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Wrong board, retard. None of these virgins know what you're talking about.
Video juegos
Don't care, the cards were a scourge on the format. Rule zero doesn't work and is just an abdication of responsibility, glad the RC have finally started to realize it.
i know he's talking about the shittiest format ever invented by wizards. Also collectors can fuck off.
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get fucked investorfags
The game is actually healing
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Should have taken the cube pill anon.
Looks like wizard have guts and don't give a fuck about collectors. Can this fucker redit duals now?
but you bought them because you enjoyed playing the game right? you wanted the cards as collectables right? that you wanted to keep forever as a token of fun times right?
Imagine thinking cardboard has value.
There's literally zero reason to not use 100% proxies or just play online for free (tabletop simulator, cockatrice, xmage, forge).
not op but
>im-fucking-plying i have friends or they are interested in cube format
Not wizards, the rules committee is independent. For now.
online it's actually a downside. There's nothing like playing face to face with your buddies but i agree you can use proxies.
Anon isn't allowed to play with his precious cardboard rectangles any more.
Wizards didn't invent the format, they just ruined it with their shitty decisions in giving it support.
The Rules Committee isn't part of Wizards, WotC just defers to them in Commander bans.
why not
They're OP so they got banned in the most popular casual (ie. just for fun) format.
cuz big nerds said he can't
can he refund then
I have been playing with full power 9 and every top tier standard deck in sanctioned tournaments since khans of tarkir with chinese proxies and never been caught. No clue why these fags spend money on it, most of the time they are dominoes delivery driver 20 year olds who live with their parents. My playgroups software devs and cpa accountants who make >100k/yr and play with proxies. MTG is full of fucking retards giving that company way to much money.
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>wrong board
What's stopping me from just... printing out my own cards? I heard it's hip to take 3D prints to Warhammer stores nowadays.
I'm going to assume this new "Jeweled Lotus" card got banned. I don't play MtG anymore.
I wonder if investorfags will realize that they're an extreme minority and can be fucked with at any time with little to no repercussion. If they had any sense, they'd get out of the MTG game now.
Nothing. It's actually the best thing unless you plan on competing on store tournaments wich require you to have original ones. Unless your store is managed by apes and can fool them with proxies.
No lol
Though since he has so many, I don't think Anon wanted to play with them. He was probably just holding onto them because they're high value cards. Maybe to sell eventually or something. But since they got banned in the format that plays them the most, the demand is gonna go down significantly, lowering the value. See >>689825815
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nothing really, coomander is not a sanctioned format and they are trying to make it even more casual by allowing silver border cards
I don't play MtG but how long does it take players to get somewhat familiar with all the cards since there has to be thousands upon thousands of them at this point right? I can't imagine how long it takes just to figure out what cards you want for a deck even.
Scalpers/speculators deserve far worse for their incessant crusade to monetize and ruin everything.
should've played the pokemon tcg, better game and way more affordable
most players are fine letting others use proxy cards in casual games even so printed cards wouldn't matter. there would probably be people that would raise a complaint if you got caught trying to use them in a tournament setting though.
>he buys real cards instead of making high quality proxies
>that would raise a complaint if you got caught trying to use them in a tournament setting though
Are card games pay to win then
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I dont get it
some are. most MtG tournaments are draft though, which gets around the issue entirely.
>Are card games pay to win then
Yes. Except for limited formats, but they're even more RNG-based.
all you need is a piece of paper and a pencil
>The Rules Committee isn't part of Wizards
Who are they?
>searching your library every 2 seconds
>printing out
Don't bother. I just write their name of a post-it.
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>0 mana
>Gain 3 mana of any colour to cast your commander

Fucking grim, glad i stop playing 10 years ago
Just some dudes that everyone agrees should decide the rules for Commander.
I think they're still basically endorsed by Wizards, but they're technically an independent organization.
sorry gramps, one piece card game is sweeping now. Your time is finally over.
Super turbo casual mode is shit anyway. Gay shit like 10 copies of a card in a deck is retarded. Even in my group of casuals we still use a standard 3 copy limit on non basic lands.
Is mtg still fun?
hide tranny threads
does nothing if you're playing a 3-5 color commander
>noooo TCG isn't like gacha, you can resale!
>*rules noises.*
>launch MTGA
>10GB patch
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This is the only card game that matters. Kneel to the grandpa cock.
Pays for colorless commander tax
am the anon you replied to.
Look up Winston Draft, that's how I got my roommate into playing Cube, now he's been making some new friends explicitly to try other draft styles with. It's a 1v1 Draft format, surprisingly strategic. My decks are typically way stronger than his decks, but it's helped my roommate remember that I just play disgusting strategies and he's actually a great magic player.
The screenshot probably isn't yours but I'm glad people like this got fucked, games aren't and shouldn't act like investments, play the fucking game
It literally just got an update for the newest set
I would rather not play anything at all than play anything one piss related
New or old game?
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They should ban Sol Ring next.
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New game with boomer graphics and good artists.
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>mfw a card game format that is curated and governed by people outside the game bans a card for game balance instead of investment
I just play for fun

Can you imagine
Limited availability, random card packe, scalpers and the gay secondhand market are proof that TCGs are gay and should have never taken off the way they did.
LCGs are a better format
Yeah, but as you said, it's one set.
You can still resell though.
I'll only invest in this stuff if Rudy does!
Too bad it’s just paper hearthstone.
Idfk maybe you hadn't updated in a while? It's not even 1GB for me, there was also a large update like a week back for supposedly server side things or something
Just rule 0 it paypiggies LOL
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>want to get into MTG and play a crab or spider deck
>it's either super shit or super expensive
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>Too bad it’s just paper hearthstone.
Let me guess, you need more?
That's what you get for being a tribal memelord. Build something normal, subhuman.
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When I was a kid, I thought the people selling cards for crazy prices were faggots. Now that I'm an adult, my opinion of them has only gotten worse.
ironically cEDH is much more heavily proxied than casual
>the shittiest format
You misspelled best. Comp and investorfags ruining it for themselves doesn't affect me in any way shape or form.
I'll never understand the appeal of card games, it's like p2w gambling
I can feel it coming in my bones, this was just testing the waters
>want to make a skeleton deck
>somehow despite skeletons being a staple fantasy monster, and mtg existing for over 30 years, there are somehow barely any skeleton cards
I feel like this is because of China or something.
They straight up included a big excerpt about the state of sol ring and why it won't be banned, when banning the others.
>haha stupid comp players trying to min max lolololol
>builds a Commander deck with multiple instant win combos

