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Isabelle here! Remember Isabelle thinks YOU and your prompts are awesome!
Remember to be kind everyone
The new Zelda is pretty fun
Fuck you
Eat shit and die
I refuse
It costs nothing to be kind
screw you

and screw you in particular!
Your death would instantly benefit this thread for all eternity and beyond
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Aren't they making alfira a proper party member for durge runs now?
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It wasn't a request
It cost nothing to be a janitor too...
The fuck you gonna do? Beat up my dick head with the back of your throat? Get out of here.
What did bing mean by this
It's over
I suppose so
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I mean, novelty like any other AI, right? They're all fun toys to play with.
Being kind is for nerds.
I like being kind to everyone but you'll never know who I am because I am anonymous, thank you for this.
I've been meaning to mess with it some more but haven't been able to. Neat
who the FUCK is momo
non euclidean pants
>very pointy nose,grainy 80's anime, minimalistic painting, squiggly sketchy messy ink linesflat color, landscape view, angled, standing on marbled floor, scale freckles, very rude hand gesture, very arrogant smug smile, head tilted back, standing on top of table, very long pointy nose, extremely smug woman, elf, very long messy frilly jet black hair with blunts bangs, sharp teeth, red slit eyes, green witch hat, wearing red robes, leaves, flowers, magical library wallpaper,
You're really going to run out this subscription and not make any porn aren't you
Watch your FUCKING mouth when talking to me.
how do you know he isn't making porn
I've made plenty myself and only posted a small fraction
>fetish for handholding or handlocking
>legit the most difficult thing for AI to do out of anything
kek, the dude is screwed
I tried getting a behind shot of my usual tree branch moon prompt, looks like it took behind a little to literally lmao
Thank ya kindly. I really do love failwitch's design
Momo will suck the cum out of your balls
I bet she was skidmarks from not wiping correctly
skelefag get out of here stop trying to sabotage momo because she caught your mousegirl
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i'm so proud of my thread cohorts
I sometimes forget that this thing loves ass
Thanks I suppose
You are NOT my fren/comrade/amigo/m8/bro/dude/buddy/pal/cohort/
Hmmm. You're making me want to prompt Miquella.
ok, companion
Yeah to be honest there's only around two or three anons in these threads that I'd kiss on the lips on a regular basis and only one which I would deep kiss.
That is unfortunate
just say "fuck OCs" like a sane person
I'll never tell.
Doing great, ty
Now there are two of them!
Please tell me (you know who this is.)
You want to circlejerk with me?
I may take some requests once I figure it out properly but you know, if I'm gonna jerk off I'll just go to sadpanda.

Also this. Reminds me of the sex education Monty Python sketch. What's wrong with a nice kiss, NAI? Hm? We can't just STAMPEDE towards the clitoris.

Mamma mia

Oh yes I fucking am.
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prompt anons kissing uwu
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who are you trying to fool? Detective's cases and corkboard...
>panda in particular
ruh roh raggy
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Cute malina, best girl
Blue oni a cute
Glad to hear it
I'll mamma your mia
ai porn unironically lacks the perverted soul of drawn erotica
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prompt anons kissing their sisters UMU
Mia means my in Italian..
One good chatbot will change your life
Let your thoughts be only of love.
Detective seems more horny than usual today. Who's the lucky OC?
Mm, sadpanda has fallen a long way. But it was shorthand for "anywhere the hentai is"
clem poster is polishing his pillar in dms
theyre making a fuckin mess
Chatbot doesn't understand emotional catharsis, tension, or BDSM.
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Good evenin'
No but seriously, everytime I try to get a behind shot I get ass more often than not. I didn't ask for any sort of the action with the trench coat in pic related, it just removes it on its own lmao
that's a name for it I suppose
i'll never get the appeal of that clem character
live hell reaction
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I know that anon...
Cute! Cute!
Blame bing not me
Less than likely
Howdy frenchie, good to see ya
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>I may take some requests once I figure it out properly
Just before you do, make a few generic positions with Detective and churn out a collection of 50 or so that you can bank because 80% of your requests will be that.
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Anon you might need to get that pillar of yours polished before you go crazy with these scenarios
Cute. I think it's a bit early for me to start posting horny Helltaker pics, though.
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Hello Ram sir I am requesting the detective getting sex fucking in pussy ass and hole
The more I hear about this Sun fella, the more I want to marry him
I smell bakas
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Very cute malinas anon
I'm so sorry ram. I really am.
Howdy neco arc, no arguments here
Make sure it's John, Fat Enforcer or Impressionist Brushstrokes Knight fucking detective
i-it's the food, I swear
Howdy Frenchie

