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ITT webms of upcoming indie games
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It looks like crap.
What's this? Megaman for 4 years old? Also that wall climbing sucks, MMX perfected it
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lol it's just new super mario bros wii, down to the airships and these things
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this is just that goat game again
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nintendo's gonna freak!
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pretty sure this one already came out and was received poorly
I remember playing the demo during nextfest and it was super jank and not very fun
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nintendo should sue
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came here to make this exact post
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can you at least put the game names in the filename
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This is why we laugh at palfaggots.
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These all look bad and uninspired. i thought you guys said indies were the future...
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We shouldn't put up with this kind of shit in fucking 2024.
untitled by kawatiw on twitter
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couldn't find a webm for this one
I hate these thread solely because half of the games don't have Steam pages so I can't easily track them. So it feels like looking into a candy store that you can't enter
untitled by LazyEti on twitter
The camera is zoomed out too far on bottom
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Dude sliding, wall jumping and gay sparkles
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So, what game is this?
I can tell from the pixel art alone that this is chink shit
one of the few games I'm looking forward to
That seems to be Mariachi Legends
>character only animates in 4 directions
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>can't see logo/title because it pops up over bloom light tree at the end
>soulless unreal engine open world
let me guess, survival/craft with some stupid gimmick or theme like every other shitty indie game these days
No, I meant, what's the name of OP game?
Holy shitty imitations
sue this man
so i guess indieslop will never stop being either a pixelshit or low res le retro inspired psx graphics... why cant these fags make something that looks original and doesnt just copy nintendo and and old sony games
this is out
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Kidbash: Super Legend
It’s all just tired platformers and lazy flashy combat action.
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Which game looks like this?
links awakening and the gameplay is straight up megaman
So disappointing
Megaman and NSMB
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Link's Awakening looks like shit though

