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With all the talk of Nintendo patents these past few days here, I wanted to see what else they patented. This past June, they literally patented the action of rolling a ball and having that ball make a sound depending if you're in front of it or behind it. I read the full paper and that's all it is, nothing else. It's just that.

So if you piss Nintendo off and you have a game that involves rolling a ball, you can get sued. How is this allowed? How do we stop this? ROLLING A BALL IN A GAME IS NOW OWNED BY NINTENDO, WHAT THE FUCK?
Tendies will defend this while they eat up remake goyslop
Can these patents actually be enforced? There are a gorillion examples of games doing this earlier than the application
>retards are just now discovering patents exist and video game companies abuse them
never heard about the sega vs simpsons hit and run case, huh?
>Can these patents actually be enforced?
Anything can be enforced by nintendo because japan is big into corporate cronyism, you probably heard of samsung owning south korea and nintendo is basically japan's equivalent.
I don't believe you
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Or sanity meters, or the Nemesis system, or loading screen minigames. Patents were a mistake.
Yeah, there is a history of Nintendo throwing lawsuits against small Japanese companies that find some sort of success
People have been digging it up since the palworld thing dropped
Isn't SEGA one of the companies that has a specific color and line of programming copyrighted/patented in a way to where basically everyone in the business has to cut them a check to use them?
i wish rogue, dota, card battlers, harvest moon, and several other completely oversaturated game types were patented.
>we must imagine Sisyphus copyright violating
>rolling a ball
Katamari fans, it’s over...

Yes it can. So if Bandai Namco ever pisses Nintendo off, they’ll be in trouble too.
patent idea: a video game company that files frivolous patents
i've patented filing patents therefore everyone who wants to file a patent needs to pay me
Did you know nintendo also made video game rentals illegal in japan and tried to push for the same in the US?
The more you learn...
The way companies use these patents is bundling them into a portfolio, then they go to other companies and say:
>We have a portfolio of over 9000 patents, we know you are in violation of a large number of them, we won't tell you exactly which ones, but we will license all of our patents to you for a fee
Which often leads to a response from other large companies like
>We also have a portfolio of over 9000 patents, why don't we enter into a pact that we cross-license our patents to one another in return for a promise not to sue over products x, y, and z in the same market
or in the case of non-practicing entities (aka Patent Trolls)
>We will license your valid patent! (now go sue our competitor)
Where the act of them paying for the patent (really paying the legal fees against the competitor) makes the patent look more valid to a judge because
>why would a big company with tons of lawyers pay for a patent that was invalid?

These patents aren't expected to be strong, or to necessarily stand up in court individually, but combined they are useful tools against new companies entering the market. Even if a single patent is obviously invalid due to being overly broad, obvious to anyone in that sector, or there being prior art dealing with all of the claims takes millions of dollars and a decade or more in court.

One of the big players actually taking direct action against a smaller company is somewhat rare because they're risking patents in their own portfolio.
>never heard about the sega vs simpsons hit and run case, huh?
Simpsons avoided it with a finger, that was a visual design patent. Nintendo is registering broad and generic actionable patents, not design ones, for game mechanics
Katamari doesn't make a rolling noise, so it's safe.
>Nintendo sees Katamari
>"I made this"
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>since the palword thing dropped
Because gamers have the attention spans of gnats. We've known this shit for literal decades. Hell, the last time people looked into this stuff was the whole thing about them asking some Smash tournament to stop using a specific emulator.

Renting video games is literally ILLEGAL in Japan because Nintendo didn't like the idea of people making extra money off their games. I think they even tried to make the second hand market for video games not exist. The only reason why hacks aren't illegal is because they lost the case against Galoob's Game Genie back in the 80s because the courts still respected a consumer's right to do with their property as they wished.