Ram... might go full bitch mode and refuse any Detective gens on the basis of my OC being cuter than his. No I'm not pouting and crossing my arms, you are.

You got cash? I'll marry you, no prenup tho haha
Up from your nap I see.
Don't do this to Klonoa. Hasn't he suffered enough?
wonder why
Don't forget to clear your cache every now and then.
Sun will fuck and suck for pokemon cards and vbucks
I guess you can't have shade without the Sun, holy shit...
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Who the fuck is birdemic?
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>my OC being cuter than his
new thread rivalry dropped
clear all cache
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thread is at a solid B grade atm
Shut up cuck
Sorry anon, sweetpea only as far as I can tell
For me it's a literal rock with green pants
Anon with a trip "birdemic", haven't seen him in forever
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autistic /g/ poster that sometimes visits us
>Anon with a trip "birdemic",
If he has a trip he isn't a anon, dipshit
Come now. Don't you want a more kindly world?
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No, "I have a dream." That one day, every person in this nation will control their OWN destiny. A land of the TRULY free, dammit. A nation of ACTION, not words. Ruled by STRENGTH, not committee. Where the law changes to suit the individual, not the other way around. Where power and justice are back where they belong: in the hands of the people! Where every man is free to think -- to act -- for himself! Fuck all these limp-dick lawyers and chicken-shit bureaucrats. Fuck this 24/7 Internet spew of trivia and celebrity bullshit. Fuck "American pride". Fuck the media! Fuck all of it! America is diseased. Rotten to the core. There's no saving it -- we need to pull it out by the roots. WIpe the slate clean. BURN IT DOWN! And from the ashes, a new America will be born. Evolved, but untamed! The weak will be purged, and the strongest will thrive -- free to live as they see fit
Sup. How long can it last?

You gonna get fat with all your food raiding lately

Getting ready for the next one too.
Cute. We can go lower
I suppose so
Is that where he is? Huh
No... not like this... not sunbro...
Fuck kindly miquella, all my homies hate kindly miquella
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My main issue is the necktie usually comes out like crap on local because anime styles loves doing that short necktie. So outside of that the only interesting thing you can do with her design is something like using the necktie as a blindfold or something otherwise it's no longer the character. Any rear view shots have issues because the AI can't handle stuff like that similar to controllers where it'll just be backwards so you just get a turned around necktie instead of the back of one.

It's just limiting and no I'm not seething at all don't tell me I'm mad I'm not!!
Damnit the line to suck detective's dick is so long. Will you guys hurry up?
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wait your turn skelefag
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Hey, good to see you too. A neat style of gen here, great atmosphere
Why hello
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Here's a Sonic version.
Wouldn't have come to this if it weren't for your connection to the House of L*ncaster. I am kidding of course, and while I know you know that, I have to spell it out because my autism compels me. All OCs are equally cute. Except Chocowolf who we can all agree is the hottest.

