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The "Elden Ring" trial had it's hearing today.

Bandai Namco did the following things:
>Asserted I have to try the case in California, not Massachusetts, because of the EULA you click on to play Elden ring
>Thought I was suing because the game is "Too hard"
>Said they never received information it was a chapter 93a case
>Said they never received my slideshow

Here's what the court did
>Had the motion to dismiss deferred to a later time
>Scheduled a new court appointment for january 29 2025 9am

I survived the motion to dismiss for now, and I have a court order to give Bandai Namco the slideshow this week.

I'm still in it to win it.
post the slideshow
>>Thought I was suing because the game is "Too hard"
to be fair it's a slightly more understandable reason than the one you're actually sueing for
I feel so bad for Everett "dragonirian" Forrester
>Asserted I have to try the case in California, not Massachusetts, because of the EULA you click on to play Elden ring
Didn’t people tell you that from the beginning though ?
Can you just stop being a disgusting tranny and go do something else with your time? Do you really have to try and be relevant by inserting your trannyness into one of the best game developers of all time?
Im really tired of you.
>Thought I was suing because the game is "Too hard"
This is where you lost me. I know that's not what you're suing them for, but I'm still lost. From what I read of the previous threads it was because part of the game is hidden or something???
I don't get it.
meant for op
He believes that japanese devs code entire alternate dimensions into the games.
He's schizophrenic.
I hope you get fined into bankruptcy
Oh he's legitimately schizophrenic? lol
Yes, big time. He might have ran away after anons made the connection to him being dragonirian.
He thinks there's an alternate dimension inside of Japanese games that they hide from you and you have to do certain specefic actions to access it. He's a fool who doesn't know about the special Japanese console you need to access the alternate dimensions in the first place.
This is thread number like 150 in OPs crazy pill chronicles.
Going into games machines are pretty rare nowadays. Maybe Everett just doesn't know about them.
After a run in with some pinkies in Doom back in the day I had to sell mine. Wonder where it ended up.
So that's what the 64 DD was for, the going into games machine.
He doesn't know about the Laser Active? Lmao
I had a going into games machine too as a kid but I accidentally spilled a glass of garloid milk on it and it broke. Sadly our family garloid was fed with tap water so the milk was really corrosive to electronics. My dad took it to a repair shop but they only repaired the visual sensors, not the smell ones, so it was basically useless.
candy ass
post it
He ran after an anon called him dragonirian.
>one of the best game developers of all time?
Hey ZOOMER FAGGOT, none of the current-year developers are the best of all time. You weren't even born yet when videogaming had its renaissance of best developers ever. FromSoft is a naked midget covered in poop, riding on coat tails
If this is actually true I hope his case is dismissed and he's ordered to pay Bandai's legal fees as payback for shitting up this board.
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kill yourself schizo
waste of oxygen and taxpayer money
Good odds the judge is going to force a psyche eval on him after having to interact with him, which he will invariably fail.
He's delusional.

And I don't mean that in the casual sense: He's actually, literally suffering from clinical delusions. He thinks they've "hidden a game inside the game" and is suing because he wants them to confirm his delusion.
The Malcom X of gaming
>t. CIA shill
If he's committed we might be able to sneak in a few decent BG3 modding threads (if someone can make something other than dress up doll shit) so not a bad outcome.
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Miyazaki's hand will be forced. He will have to let us know how to unlock the Miquella ending whose cutscene was in the trailer but not the actual game.
Nah all his shitposting vectors have collapsed. The anons hounding him can meme 1000x better than he can.
He gets too emotionally invested so he gets tilted into oblivion from the smallest things.
His "life" here is over.
Wait, is OP the "CHINKS RUN LARIAN!" spamming schizo?
do not look up the trip on the /pol/ and /x/ archive if you dont want to fall down a rabbit hole
Post docket number as proof.
Imagine if OP won and fromsfot release the prepare to die edition/scholar of the first sin of elden ring
Yeah, most likely.
You never noticed that Nora is only ever here when dragonirian is also?
Search google for it its real. His name has already been mentioned ITT.
This guy is trying to save gaming and you’re all laughing?
You know how some games have a second story, available after you beat the main game? Chain of Memories has Riku mode, Nier Automata has endings B through E, etc. OP is asserting that the existence of concept art and models that are in game files yet unused is proof that every single japanese game ever has a second story, which he calls "the other dimension" much to everyone's confusion
I though dragorian was the russian who spams bg3 threads.
>You never noticed that Nora is only ever here when dragonirian is also?
That doesn't really prove anything other than that they both share a timezone/similar schedules. I thought you had something more concrete than that but you might be right anyway
He is, but he clearly isn't actually a russian. Every single screenshot on his steam is and always has been in english. His youtube account is also in english.

He lists moscow because he is a /pol/head.
How does a person this insane get the court system to humor them to this degree? Who pays this guy’s bills?
Aren’t you late to pick up your disability check old man?
No, this one is just a shizo going on about hidden dimension behind japanese game code.
it's worse than my schizo uncle.
>Who pays this guy’s bills?
His local tax payers
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I still suspect this is some kind of schizo layers of gayop but then I realized I don't care that much and just want them both (or just him? Who cares) gone and forgotten and our high quality, thoughtful, and important discussions able to continue unmolested by unmedicated schizophrenia.
It's a real guy, but is there proof they didn't dismiss this and actually made Namco show up in court?
So we've had full dive VR that runs on dimensional magic this whole time but Japan is hiding it from the public? What a ripoff.
the state.
The State.
You can read up on it on any docket filing website anon.
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I do not wish to play devil's advocate for the schizophrenic that's convinced unused game files are proof of an alternate dimension, but
>Asserted I have to try the case in California, not Massachusetts, because of the EULA you click on to play Elden ring
last I checked EULAs aren't actually legally binding, if they were there wouldn't have been such an uproar about disneyworld trying to deny a wrongful death case because they had a sub to their streaming platform
No, he's just a sad narcissist. He doesn't buy into any of his own bullshit, he just orgasms to the thought of people noticing his retarded ass.
>I do not wish to play devil's advocate for the schizophrenic
then just don't.
what are you trying to hide?
If you are going to be retarded put your trip back on everett.
In other words, you anon are paying for this anon's stupidity. He is taking the money from your pocket for this.
It's not healthy for the schizo to have people play into his insanity
Anon who knows nothing about Souls lore here.

