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>Left: Brave
>Right: Immature
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>shit game with ugly women
>shit game with pretty women
I choose neither.
I woke up this morning and I thought "I can't wait to post twitter screenshots on /v/ today"
>dont buy the game
has this ever helped sell the game
every game that does this seems to flop
I really, really wish TFD had better gameplay/game design. Real shame to see such great models wasted on a game that's so close to being decent.
>don't buy the game
>also: why aren't you buying the game?
retard really thinks people are going to buy it out of spite
If it's rated M then why is there no full frontal nudity and big boobies and butts then? Why does M rating have to be troonshit and nothing else? It seems almost as if this guy is being disingenuous intentionally in order to push some kind of agenda.
where will he be when the game flops?
complaining people didn't buy the game and blaming the people he told to not buy the game
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pathetic chinks spamming these embarrassing threads lol

fucking bugs
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hello dave from delhi
hello saaaaar
I can't wait for the inevitable post begging the chuds to buy the game cause bioware is on the verge of closing due to low sales.
are those really the max butt and tits for da?
The joke here is that they're both dogshit games
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>le reddit spacing
>pays for 4chan
I bet you drink onions don't ya.
Right with left's bulge slider
Reclaimed west that becomes anti-woke.
My heart never favored the eastern stuff, despite all the humaltion rituals the west has suffered.
So they're agreeing kids shouldn't see it now?
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same guy?
>Trannies under hrt
>Nigger asses
I'll choose neither
>dont buy the game
famous last words
>shit game
>anon doesn’t know every game has a basic gameplay loop
>Nigger asses
Why are you a faggot?
>don't buy the game
Left will sell more than right
since people play left only for the gameplay
and right only for the chicks
why not combine them??
>since people play left for the gameplay
lol have you seen the gameplay
I'll take the character creator because those are fun
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>western sloppa
>eastern sloppa
>anon doesn’t know every game has a basic gameplay loop
Doesn't matter. It's another generic korean multiplayer game with dog shit monetisation and lots of grind, i.e a shit game.
I don't think anyone plays DA for the combat
both are shit.
Did they fucking steal Multiversus's cover art
hailey straight up is my favorite female character of the last 10 years. also the only character I can think of that shows of cleavage
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not buying tranny pushing mental illness is the bare minimum.
in a just world these subhumans would hang from lamp posts already.
This. I'll just choose the good games instead.
saving this for when it flops.
So up to A cups is safe horny.
>see's pretty women
>starts thinking about niggers
Why are americans like this?
it's just the mass psychosis of this board. Watch out, someone might call you trans!
This right here
hmm deep and engaging gameplay vs gookslop trash
very hard decision
Dragon age has always been fucking awful gameplay wise
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>deep and engaging gameplay
Hello saar.
>If you don't accept our deranged mental ilness, you're not an adult!
>don't pick character customization option
>enjoy game
why is it so hard for retards to understand
why is there no option to make attractive characters with big boobs
you dont have to pick those options if you're a troon or an ugly feminist
Left: Dead on arrival
Right: Dead after a couple of months
I choose Ultimate Bnuuy.
When are we going to go full circle and unlock vagazzle cosmetics and bush trim options like hair? Disco ballsack DLC? I need to be represented too!
why should i listen to some pajeet
That was a thing once, oldfag?
How did we go from the 90s ideas of vilent videos should be banned to normalize self mutilation
Also my days go pretty well usually because most people do not self harm and announce it like its normal.
He's put his naked cock and balls on that meowth. Also, for how aesthetic he's going, that gaming room looks sterile, cold, and uncomfortable. Couch doesn't even have leg rests so he scoops his feet in like a monkey
>game vs gachaslop
ill go the former
>you guys do realize

stopped reading right here
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You know what's funny? Left will actually have sex and nudity in it, right is the most middle school level of "OMG BIG BOOBY AND BUDD!" shit ever.
I choose old games
>ugly degenerate sodomy
>beauty and signaling fertility

Hard choice
You can have sex with women in most dragon age game, if you were planning on having gay sex that's on you anon.
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i mean, he's not wrong, that's exactly whay i'm going to do, not play this shit at all, bioware is free to add whatever the fuck they want to their game, make it a fucking tranny parade if they want, for what i care
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west = normal people
east = mentally ill degenerates
Fucking dumbass
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>he thinks anything remotely feminine is allowed in a western rpg in 2024

Have fun fucking Abby from TLOU2 then getting pegged
> you’re just wasting you are fucking time

That’s deep bro
if my choices are between bioware and nexon, I'll choose neither, thanks.
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>liking attractive women means youre mentally ill
These retards underestimate how many people really like this crazy horseshit.
They also really do believe that opinions are formed from hearing others speak.
They really think the only reason that people view them negatively is because people like "Grummz" exist. They cannot fathom that people like "Grummz" only exist because the market for what he says exists.
Which one is more fun, has a better story, and isn't just a vehicle for microtransactions?
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>lopping off your cock and tits
No, but being a petulant gooner does.
>Don't buy the game.
Famous last words kek
have sex
They have a tit slider, retard.

