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It's got to be intentional at this point right.
also which one wud u fugg
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>Hey I have a cool idea for a video game…
>Uuuhm, I mean thats fine I guess
>But I haven’t pitched
you dont have a lot of friends do you...
Jap men are white adjacent so they must be castrated
What are you talking about? The protagonist of Shadows is a Japanese Male
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>ubisoft designed a more attractive jap character than Sony
How the fuck did we end up here??
>Ubisoft kunoichi (female ninja for you uncultured folks) looks prettier than the Snoy one
Ubisoft won.
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I'm so fucking tired boss. I miss when vidya was just a dumb little hobby for dudebros by dudebros. Now it's all gay and lame and shit.
Oddly enough they are mostly women since I work at a hospital.
Not comparable. One is a sequel to a game where you play as a japanese man. The other is from a decade old series where you never played as a japanese man.
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I feel that anon, but we're winning some important battles, Concord and Dustborn are dead, this woke era won't last forever, it's starting to weaken out
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They both look fugly. Photorealism is the death of vidya or any other artform ever.
anyone saying a female samurai is not as woke as a black samurai is retarded
your brain has been subverted into thinking the lesser sin is better than the greater sin
>french people care more about beauty than west coasters do
How is this a surprise?
they like to use men to draw the initial audience in

assassin creed, and ghost both used men to create their initial audience and then now that they have it comes the DEI trojan horse
yosuke was a real person and I can actually believe a black male would be a warrior over a female
She stiil looks better no matter how much you cope. I dont even plan on buying either wokeslops, just pointiing out how weird it is that Sony got done here by Ubisoft of all things.
They should've made the protagonist a loli
Culture war brain rot is getting out of control. Female protagonists have existed before you retards were even fucking born, a game having a female protagonist isn't demeaning to men.
they hate men in general, they see it as men already buy video games so they want to capture more markets by appealing to different minorities. But this always fails as it just alienates the male and doesnt bring anyone new in
To be fair that wasn't the plan when Ass Creed started. Different people are in charge now.
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new GoY game protag is even uglier irl
Sekiro had female bosses. Tenchu had female protagonist. Fighting games have female fighters. Why playing as a female samurai seeking revenge is wrong? They already did a homage to samurai movies with the original.
The character isn't even a samurai you fucking idiot. The main character in the first game wasn't a samurai either
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Neither. You have the technology to make polygons as attractive as possible now so why do these people still make roasties? Is escapism a foreign concept to westoids?
nioh fucking sucks
It's the fucking retarded YouTube shitters whining about anything with a female in it
Japanese men are patriarchal shitlords, chud. I’m glad they’re being replaced.
The one on the bottom doesn't look Japanese. She looks like my first girlfriend, who I think was Filipino or Malaysian or something like that.
Top is what they look like in real life.
that's a man with gyno
>could've easily found ANY average looking japanese woman with a modicum of physical fitness
>NOPE, the fat xir it is!
thats a man who plays a woman in a new snoy game yep you better believe it
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this is offensive
New Sushi looking DOPE AF
is she pregnant
This is for all retards seething about Yasuke and saying it would never good like Tsushima. Enjoy your garbage ugly woman sequel.
Correct approach. Scan someone and either improve or leave it be. The real sin is uglifying the actor.
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>she's got a fupa
That would have required actually going to Japan, a place that modern PlayStation hates. You will take your genderfluid Asian American mutt and you will like it!
i guess the downside of setting up camp in California is rearing its ugly head, literally.
If you're going to force a foid on me then at the VERY least make them appeal to my dick. Otherwise what's the fucking point.
trying to depict a female fighter in a grounded setting, retarded no matter what you simpleton bitch
inb4 mention of amazons or joan of arc mary sues kek
They went from
Sucker Punch is in the same city as Valve.
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>Why do western devs seem to hate Japanese men so much?
they won't bend the knees to kikes, simple as
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>she's japanese so it's not that wo-
You're allowed to be super racist to Asian men because of white adjacency
The japs still make products in different categories. So, you have a product for straight males, straight females, gay males, gay females. Unnaceptable for western values. Products for straight males? in 2024? lol. Similarly, having categories is problematic because is better to make a single product with everything included. Except straight males, of course.
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You mean Seattle area, the only place more lefty than CA????
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Why can't we have a cute roasted Mongolian girl as MP?
i'm not convinced people do the eyebrow notch for style because it's objectively retarded looking
what signal are they trying to get out when they display one?
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Are the Japanese laughing at us?
at least you know to post ugly women in the ugly women thread
>DEI characters are always ugly non-white women and muscular black men
yep, that's a white woman moment
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So, the new MC is a man...what's left to say of this industry?
>tops looks like an actual Japanese woman
>bottom looks like some weird Korean
Name 3 main character females from before 2012 that were fucking ugly

