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ITT: Dumb shit you'd do as a game dev to fuck with players
>3D farming sim with relatively realistic character models
>a couple cutscenes have a cartoonish Jimmy Neutron-looking motherfucker just standing around
>he never appears outside cutscenes and his presence is never acknowledged
I'd have a mime NPC who offers to get rid of any invisible walls in the upcoming area for a fee. He does nothing as there is already no invisible walls. If you pay him once, in following areas he returns with exponentially higher prices.
Have a place with numbered door keys that go in your inventory (Place Door Key 1, Place Door Key 2...) and outright skip one of the numbers
There is no corresponding door either, it's just arbitrarily skipped
Turn based RPG
Items have a 1/256 chance to miss
Even outside battle
This except when you exit the dungeon as you turn around you can see a faded "3" above the door frame.
Have a save file name and then after the intro ask for the character's name. You can't have the two names be the same but whatever you put it uses the save file name anyway.
>make weg
>obligatory fishing minigame with no instructions
Fuck you.
I'd tease the player about finding a secret that unlocks the "true" ending, but it doesn't actually exist.
>Sound test unlocked!
>go to sound test
>test sound plays
That's a good stealth marketing tactic to have Gaming Essay Youtubers make videos about your "mysterious" NPC character
>have common item drop thats useless other then for selling, so no reason to keep them at any point
>late in the game lock a strong weapon behind a quest where you need 100 of this item
>decrease drop rate 1000% when you activate the quest
go balls in writing a good straight uguu romance plot and near the end kill off one of the characters and absolutely make sure to gaslight the player into thinking the character isn't coming back but then at the post credits main menu, it shows them both together in bed
I have a document somewhere with nothing but infuriating asshole game dev ideas, cant find it but I remember
>press [button] to start game
>pressing any other button sends you to the title screen where 10 seconds of unskippable title animation plays
>the button you have to press to actually begin the game is randomized
You cannot press left/right to quickly scroll lists or go from the bottom of the list directly to the top or vice versa
You can't hold up/down to scroll through the list either, you have to press the button for each individual item
if your epic troll gamedev idea is indistinguishable from a retard designers bad UX then players will just turn off your game, leave a negative review, and refund it
When the player reaches a high level send in strong bounty hunters after them to bully them and make them feel small and weak, also give them annoying lines to say to taunt the player
Game has an entire pirate themed world/stage
It's only accessible if you pirated the game
Character is sad they lost their handkerchief and would give you a dog bone if you found it. Another one wants a dog bone and has a sewing needle etc until one guy has a great weapon to trade you. You can't get the handkerchief because the guy with the weapon already found it.
Whole cooking mechanic but there are no raw ingredients in the game
Status effect that makes your controller have input lag
Elaborately detailed game over sequences where your character is eaten alive, all other game overs are a near immediate cut to black
as a joke
I wouldn't say a single word to them. I would listen to what they have to say, and that's what no one did.
Hero shooter
Every character is a cool badass except the sniper who is a fat redditor
Have novelty squeaky hammer that deals no damage. that hammers instantly kills the last boss.
Merchant that buys your items for double the price. Every item you sell him gets used against you in a future boss fight far enough out that you forget sold those items in the first place.
Escape key force-closes the game
>t. Fuuka
the game Eternights does something similar to this, except it shows a QR code after the credits. when scanning it, you're shown a very short video implying the character whose route you locked into might actually be alive or able to come back but with no definite evidence and no planned sequel. the QR code videos are specifically tailored to each character with voice acting and all. it was quite heartbreaking really.
Didn’t ask, the player can suck my dick.

>Have a custom character creator
>Give everyone the option be any race, including African
>Plot twist in the game's story: The main character used to be a White male whose body is completely destroyed, and the character creator was you giving him a new body.

I'll give you some time.
I would do everything in my power to fuck with speedruns making the entire game based on RNG.
You can skip the company logo screens at startup but doing so brings up a loading screen that lasts exactly as long as if you just waited through the logos
I will now play your game.

that doesn't stop people trying to speedrun pokemon games
I've thought about this before. An invisible point (or multiple) in a level that, when hit under a specific time, causes hazards and shit to to go off-sync in a way where speedrunners get varying results no matter how consistent.
A scope for a rifle but the sight is not aligned correctly with the barrel
>make some bullshit hidden creepy RNG shit where one player in a thousand or ten thousand gets the game all glitched up and with scary shit happening to the NPCs like them growing giant eyes staring at the screen and stuff like that
This already happens because its just video over a load screen
D up moves down, pressing a moves up, pressing left trigger moves right, pressing start moves left.
I was amazed when i realized that during Stardew Valley intro logo sequence it plays the sound of mouse click. Because pretty much everyone clicks at that moment to skip the logo. But the click itself has no sound. Even if you don't touch mouse the sound will play on. I realized it only on my second playthrough.
Beat 'em up with Skill tree with such minuscule upgrades it makes no difference
Don't forget the gear and crafting systems that have zero impact.
I would fuck with completionists by making the completion meter be stuck at 99%
Make my game on Unity
This but add Key 3 entity to the game code, but never place the object in the world/level
If someone got the Key 3 by other means (cheat engine, hex editing, as long as the item is in the inventory) - make the door disappear.
>fighting game character
>really powerful, probably top 1 in terms of power
>but has weird and unorthodox motion inputs for everything (i.e. pretzel motions, perfect 360s, triangles, etc.), that make him infuriating enough to play as
I'd probably call him the character made purely for hotbox players
Give a prompt to name the player character, only to have them go "wait a sec, that's not my name" until you put in the correct one
>2d platformer where you get more moves for the protagonist as you go along
>protagonist doesn't forget any of his moves between games
>by the end of the second game, you have to do fighting game combos just to use your moves
>this keeps going through the series and the combos get more intricate
>keysmashes or controller mashing instakills you
id make a game about a worm
The controller inputs reverse randomly every 30-60 minutes.
Game is also a platformer with plentiful deathpits and damage knockback.
>eat burger item
am i playing as a retard
I'd insert fake gag credits alongside the real credits
Make some sort of turn based rpg with all your typical character elements, except all of them are autistic bastardizations of their role.
> the fire mage is actually just a literal arsonist that uses molotov cocktails
> the mesmer is actually just a social media influencer girl who gets "mesmerized mobs" (simps) to attack enemies by posting selfies on her phone crying with the enemy in the background
Set up a nice quiet save room with little puzzles in it. After the 4th or 5th time you go in and your guard is completely down an enemy loudly kicks down the door and starts thrashing you all over the room.
a monster catching game where one of the monsters appears every now and then, gets refferenced as a rare and powerful species, mention its fighting abilities, make it seem like a regular mon, etc.
but don't actually make it available to get in any way whatsoever
If my game detects that it's a pirated copy, your game is stuck on the highest difficulty and you'll be followed by a slow, unkillable enemy the whole time.
Opened this thread to post a similar idea.
>The first time the game is booted up, there's a tiny chance to activate Creepypasta Mode, which derails everything into a cliche creepypasta plot
>Distorted music, NPCs having their dialogue changed to cryptic non sequiturs, hyperrealistic blood, the works
>At an appropriate point in the creepypasta narrative, the game pretends to freeze
>During this freeze it permanently disables Creepypasta Mode, deletes any unique assets for it from the game files, and then deletes the "haunted" save file
>Then the game crashes
>When the player opens the game up again, everything is suddenly normal and they can play the game properly
>put a randomized AI generated jumpscare face easter egg into a popular kids game
>It intentionally cannot be screengrabbed by the console and only appears once in a playthrough
Why not make a secret achievement which unlocks the 101% completition rate?
>Randomized invisible walls outside of the level area
>flashing red and blue lights the message “SLOW DOWN” superimposed over the screen and a loud siren play for the rest of the game if you reach a certain point before any human reasonably could
>The option to flee from battle never works
>Leave stuff in the files that was never intended to be used and just see what people come up with
>saving doesn’t work sometimes
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Make it a long item trade quest like this, but at the end you get the handkerchief again and it just loops back to the beginning.
In the last game I worked on there was a small random chance of a loud meow playing during transitions. It confused and surprised quite a few players and streamers much to my amusement.