Anon was complaining about graphics
>the most boring, generic, basic looking platformer ever
>but it has a speshul art style!
it doesn't matter. Good art can elevate a good game, but if the underlying game is generic and boring then good art won't matter.
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>saturn dithering shadows
Wonder Boy in Monster Land for the Sega Master System.
Found some really cool ones, trying to get their names now
Myth Caller: The nightmare Shaman
Red32 is not the name, i like how it reminds me of Necrodancer
Dunno the name, luv me ) ) ) ) ), simple as
Okay thats really good
Look at him go haha
Mario if he tranny
That's just Mario
love the graphics in this one, too bad that the little girl protagonist means that any thread on here about this game will be full of pedos
this one might be interesting if it keeps its realistic theme all the way to the end
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waddle dee adventure
>>but it has a speshul art style!
It's literally just a new super mario world
and that's a good thing
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I thought the dudes on the right were supposed to be the main party, because the guys on the left looked like generic enemies
I like it. Reminds me of Secret of Mana.
>good bad
>bad good
Those chuds better fucking watch out, Nintendo is going to sue them for infringing on their jumping patent.
Why, because it actually looks good?
Link's Awakening has this awful plastic gleen to everything that makes everything look like toys, op actually looks like claymation.
tendietrannynigger xisters, these games are copying nintendo!
@Nintendo @FBI @HillaryClinton DO SOMETHING!
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>cool tangible physical aesthetic
>ugly as shit flat modern UI
What a waste
it doesnt matter? it works wonders for all tendieshit games
You can tell the dev put a lot of time into that airship takeoff for him to wait a minute to show it off. Most people will never see that detail because there is no reason to stay there. But, you should try to make your level naturally show it off because no one will stay there a minute to watch it takeoff.
>release indie platformer that nobody buys
>don't release gooner shooter that rakes in patreonbucks every month
>you cant even create basic looking stylized assets anymore because you will trigger the horde of shiteating tendiemanchildren bootlickers who think only nintendo is allowed to create such cutesy-looking assets
Is what it is
pretty much
there's no use making indieslop now since it's gonna be compared to tendieslop anyway and then attract unneeded (legal) attention to you
better make low-quality tranime coomer garbage that will generate millions per month if you are lucky and never have to worry about any lawsuits that are fueled by deranged manchildren
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why do modern devs hate giving texture and personality to the UI?
nintendo invented the cute aesthetic
>we want the trans audience
Name please
too much effort
Proportions are still the same, although if you specifically want to narrow it down to claymation then Kirby and the Rainbow Curse did it already.
modern devs don't give a shit. They don't care that they resemble computers or ants slaving away for shareholders. They hold the means of production in their hands and yet they still chase crumbs from their cruel dukes. Sad
movement looks dope
Parking Garage Rally
How many of these will actually release, do you think?
>hehee I'll post webms of games without their names so my thread will get more replies teehee I am so devilish
Kill yourself, figuratively and literally
The environment, shading, character makes me think of alundra 2
It has skeletons so it cannot be chinkshit
My game is better because I bear a heavier consciousness. No I will not post, it isn't ready
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>took 1 year to somewhat improve the graphics
Never change, indietards
what game
>pokemon clone of 2d games good
>pokemon clone of 3d games bad >:(
I mean you're right
Tranny Experience
Watch it chud, Nintendo has a patent covering cute video games and chibi proportions.
Thanks nonny
Me personally I cannot wait for the 2D/Isometric Zelda inspired metroidvania. That pixelshit RPG straight out of RPG maker looks so kino too vros dare I say we're back??
megaman mobile
All of these games look like shit. Indie truly is dead.
I was looking forward an actual indie game thread but since op is a faggot and all the other underage Nintendo false flaggers and people just saying "tranny" in this thread I think I'll just move on.
Nintendo was allowed to make gay baby games because they had a technological advantage. Nowadays we have so many tools at our disposal you need to do something better. ANYONE could design up an entire gay baby game concept in 20 minutes. ANYONE
that's just some retarded shit that western devs do because they think chinks are afraid of skeletons. black myth wukong has skeletons.
You're just admitting that the game is still bad but now has different camera logic and shaky special effects.
>Player has at least double the frames of animation from before
>Complete background vs placeholder blue sky
>UI looks far more complete
>sfx implemented
I know being an insufferable faggot is /v/'s official pastime, but at least pretend you opened up op's webm.
Disc Creatures
Chronicles of Aetheria


Amalgam by theogramme
Any other indie games with pre-rendered graphics? I love that look.
Thanks bro.
It looks like the dev abandoned this game, RIP.
dude that was kicking rad
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What a shame, dev seemed to understand old 3D visuals more than vast majority of devs

Look at that nice badly shaded sun, straight out of gen 5
mario slop

looks nice

mario slop

playstation slop
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playstation slop

nintendo 64 slop

gameboy advance slop
generic indie parkour slop

playstation slop

zelda slop

indie pixel slop
zelda slop

needs more gameplay but looks interesting



gameboy advance slop

arcade machine slop
post slop
good looking, need to see more gameplay

playstation 3 slop

cant judge without gameplay

mario slop
looks interesting, reminds me of ror2

interesting artstyle but boring gameplay

gameboy color slop

mario slop, but it does look neat

non game

i like the og graphics better

mickey slop

castelvania slop
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>she wasn't even the protagonist, some other redhead was, and the dev didn't even intend for this art style to be the final
Good riddance, he would've ruined it. He also seems really insecure and inconsistent. Oh well, another demo relegated to the trash bin of history.
ps2 slop

needs more gameplay but looks interesting

weird mario 64 slop

sooo sloww boring!
donkey kong country slop
You are not a skilled critic
Well I think it looks great.

