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How woke is your steam library?
nice try FBI/journo
I'm not giving my info to anyone with an agenda.
I only give my info to people with an agenda, thanks for the link
Buy an ad
If the Feds want to know that I bought Hazumi and the Pregnantion, they could just ask.
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No thanks bro.
I don't use steam.
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I bought life is strange because I thought the story was going in a way different direction
I have plenty of buyers remorse for shit like LiS and undertale and borderlands

but hey, psychonauts 2 was good even if that gay stuff was cringe
Least obvious honey pot
How is Elden Ring woke?
How is armored core 6 woke?
How is witcher 3 woke?
How is half life series woke?
this post glows so much it's blinding me
>Using Steam

Jesus fucking christ, kill yourself.
not entering my info in your doxxing site
In case you never picked up on this, the whole anti-woke movement is one big disengenuous autistic grift.
>if we call everything woke our modern woke games will sell

remember when /v/ used to laugh at trigger warnings
I don't care.
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Is it just gonna flag any game with black protagonists as woke or is it exclusively SBI shit that's flagged?
Is type a/type b shit all it takes to be called woke?
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I'm a frogposter. Please try to be more respectful.
>Has a black in it?
>Haz women it in that isn't there only for you to fap to?
>Did the devs tell you to fuck off with your politics from the steam forum?
>Was it made entirely by pajeets?
Non-woke and based
first time here?
Having woke things are all it takes, yes
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>your steamid is personal info
schizos -> /x/
>if we call everything woke we can claim no one knows what woke means
Fuck off
>is doing woke bullshit all it takes to be called woke?
Yes. Yes it is.
It's flagging Armored Core VI as woke, a game where the only pilots you can see are in dated portraits where they are so covered in static that you can barely make out what they look like. Of course it's going to be flagging everything.
Yes, normal people just call it male/female
Imagine falling for these shitty IP traps and even putting your account ID in there
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Does the black moon howl?
>using the word chud
Already got our answer. Thanks faggot
and the goverment hit squad is on their way
I want some random sweaty basement dwelling tranny to have that info even less than the government, sorry
Women can't even drive and you are expecting them to pilot a robot.
Normal people don't say "I'm body type A". It's essentially a more abstract version of shit like "birthing parent".
>the concept of adoption is beyond retards like this
I bet you where adopted.
Not just that, the shrouded mirror lets you change your sex with no effort, unlike previous games where you had to really work for it.
i ain't clicking that shit for you
>giving away information
I know maga tards fall for scams ALL the time but c'mon
You are thinking of "biological parents".
Birthing parent or birthing person is a term created to refer to women without offending trannies.
>How is Elden Ring woke?
body type A B
sweet botnet
it is a woke element yes. Though Elden Ring is not a "woke game", it does feature that woke shit right at the start.
There are games that are woke at it's core. Like Baldur's Gay 3
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Thank you Saar! Kindly do the needful
>Larry games are woke
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What a retard
Oh this shit glows bright. What the fuck is this that government response that SBI called in?
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ITT falseflaggers pretending to be anti-woke, being hyperbolic caricature of what a marxist game journo thinks anti-woke is
You can always tell a gcn troon because they always repeat the same fucking words over and over without understanding what exactly it is they mean.
yes, it's a falseflag. You'll likely see a bunch or articles written about it soon. How the "chuds" think everything is woke
holy fucking data scam
>think everything is woke
You do though. You cry about it non-stop.
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People gotta try shutting the fuck up about it being some on/off thing, something being a LITTLE woke is fine; when people overdo it, that's the problem. Someone's gotta come up with a scoring system or something.
I swear it's like a false flag thing or something, I saw one anon here a few days go go totally apeshit because a game had one (1) black person in it.

That said, "Type A/B" drives me a bit batty, especially since I can't take B's shirt off. They're apparently not a woman, so those aren't boobs, how DARE they assume my character's gender!!!
It looks right to me, faggot enabler.
nice try. Now go back to twitter.
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If lesbian porn is woke then I guess I ain't never sleepin' again
this website is surprisingly thorough and gives its reasoning. Keep up the good work
>how do you do, fellow kids
You're witnessing part of a huge coordinated well poisoning/optics gayop being run by gcj and some other leftie groups (some with (((NGO))) ties)
Media's in on it and will be running stories about it shortly
I'd hardly put it in the red category just because of that. Especially when other "slightly woke". games on that list are far more egregious.
you cannot see your own infection friend
something bizarre seems normal to you
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It's broken.
fuck off with your falseflag schizo shit
maybe find a raison d'etre that isn't fundamentally a one-drop fallacy?
It's interesting watching such an obvious false flag unfold. What will be the next step?
Will we start hearing that people are getting their accounts hacked by the "anti-woke" people who run this site?
Go away glowie.
The definition of 'woke' has crept to include basically everything because right retards can only see the world in binaries and they need validation so any time someone says "this inane bullshit is also woke" they have to agree wholeheartedly and hand over their movement to the most insane of them. You might remember this phenomenon from the terminally online social justice left retards last decade.
Why are you damage controlling so hard? You even replied to your own post.
more like what a fag
Retarded faggot trying to muddy the waters.
They claimed that Ridge Racers is woke because it has female drivers that are optional but have they own achievements. That means that according to them any game with female playable characters is woke
What's woker, females in a game or blacks?
Projection. Everybody is this thread is calling this bullshit out
it depends entirely on the context
females are about half the population so in some kinds of settings you would expect to see females everywhere
blacks are a tiny fraction and so a black might be ok but if there are blacks all over the place then something fishy is happening unless the game is in africa or something
also if either are more than side characters its woke
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>calls yuri VNs woke
>but not the spyro reignited trilogy with its blatantly gay bara furbait dragon redesigns
yeah okay lmao
This. Even normalfags are waking up to how stupid the ""anti-woke movement"" really is.
lies of p is also not woke
the site does not take into consideration ways you can think about things, but only if it is overtly including things for the purpose of virtue signaling
I think this is just the next step of woketard damage control. They will claim that Stellar Blade is woke because it has a female protagonist and therefore they won
lmao does it really call lies of P woke?
it calls it not woke despite being made for my homosexual appeal
There's a billion Africans in the world. If you go by that factor they would be more likely to appear than whites.
I think the guy who made the list, like most of these woke obsessed retards (like american krogan) is mega gay and in the closet
>but only if it is overtly including things for the purpose of virtue signaling
I think you mean the opposite. Only a false flagger would say that lesbian porn is virtue signaling (I'm referring to a different game they flagged)
This thread glows
This. They're setting up a strawman of their opposition because they can't actually refute their arguments. Faggy behavior.
It's been like 3-5 years and they're still using the "what is woke" defense. These people can only survive when the opposition is getting banned
I'm inserting links of Callisto Protocol.
>not a new IP
Sure mr. glownigger i will give you my id.
mount and blade warband is missing despite the female units, female MC option, and that heir quest where you can put a woman into power
only about 25% of my library is there, since each game is given reasoning im assuming they are working on fleshing it out
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Flagged Darkest Dungeon as woke because of the arbalest.
Picrel makes me think the site is made by an absolute retard.
they also flagged Bannerlord as "not woke" despite the female units and female MC option still existing
I just thought that was pretty funny honestly
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It's not a false flag. Just some dumbass that has a stupidly broad understanding of what "woke" is. When you're accusing any depiction of pro-environmentalism in a game as woke you've gone way too far into the land of conservative brain rot.