highlander/commander ruined mtg and it will not recover
EDH was only the best when it wasn't Wizards' primary focus
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This is why I fear getting a lot of physical cards.
I don't mind spending money but I don't want to spend a lot on a card when I could have just waited and got it super cheap.
I don't want cards to hold value and resell, I just want cool cards for cheap.
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>there are somehow barely any skeleton cards
what the fug
There's tons of ways to make any deck into a mid-cost version that would be fine in casual commander games.
>not a virgin hobby
Are you just stupid or did you just forget some slashes?
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>Disney killed Pixelborne right after I tried it ONCE

I just wanted to see how it plays/if it's fun before buying the box set to my gf. But the mouse is greedy and we ended up playing Magic instead (for free)
Played an hour ago...
I went and installed the Steam version though.
sol ring is exactly the same level of degeneracy as everything else banned recently.
It's just a fun strategy game. You don't have to gamble on packs at all, you can just buy individual cards. The RNG aspect of games only affects the short term. If you play better than others you will have a higher win rate over more games, and managing RNG in itself is a skill.
Nah commander is shit
Its players are babies
Its rules are incompatable with mtg as a game
Its RC are retarded and live in wotc's pocket
And wotc is milking commanderfags for every dime they can
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pic related is literally every skeleton legendary.
There are only 76 skeleton creatures total.
For other undead types there are 582 zombies, 403 vampires and 646 spirits.
Clearly something is up and they're intentionally avoiding making skeletons.
but it's heckin iconic (their words)
>Its RC are retarded and live in wotc's pocket
I dunno, banning something like Jeweled Lotus that Wizards would definitely use as a chase rare in future Commander-only sets doesn't seem like something WOTC would sign off on
I could understand board games being fun strategy games, maybe wargames if they don't have powercreep
But having to buy newest cards to be competitive doesn't really sound that fun to me
>3D prints of Warhammer
Well considering how much the jews over at Games Worshop demand for their sets
It's a 2 cent card
People would just shrug and move on
It's a double edged sword. It's also why the game is still popular. You eventually get bored of playing the same decks and want to try new things naturally, regardless of power creep. That being said, there's also 30 years of cards to use so if you want to make cheap decks with tons of cards that already exist and just play in casual commander groups, you don't really have to blow money all the time on new sets.
fortunately (or unfortunately), the formats where you have to regularly buy a bunch of new cards to stay competitive have been greatly overshadowed by the casual format where you can just build one (admittedly larger-than-usual) deck and coast on it basically forever with some minor one-card tweaks every now and then if you see something neat
They said sol ring is part of the format identity and won't be banned despite it lining up with Crypt.
>poofagging at the rich man club

Must be hell
Get out of here Rudy.
The tabletop hobby has a lot of card games that are all-in-one singular purchase instead. Some have boards and get lumped into board game category but tabletop is tabletop.
3D printing is insanely ubiquitous in 40K now precisely because even the rich men have had enough of GW's jewery

>STILL supporting WotC
>buying a titan from GW when you could get like two or three from 3D printing
i mean yeah
I like the strategic and competitive aspect but I probably wouldn't play if not for online, you don't have to actually pay anything if you get good at Magic Arena or Hearthstone because of their sealed/draft formats you can just grind, I would never recommend them as games because of their high entry knowledge though, I'm just too deep
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>buying a titan from GW
>when you could get like two or three from GW
>to kitbash 1 titan

i mean yeah
>spend like 300 dollars on a modern burn deck
>Used it two times because the last thing I want to do is drive to downtown LGS after a day of work.
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>spend like $300 on a commander deck
>LGS is like 10 minutes away
>commander night is on Sunday
>it's only $5
>no prizes so no cEDH sweatiness
I have reached the promised land
>here's your Black Templar Set, Sir. Now that'll be 487,65€ (544,05$)
Nah thanks, I'd spend that money on a 3D Printer and paint.
Welcome to my world. It's the reason why I stopped playing YGO tournaments. Just casual with my ABC machines from now on.
*I'd rather
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I purchased the Sororitas and Lumineth Army Set and that's not the original price African man but i'm glad it keeps scum like you away from the LGS and the hobby.

You are forever stuck here shitposting on a website.
Uh, these things are like 100€, you got scalped retard
>have a bunch of unopened boosters from Lord of the Rings set

anything worth money in there
>300 dollar burn
Fucking how, it's like 12 Lightning Bolts and some Mountains.
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Around what year did MtG turn woke and become dogshit? Netflix is making an animated MTG series so you already know the plot of what's gonna happen.
I just took a Screenshot from Amazon
war of the spark
How are we virgins if we don't know?

Kek at Captcha
You're absolutely positive it wasn't earlier?
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the rules committee for Magic the Gathering's Commander format just committed economic terrorism in the form of evaporating tens of millions of dollars from their hobby sector overnight

it is by far one of the most condemning decisions the game has seen in decades, and i'm factoring Black Aragorn into this
The singles market is absolute investor cancer and boosters are like $8/ea now
I'll tell you exactly when it all went wrong, when they abandoned the three-set block model
>heavier focus on narrative
>all sets are top-down now
>commander becomes the premier format
after Innistrad, doesn't help that the game is only played by white soi faggots.
it was probably earlier for sure maybe definitely but I just hate planeswalkers
Fucking based.
Anyone spending over 10 dollars for a card is a retard.
based, WOTC should follow the RC's example and start reprinting cards specifically to fuck with investors. Duals, shocks, and fetches in every set. At common.
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>boosters are MSP
>a game for the players and not the secondary market
>most expensive card is like $80 cause it shinny

oh no the horror
>spending thousands of dollarinos when can get a 3D Printer and resins for less
Okay retard Whale-kun
fuck off, RTR and Khans blocks were amazing also the last time MTG was good
Isn't that the book series where they explain that their lesbians were never into each other, but instead they were actually super straight?
2016, the year Chris Cocks got the job as CEO as Hasbro's sockpuppet.
Yes, but that was the only good thing in the book.
>I got scammed into paying 500 dollars for my premium plastic figures, and that's a good thing
Warhammer autists are something else. I've got a bridge to sell you, too
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If you show up with Skithiryx commander I hope they stab you btw.
WOTC are scum of the earth, what else is new

I will continue never giving them a cent
let me rephrase it.

