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Heres your GoY protag, bro.

>Ishii openly identifies as queer, bisexual, or pansexual with no preference between labels, and genderfluid.[5][3][25] They have been vocal in their opposition to transphobia, and have raised funds for LGBT supporting charities such as The Trevor Project.[26][3]

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Americans poison everything they touch.
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kek asians without plastic surgery look like abominations
Game 1: Male protagonist to sell and establish brand
Game 2: Female LGBTXYZ

Every time
Why did they have to model an original character after anyone at all?
oy vey
Ugly. Where is the femininity
>looks better ingame
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A 37 year old woman has zero business acting like this.
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it’s amazing how many of you lack basic education
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>Erika Ishii is an American voice actor and host. They[a] are best known as the voice of video game characters
>[a] Ishii uses all personal pronouns.[1] This article uses the singular they pronoun for consistency.
Has a woman ever existed with a hairstyle on the right that wasn't an insufferable cunt?
Yeah at that age it's just embarrassing
Damn that chick is really gross
I just don’t understand what they’re expecting to happen
>get mad that every protagonist is apparently a white cis male
>make literally every single high profile game star the ugliest characters imaginable, they are not even normal queer people in society, they are absolute caricatures the same way some big lipped rap loving black man would be seen as incredibly racist
>force people to play as these offensive caricatures to the point of parody
What does this accomplish? LGBTQ people are not like this irl, what on earth are they even trying to say?
Well she looks better in game at least.
holy kek it's so over
Why do I care about the VA? The voice is what matters
Realism is the only reason
And most artists in the industry could not create a realistic looking human model from scratch
What a disgusting sack of shit
>Horizon fails because of a lesbian girlboss protag
>"Let's do it again! I'm sure it'll work this time and won't ruin GoT!"

I just can't
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Nothing worse than Americanized Asian. Nothing.

At least they got a Japanese Amerimutt this time around? The first game's females were all Americano Filipinos lmao.
Umm sonybros, we keep losing...
Based, she's already making incels screech
Sony is woke to the point of parody
who's that queer, bisexual, or pansexual with no preference between labels, and genderfluid person?
Nobody would be complaining about if she looked like Lady Snowblood.
>t-the game won't be woke!!!
Yeah the girls in the first game were really old for some reason. Even the one's that were supposed to be young.
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i thought this was a troll but its fucking real lmao
uh oh stinky
Not just old, they weren't even the correct race. Actual racism.
God. Dammit. Pass.
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yeah, they got their paycheck from Larry Fink and now they're circulating the money inside so it doesn't reach anyone that isn't part of the neoliberal clique.

how fucking tiresome
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>playing the ENG dub in the first place
You deserve this and worse.
Remember the young girl you have to rescue after she runs away? She looked well into her 30s.
I don't think outright call her they/them in a 17th century game but you can sure as fuck believe they'll do whatever possible to avoid calling her a 'she' or 'her' in cutscenes. This is beyond a joke
If the protags of AssCreed Shadowniggers and GoY looked like Nakamura Kazuha I'd be pre-ordering both. No cap.
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>she's so ugly this time ingame model actually looks better than her
into the trash it goes
someone's having a laugh
The OG game was American and absolutely perfect. This has to be the contractually obligated dei that attracts investors so they can find their next real game.
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Okay guys real talk.
How DEI invested will this game be?
Given Concord or nuSnoy in general, the presenters at SoP etc I wonder how much they pushed here
Why?? With everything going on with assassin's niggas they had this one in the bag and they fumbled it horribly
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It’s over.
It’s slop.
They should have just made a new sly cooper. This is just sad.
Erika Ishii rules
I will now buy this game.
i hope they don't do what they did to the jap dub in GoT
>only main story dialogue gets subtitles
>majority of the npc dialogues don't get subtitles
>you can't tell what the majority of npcs are saying
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Let me think about this...
Yeah, I think I've come to the decision to ignore this game entirely.
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Meanwhile Asian female characters designed in asia....
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English is the original, not the dub.
>SIE owns suckerpunch
>SIE is based in california
you shouldn't be surprised
It's an American made game set in Japan
The ENG dub in the first game was fine, great even.
It's not a dub when it's the original language you retard
good looking chinks don't naturally exist
Is this the first instance where the model actually looks better in-game?
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I thought we were winning bros...why is dei woke shit still alive...
Maybe I was too harsh on ubisoft maybe
can’t wait til it gets ported to PC so I can mod her wearing a bikini for the whole game