What you mean is cartoon balloon tittties though, right? Mod it in like you always do.
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>White people
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>tit slider goes from chopped off to mosquito bites.
Game banned in Australia by the way.
>When double Ds are considered "mosquito bites"
Nothing upsets them more than there being someone who disagrees with them and has a large audience. It's why they lose their shit over Trump.
>liking attractive women means you're a gooner
In what fucking world retard?
Can't tell if merely pretending to be retarded or just retarded or (You) baiting
US will eventually just ban the games on the right and bullying their vassals to do the same when their propaganda efforts from supporting these games and the investment companies that fund them can't be propped up anymore. You already see their shilling efforts from Eglin, Langley and Five eyes on this board, and you can see how hard their shilling here is failing. They've already banned twitter and youtube accounts for supporting "Kremlin and Chinese propaganda" and made it so candidates can't leave or get on the ballot in certain states so they can try and do everything to get Kamala elected. And you think they won't just eventually ban non-dei games outright?
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>You can't have "cartoon" balloon tits in a videogame but you can't have mental illness scars
>Not propaganda btw
i'd rather play an old decent game with decent aesthetics than modern goyslop or chinkslop.
i fucking despise millenial manchildren so much.
If you think scars existing in a videogame is "propaganda", you might be a retard.
>don't buy the game
Understood chief.
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>Western DEI action "rpg"
>Korean grinding game with coombait
How about neither?
>Nigger asses
But it's actually proportioned and looks to be firm and not saggy. Not every ass that's larger than flat is nigger ass, you god damn retard
God forbid people are allowed to enjoy their hobbies instead of being a spiteful miserable loner likes yourself.
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Thankfully, soon enough you wont have a choice in if you want to support it or not, well, if you think spreading hate about "woke" games is worth the prison sentence incel
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>Built for BBC
Or BWC if she's into white chocolate!
excellent bait
>blue checkmark
>literally who
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This, SO MUCH this.
Not the issue.
The issue is this: character creators have allowed you to move and place scars in different places since the N64 days, so players have long since been able to replicate "top surgery" scars on their own in many, many games already.
Veilguard is making it a simple on/off toggle for no other reason than to bring attention to it, and on top of that, they are choosing to use a slang term for it as well. "Top surgery" is only used by culture warriors to downplay what the procedure is actually about and it shows that they aren't even vaguely interested in being progressive, but instead trying to send a message.
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East. East!! EEEAAAAAAST!!!!!!
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I love hailey
>Tranny infested garbage game
>Pay to win infested garbage game
I choose neither.
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You people need to stop overrating her ass. It's at best mid.
I need this game on PC already
>those wide hips
I need her in a sling bikini pronto
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>sabotaged our planet's future
never realized i'm a part of a terrorist organization for not buying some game i clearly aren't the target audience of
The funny thing is The Last Descendant's models have already been ripped and put into Skyrim and Fallout 4, so you get to coom to them while playing a real game.
I choose the west and play Warframe
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You're surprised at this point?
It's funny how a nice ass in fitting jeans is underrated these days because yoga leggings became so mainstream.
>guys this get gfs and get married
How the fuck do they do it?
Inclusive murderers!
Kill all ass snobs
>players have long since been able to replicate "top surgery" scars on their own in many, many games already
Name one game that allowed you to replicate top surgery scars specifically
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If only you knew
Of course its propaganda. Thats why you're trying to argue scars in general when I said mental illness scars you retard.
The amount of faggot brigading that happens on 4chan by GCJfags is something to behold. I will always use the east in the culture war till America shapes up and stop making faggot slop.
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Both games look boring
I don't buy games based on whether I can jack off to screenshots
I bet left will have better gameplay
Oh do please tell me, what is the procedure "actually" about?
Why do gay people make you cry so much?
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You'll be waiting a long time I am afraid. The rot isn't just entrenched, it's promoted on purpose.
lol this is going to be another saints row
No it won't the gameplay will be a bad mass effect clone they both have cancer UI and both are for retarded coomers like you. The only difference is one will have more jiggle in the tits the other in the hair.
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Neither. I'm experiencing White Boy Summer by playing Far Cry 3 right now. Then later I will enjoy space rock mining with Rings of Saturn. If I have time I will commit TOTAL URUK DEATH in shadow of mordor. And I also want to set up the ps2 emulator on my new PC so that I can play Def Jam Fight For NY and like usual beat up some black people as my white custom character then colonize a black woman.
Culture war niggers don't like videogames.
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here's a western ass to compare
I'll choose east when the Vindictus spin off comes out
This nigger can't even use the correct "your" and he's trying to call others immature
who are you trying to impress?
I remember someone posting the website that article is from and I think it's a troll news site
I support the Eastern games, but in the same way leftists support the Western ones. I don't actually buy them, and play the classics instead. Funnily enough, the leftists do the same thing, despite most games pandering to them. Whatever, I'm going to continue my Half-Life 2 replay and stop caring about this for now.
Her canon body
>Vindictus spin off
Wait what? I wasn't informed of this.
I'd impregnate all four of them
nta but I was impressed how correct that anon is
Vindictus: Defying Fate, there was a pre-alpha test for it a while ago that had Lann and Fiona (who strangely looked like RE3 Jill)
>actually both things are bad
How to spot restera, reddit, and crystal cafe
I appreciate the effort but I've honestly been walled by The First Descendant.
The Invasions you have to do to get Hailey are really easy until you fight a boss, which takes a fuck ton of bullets to kill and can regenerate their shields while they're in their immune phase.
Honestly a really bad season. I keep trying to like this game, but the gear floor rapidly spikes at the end game.
Imagine if you were buried in that sand, and her butt landed on your face haha
Wouldn't that be weird, haha
Fuck off. The only reason to play that p2w garbage on the right is because they bait you with tits and ass.
I'll choose the one with the better gameplay since this is a VIDEO GAME not a dating site.

