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Previous Thread >>689701087

>If you drew it and it's vidya, you can post it
>When requesting, post references and names in one post
>Keep it vidya origin
>No shitposting, if a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it. Thread's about art, keep it that way
>Have fun!

>Booru Collection

>Drawing Books and drawing programs:
>/ic/ sticky:

>NSFW Deliveries

>Offsite options:
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Anchor post
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Draw evil women pregnant.
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Requesting Clar the male succubus either giving Mana Tank a blowjob deepthroating his cock or getting fucked by him in the full nelson position.
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Requesting Keira wearing a wedding dress with her and Jak getting married.
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Requesting a Shygal inspired on this, as in Paper Mario the Shyguys do a lot of backstage and props work
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Requesting Gloriosa from Visions of Mana having sex with a human with her on top and enjoying it.
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Requesting Maya sitting on a bed either nude or in lingerie holding those 'yes' heart pillows.
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Requesting Aisha as a slutty gyaru.
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Requesting this exact pic but with amy rose and sonic
Amy and Mario*
Morning, Botfag
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>Evil Women
>Tharja and Camilla
Tharja is an optional recruit from the Plegians, cultists trying to end the world.
Camilla is from the "evil" route, but Fates's writing is so bad that everyone agrees she's better than the alternative.
Like, of the four there, Tharja and Camilla are more evil than the other two. Ivy is a good catholic girl, and Gullveig is forced into her actions by her curse.
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Requesting Naga and Tia switching outfits
any booba request?
>Tharja is an optional recruit from the Plegians, cultists trying to end the world.
That's the Grimleal your thinking of. Not all Plegians were part of the cult.

>Camilla is from the "evil" route
Neither route is 'evil' technically... You need to actually play the damn games, Aradiafag.
requesting your finest looking stickman
The amount of hoops you're trying to jump through to say that the woman wearing grimleal clothing, loves Grima's vessel, and abuses children isn't "evil" is staggering.
Also, Conquest is supposed to be the evil route. But as I said, the setting is so laughably bad, that even though Camilla threatens to chain Corrin up in her tower forever in Birthright, people still like her more. The old "If evil, why cute?"
I mean, how many atrocities you all commit following Garon's orders in Conquest just because Azura's telling you "no Corn, we cannot tell your siblings that your secret evil monster adoptive father is horribly, extremely evil, we must forcibly invade and conquer this neighboring nation with your real siblings and have him sit on a chair and THEN we can kill him
Conquest might as well be the "evil" route
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Requesting art of that time Female Corrin killed the entire Kitsune tribe by accident, or the time she let Hans's men rape Scarlet to death for no reason.
>wearing grimleal clothing
That's literally just the standard Dark Mage outfit. Play the fucking game
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Drawing Dark Samus is fun : )
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Requesting the Zoologist struggling to put on her jeans because of her big butt.
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Cute fingerlet.
Peach with tits so big they're in another castle.
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Requesting Lauren Paups from Ace Attorney Investigations licking and sucking on her lollipop ring acting like she's doing it with a real penis.
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Requesting Alisa fucked by Scorn in the full nelson position.
Draw a Bonita. Do it now.
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Requesting Dr. Eggman in a fairy princess outfit + diaper and holding a corn dog
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Sportsbra goddess tiddies.
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Requesting the Wolverine and Deadpool movie cover with Voldo and Yoshimitsu.
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Draw Shiver's sarashi giving out
There's one person in these threads who draws scorn stuff and he is unlikely to draw that.
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massive sheena tits in the female desian outfit
video games games games
You just got a delivery last thread you greedy cunt
>Pot meet kettle
I cant believe you did yhis to poor ringo
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Requesting Lorelei wearing a comfy sweater sitting in a cafe reading a book or enjoying a coffee.
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Big boob raspberyl, same size swimsuit.
Give Livingway the booba she deserves.
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Kawakami. Big enough to have some underboob with the shirt.
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Requesting a redesign of Emari's armor. Feminine but displaying fortitude and endurance.

Hard mode, no coombait or needlessly sexy.

