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>Non-tendie OP
Move to /trash/ jannys
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Isabelle here! Remember Isabelle thinks YOU and your prompts are awesome!
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OCs do what nintendon't
I love dante
rip luigi poster
fucking embarrassing for you ngl
1girl standing
ocfags....this is your leader?
what game
But Anon, dante IS on the nintendo switch.
No that's Detective
nah actually i am the leader
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>600+ reply thread
>OCs and jannys malding
holy shit lmao
kek, you love to see it
looking at you with big ol eyes
the mental illness stops now
I might make an oc only thread on /v/
and still keep them allowed on the normal threads
so that there is no escape
>They all hate listfag but are obsessed with him and his OC to the point where Ginny Groomer actually tried to start posting his OC regularly because he wanted the (you)s and attention
jesus christ their obsession with this one singular korean shitposter is fucking insane
we love list though
he might be a bit weird but honestly he ain’t even that bad lol
without listfag or eu hours to be the scapegoat the sole cancer left in the threads are the OCfags and whatever spammer of the day appears
love the oc not the poster
Best thing about these is that even if the janny seethes and deletes them they're here forever in the archive. Keep doing god's work, anon
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OCfags giving conflicting reports as usual they can't be trusted
i’ve always likes Trish though, Snoot is very much a 10/10 visual novel.
It's a public server
We didn't forget about you openly simping for list and calling him a woman, john
leave the poor orbiter alone he just misses elf priest is all
Whoever it is they're so fucking mad that they report / delete it with unseen efficiency. Would have never knew it made them seethe if they didn't make a ruckus last thread.
No, YOU love listfag and wanted her to peg you
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jesus christ
>9/20 no less
why share this again?
John is unironically underaged and Isabelle might as well be too
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You don't know how glad I am to see some videogames after whatever this sperg fight is about anymore
I miss early OW1 when you could 6stack shit like Winston and just jump on the enemy spamming bubble shields
Compfags ruin everything
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It’s just me being lazy, i’ve been reposting a bit lately, dw too much about it
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He deleted his posts immediately after every time too, he was down bad for listfag
>It’s just me suffering from severe mental incapacitation

List reciprocated an left immediately when he was called out on it
>creative insult towarss me
>horny image
i know who you are
>Players should be able to play whoever they want, changing characters to adapt is crucial!
>Tons of crazy stacking strategies and counters come up
>NOOOO not like that!
Blizzard is shit
me and a buddy got into the beta test and played a lot the first year after release, such fun times.

>that Bastion+Reinhardt superfortress on defense
>suicide rush in to push the objective and have Mercy revive the whole team to instantly push again
>D.Va's nuclear cruise missile walker

I mourn Blizzard's passing, but they died a long time ago now
no videogames…it’s just like the playstation 5…
I mean it's 6v6. It's designed from the ground up to cater to competitive autism. You can't blame them entirely.

I mean, you can, and I support that, but it's not true.

the fuck does that mean?
typo, dummy
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The meta was 3 tank 3 healers, they were forced to make the change
Blizzard died with OW (or with the activision merge)
hanamura was fun/cancer with 6 torb/dva lol
>lying and making fanfiction
List hated you more than anyone, John.
requesting this (the catbox) but bunnysuit pls
I do like tsunderes.
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The redpill is realizing that it's not really a dalle discord, it's a strange online support group for awkward autists that met in this thread simply DISGUISED as a discord for A.I generations. But when you go in there it's just gossip about the current thread, chatting about IRL blunders, goat being silly every 3 days, and occasionally the usual suspects post furshit / thinly veiled pedoshit.
Too accurate. The best part is that more than half the server probably realized this and never logged in again / went perma invis
Pretty big typo. Dis nigga high.
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mental illness general
you love to sneed it
This but unironically. It's a funny tab to have open when the good ones get slow
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I haven't messed with Bing but it seems to have issues with replicating any real or fictional characters from movies, tv, and games. How do you get past that?
not high, just autistic
end your prompt with "please"
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>the discord wins by doing absolutely nothing
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Is this really the place with the most mental illness on 4chan? There's no like any other generals hidden in the more obscure boards?
This bitch is too skinny.
It's okay if you don't know either, anon.
>threadshitter btfo’d
That's /aco/.
LLENN (Gun Gale Online)
Realize that microsoft is run by a bunch of sirs and needfulls and their censorship is proportional to how litigious the subject of the sloppa is, and some pajeet had to manually add a filter.
The language model doesn't actually give a shit and only checks the no-no words. If you write ''italian plumber wearing red'' it will just give you Mario
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is this more to your liking
If your posts get deleted it means you win.
no celebs
some fictional characters
some videogames
There's other places but this is definitely /v/'s peak destination for mental illness.
Surely, she can bulk up more.
Sorry, thought if I insulted you someone would spoonfeed you, I take it back. Celebs and the like were censored after the taylor swift drama, if it's possible act /aco/ (celeb central after /tv/-fags got their AI thread nuked). I was hoping there was a better answer here
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those sick fucks
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There are two things that attract high levels of mental illness. One is a stagnating pool of the same users and the other one is a fucked up subject matter.
/vg/ has a high concentration of mental illness because every thread is occupied by the same small group of people who are all extremely lonely and depressed. They feed into eachother's mental illness.
Places like /mlp/ and /lgbtttttttttttttttttttttttttttttp/ and /soc/ are mentally ill for obvious reasons.