Unfortunately it's also an "action roguelike."
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looks interesting but >japanese in current year
I made it using godot?
I'm so tired of "upcoming" or "early access" games that don't release for years
start putting webms of interesting RELEASED indie games
you fag
I recognize that ojamajo
they never release though
Mario might be super, but I'm super-duper.
kirby rainbow curse
well did you or did you not
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esl retard
Nintendo can sue all of these
looks interesting, how deep is customization?
Shit's been out since April.
he's a schizo
question marks indicate a question
only esl retard here is you
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looks rad
need more speed-and-physics games in my life
based kino
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>unprovoked contrarianism
kek never change /v/
dev posts on some of the gamedev threads occasionally, think he showed a hangar shot where you could select different parts
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I wonder how many Nintendo-owned patents all these games are violating, lmao.
have you played Exo One?
I haven't but thank you for reminding me to get that
the other game by the dev is in english, it was just recorded in japanese
>woah it's a stylized cartoon shooter except you inexplicably slide on rebars and can fly by shooting your cassette deck gun
What a piece of shit.
Even in this far more pro-indie age, a game like Wrack would have done poorly and killed the entire studio because indietroons only accept shooters if they're build engine asset flips or have some retarded gimmick like this.
Wow what an original joke that wasn't already said multiple times in this thread.
This one is never coming out, lmao.
It's been in dev hell for so long.
But if it does come out, I'll be impressed.
Same with Nanokin.
is that how isometric camera works? Surely this breaks when a different height level is needed?
had the exact same thought. Everything about this game screams "made by an art student with 0 game design knowledge"
I like the giant catfish, but the AI being able to perfectly turn on a dime to always face towards you doesn't fit "giant catfish that can swim through mud." It moves and acts like a snake, but should have turning radius, giving it a blind spot near its body if you make a good turn.
looks more like a platformer, I wonder if the gun is ever even used to shoot at enemies. I like the concept but the push of the gun should me much more powerful to make it fun imo and the graphics look really ugly
mainly because of the very low res pixel "art" against much smoother and higher res backgrounds. There is no cohesion to the art direction, different assets are different levels of fidelity often looking like they came from an asset store or were worked from AI. This is usually indicative of chinkoid development.
This looks fucking sick, what is it?
Nvm I saw the name at the end kek. This looks awesome
untitled by andmish on twitter
That's funny, looks really fun
Really looking forward to SoR2. Having one big level where chaotic bullshit happens instead of a series of separated levels will be nice.
Sky's been out for years.
>You can tell the dev put a lot of time into that airship takeoff for him to wait a minute to show it off.
It's barely any work to do that, anon. It's literally like three lines of code to make a PNG go up slowly and some perlin noise to shake the camera around. He should've made it smaller and had it fly off in the distance much slower so the player can watch it as they progress through the level.
Cool but that's not what I downloaded the demo for
furry fetish goonerbait game, dropped
Otoshi no Shima
That's fucking sick, wishlisted
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don't bother, it's just fapbait with no substance
Dropped? When did you start, faggot?
It is most definitely both.
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May you get caught
Thats all I have to say
May you get caught
i wish someone would make a platformer with the same vibe as conker's bad fur day but zoomers could never pull it off with the same level of tone and writing
Of course it is. Your originality is unparalleled.
In many ways clips like this and ULTRAKILL, clearly supposed to be this masculine kidn of game, don't seem to mesh with trannies yet somehow I still get a vague vibe that they do.
Why do trannies cluster around these kind of games?
Don't reply to yourself.
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Did I offend you, tranny? What compels you to play ULTRAKILL?
Tell me more, "chronicles of aetheria" doesn't show anything related to this image.
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>dev hasn't named his game yet
Ignore the tranny schizo anon.
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I hope you can fuck villagers
>See a cool indie game
>It's actually a roguelite/like
Why don't you make a regular platformer you fucking shitskulls. Idc about the length, I'll enjoy it anyhow. Why don't you make your game hard as balls to justify the brevity. Shadow of the Ninjas Reborn took me 9 hours to complete despite having 6 stages and I felt my time was worthwhile spent with it.
>Mega Man X Mario
Bing Blast Wahoo
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>Aislop, the thread
the top one really does look better though. reminds me of NES games a lot more with the locked camera and more zoomed in feel. meanwhile the bottom one just looks like more indie platforming trash with no originality in an over saturated market
bump bait
>every new indie game is just a reskin of already existed game
No sensation of speed despite the gameplay. Meaningless speed lines while the character is going slower than a quake guy at moderate pace.

