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/v/ - Video Games

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>be PC player all my life
>buy a ps4 pro
>it's actually a nicer gaming experiencing with 0 worries and I actually physically own my games
>games are cheaper to own from secondhand sellers and used games

You chuds lied to me for years. Console gaming is still king
god i hate /v/
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>he thinks he owns his games
>be PC player all my life
Emulation outlives every console
so capping fr fr logan paul sussy
you posted this just to be called a faggot or what
Welcome to the fold. You can now do what pc only dreams of: Enjoying video games
Emulation is soulless. They have not solved this problem yet.
Enjoy your monthly subscription required for internet access, giving all of your data to Sony, and having to be treated like a child with aim assist because controllers suck for controlling.
Also PC is cheaper and you can watch porn on it. I guess that's why it's a PC and not a shitty gaming console. Sorry op, you got scammed.
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Only in this absolute shit hole can a snoy larp as a pc gamer that’s been converted to the “superior” gaming platform.
just get a mini-pc or equivalent and set it up in the living room so you can play it on the tv just like a console
i set it up for my gf who only plays nintendo shit and she likes it
I can play more playstation games with my pc than you can with your ps4 pro.
>Be shitskin
>Be poor
>Buy a PS4 Pro, which is 11 fucking years old
>Game production for the steam has stopped
>Still have to play 120€ every year for online
>Games are way more expensive than on PC
>Games run at 30fps maximum
>Feels good to be a poor thirdie pajeet nigger
Are you guys just unaware that consoles are just computers with a different os.
They often even have the same manufacturer making their chips that regular pc's do.

Where is this mystical soul supposed to be coming from?
Emulators are jank, buggy, and requires a 1000 dollar PC to run a 100 dollar ps3 console. lee mao
>PC players are fat coomer neckbands stereotype
Console gaming is the best, I've been a PC user for all my life and all I did was deal with errors instead of playing games, then I picked up an xbox series s and oh boy what a difference in quality, I can actually play video games now
N-n-ooo, you're supposed to buy alternative international mega-corp box brand closed platform for...LE SOUL.
anything is delegitimized if you post it next to nigger.png
Snoys sure have ramped the shilling up after the true scale of Concord's failure was revealed
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>I own my game guys
Emulation is superior in all aspects since physical degrades over time and withers rendering cartridges useless
what the fuck does that mean nigger
that you're only supposed to play these on a CRT?
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why would a pussy have poo on it i don't get it
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I see the PC failure race reddit keyboard warriors have come out to play. You fags don't even play games, steamies just buy them and get a 500 page backlog, then go to play runescape on your 2000 dollar graphics card you don't use
>emulation is soulless
what the fuck does this even mean
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>You fags don't even play games
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Whoa look at all this soul you guys.
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If you like it then good for you. I won't say it's the most accurate judgment I've seen, but that won't change your opinion.
Zoomers don't even understand
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Don't even understand directories, let alone this, they are tech illiterate
Are you unaware that Emulation has bugs? Probably not because you're 13 and mom can't afford a console
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>I bet these console peasant zoomers don't understand linux or file directories like me *snorts* nyehahahaha
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works on my machine :)
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>"Console gaming is still king"
Why would you post this when you claim to have been a PC gamer all your life? Supposedly the PS4 pro is your first experience with consoles, how would you know console gaming is "still" king?
You're in position to accuse anyone of lying, you filthy fucking shitskin subhuman
>works with visual and audio bugs I ignore on my 2000 dollar high-end PC
snoyjeet falseflag thread
have you actually emulated anything within the past fucking decade or are you stuck in 2008
stop associating azumanga with your disgusting indian muslim posts
Yes, switch, PS2, PS3, and PS4. 360 (xenia). PS3 and PS4 were unplayable stuttery pieces of shit and that's not uncommon
I feel you anon, got my PS4 pro second hand for $250 three years ago, bought about 30 physical games I wouldn't buy for PC because they're bound to your steam/uplay/ea account, and for much lower price than digital steam/PSstore, although I still buy games on PS when they're discounted 80% or so.
nice larp you stupid cunt
Kys false flagger
I have whiter skin than you, skid mark.
>be a PC player all my life
pcGOD here. I bet I've played and finished more games than you this year.
Consoles are just physical DRM
This is exactly what I'm doing but I got my PS4 pro for 150. Played through ragnarok and valhalla for only 20 dollars. Buying games that I wouldn't on PC because of their cancerous DRM and launchers, like Ubislop and EA. /v/ PC gamers are so buck broken and assmad that they can't believe a PC player could convert to play both platforms
you are brown and you stink of shit
>Buying games that I wouldn't on PC because of their cancerous DRM and launchers, like Ubislop and EA.
This is a non-issue to anybody who isn't a complete fucking faggot. why would you want to play ubisoft or ea games? not one game worth playing requires another launcher.
Every single video game have a cancerous DRM launcher, I just used them as examples.
>I actually physically own my games
should we tell him?
I just loaded up Lolipop Chainsaw RePop and there's no DRM at all.
Can PC players do this with every single video game they own?
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Delete this.
Sites like this are completely delusional not realizing they are the minority when it comes to PC gaming but thats what happens when you attract 3rd world south americans and europeans
Naw, I bought Far Cry 4 for $5, Ubi didn't get a dime and I think it's interesting enough.
buy an ad sony
Chink handheld are better for emulation than pcs
Maybe we play games and maybe we don't? At least we can choose. How many games does the PS5 have?
You just made up a fantasy situation in your head and started seething at it. Now you are lashing out at strangers on the internet because of it too...
lie more consoleturd
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No. I can actually fit more than one game, even entire "consoles" and their libraries onto the hardware that I share.
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Too bad when you actually boot the games and the PS4 Pro starts sounding like a fucking jet while the game runs at fucking 30 fps 1440p. For that reason alone I get games on my PC. Physical or not I'm not accepting 30 fps when I can run it at 120 or more.
>things that never happened
If this is unironically a true story, you're the kind of pleb who buys prebuilt, has 10 problems per day, never bother troubleshooting them, and have your pc die in a year
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I don't understand this shit past the PS3 era. Yes, there was a time where the best video games were exclusively for consoles. Technology caught up and that time has passed. Now that my computer can do work and play both, why would I waste time with proprietary hardware? You can even get something like Linux and absolutely control every aspect of your system. Consoles will need to go in a different direction and become designer PCs. If they don't, you're basically playing with a "only plays these specific titles" machine. What the hell is the point of being limited like that? It's not about soul or some dumb shit, it's just pragmatic thinking.
You're correct in the context of /v/ but for the vast majority of people who play video games that shit doesn't matter.
>"Can I plug this into my TV and immediately jump into Fortnite, Overwatch, COD or Fifa? Can I watch Netflix through this. Can I get Amazon Prime Video on it? Can my son play his video games, can I stream Ozark and can my elderly parents stream the US Open on this?"
Thats what most people think about when looking for a platform for video games. They don't care about having Display Ports as well as HDMI or about overclocking, about aspect ratio or any of that shit. A gaming PC is an enthusiasts product in the same way a Steam Deck is. A console for most people is "the smarter choice" for video games.