I also like coming up with bullshit achievements to screw with cheevo hunters. Stuff like getting an extra life after dying, getting all perfect times in time attack, crap like that
The closer you are to the final boss, the more the game hyperbolically slows down. Technically making the game incompletable.
Start it slow so game journalists dont notice and fool more consoomers.
rig the rng machine against specific players. any time a person wrongs me in another game i'll add their steam id to the bad rng list.
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Food poisoning mechanic that's never properly addressed or tutorialized where the longer food stays in your inventory or stays lying around in some chest the higher it has a chance to straight-up kill you.
have a .1% chance for the player character to trip and fall with every step they take
optional moralfag companion that if you pick morally wrong choices when he's in the party, he leaves the party AND forms his own party and tries to fuck you over, like going to a town first before you and spreading shit to lower your affinity with the citizens
You fight him as a penultimate boss in the end of the game if you do this
rpg game where in every area there's a chance of encountering an enemy with a skill that expires a random potion in your inventory. the only way to check it is noticing a small typo in the items description, which honestly nobody fucking reads
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Huh, I wonder why this hasn’t been done before. Sounds like a superior paralysis.
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Very normal fantasy RPG.

Extremely hidden secret route that turns the game into a fourth wall meta horror game but it's so autistically hidden that even accessing it revolves the most absurd shit like walking around a non-descript tree with exactly 84 healing herbs in the fifth slot in your inventory and then going counterclockwise around the perimeter of the first open field of the game before having a 3 minute timer to run into a corner of the second to last town and use an attack up buff on a specific party member and then going around the game world talking to 10 random, unimportant NPCs in a specific order and then you better hope to god you didn't sell your starter equipment because the last step is to die to some rare wolf with a 1% chance to spawn while wearing the MC's starter chestpiece but not before kiting the wolf to a fountain before it kills you, and then the game starts doing spooky shit
Worse, you're a ninja.
You will just end up with RNG manipulation, or some even more "fuck your game" techniques like ACE being the focus of your speedruns.
I like these.
In a space suit?
90% of the fancy visual effects you see in vidya is me distracting you while i load the game in the background
Helldivers 2 has that on pretty much half of all guns with irons sights.
They fixed it.
It's still misaligned but less now.
Shattered: Tale of the forgotten King did this in one of the earlier zones
You can find the actual door the nonexistant key would open, and your companion says that it's for the best that you can't open it
Spyro 1 had a few fancy cyclone-elevator sequences, whose entire point what to hide loading a big area at the end of the tunnel.
When the player is not looking inanimate objects move a little bit, you won't even notice it unles you stay there for a long time
Ok Toby "Radiation" Fox
Bonus point if you check for other process like OBS or Twitch before activating the mode, to ensure it won't happen live or be recorded by anything but some obscure russian software you didn't know about, making sure no one will believe the video anyway.
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>Brightness: On/Off
>if they select off the screen goes black

>subtitles are not in video/audio/accessibility/game settings
>can only be unlocked with in-game currency
City builder but you aren't just an omnipotent invisible force viewing everything top-down, but simultaniously a pedestrian model walking the streets, like an actual politician. You can control where your in-world avatar goes but this isn't telegraphed very well on purpose.
If you piss off your population by making ghettos, letting crime run rampant, shit traffic everyday, no hospitals or power, or drowning them in industrial sludge for lulz they might turn against you and vote you out next term, making the game stop responding to anything you do. If you fuck it up even more you might get rioters at your avatars office or even a harvey lee oswald-style assassination attempt.
Also if you don't manage your funds well government IRS goons will try to raid your office.
You can drive your own roads and do other things but if you don't follow the rules you will get into a "scandal" and get voted out. This also happens if you punch protesters personally.
This actually sounds kinda neat.
If you have ghettos/bad police presence, your character gets stabbed and ends up in the hospital for a while not letting you do anything.
If you have bad road setups, getting stuck in traffic slows you from doing shit and other stuff like that.
>>Randomized invisible walls outside of the level area
Mario 64 has that *inside* the level area.
Always hilarious when a speedrunner get a run ruined because he hit an invisible wall in the middle of nowhere that had only one in 65535 chance to be there.
too bad data miners will find this in less than a week
That's just Death Stranding.
Add random wait times for many things up to a second longer that doesnt affect gameplay but makes speedrunning impossible
>add an arachnophobia setting
>it just makes a spider randomly crawl across the screen after an hour in
Arachnophobia mode just makes the player character scream uncontrollably when they see a spider.
Remnant II did this, with access to an entire fucking class hidden behind wearing a very arbitrary list of gear in front of a glitched portal, leading you to a backroom-style labyrinth where you need to grab the class' items before the screen fade to black and you get killed.
But as the other Anon said, people spent a few weeks trying to find wtf to do to open that portal, before a dataminer just say fuck it.
A game where all the enemies are unsubtle parodies of different video games characters, sorta like in Asterix XXL 2. Except for a single enemy, who despite being designed to look like an over-the-top parody of something is actually completely original. If asked about it, say you're really surprised people don't realize who it is, but cannot say to avoid legal troubles.
>the spider hivemind is posting on /v/ again
>follow the speedrunning community for your game
>patch any glitches they find
>credit the runner in the bug testing section of the credits
I'd make my game incredible and then just fill it with pronouns and trans characters to piss (You) guys off specifically.
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Don't be silly. Spiders can't use computers.
I'd figure you'd also be able to be really corrupt for more luxury, building gated compounds, pay corrupt police and media to do your bidding, take a private road/helicopter to work to circumvent your detroit-tier populace or rigging the elections to stay in power forever, but you'd have to pay increasing prices and deliver more goods to some sort of shadow government who clean up your misdeeds. If you fail to pay they get rid of you like Epstein.
Yummi Nikki
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I think this would work for some game with a cyber/technical setting where you're exploring virtual spaces.
Other status ideas:
>Corruption: Randomly changes values and effects of your attacks with a chance to temporarily "softlock" or hurt yourself, is contagious. Has a chance to instakill enemies though
>Interpolation: Removes endlag of your abilities and makes the animation tween into each other, but lowers/removes knockback
>Compression: Reduces the resource cost/cooldown of your abilities, but also lowers your accuracy
>Buffer: Short term stasis that can also be self inflicted to "dodge" certain attacks
>Framedrops: Keeps your moves *stuck* on their active frames, letting you move during an active attack to hit multiple enemies, you will be unable to move for a moment after the animation ends though
Deltarune Chapter 2's "Weird" route is kinda like this, where doing some very specific shit sends you down a creepier alternate story path.
It was wild how it was only found after a week despite all the people playing the game
The ability to save the game is tied to a character, we will call her "Savepoint".
Savepoint can be interacted with, to save or reload the game mainly. She can also full heal the player.
There is a secret quest to recruit Savepoint as party member, her movepool will only include healing spells and absolutely nothing else.
Savepoint can be killed. You won't be able to access save/load functions in any other way if you allow that to happen.
I hate data miners so much man.

Not necessarily spooky but I love it when games have very cryptic secrets with the most out-of-the-way solutions and only the most minimal hints.