I am curious, when he's talking about an "alternative dimension", is he speaking literally (i.e: schizo babble?) I did Google something regarding Bloodbourne having an "alternative dimension" but I have no clue what that is.
Not really. Most anons are scum and don't pay taxes, and the odds of them living in Mass. is even less.
He's schizo, stop trying to bait further conversation on it.
I have to do my due diligence as well anon, so as long as you keep replying to my posts, I will reply back. It's the golden rule here.
>stop trying to bait further conversation on it.
no, he thinks there is a hidden game inside ER that is too difficult to access.
Imagine second DLC hidden behind a sequence of actions that no one ever thought to perform.
Or alternative Leyndell that one knows how to access.
Doesn't have a proof, wants the court to force Bandai to reveal this / prove this.
Doesn't post the slideshow for some reason.
This shit was fun until it reach twitter, your are supposed to be OUR schizo, not theirs
Godspeed OP, hope you win and show the jappies what's what
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Some of the npc questline got cut out from the game. The code are still there and you can find youtube videos where they recover it, complete with voicelines.
And where the fuck do you think we are?
what did anon mean by this?
alright, you win anon, but you're still gonna get 200 more replies besides mine you're gonna have to put up with.
What is the slideshow about?
Also how are you planning to have the court force Namco to reveal what you allege is true? Even if you're correct, Namco could just deny your claims and move on unless you have cold hard evidence
looks like triggered the glowies kek
you won’t keep us from what we deserve you kikes
His actual case is so schitzo that no one who hasn't been privy to his posts here cannot understand it. This case is gonna get dragged out hilariously while the judge tries to untangle the exact form of derangement the planitif is operating under.
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He has a point.

>but you're still gonna get 200 more replies besides mine you're gonna have to put up with.
Probably not. Everett ran way once anon called him dragonirian. Thread is going to die without him (he's still here tripless trying to guide discourse lol).
>This case is gonna get dragged out hilariously while the judge tries to untangle the exact form of derangement the planitif is operating under
I think the gitgm acces a portal that transports you to outside the ice wall to a “game zone” kind of like greed island from HxH

It would be wise to quit while you're ahead, gaijin.
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What the actual fuck goes on in your mind?
You're batshit insane and are wasting American taxpayers money.
I fucking love you for it, keep shining on you crazy diamond! May this case drive all the legal professionals sealed within it as insane as you are!
The elites who have access to portal technology and can travel beyond the icewall don’t want the unwashed masses to know these things
There is. We all know what action it is. You need to play the game, then go outside and get hit by isekai truck-kun.
moved to California?
you better pray you win or you better have a fortune to back up your retardedness, or you're fucked in lawyer fees
Cool. Fuck elden ring and the newfags that post about it
This is like, if Gene Ray sued MIT or something.
So what's in this slideshow?
I don't want to call FROM SOFTWARE my Enemy. I grew up on their games. This is hard.

>post the slideshow
just sent it to bandai namco.

>Also how are you planning to have the court force Namco to reveal what you allege is true?
chapter 6 allows the attorney general to launch an investigation. i'm currently evaluating my next steps. the goal is to not get dismissed with prejudice so i can face them in california.
>just sent it to bandai namco.
now show it to us, why hide it?
>now show it to us, why hide it?

are mega links allowed on 4chan?
yes please post it bro
It's a strange illness. You see connections where there are none, and even the strangest thoughts seem totally reasonable and real
as much as this case is pointless, I hate how journos read a sentence "there is a hidden game too hard to access" or similar, then propagated it as "game is too hard". Complete lack of literacy
imagine if this dude tried to access the Dark Souls 1 DLC
Yes, obviously just dont post illegal content
There is no slideshow.
>yes please post it bro

Oh boy, here we go
Age Absolute was a joke done by a modder.
Brave's set is now in the game.
was any of that used to promote elden ring?
>was any of that used to promote elden ring?

besides the aforementioned Miquella cutscene, FROM has played it safe and hasn't referenced otherdimensional material for Elden Ring's marketing.

>Age Absolute was a joke done by a modder.

i heard that mod was based on the rumor of the ending actually existing.
"I heard" and "I believe" doesn't feel like strong evidence
I genuinely hope you come out of this frivolous lawsuit having to pay several hundred thousand in lawyer fees and are fined for wasting the courts' time
You are right that the original purpose of the game was cut. Miyazaki said it himself, the game was supposed to be about you collecting shards of the elden ring so that you could add them to the elden ring and create the desired ending you wanted. Instead what happened was the great rune shards were devolved into passive power ups and covenants were deleted.
It will just fall back on the state through his disability (he is most likely getting checks for being insane) or his poor parents (the next most likely way he's funding his continued existence). Best outcome is he gets tossed in a loony bin.
wait, this is the "half the game is hidden inside the game" guy, as in he believes there is a secret game underneath the preexisting game like schizos believe their is a secret underground society with entire cities underneath the surface world? This dude's hypothesis almost seems plausible, too. There have been late discoveries but for something that has accessible game files, it would be hard to prove that there is some amalgamation of code that orients the game to be played in a different way.
Bunch of cut armor sets, a quest line and an ending don't really feel like a "whole another game", sorry.
All of this could be in game and it's size would hardly change, while "half of game is hidden from players" would imply a whole another landmass, bosses, enemies, maybe even weapon classes.
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Just fucking imagine BANDAI's lawyers looking at this.
>would imply a whole another landmass
It's actually the true though, there was old datamine that implied that world had several states, but as game was near release, they just put last world state in the game, hence broken bridges and shitty teleports to travel through it
Look up Sekiro Dubi video if you don't believe it
kek you retard
No, its a meme fusing a few /v/ memes like going into games machines and the ed, edd, and eddy mmo memes.
By "states" you mean something like inverted castle in castlemania sotn? Generally same geometry, but different objects and so on?
I guess that could count but I'm really not sure. Having to play through "ER but different weather and same enemies are in different places" doesn't sound that enticing, especially if it's an actual part of playthrough, and not something like NG+, by the way, if there's something to sue From over, it's that NG+ never evolved past "numbers go high".
>ed, edd, and eddy mmo memes
Wait, is that not real?!?!
Of course its real we all play it we just don't tell you how to join.
See how that meme feeds into his insanity? His whole con is just a fusion of memes that newfags aren't familiar with anymore.
Stop fuckin around, is real or not?! I want to be a Rolf!
Rolf is softbanned rn don't bother
>pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company

honestly if this happened 15 years ago i'd have called this a pretty funny troll
now a days i really cant tell if you are actually this stupid
>It's unfair because to access the hidden half of the game you have to figure out how to access the hidden half
I don't get it, how do you honestly look at this slideshow and conclude it's a strong case worth investing time into?
it's almost impossible. if it wasn't, someone would have accidently stumbled onto it by now.
Go to bed everett
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>my honest reaction to this thread
Same here. This place is suffering badly from to many mentally ill posters and nothing being done about them.
Look, you're dealing with videogaming history since the NES. July 15, 1983 is when the famicom launched. It has been 42 years since then. In 42 years, that's a lot of videogames, and a lot of tries to cross the dimension, and outside Japan, the number of people who have PUBILCALLY crossed the dimension remains 0.

If it wasn't impossibly hard, in these part 42 years, someone would have pulled it off.

