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>concord 2
troons won.....
Titan Lost
will there be Silent Hill f
>Astro Bot: Concordia
>Horizon Zero One Two
no actually it's real. my dad works at sony
Opera GX twitter is the most unfunny shit i have ever seen. Most tryhard "FELLOW GAMERS" account with 5 year old outdated memes.
>Concord 2
cope, Sony won
don't be such a cynical asshole
>There are people who unironically use Opera as their web browser
They have a corpo vtubert too!
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I feel bad for GX Aura
bloodborne kart sounds kino
not since they made it a skin of chrome
>Bloodborne Kart
Unironically would be kino
200 iq post
This is real actually.
Fact checked
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Quick reminder that Bloodborne Kart was actually an indie thing and Sony sent the hounds after them.
A former friend of mine unironically uses the Opera GX browser because ... reasons?
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>horizon zero one two
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>Horizon Zero One Two
no es fake
>The Last of Us Part 2 Reimagined
I’d play a reimagined last of us 2 where Joel golf clubs Abby instead
I did until they Chromiumed it
That retard moistcr1tikal uses it and that's really all you need to know about him and opinions he might have.
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>horizon zero-one
>make america great again
lol TDS
Cool words.
Shame I'm not going to read them, unironic faggot.
I like you, but I think your passion is misdirected. You should join me in my quest to rid native English internet users of "payed."
/v/ lets play bloodborn kart
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>horizon zero one two
>these are all fine

>spergs out

also kys sperg
I would believe on the amount of Horizon games alone.
why is a brand name, and a brand about internet browsers i think, tweeting about a fucking console

You're unironically a mong that doesn't understand languages constantly evolve.
It’s real
It was fact checked by real American patriots
sorry, it's been rebunked.
Anon, give him a break. He probably thinks words are found in excavated dungeons
you understand what it means so it's a word
bloodborne the movie is going to be sick
Sorry sweetie, this is real and Kamala will be your pres
and it's a proprietary (spyware) web browser they're promoting to 11 year olds so they can get a head start on thier advertising ID and data mining victimhood.
>Concord 2
That's not a leak, it's leakage.
>bloodborne the movie
you don't say
>Concord 2
That's just the player count for Concord.
Wait until he hears about Inglorious Basterds, the spelling is gonna give him a conniption.
>Bloodborne kart
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>free VPN on a click
>easy ss function
>can customize the first image
>press F12 for panic mode
Opera GX is great and based

The only browser that is better, is Brave. And not because all the crypto wallet and memecoin bullshit, but because it never lost the battle against youtube anti adblock measures FOR A SINGLE HOUR.
VPN actualy make your data even easier to get for the police, and don't pretend you care about ads when you know what is a VPN.
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it's about time bloodborne kart got released
Back in my day we told brand accounts to go kill themselves
Depends on the VPN, if they don't log anything the police doesn't have any data, except the ISP logs where all it tells is you're sending a request to a VPN.

Unless I'm misunderstanding something, if that's the case, please correct me.
it's real my dad works at japan
Looking forward to the arrest of SchettinoBot.
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I'm a brazilian, I'm blocked from twitter. My ISP also blocks some piracy sites as well, so I use VPN a lot

Actually, I use two browsers all the time, Brave and Opera. Opera have the VPN turn on all the time, I use for twitter, and for work. Brave is the one use for imageboards and youtube

>don't pretend you care about ads when you know what is a VPN
I don't know what you mean by that. I do care about ads, I fucking hate them. I don't want to open youtube and see modern advertising that is basically just niggers, women and trannies dancing and laughing, I hate that shit. The reason why I open youtube only on Brave, is because it never fails to block the ads, they don't even blink on my screen
>Back in my day we told brand accounts to go kill themselves
/v/ is a zoomer board now. Look at all the stupid zoomers in this thread thinking this stolen meme is funny.
well i doubt the VPN included in the browser are criminal proof, just a hunch tho
>Brave and Opera
like clockwork
lol didn't know brazil had the china firewall, pretty insane no one talk about it, i guess they just don't care until you start doing shit anyway (do people also dissapear one day over here ?)
They do mention on their website they don't log or track anything when using their VPN, so if it's true it wouldn't make it easier for the police.

But I wouldn't trust any VPN provider unless they actually got a third party to certify they don't log or track anything, and the certification is publicly available
>Those of use who(...), demonstrate the "literacy"
Using a comma between the subject and the verb is worse.