Part of the reason I love the original Zelda so much and wish we'd get a modern game with that kind of design philosophy.
Play Tunic if you haven't already
That would make me extra mad and invested, kek
>be making omorashi game
>character wets for no reason right before they get to the bathroom
It's funny how players react lol
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>Game has a point where an ally/party member turns on you
>If you gave them too good of items or buffed them too much (which in this case would be both easy and the logical thing to do), they are literally impossible to beat
>As a result you’re completely softlocked as you can’t go back to nerf them and you can’t win the fight
>The only thing you can do is wipe your save and start from the very beginning
It’ll also happen real late in the game, so hope you like undoing all those hours of gmaeplay
Hypocritical hits. They are just big dick damage hits like critical hits usually are, except shit like the party dedicated magic damage dealer being able to do the most devastating melee attack in the game to 1-shot the final boss with, melee guys able to cast the biggest magical nuclear explosion etc. The odds are of course astronomically low to proc them. And I guess I would need to make something that detects Cheat Engine etc. and crashes the game so people can't just make the proc chance 100%.
Have every remotely important piece of dialogue end with "Do you want to hear all that again?" and have the default highlighted option be yes.
You cannot skip previously read text
Nice attitude faggot, do you work at Ubi
>have a small QA at the start of the game like in new vegas
>classifies you on a chud/tranny and ironic/unironic axes
>subtly fucks with you story-wise depending on your graph
Have faith mechanic in-game that MIGHT do something, but very subtly. For example have prayer or sacrifice mechanic and the result is based on a random seed every time with most "seeds" doing nothing. Even then if it does something it would only give something like 0,2% luck/better drops
Dark Souls 1 has a slightly neutered version of this
Put lots of black people in the game.
just shit to fuck with speedrunners
>status debuff that makes your character substantially faster but has huge input delay
I was thinking about FFIX actually.
Although personally I wouldn't be making her look like a mascot character, just some cute girl who happens to be such an extremely powerful healer she can replicate a savepoint by using magic.
Fucking with the players aside, I just thought it was a cute idea for a while, I'd go as far as give her a lot of optional dialogue if you actually care about the character.
Also if it wasn't obvious enough, I'd just allow her teleport to designated points in the game basically stalking the player just so you can save.
Fill the game with waterfalls and put nothing behind them.
If you stare at the sun in game for too long your character can develop vision problems all the way up to permanent blindness.
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>very far away island has NPCs saying actual gibberish
>have to go through a long winded sidequest with tons of backtrack and collecting useless items like fish bones and coral shells in order to learn their language
>after unlocking the language the island is simply full of NPCs saying shit like "today sure is sunny" and nothing actually rewarding
Doesn’t need to be substantially faster, just a bit faster to be enough to be optimal for speed running
The ideas in this thread is exactly why I'll never play indieslop.
>bloom: low/high
>motion blur: low/high
>resolution: on/off
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Have a luck stat that doesn't scale with conventional stuff such as crits or loot drops, but has a chance to trigger random events. Having bad luck will cause shit like the merchant becoming sick and not selling wares, you waking up from resting with a random debuff or some pathway breaking so you have to take a detour.
To make this more likely to happen, offer a lot of powerful equipment with horrendous luck debuffs to bait the player into going down a low luck route
Me every time a long-time japan-only game gets a fan translation
>game automatically decreases drop rates if it detects the player farming
>decreased drop rates persist between save files
>party-based RPG
>saving can only be done at save locations
>cutscenes before every boss
>party members will randomly leave and come back, taking their equipped items with them
kinda comparable, but Nier Automata having those stations as save point which end up getting hacked at a later point of the story preventing you from saving for a while
this but instead it also removes invisible platforms used to access secret loot
>Fire Emblem-style strategy game
>enemies can recruit your soldiers
Save points are powerful enemies that have to be defeated before they can be used.
Another Crabs Treasure had big shells as savepoints and a mimic hermit crab boss at the tail end of the game with the checkpoint as its shell
Like a Dragon did something like this

Serious Sam 3 did this

Adding to my game
Not all of them, but there is a bunch of mimics that look like save crystals and will turn into an actual one once they are defeated. They will absolutely spook you by throwing high level magic back to back, it's very possible to die if you approach with a weakned party or ran out of resources somehow.
It is a genuinely cool idea, I like when games go out of their way to give common shit like saving and respawning an in-universe explanation
>Game gives you a whole new tutorial to each you about a whole bunch of shit like status effects and gameplay mechanics
>All this new knowledge is only ever used for one hidden optional boss and never anywhere else
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Reminds me of Angel in KOF 2002. She's the most unorthodox fighter there, her special moves are all part of a giant chain with multiple paths and enders and some of these chains have to be timed (as in, wait a split second before following). Hell, her supers can only be performed during a chain as well. Of course she's the strongest character in the game because the devs compensated the difficulty to pull off her moves with massive priority, hitboxes and invincibility windows.

Pic related, if you whiff or the opponent blocks one of you chain moves, she can use this grab that was supposed to be a combo ender. The grab comes out instantly and the effective area is the pink rectangle. If any part of you character's hurtbox is on that rectangle's range, she grabs you, no questions asked. And the moves that come before the grab have a lot of invincibility as well.

In comparison, the game's main grappler is Clark and that's his main grab range.
>hitbox in the back too
does she grab me with her buttcheeks or something
I will now DEFINITELY play your game.
It certainly helps with immersion if done in a genuine way, you can write a whole character out of trying to personify the save mechanics, easy to explain if it amounts to very high level healing with the side effect of erasing your recent memory or something. Other than time shenanigans, but that's a little over done.
she anal vores you>>689814941
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>the fire mage is actually just a literal arsonist that uses molotov cocktails
Grim Dawn
If you lose to a boss that you're intended to lose, you get an option called "progress" in blue text in the game over screen where other bosses don't have that lets you progress in a way that's supposed to after you lose, alongside "retry" and "go to previous save"
There's a boss that's a major difficulty spike mid-late game ish, and when you lose you get the "progress" option
However if you choose this you get the bad ending
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hmm, that's interesting
but I was thinking about something like arakune + super weird motion inputs on top of that and probably genuine 1f links because lol why not
Sounds like it would make for a good parody or joke game. Can see this done with wojak’s or something
>It's funny how players react lol
Remind me of Corpse Party.
In the abandoned&haunted school the area you start with has no toilet that aren't destroyed, and you quickly find a bucket already half-full of piss.
There are several points in the story where one of the girls desperately need a trip to the bathroom, which is generally an issue considering how unsafe crossing any area is.
Despite being the "obvious" solution, the bucket is never actually used, often leading to the player crossing half the map trying to use it - for nothing.
Genshin Impact does this and since the game is 99.9% exploration it's infuriating.
Except there is like a leper's handful of waterfalls who *do* have entire cave system to explore behind, so you still need to check all of them.
I liked how Undertale did it, and making it one of the villain's story main plot point.
Everhood kind of did this. The game doesn't prevent you from reloading a save after killing save point, but you obviously can no longer use it to save anymore.
Another thing that is slightly different is that save point is not one single person or being, but a whole group/race of beings that allow you to save. You will never find this out until you kill one and notice that others are still there. There's extremely minor hints as to what they used to be but it's assumed that they used to be an artificial race of giants before being turned into lamp posts/save points and you can find the half carcass of one in the Junkyard
>you fight against the final boss in the beginning of the video game
Name one.
Lol sounds fun.
Although limiting it to one character really makes you care about them and enables a dev dick move.

