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/v/ - Video Games

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Decided to record a reference video instead of having to animate this shit on blender.

I stay thinking because I was like trying to remmember which were the moves.

Could only got to basic punches, basic kicks, stances and guards and slashes.

Not autistic enough to try to do shit like more advanced moves.
Why do you still post here when literally everyone showers you with vitriol for doing so?
Good luck soldier. May your Harada and Sol be at peace.
because I'm not a child hurt by english words in a screen.

It's also healthy to be able to have fun at yoursefl sometimes.
It's not him. This is just one of the typical ways dick sucking OPs try to get people to shit on someone he doesn't like by pretending he's him. Like when someone posts "their" steam profile and anons go leave a bunch of "lol fag" on it.
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>this is you average /v/ posters that seethes at sony and calls anime games tranime
I genuinely want to know how many IPs are from India and other subhuman shitholes
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Post Cris edits.
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Lmao he posted another video of himself??
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Nigga looks like Dr. Wongburger.
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Look, he’s already got his own choreography why need to make another?
>Let me in, I have workflows to show you
He’s from Colombia.

wait, is this the same nigger that spams /ic/ too?
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He’s more known on /int/ hence the memes made of him
>>689870779 and also well known on /3/
What’s wrong with him?
>Seethes at Sony
That's everyone
>Calls anime games tranime
That's shartytards.
That's him you retard, cris is actually that braindead
are you sure that’s him?
Yes, we know him pretty well.
>try to hit on a girl at the pub
>her boyfriend comes up to you looking like this
Cris might actually be the most passing tranny in existence when you think about it

No troon is this much of an attention whore
Oh Yorick, I knew you well.
Wtf why is Cris doxxing himself now?
it's DOXING!
He’s a retard don’t you understand this
apologize immediately and restore justice to the world
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retards on hilo latino hasn't dox me in like 8 years.

I'm not relevant enough for faggots to give a shit.
Give him enough dicks to build a dick rocket back to dick planet
got me there
yeah, super fucking retarded 3
How can he be smart again?
he can't due to his schizophrenia-induced chronic and severe cognitive decline
it's apparent if you compare his posts from 5-10 years ago vs those from today
A fate worse than death I presume
Genuine makes me sad.
>me when I think I am alone and nobody is watching
when mom is watching
He’s only 35 how can he deteriorate that quickly
I say Rei is better than Asuka and twist his nipples.
quick QRD me on this guy
Mentally ill guy from Colombia who has been posting here for more than a decade, rambles on about his work projects and spams nonsense on /agdg/ on /vg/, /int/, /3/ and now /ic/, this pic here gives the gist of his progress so far >>689871361
and have fun
How strong is this guy actually? Training videos is one thing but if he entered a tournemant of the world's best fighters would he win?
so do jannies just let actual lolcow threads stay up now or something?
The average Colombian IQ is about 83, which to put into perspective is only slightly higher than India despite being a much smaller nation. So without the extreme variance, it's likely that Cris is significantly dumber than a Pajeet just genetically.

This is on top of being a manchild 4channer, which if we're being honest automatically slices 10-20 points off your IQ regardless of how smart or high-achieving you think you are.

Add in what is probably some minor schizophrenia and general cognitive decline and he could seriously be the stupidest guy on this entire website. I am not saying that to insult Cris at all. Just pointing out that when he posts the same cat picture 500x, uploads an unplayable game or records himself poorly miming muay thai or whatever, you are effectively peering into the psyche of a proper idiot. Someone who is beyond retardation and probably cannot grasp the most simple concepts.

In this respect it's actually baffling that Cris can post frequently, respond to people in a somewhat competent manner and stand on his own two feet without immediately falling over. But I mean this with the utmost respect, there is nothing going on up in that dome, there is not even the dimmest glow in Cris's head. He is so profoundly bottom-witted that it loops back around and makes him infinitely endearing, a true imageboard enigma. How does one man singlehandedly take over nearly three boards on this website by just sharing his pointless creations? How can someone who is predisposed to doing little else than unskilled labor manage to inspire such awe and confusion among others?

Perhaps it's better not to dwell on these things, as Cris would never do so. He has a new workflow to optimize for us chuds...
how does it make you feel that cris has learned more skills than you?
I kneel instinctively whenever his videos pop up into my sub feed. If I could travel to Colombia with many beautiful women just to provide Cris with a harem I would do so in a heartbeat.
He’s Venezuelan
What’s your style
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12 diferent ones.
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This guy tells you he's gonna beat your ass what do you do?
what’s blud lookin at
They’re all the same thing…
sweep the leg
>I missed the cris thread
cris stop trying to sneak threads when shit is going on
that being said CRISTOBAL FUCK OFF
Cris... you're too powerful
A chud like me could never win
No veneco ever called me veneco
Smartest, strongest, most handsome sudaca to ever live
Had the same problem, but I just stopped jerking off and got a maintenance job abandoning my dreams. Truly I am worse off than Cris though even if I have my sanity.
now you're gonna say it's vaxing single x, lmao
just like your chromosomes cause you'll never be a woman
You’re more self aware than him
Christ, I came back to /v/ from another board and this is the first thread I see lmao
dude the fucking scourge of 4chan in general
That's my purse
Cris is making an anime made, you retarded mutt lardimal
I'm woke
Cris has his moments, I had times when I was saying fucking gibberish nonsense and I know because I thought it was so good I should write it down: https://pastebin.com/r2CqShsY
I look back at this shit and I am just so fucking embarrassed. I glad I quit my math degree and my dreams to make games. I'm just a fucking nobody retard loser and that's how I will live and die. and I'm ok
how long
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>how long
this is a prime example that self-improvement is a meme
Correct, some people just can't make it. It's a mathematical fact. Just give up and you'll live a better life than being upset about never achieving your dreams
Who is the prime example, Cris Is?
Why can't he just snort cocaine and fuck dozens of hookers like every other colombian?
He’s on gibs so he’s disqualified
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make sure you don't drop your combos
Because it’s Coca Cola
why do I keep seeing this faggot cat posted on every board on this godforsaken site?
It’s some nigga spamming
He’s well above the average /v/tard to have the self esteem to post something like this on the most pessimistic forum on the internet. 90% of /v/ are desperate for validation in their disparaging opinions.
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>10 years wasted
Same number of years, maybe more, as the scribble schizo. Aka Lunatic soda.
Damn, YA GOT ME.
who is this scribble schizo
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my work
post cat
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Does anyone know who the guy that used to spam /pol/ with a screenshot of a shitty proc genned city is? I thought it might be this guy, but clearly they're different people. The pol guy would rant about how he was a great programmer for copying quake 1's bsp implementation. I wonder if he roped, seems like the only reason a terminal ritual poster would ever stop.
he looks like your average white supremacist
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also working on faces so have this jack o doodle until I can rotate heads
Wait is this the same guy that has been 3d-modeling for years and has not improved at all?
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thanks, I was gonna touch it up a bit more but csp crashed on me so have this shiburin
cris told me it was closer to 20 and he's 40 btw
I thought he was 35
please only post art like this. no more trash faces
been here since 06 op looks based

>actually likes games
>makes games
>doesn't give a shit how he looks to normalfag tourists
he's based
Damnit wish i was a little girl addicted to ojii-sans......
I absolutely love this kot it is such a cutie
>I look back at this shit and I am just so fucking embarrassed.
it's only decipherable when your limiter seal isn't engaged otherwise you can't comprehend it, anon

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