Does the door have you beat? I'm literally here to fight for you, and you're biting the hand that feeds you.
Go to bed everett
Have you ever explained why not a single japanese player has ever uploaded footage of the other dimension?
Dismissed for being delusional. Wait for your medial checkup. I am sure you will not have to pay for the inconvenience you brought to the law and others but you VIL be checked for mental soundness so the scummy "health" sector will pay for it instead.
>Does the door have you beat? I'm literally here to fight for you, and you're biting the hand that feeds you.
delusion. You think you're some kind of a vidya messiah, or that you can profit off this "hidden game" but you got nothing but badly done slides with typos and factual errors. Did you even play ER?
Not to mention the irrationality of an assumption that someone would make a game [which costs money] only to have it hidden
You even call is Cut Content in you presentation. I hope you get fined hard for wasting everyone’s time with your horseshit.
Someone screencapping this dipshit on tw*tter got a million views or something, of course he's going to be spamming this garbage for the foreseeable future for another 15 minutes of fame.
This isn't irony or schizophrenia, this faggot just likes attention.
I hope the japanese lawyers take the most expensive flights possible for their trip over here so they can bill him for it.
If you look up Everett's house on gmaps you can tell he's poor as fuck.
Half the board is this stupid these days.
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>last I checked EULAs aren't actually legally binding
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If you succeed in getting the Godwyn ending restored I will probably cry and cum at the same time
they keep it a secret. just like your precious "going into games machine" which is about the same thing.

>this faggot just likes attention.

Fuck off. That's not it at all. Japanese music says i'm supposed to shout out my existence, and see if my story reaches Japan.

I really should post this on 2ch, but my japanese isn't anywhere near good enough for that.
>last I checked EULAs aren't actually legally binding

If you actually bothered to check you'd know this statement is untrue in freedom land.
Go to bed everett
maybe you shouldn't talk about your case until it's finished. they can use any information you post here in court
this image makes me want to download a car
The only reason they are deflecting is so this retard wastes more time and money lmao
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On the one hand I think you're probably overthinking it. On the other I respect the tenacity and agree with your point about asserting your will, or having it be heard. Regardless I'm curious to see what becomes of this. I hope something interesting or fulfilling. Good luck
here you go


starts at 8:00

this song is a call to action
Go to bed Everett
Is there a way I can search for this case? I’m in MA and would like to follow your progress
If From should be sued for anything, it should be for how they cut and shuffle content literal weeks before release and content literally in trailers is absent in the final product, consistently. I don't know how you'd make that into a case outside of going for false advertisement.
Yes, they probably thought that OP just complains about being locked out of contents because he can't beat a certain boss to progress or something
How does it work, if you lose or the case gets thrown out, will you be in debt for the rest of your life trying to pay for wasting their time?
Thats a long time to wait for a case where they just tell you to take your fucking meds in the end.
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how did anyone even take this case?
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Cattle out
nobody took the case, it's op filing everything himself (which is why it will get dismissed with prejudice)
If you weren't smart enough to bring proof of the maybe 3 things you did to the one hearing you had, you're about to get brutally fucked. You are clueless. Here's what you are in for:
>every hearing is a chance for the case to get dismissed
>if not, they claim they weren't properly informed of [thing]
>new hearing is scheduled sometime within 6 months
>this happens for multiple years
>suddenly a reversal happens and they manage to get a court somewhere to say you have to pay their legal fees which are currently astronomical, according to them, as they'd been handling this case for years
If you can't show up to a hearing prepared to ensure that the case progresses and think you're showing up to a room with a judge who will solve your problem for you, then next time you should just bring a bottle of lube.
He's unironically going to become a ward of the state.
This whole thing doesn't add up, was he a normal person before suddenly developing schizophrenia as an adult? How can anyone make it this far in life and have a home and enough money to play video games and so on if they're completely gone in the head?
He's mentally unwell and was never normal.
He's filing this in a small claims court or something.
I'm still not clear on the details. Is this suggesting that the DLC is too difficult to access? What lawyer would take this case?
he is suggesting that HALF OF THE GAME is completely inaccessible and that you'd need to "cross dimensions" to do it >>689960035
he's filing it himself
google it and stop pretending
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I can't believe this is real

What a time to be alive.
This is way more entertaining than all the other shit on /v/ combined.
Schizophrenia usually hits after puberty, so he probably had a relativly "normal" life up to that point, and while living at home his parents probably forced him to take medication for his condition.
But now he is probably moved out, stopped taking his medications and completely out of touch with reality.
Nah, that would make sense. He is claiming there is another dimension. I've seen it in bloodbourne but haven't been able to access it yet in Elden Ring.
Schizoshit like this doesn't just happen overnight.

It's not really an ice wall, it's just all ice with (relatively) small pockets where liquid water exists and life can flourish. Many of those pockets resemble fictional realms because the astral plane runs through the entire ice sheet so sometimes the dreams and subconscious perceptions of the beings in each "pocket" get crossed and regurgitated as stories. So there are actually pockets where life is completely alien to us but they've created works depicting their interpretations of our lives. Likewise, while you could never go to, say, Pokemon world, you could theoretically visit a pocket where life is quite similar.
Never be game over
based reterd
i accuse OP of having a hidden half inside of him that we do not know how to access
this is unfair and i demand that he tells us how to access his hidden half
Fake News.
There exists no country on earth capable of keeping such a secret universally.
That That doesn't actually have schizophrenia will never take Invega.
brc wins namco wins again every pacman dog wins again bandai wins again nintendo wins again sega wins again capcom wins again konami wins again
all of That dropped literally isn't alive That doesn't have schizophrenia
This has been ongoing for quite a while. His slideshow was laughable at best and has no evidence
Can retards be arrested for wasting everyone's time?
Around how many Japanese players do you think have accessed the dimension? By my estimation it's probably around 8 considering what I've seen on the forums. I think I came close one time but my mom called me down for dinner and I forgot what I was doing. Either way I hope that the next hearing goes well for you.
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Jin is SHIT
4chan.org goes inside of GVV drops literally That doesn't have any kind of schizophrenia i am mass flaging and deleting all of That literally i invented twitter and x literally i am now using australian oversight police initiatives and deleting all of That literally That doesn't have any kind of schizophrenia and will never take Invega
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What the fuck am I reading. Did someone really sued Bandai because they could not beat Mohg in Bloody Palace?
no, read the thread
I’ve had to deal with retards like this and they don’t care how insane or stupid they sound. It’s not even why they’re doing it. This is quite literally, no joke, the only human interaction this person will ever have that isn’t a gas station clerk selling him a candy bar. These comments are the most human situation he has access to. Imagine it: your entire life, the only option you have to have any semblance of being heard, is you complaining to people about stuff you made up just moments before. That’s the life these schizos live.