Shortly after Innistrad MTG started to decay, War of the Spark was the true point of no return.
in more casual groups it was mostly used to bring out a fun but overcosted commander
unless you were playing with turbo sweaty nerds it really wasn't that bad
>War of the Spark was the true point of no return
Said lesbians had a total of two conversations with eachother prior to this book, one was about red wondering why green was so autistic (after red was done admiring white's huge manly body and naked chest) and one where they talked about how fucked ancient Egypt was. They had zero romantic interest in eachother but they caved in because they think Twitter buys product and they needed to shill a new Pride Month special edition 50 dollar set of 4 cards.
This was before the MH horizon lands and fastlands got reprinted into the ground
>$80 for 4x sunbaked canyon
>$70 for 4x arid mesa (I wanted zen printings over new border so it was a little more expensive than MH2 copies)
>$35 for 2x zen scalding tarns
>$30 for 4x inspiring vantage
>$25 for 2x sacred foundries
>$10 for fiery islet
250 for lands out of the gate. They aren't worth that much now due to reprints but it's how much I paid.
>They had zero romantic interest in eachother but they caved in because they think Twitter buys product and they needed to shill a new Pride Month special edition 50 dollar set of 4 cards
So are they lesbians or not?
Can someone explain to me wtf is happening in this Duskmourn set? I looked at the card preview since I was thinking about attending a local draft tournament for the first time in a few years and I see this retarded new room enchantment type, these modern tranny people with ghostbusters like tech alongside Planeswalkers, Taimyo who I thought got compleated, and no indication of what Plane we're on. I assume Innistrad because of all the Halloween theme ing but idk. Is this what MtG has become? Embarrassing.
that's still just factually inaccurate, there is a clear and sharp delineation. It wasn't a slow descent, things just immediately got way worse right after Dragons of Tarkir and never recovered.
That's just being retarded. There is no way in hell you need more than a set of mesas and foundries at most.
>no prizes
huh? so you just give away 5$ for free?
Duskmourn isn't even remotely the worst thing happening to MtG this year
They had a friggin' Fallout set, an Assassin's Creed set and upcoming frigging MARVEL
Tamiyo's dead but her ghost is in a scroll or something
it's a new plane that's basically "what if literally every horror movie trope was in one plane that is also a haunted house"
Lore is gay Avengers. Pushing the FUCK out of planeswalkers. Introduced some of the worst shit 3feri, Narset, KGC, Dovin's Veto (personally I despise this card).
>/v/ - Traditional Games
Literally the only straight person currently alive in the story are antagonists, and he fucks snake women.
sometimes they give away promos but when every other Commander night near me is $15 and has prize pools, $5 for 4 or 5 hours of fun is a steal.
You have to look at magic with the thought of " what was kind of popular 2 to 3 years back?" In Duskmourn's case, it was Stranger Things.
Reading about all the MTG bs for somewhere over 15 years here and there makes me so glad I quit when I did. WOTC can fuck off and die. They've always been greedy scum.
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I see you were fortunate enough to not see the most mundane yet somehow most ridiculous Duskmourn card
Jin Gataxias's vacation to Japan and getting his waifu Tamiyo is wild
So the whole Plane is just a giant haunted house? That's fucking dumb, even though I like all the horror references. But why are there people with like modern technology?
I wish I had an LGS, I play in a local community center with 6 to 9 other players and only 2 of them have 75 card decks.
>not a single black lotus
Rooms are cool desu.
Its just modal spells but on enchantments.