You can't because they used to actually give the core demographic want they want. Now they go directly against that demographic in the vain hope they can get the mythical modern audience

If this bitch was young and cute I'd buy it day one. Not touching this, especially since the actor for it is a alphabet cunt
Silicon Valley is still seething over 20 years of Japanese dominance in the tech industry followed by 20 years of dominance in the games industry.
Hag bitch looks like Tomoro Taguchi if he were a woman
Is it this easy to fool anons?
Yeah this man looks like a convincing attractive woman
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Huh, guess that's why Valve has changed so much lately.
yet again
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I love her, she has the most kissable little, but prominent, lips :3
>face has higher resolution
She isn't ugly though you mouth breathing retard. Your faggot ass simply can't conceive a woman that doesn't look like an anime character.
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Thats because theres a frog in his luggage actually
Do we have a tweet if Jin's actor saying he is the ghost of tsushima?
most people agree with him though
he'll definitely shit on the sequel though, ossans are cool, obasans are not
A male was the main character in Ghost of Tsushima. Are you getting mad for the sake of being mad?
Female fighters have existed in history, this is undeniable. Crying about it in a fictional videogame that already plays fast and loose with history to begin with is just fucking stupidity at this point
Given the way he talks in his sanctimonious way I wouldn't guess
asians are on the chopping block next after whitey.
There's a place for both hyper-realistic and stylized. Studios just need to stop making their realistic characters fat black women.
>see sekiro successful
>copy that shit
>gets a modicum of that success
>time to add the WOKE factor in
sneaky sneaky devs
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Can I the only one who thinks this new Ghost of Yotei protagonist actually looks good? Compared to the Jap in Assassin's Creed Shadows it's 10x better. She looks fucking great.
>is escapism a foreign concept to westoids
I think japan has far more shut-in losers, yes.
The issue with Yosuke is they made a real person a character and attempted to rewrite history by claiming a black slave was really a black samurai for woke points. At this point you guys are just screaming if a game as a woman or a black person in it.
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Kek get a load of this fat cunt. Behold the Pot bellied Samurai, The well rounded Ronin, The blade of blubber, The Oni of Onigiri, The She-demon of sashimi, before battle you can hear scream "itadaki mas"
The devs are tsushima ambassadors irl in JP they say
>muh anime character cope again and again
>acting like western games didn't have beautiful girl eye candy as the standard until 2012

Fuck off back to where you snipped your nuts off troon
there are many who think she looks fine or good. This is the retard anti-woke crowd that leap at anything even remotely progressive.
Stop lowering your standard, faggot
Tade if she real
You guys complain when they make a pretty woman uglier and now you're complaining when they make an ugly woman prettier?
>This is the retard anti-woke crowd that leap at anything even remotely progressive.
I'm anti-woke but I try to give these AAA games a chance when credit is due.
Shut up retard I dare you to think independently.
Westerners have almost always cared more about realism/simulation, just look at how cartoons are looked down on compared to anime in japan.
The holy numbers
Because the average Jap otaku holds views similar to the average /v/tard
Yes you fucking retard, you're crying over nothing, she's not ugly, your retarded ass just can't conceive a woman who doesn't look like a tranime character
>Shut up retard I dare you to think independently.
>he say while consuming slop
godspeed, anon. I hope you keep that attitude
you have to be over 18 to post here bud
Just play old games, there’s enough for a lifetime of consooming
>he say while consuming slop
I'm not even going to buy this game, I never even played the last game in the series. But to me, this looks so much fucking better man. We need to start encouraging better shit that's not woke slop like AC Shadows. She doesn't look like a man she actually looks like a WOMAN
I'm beginning to think you can't get hired in this industry UNLESS you are queer
Why is being Queer so special to them? Why are they obsessed with unatural degenerecy? It's they're whole identity at this point
It's just a style bro
In reality there’s was no female samurai at all except one who is probably legendary. Japanese women were there to be raped. Japanese society pre-meiji was as sexist as Afghanistan.
You will never be a women
Hate to say it but Shadow's girl is unironically better looking. That's not saying she's hot mind you. And GoT never had a woman who was even remotely attractive because attractive women are 'unrealistic'.
>posts the guys who made Ghost of Tsushima
>male protagonist