Yeah I was already sick of fighting NAI for the tie on those Satori gens.
I feel he would look better in a toga rather than a kimono
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>A Rouge the bat from the Sonic franchise(black spandex outfit,femme,green eyes,anthro bat,blue eyelids,white short hair,dark violet tiny wings,peach colored skin(muzzle,ears,arms),pink heart print on chest,upper body chest Exaggerated) rendered in the luxurious style of Art Deco Elegance, with geometric patterns and opulent details, using rich, contrasting hues of violet and black to highlight the sophistication and glamour, micro details, digital art, ilustration
Nonsense, I feel great!
>Chocowolf who we can all agree is the hottest
damn it ain't just the taste in music that sucks
bring your character on an autumn drive
My OC wants nothing to do with any of you losers
Cross that fucking gate. I double dare you.
Not my tiny drawer of heart candies, this is outrageous
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remember to stay hydrated bros
looking forward to Uzumaki Saturday
a shame Dalle4 couldn't possibly yoink any of it for slopping
>Chocowolf who we can all agree is the hottest.
You're batshit insane!
Cute loaf
Let us go together...
Cute mischievous frenchie.
That's just what "robe" defaulted to. This is quite nice. Thanks for the suggestion!
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Funnily enough, when I was doing the 'ective requests for anons I never had THAT problem. Tie was always long. So long sometimes that it would equate the tie to being the dude's dick and she'd be getting railed by her own neckwear.
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ego crushed
finally, some good fucking food
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Blue oni...
Aye I'll drink to that i don't drink, but in spirit i agree
Thanks frenchie
Ram... and I suppose you could tell from the floofy hair instead
Based detective the third. Also lmao
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>Don't do this to Klonoa
Are we doing the anniversary on the 29th or the 1st
Senator Armstrong...
I said RUGGED you stupid machine!
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>Impressionism, a cosily sleeping A Rouge the bat from the Sonic franchise(black spandex outfit,femme,green eyes,anthro bat,blue eyelids,white short hair,dark violet tiny wings,peach colored skin(muzzle,ears,arms),pink heart print on chest) in a fairytale like ornamental bed , created with soft, blurred brushstrokes, impressionist technique, textured strokes, vibrant color contrasts, light-filled, vivid, atmospheric. dreamlike text “Bat tats!” hovering above it
very cute
Absolutely lovely gen, prompt?
She's very hot, blue flame is always the hottest
Go halves and do the 30th.
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Das it mane
i thought this was going to be a detective image catbox what the fuck
She said she'd kill me unless I said that, help.