By having a fuck ton of money.
You need some serious bank in order to pull this off.
The East reigns supreme
>Attractive to heterosexual males = gooner

Just dont even reply to this. It's almost a meme at this point, a kneejerk response. These people arent here to discuss the point at all. They'll have sliders in their character creator for everything BUT making a body type 2 attractive to males.
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If they really wanted top surgery scars without retarded twitter drama they should have just had a scar decal in the character customizer that you could freely resize and place with x,y co-ordinates so they could make them on their own and then maybe release a video tutorial post launch for it.
Instead though they add vitiligo, melanin sliders and a toggle because the people who want them aren't actually dysphoric because if they were they would select a player character that matches the gender they identify with (either male or female)
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This shit already got censored
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Why don't chudcels just make their own games? There is literally nothing stopping you.
remember when games were about gameplay
They really need to put DoA on a new engine already
I'm really loving TFD. The heroes, the abilities. I wish the new season had some better events, for the Hailey grind, though. They've improved them, but some of them are still pretty bad, and if you don't have Ult. Bunny, maybe just forget it all around.
Presumably the nonstop media defamation campaign whenever they try like with Kingdom Come
Americans sure love to make shit up.
You guys are worse than the Chinese.
>Vindictus spin off
Vindictus itself is a spin off (Mabinogi).

You have to understand. Normal people like art for how beautiful it is to the senses. The west is trying to make art something that represents how mindful you are of the current culture. How many boxes it ticks for DEI.

None of the west's art is beautiful, none of it will be enshrined or remembered as great. Its something you drew to tick boxes, to sell, for a particular group's consensus. You limited your own creativity for fear of backlash, for culture, for twitter, to offend the least people. It's pathetic and I have no respect for people who draw like the leftmost in your pic.
is the american one an actual collab or just some shitty fan art?
He's right, they were censored as they once had nipples you could clip the model to see.
>sovl vs soulless vs soulless vs soulless
Best part is that KCD succeeded even in spite of it they are making part 2 that is going to be more of the same but better. Not only do they make games, they make successful games.
That was removed during closed beta, before that outfit even existed in the game.
Again, you mutts just make shit up, worse than the Chinese.
This is why no one likes you.
>giving them manfaces is le soul
Pathetic creature. You haven't got a clue.
Sadly this. You can have the most jaw-dropping gfx and presentation but if the game is shit, it doesn't fucking matter.
>dude, just make your own multimillion dollar game
Can you stop with the midwit takes?
For white guys, a woman isn't a real woman unless she looks like a tranny.
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Genuine question, why is everyone involved in the making of western media so scared of troons?
both are shit, but i would rather play the game with sexy babes, plus it's free lmao
A certain tribe of people controls western media and decreed that any and all things trans is sacred.
>Posts a reaction image of a pretty girl from asian media instead of a deformed troon from western media
Interesting and brave
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>LGBT light on every fucking thing that can hold an LED
>a fucking ChinkChonk lamp
>cheapest pile of shit couch he could find
>wall to wall gaymer paraphernalia
>wall just for gamepad boxes
>pc running on idle for no reason
>faggiest dual screen setup I've seen in a while
one real vagina with no wounds pls
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>game has coomer shit targeted at men
>so fucking based, this is how character design should be

>game has coomer shit targeted at women
>fucking degeneracy, what is this fucking fagshit in my games
>the west(ern games industry) has fallen, billions must die

