fiber internet to my little cottage. I would pay for weekly food deliveries and never leave my property, and would fence off my land with a 20 ft high border wall.

I might add new annex buildings to my property over time, as needed. I think maybe a library since I love to read and would probably run out of space for book shelves in my little cottage eventually, since with that much money I'd definitely buy whatever books caught my eye.

I'd also set aside a bunch of money to bribe several 4chan moderators into doing my bidding so I could ban people who annoy me on this site by sending them a DM on discord.
Who would do maintenance and gardening on your property? Would you hire a full time guy going around your property working on it?
I'd prefer not to have anyone else living on the property, and I'd mostly let nature reclaim the bulk of the land, but would try to guide it a little by planting trees and laying sod between them. Probably have a landscaping team once a fortnight come in and clear a section of the property of deadfall and trim back the undergrowth just so it doesn't become a fire hazard.

I'd do all the yard work around my actual dwelling, the landscapers would be more like foresters maintaining the outer property.
As a result of the general hopelessness of the state of the economy and the general consensus that no one can afford a home or other things that were easily obtainable in previous generations, people simply don't care. Like 60% of normies now "doom spend" - if you can't afford anything anyway, just wrack massive amounts of debt and live in the now and not worry about credit scores. None of it will matter anyway come 2029.
Hello fellow St. Louis Rams fan. I know your feelings. But our stadium was shit and Kroenke was never going to be convinced to keep them here. Hopefully people realize the glut of sports teams LA has is unsustainable, ditto for Las Vegas having anything
A symptom of inflation is "flight from money", i.e. you spend your money as soon as you get it, because it's only going to lose value sitting in a bank account. Anything you would want to buy will only get more expensive, so buying it now means it will only increase in value later.
>no windows
>ultra mega wide screen
Fucking disgusting.
If you save up your money and work every day, by the time youre 65, 70, or as intended by the merchant, NEVER, your body is so old and frail to do anything. Obviously pay the basic like bills, but hold on to your money when it will get more worthless and not enjoying life NOW is also not a good idea
If something doesn’t have a practical purpose I don’t understand owning it.
I have no decorations, just things I use. Not saying it’s wrong I just don’t understand.
>pride in your home town
That's just the brainwashing. They marketed it so if you don't support your corporate sports team that never wins any trophies while collecting endless taxpayer money, you get branded as a traitor to your hometown with no sense of patriotism. Sportsfags were always worse than Tendies/Snoys/Xbots/Applefags/etc.
It won't truly "increase" in value because the cash you got "more" of buys less. I bought half an ounce of gold when it was about $850 and now it's about $1300, except groceries are also like 40% more expensive so nothing really changed. The only thing that DID change is it was better than just stowing away the depreciating paper.
What kind of food do you eat?
Based as fuck.
Are you European?
Why not just go with a projector?
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>all that lighting
What a fucking headache.
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If they want to collect them for the value, why don't they put them all in a storage somewhere if so? And if they buy them to display and look pretty, why the fuck are they still in the boxes!?
I honestly have no idea.
I've wondered what I'd do if I won one of those billion dollar lotteries, but I seem to run out of spending ideas after like 10 million dollars.
>st louis
the other ones.....The more worser ones that got sold to LA
Wrong. Those custom carpets are worth more even if you ignore the copyright infringement. That's several thousand dollars worth of custom handmade rug.
LA does not need two teams, full stop. I feel the same about Florida having any professional sports. No one there is watching any of them, the transplants are all New England sports fans and the natives don't care that much.
I don't think anyone owns anything that's not practical. Decorations do have a practical use though.
>enter a room
>things that is nice to look at appear in your field of vision
>brain goes "ah, nice things"
I wouldn't have anything like this in my house either, and I will give that some context: the club I support is so connected to me personally that one of my family members has a statue outside the stadium.
That said, it's still way, way nice than OP's depressing vid.
>Warm, inviting colour scheme
>Clearly designed for a group of friends to hang out
>Many pieces of memorabilia with actual rarity (autographed photos, memorabilia from individual games), which may hold personal significance (met a player, was at a championship game etc) and monetary value
>Plenty of space to relax
>Has utility outside of being just a themed room
>Connection to local area (I assume) and history
>A celebration of male achievements in physical competition, a celebration of shared passions, of human soul
Compare that to the manchild cave
>Stark, unpleasant lighting and colour
>Clearly designed for on person to be alone
>Items on display are generic, mass produced slop with no personal attachment or rarity or greater use
>Cluttered and cramped
>Can only be used to consume media
>No personal connection, other than buying stuff
>Celebrates mindless consumerism in the most soulless way possible
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I imagine it's like wearing a t-shirt of a band nobody has head of, or achievement hunting when nobody will ever see them or care. The conversation piece that will never spark conversation.
>all that for literally no ass
Unironically why are all freaks obsessed with Gengar? Is he some kind of trans symbol like that IKEA shark?
I do not like any of the other examples in this thread, though. Soulless and modern. At least they're meant as theme rooms for groups of friends, though, so still better
I wish I could enjoy every gaming genre
>i like thing
>i want thing(maybe)
>i buy thing
i dont worship retards like you
at least OP pic have things he likes . not a fucking faggot like your pic
you would have a point if OP got nintendo executives like they were the presidents of his house
tribalist brain needs tribalism shit, it used to be chieftains or tapestries of battles they never fought in
and people on /v/ do the same shit with vidya - oh no bros we got too cocky
>all this contradiction
>all this cope
You can reverse this and it still be the same. Sport media in general is one of the biggest mindless consumerism done in a global scale.
>shit visibility under light
>maintenance costs
>progressively degrading quality of color and light with every new bulb
>loud fan
>has to be mounted somewhere visible and is ugly
>TVs retain their utility and can be split and moved somewhere else
tribalist brain needs tribalism shit, it used to be chieftains or tapestries of battles they never fought in
and people on /v/ do the same shit with vidya - oh no bros we got too cocky

