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>woman protagonist
lets fucking go
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>1604 Japan
>Female samurai
fucking KEK
>assassin's creed clone but it has some soul to it
>make it a soulless franchise
every time
I knew it was a bitch as soon as I saw those manicured nails and that skinny ass neck. Interest is completely dead. No one wants to play as a samurai bitch just like no one wants to play a cowboy game as some female bandito. Samurai are a masculine fantasy, only male protags work.
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>The Calm one
Bros.... I'm scared
are you noticing yet?
Meds now.
Shant be playing a women
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No Jin
No buy
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they better add in monsters and magic if they're going this route
I enjoyed Ghost of Tsushima, but literally none of the females in that game were good. They were all ugly don't-need-no-man mary sues. So I have zero faith this new bitch will be well written either.
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m sorry but i just can't take strong female protagonists in historical settings without fantasy-elements in them seriously because she would just get raped immediately.
Report this shill general.
>Report this shill general.
Report this shill general.
>Report this shill general.
Report this shill general.
>Report this shill general.
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Explain your dislike for this game without sounding like a seething chuddie. I'm waiting, /v/.
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>Hokkaido in 1603 so we're playing as the colonizing country
>the music is western played with Shamisen to go with the jolly spirit of massacring the indigenous people
fifty keks
I kind of liked the old hag getting revenge for her entire family that was pretty gud but yea besides her all the other ones are forgettable
>t. didn't play the first game
the first game had you doing a side mission learning the old chick was secretly in a lesbian relationship. who cares, the first game was mediocre
Sony just cant help themselves huh
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Japan doesn't colonize Hokkaido until the Meiji period. Tokugawa established exclusive trade, and helped the Ainu fight Russians most of the time. He made deals with Ainu leadership for them to help them hunt Mitsunari loyalists.
i really liked the first game but it's odd to see this attachment to jin. he was a good protag, but i didn't think people cared that much about continuing his story.
I would've been fine with her if Jin could call her out on her retardation. But again, because she was a woman she was presented as in the right.
said the jew, who's probably consooming kosher product and hrt. its the jews
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>1604 Hokkaido
Technically, it wasn't
Very disappointed that they are skipping a hundred years when it was heavily implied Jin was going to the mainland. Willing to give it a try nonetheless when it's out
Not gonna get it because of the woman.
>"I can accept a man being a 1 man army but not a woman"
I never understood this selective outrage at realistic depiction of strength.
A man do insane shit that no normal man can replicate? A ok
A woman do insane shit that no normal woman can replicate? WOKE WOKEWOKEWOKEWOKEWOKEWOKE
This feel like low iq if you ask me.
His story was already told. /v/ is just using that as an excuse to hide their inner chudcel agenda. No one would complain about missing Jin if the new game's protag wasn't a woman.
Who cares about the writing, just let me cut peoples throats and make the gameplay fun. You people are such faggots
Ubishills will false flag this game with rants about the MC in the coming days and weeks
This. No one on /v/ actually gives a single FUCK about Jin.
>all the women in GoT 1 were terribly written mary sues that try to lecture you about feminism in the 1300s
>saving grace was after the first playthrough you could skip their dialogue and quests
>now the entire game stars a female in a game series with a terrible track record for writing women
The concern over this shouldn't be surprising. No one freaks out when a Japanese studio makes a game with a female lead for example, but this is an enormous red flag coming from Snoy.
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unironically if she just went after an army of women, it'd be easier to believe
that's cool. it seems that is what the new protag will be doing, hunting ronin that are probably anti-tokugawa and helping the ainu. or she might be ainu herself.
They won't have to.
it's American politics brainrot.
nobody complained when Lara Croft wasn't Indiana Jones.
Like it or not, the story was a big part of why GoT was so good.
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>Tomoe Gozen was a woman from Shinano Province in the late Heian period . She is said to have been a female warrior. Her pen name is also Tomo or Tomoe . According to the Tale of the Heike, she was a female warrior who served Minamoto no Yoshinaka . According to the Genpei Tosoroku , she was the daughter of Higuchi Kanemitsu . According to the Genpei Seisuiki , she was the daughter of Nakahara Kanetoyo , sister to Higuchi Kanemitsu and Imai Kanehira , and a concubine of Minamoto no Yoshinaka
>ghost of games
Just because you use a katana, doesn't make you a samurai, dumb fuck. Just like not every swordsman is a knight.
So the latest tactic is trying to get people to talk about your ubislop game by paying shills to be angry about the female lead? Is that where we're at?
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>Hangaku Gozen was a military commander from the end of the Heian period to the early Kamakura period . Her name is written as " Sakagaku " in the Azuma Kagami [ note 1 ] , but in later literary works such as Kojoruri it is written as " Itagaku " [ 2 ] . She was also known as Iikaku . She was the daughter of Shiro Sukekuni . Her siblings included Shiro Sukenaga and Shiro Nagashige . She is one of the few female military commanders in Japanese history, and has long been known as " Tomoe Hangaku "
I'm sorry but i just can't view a woman as a plausible physical threat. It's just immersion breaking.
>literally just playing the game
>oh yeah hag-sama is a rug muncher btw
At what point did I need to know this fucking info? I fucking hate these californian faggotrons bros
>/v/ claims to love japan when they don't even know anything about japanese history
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>YouTube now uses ai to gauge chat's opinion and summarize news
yes it's working because you're posting right now and will keep ding so in every thread asking retarded questions.
How much can they honestly change to make the sequel feel fresh? I'm bored 2 thirds through the first game
I bet you slurped up Nier Automata
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If it's more of a stealth game and you're a ninja it could work out. Otherwise it will be trash.
It's not even correct and also extremely easy to manipulate.
why did he do it?
AI is so fucking garbage its unreal.
>ghost of tsushima 2
fuck yeah
I don't care
>she's ugly
fuck off...
Looks like a tranny.
remember those stupid fox side things? now its a wolf
1603 would make it the first year of the Tokugawa Shogunate, depending on what part of the year they start in. Post Sekigahara the Mitsunari loyalists fled to Hokkaido and Ryukyu.
Yotei was in Ainu controlled land so if she's the Ghost of Yotei then she has to be Ainu. Plus the wolf they showed leans towards her being Ainu too.
It's around 50 years too early for the first conflict between the Tokugawa and Ainu, so the only real enemies would be the Mitsunari loyalists and potentially imperial Russians.
If she stealthy/non confrontentional
It could work but yeah confrontentional, it wouldnt work
>Betsushiki were female martial arts instructors who served in the inner palaces of feudal domains (corresponding to the shogunate's Ooku) during the Edo period . [ 1 ] They were also called betsushiki women , katana-koshi women , or obiken women . [ 2 ]

>According to the Kurotian Sogo , an essay written in Dewa Province during the Kansei era , their appearance is described as follows : they carried two swords, one large and one small, their eyebrows were shaved and they did not use eyebrow pencil , leaving blue eyebrow marks, and their kimono was worn at full length and did not drag on his legs, giving him a brave appearance.

>The social background in which these samurai women emerged and played an active role also lay in the family circumstances of the samurai. Even during the Sengoku period, there were cases in which women from noble families entered samurai families to keep their families looking good, but in the early modern period, when times were at peace, they began to become seriously weak, and as a reaction to this, around the Kanbun era, women who looked like samurai warriors began to be prized, and this became a kind of fashion . [ 3 ]
Jin wasn't a samurai either if you had actually played the game you'd know that
Yeah an combat android that's just has the appearance of a woman.
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kek yeah that was my impression too, it looks like the same game.
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So, aside from the woman bashing, is the first game any good?
Ok, why did it need to be female?
>Tomoe Gozen
He literally is a Samurai until half way through the game.
>This is also Sucker Punch's first game built from the ground up for PlayStation 5, and we're excited to build on the visual foundation we established in Ghost of Tsushima by making the world feel even more real. We have massive sightlines that let you look far across the environment, whole new skies featuring twinkling stars and auroras, even more believable movement from wind on grass and vegetation, and more improvements we'll share in the future. Our new setting also gives us the opportunity to introduce new mechanics, gameplay improvements, and even new weapons.
but but I need reused assets and jin again
I'm glad it's not tsushima 2.
same article
>When Yoshinaka was defeated there, with only a few of his soldiers standing, he told Tomoe Gozen to flee because he wanted to die with his foster brother Imai no Shiro Kanehira and he said that he would be ashamed if he died with a woman.[4]
they were not equals.
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>female protagonist









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It was okay. Ubisoft game but with a cool samurai story.