Dissidia 012, what did I win?
If you tell the tutorial mog you are already an expert, it will pit a LV1 Lightning against Feral Chaos.
Final fantasy 1
Nig this is Chrono Trigger. You can fight the final boss at any time, win at any time, get a different ending for doing it at different points.
That's actually an amazing idea. In combination with what this motherfucker said here >>689814086

Write that down.
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i wanted to give your character a design, so i did. they're supposed to be a book.
Use for saving, I mean.
Unironically fun idea
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True, but I fully expect steam forums or something to be filled with "pls add a way to revive her(other than healing items)" if a game really had that.
"They" cannot be singular, Anon.
Gender neutral.
I mean look, I seriously doubt that thing has a gender. Maybe it acts feminine but you wouldn't fuck a living book, right? right?
but "they" can be used as a singular anon when refering to a person
for example: "Cave story was cool and they did a fantastic job on the OST" is correct if you don't know the gender of whoever it is you're talking about
also >>689818835
you could probably get a ton of these searching threads like that
Chapter XX spoilers: she is a fairy who can change forms
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That's actually doable. Just have the steam version come with some .ini file that says "legitimatecopy=yes", you unlock the pirate themed world/stage by editing the "yes" to a "no".

The way alot of people are scared to even just open their games' folders on steams would ensure this trolls a ton of people.
Go back.
We're UI chads round these parts.>>689804262
inb4 pirates miss the joke by posting the game before playing it
The point is to troll paying and technoloically illiterate players, anon. That's why there should be an achievement tied to it.
some russian roguelike called Vanilla Bagel did this for years before the dev patched out the high chance to run into the giant spider in the first floor
Well fair point. I wouldn't mind a game that has... "anti-piracy" being taken in stride and straight up offering an additional stage or additional route.
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>tutorial says dodge doesn't have iframes
>It actually does
It's a turn-based RPG with visible encounters
However after a set amount of steps you will be "ambushed" by an enemy spawning right behind you and running towards the player at full speed, nearly unavoidable.

Effectively this turns the game into random encounters with extra steps, but fuck you zoomers.
>that VN
The most unforgettable horror porn game I've ever played. No other game had a bunch of elementary schoolers gangbang a teenage girl against a wall. And the teenage girl loved it. No other game I've played had a 17 year old bishonen guy drink a 14 year old girl's piss and chase her down the hall to rape her, only to wind up getting anally raped by a 32 year old fat man. I still remember the scene where a 16-17 girl was hiding under a bed as her same age best friend was having sex with that same 32 year old fat guy on top. She heard every moan, bed shake and sound. In the wrong end she was discovered under the bed by her friend and made to join. A most terrifying scene was when an unwilling girl relives another girl's sex memories. The girl in the memory consented but the reliving girl didn't. It didn't matter that she was mentally screaming, her body in the memory did all the motions and actions as in history. It's like mind control rape except the victim was fully aware. Another scene the same girl and a friend were almost raped in a magic sex ritual, saved by the girl's older sister, and the backlash made the older sister want to rape her younger sister and friend.

The loli in this pic is freakishly lewd and once disguised herself as a teenage girl, fucked a boy until he nearly came, transformed back saying
>You thought you were having sex with a highschooler weren't you? I'm an elementary schooler all along!
And leglocks that boy, forcing him to cum inside her unprotected, when he screams in fear upon learning this. This isn't even getting into the tentacles, the gay sex, the lesbian sex, the incest, the sequel's mother/daughter lesbian scene, etc. The first chapter alone contains lots of lesbian sex scenes with an unavoidable girl masturbating in the bathroom. Truly horror is intrinsically connected with sexuality.
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What form of mental illness is this? None of that shit even happens in Corpse Party.
...not sure if that's the same thing. The one I played had maybe one rape scene at most.
I'm talking about the one where one guy whose is fan of guro aspend most of the first chapter taking pics of one girl who has been completely crushed to a pulp against a wall, only much later to discover that was his sister that he has been trying to find since the beginning.
>Create a statue of a legendary hero
>Base of the statue has 4 indentations
>Some old women NPC claims there's a legend that if you bring 4 crystals to the pedestal, the path to the hero's treasures and weapons will reveal itself
>Gives you very cryptic and vague bullshit hints on how to find the crystals.
>If you somehow find all 4 crystals and bring them back to the statue, nothing will happen
>The old lady says "well, I guess it was just a silly old legend after all. At least the statue looks nice now"
I could swear I saw this before.
Not literally telling you "there are no iframes on the dodge" but trying to make you learn to get out of the way entirely while you could in fact iframe through everything.
frieren ass sidequest
Nigger, I am going to fuck that book. Anon made her a her in the original concept. I will eat your flesh for insulting a woman with "they/them."
>locked door that requires a key that is found in a nearby dungeon
>If you just autistically interact with the locked door 20 times the door breaks and you're free to continue
everyone has critically failed at eating or drinking a few times in their life anon
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I remember seeing this post once and thinking it was organic
then I saw it the second time, then the third time...
>if the player spends too much time trying to do all the side quests they missed after triggering the end game events, once they finally fight their way to the bbegs throne rooms they'll see another party of adventurers standing victoriously over his corpse and the end credits will play with that party being celebrated for saving the world
retardation check for literally everything
try to use a potion? check if it hits the right target, or if it hits at all
opening doors? check if you don't walk into a wall instead
use a key to open the super rare loot chest? check if you don't break the key by accident
talk to an npc? check if you don't say some gibberish instead
equip a new weapon? check if you don't drop it on the ground by accident
read a scroll with some plot important information? check if you can actually understand what it says
Hey that's just a normal tabletop session.
this is cool idea
The hammer is straight out of MOTHER: Cognitive Dissonance.
Otherhand nust post on /v/
>MC can’t leave their dimension unless the game devs make a update
>there wouldn't be any more content for them to explore otherwise
>there’s a literal force field around their house preventing them from escaping
>update comes out a few years later
>MC has a bunch of pizza boxes and junk food on the ground because it took too long
i’m putting this into my game lol
>If this happens, it counts as losing the game/bad end
>hard boss fight that will kill you a lot
>when player dies to him there's a 1/X chance a fake ban message appear saying "banned: racism from microphone detected"
>make the boss black for good measure
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When you fail a quest, you can't replay it. Instead you can only redo the same quest, but harder and with more requirements. This happens every time you consecutively fail the same quest over and over until the quest's so hard you can only beat it when you have endgame stats
That sounds like something the player will intentionally fail after a while so they can make every quest into a post-game.
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m&l: dream team, not THE final boss but the one right beofre it, and it's the last fight with dream worlds gimmicks.
Beautiful. Down to the dodge animation playing on a KO'd character.
every one of those reviews i will respond to with "the moon had bad UX too"
>MC lost levels or general strength due to waiting in the meantime, incentivizing him to enjoy the new content and not stay home anymore
>MC takes his anger and frustration out on the party members in the meantime
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>Put hidden Creepypasta shit in the game
>Set it up like the game has a hidden ARG in it
>Don't elaborate when players ask about it
>Add more "clues" in updates
>Put in QR codes and other weird shit that just sends people on random goose chases
>Youtubers pick it up and make videos about it
>More people get interested to see where I'm going with it
>Reveal at the last second that it was all just random bullshit and I just wasted everyones time
Are you the DDLC dev
Battle.Net's chat gem.
With (old) Blizzard answer about it only being: "The chat gem is working as intended."
stealing my shit
>resident evil style game
>read one of documents laying around
>spawns an enemy that slowly approaches you while reading
>the pages flip slowly

I stole this from Joel
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I would make body inflation a mechanic in an otherwise tonally serious and grounded game.
>skyrim style open world rpg
>towns people have random chance of pickpocketing you without you knowing
>even quest items

You either chase the thief down or visit the local pawn shop and buy it back.
>Game read the list of other programs running on the computer
>Apply different seed to RNG depending on if you have twich/youtube/obs/etc streaming
>Change those seeds every month, forcing speedrunners to change where they stream if they want the optimal RNG to beat WR
I had a nightmare like this every night for years
>create item that says it makes you stronger for ng+
>it actually does nothing
Majoras mask
But not really
Good thread.
This reminds me of Pom Gets Wifi, I'm going to play it NOW
>MMORPG where status effect spells effect your options
>Actually have to go into your options an reset things manually to undo the spell
>Higher levels of the spells start effecting your game files

Confusion = Controller config
Blind = Brightness, saturation and gamma turned all the way down or up
Silence mutes your audio

Can't think of anything for paralyze and poison.
set all movement controls to Null?
I was thinking of those little shits from Fallout 2, but MM also crossed my mind.
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It's an uber cliche and extremely autistic, but my dream game is a fantasy jrpg that has a long convoluted and optional sidequest with a bunch of steps that culminates in unlocking an underground tunnel leading deep underground into a hidden facility with computers and concrete walls and shit, hinting that the world of the game originated from an earth colony ship.