don't forget to line your walls with metal mesh so no signals get through
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>I'm so glad that you could make it to my Switch' birthday, anon
>inviting colour
found the nigger with shit taste
you are praising one shit over the 2 when both are exactly the same retarded crap
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what causes people to want to do embarrassing shit like this?
You just don't like sport. Don't base your personality around it.
You've got a mug that says "I hate sportsball" on it, haven't you?
and celebrating birthdays in a house is shit doesnt matter if its about nintendo or your mother whore
All these sport enthusiasts are closet fags
but they're not celebrating a birthday, they're celebrating one year since someone consoomed product
its the fact that literally everybody is staring at the camera that makes it the most uncomfortable
they see this shit is being recorded and they just have to awkwardly accept it
You cannot reverse it. You cannot argue that a funko pop or LGBT Switch controller has some sort of rarity or local connection. You cannot say a room with one chair is for a group and one with several is for an individual. That's just ridiculous.
So instead of pop crap and switch crap, you get gay black men tackling each other and giving THEM money to have it plaster on your wall. Okay
There are no gay black men in that picture, you must be getting it confused with the other tab you have open.
I sleep soundly at night knowing that no matter what, I will never be a more miserable, bitter, fun-hating faggot than /v/ is.
i'd rather be angry than a consoomer with shit taste
>if it’s fun for someone it’s shielded from criticism
The fun haters are the worst collectors of all. They've even spent this entire thread collecting (You)s.
>/v/tards will complain about the board being nothing but twitterslop while giving a daily ritual post like this 300+ replies
Those are his house shoes, you dolt. Do you think everybody just wears socks or goes barefoot like brownoids?
There isn't enough engagement with Playstation franchises for there to be such a room dedicated for their brands - SAD !
Those are his house shoes, you dolt. Do you think everybody just wears socks or goes barefoot like brownoids?
kettle calling teapot black
>house shoes
>amerimutts are for real about this shit
Uh yeah normal people just wear socks inside houses. What kind of retard wants to feel shoes on their feet when relaxing indoors.
Asians also bathe in public, doesn't mean you should
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I wouldn't turn any rooms into RGB eyesores, that's for sure. When I get my $500k inheritance, I'm going to renovate my place, and buy some property to lease out.
>>move to third world country
>>hire live in servants to do all the housework. plenty of countries where this shit is still normalized

you can do this in singapore and malaysia
I kind of respect the level of commitment to the cause
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I'd breed this every day
>b-but it doesn't have a womb...
I don't care!!!!
projectors are garbage tier unless you spend 10k+
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>tik tok sign

