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You will play as old hags and you will like it.
would, alll it matters
why is she so ugl-

>western devs
>they’ve never seen lady snowblood
how embarrassing for you
I just want to play as cool dudes
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I was gonna buy the first game since it's on sale on steam. Guess it's going towards ammo now instead.
didn't spech marine just come out, with the dudest dudes ever duded
Yes and it was very successful. This will sell 1/2 as much as the first game
If she was hot, I wouldnt care, but they have to make her an ugly lesbian
so half a copy
This is sorta like Mandolorian being a success and kikes try to shove in unwanted shit as a piggy backing on something you were willing to consume, its not believable a woman is traveling around killing men. If you want a strong female protag, make the game ridiculous like stellar blade or a kids game like Beyond Good and Evil
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>You will play as old hags and you will like it.

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Why ammo? It's not like you're ever going to use it lmao
what game is this
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baldur's gate 3
Stop making content for people into old ladies
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this is what a hag should look like
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>couldn't romance Jaheira

We get fags and bestiality, but no sexy hags.
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It has been free on PC since release anon
>You will play
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More games need 30+ year old women, including grannies.
Ye, but they need to be romanceable.
She isn't ugly, your faggot ass simply can't conceive any character that doesn't look like anime
This entire thread will never find love. No woman young, middle aged, or old wants a man who’s mainly into to women past their prime
Bro how do you get mogged by fucking UBISHIT of all people lmaoo
She is 5/10
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>Make thread making fun of character
>The Vultures known as granny fuckers come in and defend it + start talking about liking old ladies
I hate it here
Why does she look like that? She should look like ayaka from genshin impact instead, that's an actual female samurai
she isnt even old enough or sexy enough to be a hot hag
OP pic is plenty old enough. Any older and you start getting into granny territory.
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Shoutout to u/Rage40rder, u/jonathanisaacisgoat, u/sammyjo802, u/WRSA, u/Diegoloblox, u/Super_Goomba64, u/ComfortableContest69, and u/AllHailZaddy from r/gamingcirclejerk for bringing us this thread and the others currently being spammed.
>genshin impact
Gacha shovelware will never be real games.
neither will trannyslop
Are all these literal old fart fuckers also from Reddit?
hag love
>Making this chick so god damn ugly when we just had the Monkey game and Stellar Blade which used supermodels for their refrences
Why though? This shit is going to tank.
Fucking retarded too because they had the perfect opportunity to capitalize on Ubi's self implosion.
I don't care what you think...
>monkey game
That game has >>689882256. It’s as woke as the others.
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gamers love asian grannies
HAGS (had a great summer)
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only if they look like irene
They’re just troons pushing the game because it lines up with their agenda and they hate this place because it isn’t their faggy echo chamber. Seriously they have been posting the exact images that are in the OPs for the threads being spammed.
Tara Tainton - It Can Happen So Fast When It's Your First Time
She's 98% plastic
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she's natty god ORIJINAL visual
I don’t think women under 30 are attractive.
Japanese based game must have ugly women now
lame jewish meme ngl
Unfathomably based.
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They should have had Aimi Yoshikawa be the character model
this but Julia
is that from concord?
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Yeah. She’s one of the few decent characters that was in it
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>didn't read the filename

reminder that it makes no sense lorewise for a half elf like jaheira to look like a wrinly hag at her age
This board is super, super retarded and most users are 12 year olds who think they're mature for posting here.
Amazing that Ming Na is 60 and still insanely fuckable
In a few years she'll shrivel up into some fugly crone










It was a dev fetish
Is that Selma Hayek? If so, it barely counts, because she is the hottest woman who ever lived.
She's ugly

I think you should off yourself just to save future generations from being as retarded as you >>689884637
How's the boycott going?
She should look like Marina Nagasawa
woketrannies fetishize ugliness, yeah
>Feeling like you have to play every new release and if it isn't what you want, you throw a fit.
Why did gamers become like this?
Is there anything you fags won’t complain about?
the chick from lady snowblood was hot as fuck. this “genderfluid” asian american freak is not. not even making that up. it’s some “nonbinary” “pansexual” thing according to the actress’ bio.
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Pajeets are going full damage control mode to protect Ubishit. FUCK YOU disgusting indians no one like you
The OP post was some rage bait that went horribly wrong because Reddit doesn’t realize there’s people into old hags here. They believe everyone is a pedo.
We're talking about right now and if that happens her daughter is pretty sexy too
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>Ishii openly identifies as queer, bisexual, or pansexual with no preference between labels, and genderfluid.[5][3][25] They have been vocal in their opposition to transphobia, and have raised funds for LGBT supporting charities such as The Trevor Project.[26][3]
Irene was pretty even before the plastic. Cope.
Bro look >>689886742
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Built like a fridge.
What has this troon be in before?
“She” could crush watermelons with those arms. Why is snoy like this?
>pirated first game, liked it
>see trailer for second game, think about buying it
>read that the male looking MC is actually female
I will now not play this game
Oh so it’s unironically a tranny. No woman has a body like that. I shan’t be playing this.
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im supposed to care about the personal life of the face of a character in a videogame why exactly?
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>old hags
it's better than that, it's troon old hags
>be stupid pronound fairy
>still get casted as biological female
I don't care about any of this anymore either. That's why they're not getting my money.
they literally made a 3d model of this troon and called it a female on this game, and you have no issues with that? you're playing a literal troon on this game
Meiko Kaji is incredible thoughever
I can't even see the resemblance. The game unironically looks better. Does she even voice her?
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>when you think it's bad
>it somehow gets worse

I honestly don't even know what to say...
Wow, yet another troon voice actress selected obviously because there are no other voice acresses who could do a better job. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH HER BEING A TROON.