Basically xenogears, but the plot of the game doesn't aknowledge it at all and plays the game as straight laced medieval fantasy.
This is actually kind of a cool concept if your theme is something like mercenaries/soldiers of fortune drifting between different companies
>there's a shovel item you can buy and use as a weapon
>it's completely optional and can only be bought from stores
>tons of quests with a lot giving you coordinates to a person or building
>exactly 1 quest sends you to a person where you have to dig right infront of with a shovel
>>exactly 1 quest sends you to a person where you have to dig right infront of with a shovel
> once you get that quest, shovels become unavailable
A normal, mostly unremarkable but pleasant enough Visual Novel with different girls to date. You live with your parents and sister so the story always starts there. You will eventually want to play it again because of the different girls. However on the second playthrough, and for every playthrough going forward, the game starts where you have transformed into a giant beetle like The Metamorphosis and now the game is about dealing with that. None of this is mentioned anywhere in the game's marketing or anything so it will mostly be a surprise for the first wave of first time players and then ruined for everyone else.
>Basically xenogears
Might & Magic series did it long ago...
>but the plot of the game doesn't acknowledge it at all
...although the plot does acknowledge it and become pretty wild in the few parts where the "this is your typical kitchen sink fantasy" parts collide with the "actually this is a giant colony ship, demons are aliens trying to invade it and angels are just the security bots" parts.
>the game starts where you have transformed into a giant beetle like The Metamorphosis
Are the girls still into me
or at least one weird girl
>skyrim style rpg
>all human like enemies are implied to receive burials
>after you kill them, you start seeing grave stones pop up randomly in the overworld
>they keep expanding until they turn into full blown graveyards and mausoleums, basically mini towns
>necromancers start infesting these sites
>either that or the places are haunted and the undead there receive a stat boost from being enraged at your presence
So kinda like You and Me and Her completely changes on the second route? Sounds pretty cool ngl
Not quite the same, but DragonFable had a well-liked NPC who would handle things at the inn you're staying at. She fucking died in one of the worst ways.
>She fucking died in one of the worst ways.
Why did they do this to her
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>The pirated version doesn't actually get the pirate level because the cracker thought "legitimatecopy=yes" needs to be True for the crack to work
Because (You) didn't save her, and the thing puppeteering her corpse is sure to remind you of that
That actually sounds pretty dope. If you change it into a top-down 2D grid based RPG it's even feasible.
or you could do it overwatch style
>Make an ARG
>It leads to a fucking timer to a release that would've happened anyways
>survival horror
>make the save room a comfy spot
>halfway through the game there's a 1/70 chance of spawning a fucked up monster inside the room exclusive to it
>spawns right after the player leaves the save screen
>1% more damage to armored enemies on tuesday
I will now buy your game
A fighting game where button combos can be input various levels of sloppy to precise, effecting the character's "technique" of pulling off these moves.

For example: "> > <" will trigger some kind of back throw move, but if you input it by sliding your finger across the d-pad, the throw won't do as much damage, or have as much distance in throwing the opponent.
Voices of the Void] does this with trees
Isn't this just Tropico?
>Bosses have rounded HP amounts like "450000" or "1000000"
>One single boss has a weird HP amount like "857634"
>Players will try to fruitkessly look for a meaning behind it
I do be like that.
Something about non-rounded random numbers feels more natural when compared to the player stats.
>if your units are low on hp the chances to be betrayed are higher
>enemies heal the once low unit
>unit backstabs them immediately depending on how much loyalty they had compared to your other units
would be kino
Happens in real life with some hotels.
There's no floor 13.
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Yeah that's literally Yakuza 7 and 8, 90% of player jobs & enemy types are plays on classic archetypes you'd expect from a JRPG
This but also unlocks an in-game achievement/flag for hitting it, so that a speedrunner's main menu looks different
Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts
skipping the intro instantly teleports you to the final boss/hidden superboss
>Part of a game where players have to navigate a short, dark maze
>Players can rarely hear sounds coming from the other side of walls. Footsteps, grunting, growling, etc, nothing like anything else in the game
>There's nothing else actually in this maze. At most, an invisible entity that emits these sounds, but only when the player can't make it to its position too quickly
>Include model and texture data in the files for this hypothetical monster, too
the only trophies are troll trophies
>press A 100 times
>idle in game for 24 hours
>send 12 in game invites
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This actually happens in the Rance series, except you're the one who beats the final boss while the real hero wastes his time on sidequests offscreen.
that already exists, one example i can think of is how c.viper in marvel 3 is a top tier on paper but the problem is no one has the hands to execute all her seismo cancel bullshit
Is this just in Treasure of Nadia or does this happen often
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Stanley Parable basically did pretty much that.
The funniest thing is cheevo autists not being able to deal with it and literally cheating in the unobtainable achievement
>Speedrun achievement
>"Beat the game in 6 hours."
>You have to complete the game with the game clock at exactly 6:00:00, down to the second.
>time stops after the credits
>credits can't be skipped, so you have to time everything beforehand
Make it also track during loading screens.
Have some eldritch Lovecraftian shit at the bottom of the skybox that you won't see unless you fall out of the level/glitch through the geometry.
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Middens had most of that, including being able to shoot and kill the savepoint dude.
Black Souls lets you kill the NPC that levels you up and is required to do so for one of the endings
Way of the Samurai games let you do the spoilered bit. You can kill all the save point dudes in the world in a single run.
Way of the Samuai has save points? I thought you got a save only after a day has passed
Have a character creator where you are forced to accept no less than ten "Are you sure?" prompts if you don't set your female character's breast size to max.
3 does at least.
Don't remember which one but there was one game where the devs deliberately made it so that getting the 100% completion achievement required, well, getting the 100% completion achievement.
>Silly slim to none spawn encounter

Brooklet Hill has 1% chance of spawning Kyogre in original Pokemon sun and moon but only during Lana's water trial
>Parkinson's status effect
>controller now constantly vibrates


Good to know.

Guess what we really need is a game that combines all of it in a single package and delivers the one and only savepoint lady.
>don't know this is in the game
>have controller vibrations tied to your lovesense
What a surprise!
>one and only savepoint lady
When you kill her her last dying action is to save the game overwriting all other saves.
Spiteful but sort of deserved if you are the one who killed her after doing it for free.
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this instead of male/female or body type A/B
>include an in depth weapon upgrade system
>upgrades actively make the weapons worse
>level ups increase on screen stats but don't actually have an effect on gameplay; they also have a 'side effect" of cranking up the difficulty
>credits are shown in universe with the character still controllable, albeit with nothing to do. During the credits the secret final boss comes out and ambushes the player
Cause your screen to display seizure or illness inducing patterns of light
>every point put into Intelligence reduces Faith by two and vice versa
>tutorial says dodge has I frame
>it doesn't
For that matter,
>tutorial teaches you how to play another game entirely
>Faith hikes up to max once you reach a high enough level of intelligence
>your picture but you're actually picking a number.
these together would be kino
>>tutorial teaches you how to play another game entirely
Now I am sure I have seen this one before.
Well technically Recettear, it makes you play in a way that you are guaranteed to fail combos, despite the combo mechanic being the most important thing ever. At least until a certain level but that would only matter if you are doing a fucking survival run.
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Half the best things in the game are from the old man in the second town.