he might be an influencer of some sort
If your room isn't just your bed and a computer, you're just a shitty consumer. Vidya, sport traj ser, game room, you're the same
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How do you sleep soundly with all those bright lights around your Funko collection?
anything is better than pokemon
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I'd glad I'll never be fucking stupid enough to think that RGB lighting is "fun".
You're probably in your 20s or early 30s, most males are accustomed to living a simpler life when they're young and single, in a lot of points in history you'd have spent all that time in essentially a barracks environment anyway, it's a common sentiment. As you get older you will change in all likelihood but some men simply don't. Lots and lots of men lived a life like that in the past.
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not all wives are created equal
No women stealing all his money
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who the fuck is sitting facing that wall
not having a wife and kids feels fucking good man
my uncle worked for microsoft for decades and was loaded but two of his ex wives completely fucked his shit alongside his 4-5 kids and now he's a broke ass nigga living in a shitty studio apartment instead of owning about 3 massive lakeside houses
that tiktok neon sign is truly repulsive.Other than that it's a typical gamer cave.
all that rgb eye-rape is repulsive
that tiktok sign is just icing on the shitcake
Gotta buy 'em all
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fuck off with all that light, why the fuck people want their eyes burned with light all day from every corner of the room.
even shit like >>689655508, way too much light, whats the deal.
how is this?
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Every night, he rapes meowth while the Eevees watch
reminds me AI videos
Did Puppano kill himself yet?
God damn does that look fucking dire
LAN center but house, would require a lot of space and circuit strength but if I had fuck-you money I wouldn't even have a living room, just a place to set up PCs. I would invite people into my home to play LAN server vidya every weekend and ideally would have room for 20-25 PCs in total. Maybe have a couple of bedrooms for friends. The cooling and the network infrastructure would probably be the toughest to get right but if I had that I would be big time chilling.
But in all honesty, not having to work at all and living modestly would outright be better than blowing it all on my fantasy only for other people to use it a total of two or three times.
Did anyone else think the meowth plush was a marge simpsons real doll from the thumbnail?
What's wrong with Nintendo fans? I have yet to see anyone build a temple to Sony or Microsoft like these guys do in their house.
Is she hot?
Inheritance. These people would fucking die without their parents money or taking care of them.
The only thing I don't like is the RGB lighting, I don't know how some people can play with all those distracting colors going off in every direction of the room. I personally prefer to play in lit room, with a static orange yellowish light, and sometimes I'll open the curtains for a little bit of sunshine.
Scroll up. Every NFL player at least one one of those two systems
Fund my own video games. Create not consoom.
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>a temple to Sony
many have been posted on /v/ before
>or Microsoft
Much better, very cozy.
It's not their home anymore, it belongs to Nintendo now according to the new home decorating patent.
You are mentally I'll
i would DESTROY that meowth plush
>WiiU sells 10 million while it had games
>PS5 sells over 60 million with nogames
>but muh tendies
What a ridiculous complaint.
PS5 Pro will probably outsell the WiiU despite the negative reception too.
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>says the tripfag
Where are you all fucking coming from? Fuck off and kill yourselves, this isn't twitter.
DUDE i just LOVE the hustle and bustle of the big city, it’s so DYNAMIC and makes me feel like i’m in one of my favorite TV SHOWS. you should totally come on down to my studio apartment, it’s got EXPOSED RED BRICK walls and everything, we can crack open a nice hoppy ipa or three and get crazy watching some cartoons on adult swim! and dude, dude, DUDE, we have GOTTA go down to the barcade- listen here, right, it’s a BAR where us ADULTS who do ADULTING can go DRINK. BUT!!!! it’s also an ARCADE like when we were kids, so we can play awesome VIDEO GAMES, without dumb kids bothering us. speaking of which megan and i have finally decided to tie the knot- literally -we’re both getting snipped tomorrow at the hospital, that way we can save money to spent more on ourselves and our FURBABIES. i’m fuckin JACKED man, i’m gonna SLAM this craft beer and pop open another one!!!
this happened to Alberta

