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>first the negro samurai
>now the feminist woman samurai
Why do they keep destroying Japan with these games? They are taking everything away from us.
I'm sure there are enough big bazonga and butt samurai games that one being against that isn't going to change the ratio a bit.
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lmao imagine having no education
Why do you ask a question that has been answered a million times already?
There were tomboy woman in media shown fighting and wanting to be involved in wars since before the 90s, this is not some new concept.
And why can't we just have a normal game with an Asian samurai dude? Who's the target, anyway? Women? They don't buy games like this.
Instead of replying to them, just start reporting people that can't stop talking about "woke" or "DEI". moot knew what he was going when he banned gamergate. Now we can't have a single thread without these insane retards shitting up the place with their inane theories.
You have the first one, the second one is mixing things up, and do you really think those old movies were only aimed at women? No, they were simply major characters alongside plenty of male characters.
>old DEI woke garbage
great example faggot
If the game is cool then play it. If it is lame and gay, don't play it.
You will never be a woman, lol. Might as well end it now. I hear rope is pretty cheap these days. Cheaper than castration surgery.
Cry or fucking kill yourself. Look up Shadow Warrior
Oh boy, gamergate is still being pushed as being against women and not the journalists, fuck off.
I genuinely feel bad for you. I wonder how your brain must have been before someone exposed you to buzzwords to get mad about
Heh I thought it was bad with the women in the first game, now you have to play as one.
>prostitute that stabs from the back right after blowing dick and swallowing semen
Nice argument you got there buddy.
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>feminist woman samurai
my brother in christ, and i say this with love: you don't know what you're fucking talking about. post less, lurk more.
>there was no female ronin during the settlement of Hokkaido, but what if Jinbo Yukiko survived after the women army fell at the battle of Aizu and she went north to the frontier instead

Looking forward to it.
That's your favorite movie trannypedo?
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>voice actor is an actual tranny
Its so over
Dont care. Buying both. I play games
All the goodwill they acquired from the first game is already down the toilet and now people are just gonna compare the wokeness of it and asscreed
hope sony goes under
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What tweet or trooncord did you see this on faggot >>689883319
no my favorite is Sword of Doom
Redditors may have come here to do that, but the fact that you also constantly yell at /v/ for playing as a female character, people here could give less of a fuck.
False reports are a bannable offense
propagating flamewars is not a false report
That's not what the definition of flamewar is
You're not gonna freely market this slop without pushback.
I cummed
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was she a all pronouns?
you're not Japanese so I'm not sure what's being taken from you
I hope the next one will have a wheelchair bound samurai. It can be an Asian male for a change.
>They are taking everything away from us.
you will never be japanese
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>Horizon Zero Dawn is decent to good
>The sequel sucks
>God of War 2018 was a decent to good
>The sequel sucks
>Ghost of Tsushima was decent to good
>The sequel sucks

Why does sony keep doing this pattern?
What a fucking waste.
sucker punch didn't even claim GoT to be historically accurate. why are we holding GoY to be that?
Calling everyone and everything woke and trannies is indeed a flamewar, especially when you denounce any and all media because it is for those. All you're doing is trying to rile everyone up.
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He is all pronouns basically that guy is a faggot
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could work. weaponized baby stroller in Lone Wolf and Cub was kinda cool.
All the more reason to play this game in Japanese subs again.
More like all the more reason to never support this piece of shit ESG DEI trash
Good luck, pal. I report any/every post screeching about off-topic troonshit or wokeshit but the jannies are in on the fix. At least we only have to tolerate incessant threads about this specific piece of culture war outrage for a few days, the next bait line will drop soon enough and they'll switch out their chips to cry about something else
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Not a woman, a genderfluid and uses any and all pronouns as sees fit
>unattractive female lead
yeah it's going to flop
why are woketroons obsessed with making ugly women yet their male characters always look at least decent?

>everything is woke
>everyone's a tranny
>and you have to point it all out

These people don't realize they became Anita Sarkesian and they're just a side of the same annoying coin.
Trying to get you to accept faggotry.
Start off relatively normal with some light faggotry.
Then the sequels ramp up the faggotry after you're invested.

This is happening because these studios are filled with literal TRANNIES

They are hellbent on spreading their retarded ideologies, they literally dont care if the game succeeds
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This has to be manufactured outrage by discord trannies for the purpose of getting epic r/gamingcirclefaggots screenshots.