The same people ranting that Dragon's Dogma or whatever new western slop doesn't let them have balloon tits are the same people who shat their pants and had a melty over Lies of P having a male protagonist that appeals to female tastes, instead of being a generic Conan-build male action hero for them to self-insert into.
Fucking hypocrites.
>poojeet with an AI sloppa pfp
fags and trannies used to be underground counter culture, now they're a part of oppressive ruling class that has a hateboner for free speech and we need to fight them with everything we got
>>game has coomer shit targeted at women
Name one game
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This. If I have to play a shit game, at least give me hot characters.
For me it would be shit game with pretty women though!
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Sad, but true.
>The same people ranting that Dragon's Dogma or whatever new western slop doesn't let them have balloon tits are the same people who shat their pants and had a melty over Lies of P having a male protagonist that appeals to female tastes
Uhh no, the guys bitching about Lies of P's protag are the same guys bitching about coomers.
It's /pol/tards, it always has been.
That's the thing, you don't have to. Just play a good game. No need for the "I'd rather get pissed on than shat on" mentality.
I want Hailey to sit on my face!
dragon age i dont give a shit if you faggots are mad you cant make balloon tits in the game
>posts chang png collector with 0 gameplay
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i prefer playing other games with TFDs models slapped in
Are they available for Fo4?
I was thinking the same wtf is that cover christ
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My only issue with P is that there's no porn of my wives molesting him.
10/10 femboy design, didn't make me gay.
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>ugly is brave
true, just look at Concord
Nigger. I see women with bigger tits than OP every fucking day just doing my regular work hours. This insanity that no woman above A cups exist in life is retarded.
>They also really do believe that opinions are formed from hearing others speak.
To be fair, that's how the majority of the people who like this stuff form their opinions. That's why they can't understand people having other opinions. Their opinions are backed up by the entire corporate, media, and political establishment.
That's why it's incredibly difficult to get through to them. They have their opinions handed to them by the people in power.
>you're too immature to play this M-rated game, chud
>don't buy it!!
The streamers trashtalking this piece of shit will out-earn both the devs and the shills
post your 5 most recently played games
First post how that's relevant
>if you don't like it, don't buy it
This new tactic that killed concord and killed that other woke game, is actually really working. I think it'll work again here as more normies don't give a fuck about dragon age, and why would they? when baldur's gate 3 does it much better.
>ugly troon vs sexy chick
Westbros, where do it go so wrong?
>don't buy the game
Ok. Promise you won't cry at me when it flops, like in case of Concord,?
There's many other reasons why it could have gone like this, reminder the Canadians, Californians, AND now some of the Japanese are pushing their bullshit on the rest of the world, because they know no one can really say anything about it in their part of the world.
we gave subhumans the right to vote, rome also didn't fall in one day
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love her
>Country that has had a clown run it for years
No one "votes" in Canada, I don't even think they have an election, it's been the same faggot for years.
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>Nihao west is falling
>my only chance to relevancy
Here comes Elgin, dilators in hand!
Why ameritrannies are all so despicable?
Why the "normal" people allowed this to happen?
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Normal people were psyopped to allow it to happen for a reason. Much, MUCH easier to control.
I think it's possible that they will try. But you should look to the USSR and the fundamentalist Islamic middle east to see how black market alternative media always pops up.
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>Don't buy the game
Glad we can at least agree on something.
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>supporting troons to own da chinks
The absolute state of /k/uckservatives
>Shit games are okay so long as sexy women are in it
Just go fap to porn you pathetic coomers
Why asians won't make an rpg like that, why it always some looter gacha slop or some jrpg with graphics from 2005?
normal people dont care
only the maladjusted are freaking out
I only played DA:O.
Do I need to play inquisition before this?
Do you ever stop to wonder why your ideology is supported by every government institution, megacorporation, media company and intelligence agency in the west?
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>why it always some
This game has all the woke red flags that tells you the devs priorities are. TFD at least cost nothing to try out you only pay for cosmetics, nobody wants an upfront cost for an ugly game that will only lecture you about patriarchy
you can mod western games

it honestly makes it hotter turning a woke game into a based game and adding sex and titties
The ironic thing is women like sexy female models about as much as men do. People want to look at attractive characters.
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I love her gameplay!
>Don't buy the game.
Great advice, thanks!
what's even the appeal of asses that's where people shit out of
Frostbite engine is not mod friendly
Being a faggot who dislikes big butts will not make you White Rajesh.
I'm still gonna play left for the hair physics
>normal people dont care
we're all voting for trump btw
I'm going to pirate it. Hair physics aren't worth 70$ alone
it's gonna be on gamepass no? Maybe not d1 but quick enough, Gamepass pc includes EA play
In that case, I would choose shit game with pretty women 100% of the time if those were my options.
it's an extension of being attracted to pussy; you like the cheeks and want to spread them to get between. Bigger cheeks because bigger is better (like for tits) and because wide hips indicate a healthy mother for your children.
>willingly eating shit at all
You have a third option you retard, go play another game that is actually good.
It'll have the usual EA bypass.
>what's even the appeal of vaginas women bleed out of them monthly
I really tried playing that gook game, I really tried
After 20 mins I would rather play some gacha
I meant if my only options were between those two, I would every fucking time always play the game with hot chicks instead of deliberate woke tranny slop. I've never played One Descendant, but because of the characters and the way they look, I would choose THAT over Bioslop's DA.
What part of 'pirate' do you not understand? I'm not paying, I'm getting it for free.
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>Is that ass physics, something that's been in games for nearly two decades now!!?
>Please take all my money Nexon
You're no better than gachafags
>The Last Descendant

>One Descendant
wish this was real
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What modern games have it now? There's clearly a vacancy in the market
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You brainwash girls into cutting their tits off because you hate birth, life and nourishment, and worship ugliness, sterility and death.

You are an enemy of life itself.
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I hate this stupid fake dichotomy that just because one game is ugly and appealing I have to support shit games just because they saturated it with sex appeal. It's insulting.