In the real world the reason environmentalists often get accused of being woke is because it often comes with the stipulation that climate change affects disenfranchised poor black trans communities more than white people. Environmentalism is not necessarily tied to wokeness.
I'm wondering if they added Pokemon games because there's genderless pokemon
Actually it's because female characters can go to a brothel
Twitter is the one place you can go to see that they actually do call everything woke
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Majima appearing ONCE dressed up as a drag makes Yakuza slightly woke according to this idiot
it's a psyop to muddy the meaning and remove any kind of nooticing
quite the opposite but keep trying gcjtroon
your posinoning the well tactics aren't working btw
you also lost the culture war btw
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no anon, look at this.
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The list isn't about whether a game is good or bad. It's purely about whether it contains any woke messaging or not.
>It's not a false flag.
How many times have you seen an anti-woke person say that "transhumanism" is woke unironically?
eh... that true too
it's a falseflag. That nigger glows
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say no more, fren
What a weird response
You know everyone sees what you're trying to do, right?
Why is dressing in drag for laughs woke anyway. It's one of the most ancient forms of humor.
If you think this is woke or anything to do with a political agenda, ur a grifter chud
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>making anti-woke and DEI list
I almost believe this was specifically made to make anti-wokies looks extreme and retarded.
sure, that's why they gloss over the "woke" stuff in mount and blade
>Why is dressing in drag for laughs woke anyway
Is isn't, that's my point. The guy making that list is a schizo who flags woke everything that contains something even remotely woke.
Won't be surprised if that's the case
>It's not a false flag.
So you are saying that there's a guy that came out of nowhere with enough money and manpower to build this operation? And he and his cohorts just so happen to have a definition that helps the woketards?
Apparently the biggest threat to the anti-wokie movement is letting normal people know how they think
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A few times and they're usually christcucks that think any kind of deviation from Gods master plan is haram.
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The sushi chef is black
It really does seem that way, it makes the anti woke crowd all seem insane instead of just having a problem with consulting firms making changes that ruin existing IPs and creatives selling out for ESG money.

At the end of the day it's really not different from underground music scenes being upset when bands sell out and then the music they were making changed drastically and "went to shit" but the people making the ruined games are so desperate to paint a narrative where everyone that disagrees with them is a bigot.
>money and manpower
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this is got to be the most retarded example of a game containing "woke elements"
Games aren't free and they have a website that checks your steam library >>689699771
What's insane about not wanting to play faggy games, fag?
This thread is absolutely infested with monkeypox.
that's exactly it
the anti-woke movement only works in small bursts: all the grifters on twitter have to agree on a specific game or franchise to target at a time for it to seem consistent
if you throw all their beliefs on a table at once, the rationality of it breaks down completely
I think it's far more likely that an out of work anti-woke dumb fuck made a steam group and reviewed a ton of games than it is for some woke nutter to make a gigabrain high iq play, get a hold of a 14 year old steam profile without any sign of wokeness, then create a steam group and review a ton of games just to own the chuds.
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this has to be bait
I didn't say it automatically makes a game bad, I was just disappointed with how the site (and anons in general) tend to view "woke" trash as being black and white.
At least the site's got a middle ground option, but it's also got the problem where it could be a game about hot lesbians making out and call it "woke" because it's got lesbians in it.

Besides, "woke" shit is more about intent, rather than content.
If it's a game about lesbian catgirls scissoring and licking both pussy and "pussy", that's almost definitely not woke
If it's a game about lesbian catgirls scissoring and licking both pussy and "pussy", they've got pride flags on them, all the men in the game are stupid, and the dev keeps making snarky comments about men in all the game's changelogs, that's probably woke.
If you've got a historical medieval RPG and there's a black guy, an escaped slave who rose up and escaped slavery, now just trying to make a living, that's probably not woke.
If you've got a historical medieval RPG and there's a bunch of black people all over and the mayor is black, and asking why the mayor's black gives you -5 Morality Points, that's probably woke.

Fuck, now I wish there was a historical RPG where it's harder if you're black and/or female. It's cool that M&B does the female thing, but I wish they'd do it with skin color too. Yes, I know South Park did it for skin color.
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the list doesn't count because it doesn't record my futanari games, or KOTOR 2
As if that stops anyone from looking at a trailer and seeing a jogger, then declaring it woke
damage controlling faggot
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Lmao guy who made this is full of shit.
>Enter your steam ID