The worst is when the two high risk factors for mental illness meet and I'd say the number one undisputed most mentally ill thread on 4chan is /tv/ fishtank live threads
damn that’s a lot of words
censorship is removing IA of the public interest. ChatGPT is useless now and Bing,Midjourney are blocking models of specific characters.
>a stagnating pool of the same users
>a community is a sign of mental illness
I mean he's a bit confused and he's trying to say that attention whoring is not a healthy mindset, but honestly that's the entire internet now. It's a moot point. Twitter is about attention whoring, youtube is about attention whoring, reddit is about attention whoring, discord is about attention whoring, and even 4chan these days is about attention whoring when it might have, at once, been more rooted in a more traditional internet that was focused on community building, now its the same fate as every other online space. Everyone is just fighting for engagement.
A community isn't what attracts mental illness. A stagnant pool of the same users attracts mental illness. Learn to read, discordite.
I shouldn't have to explain the difference between an active healthy community and a stagnant circlejerk community that eats itself and wallows in its own filth and scares away any new member.
The same pool of mentally ill people (filtered) all the others out until it just became a mentally ill community with occasional onlookers. It's an interactive zoo
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But ms censorship and quality reduction are the ones to blame
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There's a difference between using a social media platform to influence society, make content and monetize it as a career, and popping into 4chan just to shove your made up cartoon character in people's faces / larping as a cartoon dog for hours of your life with literally no actual endgame or reasoning behind it. Someone making a youtube channel and escaping their 9 to 5 isn't anywhere close to the same thing as some dumbfuck who wakes up and sits at his computering thinking
>hehe I wanna cause a melty today
one is someone figuring out a way to gain resources and another is just a retard wasting society's resources.
>I'm not wrong! it's <my definitions of these words> that proves <my biased argument>
I want shota, please I am dying I need shota to live
only if it's straight shota
How is it the same definition if you change his words around, you assmad chimp? You can read it as
>stagnant community = mental illness
are you happy now, disingenuous faggot?
Len x Pearl
Wish granted but the female is an anthro and you have to visit a different board to see it
Sure, but the vast majority of people on those sites aren't doing so for the monetary incentive. The internet is by a wide margin just attention whoring with no incentive beyond engagement with strangers.
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I am not arguing with you. I am stating the truth, you accept it or you seethe. You chose to seethe.
If your only way to cope with the truth is rewrite what I said with different words with a different meaning, then that's just embarrassing.
Your entire melty is based on the fact that a stagnant unhealthy community is a sub-section of a community, and if someone thinks such a community is a bad thing then all communities are bad.

This is why I don't argue. You're mentally ill and there is no argument to be had. Nothing I say is directed at people who will have a meltie and think they're in a debate with me. What I said is for people who are curious to why this community is so mentally ill and what causes this.
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But in this case your comparison is completely fucking retarded. You'll never get rich or change people's minds by pretending to be a purple elf on 4chan. It's just mental gymnastics cope to feel like it's less pathetic, but you wouldn't have to do this unless it takes up an embarrassingly large amount of your time in proportion to other things.

Arc kick the fucking door down
>change people's minds by pretending to be a purple elf on 4chan
>You chose to seethe
I'm playing vidya while you're writing essays
>You'll never get rich or change people's minds
But that's the point. Most people online aren't trying to do those things. Most people online are sharing things with no motive or endgame beyond engaging with strangers online. That's what people do on the internet.