Long epic quest gives shit item or just full blown meme item.

Keep glitches in the game but set it to trigger humorous "bad end" cutscene.
I fucking love when games have stupid shit happen with a really low chance
Chantelise, I guess? The fishing system is literally Mario Golf to the point the protags even make a cheeky comment about it.
>instead of the game ending on a satisfying conclusion it suddenly turns into a tie-in to a completely unrelated, random, unfinished game series from 20-30 years ago and concludes THAT one's plot instead
Kek same devs too.
>Keep glitches in the game but set it to trigger humorous "bad end" cutscene.
I really want to do a game where I leave in a "glitch" intentionally, such as a random wall that you can just walk through.
But it turns out it's intentional, and it's the entrance to a secret dev room inspired by FFIV.
I've been thinking about making the good end locked behind a boss fight where you are prompted to betray the character's morals.
red mana potions
blue health potions
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terraria did this by making the nymph's spawn rate 1/80 in pre-hardmode and 1/200 in hardmode
so despite being a common early game enemy it gained a rep as the "rarest enemy in the game"
it was only recently changed in 1.4.4 to a universal 1/80
You just need to get very good at obfuscating anything script/trigger related
I won't say which one, but I worked on a decently popular game with another anon back in the day that has an absurdly hard to access hidden area in it with a significant amount of addtional content that no one has found or at least documented yet, even though there has been some efforts from multiple people/groups who are aware something is up.
I went to extreme lengths to obfuscate and hide everything related to it.
>all strings related to it are double ciphered and decoded only when the appropriate conditions are met
>scripting for it is broken up into many pieces and hidden in code that has nothing to do with the hidden area, a master script that seems to be for some simple routine jumps to all these other scripts to pick up the pieces into a whole when conditions are met
>all the visual assets for it (models/textures) are hidden inside other assets that have nothing to do with the area
>all of the audio specific to the area is static/noise unless it's played back with a specific audio routine coded just for this purpose
you would pretty much have to scan memory for changes at this point to brute force the conditions for it and exactly how I obfuscated some stuff.
Hiding shit from dataminers is possible, but you have to be REALLY autistic and clever about it. See shit like the COD zombies easter eggs or some of the shit DICE has done in BF games. However you are a faggot of the highest degree if you intentionally make the easter egg completely impossible to achieve/unlock even if the method/requirements is known until you patch an unlock condition in when you feel like they 'earned it', like Blizzard does.
Noita still manages to keep shit from data mimners, so im sure something like that could be hidden like that too
>makes the player character scream
>makes them ignore inputs/act on their own even if it would fuck the player over
>adds more spiders and makes them more aggressive/scary looking than normal
>arachnophobia mode just reduces the number of legs to six
I mean pokemon gen 1 had this issue with moves that are supposed to always hit but it was a genuine oversight. They used > instead of >= in accuracy calculations.
Dark Souls 2 did this, if you were part of the Champions covenant (which made everything stronger, basically +1 NG level) it stopped enemies from having limited spawns, but to offset this the more you killed an enemy the lower all of the drop chances of everything in their loot table would be reduced, so people thinking they were cheating the system were actually screwing themselves
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>make game with spiders as a staple enemy
>include arachnophobia mode
>it makes ALL npcs and enemies spiders and deletes the option from the menu so it can't be turned off
>activate arachnophobia mode
>game deletes itself
>it was developed by Spiders
I don't know what game that is, but it reminds me of a level in crash bandicoot warped. It's the egyptian level in the final warp room. Due to an oversight, it is possible to get more boxes than the level is supposed to have, and the game is programmed to not give you a gem unless you have exactly the required number, so if you have more boxes than you're supposed to you wont get the gem. But you can easily just replay the level.
>Would you like to see the tutorial?
>Well here it is anyway, faggot.
Sonic Adventure 2, I never got past the big the cat level dude. I was so mad about that as a kid that it made me not even want to eat fish in real life
There's a door in Dark Souls 2 that's like this, it needs a key to open normally but you can just break it open by smashing it with your weapon a few times because it's a worn down, partially damaged version of it
Subnautica clown hammer does this kind of
Someone in my group had cosmically bad luck one night and literally rolled nothing but 1s every time
we were seriously in disbelief thinking it was a bit but it was assuredly not, RNGesus just took a fat steamy shit on him and his dice hand that day
>you have more and a bigger variety of battle chips than anyone else
>your netnavi is pumped up with HP and memory upgrades along with dozens of custom programs
>you're the greatest net battler in the world
>you saved humanity and the entire earth multiple times from annihilation

I believe it, after all I have seen the infamous nothing but nat20s in a row before. Many stories happen like that.
I absolutely love this kind of shit, especially with the way Xenogears does it, there's this air of reverence and mystery in all of the areas of the game that are part of the ship from the intro cinematic that broke up, like it's some holy place that you aren't worthy to tread upon being a 'lower' form of human from centuries of societal/cultural/spiritual regression
that's just pokemon
Lowest and Ultra are performance-wise more or less the same.
Each individual setting put to Ultra simply runs an additional crypto-miner in the background to make it more taxing.
There's never really a point where they give you a choice for that in pokemon.
Gen one...
The most famous glitch in the game literally works because you can choose to view the catching tutorial at any time.
they do tend to ask you if you know how a thing works just for them to explain it anyway, like pokegear for example
>rookie spent too much time drinking potato water while sifting through trash for rubles
>Max Power made it to the Wish Granter first and saved the Zone
>PC dies in the ensuring blowout due to alcohol poisoning
If you use a weapon excessively (REALLY excessively, like using nothing but it for basically all of your kills), it will do a tiny less damage. Just enough to make you think you're going crazy.
Damn that's some psycho shit.
>automatic nerfing in a sp title
I know. But to be clear, I have zero interest in making a pvp focused game so it's not quite as bad.
That would be ludo kino of the highest order.
If a player skips a cutscene more than once or spams the start/B/A button in an attempt to skip a cutscene an internal flag will be passed and the save will be corrupted & unrecoverable shortly after.

Another one I'd like.
If the user starts the game on hard or above normal difficulty without clearing the game to a specified completion point they will encounter impossible balancing rendering them unable to progress until they beat the game on an easier or normal difficulty.
The harder modes would exist and be balanced but joke balance would stop any and all progress without speedrunning any% strats. If they do bypass any checks in the game they get an achievement named: you didn't beat the game.
>During a cutscene where you're eating a burger
>A tiny chance for an alternative cutscene to play where you just ram in into your eyes and scream FUUUUUCK while getting covered in sauce and cheese
Nobody reacts or responds to this at all, it's treated like it didn't happen.
Mimic chest in the first room to inspire fear followed by zero mimics for the rest of the game.
Pretty sure that's like the only example. Most of the time they just force you into a tutorial. The catching tutorial in gen 1 and 2 are the only ones you can skip I'm pretty sure.
Isn't that just Rain Code?
Why go that far with it? Asking if you want to hear dialog again and having the cursor autoset to Yes is way more obnoxious than outright malicious.
Do DEXfags really?
DEX can't dodge magic
But I laughed.
>just adds a human face on every spider
I'm not as malicious as CBU III with their XIV tier UX decisions.
There's no host of yes/no options with options you want defaulting to yes as no and stuff you don't want as yes.
Also, if you don't like things like checks you can disable them, you'd even be able to do things like disable animations in the UI because I'm not a total energy vampire.