>why are woketroons obsessed with making ugly women yet their male characters always look at least decent?
Have you considered that your criteria for a good looking woman is way harder to meet than your criteria for a good looking man?
>from us
Make your own game then.
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the single biggest talking point about ghost of tsushima in japan was how ugly Jin is.
everyone was surprised that a AAA game could be made about a dumpy looking middle aged man.
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>playing the game dubbed
Nah, screenshoting for twitter to then spam here and reddit is the current meta.
Ahhh, right right.
>A /v/edditor not buying the latest Snoy slop.
You're fucking insane for even suggesting it.
That's what japs thought because they're used to prettyboys. He looks like a solid warrior type regardless. The new protag looks like a vegetarian grandma.
he looks like he does accounts receivable and keeps a bottle of old grandad in his desk.
Do you know anything about it other than the fact that is has a woman in it?
>clearly a fit, muscular and rugged man
>"h-he looks like an office worker because i need to say so to win the argument"
You're retarded.
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The East has fallen…
Just another game I'm not going to purchase.
he looks like a used car salesman.
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absolutely fucking grim and homosexual
It's voiced by a tranny
the first game had a 5 hour lesbian quest about dykes so this one will probably have a 20 hour troon quest where you squeeze hormones into a shogun
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it never ends
Is that a dude or just an ugly asian female? They got some super ugly women so I just wanna check first
I'm pretty sure it's the norm is for Western game protags to look 35 years old these days. in 2024 a AAA game with a non-queer 14 year old boy as a protagonist is like a unicorn
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/thread anyone that buys this dogshit this is a tranny lover
She's the mocap and face scan actress, you have no escape
>I'm supposed to believe some woman is going to be a bad ass guerilla fighter capable of fighting several grown men in armor
lol no, fuck off with this, fuck right off
Rise of the Ronin?

This is the gook playing the main character, doesn't sound so bad
looks aside she's actually pretty talented in VA work, i think GoY will be pretty good
holy shit lol, this is pure pottery
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>>now the feminist woman samurai
it's a troon actually
you're more of a tranny than she'll ever be faggot
>you're more of a tranny
what are you talking about? I don't want to participate in the 41% competition
Great, now I have two based samurai games to buy and dunk on the chuds, thanks for warning me!
Jewish social engineering has been an ongoing process since the 1900s you subhuman faggot
Japan will still keep kneeling to americans when they keep doing this shit lmao
>English tranny dub
I play in japuneze.
Ok, how do I report all the far-left game devs for putting woke and DEI propaganda in my video games?
She is a woman
That IS the Jap dub lmao
>chuds complain that games are too realistic
>chuds complain that games aren't realistic enough
No winning with chuds
>She is a woman
are we sure about that? looks like a troon to me >>689888707
anon it's a they/them loonie
She has the body of a Ford F150, but is she actually trans?
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I shan't be buying.
Same with Last of Us and Spiderman
>They are taking everything away from us.
What sre you talking about? Jap games are still great. Who cares about amerisharts?
I think that's a female? the voice seems natural
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I'm so tire of these fucking tourist faggot
You fag never play the first game so fuck off and kys already
If by having a female protag = woke you would actually knew that first game is already has some woke element in it

I love the first game and hate fucking DEI bullshit too but I won't judge this game until it come out or until more info come out
if it as bad as concord or dustborn I will join the fucking mob too, otherwise I'm fine with 5% of the game being woke shit like the granny side quest in the first game (the granny side quest isn't even that woke compared to today bullshit woke)
so shut the fuck up already
Can we finally admit the original Ghost of Tsushima was shit too?
Yeah, definately. It got really boring after you get to the second island because unlocking all the skills so easily trivialized the combat encounters. Even on lethal the challenge melts away after the first couple of hours. Also, it plays like an assassins creed game. So yeah, easy to admit that.
ugly asian woman using pronouns
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pic related is the troon spamming these threads.
Sony cant help themselves lmao
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>that gif
it's gonna be Sucker Punch's reaction when they'll realize we voted with our wallet again
thats because japs have been mindbroken by shit like final fantasy
Why does this feel like a false-flag thread made for the sole purpose of screenshoting to another website? Why are you guys bumping this?
>tranny samurai
your average tranny
Stunning and brave!