Yeah bro I'll play your stupid fucking Chinese or Korean or whatever shit for people with more money than sense to waste on microtransactions just cause a game developer I haven't thought about in a decade is putting out some shit game and some dude in Asia thinks I have less impulse control than a fucking bonobo.
Great thing about real life is that you don't have to choose you have both.
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What year was it that change liking ass to being a nigger thing apparently when this site used to insult people for not liking ass and calling them Irish?
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East. I don't know why everyone here dances around this like it's beyond East versus West. It's a market of agitation propaganda market vs. pure free market. The West is seeped in this shit. It's not about the money, it's about demoralization and the high each "influencer " gets preaching to the choir. Screaming about sinners. The East is all about money. They'll give you the pretty graphics, and even gameplay, as long as the bottom line keeps growing. Thats why Gacha is so big. Nothing about it is personal. They aren't making shit on purpose. They're doing what makes them the most money. Way more people than you and your little cadre of Tumblr fags or Twitter grifters will ever see. Think about it. Gachas Make enough money to turn away ESG/DEI/BRIDGE loans and requirements. Thats a fuckload of money to turn down to chase something else. The West never stood a chance.
it's mostly one schizo, the faggot who spams the pornhub map
The choice is either ugly troop bullshit with micro microtransactions or sexy lady with microtransactions. Of course you can play old games, my preferred choice
Both games play just as well as whatever slop you're lapping up, assuming you even play video games
Unironically West I'd rather be able to make my waifu even if she's built like a board
all four are fucking soulless
I think the real horror is the fact they're doing gender surgeries in that time period.
Imagine how fucked up that would be. The kind of monstrosities they would beget. modern science still isn't enough to cross the boundary between the sexes, medieval time periods would be horrific for this.
>Both games play just as well
I want to know how you're going to pretend DA has ever played well (and that's including the first game which was never good) or yet another low-effort Korean slop shooter with constant grind and microtransactions.
As much as I want to agree with you, the problem is that you're still promoting slop, just slop that doesn't promote Western garbage.
>Thats why Gacha is so big
Gacha is slop by definition. A large enough contingent of anons actually agreed on that a while ago. You are promoting outright bad video games with awful monetization because of sex appeal.
people aren't here to talk about games and they all should just be banned
It's crazy how the more inclusive games become, the more they make everyone look like fucking men.
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We've chosen.
Yes. The market is not going to become a niche interest pool anymore. Whatever corporations decided, they aren't appealing to that demographic. So it's either you lean into gacha and slowly bring the market around to a new business model, or you accept this tulmudic frankist march across all institutions, making them produce nothing but ugly, belligerent, DEI approved garbage. All the while having media influencers tell you you should be grateful to even look at it. Its fuckin Bolshevism. Fuck that. This is a part of something much bigger than entertainment. I would rather not give a single dime, and even more so, a smidgen of support to those freaks. Even if it means showing a little favor towards greedy asian markets. I don't outright support them, but the market isn't going to hear 4chan complaints alone.
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>Don't buy the game
being a lobotomized consumer isn't a hobby.
video games isn't a hobby.
This. I only play good games WITH pretty women and good music. Anything that does not satisfy all those criteria is literal disposable trash.
Isn't 264k bigger than 186k? If more numbers = better?
What really bothers me about this shit is I am sure the east also has plenty of women working in the gaming industry. The only difference here being culture. Asian men seem to know how to control their women from peddling retarded feminist DEI shit while the western (white man) does not control his women and here we are with all of these bullshit ass woke slop games. So its not even women working on these games that is the problem its simps allowing them to dictate their garbage beliefs to influence the direction of games.
Space Marine 2 also costs $60 so the fact that all-time peaks are even close is not making the argument in TFD's favor.
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How long until I'm branded an economic terrorist for not buying the game on the left?
or they could just use magic to change sex and skip all this gender bullshit entirely, no surgery, no scars, no hormone therapy, no dilation. it's the ultimate tranny fantasy. but bioware decided to go full retard on this one.
How long until I'm branded an economic terrorist for not buying the game on the left?
>it's the ultimate tranny fantasy
It's literally not, you should know this by now. They NEED to feel oppressed and make being transgender a focal part of their identity, hence the skipping of gender change potions etc. You have to know they're trannies.
No it's not you fucking retard go talk to any tranny and they would do anything to pass and not be considered as one.
If this were true, they would not be in your face about being a TRANS"woman" specifically.
That has never happened to me and I find it hard to believe that it has happened to you.
OP orbitally annihilated