The first game was pretty woke already with strony womyn lesbians. They want more ESG bucks for this game.
unironically a top10 game
It didn't need to be anything but was made to model a female because yoko taro is a coomer
It's really not that hard to use your Suspension of disbelief to considere the woman to be stronger than normal, that why I said that it feel low iq.
Most hero's of video games are superhuman after all, and there is no reason as to why a woman couldn't get the "MC superpower".
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>usual stealth is now social stealth
>you can go full lady snowblood
It's Sony's best game since TLoU 1.
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>any women without massive tits and ass and isn't wearing slutty clothes is ugly
These standards are why you will always be a hugless kissless virgin incel freak.
No one said they were
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>he said that he would be ashamed if he died with a woman
>it's ok when i like it
Oh I see. you're just another sheep shitposter following the herd.
But in this case the mc doesn't have a superpower.
>didn't hire the pastiest white caucasian musician to play the instrument for the reveal
They already fucked up
He stops being a samurai, thanks for proving my point
yea, most likely. the narration in the trailer made it seem like she came from outside hokkaido after ronin did, though on rewatching the trailer it's not a point made explicitly.
Remind me why people are complaining about female samurai when Japan have been doing it for decades again?

Besides, the trailer seems to imply that she’s more of a bandit than a samurai.
I wasn't going to buy it either way, just lamenting the fact this board has become unusable thanks to all the astroturfing.
I'm still impressed on how seamless the sword fights are in Ghost of Tsushima when you are doing it right.
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It's different when you're playing a game trying to be historical and realistic.
I would be ok with a female protagonist if she was fucking gorgeous and had massive milkers. Devs keep making these ugly ass hags with A cup tits, nobody wants to look at that for 50 hours. Imagine if Lara Croft was made in 2024, she would look like a worn out 35 year old coalburner with tats and bee sting tits.
Wait, Hokkaido wasn't under Japan's rule at this time. Is the MC ainu?
Depends what you want from it, the best way I can describe it is a more enjoyable Ubisoft game.
It has the usual open world stuff like collectibles, outposts to take over, side missions etc but for me the game gets carried hard by its presentation and detail.
Definitely worth a shot imo and if you do make sure to play on the hardest difficulty and turn off the UI elements, the game is at its best when you try to immerse yourself.
The first game had those things.
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Wouldn’t be surprised if this movie is one of the inspirations. Especially since the tone seems a bit lighter than the first games judging from the trailer. The wolf imagery also screams Mononoke vibes.
>can't come up with original posts from thread to thread
>5 sonyshekels have been deducted from your account
If the Ronin are hunting her, and she's called the hunter, then yeah, she's probably hunting western forces after Sekigahara.
She's either Ainu, or becomes part of the Ainu after being sent by Tokugawa.
Ironically, it means there's also a chance William Adams and the Brits plus the Dutch show up because William did do some stuff for Tokugawa in Hokkaido and there was a clash between him and some Dutch forces there. We could get a Nioh collab in this game because of it.
Mental illness
Because western writers don't write strong women well. This isn't complicated.
>good examples of strong women in different mediums
>bad examples of strong women in different mediums
Nu Lara Croft
Captain Marvel
Nu Harley Quinn
>the villains invader of the second game are the Japanese
No Jin, no buy. Should have been a direct sequel and there's no excuse for it not to be.
The real Sucker Punch was to Ubisoft all along.
culture war board
culture war website
she is the MC of a open world where you kill thousand of enemies alone, yes she have superpower like Jin the previous protagonist.
the insane shit that Jin was able to do was not realistic.... the setting is realistic but the MC is not, you play as a superhuman.
Because it's part of the trend now and /v/ is fully committed to following the latest trends, despite claiming not to be swayed by popular opinion.
They legit don't understand why people complain about female protags now and are just complaining about female protags.
They would complain about BloodRayne or BG&E or NOFL if it came out today as well, just because they were conditioned to do so.
The first game is already full of female warriors and ninjas girlbossing it up, so I don't see this being all that different.
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Yasuke will show up. ESG +1000
He became a Ronin after he stopped being a Samurai, so your point is moot.
It's literally just culture warriors and falseflagging trannies trying to stir shit.
it's on pc now so absolutely worth the pick up
It's okay because it's not grounded in reality at all.
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It's not entirely realistic but to say it wasn't trying to be realistic would be disingenuous. It was trying, and playing as Jin but female is a stain on that attempt.
>Wirrium showing up again
Don’t get my hopes up like that anon
>it's ok when i like it
oh I see
And what superpower would that be?
Yasuke would probably be old, dead, or already left Japan with the Portuguese by 1603, not traipsing around in Hokkaido.
GoT was extremely overrated, i'm glad I pirated that shit when it came out on PC.
>The first game is already full of female warriors and ninjas girlbossing it up
No one liked that and going even further is enough to make the game shit tier.
Doesn't matter if her existence isn't 100% set in stone, that's how historically illiterate monkeys like you view history as either 'it didn't happen' or 'it happened', not as an echo of something that happened or someone who existed that has reverberated so many times over centuries that the details become ambiguous, hazy and taking the form of something legendary like King Arthur or the siege of Troy.

What really matters here is the precedent exists and is set in stone in Japanese culture, and in later, more defined and more recorded history, there's ironclad examples of female warriors in Japanese warrior culture, which isn't surprising since female warriors are a thing in Japanese mythos. This isn't surprising since most Japanese mythology was formed around the Heian period where women had a lot of rights and there were a lot of female writers and poets.
>Jin wasn't a samurai

>no! He was this thing that still isn't a samurai

I'm convinced retards are crying just to cry at this point
this isn't a realistic series anon, this is a fantasy series.
Fuck yes. We're finally getting a sequel to the best Assassin's Creed game ever made.
not buying
God are you a woman? because you sound about as dumb as one.
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He would be like 50.
>schizo already literally making up scenarios in his head just so he can get angry about them
True. To add, it would be fine if he did, though not every samurai game set around a time when he could plausibly be alive needs to have him.
>people acting like a female warrior in Ghost 2 is some betrayal just because the camera is pointed behind her this time.
>ubislop genre
no, i don't give a fuck
the first one was fucking ass
western/samurai stories should be about men and not women

game looks good but it's gonna take some time getting used to seeing that bitch, at least she looks slender and kinda cute, definitely an improvement from everyone in the first game
shareholders love it though!
>you're a man if you agree with me
>you're a woman if you don't
>also it's ok when I like it
Oh I see
You had a granny fighting off Mongols and Bandits and Ishikawa was teaching his way of the bow to a girl. I know it is asking a lot for you faggots to even play the fucking games but could you at least look up a wikipedia article of them before you shitpost? Or is anything longer than 250 characters too much for your brain to process?
there's magical fox spirits anon, you never played the first game so you wouldn't know
They're going to make the nips the bad guys (vs the good ainu) of this one , won't they? The first one was quite well-received in Japan despite the lack of cute girls but I don't think this will be the case for this one
god, I need an ultrawide monitor.
do you have some kind of reshade on?
The game is about playing as a Samurai/Ronin and Ninja hybrid, a foid makes no sense in that role you dumb tranny.
>be sony
>fresh off the biggest failure in gaming history
>failed because of forced diversity and lame gay women clogging the cast
>”hm how do we win back our fans”
>”i have an idea we shall make a sequel to one of our greatest successes ever”
>”and we will replace the beloved male protagonist with a gay lame woman”