Kill yourself, you stupid faggots.
>You will never be a women
I'm fucking shaking because I know for a fact yall wouldn't say this shit to my face, ever.
You've evoked how they type too well.
Anime website faggot

Heeere we go again
The white women are hooking up with black men because of porn fetishes and cultural contrarianism, retard. Asians are the ones looking for white people to fuck since asian countries are fucking socially dead.
She seems to have a slim hourglass figure with a thin neck and large ass, but in terms of facial features the assasin creed girl is more attractive.
Bro I ain't buying this shit lmao
> woman
Yes. The last samurai stuff in the west has been blue eye samurai, and assassins creed.

It’s boring. Not only will i cry about it. I won’t buy it.
>can literally make anything
>should we make her naturally compelling, beautiful, feminine, and a stealthy assassin, you know the only way this could be grounded in our reality if that's your cope, where kunoichi are literally whores that poison men after choking on their cock
>nah an ugly she/they/xhir girl boss
>a women
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>implying they didn't have cute girls in AC before.
Really only the one in Valhalla was truly fugly.
And Kristen Bell in AC2, but just because of shit graphics.
The average japanese woman look like this.
Rambo and conan and shit could never kill thousands of men but seeing it a mythical extent of a story it still seems believable. This is just stupid, a fat as shit California asian lesbo raised on vegan dumplings is not fun to larp as a warrior its retarded. I don't want to play as that thing..
>changed so much
they were always full of lefties, just the new gen are even kookier, dangerous and stupid
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Oh yeah we're fucking your women, alright
Was going to point this out.
What was she doing? Rubbing her hands?
It's official. Ubisoft and Guillemot are simply hating Japan and want to disrespect it as much as possible. Not only did they call Japan the most boring setting, they continue on disrespecting everything with it. From Nobunaga family (by using their crest without permission, displaying it upside down, cropped etc.), Buddha statue (by using it without permission), rice farmers (by misrepresenting them as someone stupid enough to plant rice next to river), all japanese (by using chinese elements such as music and architecture), Nobunaga family again (by claiming Yasuke is part of Nobunaga family, since his sword is marked with Nobunaga crest, which only happened for family members) and now they disrespected all victims of Atomic Bombs.

What baffles me the most is that the activists are now silent and don't see racism/misrepresentation/appropriation or anything else. I guess it's "it has someone black so it can't be racist" mentality.
Athletes are actually above average, generally.
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>make her intentionally ugly
>claim she's beautiful
There are three types of modern Japanese man that come to the mind of these people. Otaku, put-upon salarymen, and grim, stern worker types.
The otaku is too close to the true nerds who look down on them for liking shit like Love Island or Lou Rawls' Drag Race, so fuck them.
The put-upon salaryman is a cog in the hard work machine, the incarnation of the idea that the world can't be all artists, bloggers, princesses and ballerinas. Also DADDY ISSUES.
The grim, stern type (which any samurai etc character basically matches) is the non-put-upon guy with a job. Strict, serious, hardworkiFUCK YOU DAD FUCK YOU DAD FUCK YOU DAD.
Of course "certain types" hate Japanese men.
>but in terms of facial features the assasin creed girl is more attractive.
Absolutely not she looks ugly as fuck
it's probably more retarded than the black samurai