Is that all you deadbeats do around here? Talk about cooze?
>full retard
they're just sticking to their own lore established in origins, a game in which surgery exists and scarless healing/body modification can only be accomplished with blood magic.
I choose my wife Hailey
>mfw I practice economic terrorism on woke retards
Gooksloppers BTFO'd
Do you choose makeup separately or is it part of the clothes?
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>Can make a character with "top surgery scars"
>Can't make a character with large or even average breasts
Resetera/reddit would say the western looks better because it has le diversity and it was not made for coomer chuds incels etc
>Not a Gamer or Influencer, IT Security/Network Nerd, Father, Husband and Ninja. Reformed Masshole. GT: ZenKiller08 PSN: s3ct0r-0v3rr1d3 Steam: zenfool
>tumblr style garbage made to insult better artists and satisfy their woke NPC programming
they can't make it more obvious how much they hate biological females
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Gee I wonder why and how that happened?
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>Shit games are okay so long as sexy women are in it
Yes. Now cry about it.
>biological females
Stop using their language. You're either female or you're not.
nice try gachafag, you know that's not what he's saying
biological females are the cause, seeing attractive women makes them jealous
to brainless coomers pretty women means great game
Dragon Age was directed by a literal tranny.
*ugly transvestites
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More like K-Mid.
porn is probably the worst thing to ever happen to most people here
I want single players and good visuals, both in a single game, so neither.
Mutt's law
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Go back to r/nofap
you can fap to porn and not base all your media consumption on if you can jerk off to it or not. a lesson this place is incapable of learning
nah, that's a tranny psy-op and it only really applies to ugly feminists i.e. small minority of women in any given society.
keep making threads about this game and keep being upset about it
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I want another anthro woman resurgence. Thats really the only surefire way to combat the ugliness of US games and the generic, sterile plastic of most Japanese or Japanese adjacent games.
>captcha: 0MG4P
repeatedly we see media can be captured by small minorities
Then that´s not censorship retard.
>>game has coomer shit targeted at women
Veilguard is not targeted for women, but for troons, aka NOT REAL WOMEN.
Or are you telling me a real woman would chop her tits for anything other than cancer?
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>finally a fuckable shortstack dorf
>it's in a complete pozzfest of a game
Monkey's paw...
if we continue to have attractive sprites and models in games we will only jack off to those
instead we're forced to jerk off to porn because real women don't want us
>Don't buy the game. Done.
That's exactly what I'll be doing tho?
>where will he be when the game flops?
Shilling the next game and explaining why the game flopped (not because of ESG DEI LGBT BRIDGE)
>Just go fap to porn you pathetic coomers
We are not gonna play Baldur´s gay 3 or the fag of us 2, stop insisting.
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I'm getting the urge to download and try it. Convince me it's a bad idea.
Do you need an sniper rifle for her, or any weapon you like will do?
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I want a single player game starring Hailey!
Porn is gross
Not enough women do solely pinup
I don't want dicks in holes
I want the beauty of the female form
meant for
It´s done by someone from the concord crew.
Too much grind, but if you like grinding....
Also, the skins are pretty basic unless you pay.
For a recent example (that Bioware would have absolutely been aware of), Dragon's Dogma 2. But scars being able to be placed anywhere you want on the body dates back to as early as a WWE game on the N64 that let you make your own characters.
Any movement against the establishment is a win and I'll gladly accept being called a terrorist as it burns to the ground with its portfolio
Shouldn't have tried to turn the heat up so fast on global socio political agenda.
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She's so cool
A hot girl is not "porn", redditor retard
Its a mastectomy. They avoid using that term because it would acknowledge that they started as something they don't want to be anymore since it expressly describes removal of breasts.
I tried it and it's just incredibly boring for me. I think you will like it if you like games similar to destiny
>don't buy the game
They are REALLY still saying this shit???? REALLY???
updooted, reposted, liked, subscribed, and bookmarked
>calls other retards
>can't even read a singular sentence correctly
hilarious stuff anon
>retard thinks a game is porn because women are attractive
>still can't connect the dots
I can't do it for you, reddit, now go back.
We NEED a game like this but in a fantasy setting. With big booba elves and adventuring
Modded skyrim
looks like shit
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You should be thankful you weren't a female Qunari enjoyer. Count your blessings. Although, I can see Bioware locking your Rook in a chastity cage, while Harding gets raw dogged by the Troonari.
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This is the face i make im taking a fat shit
the reason fortnite/overwatch/league got so international is because they are good games that are sexy
It’s enjoyable if you buy a character you like from the get go because by the time you obtain them by grinding you will feel the burnout and won’t be able to “finally enjoy” the game by then.
Kill everyone but korean
Craziest thing is that he's in the replies like "Wuh I can't make big ass and titties!? Okay now I'm mad!" unable to see how these two things are connected and that the retards he's trying to appease with his initial tweet would also be angry at him for this. Just a classic out of touch boomer moment.
They are literally burning their last chance to save the company on the pyre of "attractive characters are haram. It's the American way!"
I am using "American" in the sense of the continent, but honestly Canuck leafs are such irrelevant snowman manlets, I don't care about the distinction. I won't mention Liechtenstein when discussing German culture, either.
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This might be shocking to find out, but every single woman that I ever knew to play games (from my sisters, to my own wife and just female streamers in general), when playing games with character creators they will only make two types of characters:
>extremely attractive character (even if they "make themselves" they still make their in-game version of themselves more attractive on purpose)
>Shrek from swamp tier of character aka the joke character
Aka it's always only two extremes for them. Either character is extremely beautiful, or comically ugly as a joke (notice how I said "as a joke" instead of them doing it for "le representation").
You can even see this with The Sims (game dominated by women), that is filled with stupidly attractive looking sims. It gets so bad to the point that majority of these sims ends up looking the same simply because girls who play these games, all chase after that extremely beautiful beauty standard over settling down with something that looks more "realistic."

You can't come to me and tell me as such that this ugly trend in video games is to make "girlies" happy. Said "girlies" are way more obsessed with how their character looks than average dude playing the game. Women feel in pain if their character (especially female one) doesn't look like the best looking person in the room. They won't create ugly and fat fucking character if given the chance! Hell, even fat characters created in sims by them are still made too look like attractive and in more in just overweight category over the average obese monstrosity that looks like meteor hit their face.
Men don't like ugly women. Women don't like ugly IN GENERAL. Even fucking homos, men who have no attraction to women, prefer to have something that looks like pretty girls over some ugly/fat/both chick in their game. Troons don't like playing as ugly women either because that fucking reminds them on real life (that they will never pass). So who the fuck is this shit for?
How high is this guy's energy bill?
The best example of this I've seen is when WoW added fat humans(Kul Tirans) to the game. Despite being praised for body positivity(especially towards women) and the game having a high women player base that probably aren't in the best shape, female Kul Tirans are rarer than unicorns. The males are uncommon too but you will occasionally see one, yet you can easily go years without seeing a single female one. The women all stuck to playing their pretty stick thin elves and humans.
Based rich söytard enjoyer of products
Just watch the webm, dummy. He's RICH
I support scars if I can also give my character bimbo tits.
Whenever I create characters I either leave the default white guy look without edditing anything at all OR if the game allows me to I just make the most giga-fucking-chad with 0% bodyfat and shoulders 5 times wider than hips and also arms bigger than npc heads.