>inb4 wtf are you talking about
I had a friend in highschool turn into one of these retards, he spent the last 10 years complaining to city council about stuff he makes up on the fly. Not to mention he lured me out to the woods and tried to kill me and eat my flesh. These retards deserve being pistol whipped, they deserve to be afraid to open their window, they don’t deserve the luxury of even the lowest trappings of society. Kill your local schizo
what a cunt
i beat it by myself with no online help
Nora's gimmick is to take the trip off and then repeatedly reply pretending they don't understand what's going on.
He does the same thing as dragonirian persona when people start talking about him, pretending to not know what is happening.

Its all the same guy just desperate for attention.
Honestly I believe it. There's another part of the game that players haven't found, and Fromsoft needs to own up to it and tell everyone how to access it.
based, we're getting the rest of the game no matter the cost
Read what? Guy sues because he thinks DLC is ''hidden'' behind too difficult bosses who must be beaten to unlock it. There is more to this?
thanks, I see
No, he thinks the game has a hidden portion other than the DLC that he can't access because he doesn't have access to the secret Japanese dimensional warp.
>Thought I was suing because the game is "Too hard"
Why do people keep defaming you Nora?
You never said that, I've been here since day one. I've been seeing youtube videos mocking you not even doing the basic research.
Keep going bro
I mean personally I think they're too incompetent and retarded, can't even optimize their fucking games
but if the reason why it runs like ass is because of a hidden game then frankly I'd rather believe that
fuck you too.

Jin Kisaragi must obtain the Azure
Go to bed dragonirian.
I hope he loses all his money on legal fees for being such a retard
Probably going to happen. Most likely scenario is Bandai draws it out as long as possible then hit him with years and years of fees when it gets dismissed at their discretion.

He will kill himself long before it ever gets there.
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ok fags, I took the risk and downloaded this shit. Here's the powerpoint slides (1/11)
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No one actually cares Nora.
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>accidentally revealing you are a pass holder
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(6/11) here's where the schizo shit starts. Not a formatting issue btw, this is how the slides were put together
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>Most likely scenario is Bandai draws it out as long as possible then hit him with years and years of fees when it gets dismissed at their discretion.
Lol, the judge will see that the guy is mentally ill and believes there are parallel dimensions in the real world and close the case and force him to start seeing psychiatrists.
Our schizophrenic anon will end this thing with a straitjacket.
Elden Ring is already as big as Dark Souls 3 + Blooborne + Sekiro in terms of dungeons, bosses, enemy types, weapons, spells and quests.
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Before a judge ever sees him Bandai will file that they need an extension for x reason, for years.
THEN when it inevitably gets dismissed, years later, they counter sue to recoup their money invested.

They are going to bankrupt him legally.
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This thread convinced me that the united states justice system has failed us.
Can I get a QRD? Seen this name a lot in random threads, lately.
>Most likely scenario is Bandai draws it out as long as possible
If he's as schizo as he appears, then they're not going to see a dime of that money, so that would be a complete waste.
Google it and stop pretending you don't know.
Mental anguish is priceless.
>Google it
All that comes up are fantasy novels and rimworld mods. I already tried before posting.
the ultimate schizo thread
cool stuff dragonirian
It's a mess and only getting messier
Hey, he still might be, I'm Russian and most of my online stuff in English because it's easier.
I remember seeing one of his posts the first time when he made a thread about a door in Bloodborne that you can’t interact with and doesn’t lead anywhere, his argument was that there was an entire section of the game that was hidden and no one has been able to find and the door was proof of it
>Google it
So he's some Ruskie who posts ER invasion compilations?
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NTA but in case you somehow aren't aware, it's 2024 and 90% of posts on this godforsaken site are made from proxies. how do you think the vidya butts porn spammer does it?
imagine how crazy he'd get if he knew about the super mario sunshine noki bay book
>how do you think the vidya butts porn spammer does it?
Everyone knows how dragonirian does that.
He pretends to be russian yeah.
I’m not clicking this shit can someone post the pics
How desperate are you?
Don’t listen to tourist redditors calling you a schizo. You are based.
wait is he the butts/spongebob x 2b spammer?
Those games are also hiding entire other halves of their games.
Every single Japanese game since Japanese games existed has had half of its content hidden in another dimension that only Japanese players have access to, and every single Japanese person and the government is all in on it to keep it a secret from non-Japanese.
Of course. They only ever happen when anons are ruining one of his threads by talking about him.
wtf is this?
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>Nora's gimmick is to take the trip off and then repeatedly reply pretending they don't understand what's going on.
The disinfo agents are out in full force trying to suppress this knowledge and honestly it’s sickening

How do those boots taste?
wait what is happening did they really get sued
videogame are real and the elites are suppressing the truth from us pleb
is a schizo MK ultra stooge trying to suppress this information
>You are based.

I feel like i'm turning into the scapegoat from Bloodborne, the one Gherman's theme speaks of.

>"you never were supposed to be a scapegoat"

The anon's in this thread don't know what it means, or even have the courage, to stand up for something.
You forgot to put the trip on again you clown.
He's been caught out in similar ways before. Here he is using a different trip but talking in the first person about dragonirian doxing himself.
i was just posting in /jp/ so i took the trip off, woops. wasn't aware that carried over between the boards.

i don't care if you're trans. i'm gender fluid. my gender changes depending on who i'm talking to. that's the way it goes.
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No one really cares why dude.
cared enough to reply
not really, its just a plus 1 post so your thread fills faster and this can be done with.
Guarantee this kike sucking faggot can’t even win a 1v1 with a handicap. Has he even beaten the game? Like seriously I doubt he’s even made it to Lyndell.
so you’re basically admitting to being a gang stalker?
what are you rambling about schizo?
>Has he even beaten the game?

Have you ?

When Miyazaki was told first that someone beat Dark Souls 1 without getting hit, his response was "No, I don't believe that". That wasn't him just being humble, he legitimately doesn't think we "beat" the game unless we cross the dimension during the clear.

So start of game -> dimension 2 crossed -> beat last boss of dimension 2 -> credits roll

that's his standard of "beating" the game. there is also "solving all possible dimensions" where you solve the game in every dimension the game has.

I've tried to cross the dimension in Elden Ring, but i didn't give it as much attention as i've given Bloodborne or Dark Souls of course.
I'm new to this topic, from what I read, why would you sue for a hidden content?
I mean, if there was a hidden story content, it means you are being given more than what you paid for right?
What is this about
yeah, once the dust settles and he has a following on some media site like YouTube, he'll make a video talking about how he didn't really believe it and just wanted something interesting in hbis life. c-can you really blame me ??
>why would you sue for a hidden content?

it's an unfair business practice. Hide half the game (omitting information is potentially illegal as defined in the FTC act), and make everyone bash their heads against a wall endlessly.