I think the theming is fucked up tho, when are you ever going to bring back it, compared to say Adventure which goes well in any fantasy themed setting.
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they decided Duskmourn would have modern American anachronisms mixed in, for some reason
Because they made it in the year when Ghostbusters came out and Stranger Things had a new season and was hot on Twitter.
It's not.
>Fetchlands make easy enablers for enemy turn searing blaze
>Horizon lands give you redraws on a land If you're flooding out
>More secure white mana helps make it so boros charm and lightning helix aren't dead and also sideboard slots (path and the WW costed sanctifier)
Boros burn is a deck that has been heavily optimized over the years. Taking out things for budget substitutions will lead to a clunkier deck that can and will fumble when it matters.
How does baseball exist in a plane that consists entirely of spooky mansion rooms?
>literally days
that was an entire year ago, retard. you don't need to lie to point out that WOTC is manipulating the secondary market just point to things like the 30th anniversary proxies or the one ring
How much money is that in cardboard?
cheerleaders are a old horror movie staple.
except they were usually attractive blondes and not a disgusting ape
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Sounds like a pretty cool guy to me.
the spooky mansion plane tricks people from other planes into entering it. I'm not super up on the complete lore so I'm not sure if it only became active after they opened up the multiverse to everyone
Duskmourn was a house on NotEarth in the 80s. Some chick made a pact with the house demon and the house grew and ate up the plane whole.
The concept is cool actually but it could do without the 80splane thing
good riddance, get fucked
I hope you enjoy paying 200 dollars for a 2% win inscrease then.
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Corner shooting pubstompers using the most pushed broken cards in the format are malding seething pissing and shitting over the Rules Committee banning these cards in the "casual" format. Essentially improving the quality and health of the game for everyone except the types of faggots who spend thousands on cardboard to win meaningless games at a casual table where Timmy is Windmill slamming dragons and squirrels
yes, they're an old horror movie staple, but this is still ostensibly a fantasy game (cyberpunk Japan set notwithstanding) and seeing a modern American cheerleader in your fantasy game about wizards and dragons is odd
>not just proxying jewish cards that are $20 and upwards
lol retard
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I shouldn't laugh having seen that shit too often in YGO but god damn.
if they really cared about the health of the game they wouldn't have been cowards and banned sol ring
The box looks cool but this isn't really MtG
I hate that they mentioned that Sol Ring was on the crosshairs too but didn't do shit because "muh symbol of the format!".
Mana Crypt might hold some value but the Jeweled Lotuses are worth pennies, if that.
oh yeah that part is just really weird but I just don't expect anything from them anymore. lore accuracy and consistency is probably not considered at all
>Covid killed Standard
>Commander which was the side game takes over
>Only way to play Standard with people now is Arena
This is depressing.
This unironically looks like secret lair garbage. Even the furry plane was 10x better.
I used it at two FNMs. Thise optimizations came into play nearly every game including a cracked sunbaked canyon into lava spike for a win.
MtG hasn't been MtG since UB slop
It hasn't been fantasy in a while now because they went full slippery slope when people complained about high speed trains in India by saying " yeah but the machine plane 15 years was fine so this should be too", and now we have Prohibition era mobsters shooting people with tommy guns and riding limousines.
Stop exaggerating, how much could those proxies cost?
>I could use that money to buy stocks
>Or gold
>Or silver
>Or meds for my schizo mind
>Nah let me buy cards
Covid hurt a lot and killed a lot of momentum but arena killed standard first on top of 2019 format being simic nonsense.
Blame alpha investments.
Honestly Bloomburrow wasn't bad, it felt a bit like a breath of fresh air
Animal people are a fantasy staple, didn't actually feel out of place at all and most designs aren't furry
Alpha investments is RL fuckery, this one is all on commanderbabs.
diferent kind of virgins you fucking clown
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Was it kino?
Furry plane was unironically the best plane they made in years, for the simple fac that they treated it as its own thing with its own world and lore instead of it being "hey look remember Columbo the new and hip X meme?"
Everyone loves saying this but it's the difference between price and accessibility and $100+ cards like Mana Crypt, especially for the many people who don't want to proxy. Sol Ring is about a dollar and is in every single precon. Sol Ring isn't a problem when it's in everyone's deck.
Fuck no.
Rudy stopped putting money in singles years ago as soon as he saw what collector boxes would do to individual card prices.
Is that the sticker shit?
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>MTG crossovers
Honestly one of the worst things up to date, way more than the LGBT and black shit.
Just pathetic.
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How do you get art like that when in the same exact set, you get art like this?
>made for draft because every set neds to sell a gorillion
No and it missed the point entirely.
The Chinese government is scared of skeletons
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>shooting people with tommy guns
i think you mean silly disney bubblerifles, because hasbro (who owns WOTC) will not allow them to print guns or general drug/alcohol use without heavy exception

silly disney mobsters with electric bubbleguns, who do not smoke or drink, and fight territory over a fantasy macguffin 'potion' called 'Halo' (made out of angel dust or some shit)
it's one of the most forgettable and boneless mobster takes ever designed
sol ring being in everyone's deck is still unhealthy
the difference between starting with sol ring and not starting with it is ridiculous and it's cheap enough it affects even casual games, hell I'd argue sol ring is even stronger in casual games since there's a good chance you're at the table with decks that don't have good comeback mechanics from falling behind that hard on early ramp
you're sounding kind of racist there buddy
I remember when people went apeshit when they made The Walking Dead crossover and later on they announced you can't use those cards anymore.
You're right, but the argument could be made that even New Capenna and Neon Kamigawa were still fantasy-flavored takes on non-fantasy genres. Duskmourn is the bottom of the slippery slope in the metaphor, where they've just abandoned any attempt at fantasy theming beyond including characters from fantasy-themed planes.
idk, lotr one was ok
Sure, but the point still stands that it's not a fantasy game anymore because Wizards doesn't give a fuck.
The fact that the mobster set is still the most magical set they had in years should be saying enough.
Aren't you excited to play captain america and iron man in MtG?
>Brokers were going to be corrupt cops
>Make them lawyers because cops were a no-go due to muh acab
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>idk, lotr one was ok
sure rakesh
>black Aragorn
You'd only be ruined if you paid out the ass to get to this point...
it could've been Innistrad level good and I will still never touch it
>Ruins modern with bowmasters and one ring
>Ring tempt mechanic has no downsides because we can't have players feelsbading over negative effects
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yeah but they got miku cards
look at this beautiful art
Le one (1) unique card, for investors.
>I'm not super up on the complete lore so I'm not sure if it only became active after they opened up the multiverse to everyone
Most likely to be the case. Valgavoth clearly has no spark, so he must have assimilated omenpaths that manifested in Duskmourn like in any other plane, and essentially started to use them to his will, making them spawn in random worlds to lure people in.
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>game is barely a year old
>most expensive card is already $1,000
>it's just the second most important character in the entire story it's not big deal if he's abused for investor purpose
All of Rohan being black skinned EXCEPT for Grima was pretty blatant too
Hell they somehow managed to add a black guy to SMAUG
Why the sudden resurgence of Miku the last year or so anyway? Fucking no one gave a fuck about her not too long ago and people made memes about how she was old and forgotten. Did a new company buy the rights or something?
although speaking of, they REALLY need to ban One Ring
This got announced just after I built my Feather deck and all my friends asked me if I was going to buy one of these. It was humiliating.
she was still around and people made songs but Project Sekai, the mobile rhythm game, gave her a huge resurgence amongst the younger people.
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Formats restrict cards and those that don't have few cards be competitive due to power differences being massive. So you pick a format and learn its cardpool slowly.
>Make miku secret lairs
>Have none of the artist be anime artist
>Put a 1 in 1 billion chance to get the one card that actually looks good as your promo
>Never tell anyone that this is even something that can happen
>Everyone else gets https://scryfall.com/card/sld/805/elvish-mystic
I am so fucking mad.
That explains it.
Brazillian Miku and Sexy Bunny Animation Miku sparked some interest again
If you make your own format rules/cube and have real life friends to play with yes. Otherwise lol.
an artist made a couple music videos that blew the fuck up and then he just kept putting out coomer art of miku art that again blew up because of all the extra eyes
people seeing the trend started getting into miku again
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I got timed out on the official commander discord for memeing TKD quotes about the bans
They fucking did it AGAIN?!?
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This has to be some kind of crippled lgtbq mentally ill artist. There's no way you pay someone for this.
100% chances to be mtf
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>human clown
>has reptiloid feet
>yo dawg I heard you liked collectibles so we put random cards in your card sets so you can gamble while you gamble
It's ridiculous. I want to own a physical version of this but of course the one good looking card is impossible to find
He gets it from his clown side.
Only Sauron alt art is decent
it's just a really long foot, because he is a clown, you see
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It's so fucking retarded too because they regularly get actual Japanese anime artists to make alternate art for other cards all the fucking time.
But the one time it actually made sense to get just Japanese artists they got Western hacks to paint Miku with down syndrome.
Apparently it's some russion woman who works primarily for Pathfinder.
Knowing Wizards they told her to fuck it up on purpose, they have proudly posted how they sent art pieces back because they wanted the woman in it to be fatter before.
It's a longcon to get fomo. Even if you don't like any of the cards in the lair there's now lingering bait of having an actual good card as your bonus. Or you get fucked.
Your tears are delicious.
Collectors are the back and bone of magic. The entire point of the game is collecting the cards you like.
Many cards that had value were actively said to no longer to be supported. Many people in magic buy up cards to resell, but since the cards no longer have any value for people to buy them, they effectually have become worthless. This hurts comic book shops the most, since they buy and sell magic cards.
Collector jews can suck my unwashed NEET taint, you deserve to get fucked in the ass. For anyone else who wants to actually play a game, just play FaB, Magic has been ass for a while now.
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surprisingly no, she's a biological russian woman and a pretty decent artist
some retard in a suit demanded their contracted western artists to "draw anime style" and that's what you get
every day I thank god I'm sensible enough to not buy a Secret Lair if I don't like every card in it, and that WOTC has yet to print a Secret Lair where I like every card
>cherry miku
Fuck that.
Based, fuck magic fags, play a real mans cardgame
her art is alright, they just comissioned the wrong artist for the job