Saaaaar let me scrape your steam account so i can sell data Saaaaaaaar
If you like games with nigger characters you can go back to resetera.
You will never be a woman.
I haven't played it, what's woke in Days Gone?
nice try on the psyop
this is obviously made by a leftist just like the woke list doc
looks like if a 12 year old tried to make DEI Detected
Days Gone has a character making a speech about how they accept gays and trannies and the main character's biker gang has trouble with racist rednecks.
i am going to call woke on you
Some people have really thin skin, please understand
you're glowing
Well shit thanks for the call out, it was on my list.
Yes like the trannies that complained about it being Male/Female.
>chuds: libtards are so easily triggered!
>also chuds: >>689699771
Explain those games being listed as woke then:
>Yakuza 0: "one of the bosses" dressing as drag (probably Pleasure King, the name was not written) makes it woke
>Yakuza Kiwami: Majima dressing as a drag once makes it woke
>Darkest Dungeon: the arbalest makes it woke
>The Binding of Isaac: Eden having no gender makes it woke
>Super Meat Boy: Jill makes it woke
a whole website they must be rich
>Lesbian doctor
>Biker gang that beats up hecking racist rednecks
>Main villain is a straight white Christian male
hi 4chan I'm furin the creator of this list please tell me what games should be on the woke list
Do you guys know about the SBI employee larping as a japanese to defend Ubisoft? He accidentally revealed during a twitch stream that companies are refusing to hire him because he worked for SBI
You will never be a woman.
>Verification not required.
Drag is woke.
Non-binary freaks are woke.
Lesbian femdom BDSM is woke.
What don't you understand, fag?
The first two are valid but the villain being White wouldn't have made it woke since the hero is also White
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I'm tired of this obsession with woke/based. It seems quite forced all things considered.
I am tired of fags, trannies, niggers, and strong women in my vidya. You can go right back to your discord now trannoid
It's more that he is overtly Christian. A very kosher bad guy
And poltards who get into a screeching fit because of type A/Type B selection
Go play Concord tranny. Oh wait...
yes but it has woke magic DO NOT BUY!!!
Good morning saar
Hey wait a sec, why did it count only 24% of my games? Weakass detector you got OP
>you will never be a woman
Nigga, I know, I'm a hairy dude that hates "trans visibility", at least aim your shitpost at the right people.
I saw a woman with a "he/him" sticker on her nametag at the store today and it took all I had not to call her a her. Decided not to do it because I was in a rush.
NGL I was pretty confused what her deal is, she wasn't trans, just a female-looking, female-sounding woman with tits and all.

Yep, pretty legit game too. Haven't checked it since release, but I remember it being pretty buggy and only containing the base pack of cards, but I have no clue if they fixed the bugs or added any cards by now.
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>it's a grift
lmfao what a retard
There are woke Munchkin decks (included in the Tabletop Simulator mod that has all of them) and they're fucking miserable to play. Calling the base game woke is silly though.
Attempting to associate being normal with being Indian will not make you a woman, tranny.
i think he is a latinx
I haven't played Yakuza so I would be willing to give it the benefit of the doubt and say that they did drag as a joke like Looney Tunes, if not for the fact that Infinite Wealth had a feminist speech.
Look in the mirror
You aren't normal
Then just buy the tranny games and enjoy, you gay bird
Never played it, hero shooters aren't my thing, tried Paladins for a bit but it didn't hook me in
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I don't really agree with these.
It also doesn't consider playtime in games, or for that matter when you stopped playing it.
Siege is woke. But, I stopped playing Siege around Operation Health when the worst we had was one black guy.
Woke is a meaningless word.
Alt right chuds are also far more reactionary than sjws and feminist ever where, imagine if instead of "woke" there was a patriarchy or sexism detector? Anyone who uses this shit is actually beyond pathetic.
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>saar nooo dont buy this game saar it's woke gay clown world saar
Encouraging body dysmorphia is enough, yes.
Look in the mirror and ruminate on how you will always and forever be a man, never the woman that you desperately yearn to be. And then 41%.
no this is >>689703531
Chuds and indians are equally repulsive and subhuman.
are thug shaker videos woke?
Keep crying tranny
Yes gay niggers are woke.
A pathetic no u by a terminally online social outcast

You will never be normal
You will never be accepted
To bad you will never be a man, permavirgin faggot.
The fact remains that you will never be a woman.
>portal 2
>darkest dungeon
>pillars of eternity who literally has trans characters is not
What zoomer is behind this?
Rating seems skewed in general if you ask me, being gay seems to count only as somewhat woke, but female front-like combatants is absolutely woke
obese latinx breathing heavily through his ape nostrils because hes getting mocked on the chan
Not crying, actually laughing at how pathetic you incelchud are. "Woke" detector.. lmao actually fucking kys, retarded virgin ass faggot.
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>if your game has women it's woke
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this has to be a parody
no there are aryan you retarded latinx
>Football Manager and Larry series screwed my rating
>neo leninists are the real transphobes
Pajeet subhuman typed this post while crying and shitting on the street. You will never be a human.
you‘re coping
this thread is just brown on brown violence
that's a woke thing to say
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One that isn't a faggot presumably
>portal 2
Picrel, it's a fair criticism. The game is still good but you can't deny it's a relatively mild example of the strong wimmin bumbling retard man trope.
Do you think women can be front-line combatants, tranny?
>woke isn't real anymore now that normal people are making fun of me
the biggest enemy of the chuddy is normal society
Yes, changing your gender is woke, tranny.
your list seems to think so because bannerlord isn't woke
Why do you think everyone is a tranny?
Yeah this is just gonna come across as goofy as hell to most people. Doesn't seem like an effective way to combat woke. Also this board proves daily that anti wokes are compelled to play and obsess over the wokest shit anyway. Hence we have daily Concord threads where people unironically discuss this game.
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>something being a LITTLE woke is fine;
No it's not. Not even it being a little is fine. You are just a browbeaten cuck trying to comrpromise. But you give these people a finger and they take the arm. Which is why now they are openly bragging about how they will not hire white men for anything and instead of having lawsuits shoved up their ass, they are applauded.
someone should make one of these for chuds and instead of being negative its positive and highlights the games chudly quality's
you can have a little woke as a treat
>you can have a tiny piece of shit as a treat for scat fetishists among us!
>Front-line combatant
Could've used Helion or something
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Post the Starfield credits showing all the indian workers lmao
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Why is it that every time I ask someone to give a simple explanation of what "woke" means, no one can do it. Either they just give a bunch of random examples of mediocre shit they don't like with nothing in common besides being mediocre shit or just start incoherently spewing racist sexist political nonsense.
Elden Ring - PRO-CHUD
>pro racial genocide (merchants)
>religious order (goldmask)
>traditional values (marrying ranni)
It means politically correct, now kys
thank you for the first good post
Weird you chuddies always never showed up on gay groomer threads like these >>689689684 >>689691117
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Because this is a very obvious tranny discord raid thread
it's fine of you like a game despite it being woke. it's important to maintain a good standard of what woke is.
anything that triggers chuds is woke
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Here's a qrd
At this point its become controlled opposition where they scream "WOKE" at random shit to make calling out ESG shit look like something only retards do, and retards on /v/ love being useful idiots
I mean I'm not American so I don't use words like woke and shit but I'm surrounded by leftists who jerk off at the idea of transhumanism and I'm pretty much the only person around that disagrees with getting a brain chip or a bar code tattoo
The tranny is afraid that people are openly discussing, labelling, and avoiding wokeshit. Feels good man
saved thanks
The guy above me is a great example. Almost all of the shit in that image is objectively schizo retard shit, he's probably got autism and doesn't realize that acting like a cartoon character with literally zero nuance is exactly what the old zionist investors want him to do
>wall of text infographic
holy hell lmfao
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sorry but chuds like furry woman
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>calls me a tranny for not being on his end of the extreme
You're only proving my point you faggot.
Learn to have some nuance in your critiques, screaming at anything you perceive as vaguely liberal for being woke just makes people actually criticizing this shit look stupid.
So you have no problem with gay grooming on /v/ while screaming woke all the time, right? Noted.
The jews want me to shut up and consume wokeslop, like you do. Too bad I'm just not gonna play any of it.
You will never be a woman.
>the tranny calling other people schizo keeps a log of his 4chan interactions
Darkest Dungeon is definitely woke. But, I'd say it's more minor woke really.
Troons ITT assblasted over a list that lets people avoid troonery. Lmao
not giving my account to some random shithole lol
I'm Jewish and i what you to shit up and consume thug shaker videos
don't worry i've already put it in for you
>incoherent random examples of mediocre shit they don't like laced with racist/sexist political nonsense captions.