These niggers aren’t even trying
super strength, stamina, durability. did you play the 1st game? the game let you clear entire camps of trained soldier alone without stealth, no normal human can do that.
Yeah and that's why Yasuke will definitely show up.
Just shut the fuck up already retard.
>out at night be herself
>no situational awareness
>on her damn phone texting
FFS what is wrong with people.
Given the time period it would make sense. William and Jan were both part of Tokugawa's naval administration. They oversaw the construction of his naval fleet, and both sailed around Asia to chart the seas and trade routes for Tokugawa.
He's also the reason why the Catholics were hiding in the northern parts of Japan, and he oversaw the Dutch construction of metal and shipyard factories.
He doesn't die until 1620. It'd be an easy as fuck collab too, and William showed up in Astrobot.
Definitely. First one was about fighting off invaders, the second one has to have a lot more of the The Message to make up for that.
yes, most likely, the japs are the invading force this time like the mongols of the last game
Yeah I think they might fuck this one up badly. To top the first one we should be playing as a nip subjugating the ape Ainu.
>He stops being a samurai
Therefor he was one at one point. Welcome to English, motherfucker.
What do you want them to improve from the first one? I'd like more activities. fox shrines and camps got boring after a while. Also more side quests as kino as the mythic tales
Just because there's a woman in it now doesn't automatically make it bad you fucking lunatic.
Yeah, I can't wait for the shitstorm
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Thank's for reminding me how futile of an excercise it is to argue with women.
fights in large battles with a lot of npc alongside you
>n-no I'm winning and you're a woman
>It's definitely not because I liked 2B
Oh i see
50 is kinda old for that time. I have no issue with Yasuke or William appearing in a Nioh collab, would be cool.
>Doesn't matter if her existence isn't 100% set in stone, that's how historically illiterate monkeys like you view history as either 'it didn't happen' or 'it happened', not as an echo of something that happened or someone who existed that has reverberated so many times over centuries that the details become ambiguous, hazy and taking the form of something legendary like King Arthur or the siege of Troy
If the game was set in the Heian period (which also has Fujiwara no Hidesato fighting dragons and Minamoto no Yoshitsune training with Tengu) I would agree with you. It doesn't though, it takes place in the early edo period, when the times of including mythical and fantastic elements into stories had ,long since past
what ethnicity is this gentleman? he definitely isn't white
Because it's been a trend in Western game development to choose minorities, women and "Social struggles" first and foremost and generally it means that story, character design and writing will suffer because political activism takes a forefront over selling a product. Imagine you've been bitten by 80% of all dogs you've come across, you will very likely just start avoiding them and just assume the worst at some point. I personally think the game will probably be good, but I aint blaming people here or anyone else for immediately making assumptions, I blame the retarded devs, publishers and journalists who think that shoving politics down everyones throat through entertainment is a good way to achieve their political goals just because they read that stupid shit through some variation of critical theory that they learned in school. No one here would've given a shit if not for the sorry state of Western game development and the obsession with US-centric activism that is extremely prevalent. And before anyone says something really fucking stupid about how that isn't the case, why the fuck do you think Dustborn exist?

Naturally all of this will fade in time simply because it generally isn't financially successful but until then people will react to this shit the same way any animal would react to seeing a bug or animal with toxic color patterns.
I wonder how nips will perceive being the bad guys this time around if the protag being Ainu is true and they go that route
The first game gets away with it because it portrays them in a good light + makes the mongols look pretty cool as enemies, could be interesting but might be a mis-step.
Name one that's better that came out after
Probably less mindless open world shit in general. If the game has to be a bit smaller and shorter to make up for that, I don't mind at all. If it's like the first game in scale and repetition I don't know if I can be bothered to play it for at least a few more years.
Why the fuck would they do that?
They have literally NOTHING in common with KOEI and TN.
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I did use reshade but I don't remember if I had it configured much.
Yasuke will also fuck this main character.
because nioh is cool you little bitch
She lives in east Asia which is much safer than where you live.
Those are gameplay conveniences and it is never explained ingame as to why jin can do the things he does.
That’s literally exactly what it means. The majority of games with women in them are bad. Sure, every now and then you get a Bayonetta or a 2B but for every good woman there’s a million women who are boring and ugly and their entire personality is that they’re very serious and strong willed, and half their cutscenes are going to be about them being better than men. Women have ruined gaming and their presence in a video game ruins it unless she has big boobs.
Making the world itself feel more alive with more encounters
First game looks absolutely gorgeous but feels very dead outside the limited amounts of settlements you interact with, you get the occasional mongol patrol or bandit ambush and not much else.
Ok and? That doesn't mean anything, especially as far as collabs go.
it's also usually done between Asian games, not Asian+western games.
Ugly female lead is already a huge misstep.
They would have set it in 1760 to 1780 if it was Japan invading Hokkaido. That's the time period where the Tokugawa Shogunate actually invades.
1603 is the establishment of the Edo period. The Siege of Osaka and the invasion of Ryukyu hasn't even happened yet.

William Adams is a real person, and interacted with the Ainu during his travels as part of the Tokugawa Shogunate. Sony also keeps giving Nioh cameos in shit. It'd be easy as fuck for them to just make their version of William show up, give him some small side quest line, and you get the Nioh William armor and weapon.
Not every place is a murdering nigger infested shihole like burgerland anon.
You are literally parroting the feminist propaganda that it's dangerous for women to exist.
ironic, kys
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>Erika Ishii (all pronouns) is Atsu

Oh man... Seeing this shit and looking at her I am now officially concerned about GoY.
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the greatest story ever told
it's not supposed to mean anything? it's something that would be cool IF it did and as the other anon said it would also make sense for the time period. obviously that doesn't mean it is likely to happen. and japanese gamers and devs liked the first game, so a collab with a western company is not exactly unheard of.
I'm in
I hope the MC is ainu and the game is about killing evil japanese invaders. After Shadows I need some more controversy
If they’re gonna make us play as a femoid she should at least get her tits out during the hot spring cutscenes. Knowing the woke left they’ll probably replace the hot springs with feminist book clubs and abortion clinics.
>What do you want them to improve from the first one

Less enemy clutter in the map, I don't want my cozy horse ride interrupted every 30 seconds by a small group of 2 or 3 enemies.
Cut down camps by at least 70%, the remaining 30% should get more attention and uniqueness in their design.
Better optional quests with more variety than ride to location & kill mooks.
Expanded combat, more moves, ideally more weapons even. Do away with the shitty rock-paper-scissor system.

Yeah, that's it.
I unironically thought it was a man in the trailer. My hype level went from 8 out of 10 to 4.
Fuck you nigger quit ruining our board.
>Those are gameplay conveniences
Yes to have a fun action game you almost always have to make your hero superhuman in some ways.
It's never explained in the story because people generally just accept this type of shit in fiction .
>old hepburn romaji with the macron
Oh great another game discordtroons will endlessly shitpost about now.
>Ishii openly identifies as queer, bisexual, or pansexual with no preference between labels, and genderfluid.
>They have been vocal in their opposition to transphobia, and have raised funds for LGBT supporting charities such as The Trevor Project
All my hype died
100% stealth game
Big towns/cities
Cool assassination missions
Better stat system
More customization and less inventory clutter
Yes I would like more Tenchu games.
name a single well written female protagonist made by modern western devs, I double dog dare you
So, Tokugawa is obviously going to be the bad guy this time, right?

Seems like the plot is that ronins have been hired (presumably by him) to kill the MC.
It feels.like a western
Jesus fucking Christ you retards have brain rot, female swordsman and ninjas existed in real life regardless but calling Ghost of Tsushima historically accurate is a fucking joke. The game is full of inaccuracies and Jin does things that aren't humanely possible
How can you be all those things?
Wait...the ENTIRE cast is female? Holy fuck AAA gaming needs to burn to the ground.
>100% stealth game
horrible idea stealth is fucking boring
>Big towns/cities
pointless bloat
>Cool assassination missions
vague shit that means nothign with concrete examples
>Better stat system
this isn't one of your spreadsheet simulators
>More customization and less inventory clutter
skill issue
>Yes I would like more Tenchu games.
then go play them
it seems more like the ghost was hired by the tokugawa or started hunting both tokugawa and mitsunari ronins
The MC is very obviously not Ainu, do you know what Ainu people look like? she looks like an average Yayoi-Ainu Japanese hybrid.
>Not every place is a murdering nigger infested shihole like burgerland anon.
this seems hyperbo-
>You are literally parroting the feminist propaganda that it's dangerous for women to exist.
holy kek the irony
Just get rid of the ubishit clutter
What a fag
>retard is already tricked by malfunctioning AI
damn and I bet you call yourself intelligent
A good game is a good game. Regardless of the protagonist’s sex. Every bad game with a female MC wasn’t bad BECAUSE the MC was female.