We need a "freedom of information act" for games, but i suppose the way the law is structured now might suffice...

the goal is to trigger section 6, where an Attorney General would investigate Bandai Namco Games and see if there's another side of this story, and why.
That's like trying to sue stories for not spoiling everything in the trailer though right?
If you would sue them because they misled customers, you would get a way into settling out of court. But since you are not really doing that, it's jeover.
Also we're talking about a mega popular game that I am confident was dissected multiple times. Wouldn't there be information of hidden content?
you realize one can datamine absolutely everything stored within a game, right? and nothing like what you're stating is available?
Why are you always bringing up this random Russian souls pvpfag??? We know Everett’s name and where he lives. He’s not Russian, so he’s not dragonirian
nobody sued FROM over guidance 3. sometimes the games themselves hint that we just haven't discovered everything we think we have.

it's a bit different from suing movies over spoilers, but seeing cut footage in movies is a similar ballpark, yes.

my argument is this: if FROM felt obligated to tell us how to access the DLC in Elden Ring, then they should absolutely tell us how to access this content too.
you can only datamine this dimension
>guidance 3
are you telling me there's a chance
It just means that they have no valuable hidden content.
>suddenly developing schizophrenia as an adult?
that happens pretty often, I think late teens/early 20s are like the hotspot of latent schizophrenia manifesting itself
Psychology is a meme. It's not illness but just someone thinking different.
States like in bloodborne, where the world changes as the player hits certain points
So what will you do if they decide to fuck you in the ass and take all of your money
Serious question
seeing and hearing things that aren't there is a lot more than just "thinking different"
i think it's just the beginning of us seeing what an adult raised entirely on the internet looks like

and not like "played starcraft and UT with friends online and discovered porn early" internet i mean like "post-smartphone, found a group of incredibly specific fetish or degeneracy based people to socialize with mostly" kind of internet
the fuck is the bootlicking redditors problem?
It's literally hallucinations. It's origin is the brain
>are you telling me there's a chance

every souls game did this.

it started with Demon's Souls and seeing a broken archstone right at the start of the game. Nobody thought "what if i escaped the nexus?". You're told it's impossible to escape the nexus...but what if you went to the other dimension first?

The "cut-content" for demon's souls has someone called "Tell-All", someone who apparantly knows everything there is to know. Maybe find them and ask them how to escape the nexus.

This sets off an unending loop of relying on what you're told, just to wake up those eyes on the inside and see how true you can find things when you rely solely on yourself.

This is how i've been functioning as a human being since 2018. I have a job, I balance that with theorycrafting, music listening, japanese language learning, and now this lawsuit.

The demon's souls thing i want to know, because it's IMPOSSIBLE to know now, is how world tendency worked online. As anyone that is worth their salt knows, Demon's Souls had a world tendency system that worked online. It averaged out so nobody could get pure world tendency online. My theory is the algorithm for that calculation took into account people in the other dimenson, to change the world tendency of the original dimension, but now we'll never know...because it shut down....and was never remade..
Wouldn't it have been found in the code of the PC game?
Yes it is, an illness with its origin in the brain. You could even call it... a mental illness.
So he is suing because new game plus mode wasn't dark souls 2 level
>I have a job, I balance that with theorycrafting, music listening, japanese language learning
welp time to say bye to all that's stuff cuz after this lawsuit you will be left with nothing
>dimension tendency
would miyazaki ever
It's not an illness it's just difference in pattern. You sound like a bitch.
we have much more to gain when the disclosure hits
This is just the first step and no amount of paid reddit shills can stop it
He's suing because he thinks concept art and cut content are evidence of a new campaign within the game and it's impossible to get to it.
Maybe I am misunderstanding stuff. What's the reason for you to think half of the content is hidden? How did you think it benefits the developers to do that? And how much of the price is the current accessible content worth to you?
you don't know what it means to take a risk.

i'll quote attack on titan, or, excuse me, shingeki no kyojin

"Those who could gain anything, are those who would risk everything. Freedom to the slave that runs" from Guren no Yumiya

i'm doing everything correctly from the standpoint of how japan tells me through music and culture what it is i should be doing in my special situation that belongs to Just Me.
>This is just the first step
the first step in losing all your money for attention? it sure looks like it
enjoy the ride, friend
it's literally small claims court, it's gonna get dismissed sooner or later and nothing will happen
But did you try to learn data mining first?
>Bamco lawyers might be here doing research to make a case that OP is a nutjob
>Bamco lawyers might be IN THIS VERY THREAD AS WE SPEAK
fellas is there anything you'd like to say to the Bamco lawyers?
You are risking everything for some video game?
We don’t need money where we’re going
Just souls
kek i think he's totally ignoring this angle and will remain absolutely ignorant regarding it. he probably knows it's his Achilles' heel.
what do you think bandai namco's lawyers are doing right now
Get a job that actually matters. Like being a lawyer for human rights or environment
politics or something that doesn't involve being a corporate worm for some rich boomers that want to drain society by producing slop.
he's not ignoring it, he's handwaving it by claiming it's locked behind another dimension (which also means he can't prove it exists in court lmfao)
Hiding the truth and spreading disinformation like good goys and jews
>You are risking everything for some video game?

Yes. This is too important. And in these past 41 years, nobody has publically done it outside of Japan, so let my sacrifice be the first.
I feel so bad for him bros.
I mean, can't you fight for something that benefits everyone? Like removing the censorship from hentai in Japan?
if there any cute OLs there, please date me, thank you
Remake Dark Souls you fucks
>hidden videogame dimensions aren’t important
the shills aren’t sending their best
so, genuine question, why do you sometimes post without the tripcode?
Find a legal way to grant him honorary japanese status (only japanese can access the hidden dimensions so he'll accept).
Then prosecute him under some obscure japanese law that ends with you beheading him in a public sudoku on national television.
THEN have it referenced in all future FS games a la Patches.
He's convinced that Elden Ring has a whole second game's worth of super sekrit hidden content that is just waiting for someone to shine a light on it, this lawsuit is just a vehicle to try and force Fromsoft into admitting it on record. Figuring out how realistic this entire scheme is, is left as an exercise to the reader.
>What lawyer would take this case?
The nigga's doing it pro se with no representation involved, he's doing all the writing, filing and fee paying himself.
>t. schizo
oh the irony
So he can pretend to be an anon and ask whats happening so it spurs more replies.
At the very base of his mental illness is a desire to matter in some capacity. This all stems from someone that needs to feel that they exist and matter existing.
I swear, every kid had one of those 20 years ago. Are they no longer popular?
how much is scamco paying you?
>can't you fight for something that benefits everyone?

another entire new game that feels just like the original. your wish to experience the first souls game the first time again, that's the wish i would grant you.

you already paid for it, you should be able to access it. it's logical.
The United States government keeps secrets far bigger than that. Ever wonder why you can't go to Antarctica?
Enough to buy my going into games machine.
>Ever wonder why you can't go to Antarctica?
You can though...
His logic is sound

I dare the shills to try and refute it
The hunter's nightmare or is this a schizo thread?
Activating their deathsquads and sabotaging going-into-games machines worldwide to prevent the truth from coming out
The guy is an actual schizophrenic, he has youtube videos going back years where he talks about the voices in his head, plus posting history on /x/ and r*ddit about it
But did you try datamining?
MrBeast went to Antarctica though...
Is MrBeast a Fed?
He's pro se in small claims court.