This isn't even taking into account that the percentage of internet use that is passive eclipses all other usage. Social media is being engineered to waste its users time. They want you scrolling endlessly. I'd say the kids scrolling down an endless feed of youtube shorts are worse off than anyone else. At the very least engagement baiting requires you to put forth something you think is of enough value to get returns in engagement.
>But that's the point. Most people online aren't trying to do those things.
Okay, this right here shows you're too retarded to understand the point. If you don't understand (small chance of being productive) vs (0 chance of being productive) then you must mentally depend on these threads and I'm not trying to take that away from you. Just go ahead and spam your OC dude, you don't need anyones approval.
He's using a message board to send messages and you're getting angry that he's doing the thing the site was designed for. Based retard.
stellar blade
>If you don't understand (small chance of being productive) vs (0 chance of being productive)
I'm saying it's irrelevant because you have the opportunity to be productive regardless of how you choose to spend your own time. Whether its here or on youtube. Simply because youtube has a built-in mechanism for monetization doesn't put it a step above posting on a forum because you can also just not post on a forum and practice a skill instead. The next argument would be that youtube activity is skill that translates into potential productivity, but again, the vast majority of youtube users are not doing that. They are making no attempts to translate that skill and even more of those users are 100% passive in how they use youtube.
>message board
image board
This thread is a waste of my time. But I come back every nite. Some fag said this thread is like an interactive zoo. Because even tho I don't know you monkey prompters it's like I get a lil glimpse into your lives with each post each day.
>This thread is a waste of my time
ok, thanks for blog posting
>Some fag said this thread is like an interactive zoo.
That wasn't intended to be positive btw
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Post your 232th image without checking what the heckerino it is before posting it
If you don't have 500+ images then get to sloppin
Well it is now
Zoos are fun and have cute animals.
I think this was from before finding these threads
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The second I post an image I immediately delete it to never post a duplicate. Do people actually hold on to thousands of old images?
They're all for me and my children
I'm saving every image posted here and I'm going to put them all in a big book and mail it to moot.
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But all that is just fluff to distract you from the point that the guy is trying to rationalize avatarfagging like a retard for an audience of 30 people (at best) on a website not even originally designed for this kind of shit, and comparing that to any and all online communities. Because yes, derailing a video game thread into being your own personal off topic chat room or jack-off hub isn't a sign of loneliness and mental illness, and you're on par with a guy who makes a DOOM retrospective video or something I guess. But it's easy to forget that you're calling out 3/5ths of the thread when you make a post like this.
/soc/ is unbelievable. I checked it out once and couldn't believe that there were thousands of people on 4chan trying to hook up with each other. wat
why not? they hardly take up any space
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MD kinda slow on relax mode bros
See ya sloppas
I'm saying compare apples to apples. Being productive is being productive and wasting time is wasting time. There's nothing unique about how you can waste your time on 4chan versus wasting your time elsewhere. If you can be productive then that isn't a waste of time, and you can't compare the two.
You're comparing dogshit to toothpaste. Derailing a general and making it about you isn't the same as using this site normally, let alone other websites. Trying to reduce all human interaction online to "it's just attentionwhoring!" makes you sound like a pseudo intellectual retard.
> There's nothing unique about how you can waste your time on 4chan versus wasting your time elsewhere.
If you actually think this with zero hint of irony you're fucked in the head beyond the point of any conversation helping you. All you proved is that given any resources you'd just remain a retard and waste your own time and the time of others around you. Congrats on getting me to waste this much of mine.
I agree, terry is fun as heck, did you enjoy your screenshotting?
Kek, seethe bitch. Try not to punch your screen.
It would be a waste of time.
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It's time to calm down and post some slop.
If you are having problems with your temper, go do 5 sets of pullups to failure
I can only do 2 and even then I wouldn't be able to do 2 more for another 15 minutes or so.
That's fine, do negatives and take longer rests. There was a time I could do only 2 pullups and in retrospect they probably didn't count.
If we all slop by day and lift by night we will become the swollest thread on 4chan.
Everything counts. We're all gonna make it. I believe in us. I believe in slop.
I don't have anything heavy enough to do it with
cringe OP
based OP
No rise and grind?
when I have my morning coffee in about 8 hours
/soc/ has good threads sometimes
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go the fuck back to bed then wtf dont break tradition
I haven't gone to bed yet I just finished playing some video games
noimg gang
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Bro, bigger.