Also, coombait female characters don’t necessarily make a game good either. Their presence is incidental.
This is the same story as jewbisoft's negro protagonist
So many fags on 4chan these days needing to fulfill their homosexual fantasies
Yes it's ironic that you shit on leftists yet adapt the leftist narrative, thanks for agreeing with me.
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yeah, looks nothing like the MC
This is not an argument and he's right.
>how to spot a zoomer
You just disagreed with yourself you massive fucking retard. I swear how hard is gcj leaking for so many fukcing retards to show up at once?
YOTEI means Mt. Yotei(Youteizan)
it is known as Hokkaido Fuji(Ezo Fuji)
it is chosen in Japanese greatest 100 mountains
The first game was one of the most 7/10 games I've ever played, nice presentation but the combat was very bland and easy. Unless they're reworking it dramatically I'm not really interested.
some ainu look more chinky than the others, lot of mix over the time
You retard, you are aware games are made years in advance right?
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i keep seeing her in stuff, valkyrie from apex, sektor from mk1, the PC in dragon age, now this
He is absolutely not right.
Take garbage like Neptunia or Senran Kagura.
No amount of hot females can save the horrendous gameplay.
It's easier to just fap to the art than suffer through those bad games.
Your reading comprehension sucks anon, half of those are even words that you wrote and you still can't comprehend them.
Concession accepted leftoid bootlicker.
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MC is probably Ainu, game will be about genociding Ya*oi insects. Based or phased?
Im aware. If i were Sony I would have done everything in my power to push this game back until the woman could be replaced with a man. I certainly wouldnt advertise her existence.
A lot of people like those games and the ONLY reason they buy them is because of the hot women, you couldn't have picked a more retarded example you fucking idiot.
>The majority of games with women in them are bad
[Citation Needed]
>rest of your screed
lol, you're irrationally afraid of women. did your mother beat the shit out of you? did you have some kind of real life trauma involving a woman? it's not impossible for women to be better than men in a lot of things, surely even a microscopically brained individual such as you can't live under such a fantasy.
koreans are gonna love this game
You idiots talking about the Ainu didn't even watch the trailer. She's clearly from the mainland.
Fuck off faggot, not all of us are obsessed with men like you
Yes and it doesn't make those games any less trash.
They literally suffer through horrible gameplay just because of coombait. That's the entire point.
They aren't good games.
lmao that image
MC is played by a Japanese woman, I doubt she's Ainu. Probably going to about helping them resist though
Zoomers are so fucking gay
If they were truly trash no one would buy them yet there's an entire franchise. You don't have an argument you retarded troon.
Notice how you can name games that are bad even if they have hot women, but you can’t name a single good game with ugly women
>1604 Japan
>Female samurai
Are you pretending to be retarded on purpose right now?
People buy them for the coombait, not the good gameplay.
In the trailer at 2:12-2:13 there's a kamon on the flag. It's definitely not Tokugawa. It's probably a fictional clan though.
Borderlands 3.
>imb4 the games are shit
We are talking gameplay here, not your gay as writing or story
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>another Japanese post-Sengoku media not about the siege of Osaka
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I'm super okay with a female samurai but I wished she would have looked young and beautiful like Azumi
I wonder what changes they’re going to make to the core gameplay? So far, it looks very similar to the first game. Makes me wonder what improvements/changes they’ll make. I hope they’ll cut down on the fox shrines. The camps, hot springs and bamboo cutting were all fun, but fox dens lost their charm pretty quickly.

The only thing I’ve noticed so far is that the MC has a shamisen, so that’ll probably replace the flute.
just play nioh 2 :^)
What do the Japanese think about the whole Ainu thing? I know Golden Kamuy exists, but is it a recognized thing that they colonized and assimilated them, and pretty much culturally genocided them? Because I assue this game is going to be all about Ainu rebellion and racism and shit
this is probably my biggest concern regarding the MC too, the writing. I'm cautiously optimistic thanks to the writing in the first game being pretty damn good, but you never know how well that will translate.
From the short shots we got of her facial expression, she seemed very stoic which *could* be a good sign though it's not guaranteed. She also looked kinda on the older side of things so I'm hoping they'll have her be mature enough to reflect that, but still avoid the trap of having her be some all-knowing master from the start that doesn't need the help from others to improve.
does anything of note even happen on the mainland in that time period?
You mean Nioh 1, because 2 doesn't cover that.
returnal is very fun but I pirated it because it has an ugly cunt as an mc. It would've sold 2-3x as much if it had a sexy girl or badass dude as an mc. I would've bought it on pc day 1 if it did.
>fucking KEK
Women Samurai is like, the least egregious thing you'll see come out of a period piece from Japan. There's enough of a history involving female warriors that you can push it.
i have the game for you
u rite u rite
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Based, japanese sre still largely paternally ainu, because all the yayoi women chased ainu dick
Instead of replying to them, just start reporting people that can't stop talking about "woke" or "DEI". moot knew what he was going when he banned gamergate. Now we can't have a single thread without these insane retards shitting up their place with their inane theories.
I wish I could play GoT. Steam won't let me buy it; not available for my region
Foids literally do not understand the concept of honor, which is what this series is literally build around.
>moving the goalpost
The point is a good game is a good game.
Everything else is just personal bias.
There are shitload of good games that have a very low playerbase.
If it gets the same dedication and time as ghost of Tsushima got, using real historic Japanese charactera and its not a new title every year like ass creed, it could be an interesting franchise...
Use steam key resellers, I use those to evade region restrictions. double check if the key/gift is globally activated, not region locked. I've bought several steam games not available in my region this way.
>greenman gaming
learn to pirate, retard
>a game trying to be historical

Yeah, GoT was a cool representation of the very real samurai-turned-ninja that absolutely decimated entire enemy camps and fought Genghis Khan's nephew, yeah.

I'm a bit let down with the female protagonist as well, but I won't throw a fit over it either. It may turn out cool yet. But yeah, another badass male samurai would've been great.
looks like an octagon or hexagon shape. Kurushima or Inaba?
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Lara Croft was hot. Nearly 30 years since has reached girl boss fatigue. Read the room
Jin was cool because he was a stoic gigachad who didn’t hesitate to kill his enemies and protect his people. If the new MC has even a fraction of that energy, then it’ll be great. I hope she has some traits to differentiate her from Jin though. She seems like an outlaw/bandit of some sort, so that might have an impact.

They’re probably going to continue the theme of fighting foreign invaders, except the. invaders are from the mainland now.
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It will just be like this hag's story: the game
I don't know how you can be optimistic about the story of some frumpy looking hag who dual wields, it's going to be cringe.
>[Citation needed]
The Last of Us part 2: franchise ruined because the epic male was replaced with a lame dyke
Horizon 1&2: potentially interesting world ruined by a dumb bitch POV
Bayonetta 3: the hot dommy mommy is replaced with an ugly lame gen Z girl nobody likes
Hellblade: boring game with an ugly woman in it
Resident Evil: the cool epic males are replaced occasionally with lame stupid girls
Nier Automata: you can explode her skirt and show off her butt so this game is good
Any Tomb Raider: pales in comparison to uncharted especially the new ones where Lara is lame and her boobs are small
Mirrors Edge: motion sickness game with a lame chink who’s probably gay and stupid
Alan Wake 2: epic male once again replaced with a lame woman who is also a negroid
Life is strange: cringe onions reddit girl protag with le epic dialogue

>do you have some kind of real life trauma involving a woman
Every gamer does. Women have ruined gaming. This used to be a safe space where we could enjoy fun games and girls took it from us. It’s not enough that I have to be friend zoned constantly, but now I can’t even enjoy a fun video game without girls invading the hobby??
>We march for McDonald's!
Mate she looks most like the most Yayoi woman on the image you posted. No wonder I thought she looked a little odd.
Yes, it's American politics briarrot because now retards would absolutely complain about lara Croft.
Just how retards decided to listed to some literally who on twatter and started to call anime tranime, despite anime still being one of the few medias that shows sexy women.
>ugly female MC
It's shit. Please convince me otherwise.
>Female samurai
Tourist outing xerself.
And a ugly one at that, neeext game please
The series is about how honor is a meme and total BS.
hello vee
>The wolf imagery also screams Mononoke vibes.
Is that what it was supposed to be? I just figured it was her having Okami or whatever the Japanese wolf deity is called as her guardian spirit, similar to how Jin had fox shrines because his guardian spirit through his mom was Inari.
Imagine whining about realism in the same genre that gave us, fuck... Let me see... 13 Assassins? That sure was historical. Ran? That was pretty historical too - hell, what about Seven Samurai? Was that historical?