Limited just to the story, they CAN skip it btw, it just corrupts the save. Second playthroughs would disable it for content you've already experienced but new content would still have the check and a pity system that lets you start the NG+ again from the beginning.
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You have to physically watch your character chew and swallow every food item you give them.
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If I made a game where you can place furniture in player housing, I would add a 0,1% chance for objects to reposition themselves by a few tiles. This would be rolled separately for each object and happen each time the area is loaded.
>"press X to pet the dog"
>dog fucking mauls you
That's just Epic Battle Fantasy.
Ooh that’s a neat idea for multiplayer actually, make the weapon stats automatically adjust for usage stats. So popular guns end up getting percentage nerfs and unpopular ones get buffs, so the whole thing ends up auto-balancing.
So basically Tarkov consumable animations except at a realistic pace/timescale
no more eating half a loaf of bread in a couple of bites or downing an entire energy drink in a few gulps, you gotta sit there and take multiple bites, chews and swallows and gulps to finish it off
>you can choke if you take damage/move too suddenly/otherwise get interrupted while eating/drinking
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>Press X to pet the cat
>This appears on screen
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>have a normal soundtrack that is just good music fitting for the game
>have a secret "B-side" alternate soundtrack that is also good music but funkier and more experimental
>have an even more secret "C-side" soundtrack that is absolute dogshit composed by people who don't know what they're doing
that one door in Cave Story lol
you can just makes it so that finishing a cutscene triggers a true/false value, and allow the player to skip the cutscene but it doesn't trigger the value if you do.
>Madness/Insanity status effect results in all of the game's dialog being turned into Google translations
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Have a 4 digit door code that is randomly generated with each new playthrough

Inside it is really valuable, game ending loot that isnt avalible anywhere else.
You have to sit and try 10,000 combinations before it unlocks

The flip side of this is i actually let the player know and just see whos crazy enough to do it
Why does that man own that cup?
>Story and Art are completely different depending on the region you live in.
a typical custcene-heavy moviegame, except at random points during cutscenes make a qte, where if you fail a random fuckup happens, like tripping on a completely straight road or accidentally using the wrong word during a conversation
also, make them happen during non-important moments to make the player thing it's just a silly comedic thing, and then during the scene where character carries the important endgame-creating artifact pull a really quick qte that makes the character drop and break the thing, immediately auto-saving and preventing the proper ending from happening
Some small, unsuspicious bar/gauge in the HUD that doesn't really do or indicate anything and fills/decreases through different actions like jumping, attacking, etc. that change at random after a while.
The real best way to stop speed runners is to include a skip right at the beginning of the game that quickly hit the final room where the ending plays and you get credits. Making the speed run boring to do and boring to watch killing any interest of people doing it.
Octopath traveler 2 if you choose temenos as the protagonist
Technically its neither you nor do you actually fight him since (you) are Aelfric and youre only in a puppetshow for orphans, but in terms of gameplay, it checks out
fuck, i knew i read this shit before. Is this a bot or just some autist or what
Hide a screamer that closes the game behind a common mechanic that has a 1% chance to activate.
the entirety and culmination of all of GTA Vs mysteries
They’ll just create a new category where that particular skip is banned
>game has ranking system
>the grade you get is completely arbitrary, and your performance has zero bearing on what you get
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>bosses can be staggered and knocked down
>while they're knocked down you can deplete a gauge by attacking them
>empty it fully and you do a massive hit on them that's really the only way to kill them
>one boss is hardcoded to stand back up when the gauge is 49%/99% depleted no matter what, forcing you to knock it down three times
didn't some faggots figure out a way in majoras mask to get into the debug menu and abuse the owl warps, requiring you to repeatedly do some arbitrary bullshit 800 times in a row, but still allows you to beat the game faster than the normal speedrunning route?
Super boss with hidden esoteric dumb rules you have to follow exactly or it will just kill you instantly and game over. Has a chance to do that anyway even if you play perfectly.
>arachnophobia mode
>replaces every instance of the word spider with bug
>does nothing else
>all spiders are simply removed from the game breaking difficulty, progression and immersion
Optional to the last one
>every spot where a spider would spawn is a sign saying "YOU ARE A PUSSY"
Why not just make one of the bosses a giant spider that wont spawn if the setting is enabled and doesn't let you progress
basically Deep Breath on onyxia back in the day
>At around 5% of its final HP bar the boss will become totally invulnerable and begin charging a spell that wipes the party in the next 15 seconds
>you need to cast the appropriate sequence of spells in the correct order to break the shield and interrupt the cast
>this order is randomized every pull
>it has a subtle tell early on in the fight that you are likely to not notice and even less likely to remember by the time it becomes relevant
>this boss fight has 99 health bars
>damage is hardcapped for the fight and you can deal no more than 1% of a single health bare with any single skill, spell or attack, boss fight takes minimum of 1 hour
>on top of this boss can easily fuck your party with any of the rest of its kit
>turn arachnophobia setting on
>adds a new spider npc you can date only while the setting is active
Yes, and it’s banned in Any% No Major Glitches, the most popular category
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>a guard or other official forces you to sign something at the beginning of the game
>game asks you to input a name so you think "oh this is where I name my character"
>your character signs "X" because he's illiterate and also barely speaks the language so he can't give his name verbally either
>language barrier persists so everyone just calls you nicknames for the rest of the game and you're basically a silent protagonist
around 3/4 of the game, the final boss comes over and takes all your shit, forcing you to make a new build that you'll have to defeat your old build that the final boss stole with
but if you try to sandbag him with a garbage build in the stealing chapter, he'll swap it back over to you right before final fight and use a super special extra powerful build for himself
>save point is run by a sketchy con-artist
>takes your progress and saves it “for later”
>go to the next save point
>the progress is all fucked up
>”sorry, had to let other people borrow it”
>make the player freehand write using the stick to move the pen
>extremely over sensitive to minor movements on the joystick
>guard mocks you for having shit handwriting
I thought you were going to do something where you physically sign your name on the paper with the mouse/joystick.
Then later on you have to sign something again and if your new signature isn't close to the first one your character gets arrested for forgery, sending you down an extremely long "side" quest about being in jail.
Nothing else in the game works like this. You can freely commit crimes otherwise and if you get caught it's just a fee you have to pay to get the guards to stop chasing you.
Reminds me of those fucking DS games where you forced to input a name by drawing with the stylus yet the detection was so dogshit it took ages to get it right. One of the Layton games did it, I think.
>arachnophilia mode toggle
>turns girls into sexy spiders
Scribblenauts allowed you to do this but it literally never worked. It also had a keyboard so I have no idea why they bothered.
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>Have a repeating character who comes in and asks the Hero for a small allowance
>It eventually ramps up each time until it reaches insane levels
>If people persist and give the character their allowance by the end of the game he will give them a strong weapon
>Wait until people figure it out and post tutorials online
>Push a patch that removes the weapon and the character kills you instead before entering the final boss room
I would hide a bunch of random enemies outside the map in a way that they're only visible if you use a map viewer, or go out of bounds. Maybe give them all silly hats or something and name them "fuckbutt" in the code or something.
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That half-assed sway to the side
every time
You mean SA1
There are a lot of games that have stuff like this but I don't think they're intentional necessarily. In Mario 64 there is an object that will spawn 3 goombas in a small area instead of just one. One of these objects is placed in Bowser in the Dark world but it's a little too close to an edge so one of the goombas spawns on the death plane, which I don't think actually kills enemies, so its just hanging out at the very bottom of the map.
>wait a few years after release
>compile every video you can find
>make your own video calling them all retards
What Atlus game?
I was mostly thinking Yiazmat from FFXII but with an asshole twist that invalidates all the time you spent whittling him down right at the finish line
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>Turn Strategy Game
>There's an mission where you have to escape from the enemy, and have to wait X turns before you can exit a door
>If try to win by rout and kill everyone ahead of time, the game then presents your party getting ambushed and killed by the entrance guards, since their shift wasn't up yet
> Player follows yellow paint for minutes before being ambushed
> After fighting off the enemies, they can find whole buckets of yellow paint in a corner
>that dude in the snow level
Thanks for the laugh and explanation, pancake man.
>that had only one in 65535 chance to be there
The walls do not appear in random places. They're always in the same places in every level on every version of the game.