Make her look like an armored knight with a minigun.
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Requesting Lucina in Kronnya's outfit looking either embarrassed or all super evil assassin girl ish.
Your favorite heroine being transformed into a shadow bunny waitress from Persona 5.
Calm down botfag, why can't you just make one request? Are your requests so garbage you have to shotgun them hoping that one gets picked?
I'm Botfag again?
Sounds like desperate horniness.
is this botfag pretending everyone else is botfag yet again
like you just did this 12 hours ago, dude
and you’re doing it in the exact same way
Jesus, man, how in the hell are you so bad at this
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Requesting fanart of Pixie from The Kore Gang
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Requesting my MMO character from the game "Mabinogi" wearing her Long Maid Outfit doing stuff related to autumn and mushrooms, preparing a tasty mushroom stew, gathering mushrooms in the forest, sleeping over a giant mushroom or any other thing you can think of.

Non-ingame reference: https://imgur.com/GGhgzao

Nothing lewd, please.
any anthro request?
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Magna from Armello enjoying a nice cup of coffee, taking in the late summer / early fall change.
Schoolgirl Yaya Panda
Requesting Rivet baking a cake.
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Requesting big titty Talim
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Requesting Krile and Ayoyo doing the Spiderman pointing meme https://files.catbox.moe/hczthq.jpeg
Awesome, thanks for the big bazongers my friend!
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Anchoring Foxiel relaxing by a pool wearing this
Tharja was a Dark Mage in the Plegian army. The Grimleal was a completely separate entity
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Enjoy your vacation retarded furfag
>Hmofapedo cries out in pain as he shouts at you
>muh hmofa boogeyman
Where the fuck do you think you are retard?
Request Himiko Yumeno and Ouma Kokichi from DRV3 doing anything
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This is pathetically weak, even for (You)
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isaac but in this meme
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Requesting someone draw rabbit Curly Brace like here but wearing something more revealing like a virgin killer sweater (and with 5 fingers on each hand, since it looks like she has 4 on each in the reference?).
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Gonna carry over from last thread with more detail
Give Lady a huge fat rack, bare out in the open
Hell, paizuri if you’re willing
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Requesting Lizzie from Rampage: World Tour reverting back to her human form and having an ENF moment
rouge the bat on top of anon pov view with BIG TATAS
nsfw tidus ff10
Aaaand you made it weird
the background lineart is messy rn but what would make it more normal?
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Requesting Chara from Undertale and Clover from Undertale Yellow having a Pokémon Battle. Artist choice on whatever Pokémon they have

Kind of new to these threads
Does everyone just post requests? I never really see too many people actually posting vidya art they’ve done. Asking, as I’ve done vidya art for fun in the past, but if this is just for requests then I’ll save it for /ic/
Nah, feel free to post whatever vidya art you've done. It doesn't have to be deliveries for requests.
This thread is mostly for requests and deliveries. There's a separate thread for just sharing vidya art you made without
requests, but it comes and goes depending on which OP picture is used.
Essentially, as long as it's Vidya and you drew it, it's welcome.
Hehe, got commissioned to draw Tifa piledriving Palutena.