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the giant character portrait is unnecessary

the Yo! Noid 2 devs are making this
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reminds me of somethin'
Absolutely necessary if it's that type of game
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It adds to the immersion.
is this by the diaperfag
There it is
>just make something that nobody has done in the tens of thousands of already existing games
yes that is how art and creation works
Very cute. I'm an artist and I would like to make a simple game one day but a static image of character's current status always seemed boring to me. I really like this one. Saving this for inspiration.
Upscaling simple UIs is much easier.
There are other people working on the game, you know
All of these look like bad or sterile. The only good looking one is >>689809368
Modern gaming is a joke.
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>all of those look like bad or sterile
>picks the one that looks the most like a generic ass JRPG
this, the motion blur dash looks bad too
thats nice I was thinking of making a game like that but could never figure out how to represent height correctly. Now I want to see a water level.
honest questions, are indie games all about looks and not actual gameplay?
looks fun already
>gameboy advance
if a gameboy advance game looked that I would've creamed my pants in 2005
The same mistake all isometric car games make. Don't make the Terrain flat. Flat terrain is the death of vehicular gaming

More than 3 hits to get rid of enemy. This is why i hate what dmc did to a part of the gaming community. It pushed forward a braindead part of the gaming community.
Don't fall for bait

Isn't this already out? Songs of Conquest
your rules are retarded and arbitrary
>are indie games all about looks
can't be, considering most of them look like shit
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that webm sucks lil bro here's an actually good one
Doesn't this game have some names that worked on Freedom Planet or am I retarded?
looks kewl
Looks like something that does what Freedom Planet and Spark the Jester 1 didn't.
Remember when indies had original game ideas? Now its all
one of the musicians is also a musician for Freedom Planet 1 and 2
But a lot of devs in it are also from FP2
also there are Assets from that game in Ultrakill
neither of those are bad things. we need more PS2 games, actually.
You've already posted this in this thread
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This dev is being sued by Nintendo as we speak
Another original joke! Man this thread is full of them!
Nintendo, sue this man!!
What's this called? Also is it a pokemon clone, can't really tell what does what in the webm.
It's very necessary, because it's a cumbrain title whose only purpose is to show lewd shit. You can tell the entire point is to play as badly as possible so you get those pain animations.
>literally sonic with sprite swaps
whats dis
I can hear the mario airship theme playing for bottom
90% of indies games are made by artists with no experience or care for actual game design.
They see "game design" as a set of mechanics to put together and not soemthing to experiment, improve and buld a game around
>literally sonic with sprite swaps
that's megaman zero
>You can tell the entire point is to play as badly as possible so you get those pain animations.
The point is to not cum for as long as possible, which means playing well.
Notice how I've said "reskin of" and not "copy of".
Supernintendo slop
Why does no-one properly name their Webms in these threads so people can actually find the games with-out asking and hoping some-one responds?
Because they're redditors who were told "4chan says spoonfeeding is bad so you can't provide any sources or info because that's spoonfeeding and spoonfeeding is bad"
This isn't even a Pokemon rip-off
It's one of Telefang
*at nintenfaggots
Looks interesting.