Instead of replying to them, just start reporting people that can't stop talking about "woke" or "DEI". moot knew what he was going when he banned gamergate. Now we can't have a single thread without these insane retards shitting up the place with their inane theories.
Did you think the cultural revolution would be halted just because a few "woke" games flopped? Strap yourself in, because it's going to be a wild couple of years going forward.
Based PChud
Wasn't the first game already full of feminist bullshit?
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Meanwhile Asian female characters designed in a-ACK!
enjoy your tranny game kek
>noo stop discussing things I dislike
Fuck off you fucking faggot.
Samurai addressing each other without honorifics and pronouns kills all the atmosphere for me
in English everyone addresses each other with a simple "you" while paying no attention to the social status
English is always a dub. Doubly so if the VAs are American.
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Hey, it's something completely fucking different. Boy do I feel stupid now.
>Goy of Tsushima
Alloy is a new face of playstation, chud. You will play her lego game!
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>make decent game
>make shittier sequel filled with DEI fagshit
Why is this such a prevalent pattern in these snoy games? Is this a concerted long game to slowroll the normies into propaganda or am I just schizophrenic?
>English is always a dub
In the way that all voice acting is a dub
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Jesus fuck
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The eng dub for the first one was dogshit actually. It was rewritten in Japanese to make it less cringe.
she is literally fucking herself over so hard with that haircut. the pictures where its from an angle you cant see the shaved part look 10x better
I'm sure yasuki will show up and be her romance
They bait you with a good game, then knowing there's now a fanbase start courting investors with DEI approved sequel hoping to retain fans.
last time she was fuckable
Who the fuck cares?

What matters is how the actual character and story is written.
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that's just one spider you disingenuous american bastard lol

the rest of the girls are cute
Ah, the netflix effect. First you reel in the dumb, clueless cattle with something that interests them and then when they're nice and comfortable you hit 'em with the sweetbaby inc socjus pandering. Every time.
see you in 2025 when the game comes out
>Who the fuck cares?
Yes we know, you just want to mindlessly consume without a care in the world about the coordinated attack on video games.
Yeah? Name 10 well written western games in the last 3 years.

If your director is stupid enough to make a game centered around a granny he's also dumb enough to vet good writers.
My faith is penetrating rock bottom. I'm scared what's under that.
When they do this shit do they even try to estimate backlash? Or is it always all publicity = good publicity.
The powers that be are just asserting dominance over us because no one is gonna do anything about it. Im sure its funny.
someone should make a Mrs Scorpion game it would be pure fuckin kino
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I'd rather have Ghost of Tsushima 2 starring a cute blonde-haired Englishwoman from a noble background who became a samurai and exclusive fucks Asian boys.
Are you people for real?

I don't care for Tom Cruise's personal beliefs, but that doesn't mean that I won't watch Top Gun Maverick and expect it to have Scientology propaganda bullshit in it.

Some of you ought to consider logging off.
None of you fags ITT bought Rise of the Ronin.

Now suffer this pozzery.
If only she looked like that. The only thing you're doing is further highlighting how intentionally more shit the new character looks (as usual).
If they actually got Meiko Kaiji's likeness for this I would be on my second preorder already
based, i still watch roman polanski movies all the time
Anon, nobody now makes good games to sell them, it's bait in a long strategy to scam you, push certain narratives, etc. Big publishers didn't see single-player viable like 10 years ago and they don't see them now. They wouldn't make them without some malicious motives.
Well for starters, Tom Cruise isn't investing billions into video games like Blackrock is, so your retarded comparison makes no sense.
Nobody on playstation cares about team ninja games. Had they not gone exclusive then people would have anger bought that one over dragon's dogma. Nickado 2 sold well on pc precisely because of the Dragon's dogma 2 controversy.
this is based tho, hopefully there are some missions about jap femboys in the game
Protag is a woman
Original GOT release in 2020
Games have a 5-7 year dev time
How pozzed were things in 2020?

It's part of the same wave of shit games that are currently falling on their face
Why is this board just openly misogynistic now?
Well. At least there was Rise of Ronin.
you are severly overestimating the impact of /v/ threads and anti DEI Xitter posts, they probably dont give a shit and are just thankful they can virtue signal a bit more AND cash in their Blackrock bux at the same time
because usually they were straight males in the original team, slowly leaving to continue their journey. And replaced by the cesspool of homos/women in the LA "creative" industry.
I'm pretty sure she was hired because she's a somewhat mainstream actress and not because of whatever personal beliefs she has.
I don't care if they do since that's real.
>sequel to a pro-LGBT game is also LGBT
woah no way
2020 was peak pozzed
Looks like I’m dropping wh*te women for good.
I'm pretty sure it stops being a mere coincidence when it happens quite frequently. Who the fuck are you trying to kid here?
The other anon already posted your reddit usernames. It's over.
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Good. This is the year of the anti-chud.

Kamala will win.

GoT2 protagonist will be trans and filled with joy.

Crawl back into your holes chuddies.
What year do you think you're living in?
She's also one of the female voice options for the player in the new Dragon Age game.
Is she gonna do it in the game too or are people raging and blasting diarrhea posts for no reason?
The jews aren't the chuds though. They're the one's funding your weird perversions.
I don't hate women. What I do hate are garbage female MCs being shoved down my throat by corpos trying to push agendas.
Dude nobody talks like that. I get your from reddit, but this is embarrassing.
>this zoomer doesn't know of "tits or GTFO"
it's like they intentionally looked for the ugliest dyke
oh boy, another e-celeb desperately clinging to any "relevancy" they ever had. What a great hire
Hell yeah I get my titty skittles for free because of them. Incredibly based.
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Just when the current culture warring topics were getting boring Sony throws some more faggots on the fire.