Nintendo has been like this since before most of the people on this board were born.
>Katamari doesn't make a rolling noise, so it's safe.
The squeaky sound of the ball counts on a slope, anon. You see the problem here?
also when you start a dash or bonk
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Copyright can only exist if there is a government entity to control how it is enforced. In an anarcho-capitalist society, things like copyright and trademark do not exist and the rights can be used by anyone.
The funny thing is that Nintendo's patents will only apply in Japan, in the US and EU they might actually get hit with anti-trust and anti-competitive lawsuits by the respective governments.
Some of them look like they might get them counter sued by literally every western developer or publisher, including Microsoft and Sony.
Like if Nintendo try to enforce these out of country, the FCC is going to how a field day.
>us of a
And a hundred other hilarious jokes you can tell yourself.
I’m going to patent the pause button
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Not really. Game play rules can't be patented even in Japan. It has to be an actual invention for shit that exist in the real world. Shit that uses motion controls could be patent and held up in court because it is a technical innovation for something in the real world. Even Capcom's patent win was about the transfer of data

The issue is more that you have to go to court to challenges these and a lot of time, most companies don't want to get into a long drawn out legal fight, so either settle or avoid it. The issue for the Palworld case is they are going to fight it and Palworld has a lot of vested interest in it (Sony namely, but even Microsoft, Valve and even Epic Games could get involved depending on how things go). Case could have a major impact on gaming and a lot of companies wont want to see Nintendo win
There are a lot of political systems under which copyright cannot be enforced.
In an anarcho-capitalist society with no government major corporations can have private armies that they use to enforce their dominance over society through force.
you'll survive (but not yuzu, or pocketpair)
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Nintendo could end up with an anti-monopoly case in Japan. In one case (Ricoh v. Ds Japan) the court initially ruled the patent was anti-competitive. It did get over turned on appeal, but its something that could come up here
>Pocket Pair is working with Sony and Microsoft who are Nintendo's chief competitors
>Switch vastly outsells both in Japan so this could be see as Nintendo prevent either company from getting a competitive advantage
There are a lot of potential secondary knock-on effects that could come about for this and could also bite Nintendo in the ass. There are a fuck ton of Japanese patents out there from the major companies but there has been a bit of a balance between all of them. No one is really going after anyone else for all the dumb shit they have outside of a few instances. This could end up with some major problems such as everyone suing everyone else on all the dumb patent shit they've been holding, Sony and Microsoft included.
When the yuzu shit happened and I said it was going to set a precedent where nintendo could get away with stomping on the little guy, everyone laughed at me.
Who's laughing now?
>And a hundred other hilarious jokes you can tell yourself.
Except their have been anti-trust lawsuits happening in the US lately, hell even Google surprising got recognized as a monopoly finally.
And the whole lawsuit between Sony and Microsoft over the Blizzard accusation was in fact an anti-trust lawsuit due to Microsoft buying up so many companies.
Plus an anti-trust lawsuit would happen over the fact that several LARGE western company will be effected by these patents.
It won't be the typical indie vs Nintendo, it be basically Nintendo vs Microsoft, Sony, EA, Ubisoft, and Valve, and any other AAA developer or publisher.
Not to mention these new patents actually violated a patent law that basically prevents you from getting one if other people already are making or doing the thing you patent.
And the EU and Canada is going to be just a lost cause for Nintendo.
Yeah, Though I think an anti-trust lawsuit in another country would effect Nintendo in Japan as well, and possibly Japanese corporate culture as well, (though the Japanese might be extremely butthurt about it)
And Nintendo best hope that Ross Scott doesn't succeed in saving video games from being killed, because that is going to have some big repercussions for a lot of video game practices, including Nintendo's crusade against emulators, a domino effect.
Then that just means that those corporations ARE the government, and their is no court to enforce any deals between them, so they basically would be at war with each other all the time.
Can you imagine if you published a game in Japan, and then another jap also published almost the same game, and then Nintendo sued you because japs are so xenophobic and they want to support japanese's games to take all the market share?
Not been determined in a court of law.
Still went through.
>Then that just means that those corporations ARE the government
Exactly. At some point removing power from elected governments, just makes corporations into an un-elected government.
Where any un-elected government ultimately just attempts to enrich itself, because it doesn't have to worry about any challenges to its power.
I would be willing to bet that the person that came up with the idea of patenting has a large nose
according to forbes, japanese fans are siding with shittendo
Welcome to hell!
>according to jews quarterly, consumers side with the biggest corporation
imagine that
the concept of patents go very far back, for once the jews are not the perpetrators.
>Still went through.
Yes, but only after Microsoft was forced to agreed to certain terms set by the FCC, as the FCC originally voted to block it from going through.
No. The main mechanism by which they work is lawfare i.e. throwing more money at your lawyers than your target can afford to match. Nintendo fucked up really bad with this one because Pocketpair made over half a billion dollars off Palworld and they're a fairly small studio, so now they have a shitton of cash on hand to burn and can easily afford to fight this one out.
>Yeah, Though I think an anti-trust lawsuit in another country would effect Nintendo in Japan as well, and possibly Japanese corporate culture as well, (though the Japanese might be extremely butthurt about it)
When it comes to anti-competition, they all try to stay in lockstep (though with ABK, the UK was out there in their own world). It is possible for Sony and/or Microsoft to push regulators to investigate Nintendo for anti-competitive practices. Even if it would be unsuccessful, it can get them tied up in the courts.