I played both oblivion and dark souls 1 and other games with infamous character editing tools that allow you to create fucking purple skinned red eyed abominations with jaw protruding through the upper skull etc etc. But somehow I never felt like creating those and I cringe everytime people do this.
It's for nobody. That's the point.
Bunch of bitter women past their 30's and black racist women all fucking gathered up with only single thought and that thought being destroying what average straight male might like.
They don't care about these games or movies they ruin. They give zero shit about representation and diversity. None of this is their endgame or what they themselves truly believe in. Their only thought in mind is to get everyone seething so they aren't the only ones being bitter in their life, and it works.
thread suxx
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I need an autistic water type gf so bad
god she's built
>he STILL can't read properly
I didn't think it could be funnier the second time but god help you it was.
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>Ass jiggle in cutscene
>No ass jiggle in game
This is what everyone is saying. Female players hate uglification of women in games just as much if not more than men do.
They are way more obsessed with looks and being beautiful. Just how many times will you see one of them play the game and go with default preset of gender they chose in game. Almost fucking never unless said default already looks beautiful enough to give it a pass.
Even those journos, who shill that shit, while they make *progressive* looking characters in showcase, actually go for conveniently attractive girl (or at least closest to it) in their own fucking gameplay. Meaning that even those who shill this bullshit, don't believe the thing they claim because instead of playing Mr Farquaad that they made in showcase, they always go for conveniently attractive skinny elf girl in their every gameplay showcase. Or even just average male.
This is the average video game consumer.
What game is east?
First Descendant
It's for twitter keyboard warriors who are only trans/gay/mentally ill for their online twitter posts while they aren't any of that in real life. Well, except for mentally ill. That is given to be correct due them being twitter user.
>I didn't think it could be funnier the second time but god help you it was.
post straight from reddit.
I'd say go back since you're so familiar with the place but considering it's a text forum and you're already struggling so hard with reading as is on an imageboard it'd be unfair to you.
The Premier Offspring
Mass Effect 4 is going to be so bad
It's funny that this happens even for games without a character creator.
There was some data that Riot released about LoL where women picked a female character 90% of the time. Adding onto that, they would use a bought skin that made them more attractive.
just get a productive hobby you silly little nigga
Kek this reminded me on my own younger retard sister. She had tumblr and later on twitter in which she was totally transmac bisexual who totally had a girlfriend.
One, she never dated or had any crush on any woman in her fucking miserable life.
Two, she would often slip up of referring to herself in female pronoun despite claiming to be tranny.

Long story short: She got over this phase in her life and has admitted to have been just a retard in need of a attention back then. Which is why any time I see those twitter lesbians/troons, I think of her during that period in her life. I'm giving my hand on fire that over 90% of these special pronoun users are just her case. Bunch of attention wanting whores who go with this because being mentally ill gets you most attention nowadays.
>Don't play the game. Done. Go play something else.
Gotcha, boss.
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Is this PEGI 12 appropriate?
>Don't play the game. Done. Go play something els
>week after release and big flopping-slopping later...
Every fucking time
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Because the greatest censorship machinery in the history of mankind is designed to rape you in the ass if you dare to speak out against it.
Normalfags dont want to rock the boat. They just want to live their life. They arent willing to lose their livelihood over media, and the powers that be abuse that.
>don't buy the game
I'd take this more seriously if every single fag who ever said this wasn't also the same fag who ended up crying about players not buying their game once their game unsurprisingly flops.
Easterners need to let me make a fucking character and play dress up. They simply refuse to let me do the one thing I want to do
Lmao even
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>Don't buy the game
And then one day, as studio is burning and everyone is getting fired, all while studio itself is about to be fired, the same fag who told players to not buy their game because it was not made for them, ended up wondering how come nobody bought their said game? Could it be, just maybe, just perhaps, that "modern audience" that they always talk about, the ones for who they claim to make these games for simply... don't exist?
Have seen that room?
That's expensive shit anon
They are cucks with money getting used up whores cheating on them anyway
Don't stress too much over useless shit
I need her
I choose north.
I already knew you weren't very smart but being illiterate on top of not being clever is a hell of a combo.
And of course it is mad "she" was found out
Wait what really
>everyone who makes fun of me is mad
my favorite midwit coping mechanism
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I swear I saw this fucking movie these last years too much. It always starts and ends the same.
>make turd that players don't want to play
>tell them to fuck off and not buy their game because it wasn't made for them anyway
>players listen and don't buy it
>time skip and shit releases
>at first they try to damage control by trying to make it seem as if the game is doing well...
>...until the news hit that whole ass studio is now closing down due to poor sales kek
>then they start crying and complaining that the same people who they told to fuck off and not buy their game actually listened to them
I would compare these "people" to children, but even said child won't put their hand in fire once they get burned. These creatures on another hand keep doing this time and time again despite end result always being the same.
It looks infantile but I gotta admit that this is also the most impressive funkopop cave I’ve seen
Id like to see what he’d build if he had a bit better taste
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Based Funkochad
I wouldn't even mind ugly characters if the games were actually good.
I lived in the same dorms as the Genshin Impact founders and saw a copy of their original investment pitch to investors
It was simple statements like ‘we love cute anime girls and we know many other people also like them and so we will sell this sort of game. We are qualified to do this because we are otaku and love cute anime girls and also games.’
Their slogan was ‘tech otakus save the world’ and the company (mihoyo) was originally 3 guys - recently they reported their first 1 billion in net earnings
They did have values and they were passionate about those values - they dreamed of a future where they could see cute anime girls boobies and also sell that experience for max profit
Their unwavering dedication to those values have proven to be their great foundation!
They literally live in constant mindset of "this time for sure" betting their everything on it. They sometimes see certain outliers do extremely well despite all the usual woke crap (BG3) and think to themselves "see! this can work" to justify their usual retardation on making games that appeal to twitter crowd because if 1 game can sometimes make it, then that surely fucking means that their other slop can too, ignoring what even made these games (like BG3) succeed instead of fail in the first place. They just see that the game has gays, POCs and pronoun bullshit and focus on that, thinking that this is what made it hit back then, instead of the actual thing that made it sell despite all of this bullshit.
>Hey remember that beloved game franchise you used to love? It's not for you anymore. Just give up on it and move on.
Death to the west desu
The funniest thing about BG3 and DA is that on paper, DA has the thing that made BG3 sell despite all woke bullshit: Being glorified dating sim with soft porn aspects to it.
However, this game is so shit and ass that nobody even feel remotely excited about any of companions showed so far. Closest to it is Lucanis but hype from femoids for him is equivalent to a wet fart when you compare it to Alistair, Fenris and Cullen back in the day. Basically men that caught their eyes from first moment and they wouldn't shut up about them. Cullen simping was so infamous in particular that the whole reason for why he was shoehorned in DAI to exist is because so many bitches wanted to fuck this guy and kept pestering BW about it.
Even less popular picked dudes still had way bigger dedicated fanbase and hype for them than Lucanis, the most popular guy so far, has. Let that sink in. Imagine your most appealing dude to this crowd still generating less lust-hype for him than Arishok, dude who isn't even a romance option, did from his first appearance.
Let us not even go into "women" in this game and how much men are excited for those, because there isn't a single one that is at least slightly appealing.
i mean, if it's a cute girl doing it...
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>gay nigger
>white nigger
kys map faggot
i dunno man id take a niggresses ass
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>Hate Asiaslop
>The west hasn't made anything worth playing in nearly two decades
Some day, we will make a good videogame again.
What no wars does to a MF.
Nobody plays Dragon Age games for the gameplay
The East likes Jewfus?
It's not porn, retard.
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>he thinks I was going to buy the game
the face look weird
dunno what it is...
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Theres nothing wrong with it
some of them are uncanny valley tier
Good. And we're gonna make it even worse.
Arrest me, faggot. Come here. I'll be waiting.
Based ESL.
if both games are shit why wouldnt i play the one with pretty women instead
what game is banned in australia
this pic is retarded. since when is Warhammer competing against persona 3 and 1 year old armored core
you're still posting ace thruster dicks, pathetic.
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I can't believe I'm saying this but...