>Let alone, is it a legitimate word
Again, a comma before a verb, which in this case has no subject.

To whomever wrote this:
"not ironically" is as grammatically correct as "unironically", given that the negative prefix un- (not uni-) conveys the same meaning as "not".

Also, "my SNES has become yellow with time, how can I unyellow it?" is a perfectly grammatical sentence. This motherfucker seethes over the evolution of language while misusing commas all over the place.
Someone actually made Bloodborne Kart. They renamed it Nightmare Kart. It's free on Steam.
I had a friend send me this list a few hours ago actually believing it. I gave him several chances to back off and tell me he was just fucking around, but he 100% believed it and got mad when I called him retarded.

Never underestimate people's stupidity and gullibility.
Bold words, you gon get community noted.
I unironically don't care
I unsincerely care
Oh, wow, Anon, that was very enriching, unironically!
Did you know that new words/meaning are made organically through use? Literally also can mean figuratively now. Cope.
>ESL twittertroons falling for fake leaks
>Make America Great Again
Damn, those guys really have some serious Trump derangement syndrome
they looked up chrome alternatives, found opera. its probably not a long term attachment but at least they are trying new things
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Here is more the "we will destroy you financially and psychologically" means of repression rather than murder and disapearance

Inventing fake crimes and arresting you over it for years before a sentence, billing you for literal millions even though you're a nobody, so you will never be able to have a bank account again in your life, asking absurd orders judicially and then arresting you when you can't follow them, and doing those same measures with your family if none of that works. Our lists of exiled independent reporters is growing exponentially too

Brasil is a dictatorship for some time, but they have the mainstream media on their payroll, and outside countries usually have their news about our country from MSM, so you won't hear about it
I like the UI...
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Unironically is actually a word. Unironically is used when you say something that is either too absurd, or done in a context that is more probable that your words are said in an ironic manner, but you actually mean it.

For example: "I wish Taylor Swift was here in my house so I could bound and rape her daily until all her beauty got drowned in the despair, unironically"

The first sentence can be viewed as absurd, so the first reaction of someone who isn't a fool who takes anything literally, would be to interpret it was a joke in poor taste. But that ain't it. I actually mean it, and I want to make that clear to avoid outside interpretations
You know what it means which means it's a word.

This is literally how all language works.
It actually exists anon but Sony sued the developers so they hastily made minor changes and turned it into "Nightmare Kart"

This and Astrobot was one of the few times Sony acknowledged Bloodborne exists
The adblock in brave works exactly the same way all adblockers do - via 3rd party lists.

It lost the war for exactly the same amount of time the rest did.
>all remasters, slop and remasters of slop
Wtf are they thinking?!
nobody knows who this is, kiddo
I used to use Opera Mobile in the early Android days
Didn’t TLOU1 get a remaster already?
>Spidey 3
Well, we already know it's fake because the Insomniac leaks made it very clear Venom is their next game after Wolverine and years off at that.
Concord 2 should've immediately told anyone this shit was fake
thanks sherlock
>"ironically" and "figuratively" are synonyms
>make america great again
>completely fails to to derive the actual definition of unironic
Something unironic is an incongruous contrivance instead of an incongruous coincidence.
by true american patriots? i only trust true american patriots
Fuck you, it's deyellow. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
These are pretty funny don't be a jerk
You mean a joke.
So is Opera GX unironically crossposting onto /v/ now? Because keep in mind they have a history of viewbotting and shilling. I can't imagine some anon screencapping a browser company's Tweet and bringing it here, sorry.
>TLoU Reimagined
>Bloodborne Kart
>Astro bot: Concordia

ok this has to be shitpost, i mean i know sony is retarded but cmon, no way this shit is real.
>it don't make sense and it not word
Everyone who hears it knows exactly what the speaker was trying to convey. New words come about when people choose to use them. If you really believed that image, why aren't you speaking in Old English right now?
It's real bro. My mom said so
capable of burning
capable of being set on fire (inflamed)
a log is flammable but not inflammable, because you need a pre-existing fire already going before you can burn it
I unironically think you're a faggot
Sorry I am REBOONKING it
it used to be the best browser before they made it chrome
Unironically has unironically become a word. Welcome to the mutable nature of human language.
is Wolverine dead on arrival? The leaks made it out to be the most wretched, pathetically written shit I have ever seen in my life. I can only hope they stopped immediately and then did some major edits to the story and characters.
Words are things we make up socially.
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>Horizeon zero one two
kek masterful bait
well done
>chewed gum wad bullet points
Silence, brand.
>un is primarily used for Germanic words
Uh, no. I can think of tons of Latinate words that begin with un. Just because un is Germanic does not constrain it to Germanic words.