Right now, the lawsuit isn't going to go anywhere until Nintendo files the Complaint (or Japanese equivilant). I wouldn't be surprised if some people are talking to Nintendo behind closed doors next week at TGS to drop the whole ordeal. There are too many vested interest now. It's not the same as Nintendo suing emulators or even mobile developers.
jews have been around for a long time
>Nintendo fucked up really bad with this one because Pocketpair made over half a billion dollars off Palworld and they're a fairly small studio, so now they have a shitton of cash on hand to burn and can easily afford to fight this one out.

Id say its more that Pocket Pair has made friends with companies that are just as powerful or more powerful than Nintendo is. Lawfare isn't going to work as well here.
yes, but jews were not the ones that came up with patenting or introduced it.
jews killed jesus because he violated their copyrights on bread and fish
They sued Colopl over touchscreen joysticks and got a settlement out of it. Amazingly Colopl then still announced a Switch spinoff of that game a few months after the suit was filed but they did seem to decide to can it. There was also 5 other things they threw at them including friend codes or something.

From the wording of that settlement Nintendo does seem to be willing to license patents at least rather than prevent anyone else from using them entirely.
>little guy
I'm laughing at you.
>Jesus was jewish
>The romans killed Jesus
also the romans were fags but I don't know how this factors in
The only people who aren't supporting Nintendo are those with a grudge against them. Twitternigs are still mad over yuzu.
licensing patents is the preferable outcome for the patent troll, they get to extract tons of money from other peoples' work without having to risk their patents in court
i like how it always befuddles people that jews are allowed to kill eachother
Abib where the fuck are you? Why the fuck are you allowing these fucking shitposting fucking assholes defame Nintendo? this thread should have been deleted by now, these posts are grounds for a slander, it's just pure vitriolic hatred for Nintendo
>Corporation GOOD
But the romans did actually kill Jesus afaik. There's no proof (that I know of) that the jews killed Jesus.
>t. tendie bootlicker
that and <90iq brownoids that are still mad mamá never got them that nintendo ds
>nin-nintendo are the REAAAAL small indie company
I struggled a lot how to word that because that's still a high level of jewery, but for Nintendo freezing anyone out of making competing software would be a way to force people to buy their hardware.
the jews got jesus killed through the romans because they rejected him and didn't like what he was preaching. even though the romans have the blood on their hands and weren't fans of jesus themselves, the jews were the ones pulling the strings on that operation.
Oh, I had a Nintendo DS. The DS was one of the last good shit Nintendo put out.
So don't you act all smug like that.
they sure as shit have a more independent mindset than those trend-chasing chinks
Yes. They are. Nintendo is a small indie company that makes wonderful products for their customers, and even is willing to take up the fight against illegal entities for the sake of other small indie devs like them.
Isn't Nintendo just the best, bros?
Clearly they do not think that they can fairly compete with those "trend-chasers".
iirc Namco owns the "minigame during loading screen" patent which is why almost nobody ever did it.
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no one has made a big enough stink about this before but its time that we do. theyve probably sued other people they dont like quietly and gotten away with it, probably got settlements so it was never reported.