>"i...its that simple really."
Why can't I take the top off of the type b body?
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I feel like I'm one of like 12 people to actually beat this game and I didn't know any of this.
Is there anything on there you agree with?
You will never be a woman.
If it' s "no big deal" why just not call it male/female?

>hy is it that every time I ask someone to give a simple explanation of what "woke" means, no one can do it.
Because you close the tab before you can read the replies.
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>Asks what woke is as a pathetic attempt at a gotcha
>gets assblasted after getting an answer

Every time with you reddit troons.
Not giving you my info
your one of the 12 true wokes Destined to rule over the subreddits
it's when a social value which was derived through virtue signaling one upmanship is placed in a game for the purpose of normalizing it.

the left has no real morality, only the fear of being bad and the drive to prove they are good. this results in a moving target where everyone must constantly try to outdo the average virtue of the group so they know they are safe from being called bad. it is fear driven. secular humanism caused this.

the opposite is just admitting what you like and wanting to enjoy it. it can't be woke if it's not proselytizing.
At the end of the day all this autistic categorization from terminally online people means nothing because normies are driven by instinct. They see a trailer with a flat woman humiliating the male protagonist and they remember all the modern shit movies where that happened
Man this woke shit is retarded
Jannies, the schizo chuds are acting up again.
Lots of racism outside of /b/ in here. Please move this thread to /pol/, stat.
If it's not personal info how about you share it with us too? I'm feeling a bit jealous of the glownigger since you only shared with him.
The so called woke games here like Portal 2, Bloons TD and Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition are not woke at all unless you are a shizo. Woke games of the list are Civ 6 and Smite.
Why are you fuming over a simple question? You were saying never give "them" an inch no matter or they will take another mile and you accused me as a troon? Are you okay in your head?
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I believe it's based on one >le demiurge tier schizoid maintaining a beyond retarded google spreadsheet about if a game is woke or not.
>You were saying
Who am I? What else was I saying?
Strong women/weak men, pride flags, and pretending women were miners are all in fact woke, tranny.
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the west has fallen
>see full review for details
What fucking review? There's zero chance that this isn't some mind broken schizo shit. Literally the only thing I can think of is that two of the other pilots are gay and no statement one way or the other about that. No fucking clue what this "messaging" could be.
>pride flags and queer pronouns aren't woke
>lesbian couple
>female BLACK Doctor
>pro-america camp leader is ALSO a nutshell conspiracist
>biker gang members are all white and "stupid"
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The results are all over the place. In what universe is FNV "slightly" woke.
Yes pretending women were generals and combatants is woke tranny
>You are just a browbeaten cuck trying to comrpromise. But you give these people a finger and they take the arm.
One drop of woke is enough to not buy so who cares
What is the criteria for woke, Mr Mockingbird?
>A useful idiot or useful fool is a pejorative description of a person, suggesting that the person thinks they are fighting for a cause without fully comprehending the consequences of their actions, and who does not realize they are being cynically manipulated by the cause's leaders or by other political players
>The term was often used during the Cold War to describe non-communists regarded as susceptible to communist propaganda and psychological manipulation

>Controlled opposition is the use of black propaganda and saboteurs who claim to oppose a particular faction but are in fact working for the faction.
NTA, big guy
It's something you specifically have to enable.
what race are you
I'm glad people are posting these stupid demiurge memes, cause I saw one for the first time a few months back and ended up getting really into the gnostic texts
Is this a joke?
The jews didn't manipulate me into not being a faggot, I was born this way.
That's a major step in trans genocide. If everyone is a troon, then no one is. This brings the amount of troons to zero, making the fabled trans genocide a roaring success.
ermm... rome 2 is chud core mr. latinx
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>IP traps
Ironic post there champ
They didn't do a very good job, cause you seem like a huge faggot to me
yes tyranny's are woke libtard
/pol/skins will never be human.
Oof, there's definitely some kind of false flag shit going on in this thread.

Nigga there's a difference between "there is a strong woman in it / the healer is a twink" and "your first party member you encounter in the story is a lesbian and her entire loyalty quest is about her being a lesbian and making you dump about a third of the expected amount of money an average player gets in a whole playthrough on getting her hooked up with the first woman she ever runs into, who also happens to end up being a lesbian too."
I liked The Outer Worlds, but Parvati's questline sucked ass and I couldn't stop cringing the whole time. I like that skipping the quest wasn't necessarily bad though, it just makes her into an amazing yet antisocial engineer/mechanic in the epilogue. Good on the writers for not making it be like "oh, she killed herself and her death was left on your conscience for decades, you monster!", so it's entirely optional and two of the three characters I have go entirely without parties at all, so I don't care much.