China where u at ninja?
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holy moly i might try this game now
i dont like this setup, it looks uncomfortable, it looks more like a showroom rather than a place you can sit back and have fun in. its like an ikea showroom. ive seen weeb caves better than this.
>Right immature
Fat bitch logic, Reddit Resetera Trannie Twitter post. Why do you hate woman.
>Why do you hate woman

they're ruining vidya
>Based ESL.
Why are you so fucking Gay?
>they're ruining vidya
Do woman have a Cervix?
>Don't buy the game
They keep saying this, but when it happens, they're mad. Why is that?
File deleted.
Most of the dark stalker characters where designed by a Mexican dude.
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Hey guys it’s u/MythicTy from r/gamingcirclejerk
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knots and crosses
snakes and ladders
go fish
yeah im still waiting for an answer
Why is it so hard to get "your" right? It happens constantly.
How about you suck a cock under the golden gate bridge
Just don't make characters purposefully ugly.
I really like that my elvaan in ff14 is very handsome and stoic looking.
>>pc running on idle for no reason
lmao this dude turns his pc off at night
Why are they like this? 1/2
Yeah this shit posting is gonna get good on release when they start crying.
because its right. like that anon said, only the maladjusted are freaking out
East obviously
Western trash can eat shit
Ok I won't buy it or play it
Baldurs gate 3
Hell Let Loose
Crusader Kings 3
Dragons Dogma 2
saars please reedeem dragon age: troonguard!
You are embarrassing yourself tard
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christ imagine sucking on those perfect titties
whoa momma
saars you need to reddem troonguard dragon age saars!



>NPC talking points
please sir
can i have sum moar
i think it doesn't suit some of the different hairstyles
this unfortunately
first descendant has hot women but the game is not great
hes not wrong
pretty nuts that some dude who makes minecraft porn makes twice as much as this animator
>purple background coverart with a cast of characters
Box covers have had issues for a long time but this one really fucking sucks and looks bland.
>Don't buy the game
Ever female in Baldur's Gate 3 has an insanely good ass. They all have mall asses, basically. Asses you catch a glimpse of at the mall that you wish you could pause time so you could stare at longer.
The 2nd dude is based
when did trannies associate themselves with the color purple
I actually agree with him, other than the totally needless condescension about how accepting insane self-mutilation is somehow an "adult" thing to do.
right easy
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>Gets judged by their character
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yes now choose your flavor of slop
All female char in TFD have massive nigger arses and heels, some is fine, all of them isn't, it's not pleasing nor good looking.
>you are wasting your time by not giving me money
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Lol clown tourist
All of that lighting is gonna give him cancer in a few years, that's nauseating
lmao what fringe theories do you subscribe to
trips of truth
so tiresome...
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yeah, whoever types like that is picrelated
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gonna be completely honest with you anon. I am so fed up with this gay circus we call a country, I'm ready to go out guns blazin. I have nothing to lose.

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