this has to be the next big thing that we reform in the game industry. this is total anti-competitive behavior. ignore nintendoids, they are mentally ill and dont understand the implications of this.
Yup, and another example is the shadow of mordor nemesis system
They wouldn't be able to get away with it if there was enough public outrage but armies of left wing “people” online will defend their beloved multi billion dollar private corporations to the death so they will always get away with it.
Nintendo is the most evil and greedy company in history, and it's not even close
heavy plagiarism isn't exactly fair either so why should they keep the gloves on
pocket pair just fucking sucks man, any other dev and we wouldn't have this mess in the first place
How can you voluntarily regulate patent abuse just for a single industry? This has to be changed at the government level, and no neoliberal will ever radically change that system while all their big donors rely on abusing it.
those tweets just made me die inside
I don't want to live on this planet anymore
>left wings
>defending corpos
Those people are a disgrace to even the political viewpoints they claim to abide by.
I was just thinking about that, and apparently that patent expired in 2015.
The Bible. Pontius Pilate was keeping the peace and tried to dissuade the Jews or suggest alternatives. During a customary prisoner pardoning he brought Jesus and the murderer Barabbas before them in the hope that they would spare Jesus over the killer, but they demanded the murderer be freed.
Its not a patent for a rolling ball, it's a patent for the specific implementation of how the rolling/sliding sound effect is produced. They patented it because totk has a generative sound engine, it creates on the fly sound effects instead of pulling effects out of a directory based on the "material" the objects are made of, how fast they're going, what angle, etc. You can't even read the abstract, much less the full text. Christ anon.
none of this matters. people make all kinds of generative engines for things in gaming all the time, this should not be patentable. the ultimate result is sound coming from a ball. this is patent trolling, nintendo autist.
Please do not use words that you do not understand the meaning of, it is extremely obvious when you do.
>[damage control]
Admit it Shun, you just killed Katamari, you bastard.
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We'd be in a golden age if it wasn't for patents and copyrights.
the ironing
Sue me, I've been trying to get 4chan to post, but the captcha keeps shitting itself and I made a mistake of having two red lines.
Colpol tried to patent that and then sue other companies for it. Rare instance of Nintendo not being the scum in an interaction
Gaming is always chasing trends you dumb fuck. Minecraft started the survival crafting genre. Pubg started the battle Royale. Dwarf fortress the colony Sim. Even look at OG starcraft. They weren't the first RTS. They just polished the fuck out of it. Everything is a ripoff from something else. How do you not even see this?
Weren't there major issue for publishers to?
Like Nintendo had to lose a court case to allow other games to actually be released on the NES.
>I've been trying to get 4chan to post, but the captcha keeps shitting itself
So it's not just me then?
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Read the post again, mighty speed reader.
>Japan will set this world right and nintendo is sadly the only AAA dev still making decent games these days
>He thinks there's still a single good AAA dev these days
>Verification not required
patents have nothing to do with art
Seems so
Gaming is always chasing trends. Minecraft started the survival crafting genre. Pubg started the battle Royale. Dwarf fortress the colony Sim. Even look at OG starcraft. They weren't the first RTS. They just polished the fuck out of it. Everything is a ripoff from something else. I'm surprised you failed to notice these things unless you don't game at all.
>Patents exist so productive artists like myself can be elevated
And other lies you can tell yourself
I'm seriously going to make a videogame which will be a bunch of mini-games, and each mini-game's theme will be a different videogame patent for something that's already been done in videogames for decades.
See >>689653770
I agree with you. Read it SLOWER this time.
>No new Katamari Games
>No new Billy Hatcher Games
>No new Super Monkey Ball Games
>Nintendo will never use their patents to make any alternatives to replace them
Why is Nintendo killing the industry?
Hopefully this whole palworld fiasco, assuming nintendo unfortunately wins, doesn't give any other AAA game slopanies with similar "ruined game franchises" (i.e game series that have been shit for a while now) any ideas as to patenting the series mechanics so indie devs can't make any good competitors (not implying palworld is actually good ofc, from what I've seen it's meh)
I.e EA patents the sims mechanics, Bethesda patents TES mechanics, etc etc
>Calling you out for your retardation
>Not an argument
I am at awe of how stupid you are. At least you acknowledge nuPokemon is shit
There isn't really any oversight over patents.
People will put in joke patents that get approved all the time.
https://patents.google.com/patent/US6360693B1/en Someone ended up owning the concept of a fetch stick.
They way they are used by corporations is mostly to destroy people with legal fees, the same way already established oligarchs pay to get more regulations made to prevent competition from emerging.
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Literally only one company in the arena could hope to stand up to The Pokemon Company: Microsoft.
You said patents "elevate" artists
They don't
Patents don't cover art, only "invented" things, which includes game mechanics. And no, mechanics aren't art.
There is only one way I can think of getting them to fuck off.
>get every single indie dev there is from triple I to those who've just made a few thousands
>they each have a game where at least one Nintendo patent is infringed upon
>lawsuit complaint is basically they shouldn't be able to patent it
>now each person/company sues individually
>5000 indie devs are now suing Nintendo simultaneously bringing the giant corporation to it's knee's financially
Easiest way to force patenting of such trivial stuff to be impossible. Otherwise small indies can only fight back by patenting the same small stuff but will need a bigger patent arsenal to avoid being overwhelmed as return fire appears.
>every single indie dev
>therefore, 5000
If EA patents Sims mechanics I swear to god
I've been wanting to make a simslike that doesn't suck just to spite EA and if EA dares to try take notes on Nintendo, god help me
It was an example, the point still stands. 14k games released on Steam alone last year, how many were indie? Nintendo certainly doesn't have the money to stand against 5000 companies/devs in a simultaneous attack of individual lawsuits from across the planet. Or are you saying they have the lawyers to withstand such an assault on their patent stronghold?
Where's her areolae
No, I agree with you, I just think you're being unrealistic here. For starters, most indie devs are either slopdevs too or will suck Nintendo's cock
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Yup. There are a ton of game genres that are dead because of stuff like this.