Majority of drawfags have dropped these threads because they don't want to enable request spammer who's doing it on multiple boards and been doing it for almost a decade now
Learn to write in English juju. Also nobody gives a fuck that you got commed.
You care :)
It's type, not write. Write is when you use pencil or pen to write on paper. When you produce text on computer, you type. But I do understand struggling with the concept if your native tongue has one word for both writing and typing.
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Requesting 9-volt and Ashley as Nick and Mary from Missing Halloween
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Requesting anything with Shantotto in it. Anything goes, SFW or NSFW i don't care, there's way too little in terms of fanarts of her on the internet, and it needs to be fixed.
Once again, you fail to grasp English nuances you autistic europoor.
Botfag has been around since 2019 or 2020 (originally on /v/ only than went elsewhere), and Hmofafag since 2021. These are the biggest thread cancers people need to worry about, as they are on several boards drawthreads, sometimes where they fight with each other who can be the most greedy faggot. Ruining threads with constant fighting and sabotage. They were not here ten years ago, in 2014 or even 2015.
Smug hag... Correction impossible and shall be reversed upon the one attempting it.
Gimme a simple environment, post refs obviously
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Inkopolis Plaza during a storm
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>always the same characters that have been draw thousands of times
You'd think it's the bot himself who's asking for these.
Yeah something like that, what game?
I doubt Botfag is willing to pay for art
Either that or he's lying.
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fine, here's a normal nsfw tidus
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Queen quacho throne room
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Requesting Lilly completely naked except for a leaf on her crotch. The next shot has Justin swiping her leaf, leaving her even more embarrassed.
>Bro went from cute girls to Zanarkand cock
By Yevon.. this reeks of Al Bhed shenanigans.
there's nothing wrong with capturing male beauty too.
and i still have wips of the ff10 girls i want to finish.
and i want to do the rest of the main cast too + other important characters.
i probably won't do nsfw of the other male characters though.
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Requesting Callie and Marie practicing their CQC, with Callie putting Marie in a chokehold.
Outfit refs(minus the hats):
Nice tits
I think it's time to let it rest
Who's that?
a UFO 50 character, I think.
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Requesting Rocky and Melody from Rocky Rodent dress up in Halloween costumes going trick-or-treating.
anthro smoking a vape
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Requesting Mizora from Baldur's Gate 3 getting fucked by a He-Man looking Tav while Wyll is unwillingly forced to watch because of his contract.
Where's his collar and complimentary cute cat ears with tail?
Those are some big apples.
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better light
cute elf!
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Requesting something like this, with Rat Queen and Princess Lumi
Yeah, Player 1 from Ninpek
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Requesting lady bow from paper Mario if she was a broozer instead of a boo.
ill do a swimsuit doodle
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I had this old reference laying around.
Alternatively: Draw your waifu as a chicken, nugget in a swimsuit.
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Krile, minus the shirt floating on her back.
Never heard of it
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Botfag is the only cancer, hmofa is more like a mild annoyance you can just easily ignore.
they are both cancer and they enable each other
Those three are cancer incarnate and legitimately dangerous individuals. Everyone else in the threads are mostly harmless.
juju has lower case j as the first letter
How would a cyberpunk swimsuit even look like?
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This cyclops witch please.
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Yukie wearing something cute
Ok Jimbo
Jimbo is the schizo from FF7R threads
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Requesting Nanamo saying she has to leave a meeting with the Grand Company of Eorzea early because she an important appointment to keep, but in truth she's just buying limited edition WoL merch off Tataru.