all the oil money ran out and now the province is super fucked up. they still have a self righteous bent to themselves but the rest of canada sees them for the hick charletans they are
all alberta ever does is cry about the east
It's neat but it'd get old and disorienting real quick. What I really hate as a certified floaters not enjoyer is the modern all white aesthetic with stark lighting. I get not everyone has floaters but holy God it's unbearable for me.
Give me the rundown and some citations for red state infrastructure going to shit in the long term due to low taxes.
I'm not on either political side, just curious.
Getting married once is understandable, guys that keep doing it are always retarded. If it didn't work out the first time, why assume it'd be any different the second time?
Influencer culture is the most artificial shit imaginable. I legit don't know how so many of them can exist and have an audience. How much YouTube/Twitter are people actually watching?
i'd buy a house in bumblefuck quebec and essentially re-enact Mon Bozou
>buy some shitbox to tinker with
>actually get around on an ATV or Skidoo
>grow some weed
>cook poutine on a wood fired stove
>play 20+ year old games
>probably die by getting stuck in a wall
this isnt me being a francaboo i am actually from quebec but moved away for Reasons
We have a thing here called "house shoes" they're shoes you only wear in the house.

God damn. I can't afford a root canal and this motherfucker lives the way 12 year old me would if he was a millionaire.
What are the prices right now for what you want?
I would commission and full sized Spencer Mansion complete with all the puzzles set up and I would live in that and rent it for parties and events.
Why is it always such a tiny TV?
I don't even know what I would do. I've been so poor for so fucking long.
>noooooooo think about all the single moms and sex change surgeries you could be funding if you were a liberal state reeeeeee
I live in New York and it's fucking hell. Stop pretending we're any better off.
marrying a different person means the variables are different and something different might happen

people who repeatedly remarry (or at least break up and get back with) the same person are deranged and generally end up on bodycam footage

i just had a look and houses in urbanized quebec that isnt Montreal or Quebec City seem to start at around 180k.

I have around 80k in savings right now so this dream is distinctly achievable. the real problem is paying taxes and utilities. if i won the lottery i'd be able to plop most of it into my mutual fund and just pull to 2-5k a month i'd need to pay bills and party (which is basically what i do now i just have a shitty seasonal job)

i've considered moving back to quumbic repeatedly but i have a job on the east coast. when i get a driver's license and at least 100k maybe i'll give it more serious thought and start reaching out to brokers n sheeeit
Would have been 10/10 if he had a rug and was sitting on the floor criss cross apple sauce like how we use to back in the day.
i remember this reddit thread
You can cohabit without marriage, while it will not necessarily guarantee legal protection in the United States its certainly better than marriage. Why anyone over 40 tries to get married at all is beyond me, you're literally half dead with 1 foot in the grave, you likely have more time behind you than you do ahead, why start a marriage then? Marriage is for the young, if it didn't work out it didn't work out.
people think marriage "means" something but in reality it actually is required for stuff like sharing insurance coverage properly, offers certain tax protections/breaks, etc.

i dont get it
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What makes me angry isn't even the amount of merch itself, it's that 99% of it is just Mario and Pokemon, it's like saying
>Hi, I have no personality but I must buy merch
This one made me sick, I genuinely hope they're being paid to do this.
the G in LGBT stands for Gengar
It says 1 on it and there's a baby chair, it was for a kid, parents get fucking weird with kid birthdays sometimes like giving your kid a giant princess party where they get to LARP all day.
literal manchild
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That every sportfags ever.
A lot of married people are very lonely
They're not celebrating a child's birthday, they're celebrating the Switch one year's launch...
How do these people have more of a social life than me?
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lets be honesty here. having some sports jerseys and posters is going look alot less cringe than having pink anime gundam shit all over your room lol.
They dont grow up in a shithole or go to an innercity school
Neither did I
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Its just as cringe, if not more. You're basically worshipping a dozen of millionaires that get paid to throw a ball or have gay sex on the field.
they dont have dandruff
I didn't ask to be this way anon.
Indeed, the sport spammer guy is coping hard. He either has a room like the bald soí in the op or it's literally him.
t. anon that was butt rape in the football locker showers by dozens of football players
Stop projecting your fantasies on me Nintendo man.
pay thousands of people to travel across the united states and put yellow tape on everything
youre a real dipshit
dumb americans trying to hide their ugly feet
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wtf is wrong with american "men"?
How the heck you will manage to sustain grasp on reality with a room like this. It's literally sensory overloading.
nintendo fanboys are mentally ill people
You're just jealous. Decorating your room is a luxury, but mental health has its price.
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There is no community. There is no tribe. All they have going for is consumerism in the vain hope of being "connected" to something
So what if you make a room like that. But... hmmm Capcom style? With Morrigan, Chun Li, Jill and Ada sex dolls. Priceless.
>move to a suburban area
>commission the construction of a novelty house
>the house will look like a warped run down witches house from the outside
>the inside will look like a typical house but themed in halloween type bullshit year round
>there will be trap doors and hidden rooms behind furniture and other typical haunted house shit
>I will open it to the public to walk through it once for $10 each every year from Oct 17th to Oct 31st.
He's not spending his money on pussy. That's for sure.
Buy a yacht probably
gee i wonder where he falls on the political spectrum
If I had this kind money, I'd just get a PC, mister, and a few handhelds
Then use the rest of that money to ensure I never need to work ever again
would people like this be redeemable if they were a twink instead of fat bald and bearded?
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The first years would spend buying expensive trash for shit and giggles. But later on all my hate for life and people would come back and start and self loathing again in some expensive mansion in the middle of nowhere just as I am doing right now in my poorfag room
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>Every fag itt:
invest it to ensure i keep my fuck you money, you can burn through billions just like millions it'll just take longer