For instance because of
We can't have taxi games
Patents are jewish
yeah bro let's just find 5k people to throw away months of their live to possibly fuck with the sue happy corporation for no fucking benefit at all, shutting off the probably fairly lucrative market of nintendo consoles for yourself on top of that
stop hyping yourself up with idiotic fapfics about how you're gonna defeat the evil corporation, retard
>other monster catcher garbage like yo-kai watch
>yo-kai watch
This is TERRIBLE bait. 0/10
>People getting mad at Nintendo for this instead of getting mad at the retarded patent system itself
Don't hate the player, hate the game
>Yeah, wokeism is a good thing! Why do you think garbage like [literally anything] is getting fucked? You probably also seethe over censorship and cancel cul-- I mean accountability culture too. Free speech is fascism btw, and [actual fascist i.e hitler/mussolini] is an uwu trans icon who will save us all from the mean ol 1Aoids
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Nvm then that's understandable, I may dislike their behavior but the odds of anyone actually doing what I aaid in a joint effort are unlikely, at best it'd be something under 20 devs doing it.
>It'll never be me
Is the thought process of most of them or.
>Just don't copy them bro
While not realizing how many simple mechanics have been patented. Too late once you get targeted. Palworld is however going to wrecked since they're going to Jap court.

My only potential option is to get a Jewish lawyer to patent max all of my games mechanics that aren't already patented elsewhere. It's worth the money if it can defend me from Nintendo suing me for a sum greater than I have or outright calling for the removal of the game from any and all storefronts.
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And yet we have to tolerate tendies saying Nintendo saved the game industry, what a fucking joke.
>My only potential option is to get a Jewish lawyer to patent max all of my games mechanics that aren't already patented elsewhere
Ah yes, fight fire with the same exact fire. High IQ move (not)
and they're doing it once again by freeing us all from the rancid slopmachine that is pocketpair
I hear Nintendo cant sue you as easily if youre in Europe, how true is that?
>How dare there be a competitor to Pokemon reeeee
If you don't want competitors to Pokeslop, maybe have the quality of the series return to Gen 4/5 (the best ones; if you dare say ORAS is the best I will fucking kill you in your sleep) instead of being utter garbage
I think the easiest why to get Nintendo to fuck off is to get them into a lawsuit with the company that is just as sue happy, like Disney (who they apparently have bad blood with) or games workshop.
I already took my meds. You apparently need to work on your spelling and grammar, pink fascist.
This. Its bullshit. Other industries require you to uphold it at every twist and turn but somehow they can selectively enforce it here? Sounds like a megacorp game company got the rules chsnged so they can have patents and only enforce it when they see a game they dont like.
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@JSDF @NationalDiet @Hirohito
>Then why are you defending an ark asset flip
I am not. I could care less about how good or bad palworld is, I'm just against the lawsuit because it sets a bad precedent (If pp loses, Nintendo could go after actual good Pokelikes and win, and other AAA companies with similar "rotting franchises" could follow suit, i.e EA suing any potential simslikes, etc)
And actually, no, I haven't played "monster catcher garbage" since I was like 18.
Read the room. By "pink fascists" I actually mean SJW trannies (aka you)
I feel like most of the "nintendo defenders" trying to say that anyone who hates Nintendo, their jew business practices, and their tranny fans are "commie trannies" are all trolls trying to get a reaction out of /v/
That or they really are nintentrannies
>they even tried to make the second hand market for video games not exist
This is why Switch 3 will be all digital
Yes it does, have you played the games?
It doesn't actually matter if they can, they just need to exist to be part of the pile of patents used to justify legal action to cowtow competitors. They have to either cowtow to the patent holders and pay a settlement, or take it to court and risk paying more over a lengthy legal battle. Either way the patent holder wins because their competition is either paying them or financially ruined.