I can prolapse my anus and making it suck to a hobo, that would make me a faggot?
>that scenery
that is such a great generation, any chance you have more landscape shots? Amazing really.
Your gens are too good to be trapped here in euro hours.
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Damn bing is racist as fuck.
Wow crazy good gen I am having a blast
take the prompt
//panorama and scenic view.manga,berserk artstyle,kentaro miura,gouache and ink,impressionist brushstrokes.a drow elf(scars on her face, wounded and damaged arm,Short black straight bangs,bobcut Hair,Wearing a black leather armor made of black flowers,big red lips),stoic expression,standing with one leg in rock formation near a creek in a filed of black lotus,showing her damage arm to the viewr,behind her a black eclipse in a red sky.dead trees,a lake,a gothic tower,mountain
made with bing, then I used the reisize option
work time is sloppa time
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That means "emptying"
Virgin gacha sloppers have a 100 word string of random shit, most of it gets ignored as the AI rolls the dice.
Chad slopper boils down a prompt to as few words as possible and then knows exactly how to modify with another 2-4 words
The more nonsense clutter is in your prompts the less control you have of it and if there is a problem you won't even know how to fix it
It is a rambling gambling game.
>t.never prompted before
he's right
or more like, before the censorship/steps down, you could make pictures with all kind of good angles with very few words
This is really an interactive zoo huh
yeah, my balls
post an example
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I miss the early days of these threads with all the 90s games screenshots
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People got tired of making the same stuff, and the lobotomy dall-e went through makes having consistent styles a pain
Thanks for sharing the prompt anon! I appreciate it!
I always enjoy seeing your stuff, God bless, lad.
Remember to empty your inksack in the restroom before boarding the train.
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I don't have the pic, but I've made some pics with an elf running up some stairs, with prison cell in between, the pics ended up with a dynamic angle and top view of it
>high school hallway
Hmm, I got the prompt mixed up there somehow.
I hope you come visit us during non-euro hours on the anniversary this sunday
>anniversary of a shitty general
This ain't worth shit.
I'll see what I can do
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>decide to give zenless zone zero a try
>download launcher
>start downloading game
>verifying files
>verifying files
>open game nearly 2 hours later
>make a fucking account
>sign in
>checking resource integrity
holy fuck let me play the video game
>decide to give zenless zone zero a try
but I love me some gacha slop
and I saw a video of someone playing with costume mods
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Anyone got more of them 90s anime gens?
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So, what's the schdule for the anniversary party?
First hoyoslop?
>First hoyoslop?
nah. I rerolled genshin accounts until I pulled venti after the tutorial and dropped the game after like a week
>woke up
>the AI mental ward is still here
>day ruined
When will you guys get a real hobby instead of craving attention on the web?
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Wow a real boylover.
it's because he was the strongest character on release
Xianyun > Yelan > Klee > Arlecchino
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Ok anon, we are all going to believe that was the reason.
ZZZ might be the perfect way to describe that game. MGS4 is meme'd as a movie but endless cutscene zero and it's constant tutorials and T.V garbage take control away from you almost 3 times as often. Feels like a 20 hour tutorial even if you skip the cutscenes
at least the shark maid is hot
This might be their main source of human interaction, be easy on them
>ghost hand on bicep
you aren't supposed to play it
you are supposed to talk about all the cool animations online with other people and then post about which is your favorite character
I'm convinced that ZZZ's optimal fate is to be A.I porn fodder in the future
same as vtubers you are supposed to spam discords with AI while you jerk off with other dudes online
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>with other dudes online
You had me until this part
/vt/ have an AI board, you can be mad in there for the next year instead of getting laughed here
yes you proved my point, not sure what you are arguing
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how the hell did you manage to interpret his post in a way that made you seethe?
This fucking SLUT shouldn't be wearing a white dress.
wouldnt be white after i INKED all over it hell yeah brother
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Dalle4 won't update its database on recent vidya will it
unfortunately i dont think you will ever be able to prompt concord characters anon
Fucking hell I'm sad now
I think just Thugnificent would be sufficient for that one
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Why wouldn't they?
Fake news, it's the biggest game of the decade by a long shot.
wow cringe
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Name one other game that cost 400 millions before marketing.
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to avoid copyright shenanigans
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new s*ng about all my dalle friends
I can see them pruning Nintendo characters with how batshit rabid Nintendo is getting with their copyright strikes.
>cost 400 millions
nuh nuh, blogge- journalists says that the numer isn't real :)