Goodnight, Drawthread.
>potatofag rerequesting a request he already got delivered but slightly tweaked it
For someone who always bitches about botfag you sure love doing the same shit as him. https://arch.b4k.co/v/thread/635806617/#635857331
Hi Botfag
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Gardevoir wip
No Gardevor don't rape his face!
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please give me resident evil reqs
here is some of my art
Requesting Ashley Graham holding mouse Ashley saying "Aren't I just the cutest?"
Chris shilling his sister to Leon like a marketer. Either subtly or going the sex sells route.
A girl of your choice getting her b-hole "licked"read: tonguefucked by a Licker
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These two with RCPD uniforms.
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Requesting a redraw of Linkin Park's Hybrid Theory album cover with Fecto Elfilis (Kirby). Though maybe Chaos Elfilis fits better, you pick
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Requesting Fake-Rabi having hand holding missionary sex with heart pupils in his eyes.
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Requesting a version of this pic with a male monster hunter and his female palico companion with the girls in the pictures the hand is holding being female hunters in the slutty armor sets.
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Requesting Tsubaki relaxing in a hot spring.
Requesting Tsubaki giving someone a relaxing titfuck
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Requesting Blueberry in the punk rock outfit getting fucked against the wall by an anon with them kissing. https://files.catbox.moe/3ltlix.png
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Requesting Sierra in heat bending over and shaking her butt seducing the viewer.
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Requesting this Runescape player either in a necromancer battle with Gravelord Nito or just them chilling together with their skeleton/undead minions swapping necromancer secrets.
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Requesting Daud starting the Dunwall guard tradition of gathering for cigars and whiskey with his men as a way to bond and boost morale.
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Requesting Raidou hiding from Atlus who are trying to tarnish his games by giving them "remasters".
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Requesting the Blini Cat as an Animal Crossing villager
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Requesting Party Girl passed out drunk with someone drawing a dick on her face with a sharpie.
Beri cute ashleys, good job
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Requesting Malon’s boobs, that wiggle jiggle wiggle (jiggle wiggle) as her milk sloshes merrily along (jiggle wiggle) and they sing oooh ain’t those things a mouthful (jiggle wiggle) as they slosh merrily along (jiggle wiggle) Oh Lon Lon girl (oh Lon Lon girl) oh Lon Lon girl (oh Lon Lon girl), if those things keep on growing the ground will shake when they swirl
Wrong ashley has boobs.
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Give something for brief pencil later
a lustful Susie Haltmann from Planet Robobot
>post a very nice looking lala while asking for requests
>after I promised that last thread would be the last time I'd make that nanamo request
why must you put me in this moral dilemma
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Requesting you have a nice day.
Adorable work, thank you for the cute Ashleys.
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Lilith too thicc for her outfit.
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Marina from Mischief Makers
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You seem to have experience with shortstacks. How about what i asked here >>689934412
woops replied to another poster by mistake in >>689981981. Correction, fuck these faggots.
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>>689981561 (me)
ahhhh, fuck it
this is actually the last time just because of this guy
give Nanamo a fat butt and put a dong in her asshole i.e.
Pick an official lala and slap this mod on them.
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You broke her!
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Requesting Mitsuru from Persona 3 wearing a dominatrix outfit similar to https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/7335893 but with her red color motif.
Requesting Harlow Jordan from Dead Island Riptide getting creampied while restrained in a chokehold (preferably by John Morgan).
Throw her away then if shes broken
No, I wanna adopt her more.
I can fix her
Sorry we dont sell damaged good for liability reasons.
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Just a couple more years of this sad ritual and you’ll win. To be clear this isn’t directed at him it’s directed at you.
wait, botfag's gonna rope himself in a couple more years?
cause idk about everyone else but that's my ideal scenario
Oh thank fuck that would fix most of the thread's problems over night. We could finally have comfy drawthreads again.
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Here at Anna's, we'll let you summon pre-broken fixable evil waifus for the low low price of 5 orbs per summon!
*summon rates apply, no sparking without FEH pass, pool is bloated due to lack of upkeep
Shall we gather for whisky and cigars tonight?
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requesting your waifu working up a sweat
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Well since I don't know if the guy who said he'll do it will actually get to it:
Requesting hand holding sex with Marie Wentz pls
If he's still here then ignore this
>When you're forced to sacrifice cool and sexy demons to fuse a bunch of ugly demons to fight a boss because it's the optimal strategy
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I hate shared fates. It takes a day and a half to complete one zone.