Stop using "historical" as a dogwhistle for "no women warriors." Japan doesn't give a shit about warrior women - their history's full of them. If the game is good and is faithful to the world, than that's all you need. As anon said, Ghost of Tsushima had you fighting Genghis Khan's nephew and being guided by kitsune to spirit trees. The vibe of the world is way more important than every little bit of minutia.
Criminally based post.
Woke unrealistic trash amirite?
Do I fit in yet?
her story and the bond she and jin shared was good though?
>Mirrors Edge: motion sickness
kek imagine being this much of a little pussy
A video game? For the PS5? Wtf??? I bought a streaming box, not this nerd bullshit
They couldn't help themselves huh...
ubisoft kekked again
Fix the open world so it isn't completely dull slop
Rest of the first one was fine
It was pretty cool for most of the first act, but the combat actually gets worse as the game goes on and the content has low variety and in general is extremely lacking. There are some well crafted scenes, but between the effects just about everything in the game feels super cheap. High reuse, tons of low quality assets, and machinima-tier cutscenes.
Criminally cringe post.
>Bayonetta 3: the hot dommy mommy is replaced with an ugly lame gen Z girl nobody likes
Even by the 3rd line you've already admitted female MC doesn't ruin games, bad female MC ruins games.
You are so much of a binary simpleton you can't recognise this.
I wonder how modern /v/ would react if they saw a generic 00s tsundere now.
Probably call her a girlboss too.
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What do you gain by being pedantic retards?
Dunno why you quoted me about that, I have no qualms with playing as women in video games. I just figured the wolf was a guardian spirit thing rather than a nod to mononoke.
Borderlands 3 is one of the worst games ever made. The fact that this is the first example you can think of speaks volumes of how useless ugly women are to the world.
Oh, the wolf definitely seems to be her guardian spirit, but the whole aesthetic seems to be vaguely inspired by Princess Mononoke as a result of that. Especially with the angle of a strong female protagonist fending off invaders with lots of natural beauty.
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She is a fictional character. She wasn't real dude. She's like Medusa. It's not a real person
Borderlands gameplay was great and no amount of your shitposting will change that.
Everyone know the story was garbage and you need to play on mute.
Keep coping.
>Retard starts losing the argument
>W-W-Why are you arguing with me?
it had to be a woman i fucking hate feminism
More like Ghost of Wokei
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Good enough for an entire game? I cringed when we learned about her degeneracy.
>She is a fictional character. She wasn't real dude. She's like Medusa. It's not a real person
Next you're going to tell me Minamoto no Yoshitsune, the famed Ushiwakamaru of Mount Kurama wasn't taught by Tengu.
It's definitely a hexagon, but it doesn't have the three stripe like Inaba. It looks more like the Azai clan, but they had three flowers and hexagons on their crest. The thing inside the hexagon looks like it only has three leaves as well.
I think it might be the Kasai clan personally but with alterations to their crest. They could be related to retainers that fled after Masamune subjugated Mutsu.
Because I need to fit in and I can't let you talk positively about any female characters?
Bayonetta Jr isnt just a bad female MC, she is a WOKE female mc. Woke haircut, woke costume. It isn’t just that she’s a bad character, it’s that she’s a stupid ugly woman. Bayonetta is hardly a real woman, she’s a cartoon caricature of femininity, it is hardly the same thing. No real woman is like Bayonetta, but plenty of real women are like Viola.
>history's full of them
That is still 0.0001% of all warriors and there is no reason to focus on that 0.0001% except modern burger politics. I hope your ideology dies soon.
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How much do you want to bet that this game was a major contributor to why Ubisoft pulled out of the TGS?

Kind of ironic that the owners of AC are now scared of an AC clone.
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GoT is not exactly historical, Anon. It's inspired by real events in the loosest of senses. I know what you mean, but it's still not a good angle if you're gonna bitch about a female protagonist.
You're a retard to think this
I'll bet a billion because that wasn't the reason.
They got tired of all their trailers and marketing being torn up by everyone. Probably have to sort out licensing shit about the images and statues they stole and used illegally.
> there is no reason to focus on that 0.0001%

Have you ever considered that their rarity is what makes them interesting? Stories are written to be interesting.
What‘s the point though? They also cancelled previews which means it‘s probably getting delayed but they can‘t delay it to next year
Nah, tried both of those sites and they both mention their GOT keys cannot be activated where I'm at. I'll try to look for others but I doubt I'll find one
Try not being Russian lmao
red ghost redemption
>title acronym is literally GOY
It never ceases to amaze me.
>I hope your ideology dies soon.
You know we had games featuring female Samurai even during the age of DoA Beach Volleyball. Some of them were even in that game.
Filipino, but your points stands lmao
what degeneracy? the only degen stuff in yunas story that i recall is that the slave trader used to rape her brother when they were younger.
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>GoT is not exactly historical, Anon.
No shit but it was trying to be. This isn't Dynasty Warriors or anything like it.
It was aiming to be a pretty authentic story about early Samurai and it was cool and a lot of people appreciated the effort even if it was a bit generic and woke.

The sequel on the other hand isn't trying to be an authentic story about samurai, it's very clearly agenda driven and will suffer for it.
>her degeneracy
What? That she and her brother were raped by pedo slavers as kids? That’s not so much degeneracy as it is a fucked up backstory.
Please explain what is interesting about an ugly woman dual wielding sword in a historical setting.
oh yeah, this is right when the Tokugawa shogunate was established wasn't it? I'm pretty sure there was a daimyo in control of the southern tip of Hokkaido at the time but I don't think there really was a full on conquest of the island until the 19th century. Sounds almost like the main character has fled to the island and is being chased by these ronin in search of a reward, so I doubt they're still gonna go for the invader angle this time
Please explain what's so interesting about you or your opinion?
The setting and characters. The game already looks 100x better than the new Assassins Creed.
>The sequel on the other hand isn't trying to be an authentic story about samurai
You don't even know what Hokkaido is, or was, to the Japanese conscience.
I posted the wrong girl, meant to post the old woman.
>make a beautiful game centered around Samurai code of honor while being respectful to japanese history and culture
>get attacked by trannies, feminists and crooked game journos for promoting le toxic masculinity
>make a sequel centered around vagina while promoting woke ideology and virtue signaling to resetera troons and kotaku
it's all so tiresome
It’s not trying to be historical at all. GoT is a jidaigeki fairy tale about an embellished and exaggerated portrayal of a historical event.

The sequel seems to be the same. It’s not like there haven’t been samurai movies with female warriors before.
>It was aiming to be a pretty authentic story about early Samurai and it was cool and a lot of people appreciated the effort even if it was a bit generic and woke.
It's not authentic. The game takes place in the 13th century but the samurai fight and act as if they were from the 17th century. The samurai fought using bows, only using swords as a last resort and there was no "bushido honor code" at this time.
I didn't watch the state of play, is it coming to PC? I'm not buying it if it is.
Tomoe Gozen is literally fake. They entire story is a myth.
>Have you ever considered that their rarity is what makes them interesting?