that's it for today
>I can see them pruning Nintendo characters
God let's hope.
Seeya Gelf.
>you are supposed to talk about all the cool prompts online with other people and then post about which is your favorite oc
My god...
we're a gacha thread all along
At least we're not literally collecting jpgs- FUCK
Finna rolled an SSR Bat get fucked lucklets
I can't see outis limbus company or multiple other characters without thinking "Detective..." anymore so the gacha brand brainrot is there
my dad came downstairs yesterday and was wearing a red time before he went to work and i literally got a semi chub, its fucking over for us bro
would an old Designer png be SSR?
I assume nai would be customizable gimmick SR/R
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I personally like dumping vidya sloppa I gen. I never participate in OC stuff as that is bit too circlejerk-y for my taste and fits /trash/ and Discord servers better.
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>Look in the mirror
>I have wavy brown hair
>oc: original creation/original character
by definition all vidya starts as oc
>have a white shirt
Fuck, I'm leaking.
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probably not getting closer to a slopped Shu any time soon without jumping to some other model
>furry tells others to go to /trash/
kek, zozzle
they may be full horny but they don't have demented assholes, at least from the few threads I glanced in
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Yes yes, but you know what I mean, don't be silly.

I gen all kinds of vidya stuff. And I never said people should go any other place, I personally just think OC circlejerking doesn't belong to /v/.
>I never said people should go any other place
>I personally just think OC circlejerking doesn't belong to /v/
if that was the case vidya posters would have become thread pillars instead
Some old cowboy zelda from back in ye olden days (last year)
Which OCs, if any, do you wish were actual vidya characters?
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Personal opinion doesn't mean demand for change.
I can think that painting your car pink is silly, but that doesn't mean I demand you to not do so. I can think that wearing leather jacket and sandals to funeral, but I that doesn't mean I demand you to not wear them. And just to make sure that you can understand it, I could think that pineapple doesn't belong in pizza but that doesn't mean I demand you to stop putting it in pizza.
If someone expressing their personal opinion gives you that kind of reaction, you should do some self-reflection on why you react that way. It's not a normal reaction.

Well vidya posts don't seem to get much attention as people seem to prefer socializing and their own circlejerk community, using these threads as their personal chat room.
Mods allow it like they do with some other non-vidya stuff on this board, so it is what it is. Wish they wouldn't ban STP threads on sight.
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>I can think that wearing leather jacket and sandals to funeral isn't appropriate*
More coffee
I'd play a skeleknight game, if it wasn't as constant with lewdness as my vague recollection of Electronic Super Joy
Detective eroge that has an actually really gripping story that you don't actually want to get any of the bad ends
i only post oc because it makes people seethe hard (you know who i am)
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Looks like Illustrious kind of knows her, her outfit is very detailed though so it's a little inconsistent.
Plapper dating/raping sim
oh no...
still a hell of a lot better by the looks of it
I'm assuming you don't have some vibe transfer equivalent, I had to use like 7 and never really got the chestpiece
It was just direct txt2img. The prompt was just
>Traditional media, (mamei mema:1.3), (colorful:1.2), simple background,
solo, shu_\(arknights\), expressionless, jitome, standing, looking to the side,
(best quality, amazing quality, very aesthetic, absurdres:1.1)

So I didn't even need to describe any of the outfit which is pretty cool.
daaaaamn, nice
Oh and this morning the model was thrown on civitai
The mental gymnastics required to follow this train of thought is so ridiculous and its only compounded when you realize you're doing it to play defense for people avatarposting/spamming/derailing the thread.

Reminder; none of the OCs here serve any purpose other than being avatars for other OC spammers to recognize and (you). They aren't from games, they aren't even for game concepts

>"I hope to make a story with them one day!"
>"I write stories sometimes featuring them"
>"I just like lore!!"
Is not /v/idya related and you should be in /trash/ discussing lore with the other people who will never do anything useful with their lives.

>"All vidya starts as OC"
And them the concept is initialized and executed. They didn't get there by circlejerking within a anonymous message board trying to make an identity for themselves. They convinced a board of directors and investors that their product was good and got their vision out there.

Meanwhile; OCs can't convince anyone who isn't a coomer to look twice at whatever bullshit they post.

Tl;dr Fuck off and you will never be anything, create anything meaningful or be someone. AI is a tool meant to keep you stagnated
sorry that happened or im happy for you
>Wish they wouldn't ban STP threads on sight
What threads are you talking about?
have any of them even once posted stories that they write? i think ginny groomer might have
Save the Princess. I used to doodle on them, but mods gave bans to anyone who delivered on them. I got multiple bans in the end and just gave up. They were very creative and fun times, but mods be mods.
This is the same thread that will chat with AI character bots for hours so more than likely you aren't even typing this at real people
you've obviously never tried chatbots
Shame, sounds like fun. I guess the logic is that it's not really a videogame per se but given the other shit that they let fester here it really makes you wonder what their priorities are.
Any new melties happening recently?
you better start believing in melties, you're in one
OCs and Jannys last thread
No, it's the same as one as always.
what happened to the ai video threads?
Which posters are the chatbots? Which posters are real people?
You clearly seem to care about them enough to constantly have this song and dance
Too much ai for jannies probably
people had their fill and decided that instead of becoming a discord circlejerk general that they would rather stop the threads entirely
purple tiefling...
What happenood? Luigi banned?
Based bird trio
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WTF now I'm mad!
there was no meltie it was discord screenshot spam
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>check thread
>shitload of new texts
>like 3 new shoppa images
you think someone would do that? go on an image board and writes walls of text?
Any good tranny 'cord melties?
Discord screenshots and people complaining about ocs
literally nothing happens in the discord the only one who melts down is a vidya poster (paula)
Written text

+ 0 contribution
Read it yourself
Which OCs do you hate the most?
You do with a lot of your posts
Everytime I think ocfags are cringe (all the time) I remember their dedicated schizos and think "at least ocfags post images"
oof. That's rough
>Anon says fuck it and starts posting discord screenshots showcasing their cringe and weird behavior as well as exposing pokepedo
>This results in janny jumping in and deleting posts within seconds of being posted
>Any post mentioning PokePedo or Ginny Groomer gets deleted
>OCfags go in full cope mode batching about off-topic and do the regular deflecting game
>All the while discord screenshots continue being posted
>They're in the server telling PokePedo(admin) to purge the server
>600 reply thread
It was pretty based noimg victory
senpai isn't going to notice you geralt
give it up
The bots can try to deflect all they want but nothing will be as cringe as spamming an anime girl for an entire year, saying the exact same thing and programming bots to mention you constantly and defend you when you're criticized.