The publishers couldn't resist the (((blackrocks))) money!
heh based tranny for making chuddies seethe
That skinny barbie is no longer legal
>I'm sure there are enough big bazonga and butt samurai games that one being against that isn't going to change the ratio a bit.
Concord bombs fantastically, Assassin's Creed Shadows gets delayed, and you say this...
Point out these "big bazonga and butt samurai games" that you say we have so much of (in 2024).
some of these wokes are genuinely racist (not the ironic racism of 4chan) and just hide it.
Eh, ghost of Tsushima was 50,000 times better than any AC game. I’ll give this a shot.
Cut your dick off yet?
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>feminist woman
It's a tranny.
The sooner you stop buying their shit, the faster they'll have to choice but to stop
That is a stupid comparison that doesn't even work
>If I censor speech, everyone will accept my woke propaganda
that's not how it works troon
You gonna really insist on this "bait", huh

I mean if it gets people watching the movie that's fine
She's not actually a tranny, she's just terminally a Liberal California Retard.

t. I know her personally.

Hot bitch.

Tsushima was a kneegrow?
>pick up weapons to get revenge on people who probably killed your family
>not always kino
You guys are beyond immature and stupid.
Just bail on the site man. I’ve been here for ten years off and on and this place is so fucking stupid beyond all reason now. There’s literally no point coming here anymore.
Not a samurai.
wow, I guess these companies are never going to course correct. it's like they're trying to go bankrupt
>God of War 2018 was a decent to good
>The sequel sucks
It has worse story but better gameplay.
Faggot OP didn't even play the first game because Jin isn't a samurai
Ha, look at all the (You)s you got
Well that's the main purpose of 4chan - internet's boogeyman.
what's this fallacy again
bringing up an example that is obviously different to make it look like both are the same?
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>Why do they keep destroying Japan with these games?
It's fiction retard. Why are you people wonder about the gameplay or something? Why is it always culture war shit?
Japan liked the first one despite the obvious grlboss haggery
go back to sucking dicks on reddit
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Cope fag.
back to kiwi farms

The voice of Valkyrie from Apex Legends? Gonna go check up on the Apex Legends General thread.
No wonder she's ugly she's actually a he
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>now the feminist woman samurai
>Why do they keep destroying Japan with these games?
Japanese women (mostly samurai) were also expected to fight. Picrel
>They are taking everything away from us
Game devs never explicitly said this game only for male
Weak bait, 2 of those are even the same picture
Lady masako, Yuna, tomoe and Lady sanjo existed in ghost of tsushima 1 so it's not like there weren't any female badasses in the first game and correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't ghost of tsushima there golden child of non woke when it came out?
Ghost of Yotei...GoY

It quite literally cannot be more obvious than this. They are literally laughing at you.
Wow, I didn't know so many Americans were suddenly masters of Japanese history.
>Horizon Zero Dawn is decent to good
>The sequel sucks
>God of War 2018 was a decent to good
>The sequel sucks
Wow denial
It's funny to think that generation of old men will be all grumpy because the video games of their youth contained women.
Chuds would absolutely loose it if Alien or Terminator released today.
>reee erryding away from us
Deranged polnigger-sama, why should anyone care about you? Whar are they taking from you? You dont play games, you dont give a shit about games beyond being a vector for your identity politics bitching
>uaaawaaaah the VA is someone I dont like as a person
Case in point.
Why is /v/ so uneducated? Read a fucking book.
Nigger Samurai >: (
Female Samurai : O
It was said this girl is a samurai? Couldn't just be a kunoichi or something?
Why did they pick an ugly fat queer lady to be their next pro-tag?

Apparently, she is the voice of Valkyrie from Apex Legends who is suppose to be a lesbian.

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>if a woman doesn't have big fat titties and big fat ass while wearing skimpy clothes that means she's ugly
Why is /v/ like this?
>/pol/is /v/
Nah man
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So can anyone actually explain to me why having a woman protagonist is a bad thing? Non-chud answers only, please.
that shit also was also lame as fuck. Yins story made the woke trash bearable.
>It was said this girl is a samurai?
no she's a bandit on the run for killing a ronin
This. Good post, my fellow sis-ACK!
Women were very rarely fighters in feudal Japan. The most famous were usually wives of samurai and who could afford it.