Another flop incoming then.
I hate women in general. In reasonable amount. And I do hate ugly women in $70 product they expect me to buy (I won't).

Love from Kazakhstan.
list some good female MCs in your opinion
You people have become no different than those who gossip about celebrities lmao
Imagine how close they got to making the one in the right the protagonist
Will it be an even bigger bomb than Shadows?
I have seen all samurai movies ranked 6.5 or higher on imdb, I liked snowblood.
But for the game I want to be a cool ronin like with tsushima. a 1.65 meter woman just cant be seen as cool
this board has been like TMZ but vidya for a while now, anon
The Sony marketers are really bad at this lol
Talks like what? I've been on /v/ since '07 and I hate reddits ui or app shit so I dont touch it.
You mean saying the word diarrhea? Poo poo?? I'm using it as a metaphor for low quality posts.
There's a lot of discord troons poisoning the well and some actual retards.
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fuck I'm actually mad they didn't go this route. I dont even care that it's a ninja girl but they should have done something like this
it's a no fucking brainer. guaranteed goty award too! it would have been so much cooler to play as a lady scorpion/meiko kaji inspired chick
holy FUCK i'm so mad
The MC looks ugly. I don't know what they were thinking replacing Jin with this.
Maybe but also I can't defend Japs for fucking male actors in the ass. And their shudō juniors. And the monks.

All the fag memes retards like to pin on Greeks are actually Japanese in reality.
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Yes, that's right you disgusting incel. A 4-foot tall alcholic goblin that's sucked every dick from LA to NYC is going to be in charge and that's a good thing!
I'm looking forward to the hot spring cutscene with her bare ass
It really isn't just that there are female characters, barely anyone would care if we didn't live in a time after they overplayed their hand every time and then double-tripled down on it. And keep doing it. Like this isn't just "Jin Sakai but female", but of course once more needs to be as unappealing as they think they can get away with. Past are the times when a medium like video games, where you can create things that aren't limited by reality, was used to make things look better than they are. Now they are made to look worse. I guarantee you no one is going to write articles swooning over her ass in a hotspring (not that it would ever be a thing now that it's a female character).
cute feet
good point
they'll definitely omit those scenes since it's a female
>Ishii openly identifies as queer, bisexual, or pansexual with no preference between labels,
Who cares she at least doesn't look like a fuckin man
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Sorry chud, but it's the current year and asses have been made illegal.
>bare ass
sorry chud. not happening. only male asses are acceptable. get ready to have the smoke from the hotspring hide everything below her neck.
here's that samurai i was telling you about
The female protag is ugly and based off a mentally ill freak, but she's not black which is a huge positive in her favor.
sorry for what? our dads told us not to be ashamed of our chuds
I have literally never seen this happen. The only times I've seen trannies get BTFOd are by literal niggers every single fucking time. Im so sick of this fucking le white boys bad bullshit.
its always black people beating the shit out of these grotesque beasts, and the worst part was that this tries to humanize the troon so badly but when you actually see those "weird" kids in schools they're always really autistic or just fucked up from horrible parents.

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>mentally ill hapa troon product of racemixing
They know their audience is american at the very least
>those arms
Wtf. It’s a troon.
This has to be a joke right? A billion dollar company saw this ugly old hag and decided to make her a protagonist of a samurai game?
>I see the thread's autosaged. I guess they want to bury this discussion
People are acting like immature freaks. Why can't yall just be civil and not be sexist misogynistic assholes about it? Just be hella real and not be such a dick. Do better.
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good lord woman lose some fucking weight
if she was in Asia she would've never gotten this obese

American body positivity and american food are death sentences for Asian girls - since they're short to begin with

That it is cool as fuck, unique, makes sense and she actually looks good are the very reasons we can't have that in current year over the diverse goblin faced katana dual wielding female uber-samurai.
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Reminds me of the dove commercial.
it's not a hapa >>689884342 but it IS grown on american food (even worse)
>sexist misogynistic
Why be redundant like this in your (I hope ironic) virtue signaling?
>virtue signaling
Do you know what that word even means? If you're being mean your ass should get called out. It's really that simple.
You still have too much good faith believing that there gonna hotsprings scenes at all.
>doesn't look like a fuckin man
she do though
she do be lookin like a man
Its so over
Side of her head shaved cause she's so original and unique.
I used to laugh at this shit and now it's real
That's because it had a fucking retarded wingsuit and spammable grapple hook
Maybe if it was actually trying to be immersive instead of open world slop covered in band-aids i would have given it a go
So what bathroom does a passing tranny use?
A what?
Based jannies sliding this dogshit thread
Fuck you
Can't let video game discussion get in the way of shilling gachashit or porn dumps
Wtf are you even talking about? She's just a chubby woman
>Based jannies sliding this dogshit thread
Good. What actual good discussion is happening right now? Nothing. You're just dogpiling your sexism for no reason. Do better.
migrate >>689887587
So what's she even sound like
Xisters! We/Wu/Ours won
The time is now

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