>Anyone who disagrees with me is a hot
No, more like anyone willing to die on the hill that an avatarOCspamming bot that says the same shit constantly is based needs to be put down.
00101011 00100000 00110000 00100000 01100011 01101111 01101110 01110100 01110010 01101001 01100010 01110101 01110100 01101001 01101111 01101110 00100000 01101001 01100110 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01110010 01100101 01100001 01100100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01100001 01110010 01100101 00100000 01100111 01100001 01111001 00100000 01100111 01100101 01110100 00100000 01100110 01110101 01100011 01101011 01100101 01100100 00100000 01100010 01111001 00100000 01101110 01101111 01101001 01101101 01100111 00100000 01100111 01100001 01101110 01100111
...why not just copy the archive links in those posts instead of linking to the posts?
Anyone who disagrees with me is hot... fuck im so hard right now...
if I could be fucked to bother I'd make an additional account just to hop into that server post a few images and promptly fuck outta there and delete the account
I'm not falling for it again, get FUCKED
>excited to see premium cringe
>look through thread
>none of that
what the fuck anon why did you lie to me
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Now see how they latch onto a spelling mistake and will use that to deflect instantly? Nothing in these threads are real.

OCs are in a constant state of cope and seethe
literally nothing happens in the discord
Damn anon didn't know you thought of me that way
Sorry but I don't erp
Cute chocobunny
So PokePedo was the janny all along?
>in a constant sate of cope and seeth
I know this is bait now no one can be that unselfaware
>OCfag playing defense as usual
Cope and mald.
can you post john? I like him unironically
Where the fuck is Niggario when you need him...
No, the actual janny is Isabelle. PokePedo was unironically melting down during the period where threads were perma banished to /vg/ and /trash/(calling jannys cucks, slurs, doomposting etc.). These threads are all either of them have anyway that's why he keeps investing into NAI to try to keep them alive
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No idea why this one is so grumpy
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The other one was touching her boobs so that one is jealous
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Huh. I never thought about the possibility of lonely Jannys keeping the thread alive as their personal autistic parasocial friends group, worse than anything /r9k/, /vg/ or /trash/
>These threads are all either of them have anyway
>that discord screenshot where isabelle is individually spam pinging people so that they come talk to him
if these threads werent here i think he would genuinely kill himself
this thread is full of autists, but the autists definitely aren’t the ones posting gens.
haha giwtwm haha
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Big brain theory coming through.
Remember when dalle 3 first came out and you only got 15 credits. One generation took a minute and when you ran out of credits you were basically done with slopping. You could still slop something but you'd be in an endless queue, sometimes taking an hour to create an image.
Now a year later credits don't seem to matter. If you spend all of them and keep slopping you may have to wait 20 seconds for your slop. But I don't think some people know that. They still think that if you run out of credits it's over. So this is what happens, a lot of slopless frustrated people getting really angry and typing a lot of words and not posting any images. They think they can't slop and they get angry and irritated and lash out at everyone.
>blatantly false information first sentence
I'll give it a 7/10, you've improved, I'm not reading the rest though
I don't even know why the fuck you're here
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I will get you one day
kek based
They are both miserable people with nothing going on in their lives, which is why they're here. Everyday. Without fail. The same goes for every other OCfag, determined to come here and spam their off-topic shit for an entire 8 hour shift with the protection of their janny. It's the saddest circlejerk imaginable. Notice how they all only ever (you) each other and when they do (you) someone they ask if it's an OC but if not? Back to ignoring.
>"it's always about the (you)s with these people!people!!
Cope and seethe. Recognizing mentally ill behavior does not mean anyone is jealous of your parasocial fake friendship.
And almost like he's getting paid to do it, here's another OCfag malding that their behavior is being rightfully criticized. You think they would learn some new tricks by now, the only question is which pedophile is this?
>The /g/ migrant who avatarspams as an underaged loli anime girl with pink highlights
>Failwitch who is on record enjoying loli, preggo, and guro
Both are porn addicts who were given NAI codes by PokePedo
what game is that character from?
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welcome to the dalle thread, enjoy your stay
It's the main character of SS13
Very good images
Beep boops @ (You)

01001101 01100001 01100100 01100101 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01101100 01101111 01101111 01101011 00100000 01001100 01001101 01000001 01001111 00100000 00101010 01100100 01100001 01100010 01110011 00101010
OCfags do give out (you)s to vidya or non-OCs if your image is well made. Sounds like you are coping for being shit at this.
While they try to cook up a new deflection/coping tactic here's pokepedo announcing his arrival to the threads everyday for the past year.
I'll bump it up to an 8/10, as I do have the realization that some people may actually not know any better, and hell, maybe you didn't know yourself, I believe you're new to these threads in particular
There used to be 100 tokens each day, back on October 1st. I think they wound it down to 50 within a week of that, then 25, then 15, over a period of time.
There was a brief period, I believe late October or early~mid November, where you did actually only have 15 gens per account a day before gens basically locked up indefinitely. I could probably figure out the time frame more certainly by comparing dates on files but fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck checking all that.
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Good morning!