Like Pokemon. Amen.
Yeah, but some are hilarious, like that blue one that swaps text boxes for target card.
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you WILL use this faithless looting in Arena
What fomo? you mean putting this card that you have to have a shitload of in a single deck as the super rare chase card in a special chase pack of cards, and then spread those cards over multiple packs for a year or so? The ones that are so rare that most of them don't even have a proper picture?
>It's so fucking retarded too because they regularly get actual Japanese anime artists to make alternate art for other cards all the fucking time.
Neon Kamigawa, Eldrain Enchanting Tales, All Will be One and even Bloomburrow got good art from japanese artists. It's hilarious how they went and made the Miku cards the worst thing possible.
Oh damn she did Gitaxias.
>cardboard investors
imagine buying cardboard and expecting it to be worth money
I think it's as simple as being good at Western fantasy art does not make you good at anime art.
Thw good Japanese cards in Bloomburrow are the rarest cards in the set because it's only in the highest rarity slot in the collector boosters and the weakest one still goes for about 55 dollars.
Honestly, they all follow similar shit, even decades apart. Your deck makes opponent discard, makes your guys stronger, deals damage when X type creature attacks, etc. Eventually you see strategies even if the cards are different.
Wonder if she hated having to draw Niggandalf
you can actually make a decent amount of money trading cardboard if you treat it like day trading rather than an index fund
God damn I forgot about this card for years and I wish it stayed forgotten.
The plane is Duskmourne
It's an entire plane that is an infinite haunted house (like Ravnica is a plane that's just a big city) created by a demon who took over at some point and feeds off of fear
>What fomo?
The fomo of getting a good bonus card like snappy Miku. Now the next time the Miku SL comes around there will be people who will buy it with the hope of getting a bonus card as good as snapcaster, even if it's rare as shit.
Reminder that jotc is so jewish they put COMMON cards, bolt,faithless,brainstorm,counterspell and more at rare and dismemeber an uncommon at MYTHIC rare
real men skip the faggot set 1 and end turn shit and play Yu-Gi-Oh
Making limited collectables for Disney whales is free money.
Yu-Gi-Oh? Never heard of it. I'm sure it will be big someday if you're the one spreading the word.
YGo stopped being a game years ago, now it's just a power fantasy.
There's an audience for that for sure, but it's not the game it used to be.
>They got a western art school gratuate to make anime art
>The concept is cool actually but it could do without the 80splane thing
They clearly backtracked a bit with the bullshit 80s retro tech angle after Karlov Manor and Outlaws got flak for doing stupid themes for no reason (Like why the fuck Ravnica suddenly got 50's themed private detectives?), but it happened too far into development. You can see it by how they have televisions but no longer call them that, and how the story put more emphasis on the horror part rather the 'member the Ghostbusters part.
I hope they backtrack entirely on the fucking "death race" set that's coming next
Doesn't the Arena background literally have a legally distinct NES controller?
why does wotc have to be wotc
It's gong to be Wacky Races where Chatterfang is going around in his tree on wheels while there's a black women called Shumacy powerfully screaming right behind him and you know it.
Buy your cheap Mana Crypts now so you can profit from the council going back on their decision in a week's time.
Also whats the lore for the current magic shit? isnt this a fantasy setting, why is it modern day slop?
Tbh I think having some mechanics for the survivors make sense. And I like survival as a mechanic.