can a woman even hold a sword?
Previous game was a jap male
another 100 million flop incoming. who is this for?
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The only men they love is black men, they believe black men should violate the wombs of ALL non black men and non black men should be castrated and killed.
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It won't flop that hard, but yeah they're fucking retarded.
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We must march on brother
physically, yes
mentally, culturally, socially, no
same thing with guns
same wack jobs that will complain you want anime girls will reject that only in cartoons and anime can women actually fight
Tenchu also had Rikimaru, besides, it certainly wasn't a blockbuster.
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>is this for?
>It's estimated that the whole series sales are at 10 million games sold worldwide as of 2018
Pretty good considering the era the games came out in. A modern Tenchu would sell extremely well, see: Sekiro.
Japs are too close to white males.
>intentional at this point
It's since more than 2 decades.
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Only people who want to play as women are coomers and trannies, and neither of them want uggos.
Is that a rhetorical question?
its funny that if the "Goy"(are they laughing at us?) protag was a 10/10, it would be seen as conceding to the chuds, and they would rather lose money than do that.
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>Why do western devs seem to hate Japanese men so much?
Lefties worship failures and deem successful people as oppressors, so it is right and proper to hate on White and Asian males, only group who ever created anything of worth.
At least in a hundred years there will still be autistic Asians in their lands, whilst whites will be miscegenated out of existence and women put back in the kitchen by Ahmed and Paco.
It's political.
-Their society is seen as old fashioned and patriarchal. That makes them furious
-Their comedy/media etc outright ridicule things like homosexuality/transgerism etc. That makes them furious.
-They entire culture is seen as """problematic""" and in need of "fixing". And they deem themselves the ones to fix it.
The jew doesn't fear the samurai - he despises him and wants to destroy him.
>(are they laughing at us?)
ghost of yiddish
So THIS is what Sony wants you to spend 699.99 + tax + disc drive + tax + stand + tax on
Why do you pornbrains see men in everything you cannot fap to?
I never understand this shit. She's cute. Cassandra was cute . Aspasia and Myrrine were cute. Aya was cute. AC has always had attractive women. It's filled with tons of wokeness but on that one thing they usually did well. I haven't played Valhalla tho so Idk about that girl.
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Sucker Punch proved they can make beautiful japanese women though
None of you faggots listened to me when I tried to tell you how far leftist GoT and sucker punch were. Dont act all surprised now
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>ghost of tsushima
more like ghost of sashimi, lol
It's always the same thing
whoops. the remaster will fix that
its her* turn
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Mods will fix the remaster
sony devs dont creates atractive women becuase they fear being called misogynist
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Hmmm, say that again?
and they gonna blame chuds because they hate lgtb+ plus size pro-choice women
*user was banned for transphobia*
In theory, it's a great excuse to make a harder game.
They're both cute desu. AssCreed girl looks SEA though.
Why can't rightoids just make their own modding website?
>The Oni of Onigiri
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you think this fat faced androgynous chink is attractive?
It looks like a fucking dog who ate a bee. You're either blind or a complete faggot.
*sony western devs
lack of content moderation -> people upload pedo shit -> site is shut down
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Nobody asked for your tranny opinion
Sucker Punch is a western game and they made Tomoe
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to be honest i knew this would happen when they announced got 2 would have a fem protag