money wouldn't buy me more vidya anyway i can already afford all the games i want, maybe i'd get a 3x3 monitor setup and a decent cabinet for some consoles and some kind of system where i can easily switch between them... beyond that i don't really have much that i want that isn't already in my fairly meager means. it's not hard to do what you want with even a modest income if you don't have expensive tastes and aren't financially retarded.
Was she an AI during this moment?
she always was

It's 90% pops, amiibo. and chink lighting from amazon. That tv and speakers are chink shit to.
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Why can’t you just let people be happy? Do you really want everyone to be as miserable as you all the time?
You need games to be able to do that
>said the tranime poster
I'm playing Xenoblade 3 for the tenth time and this is very funny to me. I'm deeply depressed.
I'm literally laughing reading the replies of insecure NEETs in this thread. Like ok you think my sports memorabilia and Mario Kart poster is silly. And?
i dont have any vidya paraphanalia on my walls. not because i think it's cringe, but because i have bene too lazy to get my Norwegian Majora's Mask poster properly framed
Whats wrong with this one?
If it was a PC LAN party you would all call it based
The whole selling point of the switch is that it was designed for easy in-person multiplayer
these manchildren just want to live in a toys r us
>i dont get it
it used to be full of anime/vidya shit the husband had to throw out, I'm pretty sure, it's been a while since I read the story
>All that shit just for the fucking Cowboys
lol, what a retard
>5 tvs
is this boomer adhd?
oh. ok. 2bad4sad for him but that basement den looks fine otherwise.
southerner boomers are actually insane. repeated untreated heat stroke and lead fuel and paint fumes have caused them irreperable brain damage

heart of darkness ripoff but it's just someone going from dallas to ft worth when
anyone who has a consoomer cave should have their homes burned down
Cuck i.t. husband and whore onlyfans wife (living the childfree lifestyle. breeders DNI!)
One day I'm going to have a room like this except I'll have a bunch of LED screens on each wall with
4chan catalogs on them.
BuT MiNe Is a SpORt BaR! I'M DifFenrenT aNd ManLY!!!111!!
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it was a perfectly normal basement with some comfy sofas, a tv, and workout equipment
wife transformed it into utterly useless underground 'pub' for instagram
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people will have whatever they want and you cant stop them
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a bit
it's excessive, but there's some charm to it
i don't like most of it though
Honestly even if I had the money to model a room in my apartment around my favorite vidya franchise the execution is just awful. I mean what the fuck does pulsating rainbow neon slop have to do with the Mushroom Kingdom or Pokemon? I don't see a Porygon.