Don't know much about the indie scene, but watching this makes me want to ask

Are there any golden sun clones that are good?
mass replying is a true sign of a worthless individual. just carelessly spewing out garbage in an alarming quantity with no quality.
Megaman the hedgehog super famicon slop
Slop slop
>Persona 5 and Sonic 06
Faggots really only play a grand total of 30 games their entire lives.
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I want to rape so bad ;_;
>clean it up wagie
A Brazilian boy in the Amazon
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Name anon, name.
very violable
reminds me Pseudoregalia but without Goat ass

damn, imagine the succ

one for the wishlist

>tfw no punchfu

this reminds me those Sony anal vore memes
trannysona five
Schedule an eye exam asap
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>still coping it will come out someday
playable mousegirl? hope we will have some fanart

Will it have Steam release?


Pseudoregalia is a successful platformer with a nice character design

it looks and seems to play nice, the problem? the character design lacks charisma in my opinion

>furry fetish goonerbait game, picked
All slop believe it or not
Assetstore slop doesn't look good
>looks nic-
>death spike spam
>still no playtest
Inb4 delayed

Here's my personal feedback on these games:
Turn-based in current year? Not good. It's outdated for a reason, it's because it's boring. Also I don't want to play as uglies.
Mobile game platformers are bad. At minimum, you'd need co-op for it to be playable.
Not my type of game, but even then what's the point of this? Looks boring.
Character art is ugly. Metroidvania is boring.
I don't play driving games but this is kino.
Movement looks good. Furry shit though.
Now we are fucking talking. At least the thread wasn't a total waste
>here's my opinion
>first one outs him as a retard
Ah I see

Gameplay looks like Megaman (aka boring as shit)
Floaty jump sucks, but sliding is good
Mobile platformer shit.. why waste your time making this?
Kino graphics but there's no gameplay
Diablo 2 Necromancer feel, but similar to that, there's no gameplay. You control minions and they attack. You just wait. Not fun.
Animation looks cool, but it's boring. Enemies just stand still doing nothing as you whack them.
Kino graphics. Can't tell combat from shitty trailer.
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Shooters are not fun.
Looks like a mindless 2D metroidvania hack and slash, boring.
Poker cards are the stupidest thing to incorporate into any game.
I don't get it. Doesn't look fun.
Looks and plays like SD3. Not in a good way. It's outdated. Maybe if it has co-op it could be playable.
I don't want to play as an ugly.
Actually looks cool. Not a game I personally am interested in playing though.
Looks exciting, but actually looks like it'll play boring. Move around... whack things. That's it?

Nintendo litigation bait.
Kino graphics but platformers are not fun.
Boring, what's the point of this?
is that a negro?
Too bad there's not a single mod like this left, all just discord trannies.
>x is dumb because I don't like the genre
You should probably preface what you do like because you spout your irrelevant opinion anon
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Nobody gives a fuck about your awful taste and opinions
This guy has to be a troll, nobody can honestly write all that nonsense that tells you nothing except “this guy is a complete retard” and not realize how much of a tool they are. Three posts worth, lmao.
Most likely. I just think its funny to try and get trolls to defend their posts
I'm just being honest.
I've played a lot of games so I have pretty high standards.
I suppose if you're a small kid (or have the mental capacities of one) that hasn't played many games (or shitty games) then I guess these games could be entertaining.
I'm looking for good gameplay and/or potential, something more than a walking around simulator, or a "whack things that stand still until they die".
So again what genres do you actually like? Or just post top 5 games of the past 10 years. Or both. Saying you don't like something without a frame of reference is useless
Holy based
thanks anon
>Slay the Spire
Every decision you make matters. High replayability
Create whatever you want
>Deep Rock Galactic
I hate shooters, but this was fun with co-op.
>Left 4 Dead 2
I hate shooters, but this was fun with co-op.
I hate platformers, but this was fun with co-op.
>Fire Emblem 7
Tactics and controlling your units are fun, balancing for 7 is perfect. FE8 is too easy. FE Awakening is too difficult (Lunatic) or too boringly easy (Hard).
So to simplify it: I hate shooters and platformers but it's possible to redeem it with co-op. I like games where your decision matters and games with high replayability.
Another note: I absolutely hate souls-like and Sekiro. It's so boring. The gameplay looks flashy and amazing and cool, but playing it is completely different. You trial and error until you memorize the boss patterns and then you beat them. Replaying it is a yawn-fest. You know everything already, you're just following the motions. Sure, you can change up the weapons a bit but really it's nothing much.
Even worse are DMC/Bayonetta. Enemies that stand still while you beat on them. Just as bad.
Good work outing yourself as the aforementioned redditor.
Spoonfeeding only refers to when the source is easily accessible to the point it's clear you didn't even attempt to find it before asking. Think asking for source when the name is inside the Webm already. Unreleased indie games are not easy to find.
Also, acting like a jannie is anything other than a conceited: self-serving; power-tripping loser because they said something you agree with one time is peak reddit.
>co-op x3
Poking shit with a stick is fun with friends
Very fun I agree
>sandbox games
Don't disagree
>awakening lunatic is too difficult