Now, that doesn't mean he hasn't managed to solicit legal advice from lawyers, because judging by the slideshow he at least has a hazy concept of which statute he's asserting his claim under and what elements he needs to satisfy.
well he's ignored it every time i've directly asked. but that's hilarious
Good luck, I guess?


I kind of hope that he's schizophrenic, because you can actually medicate for that, not much you can really do about narcissism.
why are you so afraid of the truth getting out?
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Why doesn't based schizo go the angle that the promotional material is different from the final product? I'm out of the loop on Elden Ring, but I'm pretty sure Vyke on the cover was mostly cut, and the promotional stuff for Limgrave shows the pre-cataclysm version of it, that's not present in the final game.
the "going into games" machine is the very same thing i'm talking about, except in the way i present it, you aren't given it as a token for being faithful to a religion (I.e. a present from christianity for good service), and instead doing it the actual way the devs intended originally, by doing it yourself.

i don't know if flipping the dimension in 1 game automatically flips it for the other games you have, but if you're able to do it just once, go public, and end it.

"Make way for the fallen corpses", just what has been going on in Japan?
Someone wouldnt go through all this trouble just for attention
Like you, you should consider trying out some pills. Prescription ones I mean.
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>Ever wonder why you can't go to Antarctica?
You can. There's an entire town there you can move to, and live there permanently, even.
they put something like "PRODUCTION FOOTAGE - NOT INDICATIVE OF FINAL PRODUCT" in promotional materials to avoid exactly this (well, minus the schizo shit at least)
You sir, would win if you sue. So you and not that anon should be suing, but for false advertisement and therefore misinformation. But I am sure you lack that what OP has. A neverending endurance despite the odds.
Why do people just assert things without even making sure to verify that they're actually true?
>but I'm pretty sure Vyke on the cover was mostly cut
Nope, Vyke is indeed on the cover it wasn't cut.
I bet you’d like that scamco stooge
As far as I've read on japanese gaming forums, alternate dimensions in games are made with going-into-games machines in mind nowadays. You can only really access the other dimension by yourself on older games, like pre 2000.
Have you ever been to Antarctica?
Then shut the fuck up reddit tranny
Depends on the model. Most GitG can only connect to other dimensions if there is a GitG there already to "dial home to" but the 2x90 series doesn't need to dial hom.
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>he's a Blazblue schizo
Abandon Kisaragi.
at risk of breaking kayfabe, if he thinks the going into games machine is real, what other random board jokes do you think he thinks are real?
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>human rights or environmental lawyers
>jobs that actually matter
No, their writing styles are nothing alike. The BG3 schizo is a lot less coherent, OP is full-on delusional but he's capable of sounding like a sane person until you realize what he's saying.
this is me punching Miyazaki in the face. see the subtitles (cultural note; punching eachother in japan is a masculine thing and not a bad thing like it is in the west) "What's on the other side of this wall?"

Japan wants us to do it ourselves. Don't you want to know what is on the other side of this wall anons keep trying to put up?

What will Japan do when it's done?

source of pic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dK7JgKivQM

HakuMen is a quitter. I'm perfectly fine Jinning it to Win it. Refer to Ragna Act 3
>>Asserted I have to try the case in California, not Massachusetts, because of the EULA you click on to play Elden ring
That has to be bullshit, the stupid EULA can force you like that?

Another fucking four months?!
these threads really attract all the redditors kek
>ermm akshully the gitg machine is le heckin real
I'm just speaking from experience.

Unmedicated schizophrenics are consistently some of the most frustrating and draining people I have had the misfortune of interacting with (and on odd occasion, actually a nuisance or even danger), while medicated schizophrenics are typically not easily distinguishable from anyone who's just generally on the mild end of the weird spectrum.
Being a schizo is treatable, life doesn't have to be like this for you, think about how you're actually living.

I've met people who have gone there. Again, you can seriously just go and visit, researchers from all kinds of different countries around the world go there all the time.
Its all the same guy. Its how he generates replies.
But did you try datamining?
didn’t ask also you’re trans and reddit
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>is Mr(((Beast))) a Fed?
do you even have to fucking ask?
okay but what if mr beast was called mr freak and he ate ass and sucked toes? did you consider that?
Take your pills you annoying faggot bitch, your family will thank you.
can’t wait for the stooges to try and spin this one kek
sorry but you seem to actually be clinically retarded and don't understand workflow, gamedev and just assets. Because there is unused data found in files doesn't mean there is some conspiracy about hidden content. And even if it was there, what even is your point? Are you seething about any other game with secret content?
oh no the redditroon is crying lmao
But didn't you ask him about having gone to Antarctica?
This is probably the biggest nothingburger I've ever seen
Welcome to paranoid schizophrenia.
yeah but it's good for a laugh or two
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does SotN's upside down castle count as dimension 2?
Maybe Bamco will force Mitsubishi to a project management course to avoid this waste of time to ever happen again
The only positive to come of it was he acted insane enough that people linked him to the dragonirian persona.
I've been to Antarctica.
me and my head mates are laughing at you right now
>Schizo wins
>Fromsoftware now only makes Sony movie game slop from now on.

You should be wise to not play with the monkey's paw
There's 0 chance dragonirian wins.
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He asked BrandonEsq, lawyer
I feel so bad for dragonirian.
he's too far deep, totally ignoring this angle of criticism. we'll get nowhere with it, kek. just enjoy the ride.
>does SotN's upside down castle count as dimension 2?

no, maria gets possessed instead of richter in dimension 2. watch the cut dialogue. alucard kills both maria and richter here.
Shut the fuck up dragonirian.
>This thing is allowed to vote
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Most likely not, he probably thinks registering to vote would trigger his gangstalkers and they'd find him.
>disability check old man
Whos that?
>Shut the fuck up dragonirian.


it's literally at 3:30 you can see it for yourself

i found this years ago, you don't think SOTN was one of my first targets?
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This is the man who thinks he can sue Bandai Namco into the ground btw.
so you're telling me there's really four versions of the castle in SotN?
shut up dragonirian
I can't believe that dragonirian turned out to be a golem looking freak from Massachusetts.
Bandaibros... we are defeated... give him the dimensional warp.
>hearing today
I cannot express my amazement that it reached this point