>she'd be getting railed by her own neckwear
You just know that if Detective was a mainstream character that'd be a doujin plot.
Get in line to ride detective's dick faggot
Suppose I did lead you on, looking back at it
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>They call me The Handyman.
I'm sticking to the oldest slop I have saved that I myself got out of Dalle3
which would be October 1st right before noon EST
though I'll be starting early in the morning, since proton is a bitch now and auto-assigns IPs on the free version, so I'll only be able to run one burner in BIC rather than risk associating all the burners with a single IP and putting up a possible auto-flag for microsoft to fuck me after finally getting accounts to not get locked within 24 hours
All hands on dick
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Accidentally replied, it's over.
Dudetective back again
>doujin plot
A truly horrific necktie...
It wasn't meant to be
it's an oooooold messy prompt so try this
>digital manga art in the style of john william godward. noble pose. tall ethereal lady black halo with long curly white hair wearing a iconic red and navy blue uniform with the typical features and austria flag armband,wearing cavalry hat,medals.the blue/black overcoat and the red/black gaiters,ethereal glowing smoky wolf behind her.glowing teal/red ghostly Epidermis.covered in ghostly aura.no face.face is covered in shadows.barbedwirepoppy fields starry night
SHAME *ringading*
I let my IP get associated after the VPN logging all the time and never recieved a ban. Microsoft has way too many users to give a shit about IP bans
I think you are probably the literal hottest. Followed closely by Ginny and the Demon family.
It's okay thank you for relenting.
Oh shit Cute gen, you're right about choco
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Back off you bunch of incels. The only one pounding that sweet sweet detective pussy is ME! I already hang out between her tits so it's only natural that I spread those cheeks and dip in.
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>A striking image of an A Rouge the bat from the Sonic franchise(black spandex outfit,femme,green eyes,anthro bat,blue eyelids,white short hair,dark violet tiny wings,peach colored skin(muzzle,ears,arms),pink heart print on chest,upper body chest Exaggerated) adorned with a floral pattern skin in a Chicano art style.
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This is a really cute style
Very comfy
>literally gets to paizuri her every single day
it isnt fucking fair
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Let the thread love happen...
You like Skull Knight don't you?
how does it feel having done the some shit for a year now
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forgor image
Which posters should get married with each other, haha?
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beautiful tits
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Fucking kek. Read it in the horrific necktie's voice
It's a me
romance/character interaction potential
>Priestelf (rejected)
>Punkelf (goes to her concerts)
>Ginny (platonic friendship)
>Failwitch (magical apprentice, almost turned into a stew by her on a daily basis)
Brushstrokes knight:
>Listchan (battle of the toxic egos, rivals to lovers, insane hatesex)
>Landsknecht (merc)
>Listchan (infatuated since she's based of a nintendo property)
>Isabelle (nintendo)
Skull knight:
>Yellow Gobbo (OTP, vanilla couple)
>Detective (OTP, old married couple vibe, opposites attract)
Fat Enforcer:
>Purple tiefling (don't bully me tiefling)
>Chocowolf (their battle will be legendary, the plap heard around the world)
>BWOchako (BWC)
>Coffeechan (aquaintances, they sometimes bump into each other at the same cafe after a long night of gooning and work respectively)
>Purple Tiefling (buys her onlyfans)
Demon son:
>Ginny (OTP, awkward couple)
>Detective (platonic mentor, parental figure)
>Dragon Girl (friends)
Brown Coat Lalafell:
>Purple tiefling (her pimp)
Red Poncho Lalafell:
>Detective (platonic adventuring buddies)
>Dogurai (platonic adventuring buddies)
>Failwitch (OTP, mega tsundere)
>Landsknecht (merc)
>Demon mom (aquaintances, they're both chinese)
>Demon mom (rejected)
Mr. Poo Poo Pee Pee:
>Chocowolf (criminal business associates)
>Detective (aquaintances, occasional rivals)
>Slime (she's just as slimey as he is)
>Gunelf (shady dealings)
Sir Snackques:
>Slime (tries to eat her)
>Coffeechan (platonic, loves her coffee)
>Dogurai (platonic dungeon exploring buddies)
>Sage (obvious)
>Purple Tiefling (rivals)
>Ginny (hellish associates)
>Demon mom (abyssal associates)
>Detective (friendly rivals, fucks with her, stated by omi anon himself that she's the only one he takes any interest in)
The Dubious Dr Comic: Detective (friendly rivals, they play foosball on the weekends)
Chevalier du Far West:
>French Knight (obvious)
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Thanks, she is clearly enjoying her adventures
No problem
The only skelefag I like is the red one
How many of these responses do you have compiled because I feel it's mostly you and maybe one other anon cataloging all of these
aieeeee autism
Don't forget to stay hydrated
I use the archive >:3
the actual brazilian miku
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Tie-sama... aieeee

Can't really think of any autumnal driving music so I'll post this. kinda feels like the end of summer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASTdQsJ8wKA
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Frenchie always a cute
>landsknecht (merc)
Love slueth, ottomanon
Very cute
Thank you kindly, ottomanon?
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I like red skelefag too
How are you getting a bikini? Or is it not Dalle?
Bing bing wahoo
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Prompt 4 pic related and OP pic please.
I ask for it, dipshit
Try adding this to your prompt "Rocking 400cc implants and sandal thongs"
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the cosmos....
>mfw a bug crawls across my desk and I see it in the corner of my eye
I did not make red skelefag but I wish I did
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Just because you ask for something doesn't mean you'll get it or the dog will let you see it
Fairy Knight Gawain?
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I shared the prompt long ago
search for clear pond in the archives(i just changed the prompt since i ran out of gens)
I jsut amde this
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yeah. sexdog
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The AI's compulsion to give Elsa her ice dress actually made for a neat sweater look here
Genned a bunch of detectives like that awhile ago
>adversiting a poisonous drink
wtf is happening
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what game is she playing
hah what a jarhead
deltarune chapters 3+4
requesting detective
chop chop pornpigs
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Neat, thank you kindly failwitch
uhm buddy that is, like, not cool?
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Mercy, ser
holy shit
Bit rude
She plays Pokémon with mono bug teams, here she's letting you watch too.
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instructions unclear
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>prompt some porn
>big boobie lady with some penis and lots of sex (mega orgasm)
>negatives: red necktie
Heh..nothing personnel kiddo
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Tie is long enough to be a pseudo tentacle
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Need chart anon
absolutely devilish
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How sweet
unhinged fatherless (and probably gay) behavior
hell thats a strong ochako
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How'd you know?
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Does 'some' penis refer to the number of penises present or how much of the penis is formed?
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Pastoral was somewhere in this prompt, wasn't it?
I like his charts
Wuthering heights detective...
Truly making it less than likely eh?
They say that if you eat enough cheese, you can simulate the euphoric feeling that opioid provides
Just eat sesame seeds
Is that actually AI?
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cockroach girls are born to be futas
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For some reason the don't starve arstyle gets her hair the most consistently correct. That and bloodborne tarot cards. Wonder why
My least favorite pasta
>rabbit witch