Play bakery girl
Look closely through the window and you'll notice this particular candy store is filled with half-melted cheap ripoff candy anyway so it's not like you're missing too much.
Lol you tried really hard didn't you. Don't think I didn't know about the old-as-time "post your list so I can rip it apart".
Co-op games makes anything, and I mean literally anything, at least 10x better. Even a boring shitty flash game is more fun with co-op. Whether it makes it good enough to save the game is another question though.
FE mechanics are fun. You control your guys. Beat the enemies with tactics. Bad thing is balancing is extremely difficult in these types of games. If it's FE: Awakening (Hard) then it's literally too easy. I literally fell asleep playing it. But FE: Awakening (Lunatic) is considered the most difficult FE in the franchise, it's bullshit.
Anyways, I value co-op, decisions, and replayability in games. Rather than mindless hack n slash beat 'em up.
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>those eyes
> But FE: Awakening (Lunatic) is considered the most difficult FE in the franchise, it's bullshit.
This is all you had to post anon. Thank you for admitting you are retarded. Unless you mean lunatic+ then yeah
That was pacman.

Pac chads win again.
Lol. Pretending that FE Awakening Lunatic was not bullshit.
But hey, don't take my word for it!
Both the game before it (shadow dragon) and after it (conquest) are both harder on their equivalent of lunatic
Oh, okay? I never played it. FE: Awakening Lunatic was bullshit though... so what's your point?
>so what's your point?
> But FE: Awakening (Lunatic) is considered the most difficult FE in the franchise, it's bullshit.
>considered the most difficult
>the most difficult
If you are going to talk out of your ass don't bother anon
>awakening lunatic is too difficult
Same for you. Do you take your words back now? So which is it? Do you think FE: Awakening Lunatic is difficult or not?
Is it too hard? No. Is it top 3 most difficult FE games? No. Top 5? Yeah probably. So in the context of fe games yes it is difficult which I never claimed otherwise. I was claiming you were retarded for claiming it is the hardest. You dumb nigger.
My original post: >>689849684 which stated that it was difficult (but not the MOST difficult). Then the follow up response which you scoffed at, >>689849941.
You know, you tried really hard to do the "post your list so I can rip it apart", but honestly now, you're kind of just embarrassing yourself. Lol.
why so many random webms with no source? if you dont even put the title in the filename then whats the point of mentioning an upcoming game?
I stand by what I said. Awakening is not too difficult unless you aren't familiar with SRPGs. I'm serious though play bakery girl. Challenging will be too hard for you play in normal
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Codename Bakery Girl?
I took a look but it's not for me. Don't take it personally.
1. I don't play Chinese games
2. Characters look boring. One of the things FE7 did correct that FE8 or Awakening did wrong was actually having characters I would care about.
3. I'm not really into guns or shooting. Swords and magic are better.
4. Art is eh. Not good, but not unredeemable.
5. Doesn't look like you have many units to control. FE games have a wide amount for more tactical options. Makes it more complex and interesting.
So you'll have something to ask
Fair enough. Opinions are opinions
Generally I would agree but BG made me realize that just isnt true and 1:5 were every enemy can fuck you up is far more engaging and the maps turn into compete clusterfucks very quickly
Should I play the original or the remake?
It's literally the same fag posting these. I don't even know what his goal is, probably just getting (You)s. Hidden gem threads and Steam Fest threads are way better in this regard. Like, why shill if you're not gonna actually shill, you know?
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it's amazing how many people try the PS1 style but completely fail to understand how to replicate it. some of the ugliest shit I've ever seen
environment textures that aren't put into some kind of atlas, inconsistent texel density, no vertex coloring, real-time lighting, texture sizes are way too high or not using a limited color count, environment isn't built out of 1m squares so everything deforms as little as possible (they just throw on a PSX shader from itch.io and call it a day, which means the warping is ridiculous), and so on
I blame shitty youtube tutorials
The remake that came out this year
Walking is horrible.