Taking coloring requests.
cute sea cucumber
A pair of Nanamos? Or if the alt's too much, just one is fine
also, question, anything that's an automatic no for you, image content-wise? I got a wide variety of interests, so I don't want to blindside you with something that's not up your alley
Bro you just keep giving him coomer requests. You just got the fire emvlem AND the haru deliveries.
Cute but why not its third form?
Sillyman give him the mermaid demon
Too many colors for my Gameboy
That Lysithea was over a week ago, so no, i didn't "just" get it, really
And I did not get a Haru delivery, no
Also sorry, I like horny stuff? Which, like, if he doesn't want horny stuff, he could tell me and I'd be like "oh ok" and stop
I was contemplating even asking for anything, but it'd been over a half hour with nothing so I figured "well, the guy's asking, I might as well give him something if he's looking for something"
You know, instead of jumping in and trying to harass someone for using the thread as intended, you could try making a color request yourself
I like the idea of Nanamo having a WoL merch obsession. Besides, do you see me giving you shit for your constant 'Farmer and Jas/Farmer and Morgan' requests that are all essentially just the same shit'(Insert female anthro) having (Insert sex act) with a human man? Do you really wanna start shit?
isn't this the artist that rages when people color his shit
I heard something like that once, but people constantly do it anyway, so eh
Are you really such a schizo that you think anyone talking shit or calling you out is always either me or botfag?
the irony of you saying this lol
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>Does the same thing he did to Purahfag to me
>Gets ass called out for it
>N-NO! It's not me OR Botfag! Nobody likes you!
Damn hmofa, you sure you and botty aren't the same cunt? Because it sure as shit looks like it right now.
>Potatofag so retarded he thinks there's a 'Purahfag' when it's been botfag spamming her even since TOTK came out.
He's even rerequested deliveries he already got for Purah, the scummy thing only you and botfag do.
So there's 2 potatofags? And they both bother miqotefag. I fucking hate rpgfags.
Keep digging that hole furcuck. Dig it nice and deep.
>guy asks for color requests
>35 minutes with no requests
>someone finally makes a request, which he asked for
Why are you this retarded
Also I just like shortstacks overall, as well as a whole lot of different games and general types of ladies, not planning on spamming lalas the whole time
Again, maybe instead of trying to harass someone for using the thread as intended, you could make your own color request so the guy has more options to choose what he wants as it's been 40 fucking minutes now and nobody else has asked for anything because of this retarded meta-bullshit where nobody is allowed to give requests to people who ASK FOR THEM
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Requesting Lili watching footage of Asuka being gangbanged. Have Lili nude as well.
guessing by that mermaid request fishfag is a third one.
k done >>689921549
Thank you. She looks great
loli requests?
Rozalin enjoying one of those giant circular lollipops
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Imas koume in casual undergarments.
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gonna ask for a Pearls standing facefuck again(assuming you're the same guy)
Calm down botpedo
How come these anons who always ask these specific characters never make normal requests for them that isnt when its replying to a prompt? They just always seem to be around when a prompt gets posted. Same with for other characters like Draco and Nikke who are only requested when a prompt gets posted.
woah thats a good observation, i never noticed that till now
For me, I mainly just want to help give some ideas to people who can't find one and are asking for someone to give one for them to draw
I mean, I do like to see the idea I came up with get drawn, yeah, but what's most fulfilling to me is helping out an artist who needs it in what small way I can
>Can't post requests or else get called desperate
>can't request on the occasional prompt without getting called out
jesus what do you people want
for you to stop requesting so they can have all the control
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Requesting someone to add Nothing There's severed head being grabbed by Ayin's hand so it looks like the Ragnarok Online comic's first volume cover
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Requesting Carol dressed as Lilith and Ragg dressed as Morrigan with Ragg leaning over Carol like in the reference.
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Requesting Venti in this outfit getting fucked doggystyle with the viewer grabbing his butt.
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Requesting Mina wearing a wedding dress marrying an anon.
Requesting something like this interaction with Callie, Marie and Captain Three.
>Talk Show Host: So, who's this hobo looking lady you two hang out with *holds up picture of Captain Three*
>Marie: She's our bodyg-
>Callie: She's our Girlfriend!
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Requesting Edna from Tales of Zestiria, in an "emotionless sex" situation something like this https://files.catbox.moe/8ci7f5.jpg , i'm not picky about the pose as long we can see her breasts and nipples please.
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Requesting Lilly from Mega Man Battle Network 4 in a red floral-printed bikini.
Requesting Modeus as a cute little loli
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Requesting the Nameless Hero smoking a fat blunt of swamp weed.
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Requesting Sakuna getting 'fetilized' with her womb full of the guy's seed.
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Requesting Diana from On Your Tail in her swimsuit having sex with a human at the beach reverse cowgirl style.
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Requesting Elvis grilling a hamburger.
cute catgirl
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Requesting Morgan performing a magic trick on the farmer making his dick 'disappear'.
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Requesting the new not yokai watch game but the ghost is possessing a sexy figma
Requesting Natsu Yutori from Blue Archive in sexy Halloween outfits
You already got this
Hmm.. no.
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>Kicks and screams over anons posting stuff that is similar to prior requests
>Refuses to acknowledge delivery of his own poorly worded request
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Abomination sex must sound wild.
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Requesting shredded Adachi with this pose
>Y-you want me to do what with my mouth?

>Gimme that dick!
>other characters like Draco and Nikke
The whole gacha?
I meant Nikki the character from that 3DS swapnote program.
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the MH x Digimon collab designs looks cool
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Another one before bed
greeny goodness
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Requesting a giant Sabrina dressed as Brandish (pictured on the far right of ref) telekinetically lifting a continent
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Requesting Sue with a blanket draped over her shoulders sitting outside on a cool autumn night
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No rest for the wicked or Miqotefag...
Drawing Scorn Guy and Dark Samus is fun : )
Why are you so obsessed with him?
Any Visual Novel Characters to JRPG Characters TF Request?
Youhei Sunohara from Clannad TF into Yggdrasill from Tales of Symphonia
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He’s sad and bored man
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Tifa will be piledriving Palutena. Commission, of course.
ngl when I saw you talk about "Tifa piledriving Palutena" earlier I had something very different come to mind
Neat bit of art, though
I'll give her some food alright *unzips dick*
For someone who hates these threads, you seem to post your shit here a lot.
I thought we were supposed to stop giving him (You)s
Here's your bump, bro
Trashly Ashley and Ratly Ashley
Gimmie girls with simple designs to play with. Expect small foodles.
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Give short haired girls long hair
Hi botfag, not even hiding it anymore huh?
Requesting Brenda transforming into Asherah similarly to the comic panels on the bottom
This is called comedy anon.
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Go play with Ashley!
Super good stuff but do consider deleting it and posting it in catbox or imgchest and sharing the link here. This is a blue board after all
I fail to see the joke