Tendies are the only ones actively not buying remakes retard
>Stop worshipping e-celebs
I don't, and I got the information that cements my belief that Nintendo is shit from sources that are decidedly NOT e-celebs (i.e news articles, and this very site)
>Why didn't games like yo-kai watch or temtem get fucked?
Because they were on Nintendo platforms, so Nintendo benefits from their success directly and indirectly. It's in their best interest not to attack them
>other companies have made equally vague and dumb patents
>Nintendo has gone on the offensive with the vague and dumb patents
There's a difference
>because Nintendo didn't like the idea of people making extra money off their games
kek you niggers make me laugh. you only know about this type of shit when nintendo is involved, you memory hole it otherwise. there were many companies pissing themselves over video game rentals, not just nintendo.
Yes, that's what you're doing, actual tranny.
>Other slopanies do it, therefore it's ok for Nintendo to do it
It's not OK to do it at all, god I hate consoomers
Whataboutism doesn't make it any less worse
Gonna patent jumping out of pure spite against Nintendo
Pokemon hasn't been good since B2W2 desu
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>Patents like this have been around for every can be very easily avoided with the slightest difference
Yeah, just like, don't have your character do anything..
never said it was okay you worthless fucking faggot.
never said it was any less bad you worthless fucking faggot.

my entire goddamn point you cocksuckers only ever give two shits when nintendo's involved. that vimm's lair fiasco had roms taken down by nearly everyone, but everybody just gave two shits about the nintendo roms.
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NTA but just because there isn't one doesn't mean there won't be.
>>>689657146 (You)
>never said it was okay you worthless fucking faggot.
>>>689657146 (You)
>never said it was any less bad you worthless fucking faggot.
>double reply
You okay buddy?
The patent expired in 2015, and once that happened, there was exactly one game that took advantage of it- the original Splatoon. 10 years since then passed, and Splat now does what every other game that was denied minigames in loading screens do- S2 just did nothing, and S3 lets you do free practice with usual mechanics.
*puts gun against your head*
okay but name one time I've killed you before
>no u
I fucked up, trying to remake my post. captcha's been fucky lately.
>S2 just did nothing
Wrong, S2 did uh
buttons made the game make funny noises
The out come will not be the way the lay man will want. There are several possible outcomes that don't include trivializing frivolous software patents.
Imagine if the devs of space invaders patented game AI and kept extending it. Things would have been so different.
>more no u
This. Imagine Natsume or whatever going after Stardew Valley
Bros you telling me I cant have my character riding a horse?!?!?
>calls someone a tranny
>uses "xister" unironically
Again, you're the tranny here. Pot, kettle, etc
Yeah, but technically the real Harvest Moon is made by Marvelous, Natsume just owns the name now and makes their own farming sims. Look it up it's a long and complicated story
>riding a horse should be exclusive to zelda
Nintendo defending troll-trannies are getting real desperate huh
But rolling ball with a different with a different speed is another thing.
Sue nintendo for using computers in the game.
>Imagine if the devs of space invaders patented game AI and kept extending it. Things would have been so different.
Nintendo originally contracted Ikegami to reverse engineer games and design + program the first handful of arcade games, including Donkey Kong. They even went to the point of creating the jumping mechanic as chronicled in a book they published full with schematics and what happened behind the scenes. Miyamoto’s original pitch consisted a game about moving platforms made of steel to board on to and it was Ikegami that did the jumping design. Only ONE channel has brought this to light in addition to Metroid ripping off Space Cobra and 3 other science fiction stories; one of which had a literal Screw attack logo (the thunderbolt) before Metroid was even a thing.