No I fucking have not
If you go to a restaurant and the waiter brings you a literal pile of shit it would be rare to see that in a restaurant but that doesn’t mean it’s good
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This really is tiresome. I'm just going to brush the people defending this shit as shills.
Sony isn‘t doing single player games day 1 on pc (yet)
prove it
So are the characters in the games. The whole thing is clearly meant to emulate samurai movies and also old Japanese legends passed down through oral tradition.
>authentic story about early samurai
They openly said they were making a samurai fantasy based on Kurosawa and chanbara films. They didn't even use the right swords, or placement of the swords, because they wanted to adhere to the fantasy of the samurai.
The only version that tried to be "authentic" was the Japanese version because they used all the period correct terminology and linguistic cues. That's why the Japanese language audio performs a different style of poetry than the rest of the language tracks.
The entire English script was based on Edo-period shit that the wwest is familiar with and 20th century samurai movies.
And besides that, Hokkaido wasn't even Japanese in the 1600s. They didn't have any samurai. Hokkaido doesn't become part of Japan until the late Edo period.
>n-no you see I want to play this ubislop game so much but the woman is what preventing me from doing so waaaah
lmao literally seething
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>Tomoe Gozen is literally fake. They entire story is a myth.
Oh no are you going to tell me Miyamoto Musashi was just very good at conflating his exploits too? Guess you need to tell the Japanese that they need to stop using Tomoe Gozen in their stories. She's fake, after all. Not a real woman.
Fitting name
there is nothing wrong with a female protagonist for a samurai game. it's one thing if you are attached to jin and his story, but the game isn't suddenly bad now because the ghost is a woman now.
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People complained about Lara too. Just like they are complaining about Eve. Eve is the modern Lara Croft. Ugly Ubisoft female is nothing like the original Lara that appeared in Playboy
>It was aiming to be a pretty authentic story about early Samurai
Mongols invaded Tsushima, that's where the authenticity ends.
Everything from the armor of both factions to the buildings, to the BUSHIDO HONOR is full of anachronisms and made up shit for the time it took place.
>And besides that, Hokkaido wasn't even Japanese in the 1600s.
Nigger I don't think these people even know what Hokkaido is. You're arguing with brainless angry men.
Name one Kurasawa movie with a woman in it. You cannot do it. All of his movies had based males, because only men can be cool as samurai. Women look cringe doing it.
>muh Kurasawa
More like Kusosawa. Japanese cinema is trash. They should stick to anime.
>there is nothing wrong with a female protagonist for a samurai game
We'll see about that when the game comes out. I guarantee you I'll be laughing while you're coping.
>Name one Kurasawa movie with a woman in it.
the hidden fortress ezpz
Rashomon. Throne of Blood. Ran. The Hidden Fortress.
Was PC mentioned at all?
Female protagonists in modern woke western games are lame and boring every single time. Samurai are also cool and women are inherently cringe. Even a very sexy woman can never be cool. Women should know their place and remain in porn instead of ruining games and Japan.
Hidden Fortress has a female warrior as one of the protagonists.

Ran has a female noble woman as a major antagonist.

But you’d know that if you actually watched samurai films.
Which makes the decision even dumber lol
this culture war shit has gone to your head dude
no one cared in tenchu games when you played as girl and the final boss was a woman
>but those had the women in tit armor so it's good!
ok, will you be happy when you get to see the new protag in her crusty fundoshi in the hot springs?
General Makabe Rokurota is the protagonist of The Hidden Fortress. Try watching a movie instead of looking it up on TikTok, pathetic zoomer.
>Ran has a female fox demon as a major antagonist.
The game is bad now. The sales will speak for themselves
Shoutout to u/Rage40rder, u/jonathanisaacisgoat, u/sammyjo802, u/WRSA, u/Diegoloblox, u/Super_Goomba64, u/ComfortableContest69, and u/AllHailZaddy from r/gamingcirclejerk for bringing us this thread and the others currently being spammed.
Loved the first one.
I just don't want to play as a woman so will skip.
pretty disappointed
>player spend entire game with a likeable mc
>Replace him in the sequel
Gabe was right these guys are never going to be a threat when they keep shooting themselves in the foot
>Make the best Assassin Creed game in a decade
>Pull the AC2 meme but make it two swords
>major antagonist
Not protagonist. Women can be antagonists because they’re inherently evil, but they aren’t compelling enough to be protagonists.
I don't even remember this bitch. That's how little she mattered lmao
>nooooooooooo you should have the same MC whose story is done 300 years later
>this culture war shit has gone to your head dude
Come up with a real argument you faggot.
>no one cared in tenchu games
Ayame is fucking sexy and all of the bosses were irrelevant, and there's nothing wrong with some diversity in enemies in a goofy video game. Comparing them to an ugly old woman in a serious story driven game is incredibly disingenuous.
>ok, will you be happy when you get to see the new protag in her crusty fundoshi in the hot springs?
No one wants to see that. She looks like a man.
Discord trannies really work fast don't they.
>she's ugly
Looks on par with both Yuda and Fune.
sounds like i hit a nerve. the new ghost doesn't look like a man nor is she ugly, she just isn't overtly sexualized. she's more feminine looking than yuna from the first game even.
Here's your (you), tranny.
this guy>>689881878
has a good take. its ok but i felt no need to ever replay it. the content becomes extremely repetitive and boring and by the end i was just ready for it to be done and move on. the visuals are really great though.
A threat to who? Why should a game dev be threatening?
>Demands to name a Kurosawa movie with a female samurai
>Gets shown one
>N-N-Nooooo that's UNFAIR you need to name one where the PROTAGONIST is a female samurai!!!
Did you hurt your back shifting the goalpost that far, retard?
Damn that mountain looks like a real fucking mountain
Sounds like he hit a nerve.
>she just isn’t overtly sexualized
What would be wrong with that, exactly? What is the woke left’s beef with milkers and skinny attractive women?
Because it's real?
>she just isn't overtly sexualized
She’s not sexualized at all, she looks like she washes she face with a brick.
>but the combat actually gets worse as the game goes on
Okay UnderTheGayo.
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its how a movie game should be made, the gameplay is the move its pure kino
Nothing, but it’d feel kind of out of place with the gritty samurai flick tone that these games go does.

Samurai movies didn’t go out of their way to sexualise women either. They were simply there.
It’s implied by the conversation
Most movies to some degree contain women they’re unavoidable but we are talking about a female MC, so if people want to talk about samurai movies they should bring up samurai movies with female MC’s and that’s literally impossible
No. No women at any time for any reason. No blacks. No gays. No troons. Not one step back. Anything less is enabling the woke mind virus
Have you considered, for once, using your rotten brain, that some settings aren't' for skimpy clothes and would just look stupid?
I bet you're one of those fags who puts everyone in swimsuits in a JRPG, regardless if it fits the tone.
>Pradeep! I think we're out of a job if this AI thing keeps replacing our cheap, shitty laborings!
>It's okay, Ankush! If we keep telling people that AI is crap, they will come crawling back to New Delhi!
>Samurai movies didn’t go out of their way to sexualise women either. They were simply there.
you have never Hanzo the Razor
>*dabs away from Girlboss of Yotei*
Samurai movies didn’t have to oversexualize their women because they used real women who are inherently hot. This game uses the fake woke left ideal of woman who is half masculine and androgynous.
Are people really so far gone that this is a 'troon' response. Not every game needs coomer shit.
Unironically this.
no it isn't that's a video game screenshot silly
Ever watched Lady Snowblood? That’s a female assassin rather than a samurai per se, but it’s the same principle.

Point is Japan has been doing the female warrior thing for longer than most people on this site have been alive.
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she literally looks younger and more feminine than yuna. even before the face reveal it was pretty clear it was a woman too, she doesn't have manly frame either.
did i say there was anything wrong with it? it's just not something they choose to put in these games.
so...she looks like a bandit woman that travels around killing ronin? what's the problem?
Every setting can contain skimpy clothes if you aren’t a cowardly jew
Can, sure. Doesn't mean it will fit and won't look out of place.