Bush brigade
>incest elf
>french knight
>not momiji wolf
>yellow gobbo
>gobbo witch

>demon mom
>fat enforcer
>priest elf
>gore elf
>post elves elf
>green gobbos
>chevalier du far west

>purple tiefling
>sir snaques

>the lalafells
>demon son
>pink lemonade vampire
>skeleton knight
>Impressionist knight
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It's got to be better than that
you wanna feel good? then eat some of THIS *unzips duck*
It was whatever the last leaked official prompt was, so sure
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Better but still bland
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wish granted
Had a dream about brushknight actually, he took me on a holiday to Dubai and kept calling me poor. He then booked some prostitutes for us but he just sat teaching his prostitute English and then punched her.
The case of the possessed tie
>leaked official prompt
I mean, I'll share whatever anons want
pretty based ngl
Yes. FurryNAI is strong.
*wraps itself around a wooden beam and hoists you up by the neck*
n'wah how is this vidya
Detective compatible with anyone but sticks to Enforcer. Less than likely she'll choose your OC over Enforcer.
John compatible with every female OCs
Raccoon compatible with any gay OCs, furry OCs and futa female OCs
Slime/Goat/Bat compatible with cute or wholesome OCs
Plapper compatible with anyone
Gooner compatible with degenerate OCs
Ram compatible with anyone
Sun compatible with schizo and dorky OCs
Purple tiefling compatible with almost any male OCs and some female OCs, ships a lot with brown coat lalafell and Skull Knight
Gato compatible with any furry OCs and any futa female OCs
Skull Knight compatible with all goblin OCs and purple tiefling
Ludwig not compatible with anyone and will shoot any ship down.
Fail Witch compatible with all edgy OCs and occult/elf OCs
Impressionist Knight compatible with anyone willing to pretend to be his slave and worship him
Frenchie compatible with any knight OCs and noble OCs
Dogurai compatible with all furry OCs especially Goat, John too
Ginny compatible with anyone willing to put up with her shit. Mostly Demon son and raccgoon
Demon son compatible with any OC into shota and all loli OCs like dragon girl
Dragon girl compatible with any OC into loli and all shota OCs like Demon son
Demon mom compatible with any royalty OC and OC with strong fighting power
List compatible with anyone willing to listen to her complain and take her insults. Mostly Detective
Coco Wolf aka female plapper compatible with all OCs
Coffee Chan compatible with anyone who will give her coffee
Jade compatible with most male OCs
The Doubious Dr Comic compatible with anyone willing to put up with him
Oscar compatible with all evil OCs
Niggario compatible with anyone that likes Nintendo as much as him.
Gore elf compatible with anyone into gore or pugs
Gunner elf compatible with anyone that likes guns and gambling
Mariafag compatible with anyone that likes gambling and getting insulted
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I am not chart-kun, but I admire his work.
Bottom-right is too damn cute. She's lovely.
You know, I'm a fan of onis as well...
really nigga? you're asking that NOW??
Ohh, nice choice.