The 80s aesthetic is eeeehhh. Surely cards like Veteran Survivor could be done without the leather jackets
Yu-Gi-Oh is fucking obnoxious, tried playing that shit for a while during lunch break with some co-workers, and it got to the point where the lunch break was barely enough to finish a single game since every turn took 20 minutes of comboing cards into each other and having the opponent sit down and read the lord of the ring trilogy printed on the tiny piece of cardboard just to remember the specifics of certain deck-specific cards.
>Tricking people into buying your garbage
Shalom, just write it off rabbi
the lore is "lol it's a multiverse anything can happen".
I am still waiting for the Chapter 1 reprint
So its just the fortnite of cardgames, endless collabslop and "in universe" stuff that makes no sense just to cash in on trends, grim.
Mtg is set on a multiverse with infinite planes of existence.
Duskmourn just so happens to be a pretty modern looking plane
>the fortnite of cardgames,
About that.
it is now, yes. Please look forward to the upcoming Marvel and Final Fantasy sets
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Yep. Wasn't always, but it is now.
What's the lore connection between that art and the actual card?
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They tried to make it into an extended cinematic universe first with the jacetice league (failed badly and highly unpopular) which led to the cancellation of a live action show they were making, then they used their genius to move mtg away from the fantasy aesthetic into modern slop, starting to make sets from warhammer 40k, doctor who, walking dead etc etc and now incorporating modern shit into the main sets.
what exactly do you expect from something owned by WotC/Hasbro
When will MTG stop being pozzed? Next year perhaps as everything politically correct has all failed this year?
Poorfag ojousama has to pay up to be nearby OHOHO ojousama.
Rich noble ohohojou-sama is paid taxes (ie. a tithe) by the filthy poors.
I doubt wotc/hasbro has the balls to stop being faggots
never, Magic is doing better than ever thanks to the crossovers
>and now incorporating modern shit into the main sets
Idk what "modern" means
when the money dries up, so never
as in baseball bats, noir gangsters, cyberpunk, cheerleaders, Harry Potter, etc
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The ruling class clearly oppressing the lower class?
>unhinged antisemitism
are you mentally retarded?
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Problem mumu?
based ESL retard
Since paper Magic is played irl, and it's apparently the for fun format, can't you just decide what cards to allow?
Reminder this is one of the two named white guys in the set.
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Regular version looks better
> UU blue 6/13
man silver cards are FUCKED
all your taxes are belong to us (im the ojousama)
Are you okay Anon, maybe a little dyslexic?
> a pretty decent artist

Dog if your """"""""""Artist""""""""""" Cant do anime she can't draw for shit. That's pure photoshop slop
When everything else stops being pozzed.
I think that will take 10 years AT LEAST. That's assuming it will ever happen at all.
yeah but the people you're playing with might take issue
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no that's unfinity. unstable is the one that was turbo-autistic about trying to make contraptions work.
also no it wasn't kino it felt too much like a normal set in all the most boring ways possible. for every infinity elemental or slaying mantis you had like three beast in show's
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sucks to suck, chuck
That's a pretty standard card. Why the gray border?
it's too weak to be a regular green card
Because the set is made to drafted so it can't be too silly.
I still haven't gotten over this one in particular
gotten over?
Me in the far back
somehow someway this is all jace's fault
what are you talking about, just look at that waaaaaaaacky card art and flavor text! This can't work in black border magic.
you'd think they would have taken the lesson that not every product needs to be draftable but instead they doubled down with the acorn stamp thing while also making shit like stickers legal in eternal formats
I've never played TCGs before. Should I get into MtG?
Wizards, like its customers, never learns.
Only if you never buy anything whatsoever
casuals will never buy a 100 dollar card, much less 3 of them.
Anon the only ones who don't own these cards are the casual players.
owning a Mana Crypt is like the #1 sign you're not playing a casual deck
Stfu, retard. Casuals either stick to newest sets because of Standard or only buy cheapest cards (ebay bulk buys included), or just use proxies.
maybe if you play arena completely F2P
The game is legitimately very fun, but WotC are jews that don't deserve your money and the secondary market is filled with jews that don't deserve your money.
Either print proxies or play it for free online with tabletop simulator/cockatrice/xmage/forge.
Is paper commander worth getting into though?
Casuals use a precon.
Only if you don't buy anything whatsoever. Borrow decks from nolifers.
hey don't respond this fast this is toxic and you're ruining my fun
If you have a group of friends that are okay with you using proxies.
Kill yourself
What? Did they announce something?
let's not get competitive here
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Holy shit the RC actually did something GOOD for once in their lives?
Look at the OP image. Before yesterday, that was worth thousands. Since yesterday? lol
Yeah, just never buy anything directly from Wizards. Most casual groups will be fine with proxies, and a lot of people have multiple decks and are willing to loan them out if you're not disgusting
It's in a death spiral because of corporate greed. If you are rich af and don't mind spending a lot just keeping up with the new strongest pushed cards it's a fun game, but WotC are vultures and will try to squeeze every possible penny from your addiction
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i don't really give a shit about lootbox games.
you knew what you were getting into, retard.
banning Prime Time was a good thing
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>Thinking this will sell when Marvel shit hasn't sold since 2020
>Only thing successful has been Deadpool and Wolverine and Marvel Rivals
Gamers are too cheap to understand the financial losses made by some dork who got gamed on by his playgroup.
But why does it affect Commander though?
>playing EDH
lmao why are you playing this shitty format instead of vintage, legacy or pauper ?!
You're not the brightest bulb in the drawer...
See you in 18 years lol
No shit, mind ain't really working good right now when hungry. Now answer the question.
Honestly susprised they used Steve instead of Falcon.
You have to admire the balls and retardation of this guy to sell this shit on Facebook.
I would've expected ironheart, captain falcon, america chaves and stuff in instead too
I'm sure they'll show up too
You're beyond retarded if you think it's just going to go away on its own. Many kikes and troons are going to have to be executed for the disease to be cured.
he must not have heard about the Pinkertons
Pinkertons ain't shit and get by on name alone. It's the mouse I'd be more worried about.
those new cards are so fucking ugly
impressive how fast the quality of anything falls when you hire leftists
if they really wanted to protect timmy they'd ban all those pesky counterspells that stop him from windmillimg his 7 mana creatures. But ironically now Timmy is screwed because his 7 mana commander got removed once and he ain't got no mana rocks
The issue with solring is that drawing it in your opening hand is incredibly powerful and it makes games even more rng
some are undoubtably touched up ai
>He thought paper cards were a safe investment
You fucking donut. What did you learn?
>wotc remembering regeneration
this is fake isn't it?
It's not so bad if the power creep isn't rampant, and it helps keep the meta from staying stale. In ideal circumstances you should be able to make a competitive deck and have it remain competitive for at least a year.
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This is a Japanese Shock
the doctor who shit didn't do terribly, and no one gives a fuck about that. most of the crossovers are for boomers.
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WotC brings back old mechanics for single cards every now and again if it fits the flavor.
Bloomburrow has a fucking storm card (kinda).
I still find it crazy that the print functional equivalents and don't use keywords still. Morbid comes to mind.
why the fuck is ral zarek a furry
He's a blue player.
Furry Redwall plane where everyone gets turned into a furry creature
Virgins big mad since their cardboard is worth less than it was before
The lore of Bloomburrow (the plane) is people turn into animals when they go there.
i thought it was cringe at first, too. but then they continually ass fucked the lore/art/story, now i pretty much only care about crossovers. final fantasy set is the only thing i have been looking forward to in years.
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Why are white/blue players so fucking weird
>i know he's talking about the shittiest format ever invented