This company owes so much to others yet gaslights everyone to thinking they are original. Sure they have some cool games, but it definitely doesn’t come from their own ideas.
No they don't. You can copy nintendo games and get away with it.
Yeah I get it confused. How one screws up and lets the publisher take the English name of the game is beyond me.
Uhh what? I was mocking that theyve got it patented. It's definitely high risk, you so much as make a game that registers a blip on their radar and you couldve very be sued over such a simple mechanic copied from real life.
Sue Nintendo out of existence. Bankrupt it now. Disney should obliterate them.
Meanwhile devs like Sakurai and Horii (afaik) actively acknowledge their inspirations and never (to my knowledge at least) imply their games are really an original concept, just a "streamlining of an existing one"
I.e Sakurai made smash bros after wanting to streamline fighting games, made kirby's air ride when wanting to make a racing game with a unique mechanic/control-scheme, etc.
Plus Horii even names his inspirations. DQ was made because he was addicted to Ultima and Wizardry, and the party chat mechanic in DQ7 was made because he was addicted to Diablo
>Sue Nintendo out of existence. Bankrupt it now
I wouldn't go that far
They aren't good either
The entirety of JRPG's foundation started from ripping off Ultima/Akalabeth and Wizardry. They were very popular in Japan and all the OG nip devs cited playing them as inspiration.
Since I dont like msot of the big companies, simply their games, it'd be nice to see them suddenly just self annihilate each other but they're too smart for that. Theyre like large nations who simply use the patents against the smaller one ie indie devs who start getting too big for their own liking
Commodore 64 says it's their turn to sue nintendo for riding a horse.
Yeah, exactly, but at least they cited them. Nintendo doesn't.
Nintendo deserve it worse. Even WB isn't that evil as Nintendo.
even if Palworld somehow managed to emerge victorious out of this they'll be left with no money and Nintendo will have achieved their purpose anyway
Katamaribros we are cooked
Who the fuck cares what "your own knowledge" is worth? Sakurai himself called Smash Bros. "the antithesis of fighting games" in his Game Concepts video. Why don't you just shut the fuck up when you don't know what you're talking about.
lawsuits use previous cases as evidence
if Nintendo loses they set a precedent that these sort of dumb ass patent lawsuit are bull and are more likely to get thrown out if they try it again in future

but even thats being extremely optimistic
kikes gonna kike
Basically Disney and Warner Brother holds almost all patents since the beginning, they can cancel all Japanese companies buy one word, even Nintendo and Konami.
OK, see you in court. They have petitioned your publisher have have got your game delisted pending litigation. They have 10 lawyers. Your move?
>I don't believe you
Order for the plaintiff, judgement award is 10 million dollars. You can file an appeal in 6 months.
Why not patent videogames then. Just go for the jugular.

>"Any electronic medium that engages a personage to interact with it, that contains elements of storytelling and interaction (hereafter "gameplay") where the patron uses an implement to interact in different ways with the media (hereafter "Game mechanics") and contains one or multiple beginnings of interaction, and resolutions of those interactions within a timeframe....