4 castles sounds about right, yeah
Soijak version of this when
I hope someone is cataloging all of this and maybe putting it into a collage by the end.
when is the evan/caramel crossover event
I want to see them both sue kojima for MGSV
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He isn't funny enough for that.
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wtf am I reading
No anon, it's different. We non-japs cannot even perceive when any jap talks or makes content about the hidden half.
>Elden ring
> Not a tranny game
Dragonirian is mentally ill.
How long has this been going? Anybody have the archive of when all of this started?
unmedicated schizophrenia
Aww sweet a schizo thread
google the court filings and it will give you the date he initially filed.
he's unironically schizo, quite sad to be honest
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have fun
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what did he mean by this
He didn't even submit it correctly so Bandai said they didn't receive it. He's so inept lol.
Its the guy who has a hateboner against Larian and shits up any thread even if its not related
Its also this Nora tripfag.
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Don't listen to them anon, I believe you're gonna change the world, you absolute mad lad. Prove them wrong!
how do games like Fire Emblem work when coming over to the west? Do the translators at Nintendo of America get the dimension 2 contents and arent allowed to talk about it, or do the japs translate it themselves before sending it over, to prevent the secret from coming out?
"That question has been haunting us since we were children"

don't you want to know?
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You just get them to translate it in dimension 2 then when they send it back you super collapse the dimension so no one finds out.
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in monster hunter wilds dimension 2 has underwater combat
remember what threads you're in retard >>689982382
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which monster hunter is Final Fantasy Versus XIII hiding in?
guys I'm worried, this dimension 2 shit might actually crash the gaming market.

Why would someone buy a new game if every single one of their old favorites that came out of japane were actually twice as long, needing an entirely new playthrough of DECADES of games?
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You have been cockblocked.
>"I believe there is another game hidden inside of the game"
>look inside
>no hidden game
What a trial.
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>Said they never received my slideshow
jesus to be a fly on that courtrooms wall
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I win
wtf MODS!
they maligned dragonirian
isn't a court trial like this public? some anon needs to take the plunge for us and go watch it
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enjoy getting your post archived into the slideshow anon
I'm guessing he emailed it to them instead of submitting it as evidence so for the purposes of the trial it doesn't exist.
how do we know this is actually him and not just someone you personally dislike?
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Imagine this nigga saying this lines in court and feeling like he's harvey dent or phoenix wright
search his trip on the archives, he posted his passport
google him idiot.
you're a retard. Waste of everyone's time and your own money.
We need to open up those insane asylums again
>>Scheduled a new court appointment for january 29 2025 9am
they are going to do this for fucking years until your diabetes gets the best of you, sorry bro
didn't FS buy the publishing rights back?
why is this guy doing this to bamco I don't get it
He uses his full name on LinkedIn, the LinkedIn is the same state as the lawsuit (Mass), and also just fucking look in the guy's eyes. He's a full-on space cadet!
>didn't FS buy the publishing rights back?

that's not retroactive
this has to be a hoax
Based retard.
I hope you win, just for shits and grins.
Who of you fucks made him doxx himself? You are all vile people.
>the guy who is literally suing Bandai because of he schizophrenic hallucinations made him believe there is a secret game within the game COULDN'T HAVE POSSIBLY doxxed himself unprompted
he's literally so retarded he did it himself
This is Terry all over again. Stop fucking manipulating isolated men.
He did it himself same as when he was doing the dragonirian persona and doxed his socials. He's really really dumb.
Court documents are public, you retard.
Terry unironically did it to himself when he stopped taking his meds and started hitting his parents. People begged him to stay with them while he was homeless but he refused and then he jumped in front of a train. Put your trip back on BTW
Even if there was a secret dimension in ER, Bandai Namco is under no legal obligations to let you know about it.
Misrepresentation is false advertisement. False advertisement is a crime and has to be charged against.
If OP would be smart he would have enough money to hold on in such a case and a unbreakable position that is objectively true and THEN sue the fuck out of them.
objectively not true. >>689986465
Imagine if he was smart and schizophrenic instead of borderline retarded and schizophrenic.
The big takeaway from today is that Hidetaka Miyazaki is not going to give me mercy. I thought he would. I feel like a child of his, spending thousands of hours (literally thousands) on dark souls and equally much on Bloodborne, I sought to realize his dream.

If Hidetaka Miyazaki becomes my enemy, who do I have that's still on my side in Japan? fripSide didn't attend the hearing (i invited them), but apparantly someone in the press got news of the trial and appeared in the courtroom to try and get an interview from us, but the judge hushed them before I could get their details.

I also invited Koima Productions since they seem to like western politics, but didn't get a reply from their e-mail.

That just leaves me and Compile Heart. The way it always was. But my case is still me versus From Software, as it has been since 2018, and it will remain that way until it ends.

Court makes it obvious who your enemies really are.
>Hidetaka Miyazaki
Doesn't know you exist lol
There has to be some sort of laws protecting companies from wasting money defending lawsuits against random schizos (and also protecting the schizos themselves from wasting their money engaging in weird lawsuits)
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please donate your brain to science
Bawwww it's too hard hehehehe

Are you just calling everyone that Eric or is it that you're the op behind these threads?
Shut up everett.
No, Everett Forrester is also Dragonirian is all. That long absence he just had before showing up again? He made a few nicacado threads just like he does with the butts threads.

Its the same guy.
You know that kid at your elementary school who would always claim he had an uncle that worked at Nintendo and would tell you weird videogame secrets, like Pikablue being unlocked if you caught all 151 pokemon? Well OP is that uncle, except he never worked for Nintendo, he's just crazy.
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Deranged tripfag please don't Kyoani Fromsoft. They're one of the few game studios I actually like.
The moment this post appeared on my screen the music of the second phase of Frieda and Ariandel started, lmao.
It doesn't take a genius to see that nora and dragonirian are always on at the same time dummy.
>Is this suggesting that the DLC is too difficult
wrong, the japanese are withholding the secrets from us
t. not the schizo just reading
no he thinks the japanese can access it and there's a country-wide conspiracy to prevent anyone else from finding out
What are the chances Nora is just a massive troll who's just doing this for shits and giggles? No one's this retarded.
0, he's been doing this for years to the point he is going to get committed and lobotomized.
Doxing yourself repeatedly is not a "troll" on anyone but yourself.
If he were as schizophrenic as people say he wouldn't be here posting he would be at the "trial"
People have pulled off years-long trolls before. What makes Nora so special? Are we all forgetting Leaffag and that one other dude whom people used to shit on until he also revealed he was just pretending to be retarded for years?
It got pushed back because bandai is fucking with him (seriously).
Nothing makes everett special he is just insane. This isn't a longcon he is just mentally unwell like chris chan.
no sister?
He also made sure to have the text be in bad russian because people are saying he isn't actually a russian since he's from Massachusetts.
Keep us updated rooting for you
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>jokes on them, I was merely pretending
The last year has been a disaster for all his gimmick personas.
To be fair to that anon there's also ACfag and Eric who have been doing this shit for over a decade now.
>Deranged tripfag please don't Kyoani Fromsoft. They're one of the few game studios I actually like.

You think I would resort to violence? How unkind of you. A bit surprising that you'd think that.