no way they would come up with a girl like kasumi or ayane from doa
>Can't even quote properly
>tomoe - attractive
No IQ test needed
Because it’s western devs. From California. Are you retarded? Put it together.
why is it offensive
Washington, actually.
Good fucking god. It's like they go out of their way to hire the most annoying people.
More than you ever will, you fucking disgusting tranny.
>4/10 mongoloid
What an ugly frog eyed bitch
Jin even had some derpy facegen. What makes them think they could model a good realistic female face? It's okay to go for realistic graphics but you have to be good at it.
I don’t understand why they would do this.
Logically, this will lead to a considerable decline in sales.
>just call "it" at this point
it's over Sony bros
Sales are a gamble, investors are a sure thing (until next quarter).
because they were ordered to
the jews don't care about profits they just want to demoralize young men
Id sex them both.
Bro you sound pretty stupid.
Kek I remember this prostitute. She's ugly as fuck and wears masks and shit to hide her horid face.
Nigger where does it say anime website on the homepage? You faggots zoomer tourists have ruined this site. Even /a/ used to shit on Japan and anime before you faggots came along
asian men are actually oppressed. whites put every kind of non-white in their games for "diversity" except for the asian man who only gets treated with disrespect. then when asian men make their own games for themselves whites harass them and tell them they have to put black people in them.
Jews aren't white.
>Sales are a gamble
The hell they are. Everyone with a brain knows what the customers want. Sales tank when execs start going "MMMMM LET'S NOT".
You're trying too hard. Go the fuck back, retard.
Sony is being ran by retards pushing DEI. If they didn't force SuckerPunch we would've gotten a continuation of Jin's story.
>Everyone with a brain knows
Anon, what type of person do you think majors in business?
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>take game with conventional male protagonist that everyone liked
>replace it with a strong ugly woman
>call the game GOY
>pull this shit during the peak of an anti-woke sentiment in the public
At the risk of asking a trivial question, what did the hebrews at Sony mean by this?
He has me
>Ella Freya is 9/10 perfection
lol. lmao. she's like a goblin caked in makeup
>Woke is when woman exist
This mindset completely disregarding Lady Masako in the first game. She was such a good fighter in her own right, it got her married off to the heir of Clan Adachi and basically ran the place with it being mentioned that her sons married other warrior woman who stayed and fought beside Masako when the assassins showed up to kill them while the sons fled. Like, warrior woman capable of holding their won are already established in this version of history but apparently its only a problem now that one of them is the protagonist instead of a side character.
>what did the hebrews at Sony mean by this?
They wanted Sony's movie IP and music albums so bad that they installed their puppet to "lead" Sony and self destruct due to incompetence.
the onna musha (direct translation female warrior) were real and common bc samurai fought from horseback with bows so physical didnt really matter
The people upset about a female protag drank way too much of the koolaid.
>wears masks
>touch him and solicit him for sex
well soiny is commiefornian now, isnt it? its all an echochambre, thats why games fail recently. theyre literally out of touch
This, and women are better riders and archers because they have a higher dex stat
Nothing was replaced you doubt digit IQ retard. It's a new story and the original characters are long dead
One thing all of these dudes forget is that Jin was actually very sensitive. People act like he is a gruff manly archetype like Joel or something but he is in tune with nature, artistic, and ultimately skeptical of oppressive structures and traditions.
If he didn’t fit their narrative they would 100% call him a cucked SJW samurai. Go woke, get broke? More like go woke, get gold!
they can have her.
it's almost 8:30 in dubai, makes sense
>every depiction of a female NEEDS to make me want to masturbate and fantasize being with them because....THEY JUST FUCKING DO OKAY AAIIIIIIIEEE I'M A HIGH TEST CHAD TRAD MALE!!
Please, and I'm BEGGING you, go outside, get a job, have relations with actual women, and have actual sex so you can stop revolving your embarrassing life around lusting after fake women(who would never give you the time of day if they were real btw).
>Woke is when woman matters
Anon, It's hopeless to tell that
These weirdos would absolutely loose it if Alien or Terminator released today.
oh yeah, operating a bow is easy and doesnt require strenght at all lol
In this day and age, if it is not obviously eye candy, then yes, that is absolutely true. You'd have to be a completely blind idiot, or a disingenuous liar, to deny it.
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Fucking hell. No wonder that thing wears a mask. I should have listened to your warning. This is apparently a 10/10 Asian girl in the west.
bro you can just come out of the closet as a cock lover instead of throwing all these temper tantrums about women on the internet.
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>before battle you can hear scream "itadaki mas"
no need to get upset about this anymore tbqh. these studios are inviting failuire by going against the grain on purpose. they built up some goodwill with their last game, but that already was sprinkled with stronk foids, arguably somewhat logically due to the men dying at the hands of the invasion, but still. this isnt a surprise
Good pup
>should we make her naturally compelling, beautiful, feminine
Lady Masako in first game not like that either
No, people are complaining when an obvious activist who looks like the offspring of a cow and a whale gets cast in a lead role as a fit warrior.
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Oh hey, i recognize you. You're that asian guy with the WMAF cuckolding fetish who likes to pretend the opposite actually happens in any regular interval to try to hide your shameful goon sessions.
Japanese women (mostly samurai) were also expected to fight. See >>689903739
When they're idealized in sexually subversive ways, to be precise.
Why are you seething chang?
Your ricedick will never touch a white woman
>The main character in the first game wasn't a samurai either
What? Seriously, what you disingenuous faggot? Are you going to try to pull a, "He was disowned at the very end of the game so he is not a samurai!" to justify your blatant fucking lie? Jin was a samurai from the moment the game started to the moment it fucking ended, even after he was disowned.
Japanese horse archery bows in this period didn't have a particularly massive draw weight, they're no harder to shoot than any modern sporting bow and modern archery is full of women who are excellent shooters
Not every bow in the world was a 200lb English longbow
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Tiny white shrimp dick cope
They look the same
What an ugly subhuman with shit genes, literally reviewbrah in makeup
it's obviously going to be a Mulan revenge tale on some crackas which is pretty dope ngl
>was really a black samurai
He was
Yes, she. She is a female who identifies as pan, non-binary, and all kinds of other pronoun shit. It is more insulting to refer to her as her literal sex.