Imagine using legalese so only you can make video games. No need to compete when no one else can make video games.

Companies have been doing it all wrong up until this point. Pay off politicians so they wont hit you with anti trust, with the company themself only having to take a small PR hit every election cycle when politicians have to gear up with the obligatory empty promise speech about legislation to break you up, among other things.
thanks for not being a retard.
Patents are bullshit concept anyway. Try to force them somewhere in Australia and see what would happen.
Pocket Pair has a joint venture with Sony and the game is coming to the PS5
Personal computers will destroy any console company in the court.
The patent holder chooses what to file injunctions against. Console companies wouldnt work to take over computers, personal or otherwise. They would use it to push companies out of the videogame space, and make it theirs.
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>Bad business everywhere, the system is clearly corrupt and things keep getting worse
>Nobody gets in trouble because everyone has everybody paid off
They have patented Nunu. I wonder if they will have the balls of enforcing this o Riot.
How old are you? it's literally been this way since your great great great grandad was sperm in his dad's balls
What are we doing to change it?
Depends on the country.
In countries where you have no rights like America, yes.
If someone invents something, they must be compensated for their accomplishments.
>Nintendo Patented Katamari Damacy
>Nintendo doesn't make Katamari Damacy
Nintendo Copyright trolling doesn't work anywhere that's not Japan or Muttland because of the TPP. These retarded patents that Nintendo keeps getting rubber stamped? Guess what? They can do the same thing in America because of the retarded clauses of the TPP.

We don't get these kinds of lawsuits because if a Japanese company started shutting down American companies with patents like "Rolling a ball", it would basically kill the TPP. Democrats and Republicans alike already want it dead and buried.
They're going to settle. Everyone is stupid to think they'll fight it.
the settlement amount will be in no way equivalent to the money they made so there's no reason to worry. Palworld 2 will happen
i'm gonna make a game based entirely on nintendo patents, including the likeness of the generic placeholder characters
That's because its okay when other companies do it. I'm old enough to remember Xbox fanboys calling people poor for not being able to afford Xbox Live. But the minute Nintendo started charging for online, suddenly that was the most evil greedy thing for a company to do.
Nintendo invented ball rolling. Get over it.
Imagine being such a manchild that you think marx would care about consumerist childrens toys and the nepotism wouldn't be as bad if not worse because it's now the state budget you have to vote against with your wallet
Lmao what revisionism and victim complex hybrid is this
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Here's a video explaining how vidya patents work in Japan and the whole Colopl lawsuit:
>In Japan anyone can patent anything
>In the 80s companies and even individuals outside of the vidya industry were patenting popular games they had nothing to do with in order to demand money from developers
>To combat it, developers started patenting everything themselves, from title screens to high score boards. Literally everything.
>To this day it serves as a way to keep outside bad actors from patenting vidya related elements. The developers don't sue each other because they know they all are infringing on each other.
>Despite having hundreds of patents the only time in the past 40 years when Nintendo sued another developer was the Colopl lawsuit:
>Nintendo patented touchscreen joystick in 2004
>Nothing was happening for over a decade despite hundreds of mobile games having touchscreen joysticks
>Colopl decided to patent their own touchscreen joystick and charge money from anyone who wanted to have touchscreen joysticks in their mobile games
>Got bitchslapped by Nintendo
>Mobile games keep using touchscreen joysticks without having to pay anyone
tendies are mentally ill

it's time to stop posting this video because Pocket Pair has not attempted to patent troll in any way, shape, or form.
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Why did you post a pig, pig?

So at the end of the day, this just looks like nintendo trying to quash compeititon instead of some kind of saviour move, or at least until we know what patents they are slamming them over.
Why is Nintendo allowed to do this shit when half of their most iconic music is fucking stolen?

well it is simply, you cannot enforce a copyright or patent in another nation if they do not recognize it or have separate rules.
Japan trying to enforce those things on the EU would risk damaging relations between nations.
I am pretty sure that's a copyright thing, plus I was sure Trump killed that thing in office (and that it was the first thing he did)

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