I bet other people have done it better.
without knowing the story first-hand i refuse to give commentary on it but stand by that the current den looks nice. whether that niceness came at significant cost is a different story
RGB lighting is a gamer tradition
and you will also give it a 10 if you get paid to say it, just like all journalist in existence
>10/10 price is XXXXX
>9/10 price is XXXX
and so on
only way to get a 0/10 is to not paid anything
>I want a chair that is both ugly and uncomfortable
You just know these people have cat(s) so the whole place smells like shit
>chink gamer lighting achieved by nesting it in two stacked patio chairs
whhy not just get a good chair and some zap straps or something, jesus christ
>people are going to be retards and you can't stop them

oh no
should have done a Poketopia theme
the lighting just screams LOOK AT ME I'M DEPRESSED HAHA
The only things I find cringe about this are:
>ugly cake with a printed image on it
>the faggot in the LGBT love shirt
>ugly ass Joy-Cons
Why are gamers so cringe?
Also this
Rent free
Yaisa ho!
Rent free
How else can you escape your mental torment and depression, anxiety and worries if it isn't with constant entertainment to try and forget it all, that or drugs
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Build connections and become an actual IRL crime lord who larps as a bond villain.
hire people to finish my game faster
>white people with lots of money
>mental torment and depression

lmao shut the fuck up
Looks cool acthually. Themed home.
kek white people are so weak
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>Looks cool acthually
How many players on your "hometown" team are immigrants that you clap like a seal for even though they couldn't care less about you, your town, or the sport you like beyond getting overpaid to play it?
Without the Jessie and Pikachu sex dolls, it's a waste of time. Mewt is not enough.
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buy a nice mid sized colonial in a good, ivy neighborhood e.g. georgetown

Hire a decorator who specializes in mid century design for the entire home

Save enough money to have a vacation property somewhere cold, and somewhere warm. No boats since they're for new money morons.

Pick up a hobby and run a non-profit with some other likeminded rich folks, go to galas and charity events regularly.

Fuck my wife nightly

I'm still eating shitty fastfood sometimes even if I can go to a michelin restaurant on a regular basis. Idc I like the grease.

Would probably still play vidya but it would be handhelds while traveling. Would still fly coach because I honestly don't care, first class is kind of only worth it for overseas flights.

Absolutely NO golf of any kind. Fuck golf
because then you can't larp as peyton manning doing commentary and dragging your nuts across someone's face live on ESPN while your team gets reamed again.

Basically, videowall = you're a cool sports guy just like the ones on TV
>video games
millennial, soooo... working in tech, probably
was at an NFL game recently and someone I went with literally got into a buddy buddy conversation with every random fan about their jersey, the team, etc. Outside looking in it's absolutely fucking insane, I'll never understand it
Maybe this is a good time to bring up that hexagons are absurdly, insanely overused in video games and graphic design and nobody ever talks about it. It's getting creepy.
i reckon it's rich parents
>square: too basic
>octagon: too complex
Hexagons just make sense. Just the right amount of sides for people to look at and immediately understand what it's supposed to be while still appearing more complex than a basic square. Plus, in an era dominated by 7-segment displays, we automatically associate hexagons with being "digital."
>t. my best guess idk I wrote all this after thinking about it for 2 minutes
Hexagons are the most complex shape that can tile perfectly.
hexagons not only tile perfectly on a flat surface, but work on curved surfaces as well. squares fail at poles of spheres.

also it's overused in sci-fi stuff because a lot of organic chemistry diagrams end up using hexagons because of the chemical bonds involved just working out that way (not always, there's lots of pentagons too, but hexagons are common)

stop being brainlets and actually look into why something exists before getting mad about its "overuse"
if it wasn't for all the stupid shit on the walls and dumbass rgb lighting this would be okay if they also replaced the shit furniture
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>my retarded self thought octagons also tiled perfectly
So yeah, that too. There's really no reason to ever not use hexagons.
>>>my retarded self thought octagons also tiled perfectly
nope. try it yourself. there's ways to prove it mathematically but you will be left with squares inbetween the octagons. this is however a common and very pleasing aesthetic used for tile floors because squares + octagons can indeed tile perfectly and gives you easy places to put contrasting colors. hexagons generally don't look great tiled and with more than one color tile and is often relegated to a single color of tile and consistent grout or otherwise "line" color in a color similar to the tiles (typically just white tiles and normal undyed gray grout)
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>RGB everywhere with stark white overhead lighting
these are the only acceptable lighting colors aside from sunlight
looks more like a showroom than a comfy place to hang and play vidya
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what retard wants to feel socks on their feet when relaxing at home lmao
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I would love to have more sunlight in my room, but giant glass wall is a pain in the ass, and a giant opening would only invite fucking mosquito into my house. I hate mosquito so much.
isnt this the guy who got sent to the hospital by his cat