That said, some things absolutely make a game automatically woke though, like the inclusion of a single Pride flag of any kind, or being disallowed from treating a trans character negatively, or making some LGBT thing be a mandatory quest on the way to beating the game, or making a pharaoh black.
Bonus points if the game pretends to be historically accurate, yet fucks with history for ESG/DEI reasons.
>hey people don't even take the word "woke" seriously anymore cause too many people are parroting bullshit from controlled opposition meant to make people that actually have valid arguments look stupid by association
Same goes for the tranny scars in Dragon Age. Still woke even if optional. The presence of wokeshit in the game makes it untouchable whether or not I'm forced to interact with it.
White, obviously.
What part about "slightly" don't you understand?
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Oh come the fuck on, what's the point of playing videogames at all if every bit of subversion and unexpected events will be ousted as "woke" by a bunch of cocksucking, 5'0'' Rajeets from India?
I'm sick and tired of this fucking "woke" screeching going on right now, it's completely different from Gamergate, which whole purpose was to save videogames from blue-haired dykes, the bottom line of this crusade against wokeness is the total death of any dash of creativity and innovation in the industry, and its solely perpetuated by braindead fucking indians that don't even play videogames.
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I dont like obvious pandering, but this anti-woke stuff is shooting their own foot for nitpicking every small thing
>people don't even take the word "woke" seriously anymore
I disagree with your claim. I think more than ever people are concerned with wokeness.
I don't care what trannies take seriously. I care about never accidentally buying a woke game ever again.
Mexicans aren't white
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You will never be a woman.
Of course you've gotta be frugal with your money, Rajeesh, you've got barely any.
shin megummy tensay and persona got me interested in esoteric religious magic in general
Just make good games and we'll buy them.
one woke is to many delete all woke games from your liberty
Having money to waste doesn't mean you should give it to trannies, tranny.
Wow so sigma screencap that one and post it on reddit, fucking shitskinned retard
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>this crusade against wokeness is the total death of any dash of creativity and innovation in the industry
Stop gaslighting you faggot. There has never been less creativity in the video game industry than there is now because the political message has driven creativity out.
thankfully I am not trying to be one! you, however will never be a parent.
Apparently the image didn't attach
I am White, and you will never be a woman.
It's a falseflagger and you retards are eating it all up.
saar we indnans vote for trump you are woke
>I'm sick and tired of this fucking "woke" screeching going on right now, it's completely different from Gamergate, which whole purpose was to save videogames from blue-haired dykes, the bottom line of this crusade against wokeness is the total death of any dash of creativity and innovation in the industry, and its solely perpetuated by braindead fucking indians that don't even play videogames.
Reminds me of when /v/ first started caring about feminism in the first place not because they were liberal, but because they were pissed that games that weren't liberal existed, and they felt personally offended any time a game that didn't appeal to them got made and they would boycott it or try to spread bullshit online to sabotage the release, and because /v/ still cared about videogames more than politics at the time, they rallied against this because it was obviously bullshit for random seething feminists to bully devs for not having the accepted kind of themes in their games. I actually hate retards on /v/ that screech about woke shit in games almost as much as I hated those feminist bloggers back in 2008. If a game is good, I don't really give a fuck how much woke shit it has. A good game is good regardless of the political beliefs of the devs. if they used too much heavy handed shitty writing, then the writing is shitty. Doesn't really matter what they were talking about, the writing still sucked ass.

I've never seen a "woke game" flop that wasn't going to flop for being a shitty game even if you removed all the woke shit.
Being a subhuman /pol/skin means having a learning disability.
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Oh, I didn't know that was a localization change. Yeah, the non-binary character's scenes were pretty cringe with how much they kept yammering on about it.

I'm learning, /v/. I'm becoming educated.
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I'll take it.
oddly enough, reading the gnostic creation myths, I feel like they make way more sense than the orthadox shit.
nobody is impressed by your big words

what dose that even mean
I know this is bait, but I'm gonna double check with you to see if this is bait, because you can't be serious.
Stopped reading there
Redditor falseflagger detected
No because it's nonsensical schizospeak. What it's saying is they don't like some shitty games, not because it's shitty AAA slop, but just because it has "weak white male character" or it has some "female character with small breast". How can any rational reasonable person is supposed agree with that? It sounds to me more like these examples of shitty games are just being used as a poor excuse to justify racist and sexist political beliefs.
ok i yield i am trolling
You know what's funny? All these seething trannies in here but none of them will post their results showing a 70-90% woke stream profile. Because they don't buy games.
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Steins;Gate, the most woke game ever...SBI would be proud...
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This. It's just a shame gookmoot's /v/ turned into this fucking shithole.
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You clearly live in a very small social media bubble then
that's why stream removed it Gabe is a chud
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Why is it so hard for you to accept that your "based and tradpilled" ideology mostly attracts mentally ill people?
Full review: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/Woke_Content_Detector/discussions/1/4763207947399645621/
>gay relationships
All seems woke to me, which makes me glad I didn't buy this one. What do you disagree with?
You will never be a woman.
Is what they said true or not? If true, sounds pretty woke.
No there are some reasonable things in there. You're just a zealot.
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I don't think the portrayal of the fucking weirdo gay chef in T&T is exactly "pro-lgbt" kek
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Here, I just did mine. I'm the guy that called you a useful idiot that fell for propaganda from controlled opposition so you would make people actually making decent points look stupid by association with you.
is gay porn woke
People that masquerade as the other side in an attempt to make them look crazy like this site is doing.
A mech game is the same as Concord? Obvious false flagging.
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Gays being present in any way in the game except for picrel makes it woke.
male/female has no implicit difference
type a/type b implies that type A is the first and superior choice, which it is, of course
It's a time travel story an in one timeline the character is born a female instead of a male due to the timeline shift. So no, it's honestly full of shit. But the entire list is beyond fucking retarded anyway
what dose masquerade mean
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Fromsoft trannies...not like this...
Sounds like a convoluted excuse for some nip tranny nonsense. Woke confirmed.
You're not supposed to post the same reply twice in a row.
>Portal 2 is woke.
Is this shit made by faggots trying to gaslight us?
Only a tranny will argue that this is not a falseflag. "Black people = woke" is a strawman woketards have been pushing for almost a decade. Nobody is so autistic as to not realize the optics of saying such thing
THIS IS WOKE!!! the woke democrats are raceis so this is woke
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That was before SomethingAwful, Bunkerfags, Discordoids and all send their permanent raiders here.
Fuck sake, anyone can go to Leftypol, right now and see they have a pinned thread telling you which chon board to go and what pre-digested drivel to use.
How many retards here are going to check?
Black people does equal woke you disgusting pond scum niggerlover. Nigger = no buy.
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I don't think it's fair to get called woke if it's not in the game itself in any way.