Main character too brown.
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Will suffer pseudoregalia comparisons but still neat
Cute. Like that orange guy
Obviously impressive but could stand to be a bit more stylized imo
Very promising
Soul. looks fun
Despite the fur shit this looks like a really good time. I think it's multiplayer, too

Posting my a montage of my little shrimp multiplayer dog fighting game [wip]
Both look gay
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I was like 'decent animation' then it fucking moved and blew up the environment, what is this game I must play it.
I wish Nintendo was charging $60 for this, then it would be soulful
>inconsistent texel density
ehhh, a lot of ps1 games, including highly regarded ones, were like that
this is from this guy on twitter if anyone's wondering, since Anon doesn't put it in the filename or anything like a faggot

not quoting properly is such a cowardly thing to do. you're scared of the little red ! in the tab. well guess what faggot, you're gay.
absolute kino, what is this called?
>perlin noise to shake the camera around
what on earth are you smoking
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>n-no, you're the redditor for not spoonfeeding me!
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nintendo should HIRE
>reddit arrows
You don't fit in.
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this is from my upcoming indie title that I'm making with Unity
You mean games from india?
gay trash
looks like shit
why would you make AAAslop. The last good games were made around the turn of the millenium.
This specifically looks like a DS game attempting low-poly 3D, impressive.
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sonic brainrot
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>Slow ass Lego Starwars/Blinx gameplay
Ufouria 2 The Saga
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>was expecting guro
>get lewd toon physics
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>Minus One
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seeing all this trash made me feel good about my game
>verification not required
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boner, no
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>diaper fetish on full display
uh oh
I'll never understand this type of games, the character is capable of going super fast but also you have to stop to kill enemies. I simply don't find those two things compatible.
Go away
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what are you talking about I didn't see an- OH
Since they own the patent for having two legs, they can sue us even. It's not limited to video games. Better cut one off before we get caught and have to settle.
That track reminds me of one from mario kart and mario kart mobile.
Because it is.
The PS1 aesthetic is one thing, but there's no reason to try to imitate the limitations as much as possible, although they omitted the polygon wobble. No harm in adding more frames in-between animations. Some PS1 3D games were actually 60 fps.
Some people like the jerky nature of low fps, I find early stop motion charming because of it.
Rise of Fox Hero. Nintendo owned the patent for isometric-view games, but it turns out the game uses analogue triggers to determine how much force goes into which attack, so the lawsuit was thrown out.
Photogeist Albums
I'm going to choose to ignore this as the dev's naive and misguided attempt at making fun of bad Kickstarter campaigns until further evidence is presented
>Gameplay looks like Megaman (aka boring as shit)
Holy bad taste
>game name is Soulless
The dev was ahead of /v/ on that one
All of these games have some sort of disgusting ugly sheen that showcases a complete lack of understanding visual cohesion and values
insect glaive player decides to make game
Face it. Megaman is boring as shit. It's only good for those that have nostalgia for it.

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