socks are comfy thoughbeit
lmao sightlet. imagine being so "superior" you assume the fetal position when something like a whiter shade of light is in the room
Thought the meowth was a sex doll upon seeing the small webm.
and disgusting. all that dead skin and sweat building up in that fabric, tracking it through the house. americans. they do, really.
It is overused though. You said so yourself even. The guy in the webm literally has random strings of hexagons posted all over his walls, likely for no particular reason but that it's a generic representation of something modern.
you dont know that it isnt even in the big webm

it's overused by brainlets but before chimping out at it you should consider WHY it is so overused. of all the crimes in that vid a couple of shapes isnt one of them
>there are hexagons in a place
let me guess he's voting for kamala
>rent free
get help
Don't be afraid to (You) me, anon. Not everything is about exposing the jews. In fact, this is more about exposing the compulsive tendencies of spergs like yourself who often consume the same media over and over without realizing how redundant it is. It's not healthy, but if you want to keep being impressed by the tileability of hexagons in every video game you play, I'm not going to stop you.
Good for him, but God, just staying in all that bombastic lighting will tire my eyes and brain out within an hour. I like my battlestation beige, my room grey and my lighting white.
>shoes indoors

this disgusts me
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The key difference for me is collecting something of any value vs just buying shit merchandise. Poor quality ultra mass produced crap with no soul makes you a garbage hoarder. In this case he also has zero taste setting up this space like a Japanese pachinko arcade/Gamestop and the lights are nauseating. It looks like an advertising space for Nintendo.

Im not saying the sports memorabilia, vintage toys, card collector guys etc aren't following the exact same mentality but theres a few differences that make them redeemable;
>They tend to appreciate a few aspects of what they collect; history, design, engineering, nostalgic value, market value, investment prospects etc.
>The value of the items means collectors put more effort into displaying them like a museum and less like a preschool.
>There's a value and enjoyment to preserving, restoring and maintaining the items in the best possible condition giving collectors the possibility of calling their interest a hobby instead of blind consumerism.
>The items tend to be rare, unusual, or have a limited population and in some cases may disappear completely without collectors preserving them.
>I collect old toys and sofubi and consider myself superior to tendies and funkopop buyers.
Funko seems to perfectly manipulate the tasteless slop enjoyer by creating one gigantic checklist of identical rectangles in the vague form of nostalgic IPs and implied value. I see hundreds go up for sale in toy collector groups with zero interest.
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Nah, Tyrone would have sold all that shit to buy a car or something
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>Despite being a cesspool of thirdies, retards, schizos etc on a board dedicated to consuming media the vast majority of the board is still not retarded enough to celebrate this balding slop-eater in his trannylight Nintendo megashrine.

Tolerance of simpletons is not a good thing
I wish I had that kind of money doing a job that doesnt require any fucking effort.

I fucking hate techfags so much, their parents sent them to school to get papers that tell people they can do the shit I figured out on my own when I was 8, but instead of being considered a fucking prodigy I'm never contacted by the employer and spend all my time on /v/
Wicked head game.
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Cute, I'll assume you are a the fat balding funko collector that gets paid 30/hr to reset a modem at work?
Enjoy the easy ride, the upside to doing high competency work is that you aren't repulsive to other human beings. Thanks for helping me realize that the easy way isnt worth it.
Your insecurities are obvious, and I can see why you're not successful if this is how you respond to people. I work as a Radiologist and have had your exact perspective communicated to me before. A thing being easy is a sign of competence in that thing.
i lived in asia for 10 years. this is true.
and if asians use shoes indoors in asia, they're a completely different set of shoes they only use indoors.
you know the mario pajamas I can actually forgive. silly pajamas get a pass from me, the most judgmental man in the world
>30 an hour
Holy shit lmao how under-age and or third world are you brother for this to be your fantasy easy street amount. The backpackers lifting boxes for cash in my warehouse get more than that. Pay is industry based you retard, the 0 IQ kid smashing rocks on a mine site is getting paid a lot more than most people in tech. I pay the guy cleaning out my septic tank a higher calculated hourly rate than what I pay myself as the boss but it's not because he's a highly competent genius lol
They are single.
No woman want a partner who spend his money in ridiculous shit

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