OP, you are aware of refresh rates over 60hz, right?

>people bitching and moaning about 'worries' getting games to run when things like GeForce experience can instantly optimize per-game settings and the only truly hard games to run are niche OR fan translations

Someone who thinks a PS4 Pro in current year is 'king' doesn't strike me as the type struggling to get VTMB or Deadly Premonition running at higher resolution.
I'm playing on my PS3 and PS4 just fine, and I like having my physical collection of games. I have 1000+ games on Steam too, but somehow I still prefer playing games on consoles. It's much cheaper too, you still have to pay 20 something dollars to buy 10 years old CoD, and these games are dirt cheap on a second hand market
but pc games are free what are you talking about?
Fair enough, that's just a world I don't live in anymore. I remember being excited for the super Nintendo my friends always had but my parents refused to get and told me to go play outside. Not because we couldn't afford it, because they didn't want me playing "Nintendo" all the time. I remember one time, like high school, when I was finally allowed a Gameboy, My father told me if he saw me worshiping it he would throw it into the fireplace. Just what kind of people get locked into this obsession with these things?
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Yes, it's easy.
consoles are for low IQ morons
so you finally found your way home, dumbass.
>NPS is even easier and downloads games directly from official servers
>Not even a specific example of a broken game on an emulator
Poor and retarded console peasant detected.
>Emulation is soulless. They have not solved this problem yet.
Nope, its more soulful thanks to crt shaders. Now you can make the game look like the good old days, and run it with better performance. You are just coping.
It means that this anon lacks the IQ to use emulators, and that hassle makes him bitter and causes him to nostalgiafagging online, to make himself look "superior" to those who know how to use an emulator.
>thing you like is bad because *catchphrase*

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