It's because lots of people who got in fist fights and shit would often have scars on their eyebrows, so nowadays posers style their eyebrows so they can larp as bad asses.
lol, i's hilarious how /v/ claims to simp for japan yet is also willing to instantly speak in racist ways toward them.
Westoids can't tell asian people apart, so they had to swap gender or else Snoys would think they were still playing as Jin.
ok anon, im willing to bet my dick is bigger than yours, care to wager?
Nice try with making as flattering a shot as possible but she's plain at best with her bulbous head. There isn't a single attractive woman in GoT.
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How to make an asian boy commit suicide
You're boring. Try an angle you've never tried before.

Like under your chin, towards the back of your skull.
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I hope this bombs

I do not want to play as a womb I am sorry

If so make it optional to be one
I know, right? It's like pretending to care about black people until they vote for the wrong party, then they're just niggers again.
daww you get accused of being a little homo that often dont you? anon its ok, no one cares if you are gay anymore, you dont have to take all of your repressed self loathing out on non existent video game women anymore. its not healthy. just come out of the closet, you will be happier. just think of all those tasty dicks you can slurp!
Ive most likely fucked your sister
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Poor little shrimp dicked timmycels. Helplessly getting emasculated on National TV. No wonder the white race is dying.
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because they look so weak and give off cuck vibes

pic related. I laughed so hard at this cringe garbage
You're not fucking anyone with that tiny white pecker. Not even your women want you.
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Theres a lot of male who genuenly hate seeing woman on media.
and i just ask....
isnt that kinda gay bro?
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Why are our women so obsessed with wgite cock?
Why are you projecting your fetishes?

Anyway, I forgot to tell you to have a friend record your suicide. Just think of all the post-mortem mockery you won't have to endure!
>female samurai good
>nigger samurai shit
>female space marine shit
Simple as that
>have raised fund for LGBT supporting charities