The idea of a female ronin, a mercenary samurai, is laughable. She would be molested and killed quickly.
Hello Ishii
bitch looks manlier than 90% of asian guys
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What is wrong with a female Samurai especially one who is fictional? I mean Japan literally did this first
there is some evidence to suggest kunoichi have existed throughout nippon history thoughbeit
Jesus Christ.
Yep. It's looking like fag island needs another dose of Oppenheimer's canned sunshine.
So games should only be based around what is the most common occurrence in real life? Is Sekiro a bad game because most people don't resurrect upon death in real life?
>make game about Samurai learning to fight like a ninja because fighting lijeca samurai failed
>native japs love it
>gets pc port
>does well enough to warrant sequel
>announce assassin game set in feudal Japan will star a kunoichi,something featured in pretty much every Tenchu game ever.
>butthurt activists who never played the first game, no nothing about video games over five years old, pretend they don't understand what woke is, and refuse to admit THEY are the vocal minority take to the internet to poison the well

As if we can't see tight through their bullshit. This >>689883515 is just them admitting one of the motivations behind their actions.
>gow ragnarok sucked
the only part that sucked is when that dumb niggress gives atreus a ride on that weird buffalo thing. apart from that the game is pretty kino.
None of them is the main character, that's the difference. It's the same with Ac Shadows and Yasuke, had he been a side character there would have been much less pushback.
Strong, powerful women are not an issue if the male mc is still much stronger and they all orbit around him.
>>first the negro samurai
jin sakai is not black
Who is the male MC in Metroid?
Japan is not anime wonderland
Isnt the point of videogames to be fantasical and larger than life though? Most videogame characters murder people in the dozens to hundreds to literal thousands and nobody bats an eye if it's a Male protagonist, even though i know for a fact that it's impossible for a man to do those things. Nobody applies real world logic until its a female protagonist in a western series.
Obviously I'm not her. I'm a random white dude who happened to work in the TTRPG space a few years ago and we had a lot of mutual friends and traveled in mutual circles for a little bit. I live on the other side of the country from California so it's not like we ever interacted in person outside of a few conventions. I got out of that whole industry about the time that everything was transitioning from the whole "feminism" SJW shit to the black/tranny/queer SJW shit because by that time I was basically losing sponsorship opportunities and jobs because I was a white dude.
GOT is based on a real world invasion. If you're going to throw away gender roles what else are you going to toss out and still somehow call it realistic?
Too big to fail dude, everyone praised Tsushima and now they can't backtrack on it, just stick with shitting on Ubisoft.
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You are a Jew slave
>just the one
Ok zoomie, go to bed. You've got a bug day of consooming tomorrow.
Hey there Mr. Frog, how's that pot?
I dont get why you fags cant just not buy it and why you have to have 837365 threads seething about it. The moment i saw the woman i knew i would be akipping the game and thats it its that simple.
/pol/fags don't understand that Japs like their fictional swordswomen (and the occasional historical one too)
Hell, they have portrayed Yasuke as a fighter lots of times. I don't think anyone would have cared had Ubishit not gone full wewuz on everyone's ass. Companies these days should consider hiring competent PR people instead of activists
Kinda weak defense of your dogshit just look at industry nowadays constantly forcing all these negro poops into european setting.
Imagine trying defend this dogshit we know this shit is made by some 30 year old feminist who smells like cat piss.
yeah just like evidence Yasuke was a legendary samurai
How about we start banning you?
People are tired of these games made by talentless losers so how about we fire them all and actually start making games for guys again?
There is some evidence that you should 41%
can it, tr00n
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Payback homie.
If a story is pretending to be grounded in a historical setting, then it should be a reflection of that era's cultural norms rather than trying to revise history to force a political agenda on the audience.
of course they're targeting japan specifically. exporting their local identity politics is one of americas #1 goal in the world.
unironically meds and touch grass if this is what you get from a single female protag being revealed
You wanted culture war. You got it. You won't win it though.
Won't play with Engrish VA so don't care
Proof that the character is a feminist in the game?
>story about outlaws and ronin set in Hokkaido
All they had to do was to set it in 1860's with a gruff old man as a protag and we would have unadultered KINO

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