Dunno if the og anon got banned but here's what he posted. Shadowheart and Ranni.
Ah, fuck i'm dumb. Here's the uncensored version at full size (3000x4000):
Ranni and Shadowheart gag
nah i was just busy creating my catbox account lol
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Any Vidya Characters turned into Pokemon Request?
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Mithos Yggdrasill as Terapagos
>Plump Nanamo
Thicc Popotoes are healthy Popotoes
Is she enjoying this or did this scramble her brain?
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>Bro has Lalafells/Tarutarus on the brain
One of us! One of us!
Ah. Ahegao via headpat.
Requesting Krile getting fucked by a horse
Requesting you shoot yourself in the fucking head.
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Requesting a busty Kumatora (Mother3, top) and a busty Chie (Persona, bottom) arguing with each other about who gets cuddles next, or who is up next for lewd, rough, love-dovey sex
If you just want to pick one of them, drawing either of them being needy would be very nice and appreciated too!
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Harvest season
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She looks content
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you inspired me to draw this
It's fucking fall, post spooky/cute requests
Still September
Drawing and coloring takes time
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>Hard mode, no coombait or needlessly sexy.
Nice try Firewalk. If you want your game to not flop, you'll have to try harder and hire artists
slightly rendered but still shitty
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Requesting Dullahan horse!
Still gross

The simplest of designs. Since they are gender neutral, I want to see your take on both binary genders of Chara
Cute kig
>Shantotto:I believe it would be best, if you complimented by state of dress, unless of course you wish for your head to meet my desk.
>XI WoL: I need those thicc cheeks on my face
>Shantotto:... Acceptable.
How come I don't have a (you) from this?
perhaps, but i'm too invested in it to stop now.
and i kinda find it funny in a weird way.
ty for your feedback too!
>hmofa is more like a mild annoyance you can just easily ignore.
>is in threads for 14 hour periods, daily, for three years
>across many boards drawthreads and the trash edit thread
>sabotages other requesters, thread splits and tries to control threads, spergs, chases out artists, screams about BBC and feral and furry human men, samefags, basically does everything he projects and accuses of what others do
>always picking fights with others and can never mind his own business, dereailing threads
>got so much heat on him he was eventually doxxed because he was so hated
He's a massive faggot who even after everyone saw his face and name, still sits here and pulls the same shit day after day.
4chan is weird. It happens to me sometimes too.
Bullshit bait.
Blog ?
We should have magma sessions here as well so everyone draw instead of arguing about "botfag" 24/7.
Shut the fuck up, sissy mariel

To be honest as a terrible artist, I wouldn't mind that. Get some much needed practice.
I'm pretty sure that's Kujala
But these random sketch stuff you can probably only find in the booru
99% sure hmofa/James made that post

The fact he said No to being a mild annoyance means that he wants to be known as more. Meaning ignore him harder.
Except two Ls
Knew I typed it wrong.
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>Kujalla, Watcher of Stones
Frydarian Tale update when?
>Fygooner is still alive.
I'm shocked
Always great seeing you're stuff
Holy wow that's a nice soft Nanamo booty. Perfectly curvy and plump, beautiful. I appreciate you drawing it and hope you enjoyed doing so, despite it not quite being what the request was.
I wasn't going to, but with your blessing, drawanon, I shall. I'll wait a week or two before doing so, though.
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Vietnamese currency
Ah, I missed the joke, that's good. But that's why the catbox link was there to clarify, so no, still not quite what the request was.
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Drawing is for nerds
You unforted my 2fort!
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Very soon, I’m adding in cutscene stuff to finally finish that accursed game.
Have this Fygoon I doodled in class.
You shouldn’t be.
>in class.
Fygooner... How old are you?
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Requester here, much appreciated.
>anon has never sought higher education
It was no as in "no, he's not an easy to ignore annoyance, he's a massive pinta".
All those negatives listed are about HIM