I can't even believe how ridiculously unlikely that one was, and even more so that someone managed to hit it on a stream.
>his copy of super Mario 64 isn't personalized
shaking my head rn.
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>arachnophobia mode
>spiders crawl out of your system
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>game detects if you’re recording/streaming it and prevents you from finding any of its secrets
>end credits music is don't go chasing waterfalls
>he doesn't know
I remember some thread saying that this isn't actually out of a game but a joke animation
reloading or quiting early when losing but before actually reaching a game over screen increases a hidden "cowardice" counter that affects the story and also makes the game harder until the player finally takes the L instead of avoiding consequences
something like debuffing stats while at low health since "you're gonna die anyway so why even try" ir lowering success rates of various checks cause "can just reload until you get it right anyway"
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Develop a game made up almost entirely of escort missions, but make the NPCs total retards who endlessly get stuck walking into walls or wander off into hordes of enemies
>fantasy game
>have a four legged winged serpent beast enemy and call it a wyvern
>have a two legged winged serpent beast and call it a dragon
So a regular escort mission?
It's also outdated thanks to being able to make an owl statue warp you to the moon with SRM evil unfreed pointer shenanigans.
His cat is pretty rad.
Isn't that just Heavy Rain?
>its just hanging out at the very bottom of the map
For one frame, then he despawns.
Why do I feel obligated to watch the entire thing every time it's posted
theorybait is not a cool game idea
>Achievement: Kill five million enemies.
>The tutorial fight is against a guy named Five Million Enemies.
I could totally see a borderlands game pull this kind of joke
Inside of typical updates, some sort of creepypasta type shit gets slipped in without warning. It's extremely rare, enough that only a few dozen players would probably see it before it's silently removed in the next update. Just rinse and repeat at random. It'd be shit like Bigfoot, ghosts, a UFO, just things that don't fit into the world at all.
Cyclops enemies are guaranteed to drop at least two cyclops eyes when defeated.
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>You have the option to be nice and/or do good, weather it be when conversing with npc’s or even trying to take a non-lethal approach with enemies
>In every single instance when choosing this option your kindness backfires horrendously and does you far more harm than good
You probably mean SA1
Never finished that game after trying it TWICE 10 years apart. Fuck that fat fucking hairy motherfucker and his fucking gay ass faggy frog.
>I'm afraid it's been...nine years
Your not alone in that front anon.
Sekiro kinda
>make aquarium game
>type 'THANKS' to kill all fish
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Create a Faith stat that increases all magical interactions, incoming and outgoing, so non-casters have to choose between receiving shit heals or getting owned by magic, and caster types inevitably turn into glass cannons who pray the enemy casters don't go first
>Faith stat
> who pray
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>add "streamer mode" to game
>it just spams nigger at max volume
you guys don’t mind if i add this character to my game, right?
>glass cannons who PRAY the enemy casters don't go first
...order is determined largely by faith stat
Yeah I meant 1, and thank you for the affirmation that the fishing section indeed sucked
add a -phobia mode for every enemy in the game except for spiders
>enemies are holier than thou
It pipes it through the mic channel so the streamer doesn’t know it’s happening
based and fftpilled
And if the faith stat gets too high, the character leaves on a pilgrimage. If it gets too low, it leaves during the night, later on it reappears as a high-level demon mob that still retains all the skills it had.
This is what Disco Elysium felt like
>make a team of atheist meleefags
>casters can’t do shit to you
>put all the points you saved on faith into defense so other meleefags can’t do shit to you
Chewing and swallowing minigame that plays like QWOP
>First person shooter
>Whenever you look down there's a rare chance for your body to have been replaced with a gorilla suit or ballerina tutu or something.
I would give it another shot now that I'm almost 30, but that jarring change from hi-speed gameplay of... everybody, to this SLOW FAT FUCK will still piss me off. I'll just have to decide whether to get spare parts for my Dreamcast or just play it on the GameCube.
I think I read somewhere that he has the least stages so that's an incentive.
>RPG has multiple bugs/glitches
>They're all caused by your mage party member who's just fucking with you
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Being an atheist in the face of having actual magic and miracles manifest in front of your very eyes should require some other type of stat
Your attacks have decreased accuracy the longer you play.
>Game does the "healing magic hurts undead" thing.
>But there's a small random chance to actually heal them and bring them back to life, far stronger than their undead forms.
>viking game
>black vikings
I think this was done in at least one Silent Hill
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To this day I don't know if anybody's ever figured out how ranking actually works in shadow warrior '13
that plus
>Game has insanity mechanics
>the more a player deviated from the original character, the faster the character descends into madness
>looking at a mirror reduces health
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>caster types inevitably turn into glass cannons who pray the enemy casters don't go first
This means protection magic and buffs can't exist
>character didn't pet the dog properly, gloves made it feel like absolute shit
>This was after the brutalisation cutscene
Anyone got that comic where a guy doesn't know how to let a dog and even the dog is weirded out
>looking at a mirror reduces health
That's pretty transphobic
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>make arachnophobia filter
>give the player to turn it on the second they boot up the game for the first time
>there aren't actually any spiders in the game normally
>turning on the arachnophobia filter enables a spider enemy that will start chasing down the player after 3 hours of play (past the refund timer)
>the spider is made to look uncanny and unsettling
>getting killed by it causes the game to play footage of IRL spiders swarming
Buffs/debuffs exist, but they work on the same system. Buffs and revives can fail if your faith isn't high enough, and higher faith makes debuffs, dispels, and instant death more likely to land.
>regular adventure game
>there is a 1/10 chance an unkillable enemy will appear at a part of the level that instakills you, even if you are talking to someone
>it won't spawn until you are deep into the level so you can't just run away or reset the level
But that only makes the faithful susceptible to counters from other faithful. if a faithful caster encounters a maurauding band of fedora-wearing atheist fighters, casts shield on himself and sits there praying, what can the atheists do to them since the atheists don't have access to any magic to debuf or dispel the shield?
Opposite, the shield does nothing since the Redditors have no faith, so the shield has no effect on their attacks.
You'd cast protection magic on yourself not on them, so it seems like it should work regardless of the opinions of whoever is hitting you.
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Based. The first time it happens the player would probably think it's some secret mini-boss unlock.
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>optional recruit is the best unit in the game
>trivializes every encounter including bosses
>but you have to give up the harem ending and let him date another party member
>if you refuse to do this after recruiting him he just kills you and corrupts your save
Fucking FFT and it's ridiculous bullshit.
>Characters have zodiac signs with different compatibility with other zodiac signs
>If your units have bad zodiac compatibility it's extremely likely their haste etc spells will fail on each other
>Achievement Unlocked: "I didn't hear no bell"
JRPG where every single item in the bag has a silent, randomly generated (per item) expiration date where they disappear from your inventory after a certain amount of playtime
>equipment breaks after a hidden random number of uses
>there are no repairs
Nier Gestalt/Replicant?
>>getting killed by it causes the game to play footage of IRL spiders swarming

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