Can't reason with culture war brain rot, Anon. Wonder what these kids would've said back when Beyond Good and Evil, Perfect Dark, Dino Crisis or any other of the scores of games with females protagonists were released. I just know these guys couldn't even read, if they were even alive for it.
That movie doesn’t even exist. You haven’t seen it. Footage of it doesn’t exist. Psyop movie used to plant the idea in culture that women aren’t lame and stupid.
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>Nu Lara Croft
>Captain Marvel
>Nu Harley Quinn

Were you born this century, Anon? Last decade? Be honest.
I know it’s going to sound dumb but why did they have to make her look SO japanese? Like, they couldn’t have made her look like Ada Wong or someone hot with some European features? They had to go with the “accurate” Asian face?
Rise of the ronin bros...our response??? we'll we get mogged TWICE by GoT?
Because Ada Wong is a Chink, retard.
AI generated
They modelled her after a literal tranny. It's fucking over.
Nah it's still the better game
>uh she isn’t region A asian she’s region B asian
Chinese people and Japanese people look exactly the fucking same
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My problem with this game's MC being female isn't because of her gender per se, its because female leads in Sony's first-party games are most of time fucking lesbians.
So buy that logic, you look exactly like a nigger
mogged? We won
gotta admit, was disappointed by this
I liked the first game's kindofautistic attempt at historical realism. A woman warrior is... further removed from that
too bad, I liked the first game
but fortunately that one was satisfying so I don't need more of it and this certainly isn't going to convince me to come back
>muh realism
Go play a flight simulator faggot
>No shit but it was trying to be.
It wasn't though. They had katanas a century before it existed. You had solo haiku writing when haikus are effectively collaborative slam poetry, etc. etc.
In terms of facial structure of course I do
It’s mainly skin color and IQ that separates blacks from whites, if you took me or any other white man and made him black it wouldn’t look any different from any other black. We just wouldn’t act like they do because we whites have functional brains.
To be fair, the Japanese version had all the historically correct cultural stuff. It was everyone else that got all the edo period and meiji period shit.
Also I'm not being fair to the guy you're talking to. Suckerpunch was really open about what they were doing regarding historical fantasy. It's just pretty wild how different the Japanese script is to everyone else.
The game having a female protag is the least of tis problems.
The first game had a male one and it was still boring as fuck. Looking pretty is all it had going for it.
I don't see this one being any better, other than looking prettier.
You do know lots of asians think all westerners look exactly the same too?
I could agree with you anon. one of my favorite japanese movies is lady snowblood and I did enjoy blue eye samurai a lot (it loses its pace towards the end but the highs are extremely high), you can also find a lot of great female protagonists in anime/manga BUT what are the odds SP won't go full woke this time and make it about american culture war bullshit like in every other snoy game with race baiting and rainbow degeneracy?
The first game was playable mainly because the MC was cool. The sequel not having a cool MC means it won't even be worth playing lol. So nah, it's the biggest problem with the game. There's an extremely high chance the game will be dog shit.
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You have never watched Kurosawa.

>Name one Kurasawa movie with a woman in it
His first big hit, which he even viewed as his best work and favourite movie, had two patriotic female MC's.
Later on, he made more movies with female leads. No Regrets for our Youth criticized misogyny in Japanese society, for example, and had a heroic female lead. To add salt to chudjury, it even vindicated pre-WW2 Japanese university communists.

Even all his Samurai films, which you didn't watch, had women in them, often as major story catalysts, and in many cases using them to further attack patriarchal social structure or rules placed on them, like the peasant woman in 7 Samurai.
ah come off it. the game was fun to romp through. it was the best AC-like game since unity and origins, certainly better than everything after.
>To be fair, the Japanese version had all the historically correct cultural stuff
Even the JP version had its innacuracies that go beyond just dubbing. As an example, the way they sit on seiza, where there's a proper way to kneel before sitting, didn't come to be until the edo period, and that's an anacrhonism brought by animation, not from a dubbing problem.
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This. If they actually showed massively improve gameplay then I'll think about it. If not, then interested
I’m not literally saying every single Asian looks identical I’m not retarded
I’m saying there’s no meaningful difference between Chinese and Japanese. The same way there’s no meaningful difference between Russian and British. Or Sudanese and Ugandan. Or Mexican and Cuban. They could have gotten some hot K-Pop girl to be the face model for this protagonist and it wouldn’t have mattered.
I didn't find the MC cool nor did I find the game playable.
I dropped it after like 5 hours.
What now faggot?

Much prettier than I would've expected, to be honest. So much more than the female NPCs from GoT.

>I know it’s going to sound dumb but

No, you don't sound dumb Anon. You sound fucking retarded.
That's why I said script. Everything else was openly based on 20th century Kurosawa and chanbara films.
I was hyped as fuck and then saw this post and gave up any hope of it being good.
That's fine but I like smaurais so it was worth playing for me. I'm just saying that 2 has literally zero appeal with a female lead, for most people who thought 1 was alright.
Are you claiming people buy Senran Kagura for good gameplay?
People who thought 1 was aright don't give a shit about anything other than the visuals and muh story.
you are obsessed with this shit man, it's not healthy. some games do go out of their way to be "progressive" but the most that was in the previous game was one lesbian chick and that guy teaching a girl to be his next protege. hardly some "woke agenda pushing" game.
>That's why I said script. Everything else was openly based on 20th century Kurosawa and chanbara films.
the Kurosawa-esq aspect was the comic relief sake merchant. Kurosawa likely would not have approved the historical inaccuracies or tone
Extremely low IQ post
japanese women are so cool, why can't america have cool women too
>more ubisoft slop
>no mention of legends mode
>female protag
No thank you
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its so fucking over
>Luke warm open world slop.
>Luke warm open world slop, Sony.
these are literally the worst parts of any action game
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is that the actress? shes bigger than the actor from the first game
is she pregnant?
No, it being written by DEI troons does.
it's a man
jap men are small af
I’m just done with it is all. It’s always like this and it’s tiresome. If it’s not made for me thats fine, I’m just bored of it. I have no good reason other than I am done with it.
She looks jewish
“Asian-Americans” have systematically ruined asian rep. Gone are the true foreign exotic goddesses. All you’ve got now are fat burger asians. It’s sad really. If you got a typical Asian American to play Mulan it wouldn’t work because even when she’s caught they would still think she’s male.
This is a lazy and dishonest argument that you don't actually believe in. Mike Tyson could easily take dozens of average untrained men and win. Same thing for an experienced knight properly armed and equipped against peasants. There is literally an entire profession based around highly skilled fighters defending people from crowds and mobs of multiple assailants. The idea that "hurr during 2 people will always beat one" is just fucking horseshit and only applies when the people are roughly on par in terms of strength and skill.

That being said, even an average dude has a better chance of fighting off multiple other random dudes than a woman has the chance of beating even one man. Olympic women's sports regularly lose to high school boy's teams. WOMEN HAVE THE SAME LEVEL OF STRENGTH AS CHILDREN
bushido, samurai honor, etc., are all myths too
can jannies just make 1 thread for all of this
Are you retarded? There is a massive difference between all of those. Anglos and slavs are barely the same species, same with Japanese and Chinese.
Yeah you're just an evil dishonest fuck looking to push your agenda in any way possible. You don't believe in any of these arguments. Games are never fully historical lyrics accurate, that is not an excuse to go around shoveling any half baked myth of the time into your game.

It'd be like me doing a plotline in a game set in post reconquista Spain where the bad guys are a cult of jews sacrificing Christian babies. Did that actually happen? Probably not. But the fact that it was reported and recorded allows me to use that as a cover, and then point to all the other myths and things wrong as "well it's not perfect real history". And I know all you lying leftist scumfuck pieces of shit would shriek about dog whistles to high hell, so don't give me that bullshit
Cultural differences. British and slavs look different because they dress and groom differently, but if you shave their heads and strip their clothes they’re identical, same with chinks and japs
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>Tranny VA
They're not even trying to hide it
these shitposts aren't even funny
Guess you guys are playing as a woman after all can't gaslight the normals with it's le bad since you cant just attack ubi as a whole for being janky and big ridden
are we pretending like concord never happened? lmao
and there are countless examples of forced wokism in sony titles (like making every female look ugly by having male features, they even put beard on aloy), you'd know that if you weren't a /v/ tourist or shill. I personally don't care if a game/movie/tv show has lgbt stuff if it makes sense and doesn't feel forced/preachy, these ppl do exist in real life and homosexuality is well documented throughout history so it should get some representation. one example where it made sense (most anons still got mad about it) was in ff16 with the Dion character because it gave him flavor and depth, it was done in a tasteful manner. in contrast ND turning ellie gay in tlou felt extremely forced, you just know cuckman did it for the brownie points because he is a petty asshole and not a video game auteur.
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That's why its completely fictional. There is literally nothing connecting it to actual Japanese Edo history because Hokkaido is outside of the government's control in the 1600's.
I'm glad to see they stuck with the foliage that looks like plastic
>ND turning ellie gay
wasn't she into girls since LoU1?
>some games do go out of their way to be "progressive"
are you pretending to have read my post?
>aloy had a beard
never mind you are just a shitposter
>Yeah you're just an evil dishonest fuck
Rule 1 of chud debating: Always accuse others of what you are.
not him but aloy did have a beard that they tried to claim was just tiny peach fuzz
No, they don't, completely different head shape, lips, hair, brows etc. There is no shortage of bald gopniks and bald chavs and you can tell them apart in seconds.
>he doesn't know about female samurai
Japan was woke as fuck in the edo period compared to the rest of the world nigga
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>I know u r but what am I
Their love for japan stops at anime and sushi
she never had a beard you fucking moron, it takes two seconds to google her model from both games.
>stupid /v/ niggers cant appreciate lady snowblood simulator
Why am I not surprised
this is how i felt
after seeing the exact same dueling animation for the 10th time it just gets boring, especially when you cant skip scenes for no reason
Nigga just say you want more women in games and you don't care about the historic authenticity or accuracy or realism. No need to lie so much about it, shit's bad for your soul. I know you're lying, you know you're lying. What's the point?
>Tomoe Gozen is literally fake. They entire story is a myth.
Don't worry, Sony made sure to update all the Wikipedia articles BEFORE this got announced.
They're not gonna pull a Ubisoft and get caught rewriting everything.
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>edo period
>men were allowed to commit adultery and beat their wives
>if a woman committed adultery, The husband had the right to kill her and her lover
>only men could initiate divorce
Not really
She became gay in the DLC. She was not gay at all in the base game. Her backstory involved a character named “Riley”, and Druckmann decided to make Riley a girl instead of a boy. It’s implied at earlier points in the game that Ellie likes boys but this was censored in the remaster.
dlc was released after the main game if I remember correctly
Least asshurt chud ITT, probably has steam blowing out of his ears and nose like a fucking cartoon character lmao
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gookanon here, nobody supports Norks, I suppose by the aspect ratio the poll was taken in the early 2000's when there was a libshit commie sympathizer government and Sunshine Policy was in full force hoping there would be peaceful unification, that dream has long vanished, though lefties here still cope badly
thank you for proving me right and googling for two seconds
Wait, someone here who actually knows about a historical subject matter and discusses it in a levelheaded manner?? Get the FUCK out of this board, NOW. The fucking nerve.
This is the next strat they like to use, important to call out