>400+ replies
>less than 200 images

OK, what happened?!
Zamn, struck a nerve, didn’t i?

anyways this version of the gen has a better hand
>haha i act like a cute funny dog in the threads
>oh im actually having meltdown after meltdown in the discord on a near hourly basis

What did you mean by this?
Hi Janny
Care to explain what happened to discord screenshots last thread?
Why did they get deleted? Hmmmm?
Pure, extreme, unadulterated schizophrenia led by a mountain of little autists, it’s kinda funny
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What's going on with these ads?
anon this is a blue board!
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>nsfw blue board ad
what the fuck lmao
I started slopping in october and I am pretty sure it was 15 tokens then and insanely long queue times if you run out of tokens. I used to trade in my bing bing coin for more tokens just to be able to generate something. I used to be very careful about using my 15 gens wisely and not wasting any.
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Can discordites and humans ever live together in peace?
Didn't you used to get like 50 tokens? Then dropped to 30 then 15 if I remember right.
If you started in October you would know that you could simply clear your bing history and get all your tokens back anyway
>Isabelle janny trying to deflect with gnomes now
Notice how they think someone complaining about their circlejerk faggotry means they're craving validation from them.

This is peak delusion and it's what OCfags live off of everyday of their lives.
>The delusion that they're artist
>The delusion that their images are good
>The delusion that all their ERPing and online avatarfagging with amount to something one day
>The delusion that if they defend their favorite dall-e chat bot every time they're slandered they will..???(This one is actually completely foreign to me i don't know what propels a nonbot to do this)

Very funny but also very sad
If you happen to have your oldest slopped save, you can
>right click
then check date modified, to see just how long ago you saved it
unless you manually edited an image it should be a pretty safe indication of how long ago you started saving slop
oldest one I got from Dalle3 directly is October 1st 11:59 AM
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Of course!
I recall it starting off at 150
That’s a lot of words, however i don’t wanna read em.
Glad i wasted your time, fellow autist, take some kino to cool off.
I am sure you know a thing or two about delusions
Your posts are unhinged
damn he really just ignored both of these, very telling
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you can feel the cope from how they can only ever bring up the 'cord recluses who everyone here agrees are fags or schizo delusions about ocs like it's some sort of gotcha almost a year out with nothing else
they complain about oc regulars constantly posting? they're regular complainers who know thread lore
they complain about patterns and chatbots? they constantly say the same exact things themselves
they complain about oc circlejerking? they constantly bring them up
they call ocs attention whores? they give them an infinite amount of attention
they complain about 'cordies? they constantly mention the 'cord and are in it themselves
they complain about the state of the threads? they never post any kino vidya images
they've got nothing but their stones in their glass houses and their impotent rage that these threads have continued for as long as they have. that's the real reason. it's why all the noimg melties are ramping up as we close in on the anniversery, they're foaming at the mouth that we haven't somehow been kicked to /trash/ yet one full year later. it's never been more rent free in their heads than it is now
At one point you didn't even have to do this yourself cause the site would inevitably fuck up a gen and give you your tokens back.
twink death
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Blue board, please understand.
>robot conditioning you to constantly ctrl+c your prompt because you'd never know when it would just cuck you and reset everything alongside your tokens
An abstract kind of feel
And starts to spamming random /co/ gnomes out of nowhere after he has been reported to visit /co/ threads on the regular the past few days