Also who else is having problems with 4chan eating their posts?
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Quick question. How do you add shine to skin? I'm working on something.
I don't really have a problem with anything, but if I had to pick. I'm not a big fan of guro.
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Drew the fusion again.
She is breasting boobily.
Draw what, ya goober?
Not old enough to drink, but old enough to trade stocks.
I'll think about it
He never left he was avatarfagging as the russian Alice

Her cushions made it a safe landing
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Just harsh highlights I guess. (The light's total reflection - critical angle - will only be present in those specific spots that are then all angled similarly.) Adding more faint ones for sources of reflected light can then add more liveliness. And bonus points for a little bit of texturing.
Really? I liked russian alice. He was easily reportable for being a cartoon and not vidya.
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Requesting some soft bondage with Wicke from Pokemon Sun/Moon, smiling with a bit of a dopey expression like in the ref
I have noticed that there are no furry paizuri requests
Requesting miqotefag paizuri
You are correct.
Would you like one?
If I requested any I'd get called botfag
No, thank you.
I'm just speculating that in the case of there being furry girls big boobs titfuck requests, that might get delivered
I would be interested in seeing a drawing of Neera Li from Freedom Planet(boobified) giving perpendicular paizuri, from the male POV.
Witches and sneks.

You know exactly what you were doing with that sweat drop.
Also make sure the male is human
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Just because you did that, no. Make sure the male is anything but human.
A sphere of meat would sweat under harsh lights!
I usually just highlights the most intense parts and add complementary colors to parts that seem kinda dull.
Nice Neera paizuri doodle. Thanks, I hope you have a good day.
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I dunno how to feel about being thanked for that.
Hey, I'm just happy if you had a fun time doing it. Plus, the way the breasts squish against the chest is actually pretty well done. I aint looking for anything gold here, I just want you guys to have fun drawing and try and offer an idea if people want one.
What does showing properties have to do with this?
Showing properties shows that the image that was used to make the request was saved prior to the request ever being made(specifically four minutes before the request was made, in this case), and thus unless someone else just so happens to have the same image on their computer somewhere, then the person that posted the properties is almost certainly OR.
>posting metadata like it means anything
Considering the metadata was posted under three minutes after HMOFAfag tried to jump in on it, which, in such a short amount of time, would be extremely difficult to fake while making certain that every one of the image properties was correct as well as leaving no traces of image alteration, then yes, I do believe it means something.
Took my time on this. I don't normally do NSFW though.
Hey, man, that looks really nice. Thanks a whole lot for taking another shot. For someone who doesn't normally do NSFW, you're pretty solid at it. The heart-eyes and the guy's hand trembling are especially nice details.
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Requesting mildly comfy Sina for fall
Handsome bull!
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Its possible to display feminine figure without sacrificing displays of power and fortitude. Not everything has to look like a sexualized stick.
Holy fast! also nice quads, but more importantly, cute work! Thank you very much anon! Love the orange sweater and comfy expression
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I like drawing cute girls in MS Paint. Though my style is extremely simplified for the sake of speed.
The drawfags who spend hours making such detailed works are the real human beans of these threads.
You are humin too
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Look at those digits!
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Fatal Fury COTW Mai design