That seems about right desu
No way, it's that girl from the star wars game that flopped
Makes sense, most furries do have the disposable income for that.
You're a fan of fat hairy ugly bastard with their huge belly on your back pounding your butthole to smithereens
Cool gen, makes me think of the of the roseate desire ego but less it's whole deal. Would probably be exactly the opposite
For me it's bottom left
Luv me onis, simple as
well while we're doing this
taking a trip to the aquarium
>remove tie
Aight bing. Well I'm outta here anons, have a good one. Keep on prompting and stay safe out there
I heard that game was hot garbage lmao
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the ai really wants it to be cute
Why is /aco/ into beastiality and BLACKED shit?
because those are both the same fetish
Low self-esteem reflected into degradiation of women.
The spooky season is upon us, what are the best games for Halloween?
Good bye Detective, have a good one
Your best one yet but you repost too much
Same. I was briefly infatuated with the idea of a white oni companion for Ginny during your absence, lol.
Take care, Detector!
The A.I. is right to. Also this one is INSANELY adorable, saved. Cute + terrifying is god tier anon, I love your stuff.
Ooo, cool. Spooky.
Outside is scary, i have heard people get ass raped there.
close the threads
>sorry, but your post was too lewd, teehee
lol shit porn is better
Night chief
>The spooky season is upon us, what are the best games for Halloween?
Playstation's late 90s classic Medieval. Okage Shadow King, Dead by Daylight, the Quarry. Life is Strange takes place in October 2013.
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it's joever
>'tective gone
>Ginny posting
Yeah no let's leave
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Isabelle’s little red rocket
>sun and ram refusing to gen detective
>ginny from left field with the detective bunda
big dreamy wahoobas...
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I'm very sorry. How can I better serve you?
Am I so transparent with the styles I use? I just like wamudraws.
I see the McDonald's death squads finally caught Wendy.
kill yourself
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Good night
Fail Witch
Coco Wolf
Demon mommy

The Doubious Dr Comic
Mr poo poo pee pee
Skull knight
Elf priest
Impressionist knight
Purple tiefling

Coffee chan
Demon son
Dragon girl

Brown coat lalafell
Impressionist knight
Fail Witch
Purple tiefling
Wario/waluigi poster
Kermit poster

Red poncho lalafell
Coffee chan
Clem&Elsa poster
Paula poster
Isabelle poster
Demon son
Demon Mom
Dragon girl
>clem has that one glossy style
>sun doesnt do lewds
>ram does catbox porn
process of elimination of people that lewd OCs
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Alright who's having the melty on /co/ right now?
Maybe a quick bite would be ok
>Unironically playing Life is strange
I'm so glad, I'm not gay
not me
yuribros our response?
now the thread goes from shit to plain awful
Who care's?
No need to be gay. Being slightly emo is enough.
"Detective..." poster...he'll be back tomorrow don't worry
I like LiS but yeah, he's just WRONG
the real game to play is Bully
Damn...Why else should I make cheesecake/ecchi of?
A bit from Sun might be problematic.
Who cares?
I sleep
let him take another vacation
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put her in a diaper
with a red bow on it
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>detective leaves
>immediately lewded
The guy that mass replies asking for prompts mostly to Isabelle posts. He got image banned from /v/ and cried about it on /co/ a few days back
I...don't think I should do that.
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>when you have too much to eat at vampire fangsgiving
detective was being pretty lewd tonight..
look on the brightside, sun tied with detective on the fuck poal
do sun taking a bite out of that
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Ram: huge penis|huge testicles|moderate bright red pubic hair (when futa) and small penis|huge testicles|no pubic hair (when trap)|circumcied
List: small penis|medium testicles|no pubic hair, tiny head, bends to the right from masturbating|circumcised
Detective: medium penis|medium testicles|moderate pubic hair, usually straight shaft|circumcised| has arousal disorder
Slime: medium gelatinous snail penis|medium testicles|no pubic hair, very pointy head|uncut
Bat: small penis|medium testicles|moderate pubic hair|uncut
Goat: large penis|large testicles|immense pubic hair, balls are the largest out of all the OCs|circumcised
Fail Witch: long penis|huge testicles| landing strip, not very girthy but very long| circumcised
Purple Tiefling: huge purple penis|large testicles|dangeriously immense pubic hair|piercings|circumcised
Gato: medium spiked cat penis|small testicles|immense pubic hair|circumcised
Ginny: medium bright red penis|medium testicles|moderate pubic hair| small horns on head|circumcised
Frog Goblin Witch: small green penis|small testicles|moderate pubic hair| yellow head|uncut
French knight: moderate penis|large testicles|immense pubic hair|pleasant smell|uncut
Clown girl: small polkadot penis|huge red testicles|rainbow afro pubic hair|honks|uncut
it's the fanservice chapter after a long haitus
Yurifriends will not be dissuaded
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>glossy style
I just like how Aetherion draws, very appealing. Wamudraws seems to be something everyone with NAI uses. Me too, sometimes.
Just a shame NAI anime doesn't grasp Jen very well, he draws her really cute.