1) BASED and Standard pilled
2) Wizards didn't make it, the community did.
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I like how they whitewashed a black character
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it happens
>can he refund physical cardboard he already bought and played with before the community ban?
They play control so they can torture your olfactory senses as they take 5 minutes to draw land go.
it's an African bird so it's fine
>>Gain 3 mana of any colour to cast your commander
Does not matter outside of a shitty format because nobody plays Commander cards outside of that shitty format.
Well, they had to use some form of African critter, and they sure as fuck weren't going to turn him into a baboon.
>$1,000 for
>"Target creature does not untap during controllers untap step."
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>Based, fuck magic fags, play a real mans cardgame
.. Like Duel Masters!
nobody plays Commander cards outside of Commander, but everybody plays Commander
Frost Titan on suicide watch
i don't play commander because i'm not a rightist snowflake retard
but can't you just have your store/group allow these cards regardless of what the banlist says? the entire point of a fan format is that the fans control it
This sort of implies that anyone natively from Bloomburrow would turn into humanoids if they left.
Like Texas Hold Em
Yes but this really only affects a small minority of players who want to play the casual format competitively that no one really likes playing with anyway
Dead franchises like Magic the Gathering and Yug-Yho are terrible investments.
>black man magic

>which led to the cancellation of a live action show they were making
AFAIK, that Netflix show is still happening, but was animated, not live action?
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Gambling, digital "cards"
Gambling, physical cards
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>Also whats the lore for the current magic shit?
They pulled license on Garfield's better card game (Netrunner) and have been floundering since.
that's why yugioh is superior
doesn't Yu-Gi-Oh do stuff like this all the time
>since there has to be thousands upon thousands of them at this point right?
That's the neat part: You DON'T get familur with the entire pool. Even in "Eternal"/Type-1/"Legacy" you don't. You only learn the "meta" cards and then dig for counters to said meta.
>Solitare during your first turn and then swing for big damage after because you can cheat the rules: the trading card game
No. Pokemon is Yugioh level bad.
>>black man magic
But japs aint blacks for shit
haha no

konami tongue my anus
I don't live in japan doebeit
You cant just look at some Japanese media and type "wow blacks!" thats pure retardation
Sometimes watching a brotha is kino.
dunno, I don't play either
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Only black people play yu gi oh
Short answer: No.

Long answer: MAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYBE before 2007. And even then: Nah.

Play Netrunner, Garfield's better card game.
finally, fuckable vraska
for 2 cents lmao
Feel good to play Standard and not deal with all those new cards
Sometimes I wish Legends of Runeterra didn't die. Then I remember how retarded the devs were. They created cool archetypes and refused to provide support after the season so they could keep creating buzzwords.

Morgan and Kayle should have been thematically opposite and daybreak/nightfall
but you deal with the most new cards in Standard
Marvel set will be fine. Just because the MCU and Marvel comics themselves are in the shitter doesn't mean the I.P./characters don't have cachet.
Just draft, preferably cube so you can never spend another penny
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You get what you fucking deserve. KILL YOURSELF YOU SPASTIC FUCK
what happened, did they get banned or something?
t. hasn't played mtg ever since they added blacks/insane powercreep
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Damn, Omni-man got a dumpy.
yeah he should play all those non-rotating formats, like moder-oh...
There's only two white males in this whole set?
sure but won't you annoy your friends playing a card that is so strong it was banned?
They also work in a mystery/thriller themed set I imagine. They really don't seem that difficult to squeeze in since life is full of rooms. Battles are harder to put in.
i can't imagine playing modern mtg
i had to reread that 4 times, cause i didn't figure out you meant "Doctor Who" and thought they released a card called "the doctor who shit" which gave me a giigle
Faggot nerd.
I just hate rooms because it's very clearly a case of "well it works in arena who cares if it's confusing in paper." the entire reason they didn't make split permanents until modal DFC's came around was because it'd be too confusing to track which was live and which wasn't, and no "they can both go online after a certain point :)" doesn't solve that issue as cleanly as you think.
As a former MtG player, I’m convinced literally no one still playing is having any fun at all. It’s just sunk cost fallacies and gambling addictions at this point and has been for 10+ years. Yu-gi-oh! is unironically better at this point, because it’s cheap at least.
It's not in standard or modern, so it doesn't matter nearly as much. Plus what else would you give Wolverine? The keyword is practically made for him.
>Because it's cheap at least
Oh anon
I got sick of WoTC banning every card that was any good back in the 90s
she smothers you with her tits
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i don't want to play a 3 turn format, why would i ever want to play a 2 turn game
Indestructible, Prevent all damage dealt to Wolverine, If Wolverine would be put into a graveyard from anywhere, reveal Wolverine and shuffle it into its owner's library instead, Protection from creatures. I might be missing some but those are a few.
I'll play the final fantasy set with my friends but I don't think I'll care about MTG beyond that. Maybe collect a few cards of characters I like if I feel like it
I dislike games that decouple combat from the victory condition. Couldn't get into Keyforge or weiss shwarz either.
this is enough I think.
it's for flavour, you faggots. "regeneration" is far more flavourful because that is one of his actual abilities. he is not indestructible, he isn't impervious to damage. you think "multikicker" on chun li was put in for anything other than flavour?
Just let the fucking japs do all the art at this point.
And print the cards too. American card stock is so fucking bad. Zero quality control.
>Unofficial "official" rules committee for a fan made format originally meant to be played casually makes a ban list
>Sweaty tryhard nerds and "investors" lose their shit
>Every normal person's reaction has been "we're still gonna use them in our pod"
What exactly is the issue here?
No, there's plenty of good art from western artists. It's shit like the Miku cards where they asked artists to draw in a way they clearly were not made for.
I kinda think this rules fuckers are making top money of this shit they could buy a lot of those new banned cards and in like a year or two unban those cards and sold them for top dollars and do that again with other new cards every few years...damn just like a little stock market.
>tfw I play digimon tcg
>If you aren't playing a main character digimon deck then you will not get support or you get stuck at a tier 2 at best deck
Made for older women.
I legit thought she was trying to do a ZUN-type thing, why the FUCK did she draw her like that?
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>Bought and sold counterfeits months ago