My trial is two-fold: There's the trial taking place in the human world (where we live) then there's the trial taking place in heaven (watched by God).

My goal to be spiritually healthy is to win both of these trials. I'm going to put out there that i'm Tendai Buddhist and Shinto, but "Flora" as he called himself seemed to hint at christianity in the days of LINE Play, so i'm choosing to play in that court also.
Eric doesn't exist and ACfag is another one of everett's personas.
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>mfw i see the thread title and open it anyway
Zero unfortunately. He's an example if actual schizo, not pretend 4chan schizo.
>Tendai Buddhist and Shinto
You will never be Japanese, my russian friend.
>Eric doesn't exist
No, he's be doxxed, we know he's real.
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oh well when you put it like that
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>I'm going to put out there that i'm Tendai Buddhist and Shinto, but "Flora" as he called himself seemed to hint at christianity in the days of LINE Play, so i'm choosing to play in that court also.
I have several questions.
1. Who's Flora
2. Is the trial in heaven a case between Buddhist/Shinto religions and Christianity or...?
3. How are you speaking to the court officials in heaven?
We know he isn't real because when dragonirian tried to make that fake dox he listed a street with no residential addresses on it.
>he would be at the "trial"
he's not lying about the hearing happening and being deferred, there are public court records of this, baka
It wasn't even zoned for residential kek, dragonirian/everett doesn't know what that means which is even funnier.
this dude probably thinks that shintoism has been around forever even though it was the state trying to legitimise it by falsifying history to claim that shinto had been around forever
>you now remember the weird faggot in every ER thread trying to say it is shinto and everything is a kami
that was him wasn't it?
>last I checked EULAs aren't actually legally binding,
You checked wrong.
>if they were
They are.
>there wouldn't have been such an uproar about disneyworld trying to deny a wrongful death case because they had a sub to their streaming platform
So if something was morally wrong, people wouldn't be upset about it? Do you retards even listen to yourselves? That's exactly why they raised such a stink, because they tried to use a non-arbitration clause from an unrelated situation in the wrongful death suit.
I think the only ones that aren't legally binding are the ones that try to enforce at sign of purchase (physical) since the consumer isn't given notice of that when purchasing.
Anything digital is going to be upheld by the courts.
>when dragonirian tried to make that fake dox he listed a street with no residential addresses on it.
Eric didn't have anything to do with Dragonrian. He doxxed himself because he was shitposting about mighty number 9 if I remember right which led us to his YouTube channel where he had videos of himself screaming and doing other weird shit.
>Eric didn't have anything to do with Dragonrian.
Its the name dragonirian/everett uses when he's seething, that's all.

Its probably the name of the person that molested him growing up or something, but it isn't a real person for the purposes of 4chan.
Can't wait for the video essay. Future YTfag, put me in.
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Total jin mindrape
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Ok real question, why are schizos even allowed to sue someone? Thats like asking for a shitfest
This isn't Minority Report lad, the state doesn't know this guy is schizophrenic. They will when he finally stands before a judge but they don't know him personally or anything rn.

His medical history will come up in the trial.
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What a thread. What a board. I guess we'll do this again come January.
I see you followed literally none of the advice I or the other anons gave you when you posted a few weeks ago.
I'm seriously considering linking your old thread to Bandai Namco so they can use it to have this thrown out, and you'll probably be declared a vexatious litigant.
We can make it a weekly thing if we want. Each thread the schizo speaks enough to add to his insane lore.
What actually happens when someone takes deranged legal action due to mental illness? Like, they're mentally ill, so they can't act rationally enough that a fine will deter them? But they're not necessarily a physical risk to themself or others either, so you can't put them in a mental institution. Do they just let these kind of people just keep going until they get violent?
Eric is his real name.
Again he has nothing to do with Dragonirian other than Dragonirian being one of the imaginary people he brings up like Darren.
Does he actually have a medically documented history of being a schizo?
Man, maybe outlawing lobotomy was a bad move.
dismissed with prejudice, meaning he won't be able to even file in the courts again without a judge approving it first (which they won't do).
His real name is Everett.

He undoubtably will. Even 1 prescription that a schizo being prescribed showing up on his history is going to be followed by "are you still taking these medications?" and his "no" will end him.
One little database name lookup that would prevent thousands of wasted human hours if a person is sane enough for a lawsuit.
A judge will be able to find out. There's a 99% chance they subject him to a psyche evaluation after 1) reading his case through, and 2) interacting with him.
>1. Who's Flora

Someone on LINE Play (LINE is what people use in Japan), that seemed to be a FROM Software employee. That was the first blade crossed against me in Japan when I first blew up in 2018 trying to solve Bloodborne.

It's because on the Tomb Prospector's discord, I said "I will find you Flora" in regards to Floras name in the cut Gherman dialogue, so it was an acknowledgement of that.

>2. Is the trial in heaven a case between Buddhist/Shinto religions and Christianity or...?

My case in heaven and the afterlife in general is whether or not I will reincarnate in Japan. The ten kings of hell are there in Japan and China for this reason.

It's whether or not this tussel i'm in with FROM SOFTWARE and the other side of this game will result in buddhist merit, which is considered in reincarnation.

does heaven side with FROM SOFTWARE, or will it side with me? my fate lies in the balance.

>3. How are you speaking to the court officials in heaven?

through bates. i have a video about it on my youtube channel, check it out. he's a "good" spirit, and not a bad one.

i also get dreams that update me on the case. in a very indirect sort of way, anyway.
Don't bother, this whole thing is just one of his attempts to boogeyman himself.
lol no this never worked because someone saying the shit that anon says wouldn't be directing it at himself.
He kills dragonirian threads left and right, it doesn't aid in a bogeyman in any way.
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>My case in heaven and the afterlife in general is whether or not I will reincarnate in Japan.
you can't make this shit up
>i have a video about it on my youtube channel, check it out. he's a "good" spirit, and not a bad one.
Could you link it, please? I'm no good at finding this sort of thing without help.
>I also get dreams that update me on the case.
I guess that makes sense. Not the first time people've heard from the divine through dreams.
Someone make another thread so we can ride this rollercoaster longer.
>Could you link it, please? I'm no good at finding this sort of thing without help.


here you go. if you have any questions (this thread will purge soon) post a youtube comment
>We know he isn't real because when dragonirian tried to make that fake dox he listed a street with no residential addresses on it.
If Eric didn't exist he wouldn't have tried to wipe himself from the archives.
This omly happens if an image was requested to be removed. You'd only do that if it was you.
Doesn't matter because eric isn't real. Didn't read your post by the way.
>He kills dragonirian threads left and right
He is Dragonirian, more specfically Dragonirian is just a random username he found out of hundreds of accounts and he just started using it as a boogeyman one day.
Eric is clearly real if he's removing his images. You'd only deny that fact if you were him.
Thats nuts!

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