Tummychan of course
can you keep your OC faggotry in your pants?
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nah, it's entertaining, like a zoo
You're one of the monkeys in the cage tho
Nevermind and carry on
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Wringed an odd grinning potato out of it
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>This gorilla... He can do it.
Dispite all my rage I'm just an onion in a cage
Detective and thee case of the oopsie poopsie!
Now prompt her shitting herself and shaking a baby rattle
but sun in the diaper instead
she needs it since the incident
Heh, you big dork.

Don't know why I laughed so hard
Sun just shits and pisses while walking
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On the scale of very to less than, how likely is this?
More than likely
Doesn't look like flux knows what a baby rattle is. Will keep rolling.
How about baby bottle?
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Ginny you just couldn't help yourself huh after seeing all those juicy wet (you)'s
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I told you guys that Ginny was a super freak
Now do Ginny in that same getup as punishment
>when ginny ends up being a bigger degenerate than ram
Why am I not surprised when his character was chastising people for being horny. It's always those types
I though that was obvious
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What have you done?
>Why am I not surprised when his character was chastising people for being horny
He wanted people to goon even back then
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Where were you during the third great ginnycoin crash of '24?
well I want him goone
>detective had a diaper fetish this whole time
fucking disgusting
These threads are just glorified discord groups.
No wonder mods removed IP counter, there are like only 10-20 people posting at best.
>damage control
Surely, nobody thinks this is attractive.
can't wait for sun's horny heel turn
Real heterosexual men do.
nuke the thread
Purchase Jinny coin.
Nuke the bread
Ginny you can save this, use that same expression but detective showing the viewer her fat tits and abs
once you get locked into a serious porn addiction, the tendency is to push it as far as you can
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tabula rasa
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doesn't quite like baby bottle either. Will try a different phrase.
Hope you'll be a good little piggy next thread, yes?
All *inny coins are in freefall.
I have no problem with people being horny, I love Ram after all.
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no no no buy MINNY coin!
>she stores all her tobacco for her self rolled cigarettes in her Detective Diaper
very cute! more!
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First clem making detective blacked now this...
thread rating everyone?
>when ginny ends up being a bigger degenerate than ram
now now let's not go overboard. Hard to beat fapping to a small dicked horse
And the listening to goat screeching noises while watching a slideshow of ram
Best thread in months
This is still a lie the metadata is on my side and not yours you can't use me as a distraction right now ginny
I'm saying what ginny is doing is bad too
I know that feel...

an avant-garde classic for the ages
where's the fucking new thread
Too short
ginny cringe
sun cringe
failwitch, you still here? ALSO CRINGE
I'm baking DON'T make one
What would detective say if he saw you guys
Shame on you
cuckQUEAN not cuckOLD
wtf no im not
just baked~
John: small penis(no shaft)|medium testicles|no pubic hair|circumcised|suffers from ED
Gooner: small penis covered in dick cheese|dangerously huge testicles|immense pubic hair|uncut|horrid smell
Plapper: huge penis|huge testicles|immense pubic hair|slight curve upwards|uncut
Skull Knight: bone|none|no pubic hair
Enforcer: large penis (thick)|huge testicles|immense pubic hair|sweaty and musky|uncut
Fat enforcer: medium penis (thick)|medium testicles|immense pubic hair|circumcised| smelly and oily
Lalafell boy: small penis with large head|medium testicles|no pubic hair|circumcised
Demon son: small penis with small head|small testicles|moderate pubic hair|circumcised
Ludwig: large penis and girthy|large testicles|moderate pubic hair|uncut
Omi: medium penis(bends downwards)|medium testicles|no pubic hair|circumcised
Oscar: medium spiky cat penis|small testicles|moderate pubic hair|detachable|circumcised|makes funny loony toon noises
No... I cant believe I fell for it...
he would say "howdy" and "how's it hangin'?"
Just about to post it hold on
"Less than likely"
is it just me or is the sterilizer just a worse pick then the flamethrower in most situations?
Prompt please.
Not biased at all
ludwigs penis is small
shut up john
You were too slow anon
i love it here i'm staying
i want to ruffle detectives hair as we lay under the stars and i'm tired of pretending otherwise
Ludwig has a little willy pecker