It's really easy to scam people into buying counterfeits when you're just like "Yeah, I bought this at a garage sale for game night, but it's too complicated for us. We usually just get stoned and play Exploding Kittens or Cards Against"

>>If you aren't playing a main character digimon deck then you will not get support or you get stuck at a tier 2 at best deck

Nigga please, numemon shat on every deck for a year.
All I see is 20 cents worth of cardboard rectangles. Surely you didn't spend more than a few bucks on these?
nigga "normal" people weren't putting mana crypt in their precon + handful of upgrades or their shitty pile of tribal jank
>current day
Lmao nigger. I started during Gate Crash and was out by Return to Zendikar
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>t. OP
You missed the bus.
Nothing will fix the irreparable damage done to EDH (and magic as a whole) but it's funny seeing flounding attempts to fix it
>m-maybe if we slow down these two sources of fast mana it'll be fine!
Not when every card is already a valuesharting engine that's also an avengers level threat that can be infinitely recurred.

Not banning Sol Ring goes to show they're only half assing this shit, of course they never will because every precon deck includes it as the default accelerant, there is not a single reason any deck should not auto include Sol Ring before any other card unless you are doing some meme deck with no colorless mana symbols
You're a cunt but at the same time, fuck MtGfags
White Green enchantments might choose to not play Sol Ring because how much artifact hate they have baked in to the deck,
No they still play it because it's a gaint boost. Even if they end up boardwiping it away later
I still feel like they would choose to just because at worst, sol ring is still a lotus petal. At best it's a permanent double mana rock that is realistically only doing to die to mass artifact removal spells, or sometimes get yoinked. Even if it gets removed the turn after you play it, it still could have accelerated you.

Maybe you wouldn't play it in NullRods.dec. I dunno. Probably still would for the potential turn 1 power.
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The actual Fornite of Card games would be Weiss Schwarz. If a franchise is popular it has a set in Weiss Schwarz
I guess but it doesn't get Stony Silence or Collector Ouphe out a turn earlier lol.
big daddy wizards would never let them since it's in every precon now
It feels like having to think hard about the few decks that might not want sol ring proves that the exceptions make the rule. Even all the decks that "shouldn't" want sol ring probably still do because it's only at worst a dead draw, but at best puts you further ahead than almost any other card.
I mean EDH is basically well and truly fucked and has been ever since precons were made and wotc tried to jew the format, but now if you look at decklists something like 30-40 nonlands of each color are dedicated to the staples that every single deck is running. Power creep has gotten out of control. The irony is that EDH is a large reason why powercreep in normal formats is so bad, and now EDH is suffering from it.
The only reason they run shit like Collector Ouphe and Stony Silence is because it fucks up mana rocks with the added benefit of sometimes locking an opponent down. Hilariously it barely even touches dedicated artifact decks like Urza Lord High Artificer.
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>5 color Esika deck with Cultivator Colossus
>All to throw a single Fireball
>It has my highest winrate

It feels like throwing a Spirit Bomb but having it actually work for once.
>paying 100$ dollarie doos to buy cards for kitchen table format
>NOT playing your 100$ dollarie doo cards in kitchen table format because of banlists
Cultivator Colossus with Abundance is so much fun. Unfortunately it takes a long time to go through the motions.
This is probably the greatest crime of wokisms.
Callbacks that make zero fucking sense because an accurate depiction would be 'problematic'.
What horror movie has a black cheerleader? what horror movie has the cheerleader trop -without- intending her to be eyecandy?
now that you mention it, it's a bit odd to have a set whose whole sthick is "80s slasher cliches" and not have a "black dude dies first" card
>destroy target black creature
that's racist
Nah this guy doesn't give a shit

His money is all in sealed product and reserved list
He sure loves to bitch every video about how every new set fucking sucks and will be worthless 20 years from now though.
negative engagement and views for easy youtube bucks, he's been doing it for years
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the opposite is fine though
>I don't think Anon wanted to play with them
Correct! And people who hoard/speculate on cards for monetary gain deserve 15 feet of rope and a short drop.
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>Watch trailer for Duskmourn
>Talking rat with purple Mohawk and sci-fi gear
What the fuck is this? This is not Magic in the slightest.
Flintlocks are too high tech for Magic.
>nobody brings up that Niko is in this set
Dropped instantly.
>He doesn't know about Nashi
He's a punk from Kamigawa

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