>yes i did lie, but isn't this guy so mad about it?

Literally anything other than actually engaging with the substance of what you're saying, because the ultimate goal is not a genuine discourse but to push their idealogy at any cost.
she doesn't fight, she is about to threaten uppity peasants with whipping, she is a princess and has symbolic value as a noble woman
is the DLC of game 1 good? haven't played it
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>Hey this chick had a beard
>"WTF no she didn't even two seconds of googling would show that"
>Shows she had a beard
>"heh...proved me right"
You gotta kill yourself man, there's no other way. It would be best for everyone if you did it in a quiet and secluded area.
Damn you're a big boy, I'm scared. We got a badass over here calling out all of our secret moves, everybody. We've been found out!
based cado chad poster
>all the tranny faseflagging
Do they think anyone is actually going to buy it? Are they actually that retarded?
>Hanzo the Razor
based, but he is an commoner inspector, certainly not a samurai (besides being fictional)
its fucking over
>Post Sekigahara the Mitsunari loyalists fled to Hokkaido and Ryukyu.
Source? I know of the losing Shogunate forces moving to Hokkaido near the end of the Boshin war but I hadn’t heard about the Western Army people doing that after Sekigahara
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It's pretty decent, world is more dense and compact. Story was hard on the "SAMURAI BAD" cringe though. God tier soundtrack and horse armour that made the game actually fun.
She quite literally has a full beard in that image. She looks like they re-used the beard from Kratos.
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>Bayonetta 3: the hot dommy mommy is replaced with an ugly lame gen Z girl nobody likes
all straight girls
Lol why are you being such a stereotypical leftie? Never implied I was a "badass" this is just shitheel political degen tactics 101, not even unique to leftists just anyone with an agenda arguing from a fundamentally dishonest position. There's nothing secret about these moves, it's literally what any person who has conditioned themselves into lying thoughtless does. You're not sitting there laughing maniacally while you type this shit out. You're just a wretched sort of person who has made a habit of lying to themselves and others to avoid the inconvenience of examining what they believe and why.
That’s the one thing you can say about bayo 3 it made every dyke and faggot on the internet seethe about bayo being canonically straight
>but he is an commoner inspector, certainly not a samurai
Metsuke’s were of the samurai class but otherwise yeah not conventional samurai’s I guess
Every single word you utter is ironic, it's incredible. You're incapable of saying something that isn't either
a) A projection
b) A hilariously bad "I'M SILLY!" strawman that you argue with
c) Some advice that you badly need to apply on yourself
I repeat, it's truly fucking spectacular how powerful cognitive dissonance is.
Leftoids do not believe even in the idea of truth, it's always useless to argue with them since they literally do not believe in anything but power, only thing you can do with them is a bullet to the head.
Notice how they always end up attacking the person instead of the issue on hand.
Typical kikeshit.
Nigga I don't like this because I'm a sexist who doesn't like playing as women in games. I'm not hiding anything at all. I also don't like Yasuke as a protag because I'm racist and don't like playing as black people. Historical accuracy has nothing to do with it
Nigga shut the fuck up. This guy is dishonest as they come but acting like jews are the only ones who do this is lazy and dumb. People get mad when they're called out and when people are mad they attack the person they're mad at an not the idea. This nigga just mad I called him on his bullshit
>that one chudling ITT who's so furious he's rambling about Yasuke
Advanced delirium, final stages of seethe before the cookoff begins.
bushido was invented in commiefornia by a christcuck, literally
Damn bro I literally do not care about what the fuck changaling did to dingnofong in some ancient weeb shity
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tired of the wokie clickbait threads
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>bushido was invented in commiefornia by a christcuck, literally
For those not aware, this pic and many like it are literally pseudoscientific schizo garbage that keeps being spammed by at least one deranged nip on /int/ that shits up your thread with endless incendiary ultranationalist pasta.
>all these retards bitching about things not being historical or woman protags
>meanwhile I'm just glad suckerpunch took feedback from the first game and gave you more weapons than just a sword and bows
Didn't see from the trailer if she had 1 sword wielding but it wouldn't be outside the realm of possibility for her to have styles in both 1 and 2 sword modes.
Fake replying to someone because you absolutely need to get another word in but are so mad that you're trying to avoid giving them a (you) is endstage cope and seethe lol, literally only ever seen mad losers do this
The funniest part is that the Yasuke wiki article was vandalized by people who were pissed at the AC announcement and not by Ubisoft or "wokes". You can read through all the edits on the Wikipedia page, it's pretty funny.
yes, race is social construct!
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>it's pretty funny.
yet you never laugh
1 sword could be a new stance
With a female MC? lol and lmao
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I'm having a sensible chuckle right now if you must know my friend
Lara Croft wasn't the direct result of politically-charged investments/ideology forced into all of media either, disingenuous retard.
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what games should i add? have 600
>accuses others of anger
>lacks the self awareness to realize he's the one here, the one going up to others, the one out of his turf, the one who can only be acknowledged instead of doing the acknowledging

don't burst a vein, sweatheart.
nothing, go finish those games first before thinking about buying others.
>Mike Tyson could easily take dozens of average untrained men and win
the fact that you think comparing a battle to the death between soldiers to a fucking baseball mach is a good argument says it all, you are just stupid sorry.
No, a trained soldier can not win against an entire military camp of enemies even if he is well trained that just delusional. both a woman or a man have 0% chance of accomplishing this feat.
Lara Croft is a huge titted adventure girl who makes innuendos and shoots at velociraptors, shes heavily targeted to appeal to teenage boys. Just as much the result of pandering as any modern female MC you just didn’t notice because you were the one being pandered to
Yeah, Lara pandered to buying customers.
Women/etc. casts today pander to upfront investments and Twitter warriors.
>This is the future people put their trust into
A well armed and armored soldier with a mike tyson level of strength and skill absolutely could and there are plenty of historical anecdotes to back me up on that.

If you can do that too easily in game then it's really just a difficulty issue
>historical anecdotes
show me
This is the big difference
Lara and Bayo and dead or alive pandered to the people actually buying games
Women have spent the last 10 years begging to be pandered to but the fact is women do not buy video games because women do not care about video games, they care about clothes and popularity and sucking chad cock. They just want the clout of being into games without actually doing it.
Peasant revolts in France have quite literally lead to monarchs being decapitated after the peasants stormed through their "properly armed and experienced" military soldiers.

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