What an unconditionally uneducated image, one which unnecessarily hates on unconventional uses of language.
I've seen footage of Concord 2 they changed all characters into sexy big boobie bitches.
This list was fully vetted and stamped genuine by the finest scientists at the FDA and CDC.
>bloodborne movie
okay this is interesting
>concord 2
okay this is fake
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm pretty sure its real
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>is Wolverine dead on arrival?
Why would it be? They will just give him some top surgery scars and it will sell like hotcakes.
This seems fake. I can tell, because I've seen a lot of fakes in my day.
Do Brazilians really hate blacks? Aren't you people more mutt than amerifats?
>silk of the song
Everyone, everywhere, with no exception whatsoever hates blacks. The only places where people won't hate them, are in countries where they are so few in numbers, they might even have a positive view based purely on media perception and shilling

Nobody tells you to hate blacks. The media don't do it, your parents don't do it, books, music, nothing that you can easily find have a clear racist rethoric. Blacks are the ones who teach you to hate them, by experience, with their ape like uncivilized behavior. Pick the biggest left leaning cuck from a rich neighborhood and force him to live three years in the gueto, and by the end he will be crossing the other side of the street whenever he sees a negro. That's just natural

Want a funny curiosity about brasil? South of the country have higher HDI, less violence, and better economy, and obviously a majoritaly white and asian population. The further you go north, the worse it gets, until it arrive at "african country" levels in the northeast. And as you might have guessed, there the population is 90% blacks. They don't even have a good excuse beside blacks, the northeast was the first part to be colonized, while the entire country was basically forest up till two booms of population spreads, Vargas in the 30's and the Militaries in the 70's
chat is this real?
The fucked up thing is I believed the list until I got to Bloodborne Kart
hehe, well played
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So let's say you meet one who doesn't act like an ape, no matter how rare that is. Will you still treat that one badly?
Only because of the "easy files" feature
do amerimutts really?
no way, how did you concluded that anon?
>it werfs flammen
You don’t say
>4 remasters
I’m literally watching the Bloodborne movie right now and it’s kino. When Gehrman (played by Hugh Laurie) said “This plague of beasts… it’s Bloodborne” I fucking CLAPPED.
Yeah, Opera was fine in the early 2000s, when it was it's own thing, had their own engine and everything, but since 2016 or so it was bought by a Chinese company and exists solely for data harvesting.
Go back and kys, tranny.
That depends on his accent. We have 26 states here, we can tell where people came from by the way he speak

If I see any hint of north/northeast there, I'm never getting too close to that person, or trusting him to anything important
Forgot to add, if the accent is from Rio de Janigger, I am not even shaking that subhuman's hand
Tonight I had a dream. A new mirror's edge game presented in this event. But summerish. Basically jumping over orange aquatic platforms. Dunno why I was excited about it
>revealed to me in a dream
More reliable than most leaks
>said the huemutt
>hehe haha
>17 replies
>twitter thread
>150+ replies
this site fucking sucks
By having the Opera GX gimmick account posting, it is pretty obvious it is just a joke before I even read the image. When you just post the image, it gets clear you're an underage faggot trying to bait people into reading the content.

So yeah, this thread deserved to have more replies. Fuck you, and your shitty baits
>hollow knight 2: the silk of the song
>why isn't my shitty bait thread getting the attention, is not fairrrrrr!!!!
Stop barking at the wind.
Yeah I use Pale Moon like a true chud.
As opposed to what? Kikefox and Chodium and both their derivatives?
I kneel
fucking retards missing the point
this is just funny joke, twitter. this is what attracts you. hide this shitty thread? ignore it? cocksuckers
unironically dont kill yourself, wait till november so you just spontaneously combust from rage when trump wins
Nothing gets past you eh
Many years ago, Opera had a version that introduced mouse gestures. You could go back one page in your history by holding the right-click and moving the mouse to the left, and go forward by holding right-click and moving to the right. I loved this feature, but when I installed the modern version of Opera, the gestures were missing, so I stopped using it.