>Combining 2020-2021 BRFSS data, we estimate that 5.5% of U.S. adults identify as LGBT. Further, we estimate that there are almost 13.9 million (13,942,200) LGBT adults in the U.S

What are the odds huh? Out of the 6% of people in the US, they had to select the one chink troon that happens to be a voice actress.
Should have been a wise older woman. Would be much more kino and unique from other female protag games
Block of cheese on legs, yeesh.
Good thing you only need to buy one bullet huh?
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Well, at least chuds can't accuse the developers of intentionally uglifying the model.
I'm glad those simp fucks are now getting fucked over more explicitly.

Whoever EVER went "B-BUT LE ACTRESS WAS LE PRETTY!" is a useful idiot cuckold. The directors cherry picking these hags are the same art directors deciding on the final model. And they've been picking ugly hags from the get go.

Basically, kill all Hannah Hoekstra posters. Kill them and rape their families.
>that disgusting fridge body
Literally built for BSC (big soda cans.)
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I like hags tho. So go right ahead and keep picking out older women to model!
meh don't care no bump kys shill
agreed. She looks like a normal asian woman. I can't decide if the "she's ugly" crowd are rationalizing making this a woke bogeyman, have bimbo standards for women, or a mix of both.
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everyday I'm even more thankful Henry is still the MC in Kingdom Come 2
I'm at the point where I think this is someone with a lot of money just playing the longest practical joke ever.
This shit is just funny now.
I don't. I give no fucks. I don't care. I'm not american and I don't larp as american. Culture war is for retards. This is a video game forum. Go fuck yourself.
>But its not woke guys
I'm not an american either. Which is why I'm very tired of seeing american fetishes in otherwise interesting games.
10/10 in the land of freedom
its literally a remarkable game because the idea of a game made for and appealing to the average dude is so incredibly abnormal today...
>Woke is ok because it appeals to my disgusting fetish
>250k follower
>10k likes on your biggest post
who the fuck are these people?
It would actually be a really funny subversion of "western woke devs hate beauty" if someone made a game thats just about old people doing old people things with old people themes. Like a Gran Torino RPG.
Why does every female protagonist have to be either ugly or plain at best then? Why are they never allowed to be attractive? Talking about Western games mind.
>this is what /v/eddit calls ugly
You could get an interesting game, you could get an amazing voice actress but you, spic, have to deal with a shit troon who can barely speak 2 sentences in a row because some jew decided that having a troon was better than having a voice actress doing the voice acting.
You don't care because you're fucking retarded, not because "muh culture war"
Kill yourself, piece of shit
still a woman still WOULD
>diversity hires
>fake inclusion
>jewish agenda to sell more faggotry

The actress needs to be ugly, if she isn't, the character is
The poor little unrepresented mentally ill troons have to be represented, if they don't that little mentally ill american vocal minority gets mad
If they don't push faggotry through your eyes the studios will not pay for it
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I doubt it.
Why the fuck would anyone want normal? This is a billion dollar company. She should look like some 10/10 plastic instathot. People made the same retarded argument about Aloy looking like the Average white American woman and it was retarded then too. I don’t want to look at average goblins. I want escapism from this shit world and all its ugly ass dysgenic people.
She might look a bit older than female characters we're used to in games like Stellar Blade but she still looks attractive. You're a faggot.
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>the West is saved
I remember when you fags said this and now look
pure brainworms. this is what too much anime, kpop, porn and gachashit does to a mf. i’m just happy knowing that no real woman will ever live up to your insane standards and that you’ll never breed.
at this point i'm just glad its not a proud independent nigger tranny of colorq++
GoT is still based. The studio is not.

All it takes these days is ONE successful product and the woke mob co-opts your whole company now.
>you’ll never breed
I bet a have a better chance of breeding than you, you dickless troon. Go back to gaming circlejerk.
You can't honestly think this woman is attractive. Did you find the old bitch in that one snoy space game hot too?
She wasn’t hot but she was average for a middle aged woman
She doesn't have a line on her face
I didn't know this was coming out, thanks for telling me OP. Loved the first game. Fingers crossed this one lives up to the first game and surpasses it, but I'll wait until it comes out. I've stopped preordering games after Cyberpunk 2077 and Dragons Dogma 2, even if I still have positive perceptions of those games.

Gun mechanics look cool and I want to see what mechanics involve her playing an instrument.
This same shit is causing Hollywood to lose billions retard. Casting ugly old bitches and fat nigger bitches in everything.
As recently as 10 years ago you used to have to be attractive or a uniquely wired looking guy.

Go woke go broke
Is she supposed to be ugly or something?
I don’t mind older women in games if the creator actually finds them attractive. Like gaming is meant to be made with passion, and if you’re attracted to old hags and you put them in due to that, More power to you I guess.
Given that every woman in the first game was supposed to be ugly, probably?
>forced and sassy positivity
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would you fucking chuds like it better of she looked like this?
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or this?
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or this?
Not old enough. I would rather her be an older woman
Didn't all the original devs get poached to work on Assassin's Creed?
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or THIS?
I can smell the mommy issues in this thread
How can you smell anything over the stench of your tranny gash?
>you are a tranny because you don’t like old farts
Keep coping that you have such bad mommy issues you want some old granny in your bed faggot
why not?
>Got wasnt good now.
/v/ermyn spinning really hard. Sucker punch know what the fuck they are doing unlike ubisoft.
>noppai jiggle
fucking erotic
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aaaand boycotted
>anon BTFOED

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