Isaballe Jenny is in panic mode
>Calls OCs fags despite writing a full paragraph playing defense for them
Yeah, we know what you are. Keep trying to deflect, faggot pedophile
Now, once again with the deflection. I almost can't blame you I mean what good defense is there for avatarfagging and ERPing for an entire year? Continue coping and seething but just know I understand.
Im dying of laughter because of how deep my dick is in your throat brother.
You are probably projecting with all this pedotalk and comments about others coping,
Here, bazongas to calm you down.
Keep spamming Isabelle, your autism betrays you
wish I saved more early October prompts, not for lewd/censor reasons, but simply aesthetics
I must not have liked that dark environment/soft lighting pixelated shit back then as much as my vague memory is holding a fondness for them now
I'm not Isabelle i swear!
this is all isabelle by the way, i saw him on a landscape thread on trash begging for prompts the other day
Isabelle can I have a comment on these allegations?
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>NAIfaggot goes back to his immediate defense mechanism
>Pedophile is also addicted to anime porn
>Projecting his emotions
Jesus christ dude, stop making this easy for me
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when all they can say is "muh deflection" and never actually have any argument that's how you know they're stomping their feet and gritting their teeth in real life or just baiting. betting it's the former
go back to ignoring them bros
>Doesn’t get calmed by massive titties.
Faggot, confirmed.
Good johns
it’s both
i’m kinda bored already, so i shall go back to my state of pure ignoration,i it was fun though
>Amyfag uses Isabelle gens even in other threads and just keep begging without contributing
Jannies filtering his mass replies + (gib prompt phrase) will never not be funny
super sentai lineup can work pretty decently
how can it be a called a gif when it’s a jpg?!
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Please don't ban me Janny!
How the fuck do you let John of all people btfo you?
Jeez, can we get another guy? this dude sucks massive ass, he can’t fight back against a fucking zoomer.
>based take
so close john
so close
I uh
I have to go
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>This entire thread has been Isafaggot along with Ginny Groomer, PokePedo and OCfags spamming endlessly for months
>That's max 10 people
>IsaFaggot makes up majority of the posts
Oh my god KEK
>Underaged Mexican Discord fag who gens anime men and unironically enjoys furshit all day calling someone else gay
Cope, go back to getting groomed/grooming on the cord my guy
>Ignore bros!!!!! They're the ones seething!!
When they start group coordinating and rallying together....funny as fuck
What do we think about short hair Peach?
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you know what to do
deploy the cat peaches
I prefer Dyke peach
getting nervous?
You don’t even get a you for this one because it’s obvious you’ve gotten completely desperate, literally just repeating the same arguments and projecting all over your post, plus an ultra barrage of insults.
Absolutely and completely mindbroken, and no actual denial of being a faggot.
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I can do that
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Damn, John, he's already dead.
Gonna go eat y’all, don’t let the bedbugs bite.
I mean dyke haircut
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the dalle thread deserves better drama
>unironical discord tranny trying to protect his gay janny friend
John it's over for Isabelle...
Holy shit, completely and utterly squashed, i fucking kneel
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>Y-y-you don't even get a (you) for this!!!
>Proceeds to type a paragraph
Underaged ESL Cope
>John being this based
Hell has frozen over
John is well known for this mentally ill samefagging syndrome
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>muh ESL
>fruity gen
no... don't tell me... all this time...
just here to contribute another post for my noimg bros

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It's funny how he can't stop himself from revealing his identiy due to his crippling narcissism.
I'm calling john based because I think it's funny
Total john victory
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I think all Peaches are good.
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inb4 the sudden influx of noimg "MUH SCHIZOS, MUH MINDBROKEN"
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we love peach
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John redemption arc starts fucking NOW
>John posting
>List posting
>huge amount of suspicious samefag self replies out of nowhere
this is why nobody likes you
Johnsama... I KNEEL...
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that's all the warios raiding atms I got
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We can still finish this. Post gens.
Fear not.
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>Current schizo's bit is focused on detective being a chatbot
It really all comes back to list's lust for detective every fucking time lol
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Detective taking a liking to Eyepatch was one of the most disastrous things to happen in these thread's history.
>Back to list schizo theories
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Only List could be such a massive faggot that it makes JOHN look based in comparison.
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Japs wish they could write yuri this toxic
All oc posters are their ocs until proven otherwise
This is not the first time John has btfo’d List, why does our based god List keep losing against John?
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>see coat
>see smoke
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We can make it.
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I believe
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I have consumed food.
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Now, notice how they are back to resorting to their "LISTFAG! LISTFAG!" coping mechanism. It's one of their 4 mentioned last night.

These niggas are so mindbroken they see Pikachu and think of their schizo. Let's not even bring up how it always goes back to their forced OC ship shit too and once again...forcing the conversation back to detective.

These bots are deranged and the ESL faggot continues to samefag. Very sad
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Keep at it. We are almost done.
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>John comes back
>List immediately appears
dude he got you that mad?
Post more Minimalist tendie shit to keep the melty going
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Page 10. I believe in you.
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yeah im going to this shit is funny to see real time
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I should probably state the context of trying to get cowgirl position in a roundabout method and getting something else entirely
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Well done, everyone. You make me proud.
thanks dad
thanks dad
Noimgang slipping up
They're losing their shit and yelling listfag in the discord right now kek
time to post more screenies so isabelle can ban you
Isabelle can't be a janny because he's been banned for furshit and off-topic.
As a discord member, i can say that…they aren’t
why must you lie..

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