no Q? what a fucking bigot.
Reality: A lot of conservatives are repressed homosexuals. They hide it by hating women in media
I knew Obama was gay.
I think she's cute
Oh man. I met Jin's voice actor at a con. Should have asked his thoughts of not being handsome.
Jap men are white adjacent, so of course they hate them
Your fetishes don't reflect reality, I'm sorry to say. Have you scheduled your suicide stream yet?
It's always been how the West handles anything Japanese, they're still butthurt over WW2.
>We gotta make a Japanese character
>Draws Slants Squinteyama
>"he's not racist btw"
>ESL babble
Shrimp white dick "male" is fuming over his white women fucking Asian boys over him
You say that just because there were a few RINO swamp creatures that turned out to be gay. But no one gives a fuck about those people/
Ricedick cope.
WMAF is the most popular interracial sex in America while asian boys stay incels
Kamala couldn't embarrass anyone but herself
why do they all look like ugly middle aged asian Americans
I have an old asian woman fetish secretly
I went from this is a man to it's actually a woman, a few times kek.
I think western devs just have an aversion to making cool characters these days.
Like they couldn't even resist making their token black protagonist in AC not look like a St. Floyd of Fentanyl insert. They really are trying to make everything lame and gay.
>Your fetishes don't reflect reality
if you go on grindr in republican states its very easy to see how true this is. you arent fooling anyone, come out of the closet.
You couldn't mask off your fragile white tiny dick incel tears even if you wanted to behind that pathetic chud post. So when's the ETA for the next fragile white boy school shooting meltdown?
she's not a samurai, she's a ronin
>sonsensical schizoposting from too many truthbombs
Lmao, you cant win this fight yellowboy
how did you mess that one up? s isnt anywhere near s on the keyboard. unless...
Deciding against playing a game youd otherwise enjoy because the pc is a girl is closet faggot behavior
She has so much plastic, she looks like a mannequin.
Wtf women as protag the horror i hate stellar blade, bayonetta, nier, drakengaard 3, Dino crisis , parasite eve now.
The girls in Nioh 1 and 2 are modeled off of real women. They just look good instead of being DEI hires.
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>he's doubling down on his ESL yapping
Timmycel is about to go nuclear, it seems.
I have one of those, but not a style choice, I hit my head off a brick when I was a kid and it left a scar on my eyebrow. Looks pretty aesthetic and I like it to be desu, but it probably explains a lot about my life choices
They did the Rape of Nanking you dipshit.
I don't make a point of knowing gay hookup site statistics like you do, but I also don't treat hookup site statistics in general as a reflection of reality. You seem very dedicated to this "come out of the closet" bit. Has it ever worked on anyone outside of minors on Discord?
"She" pegs him with "her" BWC
she looks very jewish
and according to her, both her parents worked in hollywood
what a cohencidence
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has anyone in this thread actually played ghost of tsushima?
gibe de pussy b0ss
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i dont play sony slop but you retards are more annoying than their biggest defenders
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Found you bro
Lord have mercy, we must stay focused brothers, we must stay focused.
>female samurai
she's a bandit, trained by the men from her former gang and on the run from ronins who want her head. I know it's difficult for brownoids to understand english but this info available on their official channel
Not him but would
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Why cant ricecels compete?
>she's a bandit, trained by the men from her former gang
how many bandit cocks did she suck lol
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Typical white boys being emasculated in their own society that they end up trooning out as a result to the declining of the white race.
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Why are asian women race traitors to you ricecels?
filtered. enjoy your slop
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No amount of your LARP and chudcel race baiting edit is going to undo the damages society has done to the white "male" and the dying white race. I can simply go to /lgbt/ and just post one of the troons from there to prove a point.It is that easy.
im not a woman, so why would i ever care or want my media to pander to women? im not a faggot either, so same as above. so no bara, muscley meathead bullshit female gaze men in my games, if theres going to be men its has to be soft, supple twinks who look like they wouldnt stand a chance if if i punched them in the liver and started pulling their pants off while they were paralyzed from pain
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Is this the retard thread?
Aren't they all anymore?
everywhere you go, there you are
>Ugly = looks like an actual human being instead of a sex doll
Why is that a bad thing again?
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>using pajeeta and bunch of ugly Asian girls
Timmycel not beating the allegation kek
right is 10/10
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>im not a woman, so why would i ever care or want my media to pander to women?