I forgot how to draw
I like it
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Nah we cool, fr.
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Cute! Cute! You should draw more to get back into the swing of things, sometimes the things you forget are just locked behind a very specific thing you have drawn.
Thank you for the extra Sinas anon, love them
Requesting Sina taking those kinds of 'selfies' in front of a male feral pokemon.
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Requesting Scorn Guy and Dark Samus experiencing autumn bliss.
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No problem!
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Requesting the Chosen Four (Ness, Paula, Jeff, and Poo) from Earthbound re-enacting the photo on the cover of Patty Cake & Friends (with Poo and Jeff being the ones running up to Ness and Paula)
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thx, I don't have much knowledge, I know some things but I didn't went deep on it, should go back to draw more seriously but I'm a bit burn out on it
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Burnout is harsh. I generally feel out of it whenever I am in a bad mood and that can put me off of drawing for weeks. The best thing to do is to not invest into big projects that require all of your attention, instead just doodle and have fun with it, experiment and try new things without care for how it turns out. I had been on an art hiatus for 2 years at one point, it took months just to even start to draw at an 'okay' level, but posting in threads on 4chan ended up helping me get back into it. You may need something else though to help freshen it up, inspire you or help push you forward. So, if art REALLY is draining you, go on hiatus and try to find hobbies or anything that really lets you settle down and relax. Play it safe, fren.
Very cute, anon. Thanks!
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You're welcome, Anon!
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Requesting Simipour fighting Aerodactyl traced over this image of King Kong fighting a pterodactyl with the bridge as the background
If you ever finish this, please post it
I took enough break just need to learn to like drawing again
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In this case, think of things you want to draw and try to draw them. If it just isn't jiving with you, stop, reevaluate and then go for something else or continue. Either way, the passion for art is something that needs to come naturally, trying to force it will hurt you in the end.
I do hope you reignite your spark, Anon!
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Requesting Peppillon from Yo-kai Watch getting forcefully stuffed into a household object to possess it, based on the concept of Level-5's upcoming Holy Horror Mansion Project.
well, that pic has neither
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I want Shade Lord art that isn't just about fucking Absolute Radiance or the Godseeker.
i wanna draw hot girls so i'm still gonna draw them
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Pursue your dreams, Anon! Draw the babes. All of them.
Maybe it's time to try and arrange one of them.
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I drew a Babe
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Does Evangelion qualify for /v/? There's a N64 one and some collabs.
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Have a catgirl
A lot of anime influence video games. So I say go for it.
Haven't seen a Bonitanon post in the last few threads. Every drawthread has/requires at least one Bonita post.
You are aware he draws far more than just bonitas, right?
I think he even just drew that catgirl in response to the theft of my terrible prompt!
>the catgirl
>can't even say her name
I didnt want this one. But it's a classic.
It's called "Catgirl.png." I'm the correct one here.
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Requesting the ‘How do you do, fellow kids’ meme with the Blue Archive Sensei, saying "How do you do, fellow students"
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Here's a quick one.
Too busy gaming!
What's she playing? I see a GameCube
Looks like it from the back and controller
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I genuinely thought the boobs were just pillows for a minute.
For a second I thought this was Tataru with a revolver.
Yeah but... they're called Bonitanon for a reason.
I would say Stretch Panic, but there's no PS2 there.
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What skin texture would you recommend ? I'm using CSP
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Why does she cry?
Guns are pretty loud, and she got dem big ears.
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She isn't a Miqo'te
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My bad.
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Quit spamming the thread with your garbage doodles already
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they're vidya related and fun, fuck off
This is the Dark Souls of posts.
Hell yes, those are some nice colors on that big ol Nanamo booty, and great preservation of that shine, too. Delicious. Oh, and the jewel on her crown looks fantastic, too.
Glad you took up the request, even if I was the only one who put anything forward, kek.
Definitely got my fill of Nanamo butt today, enough for a good long while. Hope you have a good one.
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They're funny as fuck though, why wouldn't you want them lol
So that's how Nanamo thanked WoL after The Sil'dihn Subterrane stuff.
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Requesting Saya receiving a visit from Chris Hansen
>Tataru when she sees WoL's bank account
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Scorn's a lucky guy.
She trip
Why so dead all of a sudden?
People don't like Miqo'tefag.
Night in the USA where likely the majority of the thread regulars live, and it's late in bumps so botfag's outta requests to spam.
It's only just shy of 4:30pm for me
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No idea how to do cum.
>Thicc Popoto with cream
Neat colours.
>tfw you do nothing all expac but still make crazy amounts of Gil
She looks like she's enjoying herself
Dark Samus really loves Scorn Guy
Welp you were right >>690086801 >>690094452
I don't get it
Gimme something to do. I'm bored as hell
charlotte aulin
sex with werewolf
werewolf penis go inside charlotte butthole
if you don’t want to draw the sexo then just have her petting the werewolf like a good puppy
good night
Draw Rivet having sex with a human
embarrassed nude female
Samus turning into a Metroid themed Hulk
>No refs
Nah. I don't draw spam trash
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Draw a Leavanny being tenderly loved by her trainer through careful petting of abdomen
Why she got yogurt on her butte?
Lara Croft as a cyborg
Will do

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