Also for a page as kneejerk as this, the way every male character in Powerwash is a corrupt dickhead or a nincompoop while the chicks are all girlbosses should absolutely count as woke. Even I noticed that shit.
>mtf trannies are biological women
Fuck off tranny
stop copeing you are woke
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>t-they are gaslighting!
>t-t-this is a falseflag!!
>w-we are based and redpilled and they are woke kike tranny psyop!!!
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>Hello, John
yeah there's no way this isn't controlled opposition
That list only got posted in gcj and here after concord crashed with no survivors iirc
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Fuck this thread and fuck woketards. Gookmoot should rangeban the entire Third-world.
>they watched GGO

It's a retarded underage SAO fan all along.
Acktwually, xe is a thousand year old dragon who was born a woman in an alternate timeline, so it's not pedo and not trans!
What do you think would happen to our site if we say that in social media? You know the answer you tranny falseflagger
i am falseflaging as your dad so i can fuck your mom
He thinks FF 13 is not woke by that website standards he ignore fang gayness
But was it before you came here from reddit after getting booted out?
You are pathetic. Kill yourself NOW, niggerloving zoomer faggot!!!!
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Hentai is so woke bros.
*i am not associated with the woke content detector steam group, nor do i endorse any of the comments in it. this website was made as a joke.
no no you must understand I'm only pretending to de non-white
If he banned all third world phoneposters, all the chud support would disappear
Yes, gays are woke, tranny.
You can't even argue about the optics because you know you are a subhuman full of shit
>everyone who disagrees with me is part of a conspiracy
Genuine mental illness
Acktwually im gooning to cp rite now and I'm a democrat
They do realise the world of Armored Core is dystopian and hopeless, right...?
There's a pretty solid chance that any DLC or continuation of ACVII's story will have everything the player did be horribly undone, or in doing so causing things to get yet worse for everyone.
chat is gay porn woke?
Optics don't matter. They'll drag your name through the mud no matter what you do.
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I don't think Fromsoft was hiring white guys in the first place brother
I don't care about optics because I'm not a faggot. Total nigger death. Never buying a game with a nigger in it. Now go back to where you came from.
No, it's okay because Asians are actually white and therefore it's not woke race mixing for all of these games that feature a white guy getting with an Asian chick.
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chuds are all anthropomorphic animals
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>Optics don't matter.
They spend billions in optics. They have armies of retards trying to gaslight others

This list is made by complete fucking idiots.
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yes tranyy is woke

ok woke tard
Fags have to search for things that they dislike through an endless pile of things that they like, we have to search for things that we like through an endless pile of things that we dislike. Not the same.
It doesn't help that every time someone asks "what is woke" its replies are always nothing but mosaics of bug-eyed screencaps of women and minority characters in video games with bad lighting and schizo word dumps of far right political crap.
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Aliens are woke as fuck.
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Bros is this woke? The co-protagonist is a black girl
Looks good to me.
>It's afraid
Huh as in they're lying or that the fagflag isn't woke?
You will never be a woman.
bro "woke" games like bloons td 6 in my case are so hard to find as woke i see 0 problems with them. Ok, so the game has its own cash shop and it has a trans flag.... do you think i will even visit the shop ever?
woke is democrand and pro pelasten and anti-India
Huh as in I don't remember seeing any flag
So true xister. In fact all games should have the Pride flag in their item shops! It's optional, so only heckin unserious chud grifters that need to take their meds would have a problem with this.
I''m going to redownload this to check, that's absurd, never heard of that.
FNV is ultra woke
Which means you can't beat them at the optics game. So ignore it. People more and more don't believe what they say.
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>"they" are easily triggered special snowflakes
>"we" are easily triggered special snowflakes
>not the same
noo! you must delete woke
yes she should be indian
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>A character had sexual relations that may or may not be the same sex as him. we don't know
>slightly woke.
If they don't know why label it as even slightly woke?
We're just not gonna buy your shitty games. Get over it.
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yes we indea never woke

we indea love trump
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I didn't even know this game existed.
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Are you having an episode, chuddie?
You will never be a woman.
All you fags do is gaslight and project.
>giving a neonazi grifter botnet your account info
Are /v/ users retarded now?
That fucking sucks
>Which means you can't beat them at the optics game.
We can and did. Their namecalling and gaslighting doesn't work anymore because we exposed them. This isn't the time to give them a favorable narrative that stops normies from supporting us
we as in India don't meas whit the biggest amy on the net
41% yourself
Apparently yes, the puritanism has reached unworkable levels.
The anti-woke crowd have basically recreated "trigger warnings" with their curator websites.
>"please tell me if this game has wokeshit in it before I buy it I'm very afraid yes"
lmao what a bunch of snowflakes
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You will always be a woman in men's eyes, you already argue like one.

>you fags
Are you having an episode, chuddie?
It's a tranny trying to dox chuds. Clearly this is a raid thread.
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What do you guys think?
we india nazi but not woke DONT SLIP
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It's true, I bought horizon zero dawn when it was on sale once, my library is tainted forever.
I see your chat bot is still stuck on the early stages of just repeating y if x occurs.
I'll keave you alone then but take this herbal leaf.
Chud is ironically a really well loved meme. Don't know why you think it's insulting. You're like an indian spamming "timmy"
You really only own like 30 games?
Regardless, you will never be a woman.
Bye grifter chud nazi bigot fag
i am trans and indian but i love trump am i woke
i am a neonazi myself so i support my fellow brothers. Still does not explain why he things 15% of my games are woke.
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I'm proud of you anon.
You unsubtle parasites have been calling anyone not fully endorsing you a variations of tourists for 7 fucking years, it didn't worked back then and won't work now.
There's no conspiracy since you and your ilk are open about it open about it >>689707414
We were playing Hogwarts Legacy last year. The "chuds are just as extreme" narrative isn't going to work
its because hes a Hispanic lolcow
>hehehehe we're winning le culture war tranny!!! YWNBAW!!

>what's that? a list that perfectly curates every terminally online opinion I have for everyone to see?
It only lists your games the steam group reviewed.
it is a psyop because maker dose not respect india
Anyone embarrassed about a list of chud reviews to help avoid woke games is a CINO: Chud In Name Only. There's nothing wrong with filtering wokeslop out of your purchases.
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>Chud is ironically a really well loved meme. Don't know why you think it's insulting.
Yeah I wonder why I think that lmao
You chuddies aren't the smartest bunch around.