Hi L I S T / Wario / Waluigi / Luigi / Ludwig poser
Frenchie is too pure for these threads
I want to change Detective's diaper while she lets out the cutest little toots and her face turns as red as her neck tie
you were wrong 5 times
Don't steal paula's thing he'll get mad
I'm gonna say this once: y'all are gutless simps
frenchie is a SLUT
She's french
Prompt pls.
Lmao that instant reply in less than 30s
just plain old sex
Hold on I'm baking and if you bake now there's gonna be two threads
Wait I am already baking
Just took some edibles, about to goon my fucking ass off
I'd like to take this moment to thank the amazing moderation staff here at 4chan. It's been a wonderful, spam-free day. I will be renewing my 4chan pass for sure. I might even buy the 3-year pack!
Still waiting on those diaper Ginnys, don't think I forgot. Maximum humiliation
well yes I'm sitting here waiting for bakepiggy with nothing else in the meantime
well they should've done a better job and REMOVE OC
Keep coping L I S T
ocs > video games
Bakepiggy is playing games with us, he keeps saying he's baking but its lie.
Naughty bakepiggys need to be corrected~
call me a red tie the way i be in between her knockers
Which OP image do you guys want?
Please gen naughty little bake piggy in a diaper covered in stinky booty juice!!!
No I am baking just need to run down to Walmart to borrow their Wifi
kissing sun on the mouth...
oh, how wrong you are my young friend
Video games are for kids
I can make a thread now but you guys need to tell me which OP image you want
No don't I'm already basically done baking
thread on /co/ dead, eh?
This but Goat
I'm baking... oh god I'm baking...!
This is absolutely the worst end of thread bantz in the history of these threads
i bet she kisses with an insane amount of saliva, one kiss and you're drenched
I blame John
>still no bake
that's it, someone hold him down, I'll get the scissors. bakepiggy lost his penis having privileges
You're a troll anon
IDK how to get sunglasses reliably in the middle of a shirt desu
you're not going to do anything you impotent KEK
an OC
Bake piggies have rightfully killed themselves
gimme uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
a foxgirl
me giving mario a thumbs up saying "nice wall son" in front of a brick wall
DO NOT LISTEN TO >>689679978
Everyanon too scared to bake because they don't want to be mocked for being the double baker...
I would try weighting "eyewear hang" more and then putting things like "eyewear on head" in the negatives. Eyewear on head always seems like it's way stronger whenever prompting sunglasses.
On suicide watch?
I'm already baking................
oh my fucking god
hell nah I'll take the doublebake
Too late...
this is what you fuckheads get
oh for fucks sake Niles
yeah I'm done, fuck y'all
>Non vidya image thread
It's over

you must wait 300 seconds ;)
kinda ironic how john manages to make himself unpopular
70 iq statement
this wouldn't have happened if you posted vidya
So this is how Dall-e on /v/ ends. Not with a bang but with a john
>isn't it weird that the underaged annoyance is disliked wow
FINE ... I am double baking

but if I get in trouble it's your fault
john is based
ill hold your hand sun lets do it together
late xth for fuck NAI pokefaggots

you all have terrible taste, except when it's Lopunny
you just wait a fucking second I am baking
I'm gonna make this double bake into a triple bake~
Real thread :)

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