I love this irony
Will this beat GTA6 for GOTY in 2025?
Go to Tomoe Gozen 's wiki and cure your ignorance.
>That looks more Chinese than Japanese
>Same shit, ship it out
Never let western devs make an Asian game
I owe ubiGODS an apology
literal GOYslop
Snoy melty
asian men have always been met with indifference in the west
in the 90s when tokenism was the new thing
i don't think i could remember when they put an asian man in a diverse cast
nigga did you just take thinly veiled gay lust posting seriously
Shut the fucking fuck off, stop pretending any man wouldn't prefer an attractive woman over an ugly one in any piece of fucking media
Sex with a cute blacksmith
It's because of the "live and let live" types that have literally no standards or values outside of their own beliefs and crotches. They're the ones that will literally tell you they don't care about something as long as it makes them laugh and clap like a monkey.
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>Metroid is woke
This is your logic retard
Don't act like people don't know what's under the suit. You want modern Metroid, go look at Returnal
Yes a woman is under the armor, this is woke is it not?
I hate you too, faggot, kys
>if it's not eye candy
learn to read
ubisoft won
I fail to see how any modern version of Samus is eye candy, shes in a full suit of armor.
>It's a fantasy game and that means anything goes: magic, dragon, zombies..
>So why wouldn't a strong girlboss woman fit in?
>Now I have nothing but disdain for your beta male low-status hobby, but perhaps you'll do what I say
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leftoids call characters like this plastic sex dolls yet at the same time claim it's woke and a win for them
Who are you referencing? Do you have a single source to back up your claim
They dislike Asian men in general. Not sure why, I'm neither leftist nor liberal so I have no idea why they are like that. And I don't care to speculate, or hear any speculation, although; the hate is most assuredly coming from a place evil. It should cease immediately.
she's still Samus, there's no ambiguity as to who you're playing as
Why was the protag of the last game an Asian man then?
Yes she is Samus, a woman who is the primary protagonist of the Metroid series. This is woke is it not? Shes a woman that's accomplishing something so that means its woke right?
She's hot so no, simple as
So you're a brain dead coomer and your opinion doesn't matter. simple as
Humiliation ritual
>said the tranny
>i have no argument so you are le tranny boogeyman
Because calling someone a coomer is such a compelling argument
Is Samus an insufferable karen with slight obesity, daddy issues, dyke haircut and is addicted to upstaging any men in her vicinity? No. Then she's not woke.
When your entire argument boils down to "its woke if it makes my penis hard" then you're just a braindead coomer who never grew out of being a horny teenager and your views have no value.
>i have no argument so you are le coomer boogeyman
There's not a single normal person who doesn't prefer beauty over ugliness and there's not a single valid reason to make a character ugly and annoying
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Always have been.
What the fuck is that?
These motherfuckers deserve the same hate Ubisoft is getting.
Fucking rats infested by jewish kabalistic poison.
Your standard for beauty is subjective and you have no valid reason to believe the character is "annoying" based off literally a few seconds of trailer dialog.
Sucker Punch is hq'd in Seattle but the culture there is the same if not worse
is this AI edited? wtf
also the concord devs were in the same city
>Your standard for beauty is subjective
its not, beauty is an objective truth of the universe
>no valid reason to believe the character is "annoying"
you can just go by how every single named woman was in Tsushima
>you can just go by how every single named woman was in Tsushima
Anon it seems like you hate women and sexism is inherently irrational
No buddy. Beauty is not subjective. Flabby skin and excess fat is never attractive.
>Your standard for beauty is subjective
it's really not
it seems all women in your vicinity are low quality people and you don't know any better.
Because japanese men created anime aka something beautiful to look at and that's forbidden now.
Or maybe I like it when there's nuance instead of making the same "angry strong wymin" character over and over again in every single western piece of media that has women in it?
>Anon it seems like you hate women
No there's not. Real life humans are mostly ugly and even the ones that aren't are ugly compared to idealized fantasy.
Honestly makes me feel like I wanna make a game where a Japanese man comes to some Wakanda-like African nation and becomes their hero and kills thousands of evil Africans and has romance options with the women. I'm not even close to being Japanese, would just do it out of spite.
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>Always have been.
She is half-jewish, and her Jap family has been in the US since at least WWII. She is not Japanese, and no Japanese person would accept her as one.
She never grabbed a sword in her life lmao

what he means is he's not a pretty boy model. He's a regular mature man, which, Yakuza aside, is a Big no-no in Japan. Think about how Vaan was forced into Final Fantasy XII so Bash wouldnt be the star.

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