Catch you later, dudette.
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It gives the steam group review count vs total count at the top.
cope because you are poor
dont say jeet in real world or india will come and beat you white boi
>shizoanon isn't a shizo
Fucking hell
I'll give you a (you) but you need to improve your Indianing
I just built a full on PC at the end if April. My orofile is old, but thatbecause I was able to play a few titles on a laptop before. I've been entirely on PS4 since like 2017. Over the years I gamed on a variety of consoles.
is that wrong? my hunter is a hot axe wielding female (futa) who only can stress relief in brothels
literally none of that is realistic so it fits the bill for woke definition the author describes on the steam discussion
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>because they always repeat the same fucking words over and over
Either he was a fag or there was a female general which is also woke.
>what a retard
>says the guy that probably gave his IP and personal data to someone who can make big money out of it
do i need more spelling mistakes i think boi was allrhite because all the sigma troll face memes
We will stop talking about woke games the day games stop being woke.
You are very fucking stupid if you think anyone is going to type their Steamid on your phishing site.
fute is woke white cock is only for india go away woke
>it's ok when we do it
We will stop talking about grifters the day you manage to stop getting grifted.
So what are the actual parameters? I've seen anything from includes women to includes gays. Is Lara Croft woke and if yes why? Cause she uses guns? But then they say only the new Tomb Raiders are woke when she's always used guns. Is having smaller tits woke? Are small tits woke automatically? Is loli woke? It's hard to understand the logic behind it
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They/Them pronouns are used because the characters don't know the player's gender. That 's correct usage of those pronouns. Does the curator want to game to pick the gender for you? that doesn't sound very anti-woke.
Pretty based games list, you seem like you'd be alright. How is Lies of P standalone and when you're not fiending for more of the fromsoft heroin needle?
Yeah bro, 4chan NEETs are controlling the internet, normies definitely don't hate because you have been annoying them for a decade
you are the grifter woke
>No it's actually a false flag
The mental gymnastics you guys have to fucking do when confronted with your own views are hilarious. This is what the majority of your little crew thinks. Go show that scene and explain to your maga loving uncle that no that guy is actually just cross dressing to be funny and how you're not gay.
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>mfw the grifter chuds are sealioning in bad faith
Every time someone mentions woke shit they get like 3 replies saying woke doesn't exist.
So technological implants that turn you into a human super processor at the potential expense of your sanity are "woke" now?
No? None of the endings are even anti corpo. The entire purpose of each of the three endings is to make the corpos stop fucking with the coral and nothing else. Whether it's blowing up their shit to get them to back off, burning the coral and wiping out most of the solar system, or releasing it into the universe and forcibly infecting every living being with it, these are your goals. Even saving the coral and coral release aren't explicitly anti colonialism or anti corpo because neither one objects to the corpos being there. They only object to the corpos fucking with coral. There just so happens to be no other reason for the corpos to care about Rubicon because it has no other resources worth anything. If it also had some other precious metal, nobody would care about them being there to mine it so long as they left the coral alone, though I'm so likelihood, the Rubiconians would be establishing their own corpo to take it for themselves. Also, none of the three endings are even painted as the "correct" ending because the game explicitly gives you conflicting information from biased sources as to what coral truly is so it's entirely up to the player to decide who to trust.
Fucking what? When is it even brought up or hinted at?
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>leftoids pretending they aren't the invaders
they them is woke i have no pronouns becous im india segma
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i'm pozzed.........
>is woke shit all it takes to be called woke
Some woke is more pervasive and obnoxious than others, but trying to eliminate the concept of sex and pander to 20,000 made-up genders is most certainly woke.
india is controlling the internet by doxx and report
Isn't the boogie one of the newest chud grifters?
Not a good look
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>little crew
Most self-aware chuddie ITT.
india fight all woke ok india report all woke game
Desecrating the image of God that your body was made in by chopping your cock off because you want to be a [woman/robot] is woke.
How many companies do they have left? Not counting japanese ones because those will course correct when convenient
nigger you chopped your dick and balls off to drill a hole in your taint, if anyone got grifted it was you, infinite money for jews
P was GREAT. I got it alongside SOTE. Really don't like the DLC, every boss is annoyingly spammy and tryhard, but P was fun. Still tough, got killed probably just as much on some bosses, but I rate it highly. Some parts are ass, but not horrifically so. It's also just a fresh setting period. Very tired of fantasy stuff.
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steins;gate isn't woke it's just not needlessly meanspirited towards the otokonoko like these incels probably wanted it to be
daga otoko da....
>Desecrating the image of God
yep its a latinx
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>anyone telling me to fuck off with my brand of bullshit is [buzzword]
Who is they?
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lmao what a thread
>steins;gate isn't woke
then why did it get removed from steam
You give an inch they take a mile.
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...no it didn't?
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Those guys are falseflagging trannies pretending to be chuds that mysteriously have zero chud opinions and are ashamed to be chuds. Nice try trannoids
Click here for free iPhone!
>It's stamped on the "pod" that the player comes out of right on the very first mission You can partake in. It is literally visible as soon as You start and turn behind You.
So that guy's just a fucking liar. Reinstalled Enhanced and checked out all the starting campaign pods and none of them have a random-ass gay flag on them.

(Quake 64 campaign and Tutorial don't have player pods).
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I'm not >>689708148
>/Pol/ election tourist acting like a regular
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I'm like 90% sure female vills have been a thing since launch or at least HD
Armored Core has facists does it not?
we in india have all game whitf pirit bay
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How many Leftypol invaders are currently present in this thread?
I counted 3, weirdly enough they aren't taking about it on their super duper secret matrix server, it's just the usual complaints about existence.
Yes, that's a post I quoted. I checked all of the player pods. His screenshot isn't from any of the campaigns, looks like a random user-made multiplayer map.
I've been posting from 2003 new fag
I never used leftypol I'm just a leftist on 4chan to be contrarian
They have been a thing since 1999
Seems fine to me, tranny. Kindred Spirits on the Roof is a common steam LGBT sale choice
>le tourist is le you
jesus christ get new material.
i use leftypol and i have been positing here before you were born
Whoops, missed that. One of the replies says "This campaign is optional." so maybe it's a new campaign? Idk, haven't played Quake 2.
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Woke mind virus is taking over gaymes RETROACTIVELY. Where were you when you were needed the most, Aryan man? This all your fault. You let this happen.
It's over.
It's so over...
Ok yeah I was right
What a bunch of retards
That's like 1 year's worth of buying games
What the fuck are you talking about retard
They're talking about the new "Call of the Machine" campaign and the starting player pod in that is the top right screenshot in my little compilation. That's what you see when you turn around.
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nuh uh what about DEI chalice
i feel like this chart is mostly "if i liked it it's not woke if i didn't it's woke"
I mean either it's that or they're just not chuds. It's like a "lib" going "my fellow libtards... I am as woke as the rest of you, but have you ever thought that maybe White people aren't so bad and that we shouldn't encourage children to troon out?" Like either that's a chud falseflagging, or it's just a very confused person who is not in fact a lib.
Fair enough dude, I can respect that.
4/10 (You)
FNV got "slightly woke" so yeah it's biased as fuck.
Yeah it should be "woke", not slightly
and it's the one where you beat up the tranny/crossdressing siblings too
>in the mission Laser Eyes you play as a marine named CG on his pod alongside a pride flag.
Is that mission one you checked?
Go back to gcj and cry over their faggot.
Says the guy screaming woke from the rooftops for the last few years
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This means nothing to any oldfag since stormfront has been raiding here for more than a decade and you shits will say this never happened
Thanks, it'll be the next game I buy I think.
bloody good said sir
we 4chan man is all strong fuck tranys based
im trans :(
Motherfucker am I supposed to drop +$600 on games when Injust built a $2k desktop? I already played most of my games to death anyway. I'm probably not gonna rebuy DMC5 or the HD collection.
Imagine that in any game 10 years ago
Your question is the result of astroturfing propaganda social engineering normalization
You have the entire internet to be a gay leftoid tranny. This is a Nazi website. Deal with it
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Alright, in my defense, no other Q2 campaign has you randomly just play a new character after like two maps, that's sloppy as fuck, and I didn't check reddit.