Damn this feature really did something to me.
>there are unironically newfags that are so unironically new that they don't realize unironically is a meme that has been around for a while now and they get so unronically mad that they post unironically cringe shit like this
How is that funny in any way? Kill yourself normalfag
Is this bait?
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Explain this then you dumb dumb
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It's one of the only browser made in our God's chosen programming language.
>horizon zero one two
>bloodborne kart
I'm fucking dying lmao
>Inironically caring about pedantic shit
buy an advertisement space
So is every chromium based browser
It's a google chrome reskin made by some Chinese company who bought the name off of whoever used to make Opera.
>he doesn't know about non-inflammable
I know it's supposedly spyware but what browser isn't? I'm running firefox and have a sneaking suspicion all my info is getting sold as well.
this is not a funny thread
You are using spyware bro, embrace the fox
chuds refuse to kneel to concord 2
I wouldn't use firefox. They had a lot of pro LGBTQ scandals recently.
why is the official Opera account shitposting like this
Have you tried Vivaldi? It is another Chrome based browser too but it has that feature. It is even led by one of the old creators of Opera due to losing control after they went public and didn't like the changes being made. It even has a built in ad blocker like Brave.
Still Chromium, stop using that shit man
>but when I installed the modern version of Opera, the gestures were missing, so I stopped using it.
They are still there, they are just off by default.
>browser ad on Vietnamese cotton picking forum.
fuck off

Quick reminder that SONY did not send the hounds and simply asked the dev to make it non-copyright fuckery if he wanted to promote the game, which SONY did state was a fan of.

Had it stayed a simple fan game it would be fine, but given how much that trannie constantly talked about it on twitter, wanted to put it on steam and most importantly: has a Patreon, it makes sense for SONY to tell him to change stuff.
this was debunked. facts don't care about your feelings by the way
Imma say I agree and I made a huge effort to not hate blacks. I still don't in general, but I can no longer shake that bias of my head. I'm euro, there's way fewer blacks here unless you're in France, but they still falls into 2 big categories: the black dude who was raised here and is jsut your average bro in dark color, or the european version of a nigger. The later is sadly the more common, and I've seen that they encourage each other to be assholes.
Just like you said, barely any media is focuse don them, for better or worse, so the only exposure people has to blacks is whatever rl experiences they go through, and you'll have a hard time finding anyone over 20 that isn't a little bit racist.

Also, just like it happens in america, over here we meme news media who report "Youngsters from Youngland", to make fun of how whenever an immigrant commits a crime, it is reported as "a young man" rather than their ethnicity, unless it was a local.
based anon
Actually a pretty good shitpost, kek
>Astro Bot: Concordia
Okay, this one was pretty clever. An ovation for you, sir!
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Languages change unironically
There's no way this is real. Concord is fucking dead and buried and is never coming back.
Well put.
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we are so back
I use it because it was the only browser at the time that had this feature where the video player was always on the screen and never in the background. was nice when I played shitty grindy MMOS so I could watch videos while doing boring shit (didn't have a 2nd monitor at that time)
This but unironically.
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>the black dude who was raised here and is jsut your average bro in dark color
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Hearty kek.
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wrong bloodborne kart is real
here's a photo I took of an indev build
instead of using a kart Micolash fucking sprints
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cope nintenyear0ld
Why is a fucking Opera twitter intern of all people making fun of us Sonybros?
>etymologically correct
This is just a cope. English already has tons of words like that, for example "television".
>No Astro bot and the thousand references adventure
>all these triggered nintendo fanboys going off because their fake shit was exposed
>noooo I'm being datamined by this browser
>let's imply that other browser isn't datamining
>let's imply everything we have on our PCs isn't already datamining
You faggots being fanboys for internet browsers are worse than the /sp/ hues about which football player fakes more penalties.
Hi, Dr. Nick
So if they release concord in another form, what does it mean for the tax refund they got for cancelling concord? They did get a refund right? That is why they (apparently) trashed the entire thing and refunded everyone

If concord 2 or concord f2p becomes a successs, will they pay the taxes back?
>he wasn't alive for the browser wars
>he actually, unironically, doesn't know
>was using opera for years
>suddenly they decide that it needs a start-up screen with a start-up sound
>constantly adds ad links to my home screen
first time I ever switched a browser because my main one deliberately tried to piss me off

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