But yeah there it is.
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That's not even mentioning the open secret that we've been getting raided by culture war twitterfags discords for at least a year now, which is why twitter screencap threads have become normalized in the last year
You have 0 tangible proof but your shizo to make that claim.
>the poltards are eating themseves
Get new material chud
Pouring one out for the boomers on this one
>Go show that scene and explain to your maga loving uncle that no that guy is actually just cross dressing to be funny and how you're not gay.
You LITERALLY have to beat up the drag in the yakuza game for fuck sake how could that be even remotely woke?!
im not ples be nice
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I'm proud of you anon
I saw you
You will never be a woman.
never had a chance with the underage boy kissing
The goalpost keep moving.
I've never seen such bullshits in a post, Jesus Christ, congratulation dude, it's very challenging to make me cringe but you've done it. Damn.
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The goalpost keep moving.
I've never seen such bullshits in a post, Jesus Christ, congratulation dude, it's very challenging to make me cringe but you've done it. Damn.
Take your medications.
Played through the map and it's like 60% empty waterways you crawl through, sucks even more dick than the developer.
I don't need some glowie site to tell me if the games I play are woke or not
Do NOT enter user ID. Do NOT click 'Reveal'
no sir you need very needly
dont play woke or u a bitch bloody go to redit
Delete this now
I ain't clicking shit from you chuddie. I didn't hate games because they're woke I hate them because the gameplay sucks. We're not the same
Same shit, different post. Stop parroting the crowd if you're such a "free-thinker"
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>[current year +10]
>the left still can't meme
>they just copy and paste 4chins
>Go show that scene and explain to your maga loving uncle that no that guy is actually just cross dressing to be funny and how you're not gay.
He would laugh because unlike you right-wingers are media literate and understand it;s making fun of crossdressing not endorsing it.
Fuckken saved
Sounds good to me, keep doing that
>more active than the JIDF
oy vey
>Chud memes
>Take your meds
>Stop projecting
>Left is pedophiles
>Repeated ad nauseum
>Omg we're so good at memes right guize? Lolol *holds up spork"
>we're at the point in the thread where the chud discord raiders are making posts like this, responding to nobody so they don't have to reply to anyone after getting BTFO
just go back to your mod with your tail between your legs
Bold claims coming from some one using ''us vs them''.
Take your fucking meds.
I will. You keep being a virtue signaling fuck
anyone else notice how quickly the thread died after this post?
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And yet, you still copy them.
Honest question, do you actualy believe your post?
>Proves my point immediately
You can't make this up. I'm sure you'll go tell all your friends how you "owned" someone online now
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Happens every time

Shine a little light on them, and they scurry away like cockroaches
Oh noooo, it's retarded. sorry I didn't mean to do a hate crime I didn't know
Meds. Now.
Remind your loved ones you love them and don't inject convenient negative trait into strangers.
There's still at least one here who didn't get the memo>>689710390
Welp of course it's retarded, do your own thangs you lazy schmuck.
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>Pic related. It's you
Shut the fuck up before I fuck you til you love me
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>dishonored 2 : woke
>dishonored 2 nigger edition, prey2017 : slightly woke
Henlo fren, what can I do for you?
It's ok dude, no one is your enemy, remind your parents you love them ok?
This dude is ASKING to get ass fucked and he's yelling woke
>noooo you cannot reply in kind
>noooooo only [my ideology] can infiltrate others
Both chuds and wokes lost, follow your respective leaders in the grave, faggots.
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You just
It's ok, if you can't take your meds you won't do shit anyway. But try to make the lives of those around you less miserable than yours.
This. Everyone thinks they're correct but We're all getting fucked because of this constant bickering.
Brother get new material. It's exhausting trying to talk shit online and all you guys are is a fucking broken record. Maybe if you were a little smarter. Single digit IQs must be hard to live with sorry about your struggles
>is having a single corn of shit enough to ruin entire cake?
Good. What did we learned today?
A based post in all that shit? Heh.
>What did we learn
That you sent hugs and kisses to a man and that the right is mentally retarded and braindead
AC games literally make no mention of cutting dicks off or changing sex/gender. Human+ is pretty exclusively modifications to your nervous system to directly interface with an AC. It's basically just getting USB ports installed on your body.
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Same people that use Windows, Google Chrome or Chromium based browser, Google search engine, Duckduckgo kek
I'm leaving now but keep screaming at the cloud like an insane person. The irony that you're telling everyone else to take their meds. You can reply now and tell everyone you got the last word. Good luck with that delulu
Your dad is ashamed of you, Faggot
Wrong on all fronts, nice projection though.

Shitty argument too, using one botnet doesn't justify using another unnecessarily.
I love how angry this makes people. Just the plain concept that, "Nope, you don't get to just have my money. Fuck off." enrages people to such an extent because it's expressed in a calm, definitive way.
Why do they keep making these obvious falseflags?
This is what feminist bloggers used to say to keep people focused on being angry about videogames that don't appeal to them.
I love how angry this makes people. Just the plain concept that, "Yep, I'm going to but whatever I like with my money." enrages people to such an extent because it's expressed in a calm, definitive way.
See how stupid you sound? Stop virtue signaling and let people play what they want you snowflakes
so you not only doxxed yourself but hundreds of other innocent people
go fuck yourself you evil boy

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